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  • Words: 2,961
  • Pages: 8

Proposed Position



Name of Firm



Name of Staff



Date of Birth

: Bukittinggi,February 09, 1966



: Jln: Depok Dalam V No: 2 RT/RW : 06/08 Kel ; Pedurungan Kec : Pedurungan Tengah Kota : Semarang Kode Pos : 50192


: 081360541069


Nationality: Indonesia

[email protected]



: 

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Bung Hatta University, Padang West Sumatera, October, 1995


Membership of Professional Associations

: 



Other Training


Sertifikasi Keahlian : Ahli Madya Jalan dan Jembatan (HPJI)  Basic Training Facilitator P2KP, November 2005  Training And Management of Community Facilitator And Distric Level Consultants In West Java  Training and Management of Community Facilitator and District level Consultan in West Java Bogor 14 Juni s/d 17 Juli 2004  World Toilet College”s Sustainable sanitasion Workshop heald in Meulaboh, Indonesia from 16 juni to 18 juni 2008  Basic Training Guides PNPM Urban Aceh Di Aceh Grand Hotel on the 2 Juli s/d 8 Juli 2012  Special Training Guides Askot PNPM Urban Aceh Di Hotel Meinheum on 19 June s/d 21 June 2013  Guides Senior Special Training Facilitator PNPM Urban Hotel Rajawali Banda Aceh in Aceh on 22 juli s/d 24 juli 2013  Special Training Guides Social Facilitator PNPM Urban In Rumoh PMI Aceh Banda Aceh on 18 september s/d 20 september 2013  Training Program conformable (Gender Equality) PNPM Urban Aceh Province, Oct. 31, s/d 02 November 2013  TOT Training Program Guides conformable (Gender Equality) PNPM Urban Aceh province, 03 s / d 05 November, 2013  Special Training Guides Technical Facilitators PNPM Urban province. 21 s/d 23 Oktober 2013  Basic Training Program guide conformable PNPM Urban province. 15 s/d 19 December , 2013  Strengthening Training Guides PLPBK PNPM Urban province. 03 s /d 07 October , 2013  Basic Training Guides program Infrastructure Development Acceleration and Expansion of Settlements (P4IP) province. 17 s/d 23 September 2013  Basic Training Guides PLPBK Riau Islands Province. 07 s/d 12 October ,


Countries of Work Experience



2014  Basic Training Facilitator Guides Riau Islands Province. 15 s/d 21 October , 2014  Basic Training Program guide Masterplan for the Acceleration and Reducing Poverty in Indonesia (MP3KI) Riau Islands Province. 21 s/d 23 October , 2014  Basic Training of Trainer National Guides PNPM Urban at Fave Hotel Bandung. 19 s/d 22 May , 2014 Training of Trainers Program arrangement of Community-Based Settlement PNPM Mandiri Urban Hotel Fave Bandung. 22 s/d 25 May , 2014

: Indonesia


English Indonesia

: Average : Indonesia

Reading Good Indonesia

Employment Record



From Employer

January 2016 To Des 2017 Surya Abadi , PT.


From Employer Position Held

January 2015 To Des 2016 Surya Abadi , PT. Expert


From Employer Position Held

January 2014 To Des 2015 Surya Abadi , PT. Expert


From Employer Position Held

Maret 2013 To Des 2013 Surya Abadi , PT. Expert


From Employer Position Held

April 2012 To April 2013

From Employer Position Held

Okt 2010 To Des 2011


From Employer Position Held

January 2010 To 2012 Surya Abadi , PT. Expert



February 2006 To 2010



Writing Good Indonesia

PT.Duta Hari Murthi Consultants

Civil Engineer, West Sumatera Reconstruction And Rehabilitation Component – Decentralization of Health Services Project (DHS2) Indonesia. (April 2012 – April 2013).

Egis International Counsultant

Site Inspector, Package I – Rehabilitation and Improvement of Main Drains and Structures in Banda Aceh Zone - 4 and other Works (October 2010 – Desember 2011).

