Customer Perception And Prefernces For The Multiplexes In Lucknow

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  • Words: 2,124
  • Pages: 61

MARKETING RESEARCH •Managers need information in order to introduce products and services that create value in the mind of the customer. •But the perception of value is a subjective one, and what customers value this year may be quite different from what they value next year. •As such, the attributes that create value cannot simply be deduced from common knowledge. Rather, data must be collected and analyzed. •To maximize the benefit of marketing research, those

Marketing Research VS. Market Research

•Used interchangeably, but technically difference. •Market Research deals specifically with the gathering of information about a market's size and trends. •Marketing Research covers a wider range of activities. It may involve market research, marketing research is a more general systematic process that can be applied to a variety of marketing problems.

INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT §SUBJECT: Customer’s Perception And Preference For The Multiplexes In Lucknow.

§OBJECTIVE: • To Understand And Analyze The Customer Opinion And Level Of Satisfaction For The Multiplexes In Lucknow. • To Find Out The Customer Perception And Preference For The Multiplexes In Lucknow.

§PLACE: The Survey Is Been Done On The 4 Multiplexes In Lucknow…. •WAVE CINEMAS • FUN REPUBLIC • PVR CINEMAS • INOX THEATRES

§DURATION: The Survey Was Done During 20th December 2008 To 5th January 2009.

MARKETING RESEARCH PROCESS 1. Define the problem 2. Determine research design 3. Identify data types and sources 4. Design data collection forms and questionnaires 5. Determine sample plan and size 6. Collect the data 7. Analyze and interpret the data 8. Prepare the research report

1. DEFINING THE PROBLEM • The problem area for the multiplex are the perception and

preference of different customer segment for the multiplexes. • To identify their weak point and to work on them for the mutual benefit of both the multiplexes and the customer is the major use of the marketing research. • The decision problem faced by management must be translated into a market research problem in the form of questions. • The objective of the research should be defined clearly.

2. DETERMINE RESEARCH DESIGN • The research design adopted by us was the CAUSAL DESIGN. •Causal research seeks to find cause and effect relationships between variables. It accomplishes this goal through laboratory and field experiments.


• For our project we used both the primary data as well as the secondary data.

§ SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data may be internal to the firm, such as sales invoices and warranty cards, or may be external to the firm such as published data or commercially available data.

§PRIMARY DATA: Primary data can be obtained by communication or by observation. Communication involves questioning respondents either verbally or in writing.

4. DESIGN DATA COLLECTION FORMS AND QUESTIONNAIRES The questionnaire is an important tool for gathering primary data. Poorly constructed questions can result in large errors and invalidate the research data, so significant effort should be put into the QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN. The questionnaire should be tested thoroughly prior to conducting the survey.

QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN b. Determine which information is being sought. e. Choose a question type and method of administration. c. Determine the general question content needed to obtain the desired information. l. Determine the form of response.

Continued… e. Choose the exact question wording. h. Arrange the questions into an effective sequence. k. Specify the physical characteristics of the questionnaire. • h. Test the questionnaire and revise it as needed.

(a) REQUIRED INFORMATION • To determine exactly which information is needed, it is useful to construct tables into which the data will be placed once it is collected. • The tables will help to define what data is needed and what is not needed.

(b) Question Type and Administration Method

In our project we used fixed alternative as well as projective method for the preparation of the questionnaire. FIXED-ALTERNATIVE questions provide multiple-choice answers.

PROJECTIVE METHODS use a vague question or stimulus and attempt to project a person's attitudes from the response. The questionnaire could use techniques such as word associations and fillin-the-blank sentences.

(c) QUESTION CONTENT • Each question should have a specific purpose or should not be included in the questionnaire. • The goal of the questions is to obtain the required information. •Some techniques are: 1. Place the question in a series of less personal questions. 2. State that the behavior or attitude is not so unusual. 3. Phrase the question in terms of other people, not the respondent. 4. Provide response choices that specify ranges, not exact numbers. 5. Use a randomized response model giving the respondent pairs of questions with a randomly assigned one to answer.

FORM OF QUESTION In our(d) project we used all three forms of question response: 2. Open-ended 3. Dichotomous 6. Multi-chotomous • Open-ended responses are difficult to evaluate, but are useful early in the research process for determining the possible range of responses. • Dichotomous questions have two possible opposing responses, for example, "Yes" and "No". • Multichotomous questions have a range of

(e) QUESTION WORDINGS The questions should be unambiguous, easily understandable considering the full context of the respondent's situation.


Some neutral questions should be placed at the beginning of the questionnaire. Effective opening questions are simple and non-threatening. When sequencing the questions, keep in mind that their order can affect the response

(g) PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE • Physical aspects such as the page layout, font type and size, question spacing, and type of paper should be considered.

• In order to eliminate the need to flip back and forth between pages, the layout should be designed so that a question at the bottom of the page does not need to be continued onto the next page. •The font should be readable by respondents who have less-thanperfect visual acuity. •Each questionnaire should have a unique number in order to better account for it and to know if any have been lost.


• The questionnaire should be pre-tested in two stages before distributing. •In the first stage, it should be administered using personal interviews in order to get better feedback on problems such as ambiguous questions • Then, it should be tested in the same way it will be administered.

5.DETERMINE SAMPLE PLAN AND SIZE • The minimum sample size on which the survey was to be conducted was 100. • For our project we asked 130 people who visited the various multiplex in Lucknow between 20th December 2008 to 5th January 2009 to fill up the questionnaire for us. • Not only this we went to people in our relation and friends to fill up the questionnaire for us.


