Cpv Imagebroschuere En

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  • Words: 16,514
  • Pages: 21
PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT kes over anything manager who ta Ever y star has a nal task. the real professio m fro ct ra st di d that coul ur manager for r Vorarlberg is yo ne rt Pa n tio en Conv ts. We create the convention even d an ce en er nf co s. So that you ze the conference events, we organi sence of your ut terly on the es can concentr ate or ganisation epar e the entir e happening, we pr gether, we ensure dr aw the cast to we , nd ha re fo be tion. We do it all ion and collabora perfect cooper at u ..and we leave yo y you imagine it. precisely the wa g for a star. plause, as is fit tin to garner the ap


ways: u in the following Let us care for yo , background t centres, hotels - Counsel on even d ar riv al s programme an mbling them otations and asse - Generating qu mmodations - Organising acco g contingents) ations, managin (booking reserv mm e ckground progra - Composing a ba nsfers - Organising tra ring and rvision, before, du - Care and supe t af ter your even ur event rmation about yo - Publishing info ater ial s informational m - Prepar ation of tion icipant administra - Complete part to We look forw ard

Your s,

welcoming you to


er Harald Köhlmei g/ Partner Vorarlber CEO Convention GmbH lberg Tour ismus Bodensee-Vor ar

Convention Partner Vorarlberg Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH Römerstraße 2, 6900 Bregenz, Austria T +43 (0)5574 43443-23, F 43443-4 [email protected], www.convention.cc


G . G

Total number of No overnights


Single rooms Double rooms



oms MZ Multi-bed ro APP Apartments


F œ © % w I H 6 m Á ? 7 h X ‘

ites Suites/Junior su rate restaurant pa se Restaurant, participants zone for seminar

Alpenregion Bludenz

Breakfast buffet age prices Conference pack

[email protected]


ed rammes organis Background prog pted Credit cards acce

ating Banquet table se Daylight Can be darkened Air conditioning

le for fresh air Windows availab comprises al standards - TM Minimum technic erhead projector, inar facilities: ov the following sem or TV, flip chart, rder with screen screen, video reco group session er and room(s) for pinboard, CD play







Ravensburg 20 km





T +43/(0)5574/43443-0, F 43443-4


[email protected]






Konstanz 30 km




T +43/(0)5512/2365, F 3010


[email protected]




St. Gallenkirch




T +43/(0)5517/5114-0, F 5114-419 [email protected] www.kleinwalsertal.com

Montafon T +43/(0)5556/722530, F 74856 [email protected]



69,99* EU R EUR

Arrival connections Stuttgart Ulm







Friedrichshafen Schaffhausen Konstanz Lak eC Lindau ons tan ce St.Gallen Bregenz Altenrhein Zurich








in e


Printing information Publisher: Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus GmbH, Convention Partner Vorarlberg, A-6900 Bregenz, Römerstrasse 2, tel. no. +43/(0)5574/43443-23, Fax 43443-3, [email protected], www.convention.cc, designed in collaboration with Vorarlberg Tourismus, A-6850 Dornbirn, P.O. Box 99. Cover photo: Albrecht Schnabel, photos in magazine: individual convention operators, Matthias Weissengruber, Otmar Heidegger/Casino Bregenz, Dornbirn Tourismus, Feldkirch Tourismus, Pfänderbahn AG, Inatura Dornbirn, Archiv Vorarlberg Tourismus (walser-image.com, Roman Horner, Walter Storto, Hans Wiesenhofer, Kevin Artho, J. Ignacio Martinez) Concept and design: Silberball Bregenz GmbH, Vorarlberg Tourismus Text: Silbergall Bregenz GmbH Printer: Hecht Druck Ges.m.b.H & Co. KG, Hard, Translation: Jeffrey McCabe, Oberhofen Despite careful examination, no liability can be assumed for contents. Stand May 2009.


Dornbirn Hohenems

Indoor pool Sauna/Steambath

Parliament seating Horseshoe seating



[email protected]

y for Maximum capacit Cinema seating



Parking lot

Fitness studio ted Wheelchair-adap

Hittisau Egg

T +43/(0)5583/2161-0, F 3155




rking Garage/Indoor pa

Tanning beds Whirlpool


T +43/(0)5552/30227, F 30227-3

Arlberg Region





Seminar facilitie




From/ toThe Lake of Constance.





Zurich-Kloten 1.5 hrs.

Friedrichshafen 30 min.

St. Gallen-Altenrhein 30 min.

Munich 2.5 hrs.

Memmingen 1 hr.


A-14 Rheintal Motorway

A-96 from Munich-Ulm, N-2 Switzerland


International train axis

Bregenz-Lindau and Feldkirch

Public transportation outstanding bus connections

in all regions of Vorarlberg

*Oneway, all inclusive!! Bookings: www.intersky.biz Tel: +43 5574 48800 46



CONTENTS Con vention Pa

rtner Vorarl



Bodensee - Vora Hotel Germania,


Seminar haus Mar Hotel Mercure Br

ienberg, Bregen

egenz City

Messmer Hotel am CONV


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Hotel Schw är zle


Best Western Pr


Weisses Kreuz, Br


Kornmar kt, Breg

Four Points by Sh Dornbirn



udenz Alpine Region Bl enz a & Spor ts, Blud Val Blu Resort Sp , Br and Hotel Scesaplana rt, Br and Valavier Aktivreso Ar lberg -Oberlech Burg Hotel, Lech ch Hotel Gotthard, Le d, Lech-Zug Gasthof Rote Wan

21 21 21 21 23 23


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29 30 is

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Gasthof Krone, Hi Hotel Gasthof Hi


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Alpenhotel Mittag


spitze, Damül s ttisau

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30 31

Kloster Bezau“

32 33 n­berg 33

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Hotel Post, Beza

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Hoher Freschen


l, Dornbirn

Hotel Holiday Inn, Bildungshaus St


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Hotel Krone, Dorn

Montfort das Ho

25 z

r, Bregenz

Mar tinspar k Hote

ONS 15 D EV ENT LOCATI CONFERENCE AN 16 n MS Sonnenkönigi 16 Messe Dornbirn 17 Casino Bregenz 17 Vorarlberg Lines 18 rnbirn W IFI Campus, Do BACH & Kulturbühne AM 18 Götzis Jonas Schlössle, 19 nt wiel Steamboat Hohe 19 nk weil Vinomnasaal, Ra ann-Saal, Angelika-Kauf fm 20 Schw ar zenberg 20 er tal, Riezlern Casino Kleinwals



