Dance Unit Day 3 Edited

  • April 2020
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 Unit: Dance Lesson Focus: counting music vocabulary basic steps Technology Used: music Sequence: Day 3

Date: 3/27 & 3/28 Grade: Freshman Girls PE

Standard: S1.H2., S2.H1., S2.H4., S4.H3., S4.H5. Facility/Equipment: elements of dance worksheet (1 per group)
 rubric (1 per group)
 speaker whiteboard & whiteboard marker

Lesson Intro (What will you say to get the students’ attention, communicate the lesson objectives, and motivate students to achieve them?): Today is the last day we are going to spend learning and practicing basic steps. We will start off with learning a short combination that I came up with for today. Next, we will go over some stationary steps that you could incorporate into your routine. Then, we will learn and practice some new steps that travel across the floor. And lastly, we will all come together and you will get into your groups where we then will go through a worksheet in a packet I am going to hand out and then you will get to listen to songs you can choose from for your aerobic routine that you will begin choreographing next class. So, let’s get started because we have quite a few things to get through. Spread out and make sure you aren’t too close to anyone! Learning Objectives


Each objective should include: a) Performance (the knowledge or For each objective include your procedure for determining whether ability the learner will gain as a result of this lesson), b) Conditions (under objectives have been met: which the learner will perform, and c) Criterion (the level of performance considered acceptable): 1. Students catch on to a Hip Hop combination taught by the teacher. Students will then “perform” for a partner for fun and to be tested on movement memorization, staying on count, and personality. 2. Students are able to identify/recite movements from line dance lesson 3. Students should follow along to the worksheet given in order to gain full understanding of the variety of movement possible 4. Students will follow directions and follow along with what the teacher instructs to do as stationary movement and across the floor movement in order to get more ideas and practice opportunities

1. Check for understanding & peer assessment
 2. Check for understanding 3. Informal observation
 4. Informal observation

Safety considerations and/or modifications for special needs students: -Students should be aware of their personal space in order to keep themselves and their classmates safe and avoid injury

Learning Activities Time



Transitions; Comments

5 min.

in squads

taking attendance introduction/explanation of the layout of this class period

Spread out and be in lines! Everyone will be in the front at some point & a partner will watch you perform what you are about to learn, so lets get started!

25-30 min.

spread out throughout the gym

learn short dance combination (see attached)

Great job learning this in such a short amount of time! We are now going to practice some stationary moves that can be used in your routines! Spread out!

10 min.

in lines throughout the gym

10 min.

stationary moves/basic steps (see attached)

Great! We are going to use similar movements to go across the floor to give you ideas and practice for your choreography

in 5 or 6 lines along sideline

across the floor steps (see attached)

Very good job! I really like the effort and style you are all putting into your practice in order to get some ideas! Let’s all come take a seat by the board.

10 min.

close to whiteboard

students get in their groups and I pass out 1 packet & 1 pencil to each group call on students to name movements from line dances 
 have them write them down on the back of the packet as I write them on the whiteboard I will briefly explain what the elements of dance worksheet (see attached) is and how it can be helpful for the students when they are choreographing

now that we have reviewed some moves we have done and looked over the packet you have, we are going to listen to the song choices so you and your group can pick one to make your routine to.

5 min.

close to whiteboard

students will listen to song choices and decide as a group which one they want to do their routine to.

Closure (What will you say and do to help students recall the lesson objectives and recognize what they’ve learned? How will you meet one or more of the following goals: review, accountability, cool-down, recognition, interpersonal communication, future plans?): Next class when you come in, we will show you some examples from pervious years so you can get an idea of what we are looking for when grading your routine. You now have a lot of movements/steps you can incorporate into your routine. Before you go change, I will take your packets and pencils and hold on to them for you and hand them back out when you come back to class next. Great job today!

Reflective Comments (to be completed after the lesson): I switched the order of the class to first teach the short combination to the class and have them do it multiples times with me and multiple times where I am just watching. Then, after the students get water, I will have them spread out throughout the gym again and I will go through a list of stationary moves that they can use in their routines. Next, I will have them line up in 5 or 6 lines on the side line and instruct them in across the floor exercises where they will learn and practice different ways to travel. After showing and having them practice, I will have them come in and sit close to the board. This is where they will get into their groups together and where I will ask for examples of movements we have done while I go through the elements of dance worksheet. This then leads into listening to the song choices and having the groups write down their choice along with the names of the members in their group and what block they are in. Description of Activities short dance combination hold 2 8 counts once lyrics start
 1-2 roll up 3 sit into right hip, left foot popped, left hand on hip, right arm up straight 4 sit into left hip, right foot popped, right hand on hip, left arm up straight 5 bevel left foot, both hands on hips, head down 6 bevel left foot, both hands on hips, head looks up 7-8 right arm across chest then snaps out 1-2 3-4 &5 &6 7-8

left arm straight up then snaps down scuff right foot forward and land in a wide stance with arms in a half T arms in half T, right foot & knee turn in then go back to normal position arms in half T, left foot & knee turn in then go back to normal position right arm is straight and swings overhead & right foot drags in to be next to left foot