• Data is collected both from primary source as well as secondary source. • The primary source data was obtained by filling the questionnaires. • The secondary data was obtained from the respective multiplex's website and internet portals. • By using the various data available we

6. DATA ANALYSIS •Before analysis can be performed, raw data must be transformed into the right format. •The data is tabulated to count the number of samples falling into various categories. • For our project we did: § Conjoint Analysis § Cluster Analysis

CONJOINT ANALYSIS • First used in the early 1970's • The CONJOINT ANALYSIS is a powerful technique for determining consumer preferences for product attributes.

• Well-suited for defining a new product or improving an existing one. • Allows a subset of the possible combinations of product features to be used to determine the relative importance of each feature in the purchasing decision. • Based on the fact that the relative values of attributes

Continued… • The respondent asked to arrange a list of combinations of product attributes in decreasing order of preference.

• This method is efficient because survey does not need to be conducted using every possible combination of attributes. The utilities can be determined using a subset of possible attribute combinations.


• A collection of algorithms for grouping objects, or in the case of marketing research, grouping people • Useful in the exploratory phase of research when there are no a-priori hypotheses


WAVE MULTIPLEX • Govern by CHADHA GROUP • Highly reputed conglomerate • Presence in Real Estate, Construction and Operation of Multiplexes, Sugar Manufacturing, Paper Manufacturing, Distillery, Liquor Retailing & Food Processing, distribution and screening of films. • The film distribution business is being carried on in a partnership firm M/s GINNI ARTS.

Continued… • Total turnover of Rs.1850 Crores approx for the year 2003-04 with the Group’s net worth at approx Rs.200 Crores approx.

• The combined personal net worth of promoters, as on 31st March 2003, is Rs.79 Crores approx.

FUN CINEMAS • Cinema chain in India. • owned by the Essel Group and promoted by E-City Ventures. • The company operates with the brand name Fun Cinemas (the premium brand) and Talkie Town(the value brand) • Fun Cinemas has a total of 55 screens in 16 multiplexes across India.

Continued… • The company plans to have 300 Fun Cinemas screens, 250 Talkie Town screens and 1,000 digital screens by the year 2011.

PVR CINEMAS • India’s largest cinema chain. • Started in the year 1997. • PVR Bangalore, India's largest ever multiplex. • 101 screens across the country.

SOME REMARKABLE FACTS ABOUT PVR • First to receive institutional funding in the cinema industry from ICICI Venture. • First to introduce THX – approved three way surround sound system with real life sound effects and projection facility with latest Xenon based technology. • First to launch India’s biggest 11 screen multiplex – PVR Bangalore.

Continued… • PVR Pictures made its production debut in December 2007 with ‘Taare Zameen Par’, a co-production with Aamir Khan Productions Ltd. Distributed by PVR Pictures

INOX THEATRE • INOX Leisure Limited is the diversification venture of the INOX group into entertainment and is a subsidiary of Gujarat Fluor chemicals Ltd. • currently operates 27 multiplexes and 94 screens in 19 cities • Winner of the ‘ICICI Entertainment Retailer of the Year’ Award 2005, TAAL Multiplexer 2006 and Emerging Super brand of the year 2006 – 2007 Award • INOX is also in an alliance with the Pantaloon Group

Graphical representation of data

PIE CHARTS Q1: Do you visit Multiplexes..??

Q2: What is the frequency of your visit in a month..??

Q.3 : According to you which is the best Multiplex in LUCKNOW..??


Q. 5: What are the rates at which

Q. 5 Continued…

Q6: Do you buy the food and

Q6: Continued…

Q. 7: If the answer is

Q. 7 Continued…

Q. 8: If the answer in YES….. What are the standard of food and

Q. 8 Continued…

Q.9: Are you satisfied with the food pricing..??

Q. 9. Continued…

Q10: Are you satisfied with the food quality delivered

Q10: Continued…

Q. 11: How are the seating and the projecting arrangement in

Q. 11: Continued…

Q12: What is the best and the unique

Q12: Continued…



CONCLUSION By doing the survey about the CUSTOMER PERCEPTION AND PREFERENCE FOR THE MULTIPLEXES IN LUCKNOW CITY and representing the collected data graphically….We came to a conclusion that whether the multiplex is WAVE CINEMAS, FUN CINEMAS, PVR CINEMAS or INOX THEATRE the major segment of the customer are the STUDENT COMMUNITY which prefer to watch movies during the Morning and the Afternoon Shows. These customer segment is not very much inclined to buy the food refreshments been sold inside the multiplex….Major because of 2 factors…………. 1. FOOD PRICING 2. QUALITY OF FOOD

CONCLUSION (CONT…) • The survey gives a clear vision of the fact that the customer is highly satisfied with the Ticket Pricing, Service given and most importantly impressed by the SEATING AND PROJECTING ARRANGEMENT. • We as a Market Researchers after completing my research come to a conclusion that FOOD PRICE and FOOD QUALITY are the two weak links in the business of multiplex.

SUGGESTIONS • The suggestions stated below are primarily given by the customer during the filling of Questionnaire… … • The following are the most important and most highlighted suggestions are---1. LOW FOOD PRICE 2. IMPROVE FOOD QUALITY • Some more suggestions which are also given by some customers are---1. INCREASE THE NUMBER OF SEATS 2. IMPROVE SERVICE 3. IMPROVE SOUND AND PICTURE

SUGGESTION (CONT…) These suggestions are given by that segment of customer which is highly inclined towards multiplexes. I as a Market Researcher would advice the respective multiplexes to ponder a bit upon their problem area (FOOD PRICE and FOOD QUALITY) so as to increase their popularity and fame among the major customer segment.

Thank you

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