Employer Position Held

CV Putra Jaya Konsultan


From Employer Position Held

Juni 2009 To Des 2010


From Employer Position Held

Pebruari 2008 To Mei 2006 Egis Bceom International


From Employer Position Held

Maret 2008 To Mei 2008


From Employer Position Held

February 2006 To 2010 Arsidea Wahana Griya, PT. Expert


From Employer Position Held

Nofember 2005 To January 2006 Tera Buana Expert


From Employer

September 1999. To Juli 2002 PT. WIN (Wahana Instani Nugraha).

Position Held

Civil Supervisor


From Employer Position Held

Juli 1997 To Agustus 1998 PT. Jatimas Dian Kencana Civil Supervisor


From Employer Position Held

Mei 1996 To Mei 1997 PT. Niagara Asri Karyatama Civil Supervisor


From Employer Position Held

Juli 1994 To Agustus 1996 PT. Truba Jaya Konstruksi Civil Supervisor


From Employer Position Held

12 Oktober 1992 To 12 January 1993 Dinas Pekerjaan Umum DKI Civil Supervisor

12.Detailed Tasks Assigned

Site Engineer, Pekerjaan Peningkatan Jalan Kajeung – Seuradeuk ( Lanjutan ) dari tanggal 15 April – 30 Desember 2010). PT.Bisefa Raya Consultant Chief Inspector, Pekerjaan Pemeliharaan Berkala Jalan Kajeung – Tanoh Mirah (1 Juni 2009 – 30 Desember 2010).

Site Inspector, Proyek : Punge Ujong Jalan dan Rekonstruksi Drainase dan Rehabilitasi (Pebruari 2008 – Mei 2008). REKOMPAK Engineer

Work undertaken that best Illustrates Capability to handle the tasks assigned

Nama Proyek

: Oversight Consultant (OC) of Third Urban Poverty Project (UPP) Region II Kepulauan Riau

Tahun Lokasi Pemberi Tugas

: July 202014 to Desember 2016 : Region II – Kepulauan Riau Province : Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry Of Publc Work. : Empowerment, assistance program : TA. Infrastruktur

Bidang Pekerjaan Jabatan Activities performed


Compose and agree with KMP on detailed 

Compose and agree with KMP on detailed Master Schedule and Work Plan for infrastructure including site visits schedule for monitoring in 3% of kelurahan minimum each three month, starting at preparation for BLM in the PNPM UPP Locations, including those for PAPG, Replication and Channeling, and ensure timely implementation by KMW and all askorkot on Infrastructure  Supervise and Monitor the work plan of Askot infrastructure including spot check schedule of askot infra to 50% of kelurahans in the askot’s area and ensure sufficient support from KMW and timely implementation of the work plan,  Distribute technical manuals, implementation guide-lines and SOP for infrastructure activities to all staff and stakeholders in their working area, in time and according to needs and stipulations for PNPM-UPP,  Carry out capacity strengthening and provide support and technical assistance to askorkot for infrastructure and technical faskel, to ensure adequate capacity to facilitate infrastructure activities in their working area, including those for PAPG and Replication,  Monitor and supervise Askorkot for infrastructure in implementing training / coaching to technical facilitator, to ensure that substance is of adequate quality and implemented effectively and timely,  Ensure that KORKOT, ASKORKOT for Infrastructure and technical Faskel, provide optimal support to the community in infrastructure activities, including spot checks by Askorkot Infra to 50% of all kelurahan each month and facilitation by technical Faskel once in two weeks for each BKM,  Analyze completeness and accuracy of data provided on infrastructure by Korkot in MIS and QS,  Carry out effective monitoring and evaluation regarding the results of infrastructure activities through spot checks, MIS, QS, etc. by using monitoring instruments developed by KMP,  Carry out spot checks on infrastructure to 10% of kelurahan each month and leave a copy of evaluation results at BKM,  Carry out monitoring and evaluation regarding the preparation, process and results of infrastructureactivities in their areas through field visits, listening to reported findings, information collection as part of spot checks the OC in at least 3% of kelurahan minimum once inthree month,  Consolidate the performance evaluation report of Askorkot Infra (summary table on result of spot checks to 50% of kelurahan each three month), and submit to KMP on day 5 of the following month,  Consolidate the performance evaluation report of technical Faskel (summary table on result of bi-weekly visits to BKM) as consolidated by Askorkot and submit to KMP on day 10 of the following month,  Give recommendations to team leader of KMW on rulings, warnings and sanctions as far as needed related to infrastructure activities in their area,  Full responsibility for meeting the performance indicators related to infrastructure aspects as stipulated in the guidelines for PNPM-UPP and stipulations of the PMU PNPM-UPP,  Full responsibility for errors, deviations and mis-use of infrastructure activities in their working area,  Take measures, warnings, sanctions, and other steps as far as needed related to infrastructure activities in their area,

