Navigating Through Competition With Innovation And Creativity

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BRAIN NANO TECH APPROACH FOR LEADERSHIP AND MAGNAGEMET SUCCESS Js. Gilberto Concepcion G., Ph.D, P.E. Department of Chemistry, Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña, Dominican Republic [email protected]

ABSTRACT Some authors have recently related success in the music development of children and adults due to a 25% increase in the Corpus Callosum of the brain. We will present a method that combines traditional physical chemistry and quantum mechanics in order to relate brain interaction and show that persons with success at any level have velocity and symmetry indexes in thinking coordination patterns that are similar to results obtained with individuals that have developed constant musical activities. Using a brain model at the nanotechnology level that relates symmetry and velocity of thinking coordination we have been able to distinguish between management and leadership conditions of persons in organizations. These insights into personnel characteristics allow organizations to make staffing and role adjustment to increase the affectivity of process improvement initiatives. We will comment on results or our research with musicians, athletes, teachers and students, six sigma projects and family-run businesses and will reveal differences between leadership and management at organizational level. The overall model and methodology of study along with the application of the will be reviewed.

INTRODUCTION Ruby stones are red, but if they are heated at high temperatures will turn green like Emeralds. If you go to the Equator line and use a portable sink with a single hole and introduce enough water and let it go through the hole the water will go out without turning. If you move the sink half a meter to the south and repeat the experiment, the water will go out turning clockwise. If you move the sink half a meter to the north, the water will go out counter clockwise. We will explain these phenomena at brain nanotechnology level. Ion channeling effects and neurotransmitter interactions of the electrical impulse and chemical concentration in cell body surface in the neuronal flow are well known. Velocity and excitability of the neurotransmitters are chemical and temperature dependence. Additionally, nuclear magnetic resonance imagining and other similar brain spectroscopy have been used to identify brain functions and interactions; however these techniques have not answered the question of differences in thinking coordination patterns and consciousness. Similarly, quantum mechanics have proposed mechanism for the electron interaction in molecular brain transitions, but its interpretation is again for general answer and can not take into account the individual thinking differences. A symmetry model based on Molecular Orbital symmetry of neurotransmitters and their interaction with ion channeling effect is proposed that let us relate thinking coordination patterns to innovation and improvement conditions and how can they be used for human resources, management and leadership development in organizations. Heat sensitivity experiments and our model SED® Dynamic System Evaluation demonstrated that there exists a causal analogy in the thinking coordination pattern of individuals. TEXT Many authors have intended to explain dynamic change as a scientific approach, but most of then have not related this leadership and management dynamic to measurable characteristics. One of the pioneers in this matter was Deming with his profound knowledge theory and the extension of Shewhart cycle for learning and improvement with the four levels of plan, do, study and act (Deming, 1994). In Creating Minds, (Gardner, 1993), defines eight types of intelligences: logic, linguistic, naturalistic, interpersonal, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, musical and spatial. Forming a matrix that correlates the intellectual with emotional, we have classified these intelligences under the concept of dynamic intelligence in four levels accordingly to brain dominance, analytical, practical, social and creative (Concepcion, 2002).

Whole brain coordination considering left and right hemispheres has been used extensively in order to describe behavior as a tool for managing brain functioning. Most of the research has focused on brain imaging; however all of these studies have only described similarities and have not been able to explain why people coordinate thinking differently. There have been some studies indicating the importance of the corpus callosum. Unfortunately, findings have just justified differences with people disabilities including calcification in autism (Alexander, 2007) and decrease in size in dyslexics (Tarkiainen, 2003). It seems that maintaining a symmetry condition in the exchange of neural electronic flow in both hemispheres will give the corpus callosum more importance in future research. If we compare the equator line with the corpus callosum and the earth hemispheres with the brain hemispheres a similar analogy can be concluded. Symmetry and magnetism equations are the same at macro, micro or nano levels (Leadermen, 2004). Software has been developed in order to obtain the interactions and combinations of the four intelligences and the transitions and symmetry between the states named Dynamic System Evaluations (SED®). Groups of four words are given that reflects analytical, practical, social and creative conditions. Two words are the chosen that indicate your first and second elections. These answers are then arranged statistically in order to obtain the combination factor and the symmetry between the first and second choice. Eight types of combinations were obtained: traditional, practical, balanced, curious, social, spontaneous, creative and entrepreneur, accordingly to the intelligence dominance (Figure 1). Additional four transitions were calculated accordingly to the symmetry of the factors: close loop or longitudinal, vertical, lateral and transversal (Figure 2). Some of these transitions have been previously explained by E. de Bono (de Bono, 1993).

