Creativity And Innovation - A Presentation

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 2,858
  • Pages: 63
Creativity and Innovation By Anup Dash

Understanding Intelligence

Rajas Movement,enthusiasm,travels and change. They are angry and bring change with determination and forcefulness Sattwa Fluctuating decisions,find difficulty in taking decisions,often procrastinate,- Intellectuals,passionate,caring and versatile Tamas Perseverance,stamina,persistence,often signifies decay, laziness and stubbornness

Observing the obvious

Observing the obvious Splash Flop Drop Sweat

Amoeba Sun Star Magic wand

Whoosh Swimming pool Spider Star fish Tar Star fish Hole Blast Carbon Blood stain

In how many ways can you solve this ? 789586325874158962



•Computing machine – calculator/computer •Log table •Deduct the digit from 1000000000000000000 •Add 999999999999999999 times 789586325874158962 •Or simply write the answer as •789586325874158961 210413674125841038

In how many ways can you solve this ? 789586325874158962



•Computing machine – calculator/computer •Log table •Deduct the digit from 1000000000000000000 •Add 999999999999999999 times 789586325874158962 •Or simply write the answer as •789586325874158961 210413674125841038

Power to think

Dream Visualise Depict it through a medium Communicate with the world

Seat of human Intelligence •The left brain is connected to the right brain by million of fibres called corpus callosum •The convoluted outer surface of the brain is called cerebral cortex •This is much convoluted in human beings and is the seat of Human Intelligence •The brain cells are called neurons. An average brain contains about 15000000000(1500crores) neurons

How does the Brain work

Neurons connect with other neurons and form a network Current scientific knowledge is that these connections are the basis for all learning and memory The brain is a huge network of connected neurons More complex than any other network imaginable in this world

Dr Roger Sperry in 1960’s studied the specialities of the right and the left brain and opened up a gamut of windows into this complex world of intelligence. – Nobel Prize Left Brain

Right Brain

Linear Logical Details Words Language Specific Closed Repetitious Cautitious

Free form Creative Big picture Colour Essence Generalities Open New ways Adventurous

Left Brain

Left portion of the body

Right Brain

Right portion of the body

When you were a child you used both the brains

Shackles which Inhibit the creative process

Education Society

Culture Environment Mindset

Conscious and Unconscious Mind Conscious

Reading Writing Eating Walking Talking Under out direct control


Heartbeat Secretion of hormones Digestive system Circulation of blood Reflex actions Not directly under our control

•Brain is utilized by 10% of its capacity •Brain is much more powerful than you can imagine •It has the capability to record each and every event happening around us

Group – 1 Group - 2

Group – 3

Poor environment Challenging environment

Extreme environment

No development

15% increase in cortex layer

Damaged cells

There is a scope for improvement of the brain activities through controlled conditions

Heart wave patterns

ECG – Electro Cardio Graphs

Brain wave patterns

EEG – Electro Encephalo Graphs

13~25 cps

•Conscious mind is in control •Logical thinking,analysis,action •You are alert and awake


8~12 cps

•Indicates relaxation and meditation •State of relaxed alertness – good for inspiration, fast learning


4~8 cps

•Deep meditation

0.5~4 cps

•Deed relaxation – deep dreamless sleep



Microcosm ~ Macrosom

Intelligence Relativity Space Time ‘The universe is a manifestation of GODs imagination’

You are not given a though which is impossible …

You are not given a though which is impossible … Airplane


Roller coaster

Sky scrapers

Atom bomb

Workshop How to draw a face




Self Actualization

Ego Needs Social Needs Security Needs Basic Needs


Higher Order Needs


Artists Athletes Scientists Writers Poets

Lower Order Needs

Think Beyond the Convention

Tomorrows problems cannot be solved by yesterdays tools

Think Beyond the Convention

Tomorrows problems cannot be solved by yesterdays tools


Continual improvement and breakthrough improvement



The goal of this lesson is solving maths problems by applying what we learned at school.

We give you 3 digits and a result and you can put all the possible signs necessary to restore the equality. Just an example. The remainder you can solve by yourself.

2 + 2 + 2 = 6 Easy! Isn't this? It is the same for the remaining



1 = 6



2 = 6



3 = 6



4 = 6



5 = 6



6 = 6



7 = 6



8 = 6



9 = 6

No.2 : it was the example, which we showed presently . ¿ Another? Ah… No. 6. Very difficult !!!

6 + 6 - 6 = 6


¿And the others? ?

We think the 3th can be solved , Perhaps the 5 th.

3 5 -7

x / /

With a little chance the 7th .

3 5 7

+ +

3 5 7

= = =

6 6 6

Now let us see those which are a little more complicated. The 4th.

4 + 4 + 4 = 6 The 9th.

9 x 9 - 9 = 6 The 8th. 3



8+ 8+ 8 = 6 Ahhh!!! That’s another thing!. thing

It remains to solve the first one.