34 34


35 s 35 Demo distiller y an d apiar y Bentele Brothers 36 Canyoning Team Vorarlberg – Outdoor progra mme 36 Pfänder – Experie

nce the mountain





akes great ner Vorarlberg m Convention Part and your gs usable by you rural surroundin that you e ac tors together event. We dr aw th all the ppening. We pull need for your ha se) and ckground, of cour strings (in the ba ntac ts or k of valuable co ac tiv ate our netw nvention nference and co and renowned co ar hotels 0 5-star and 4-st center s, about 16 hotels, than 30 0 3-star as well as more a bevy restaurants, plus about 50 gour met ecisely inns. We select pr of old fashioned your are best suited to the places which et, your ing on your budg purposes. Depend mme. ckground progra concept, your ba countable programmes: un And speaking of ally can’t lidaymaker s annu thousands of ho that own far and wide be wrong. It is kn s for infinite possibilitie Vorarlberg of fers summer rammes in both background prog snow y rough wide open and winter. Ski th d discover or sail, or raft an spaces, or hike, e cultural . Or el se enjoy th nature at its best l, the SchuBregenz Festiva highlights of the genzer nce Festival „Bre bertiade, the Da diversity. erg has dazzling Fr ühling“. Vorarlb peccable nised through im And it is well orga alled cated in the so-c infrastructure. Lo by air ports a number of near 4-nation corner, k make ted train networ and a well connec . your ar riv al easy

Festspielhaus Br




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to perre that it is staged ion and make su vis en u yo t en citem cessar y with isely the arc of ex lping out when ne he ll, we as ur We can dr aw prec fle uf act the part of so t One, and be d be happy to en can perform in Ac we se el Or fection. We woul c. et acts, booking, plause is destined lacking, i.e. cont r us, the final ap fo d in whatever might be m in ve ha at role you the limelight. o. Regardless wh e and let you take ag absent for Act Tw st ck ba ain m reetly re at’s when we disc for you alone. Th









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Montforthaus Fe



MS Sonnenkönigi


f er






ntly is staged differe A detective stor y A fantas y dr ama from a love stor y. an ops and ac tors th needs different pr ly the We select precise a documentary. stor y st suited to your ac tors who are be ent of e perfect fulfillm and guar antee th ls, nues, hotels, mea your purposes. Ve rtarammes, transpo background prog onize ctor has to harm tion, etc. Each se be a Your event should with the others. ything contraption, ever sculpture, not a at’s single vision. Th must flow from a g Partner Vorarlber what Convention can do for you.

Kulturhaus Dorn




ules to create pre-figured mod m fro n tio na bi m t own individual co to state-of-the-ar Mix/devise your rticipants. Thanks pa ce en er nf co sp of desire for your s right on the cu the of ferings you n provide model ca g er rlb ra Vo ention Card d contents. technology, Conv rv ice package an se e, op sc of s rm om designed in te equipped with the moment: cust it card and can be ed cr a an th er lves are no bigg The cards themse rticipant names. bar codes and pa

e example A service modul nvention the seminar or co programme, etc. - Accreditation to ions, background rs cu ex , es ur ct admittance at le - Supervision of g ughout Vorarlber nsportation thro tra ic bl pu gions of e Us d international re in Vorarlberg an es iti tiv ac re isu - Selected le nstance rtners around Lake Co ude all service pa largement to incl en e, ag ck pa re isu - Ex tension of le

Messe Dornbirn 10

Jonas Schlössle,




Platz der Wiener Sym T +43 (0)5574 413- phoniker 1, A-6900 Bregenz 0, information@festsp F 413-413 ielhausbregenz.a www.festspielha t, usbregenz.at Contact: Mag. Ge rhard Stübe It all comes down to the people. Op are provided by m timum spaces for any, including us . But what distingu them are the people wh ishes us o work here. Our staff are aglow wi siasm for your ev th en en prospects for succ t and for our infrastructure. Unbe thues atable the Lake Constan s. The Festival and Convention Ce ce region - Fests pielhaus Bregenz ntre of fascinating. is simply

CRE ATIVE CONVENTIONS CONVENTION CENTRE S Creative Conventions: the speciality of Vorarlberg‘s convention centres. This is the way each event is brought to its apex, its utmost possibilities. With highly

Awards: At the APEX Awar d 2004, Festspielha by AIPC as one us Bregenz was se of the best three lected convention venues world. In 2009, it was named at th e EWC Best Cent in the one of the top thre er Award e convention cent res. Rooms Size m2 dividable Großer Saal 700 Werkstattbühne 1665 • Parkstudio 270 Seestudio 330 Seefoyer 230 • Many other flexible rooms are available.

1656 1400 280 350 160

1050 210 270 162

478 650 117 162 100

Cocktail 3700 530 550 300

modern technology, highly engaged staff members and highly professional expertise. Regardless whether you want your convention to take place at one of Europe’s best venues (Best Center Award 2009 for Festspielhaus Bregenz) or a Work-in-Progress convention in intimate surroundings, we can give you the suitable stage.



T +4 (0) Ra th3au 2 A-68 splat2 0, 50 z 1, F Do70 -1 n rnbir ku+4 ltu3 (0) ha55 T us72 @ or nb ir 27 77 , ww 0, F.at27 w.11 k 77 0Coltu ntac t: ku ritzdoOrntn rhaus@ e n.a , Klt,au bir sL ww w.ng kuglturhaus-dornbir Contact: Fritz Ortn n.at er, Klaus Lingg

Fore co Th stanfe est for gereisnc sem se r , the muna exh sic bit ate A wi anydan r, on denfe posetr syd ca Fo opre poba r co enncho siu e mi forna ret. esus evrs , se e , tex orhib gaitio nis ersan A mede ofd he e op ns A wi ngen moos plaho st sy varis. ceusfo mp ium a hu e ge for event or ar et y of An ga int nis ax er ers of the este is ng A meeti of pla d st cont s va ecrie mo tadt hu poarahu rses ceem . . ryge for a va t an d cu lt riety of int reerested An axis of contem spectators. porary art and cu lture. anpd niv soun To hnes eadu tec oloav spac gyailan te we abdle,caas ngll as lig and sound techn hting, screen ology, and catering .

