Cr Wp 3 Handout C

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Zobel Fall 2008

College of the Redwoods Working Portfolio #3

Eng 1A Due Wed 11/12

Working Portfolio #3 Due Wednesday 11/12 at the start of class For Working Portfolio #3, you will write two papers. This is not a group project. You must fly solo on these papers. These papers may not be rewrites of the group papers. Here are the paper assignments: Paper assignment #A: Write a persuasive paper around the general theme of food or physical/mental training. You need to include/cite at least 3 reliable sources. The paper must be specific, focused, and engaging. Confirm your topic via email with Zobel before you progress past the SFD. The drafts for this paper must have the following word counts: Final Draft 5 pages/1,300 words Revised Draft 3 pages/800 words SFD 2 pages/500 words Brainstorming (may be handwritten) The working portfolio must have the above drafts AND: 1 peer feedback form 1 instructor feedback form Research Paper assignment: Write a research paper on a topic of your choice within the general themes of health and physical culture. You must confirm the topic choice with Zobel. No papers on abortion, gun control, gay marriage, or pot legalization. The paper must be specific, focused, and engaging. Do NOT try and take on world peace or a crusade for fairly priced designer jeans—have a focused, manageable topic that you can discuss in 1,800 words. Confirm your topic via email with Zobel before you progress past the SFD. Approach: The research paper may be either analytical or persuasive. This is not an informative paper. Before you get started, consider this: Authors of persuasive or analytical research essays need to have a clear understanding of their rhetorical strategies, so here are some questions to consider. Consider the following questions as ways to increase your essay’s persuasive power: • What is my purpose beyond persuasion (review Bedford page 11)? • Would another purpose help strengthen my thesis? • Who are my readers? • What do they already know about my subject? • How interested are they likely to be in my subject? • How impartial or prejudiced is my audience going to be? • What values do my readers have? • Is my topic going to challenge my audience’s beliefs or values? • What types of evidence/support are most likely to be effective? • Is my argument, or that which I am trying to persuade, reasonable? • What objections might my audience have, and how will I anticipate those objections in my essay? • What tone or attitude am I striving for in this essay? • How can I give a strong opinion without offending my audience? Yes, this is your portfolio’s cover/score sheet!

Zobel College of the Redwoods Eng 1A Fall 2008 Working Portfolio #3 Due Wed 11/12 Sources: When you write your paper, you must have at least five sources—two of those must be hard copy—and they must be used in the paper. Drafts: The drafts for this paper must have the following word counts: Final Draft 7-9 pages/1,800 words Third Draft 5 pages/1,300 words Second Draft 3.5 pages/ 800 words SFD 2 pages/500 words As you have come to expect, there are a variety of forms you must turn in with your research paper. They are listed in order on the score sheet below. These forms can be downloaded from the class blog and Comp Class, and they will be available in class. Be sure to see the back of this handout for the complete list of class exercises, handouts, and forms you MUST turn in with your research paper in order to earn full credit. MLA Guidelines: As this is a research paper, it is important to avoid plagiarizing your outside material. In short, any information pulled from an outside source and used in your paper, whether directly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized, must be cited (both in the body of your paper—or “in-text citations”—and at the end of your paper—your Works Cited page). We will be discussing MLA citation requirements in class, and The Bedford Handbook has ample citation information as well. Requirements: For this paper, you will turn in 4 drafts; they must be word-processed and doublespaced. Be sure to include a heading on each draft with your name, the assignment and the draft number. Please include a title. Your final product should have a solid thesis or assertion, a clear organizing principle, strong support, an appropriate/academic/engaging tone, clear, effective transitions, an effective introduction and conclusion, and grammatical/syntactical cleanliness. SCORE: ___ Paper A 6 pts

Research Paper

__Final Draft __2nd Draft __SFD Draft __Brainstorming __Peer FB __Instructor FB

___ Research Paper 14 pts


/20 Pts. Total

__Final Draft __Third draft __Second Draft __SFD __Brainstorming __Peer feedback 1 __Peer feedback 2 __Peer feedback 3 __ Instructor feedback 1 __ Instructor feedback 2 __Annotated bibliography __Intro/conclusion peer ws __Transition peer worksheet __Fragment/Run-on peer ws __Evidence peer worksheet

Yes, this is your portfolio’s cover/score sheet!

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