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8

right foot steps back left foot crosses in front of right soutenu turn go down into a “Z sit”

1-4 5-8

tuck left knee and roll to stand up on your left foot and stomp your right foot out 4 counts of freestyle facing the back

1-4 5-6 7-8

turn to the front however you want grab and roll fingers in drop down and come back up to jump out in a wide stance

1-2 3-4 5-8

flick right hand to the front twice prep then flick right leg and turn to face the back 4 sassy walks (R,L,R,L)

1-2 3&4

turn over right shoulder and run right then left leap then land on right foot and then cross left foot in front of right


body roll to face the front


arms in half T, feet together, feet and torso twist (down up down)


5-6 7 8

quick “runs” 3 left arm on head, right in karate on hip, right foot forward in lunge & right arm on head, left in karate on hip, feet together in releve 4 left arm on head, right in karate on hip, right foot forward in lunge HOLD left arm on head, right in karate on hip, right foot forward in lunge right arm and toe out to side simultaneously both arms float up to be straight out in front of you

stationary moves/basic steps box step right cross, left back, right back, left cross isolations hip, hip, hip, hip, then circle hips & repeat chest in and out X2 then chest rolls (right & left) pivot tendu releve plie slide jumps (side to side) kick ball change step touch (side to side) step side kick (both sides) plie twist worse then lift knee (R&L side) then side karate kick (R&L) squats squat then pop chest forward and kick leg back in attitude step together clap step together clap hands above head then down low step back step back step side step side stomp in place step cross back (both sides) step foot forward, kick other foot and bring it down and lunge other foot backwards (both sides) fist pump while jumping cha cha step across the floor steps grapevine (tell students to be creative with arms) grapevine then pop chest forward and kick leg back in attitude (1,1,2,1,1,2) 4 grapevines (R,L,R,L) hip isolations (R,L) hip circles (R,L) repeat step tap toe forward (right then left) step then lift foot off ground at 45º angle (right then left) step then lift foot off ground at 90º angle (right then left) step then lift foot off ground while the supporting leg does a little jump (right then left) chasse leap glissade three step turn then three little jumps with hands above head (R&L)

explain elements of dance worksheet this worksheet has categories you can reference when you are choreographing while you are working on your routines, I will be walking around and checking in to see how your routine is coming along this work sheet is made to give you basic ideas of movements that you can expand on and make you own I will also walk around and help with some steps or give ideas while you are choreographing if need be have students sit close to the whiteboard with their groups to listen to the song choices so they can pick which one they want to make their routine to Title



Fleur East

Shut up and Dance Walk the Moon Moves Like Jagger

Maroon 5

Bang Bang

Jessie J, Ariana Grande, Nicki Minaj

On the Floor

Jennifer Lopez

rubric 0-2




Steps of Aerobic Dance Routine

Less than 5 moves are shown Routine is not complete

Less than 10 moves incorporated in routine Moves do not flow and/or routine does not last the entire song

More than 10 moves Moves flow with music Routine lasts the entire song

Presentation to class

Most or all of the routine is out of sync Very unrehearsed and unorganized Routine is impossible to follow

At least half of the routine is choppy and unrehearsed group members are not in sync Routine is difficult to follow at times

Presentation has been practiced and all group members move in unison Routine is easy to follow

Participation of group members

Group members fought, argued, socialized, and/or sat around most of the time and did not cooperate on routine Only one person did most or all of the work

Most group members participated and contributed 3/4 of the time Used most class periods and time wisely

All group members participated and contributed significantly to routine Every class period was used to practice and time spent efficiently

Enthusiasm in Aerobic Routine

Routine was not aerobic Routine did not show enthusiasm

Routine had some aerobic moves Showed enthusiasm throughout the entire routine

Routine was aerobic and showed lost of enthusiasm Kept the audience’s attention

Written Routine

No written routine

Routine is hand written Not typed Misspelled words Names, block, and/or song not listed on paper

All moves typed out with counts No misspelling or grammatical errors Names, block, and song listed on paper

Total : ____/30

elements of dance worksheet

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