A-C are electron spin resonance spectrums of Cyclooctatetraenine anion radical. B is the computer simulated one showing the Potassium interaction. D is free of Potassium. D shows the esr of Butadiene. E-F relates the coefficients of the SED® system that are similar to those of D. G and H are the results of the SED® system for an individual and a group of persons. Most thinking coordination can be considered similar to a car motor functioning, as cylinders move due to fuel injection the velocity of the car increases. If we consider a simple neuron, Sodium/Potassium pump acts as the motor cylinder and the neurotransmitters as the fuel. This relation develops a chemical and physical interaction that propagates through all the nervous system. If we think of this phenomenon at the atomic nano level and consider a simple two ions system interaction, they can generate four possibilities of spin mixing. If we use the numerical binary combination as in computers for spin magnetic numbers, the four possibilities are: 00, 01, 10 and 11. The state preferred is the one with major probability dependent in the level were the transition takes place (Awaschalom, 20002), ( Atkinson, 2003). We can also correlate the relation of the Sodium and/or Potassium with the neurotransmitter as an ion pair effect (Szwarc, 1974). Additionally the symmetry of the molecular orbital system of the neurotransmitter can also be analyzed in order to understand is these considerations are causal or casual. The question to answer was how we can correlate these transitions with the intelligence combination found. There has been much enthusiasm in the study of brain dynamics related to quantum mechanics (Jibu, 1995), (Penrose, 1999). However just theoretical conceptions are considered and the use of any molecular model have not been explained. Any reaction or dynamic change that a molecule performs uses either the HOMO or LUMO orbital. Neurotransmitters are molecules composed of Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon atoms, mostly of the peptide like. It is well known ion paring and solvation effects in these types of molecules (Stevenson, 1973). In order to make our comparison simple we have chosen the Butadiene Molecular Orbital System, that is a linear conjugated four Carbon atoms, it forms the simplest delocalized MO system (Bolton, 1972). The symmetry of the orbitals is similar to the first four modes of vibrations of a guitar string or a simple particle in a box (Leadermen, 2004). We compare the energy and the symmetry interaction of the four Carbon centers, the HOMO, LUMO and the rest of the orbitals with the combination of four intelligences and to relate with what we define as symmetry dynamic leadership and management. The Butadiene model has four energy levels with four atoms or units. The first two levels or orbitals are named bonding and the last two anti bonding orbitals, the HOMO and LUMO orbitals are the second and third respectively. The symmetry of these orbitals does not change with increase in conjugation. Each energy level is characterized by its wave function, symmetry and electronic density (Hirsch, 1974). Ψ(N) = c1ψ1+c2ψ2+c3ψ3+c4ψ4, where Ψ represents the wave function for a level, ψ the wave function for a particular atom and c the coefficient.. The electronic density, c² represents the probability of a particular atom and can be related to the domain of a particular intelligence (ψ) in the dynamic intelligence model. Any reaction or interaction of this system occurs between the second and third level (Figures 3 and 4). In order to demonstrate this condition, we did heat sensitivity experiments to compare with the SED® results and

obtained similar results as those reported using NMR imagine (Coghill, 2003). It was found that individuals that indicated less heat influences were those whose system resembled that of the HOMO and LUMO energy and symmetry. This experiment shows that this phenomenon is also related to symmetry and thinking coordination conditions (Figure 5). Additionally, this experiment demonstrated that there exists a causal condition and not a casual interpretation in the coordination thinking styles.

We started indicating that Ruby stones are red and when heated they turn green like Emeralds. The transition HOMO-LUMO in the Chromium atoms inside the Aluminum Oxide structure of Ruby can explain the change in color due to the transition in the values of the energy of each energy level. This exchange between red and green in the leadership-management system from now on will be named as the Ruby leadership-management state.