Ro Groom ßers Kleine Saal Gro al ßerr Sa Garte Kle inenr oye Saalr E ng Ga o rteang nfosyer Eingangsfoyer


Size38m72 dividable • 387 • 5715 30 575

2202 73 1820 22 180

1660 60 2500 16 12 2500 120

32802 80 80 80

Co60 ckt6ail 1660 60 2000 16 20 2000 200



A-6803 Feldkirch Leonhardplatz 3, 1, F 76001-3109 00 T +43 (0)5522 76 ontforthaus.at dkirch.at, www.m montforthaus@fel lgäuer Contact: Robert Al in its central location is distinguished by as h y, irc lle Va ldk Fe ine us Rh n tha Montfor the souther rner of Europe in ent of the the four-nation co ents and managem ldkirch, cli for ce rvi se ty ali Fe qu of n top tow by al as iev ll we med in the heart of the nventions, conofferings. Located fficient room for co n 5,000 m2 of su s ide ov pr us tha e or m on the Montfortha ns mpanying exhibitio regional dishes and proferences and acco anding caterer with all categories are locatst ou An in floor space. repertoire. Hotels m the the t d high flexibility for d a ducts rounds ou an e iqu hn tec rn de an s Mo . om tly ro ien d en ne nv sig m de ted co event. Then, custo rest. foundation of your ated by our team of experts do the cre suitable ambience

Rooms Graf Hugo Saal Graf Rudolf Saal Galeriefoyer Pausenfoyer 2 Konferenzraum 1+ Konferenzraum 3 Konferenzraum 4 Rittersaal

2 Size m dividable • 880 290 92 90 • 154 20 26 200


Cocktail 1160 350 100 100 130 15 20 200

1038 286 80 80 158

570 180 40 50 74



1320 500 200 200 260 30 40 200

This is where things go as if automatically. Attractive locations in Vorarlberg will lend your event the suitable framework. Even Lake Constance itself is not out of bounds and can be utilized as an event platform. Delicious menus, classical sounds, shows and games...all Meeting Points are suited for making your conference varied and attractive, or for transforming your event into an unforgettable phenomenon. Our partners have already proven it many times to an internationally demanding public. Permit us to show you.








09 -9422 Staad Hauptstr. 17, CH (0)71 2278000, F 5859031, CH: +41 74 om n.c igi en ko en T EU: +43 (0)55 nn igin.com, www.so info@sonnenkoen tzer Ne en rm Contact: Ca S AND STEEL A DREAM IN GLAS Or else, is a concert hall. or a at. On demand, it alk bo tw a ca is it ow y sh all n tu Ac orium, a fashio dit sive au e clu tiv ex t fes os a m r, e a theate se, it is surely th ca y g an rin In . fer re re e nt region. We ar conference ce Lake Constance e tir en e th in ion een. locat igin" - the Sun Qu to the "Sonnenkön nce. l on Lake Consta tory of boat trave It is a charter ship his e th in ne sto size. A mile n, unparalleled in ards of Futuristic in desig gory, setting brand new stand ond, te m ca dia ium ing em m pr im e sw th A in d possibilities. ves... an s wa ion es ot ak m em quality, es. A boat that ns se e n" fiv igi ön all nk s that awaken term "Sonne ents includ e the ev ed fin de y wl ne Sun Queen.



rnbirfan A-d68n50 Do latzus1,Bo eschiff ssepKl Melte 5-335 30 F W 3 (0) 0, 530 g www messedornbirn.at T +4 h t5572 , dornbirn.a t se es @m 4286 5 service(0) 7 28 8, Fss T act: Johannes Nu t baumer Cof nt li el c Messe (Hall 13) e heart of the Haus der connections in th ple . sim d an y 6:00 pm lit ssibi u s ? at sy accettl spaces from Eanc st ofc 2,400 rking pa Free erg. i n L ak capacit Fa incae of t rlb y ra A Vo th in priovh t V b gknown Fair Hall with yd y life guest L ns, gala affairs or f nationally An inter v it l ts conventioth b ceters afor s t isine. tAnnex for m g t w col ncerj t ing ofdregio cu nt nal iff uare l l sqge n ter u ca g i a andinm r y ur f trade fairs. Outsts ts en m ge enlar s or a it n ckstage prop ba r t o all 6) t of the in thbe het ar Messe Stadion (H d simple connectioarns f r pm r t 0 an y 6:0 lit ng m ibi m parking spaces fror Easyyaccessnf e f with a capabcitaty g. Free b erro o d ha F inc rlb ra Vo of ll e ov de r pru r s cturally awar archite tanding i An internationally andstands. Outs t 3,0r 00 squalre meters and gr ops or pr ge sta of x for back ne th t c n l l cudisine. An na ra gio m re of g rin cate n pm t M d ge ts. enlarb men a l