1+1+1 = 3

3x2x1 = ?

1 + 1+ 1 ! = 6 Well we give you a track, but I must acknowledge this one is muscular... No ?

FACTORIAL: the factorial of a number is obtained by multiplying all the formers up to 1. It is symbolised by the exclamation point.

Pablo Picasso


Small House in a garden


La Independence

Lust for life

Vincent Van Gough

Lust for life

Sunflower Vincent Van Gough

Lust for life

Starry Nights Vincent Van Gough

Lust for life

The Harvesters Vincent Van Gough

Leonardo da vinci

Leonardo da vinci

Study of light

Flying machines

Leonardo da vinci

The Giant Catapult

Leonardo da vinci

Defense equipment

create: To cause to exist, Bring into being, Originate, To give rise to, Bring about, Produce, To be first to portray and give character to a role or part (appropriate to creating fictional characters and writing stories) creation: An original product of human invention or imagination. creative: characterized by originality and expressiveness, imaginative creativity: creativity creativeness, formativeness, innovation, inventiveness, originality, productivity, craftsmanship, authorship, creatorship "Being creative is seeing the same thing as everybody else but thinking of something different"

There are many components that influence the creativity of individuals. This is not to say that people tremendously fluctuate in their creativity day to day and hour to hour; the opposite is often believed - that some individuals are generally more creative most of the time than others. The reasons why some people are more creative, however, are many. a) Without the abilities needed to do the creative act, it is highly unlikely the individual will do the act. Just because a person has the ability to do something, however, does not necessarily mean that the person will do it. This is why researchers examine people's motives. b) Without the motivation to do so, it is unlikely that a person would complete an act, regardless of the person's abilities. c) Lastly, opportunities in the environment can affect the creativeness of individuals and groups of individuals. d) If you've ever generated a novel response to a problem or challenge then congratulate yourself as being creative. If you do this on a regular basis, say every day, then put the "creative person" badge on yourself. With, practice, your ability to generate novel and useful responses to problems and challenges will greatly improve.

Obstacles to creativity

•Being too busy and getting too involved with a problem •Having conflicting goals and objectives •Not allowing yourself enough time to relax •Fear of criticism •Lack of confidence •State of mind/body (for example experiencing negative stress)

1. Journaling Obtain an A4 (8 x 11 inch) notebook and use it for your journal. Each morning as soon as you get up, write three pages of anything. Typically you will write about what you did the day before, ideas, dreams, problems, and rambling thoughts. You may need to get up a bit early.

2. Regular Fresh Input The mind needs stimulation. Your sensory input gets stored in memory. By giving your mind fresh inputs each day, your memories get triggered and combined with the new input. Sometimes you will get ideas or gain new perspectives. How do you get new input? Do something new each day. Listen to different radio stations, read or borrow different magazines, take a stroll through a shopping centre. Keep your eyes and ears open, and taste, touch and smell things

3. Keep a Journal Use your journal to record your thoughts, ideas, and observations during the day. Write in a creative quotation, affirmation or a technique to use this week. Make the journal your constant companion.

4. Learn a new Creativity Technique each week Write the technique on an index card or in your journal and carry it with you to practice wherever possible. Just like learning new words in a foreign language, you will need to practice the technique until it is second nature to you.

5. Relax! Listen to music on headphones while lying on the floor. Sit outside in the sunshine and do nothing. Take a stroll, ride your bike or go for a swim. It's important to give youself time to unwind and let your subconscious mind do its work. Getting ideas in the shower or while you are driving has almost become a cliche, but it is true.

6. Learn to Draw Use Betty Edwards' book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain to teach yourself to draw. It's a wonderful book and you will learn skills applicable to problem solving and enhancing your perception of the world. Other books to consider are Robert McKim's Experiences in Visual Thinking as well as the numerous books on cartooning, such as Robin Hall's The Cartoonist's Workbook.

7. Learn Mind Mapping Buy some coloured pens, large sheets of paper and a book by Tony Buzan or Nancy Margulies. Develop your own symbols, icons and visual vocabulary for your mind maps. Writing long hand is left brain, but mind maps use the right brain by employing colour and visual information.

8. Associational Thinking The mind stores information by association - a concept underlying the Ideafisher program, and the compilation of a thesaurus. Either can be used to generate ideas. Personal association can be a great start followed by a thesaurus. The inputs described in item number two (2) can trigger associations

9. Be challenged! Take a new challenge each week. Work on a new problem each week, explore something new with the purpose of solving it, or generating ideas.