We have found that the entrepreneur model with a 30:20:20:30 domain is the pattern presented by very successful individuals (Folkman, 2002) no matter, gender, age, race, activity or hierarchy level in society or organization, has the same configuration presented by the reacting MO orbitals (Figure 4). This condition is present in 5 per cent of the population in a natural or acquired pattern. Using this type of person from and individual or group condition increases the possibility of success. We have correlated our studies with more than 35+ thousand persons and 200+ organizations and showed how interacting with these entrepreneur individuals we have been able to develop very successful organizations, improve the understanding in family business, choose world class athletes and teams, improve education and coaching relations, and have a better knowledge of management and leadership. Symmetry Dynamic Leadership and Management related to SED® and intelligence dominance can be an important tool for future of management, leadership, human and business development. Recently it was published that the difference in thinking patterns between master chess players and regular players was mainly in the velocity of thinking and memory. This is related to the region of brain used and Elo’s rating score system (Amidzic, 2006). We have studied the coordination pattern of master chess players, advance chess players and young chess players ranked accordingly to the Elo’s rating system. We found that there exists a maximum of 13-14 points in a scale of 16 in the coordination pattern of grand masters and highly rated chess players as well as in advance adults and young male and female chess players. However, in the symmetry of the coordination, there is a linear correlation of the symmetry index that is related to the velocity of the thinking coordination pattern (Figure 6). The higher the Elo’s rating the faster is the symmetry index. For young players there is a similar correlation, but their symmetry index is always lower than the master and advance players. In all grand masters studied we found the lack of leadership condition and a strong ability for management in all of them. As the Elo’s rating decreases, the management factor decreases and the leadership factor increases. Leaders are creative, but for managers innovation is the characteristic factor. In creativity you can see a path, but in innovation you need to see the whole picture.

The per cent of Management factor and Leadership factor found were plotted against the Elo’ values of advanced chess players including grand masters. For these graphics we use linear, logarithmic and exponential correlations and all of then intercepted in the same region of medium values (Figure 7). This region is characterized by 50% Leadership and 50% Management. While the thinking coordination factor is the range of 13-14, the velocity and symmetry is not the higher value of one, or a lower value of 2.5, the value that characteristic this region is the intermediate value between 1.5 and 2. This is the Leadership and Management region that have been named as the Ruby region. In order to increase the possibilities of success we recommend a combination of leadership and management at the same time. Creativity and innovation conditions are needed together (Concepcion, 2007).

With the help of the Catholic University of Peru, we have done a similar study to demonstrate that the possibility of getting a black belt certification increases as the indexes of symmetry and coordination pattern increases. A group of 13 candidates were evaluated; we found indexes similar to those indicated with the chess players. Of this group, close to 70 percent had leadership condition and 58 percent management coordination pattern (Figure 8) with a velocity index of 1.4 and a coordination pattern of 13.4. Of the group

studied 80 per cent got the black belt certification. In order to become a black belt certified professional creativity and innovation that is similar to say that leadership and management characteristics are needed at the same time.

A manufacturing organization told us that they were very happy with their economic results, sales was increasing, however, the profitability decreased by 50% in recent years. A research was conducted a management level and the results indicated that at that level the thinking coordination factor was 13.5, the velocity factor was 2.0, the leadership factor was 90% and the management factor was 40%. The conclusion was very simple. At management level they had a lot of creativity, but the innovation factor of seen the whole business was small compared to the leadership level. The mangers were able to see their departments inside, but not the interaction among the other departments and the organization. A new training program for managers was developed in order to understand the difference between creativity and innovation. At high school level one of the most prestigious private schools invited us to study the case why the best class in the history of that school flunked in the mathematics. Three different graduating groups were studied during a three year period. With more than 120 teenagers male and female students evaluated, their velocity of thinking pattern had a mean value of 1.90, with Management factor of 70% and Leadership factor of 40%. All teachers at high school levels were then checked and the mean value for VTP was 2.85 with Management factor of 25% and Leadership factor of 5%. The different in VTP is very clear, while the students are in the fast mode, showing the Ruby factor, the teachers were in a stable and slow mode. Similar conclusion can be seen for the Management and Leadership factors. We were looking for an answer from the students, and they said that the teachers did not motivate then enough. In order to protest they decided to flunk in mathematics in the ordinary exams since they were sure will pass with high grades in the complimentary reposition. We have studied athletes in many different sports. In Dominican Republic baseball is the king of sports, they are more baseball players in Mayor League Baseball from our country than any other country in the world except USA. Here we want comment on young baseball players that we are following since they were in the early teens. They have the ruby brain condition; one is 15 years old as in considered one of the better future pitchers. The other in the 17 considered as the next Pedro Martinez just signed one of the best contracts for a young prospect. We just met Gabriel Jaramillo, VIP IMG Academies, he as in the same group of tennis players at age 14-16 years old with John McEnroe one of the best tennis players. John use to play chess with more that ten tennis players at the same time very fast and always won. That is fast thinking.