Rooms Halle 6 Halle 13 Foyer 13/14 Halle 12 oder 14


2 Size m dividable


3000 2400 600 1800

phonikerplatz 3, A-6900 Bregenz T +4 Ha up3 str (0).55 74 45 17 H-12 9 7, 2F St 45aa 12d7-12222 brEU egen T z@ : +4 3ca (0)sin5os4 at 5859 ww w. 03 breg 1 H:en +4z1ca Co (0sin info@ ntac 71os22 .at sotnn Co enrn eli ko a gin en Wolfc GREAT BUSINESS MEANS GREAT DI VERSITY AD E z, city LAS AN Br egen of culture, city of EEm L us ic in the 3-nation co festivals rner of Europe, wh allstr y itia stou ere Switzerland, anctd Au a choafin t ge On de Germany an d rti ps is aste . Only ai few a tntea cops ncer Ce hath re ean, da inesth lle Or tive sa frotm aum e se dit Festi riuild m val e a bu as co ion nf ing e s e as Hotel Me owrcu Bregenz ha cescenu catw ntm reerIn lCaor anhig re a y , ca ou se sino s , t is hly su loc re va atble ly rie ion fra th d e in th suita po m ss o e ibi t en liti ex cl as es to serve me fortiyoeur si a L ev keent.o e Regardless wheth er product presen tation or dinner-a Ca sin Am ilo Br nd-show, toeg neennz off s to flery xibof heer le so his ionve is s An a oalut m ix ic t tra of in Fut ris even co onide mns t-p bin Laal lus k -s de Co em s ina gn taati r ncon at n e Fe ral l insts Ho us Br rcu in tel s pie z lha re th Mere eg It Thce te en is m ar ch iu ea at ar alo tez or ng s go th i e y lak ne se ed e t sh ing for or brand ne e off qual y ampe s all b2d st ernd otrfect b ex u s an rdsyoof e, roA pope ssrie caat unsw ibinc sinowwith vieion dedi ou l tie th ti by din m k ns wsl off theese ne r g & ganme am e room o d s A bo nects wly, nu dem Fa finbe ed s inc rs ev andntdim de enlu sio Su ns n Qu ee Capa n city: Casino floor No. of persons: 1,5 space 2,300 m2 00 Casino Restauran t: banquet 130, Co cktail 80 Arik Brauer Pavil 2 ion Catering (exclusiv (180 m ): Cocktail 200 e caterer): Casino Restaurant Motto: Casino on tour, dinner, road show, b2b events, company celebra tions



5950 1800 200 700


1000 1000 100 500

1500 100 500


5950 2400 300 1000

Walter Klaus Bode nseeschifffahrt Gm Reichsstr. 3, A-69 bH & Co 00 Bregenz T +43 (0)5574 4286 8, F 42868-520 [email protected], www.vora rlberg-lines.at Contact: Gerhard Wölfel Fancy a little cruis e? With the Vorarlb erg Lines, the Au strian Lake Cons tours become a tance boat verit a genuine getawa able cruise. Leave everyday life behind y lies just ahead boat experiences . Immerse yourse that’s the motto of our lf in a different wo others pamper yo u a bit, enjoy the rld, let unique atmospher waters of the lak e on the e. For your confer ence or meetings , ch purposes or rese rve rooms aboard arter a boat for your trip or a special our’s, for a regu lar boat excursion ride. Modern equipm ent, can be easily ins video cameras and other tech nology talled. Group pr presentations of oje every sort are po cts, work shops and rooms. ssible in the nu merous There are 7 boat s to choose amon g, providing spac 400 persons. e for 40 to




6850 Dornbirn Bahnhofstr. 24, AWIFI Vorarlberg, -450, F 3894-175 wifi-campus.at T +43(0)5572 3894 vlbg.wifi.at, www. e@ itt rig n.b fruhman Fruhmann Contact: Brigitte . An attractive ct infrastructure IFI Campus rfe pe th wi h, lis Modern, sty is the new W istinext event, that plex offers a soph h venue for your ive building com hig at ov a d inn e an Th y n. log techno Dornbir state-of-the-art . The outcated ambience, ur desired spaces superyo g tin ea cr in y al ilit xib ion ss fle of ofe pr ee , gr de service special catering event becomes ed os op pr standing meals, ur yo at ll ensure th vision and care wi the rience. pe ex le ab or em s, we can provide l am to huge festivitie aa gs "S e tin th ee m m fro all s: From sm your need d spaces to fulfil modern, 20 of n tio lec se suitable rooms an a (capacity 180) to sizes with varider Wirtschaft" r rooms in varying ina m se d an ce en new confer uipngements. modern media eq able seating arra ucture with highly e region of Lake str ra inf al nic ch in th The te among the best projectors, PC technoment numbers ators, er od m , ht are lig d, e sure your plans Constance. Soun ecialists will mak sp r .ou t.. ne er logy, Int s reality. turned to flawles d seminar rooms Capacities: her conference an Ot 0. 18 : aft s visitors: ch rts Saal der Wi for WIFI Campu Parking spaces . es siz ing ry va e. in us ge. Catering in ho underground gara


tzisalmanagement G, Sa 40CH A-68 BA 0, AM Ba ühne rbch Am Kultu kus 11 tzi 0 Gö 06 64 40 52, A-68 3 (0) ch 10 T +4Ba ambach.at essle [email protected] Am uehn rbhlo na ltusc w kus, ww 11 , 0at 06 ch 64 ba 23 am 55 w +4w. 3 (0) at le. T ss loe ch ell w.jonas-s n , ww m .at Arch t ba am Cont w.ac ww ll Contact: Armin Be mes d th tl ), anro CH e (C BAas lö sAM ühne Jona ltusrbSc t l Ku tss d as ve en n er ev om es ow of ro pr ty kn ), ll x rie we astle mple sleva(C hi thei ,co At to le for s Schlwösde ai ab Jona avtle arde lit ts. ns ve en so er ev pe es of 0 pr ty ll rie to we 2 va , ric for to his ailable for a wide av e ar s on rs pe for 2 to 600 a vee, ll hainc e ov bie"ncpr ändle ctie "Lam tr th artatof gy n log o all the ,hean c in hn te ve te d t ha ion un e en at so ev nc loc ct ed l bie ra fin rfe re A cent ctive am traPe ats. an or anyy, isi edy mlog ofno log noat cla chdic tech acun dm tota r ev enlt tede th so ouct n ed wo byrfe refin offe . Pe n ito rs e vis a y an nt m ur of dicated l-t sta de im ku re lly p cla ta to ac an to d e ur r th an sta ou n Re by wo atfer nee an ond of rbtsühar Kuurtu an hesta ul-t". te d toatp re anam at Restaurant "k d an ne üh rb ltu team at the Ku



Hohentwiel-Schif ffahrtsges.m.b.H Lindauer Str. 84, A-6912 Hörbranz T +43 (0)5573 839 83 office@hohentwiel 11, F 839 83 23 .com, www.hohe ntwiel.com Contact: Christin e Konstatzky The royal steam boat There are momen . Since 1913. ts long for something in life, certain days in the year, wh en you special. An extra ordinary birthday company celebra tion, a crucial co party, a nference or the drous day of your most wonlife: by the ship’s capta a wedding ceremony on board, pe rformed in – if you wish. Every occasion, ev ery idea, that you wish to be an unfor memory is trans formed by the St gettable eamboat Hohent experience aimed wiel into an at eternity.