10. Adopt a genius You can benefit by learning from the lives, ideas and actions of the great geniuses of history. Adopt a role model - maybe Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso, Einstein, T. S. Eliot, Thomas Edison,


•Random Input •Problem Reversal •Ask Questions versal e R m e l b o •Applied Imagination - Question Summary Pr Ask Q •Lateral Thinking uestio incipleHats r p ns y t i • Six Thinking u n i discont e n h o •The Discontinuity Principle i T t a n i g a m I •Checklists d Adapte •Brainstorming •Forced Relationships/Analogy g in k in h t l a r e t 7 Qualit •Attribute Listing La y tools(o •Morphological Analysis ld/New) s t s • i Imitation l k Six thin Chec king ha •Mindmapping ts •Storyboarding •Synectics Brains y g o l tormin a n •Metaphorical thinking a n o i t a l g e r d e c •Lotus Blossum Technique For Breakt IZrealm of the senses •InRthe hrough T g in t s i •Use of drawing l Thinki e t u b i r ng t t •IdeaToons (by Michael Michalko) A •NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Techniques Imit •Assumption Smashing Mind mapping king n i atio h T n si•sDO IT! zzy y l u a n F a l a c •LARC Method ogi Morphol •Unconscious Problem Solving Storyboarding •Simplex s ique n h c e t m o •The TRIZ method Lotus boss •Fuzzy Thinking ing v l o •Breakthrough Thinking s awing



DO IT Assumpt ion smash ing

6 Sigma - DMAIC/DFSS



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It is said that Newton got the idea of gravity when he was hit on the head with an apple while sitting under an apple tree. It is not necessary to sit under trees and wait for an apple to fall - we can get up and shake the tree. We can produce our own chance events. Random inputs can be words or images. Techniques for getting random words (and the words should be nouns) are: •Have a bag full of thousands of words written on small pieces of paper, cardboard, poker chips, etc. Close your eyes, put in your hand and pull out a word. •Open the dictionary (or newspaper) at a random page and choose a word. •Use a computer program like msword •Make up your own list of 60 words. Look at your watch and take note of the seconds. Use this number to get the word. It is important to use the first word you find. Once you have chosen the word, list its attributions or associations with the word. Then apply each of the items on your list and see how it applies to the problem at hand. Because the brain is a self-organising system, and very good at making conections. Almost any random word will stimulate ideas on the subject. Follow the associations and functions of the stimulus word, as well as using aspects of the word as a metaphor.

Lateral Thinking "seeking to solve problems by unorthodox or apparently illogical methods.” Lateral thinking is about moving sideways when working on a problem to try different perceptions, different concepts and different points of entry. The term covers a variety of methods including provocations to get us out of the usual line of thought. Lateral thinking is cutting across patterns in a self-organising system, and has very much to do with perception. example: Grandma is sitting knitting and three year old pinki is upsetting Grandma by playing with the wool. - putting pinky into the Jhula. - it might be a better idea to put Grandma in the Jhula to protect her from Pinki. A lateral answer!

Mind Maps The human brain is very different from a computer. Whereas a computer works in a linear fashion, the brain works associatively as well as linearly - comparing, integrating and synthesizing as it goes.Association plays a dominant role in nearly every mental function, and words themselves are no exception. Every single word, and idea has numerous links attaching it to other ideas and concepts. To make a mind map, one starts in the center of the page with the main idea, and works outward in all directions, producing a growing and organized structure composed of key words and key images. Key features: •Organization •Key Words •Association •Clustering •Visual Memory - Print the key words, use color, symbols, icons, 3Deffects,arrows and outlining groups of words •Outstandingness - every Mind Map needs a unique center •Conscious involvement

You only need to start with the basic problem as the center, and generate associations and ideas from it in order to arrive at a large number of different possible approaches. By presenting your thoughts and perceptions in a spatial manner and by using color and pictures, a better overview is gained and new connections can be made visible. Mind maps are a way of representing associated thoughts with symbols rather than with extraneous words something like organic chemistry. The mind forms associations almost instantaneously, and "mapping" allows you to write your ideas quicker than expressing them using only words or phrases.

Unconscious Problem Solving This method relies on the unconscious mind to be continually processing the various sensory inputs stored in short-term and long-term memory. Using your unconscious to solve problems is a process of listening and a readiness to record ideas as they percolate into your conscious mind. Some of the greatest thinkers were great relaxers. •Einstein was a daydreamer •It's all very well to work hard on a problem under the stressful pressure of deadlines, but the opposite condition of relaxation and not working on a problem is very valuable. A practical application of this technique is to saturate yourself in the problem and then take a break. Write down the problem on a writing pad and leave it by your bedside. The next morning, take that pad and start writing down your ideas. Aim to write three full pages of anything that comes to mind. Explore your dreams. We all dream, and we all dream a lot more than we think we do. As you get into bed, say out loud: "Tonight I am going to dream about ...." (including a brief description of the problem). When you wake up, lie and bed and think some more about the problem.

Drawing and Visual Thinking

An exercise for the double brain Draw upside down Negative space drawing


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