Similar results have been obtained with the best male tennis player ever from Dominican Republic, velocity of thinking pattern of 1 and thinking coordination pattern of 14 or more. In family business is well studied. More than 80% of these organizations fail at the first generation. Of the 20% remaining 35% will go to the third generation. We have done evaluations and our results clearly shows that in the first generation the Ruby factor is present in the success organizations. In order to continue in the battle field the presence of the Ruby factor in the second generation is a plus. Finally, in order to increase the possibility of success creativity and innovation have to be present not only at the management level of organizations, but also in an appreciable part of the rest of the personnel. Creativity is associated with the Leadership attitude and innovation is related to the Management aptitude. In order for Leaders to improve they have to develop the management aptitude to acquire the Ruby condition status. For any personal and Leadership improvement, any person or organization have to develop a four step journey. Recognizing the type of coordination pattern they possess, becoming what we define a quality person. Starting a program of developing creativity attitude and then innovation aptitude to reach the entrepreneur dynamic condition. Last achieve the level of the Ruby leadership and management conditions with the appropriate velocity and symmetry thinking pattern. Those who can travel to this journey have the greater possibility for success. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wants to thanks Ing. Rafael Damiron of the Dominican Chess Association for running the test with all chess players and Ing. Luis Negron of the Catholic University of Peru at Lima for getting the test with the black belts candidates. REFERENCES Alexander, A.L., et. al, (2007), Diffusion Tensor imagining of the Corpus Callosum in Autism, NeuroImage, 34, 61. Amidzic, O., Riehle, H.J., Fehr, T., Wienbruch, C., and Elbert, T., (2006), Pattern of focal γ-burst in Chess Players, Nature, 412, 603. Atkinson, W.I. (2003), Nanocosm, Amacom, New York, NY. Awachalom, D.D., Flartté, M.E., Samarth, N. (2002), Spintronics, Scientific American, 53-59, June. Bolton, J.R., Wertz, J.E., (1972), Electron Spin Resonance, McGraw Hill, New York, NY. Coghill, R.C., Mc.Haffie, J.G., Yen, Y., (2003), Neural correlates of interindividual differences in subjective experience of pain, Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci., 100,8538. Concepcion, J.G., (2002), Dynamic Entrepreneur Leadership, between anti management and pro management, Gazeta, winter ASQ Press, Milwaukee, WI. Concepcion, J.G., (2007), Lideres y Gerentes (Leaders and Managers), Punto de Vista, Listin Diario, June 7. De Bono, E. (1993), Water Logic, Viking, New York, NY. Deming, W.E. (1994), The New Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Gardner H. (1993), Creating Minds, Harper-Collins, New York, NY. Folkman, J., Zenger, J.H. (2002). The Extraordinary Leader, McGraw Hill, New York, NY. Hirsh, J.A., (1974), Concepts in Theoretical Organic Chemistry, Allyn and Bacon, Boston, MA. Jibu, M., Yassue, K. (1995). Quantum Brain Dynamics and Consciousness, John Benjamin, Philadelphia, PA. Leadermen, L., (2004). Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe, Prometheus Book, NY. Penrose, R., (1999), The Emperor’s New Mind, Oxford, NY. Stevenson, G., Concepcion, J.G., Castillo, G. (1973). An ESR Study of Nitrosamine Anion Radicals, J .Phys. Chem., 77, 611. Szwarc, M., (1974), Ions and Ion Pairs in Organic Reactions, Wiley Interscience, NY. Tarkiainen, A., Helenius, P. and Salmelen, R., (2003). Category-specific occitotemporal activation during free perception in dyslexic individuals: an MEG study, NeuroImage 19, 1194.

Js. Gilberto Concepcion is Professor Emeritus of Department of Science of Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Ureña. He has a Ph.D in Physical Chemistry from University of Puerto Rico, post doctoral work at Syracuse University and management at University of North Carolina. He is Principal Executive of JGC &

Associates, fellow of the World Academic Productivity Sciences and fellow of the American Society for Quality.

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