Rooms Hecksalon Mittelschiff Vorschiffsalon Kapitänssalon


63 36 32 8

63 100 32 8

VINOMNASAAL A GemMa latnk z 1, einrk det Ra weAil T Ma 3 (0) Am 22 rk55 tp 0,30 lat F 40 z 1, A4 68 b +4rg Ra5nk03 er weil se T rv ice 3 (0)5522 40 @r nk0, weFi 40 5-40 at56ww Co nt ac 03 t: buergerserrm vicin e@Wralle Contact: Armin W nkweil.at, www.rankweil.at ille enen cou te r, Ev c t rooms int eRafonk exc ng e o eeoug s an we imco pres en unsio d area tin ter,n centre for il, social mth ltu of al exchange of thou g point, cu impressions. ghts and cultura l balap s teco n Ad e e d to handce s ppmed u , su imita ica e ble ia sforows, ec pt mor Evnf enertsenth ba theatre, conc llse, co oner s ts, a d ca ceat e s, coia m dalot n sh ul nces ucow tim ex t ds, nreda t ed a d na more. Ev yliion y g ts an ou c cept njo en th ts that carn ug ans t d e va lot ra be t conductegd in s da fac extraaoriew ad e wi dinaroy tot uc eh a ylight enjoy pano il ug ca hc thur thro cvastT gla an riu ma vie e Vin e s ea om ram s na ly ss facades wilthau ws of ac ssibl tothce ba pano sileicab chpu with nsVin urbli a ea poom ch. tra s, sil rtatio riu amy ac Th m is e n le ce pass or rkibl th na ing os sa al auditoc bliscava lab e. e sp by pu with cars, ample parking space is transportation. For those available. nee anhly d f va Th lfilrie e hig evde se y atish iarang imem ing. ar lne meens, ul i l au gh t ng ed anl ev andvafur lfi s er ary wi will answdit als o po er or siblemerhts m evum ery sh so . un Via d dim c ria lightingt va nont logs ar s, mulod l gdittoraium pe tiperlen au m its d ou e to als de o ke s po ssible. The a m y kin sounde technolog d o ev odern lig ent you y permits you to make any kind of ht-and desire. event you Ro Saaom+sG Foyale + Ga Sa lerie Foyer er Foy Foyer OG


Size m2 dividable 100 60 40 12

Size3 m02 dividable 35820 70 82 70

45648 64

40480 48

16310 31





Schwarzenberg ann-Saal, A-6867 Angelika-Kauffm , F 294814 zenberg.at T +43 (0)5512 3570 g.at, www.schwar er nb ze ar hw sc info@ er Hammer Contact: Daniela ber built in massive tim in ann auditorium is pe fm ca uf ds Ka lan a l lik ra ge The An architectu perfectly with the rwald. It style, which fits in Schwarzenberg in the Bregenze uire to of e req u lag yo vil l ts ra en ru em e th acoustic refin d an l ddings ica we hn s, tec ing offers all nces, CD record re nfe co ts, . en op ev lend cultural d festive backdr separaa distinguished an floor can also be and gala dinners nd ou gr e th , er foy rpose, ge pu t lar en e th fer Thanks to ed for a dif auditorium and us t. ted from the main en even a separate ev i.e. exhibition, or ts, archimforts, restauran oustics, visitor co lity - the traits we are ac y, lit na tio nc Fu l regional hospita tecture and typica e! m lco known for. We

Rooms Angelika-Kauffmann Galerie Foyer Kleiner Dorfsaal

2 Size m dividable • 378

80 255 234

590 100 220

260 50 120 100

300 80 150 122

Cocktail 600 200 240 250

A MIND AT EASE IS THE BEST PILLOW TO SLEEP ON SEMINAR AND INCENTIVE HOTELS Clear your mind. Collaborate with our partner hotels. These hosts of varying categories have a wide range of seminar and conference rooms, all suitably equipped, and are specialists at arranging and providing for your event. The bedrooms are also suited to conference guests, of course. The combi-


rtal ler ezeb Ritri ssntelle Kleinwalse 69 , 1Be A AG str, ia Au31 osstr Caalsiner 50 F 0 n 91 Riezler t 17, A0269-2 5 31 T +4 rstr. lse(0 s -510 Wa ino23 al@ r-2 , F 50 lse 40ca wa50 23 ein .kl t 17 en 55 e (0) 3 T +4 at s ino .at, as os l.c sin ta walse eininw alsertal@ca Vu k kle w.ts. ww even els.at hs ec Dr a ino kk as l.c be ta Re er ct:inwals Cont w.kle ww vu a Drechsel-Vuatale Contact: Rebekk lse waOF Klei mis an sinR ON E RO d y , fun CaDE v es th UN Gim int ooef ga e er Co HING sal,mwh th rta EReYT dlse awa EVm on r iab ar de ein un i ti e Kl mle u i o m se un t sin ur he en yo ve or Gi ew enjoy of. m ro ra e me into the rCances aon e m Co qu un d the sa ing le f ri-vex iab nfe arcit i ite mult d ct un q Th ite under e an rs an najoy men ec mpr ewerork. peer fra en s a he iqu ide un o ing p cit es ex om nc ro re for s nfe en ite co ev ts. ct prerequis enrfe nars and and incenst ve e pe opom provide the ur r tshro woen t an ev sta g ain re ts. en u ev evurnin cio e l tiv de self t t ge yo en he d ou in op unm ine s and inc he casino t be n ro ersin hefor rksh e im wo an of ur at sta rld re ing wo s g en iou lin ev e lic ng t th de t e e th ou th Dine in . casino. Then round c ub d an e th ba of e rld nc da wo e tingling the th conb. for or oudr clu m ne edys ur one baofr an ctnc ed See da to gfit your ck tackor es pr om ag th d cu pa u ur a e gr gn nc s re de ba yo nfe uof our co ble for ra let e pa m ply m o ra e sim inc og on t pr an Selec lud of s nd m tailored of he mba stoing e ns ai cu n ain ne ou l ou u gr sig ck ivi de in n us ble rt ow ply let th an ea sim incompara t. in ing no lud cas, inc e ed e alT ne mdu amivi ur ev rong ind thee mountains of for spe the aryt of ow a th i ult e in o is l sin r ca ls e Th wa e. ein ent. m Kl ev m ur ra prog for yo the ultimate spot Kleinwalsertal is

nation of work and outdoor leisure activities is marvellous, and it comes naturally in the holiday countryside of Vorarlberg. Tell us your wishes and needs. We will be happy to advise you of all the possibilities, gather price quotations and show you a variety of alternatives.

