Cr Wp #1 Score Sheet

  • Uploaded by: Gregory Zobel
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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 492
  • Pages: 2
Zobel Name:

WP #1 Score Sheet CR, Fall 2008 Due Monday, Week #4 Score: /10

All of the items in your portfolio need to appear in this EXACT order. A space is provided before each item for YOU to check it off once it is in order and complete. Make sure that EACH PART is: • In proper order; • Paper clipped; • Word counts are met (150 means minimum of 150 words); • Properly labeled at the top (by hand or typed) as to the assignment and the draft, i.e. Ede letter draft #4 • Letters are in FULL BLOCK format; • Typed and printed—only the ICWs and brainstorming may be handwritten; • And, that the drafts differ significantly from one another—this is especially important between the revised and portfolio drafts that need to be 250 words minimum. Differ significantly means that impact, meaning, organization, and/or word choice has been altered significantly. Replaced a semi-colon with a period is not a significant difference. If you have more than the required drafts, PLEASE include them. Make sure that they are included in proper order and clearly labeled. Doing so can only HELP you. The more drafting you do, the more your writing process WILL improve. Some folks are concerned about maximum length. None of your letters should go over two pages; no summary should be more than 500 words.

Remember, this is the EXACT order from top to bottom! Manila folder or envelope. No colors, no notebooks, no glossies, no report folders. Part One: ICWs 2 Points _____ Paper clipped, not stapled, together _____ 5 full 8.5 x 11 pages of in class writings (may be handwritten)

Remember: ANY missing item or deviation from the required list of items automatically costs you ALL points for that section.


WP #1 Score Sheet CR, Fall 2008 Due Monday, Week #4 Part Two: Ede Letter/ Writing Process 2 points _____ Paper clipped, not stapled, together, and final draft in full block business letter format _____ Portfolio/ 3rd draft, min 250 words—significantly different from Revised/2nd draft _____ Revised/ 2nd draft, min 250 words _____ SFD/ 1st draft, min 150 words _____ Brainstorming (may be handwritten) _____ Instructor Feedback Part Three: Complaint Letter 3 points _____ Paper clipped, not stapled, together, and final draft in full block business letter format _____ Portfolio/ 3rd draft, min 250 words—significantly different from Revised/2nd draft _____ Revised/ 2nd draft, min 250 words _____ SFD/ 1st draft, min 150 words _____ Brainstorming (may be handwritten) _____ Instructor Feedback Part Four: Summary 3 points _____ Paper clipped, not stapled, together, and final draft in full block business letter format _____ Portfolio/ 3rd draft, min 300 words—significantly different from Revised/2nd draft _____ Revised/ 2nd draft, min 250 words _____ SFD/ 1st draft, min 150 words _____ Brainstorming (may be handwritten) _____ Instructor Feedback

Remember: ANY missing item or deviation from the required list of items automatically costs you ALL points for that section.

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