Nama Proyek Tahun Lokasi Pemberi Tugas Bidang Pekerjaan Jabatan

: Oversight Consultant (OC) of Third Urban Poverty Project (UPP-3) Region II Nangroe Aceh Darussalam-2 : February 2006 to 2013 : Region II - NAD Province : Directorate General of Human Settlements, Ministry Of Publc Work. : Empowerment, assistance program : TA. Infrastruktur

Activities performed


Compose and agree with KMP on detailed 

Master Schedule and Work Plafoor infrastructure including site visit schedule for monitoring in 10% of kelurahan 3 month, starting at preparation for BLM in the NCEP UPP location, including those for PAPG, Replication and Channeling, and ensure timely implementation by KMW and all askorkot on infrastructure.  Supervise and Monitor the work plan of Askot infrastructure including spot check schedule of askot infra to 50% of kelurahans in the askot’s area and ensure sufficient support from KMW and timely implementation of the work plan  Distribute technical manuals, implementation guide-lines and SOP for infrastructure activities to all staff and stakeholders in their working area, in time and according to needs and stipulations for NCEP-UPP  Carry out capacity strengthening and provide support and technical assistance to askorkot for infrastructure and technical faskel, to ensure adequate capacity to facilitate nfrastructure activities in their working area, including those for PAPG and Replication Name of assignment or Projek : Proyek Pertokoan Setia Budi Year : 01 September 1999 to 02 Juli 2002 Lokasi : Bandung Pemberi Tugas : PT. WIN (Wahana Instani Nugraha). Bidang Pekerjaan : Konstruksi Jabatan : Civil Supervisor Activities performed : Project oversight consultant has the following tasks    

Conduct the general administration of the implementation of the employment contract. Carry out supervision on a regular basis in the course of project implementation. Publish performance reports for project work can be viewed by project owner. Consultant supervisor to give advice or consideration to the project owners and contractors in the project implementation work.  Proofread and approve shop drawings submitted drawings to guide the implementation of the construction contractor of the project.  Choose and agree on the type and brand proposed by the contractor to conform to the expectations of the job but still guided by the construction work contract was made before. Consultant supervisor also has the authority as follows:

 Warn or admonish the peleksana work in case of deviation from the contract.  Stop the execution of the project does not work if the implementers do not pay attention to the warning given.  Provide feedback on the proposal implementing the project.  Consultant supervisors are entitled to check the image shopdrawing project implementation.  Choose and agree on the type and brand proposed by the contractor to conform to the expectations of the job but still guided by the construction work contract was made before.


: Proyek Perumahan Cingcin Permata Soreang

Tahun : 15 Juli 1997 to 16 Agustus 1998 Lokasi : Bandung Pemberi Tugas : PT. Jatimas Dian Kencana Bidang Pekerjaan : Konstruksi Jabatan : Civil Supervisor Activities performed : Implementing the project are:  Understanding the design drawings and technical specifications as a guideline in conducting the field work.  Together with the recast enginering construction methods and schedule of work.  Directing and controlling the execution of field work in accordance with the requirements of time, quality and cost has been determined.  Creating a weekly program of work and conduct the daily activities of the executive direction of the work.  To evaluate and report the results of the implementation of field work.  Make the adjustments and actions intervene in case of delays and irregularities in the field work.  Together with the techniques and process checks the minutes of the progress of work in the field.  Carry out the work according to the weekly work program, working methods, working drawings and technical specifications.  Preparing the workforce in accordance with the schedule of labor and manage the implementation of project personnel and equipment.  Promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of materials, manpower and equipment in the field.  Make a daily report on the implementation and measurement results of field work.  Conduct examination and measurement of results of field work.  Make a daily report on the implementation of the work, so always in accordance with the construction methods and work instructions are determined.  Implementing safety and hygiene program in the field.