0 for 100; 17ng forati nsfor tra s: g2. pa la se Room Gace s :a14di 20om 0m atileng nc0. seab ent ro da17 evfor , m 70 se : forrm c for e nsina ra ac tram ter for0, 0, standing sp a ing seng 2 n ati for 12 u r se sta ncing bar/club: Rem ina se , terrace: 70 m , da 60 for ng ati m se 0 t: 22 Restauran 2 220 m







6700 Bludenz Haldenweg 2a, A- 6, F 63106-4 10 63 52 55 (0) T +43 , www.valblu.at [email protected] uer lgä Al s Contact: Klau Open all year

sign and lavish tel with unusual dey are the stepho le sty life d an t transparenc Modern spor is hotel of Light, colour and sports offerings. up the unusual atmosphere of th waterbig ing ak th m wi s ol ne po e sto ping ventur in one: Alpine ad , Sport & puristic lines. Al2l saunas (500 m2), tanning beds bing wall ), m m cli , 0 rdio-theater world (2,00 m2), massage, ca es, biking Fitness Club (950 rs), indoor soccer hall, guided hik & conoo gs (indoors and outd tours. snowshoe hikes, meetin urant. ng and nordic walki leisure medicine, lobby bar-restas (LAN, & ferences, sports nference rooms and hotel room co Internet port in W-LAN free).

G 120 / 56 DZ Á?7hX‘ m 6 H I w % © Fœ TM 2 Size m dividable Conference room 66 89 Vision 36 45 Focus 120 • 3 14 Plenum

24 16 48

24 15 37





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5and T +4 67308(0)Br A.co o el -h1, @ 22 5 n 59 F 44 sT +4sa (0)55 3 pla zle, www.scesaplana.at wä Sc t b om Hu s.c t tel ac nt ho sC a@ lan scesap hwärzler Contact: Hubert Sc r r until mid Octobe Decembe al Open from end of r p ccom s . To m96 oo nt rogance since 18 um in ud inc vil ele rs e ff pin pin pa l Al n ca u : i t rooms for astion Offer v r eno . Ind fInc tive Special s even 0 vilop er ng u g luding lage.grNumereouan ci yts of tan 1,0 alpine dualpoffseribs inc 18 ivica pr Ind itie for le. u ab r ail kg ns. av g le tin esstiorts al op o gg pe un g su 00 tle un to 1,0 c ra co: 18and cahterin ffprrog isies city up nnlit t ibi mmes ing l nd t ou su nd fo ou o Th ss gr e ss sporting po l back s j t m i uttle , c ts,y unlusua er coun g c ur at Lat, hoLü ho l tepnnis licour dings off tene f teing ngy ber ait s4 mlyinu Th0e ksurrofun s on foo ing hi fix arch , , rs jus ee 40 le golf course ng, ope p rcg at Lake Lüners t gy c mun ho hin c ny fis ca bin fly ing , r ur ils cli ou rc ng, pa ing tra rope ce ice ka ik , g, 400 km of hik rctours, , fixved e ing s nyon n g sled i g, try rope pa rparceousn skatsingf , rcu rling, cross counice rs,c ca uice sk sk y nt co , re , b owshoe hiking in , and lo i, evening sledding ng sn e, im rokut ski safar hu y led ing c back ls g, fa iin co,untry ski tours, , and lots more sk ing l t dd sle y sk hu g, t n oo falls clifmbin i ws2 of c vie the t re 5 inf H th Sp wi a s a p om ro Sc n ,th2 indooor, ble ta si ta for m re M i co n sk , 59 bin Rä u ca c d tures: o -re a ra td Br inf ou of Hotels fea a, l a h t lana Sp ourts un ng esapho te ssif,ceSc ntal in .the hotel, on Ma in tdoor lcoury.tsF ski re RätikInt t ands4 ou nets a gillhoge R t tel of Brand ftennis xn f din courpa ion un at Fo o in hotel lobby. rss ne ,net ac u C . lf ce ge G illa -v -a er nt Re free Int operation of xnet Golf Club, partner gles) (can be used as sin 12P0 •/ 64 SEZ • 47 DZ • 2 AP • 2 APP • 6 S

G G ?hX‘ Fœ%wH6 ?hX‘ Fœ%wH6mÁ


• • •

Mühledörfle 25, AT +43 (0)5559 217, 6708 Brand [email protected] F 2171 t, Contact: Andrea www.valavier.at Meyer Open from mid-De cember until Nove mber Conference facilit ies: well designed range of options po architecture mak es which fulfil all ssible. Bright rooms and modern eq a wide modern technic al standards. Al uipment special offers an l-i d Standard, Econom seminar packages: First Class, nclusive Premium, y. Hotel features: co nfe A14 motorway, go rences in an unbeatable location lf (10 indoor and outdo course and cablecar adjacent to ho km to or possibilities: Va area, golf simula lavier waterworld tel) with tor nature and countle , bowling, boccia, fitness studio and spa ...u ss leisure possibl ities all around th nspoilt e hotel. 130 / 65 DZ

G Fϩ%wIH6

Conference room Size m2 dividable Brainpool 1 97 72 Brainpool 2 79 48 Brainpool 3 45 25 Brainpool 4 104 55 Brainpool 21 176 • 145

mÁ?7hX‘ 30 25 12 25 60

T 22 40 • 20 38 12 20 • 25 25 • 45 60-70




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el -O A-on o be 67i64 .Lech errle @bch ur, T h +43l at www bu Coon n ika ac .se rg : elh ka l at m Sebu el rg ofhotel (0)5583 22910, Ft 22 ofer@ .at, www.burghotel 9112, Contact: Monika .at Seelhofer O t il Open November S i f to April and July to September o oc s on s of Seca ev minars, confe errey ncype re ens es e , fes wo s suenctat rk on sh al ssion g occasions ofidever uns an t e ro nc of he U Gops, opres d sp ial sp e are ensure rfesall c al y na sts splecgual oc ay typ . As un d in de of sio ider thti ecfo su cc on es s, idance of tho r alp ine e proca e t BURG special a ist 2,0 u ec edial oc 0 m really sp ete orca arsio s l nsg m lt : for d t ine ut fu uts.isA insider tip fo ll ed se. Von rs of ,1our alp hu can sbe us lso t at 2,000 meters ellalt su ted rarlberg’s m20 rs itu on go de s. od os ev t e be en ts au t eo we for small sem caina n ta hut is als ac o t oo tifinulth weall he rs ofp 15 suitesd e en persons. Wh s ts cr th e ca goitod, even p emwe tacn tak ounath l epea s-20ll ar a n ir unsdin nsthp th ce outdoor y th raet on u.e cr lpiisp n m wi airousntalser is cr ati pla specotac t in n ing r peak ain air s po all a on ar an n uto mula ou ei nd insopirntati y yo Vi itsative u. Alpine air is salsof h th h ink caning cre o tmou ld ed an e sntain , k s su an d s mid o sp eity. lim o 60 en mitsfor Vie e of whnew c all ng lke. .aontan tthem ne ore anws e senses wide for ich can be waes d, hiked s derop o cli m be ne w en ch allenges...and ne them. wer answers to 13 132 / 22 EZ • 44 DZ

G G Fœ©%wIH6 m F X‘ ferenœ ce r © %e mwdivI om Siz H idable 6 m Á ? 7 Co Honfe chtren TX annce V ‘ 2

bergoom Size 32 m2 dividable Auenf Ho chteld annberg 60 132 10300 flu Ausen enfeld ,5 60 30 Jupsen penflu 30 sph Ha 6660 ,5 25 riepen geralp 30 e Jup spitze 60 60 20 Jup pen 25 Kriegeral+H pea 605 60 20 Juppen.+Hasenfluh 126,5 60


18 75 24 18 18 24 18 42

40 24 30 24




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F• TM • • • • • • • • • •




Am Steinenbach 9, AT +43 (0)5574 4376 6900 Bregenz 6, office@hotel-germ F 42766-4 ania.at, www.hotel -germania.at Contact: Johann Fesenmayr, Tanja Riener Open all year

D HHHHS HOTEL GOTTHAR A-6764 Lech -0, F 3560-52 T +43 (0)5583 3560 www.gotthard.at , .at rd ha hotel@gott lch Wa s Contact: Clemen

Conference facilit ies access to terrace : up to date seminar rooms with , dir meals with fresh a variety of lighting possibilities ect regional produce , light for seminar parti energy-building coffee breaks, m ulti-media trolleys cipants, simple W-LAN ac , free and cess, Internet inf o terminal in the lobby. Hotel features: located in the he art of Bregenz, minutes on foot just two fro hotel is functiona m mountains, lake and city cent l and down to earth er. , ensuring pleasan The and tranquil stays . The rooms have t living varying accents an ting contrasts, qu d exciiet colours, mod ern ambience. Ho king spaces. tel par-

d end of June to end of April an Open December tober to beginning of Oc

yer/MP3 ies: Conference facilit head projector, screen, CD pla , radio er m ov diu , po er am r’s , speake Video be r, video recorder obile pinplayer/DVD playe pointer, mobile flip chart, m er microphone, las erials. at board, writing m e lavish entices you to th Hotel features: d every morning make taste buds come ea br d ke ba hly op Fres ry and pastry sh buffet. Hotel bake alive.

G 70 / 4 EZ • 26 DZ • 7 S Fœ©%wIHm

G 92 / 5 EZ • 42 DZ mÁ7X‘ Fœ©%wIH6 2 Size m dividable Conference room 96 Rüfikopf

T 70





F TM •

G ?7hX‘ 12 MZ m DZ •w 26 % 6 0 /© H 10 G Fœ ? 7 hT X ‘K Á m 6 H w % le d © v œ m F T• V K fere ce r om ize 2



18 12

20 10 6





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4 rg F lbe 4 5am, Ar 8 -Zug )5 ch 4364( Le T 67 ww A0 co,m d -0 an 35w-4ro 34 tew F ro of@ 35 th 34 tzid.cge g +43 (0)5583 nia om , An T c, ww tewKian Wa ro w. ha sc Na om t: d.c tac an on tew ro of@ sth tzinger ga Ki ia ton An , lch a Wa n Contact: Naftasch ly d beginning of Ju an ril Ap of d er vember to en to of No d to eni enOc Opm e to mid-October sl up oje0 mo2 for ds, 12 heom f , inaver ro rd n p t, m c se ch e le , f m xib de : fle p diu rsad kehe eaer tConferpenoceefacilitiesm projector, sli e,d, ov onar o, ic o bo t r, je pe pr 80 le, viflip chart, pin ne, speakers podium, etc. opTV to ho o, microp 2 i fitr projector, TV-vide d oo antd audt ou db reoo zothn ind r an nwi H 2 e a a ss a n qu sp au d sty an re en fit ch m fer d 2 dif 00 d 6 d 1,5 s ar : au o es be (a po ur d nt at re ne, r , reau Hotel fedio, à a c un ssesa), t as nequ laxraationY zo bu e l to t sa s w t u ef’ ss en ch neols, 6 differ elt (awarded 2 e uroan d po o as ailss e ine r nt sta l us k lawl "b rtei reth r ice , àcaal gu m fu ndtepl. Yo will efeem gr ain ness studio c nt o ho ur e yo e th r re in f t ilo , er al ua ice ski rent um ll be ta e cd un s prnogra mme wi fullusservec rckwi ngntain n ou tour ou ound n m grsh ca t g, ba din ex gli yo d e: ra an p for tim er mm bshkin unusual",mbin , yo t in ar, ing un es. In su wb wi sn etc. ur es ing c rt , on to pa ny ca ed tanur ngragliding, edd, pa s ing d execut ce c. ding, i et , bik ng i ain m t nt e ar er ou bo nt m ws ow g, n sn In , , es ng rti kii s, climbin pa try tourwi ces, sledding es, c s raun sIn igh oe hiking, etc. wintriertime: ski try skiing, snowsh un co s os cr , es sleigh rid