Nama : Proyek Perumahan Tani Mulya Indah Cimahi Tahun : 21 Mei 1996 to 31 Mei 1997 Lokasi : Bandung Pemberi Tugas : PT. Niagara Asri Karyatama Bidang Pekerjaan : Konstruksi Jabatan : Civil Supervisor Activities performed : Implementing the project are:  Understanding the design drawings and technical specifications as a guideline in conducting the field work.  Together with the recast enginering construction methods and schedule of work.  Directing and controlling the execution of field work in accordance with the requirements of time, quality and cost has been determined.  Creating a weekly program of work and conduct the daily activities of the executive direction of the work.  To evaluate and report the results of the implementation of field work.  Make the adjustments and actions intervene in case of delays and irregularities in the field work.  Together with the techniques and process checks the minutes of the progress of work in the field.  Carry out the work according to the weekly work program, working methods, working drawings and technical specifications.  Preparing the workforce in accordance with the schedule of labor and manage the implementation of project personnel and equipment.  Promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of materials, manpower and equipment in the field.  Make a daily report on the implementation and measurement results of field work.  Conduct examination and measurement of results of field work.  Make a daily report on the implementation of the work, so always in accordance with the construction methods and work instructions are determined.  Implementing safety and hygiene program in the field.


: Proyek Pembangunan Gedung

Tahun : 20 Juli 1994 to 10 Mei 1996 Lokasi : Riau Pemberi Tugas : PT. Truba Jaya Konstruksi Bidang Pekerjaan : Konstruksi Jabatan : Civil Supervisor Activities performed : Project oversight consultant has the following tasks  Conduct the general administration of the implementation of the employment contract.  Carry out supervision on a regular basis in the course of project implementation.  Publish performance reports for project work can be viewed by project owner.  Consultant supervisor to give advice or consideration to the project owners and contractors in the project implementation work.  Proofread and approve shop drawings submitted drawings to guide the implementation of the construction contractor of the project.  Choose and agree on the type and brand proposed by the contractor to conform to the expectations of the job but still guided by the construction work contract was made before. Consultant supervisor also has the authority as follows:  Warn or admonish the peleksana work in case of deviation from the contract.  Stop the execution of the project does not work if the implementers do not pay attention to the warning given.  Provide feedback on the proposal implementing the project.  Consultant supervisors are entitled to check the image shopdrawing project implementation.  Choose and agree on the type and brand proposed by the contractor to conform to the expectations of the job but still guided by the construction work contract was madebefore.

Nama : Proyek Pembangunan Fly Over Sudirman Tahun : 12 Oktober 1992 to 12 January 1993 Lokasi : Jakarta Pemberi Tugas : Dinas Pekerjaan Umum DKI Bidang Pekerjaan : Konstruksi Jabatan : Civil Supervisor Activities performed : Implementing the project are:  Understanding the design drawings and technical specifications as a guideline in conducting the field work.  Together with the recast enginering construction methods and schedule of work.  Directing and controlling the execution of field work in accordance with the requirements of time, quality and cost has been determined.  Creating a weekly program of work and conduct the daily activities of the executive direction of the work.  To evaluate and report the results of the implementation of field work.  Make the adjustments and actions intervene in case of delays and irregularities in the field work.  Together with the techniques and process checks the minutes of the progress of work in the field.  Carry out the work according to the weekly work program, working methods, working drawings and technical specifications.  Preparing the workforce in accordance with the schedule of labor and manage the implementation of project personnel and equipment.  Promote the efficiency and effectiveness of the use of materials, manpower and equipment in the field.  Make a daily report on the implementation and measurement results of field work.  Conduct examination and measurement of results of field work.  Make a daily report on the implementation of the work, so always in accordance with the construction methods and work instructions are determined.  Implementing safety and hygiene program in the field.

13. Certification : I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.

Date : 17 January , 2017

Hendra Asmen.ST

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