36 20



m2 dividable e 20 umrence room Siz Co Ranfe 100 120 Raum

Conference room Size m2 dividable Michl Felder 55 Pfänder 30 Klubraum 15


F• TM • •

3 ss (0)berg4 30 - , Schlo str. 11, A-69F00 4 Br 30eg35 m+4rie enz T no30 3 nb de5(0)er .at0,, ww 55g@ 74 43 w m5a 35 ie F Co 43 nt 30 ac ne marientbeAn t B u rg@inode Contact: Annette .at, www.marienberg.at Baur Open all year fConfan y ervic erdenco ce fac vaer riane ies: Int ble lig re ting, t ac rded scoba icilitco cess faxcoan in confan o om nf , va erd DVs, py service envid D en ce ro c ble e lig pm ria creco en arrd ts,erbe ht pind oa ingt , TVg an m er venf s, basic co rher eaen lp vid d ce pr eq eo /D jecuip VD om , enot, ee.g a . pin charts, beamer, r mbo atarria overhead projecto ds . f r, moderator mate , flip ria ls. tio Honteal fetateurfoo of sto th ricGallb ardsb rg es: Hi an y lis d u te s t d op vil 0 s tion at the Te la in cent l, qu . fro c th we hGev bh cit footraof ewar ietmloc s ds ofbe a-y L rg k onsta ra of d L sh ndop aus. . Terra an ce a fro d t me cit ity ce with views of La . Just 10 min. ke Constance an of Lindau. d the city

G ©%H G 18 / 6 EZ • 6 DZ œ © %H

Confe EG SRren 1 ce room Size 38 m2 dividable EG SR SR 12 EG 32 38 EG SR SR 2+ 4 3 EG 38 32 EG SR SR 45 EG 30 38 EG SR 5+6 30

30 40 40 30 25 40 25

16 20 20 16 16 20 16

30 36 36 30 30 36 30



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F• TM • • • • • • • • •




HH E BREGENZ CITY HOTEL MERCUR 6900 Bregenz Symphoniker 2, Aer en Wi r de atz Pl 41r2 n ke Sy0-m0, F 47 e 10 (0)55 W74en46 T +4 atz3 de P cu2re.com er41 m w. ww 47 , F m 0 co 0r 1 co 5574 46 h0+7939@ (0)ac r tte hla w Sc z ww anc m Fror Co7ntac 9@t cc h0


Open all year tarial series: Conference facilit conference rooms, fax/copy/secreflip charts, , in ds ia serss s: ar ce bo eta tie ac l t pin ec ne fac y/s er e.g ce op Intnferen enot, s f x/c uip Co eqen d vid anch cemro ncne er t re TV areo ls, nfe co ip ria co f ate in sic ds m ba ss r ar ce e vic e g inb Interne ac t ato ctour, m ener mod oje pr ad eq e he er nc re ov , nfe er be e b ic co vicam ers. rder re am beco

Open all year

just a few Hotel features: at the Festspielhaus and Casino,t to city an d foo t a few on on ati ju loc in. : n e m es 5 a iqu ur Un el f at d on u and urant aroea e ces an Ho haly sy brnd tan spiel ns Co Fe ke e cit t La t sta at m re n foo fro d tio ps l ca steiqu mdina Un onr yan5 in on ots tanincesean N ho We Ctspns La mLA shop iesr litina pss. ro ibim ste ss po 2 se 11 n th s wi o t s ffe fasst bu akop W-LAN ho sh 12 akf 3bu/ 5f EZ • t89 DZ 18 183 / 5 EZ • 89 DZ

G G HhX‘ Fœ©%wH hX

2 Size m dividable Conference room 30 18 m 42 nce1 ere Co um Clunbra 20300 10180 • 0 24 42 um Bo brasee 00 Cluden 14 200 60 • 16 240 z Lindau gensee Bre 70 60 Boden 40 36 80 60 on Arb 30 36 Brege 70 18 42 80 bra Clu n um 2 rbo


20 18 20

100 14 100 30 40

T T• • • • •

V V • • • •


F TM • •M • • • • • • • •

HHHH AM KORNMARKT EL OT H ER SM MES , A-6900 Bregenz Kornmarktstr. 16356, F 42356-6 T +43 (0)5574 42 smer.at, www.hotel-messmer.at office@hotel-mes a Oberhauser Contact: Alexandr

head pinboards, overke ea r’s : free: flip charts, sp ies r, ilit cto fac oje pr ce de en sli Confer s, loudspeakers, ssette recorprojectors, screenV, VHS video recorder, tape ca ne charge is nli r-T -o lou lar co gu , re podium t access ISDN/ca ne nal extras: er tio Int Op r, a. ye er m pla der/CD /stage, video ojector, video beamer, m diu po r’s ke ea D pr extra, sp d secretarial , copy machine, LC radio microphonement, fax, conference office an uip eq r interpreto services. inity on, immediate vic iet, central locatire. Non-smoker floor, qu a in : es ur at cent Hotel fe t rooms with tion and festival of lake, train sta urant Weinstube, Molobar, even sta Re al. bike rent capacity of 250. 160 / 10 EZ • 73 DZ 2 Size m dividable Conference room 200 Wintergarten 50 49 Gruner 60 62 Negrelli 50 49 Nepomuk 28 36 Bregenzer Stube 120 • 4 11 Gruner+Negrelli


80 20 40 20 10 60

60 24 30 24 50

150 30 40 30 30 70

Conference facilit ies: All seminar ro can be darkened with roll-down lou oms have daylight and vre garden terrace, variable seating s, some have access to technology, WLA ar N throughout ho rangements, modern custom designed tel, special offe to your individual rs are wishes and need s. Hotel features: Fr ee parking at hote l. Free use of 400 2 zone with indoor m quiet po infra-red cabin. Ma ol, sauna and fresh air room, sa narium, ssage treatments and lunch on the available. Coffee beautiful terrace breaks , weather permitt ing. 140 / 14 EZ • 63 DZ

G Fϩ%wIH6 Conference room Size m2 dividable Gallus 30 Kolumban 44 24 Weidach 110 100


12 48

10 12 28

16 80



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Open all year

G hX‘ Fœ©%wIm7


Landstr. 9, A-6900 Br T +43 (0)5574 4990 egenz , F 47575 schwaerzler@s-h ote Contact : Maria Ko ls.com, www.hotelschwaerzler.co m fler



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F TM • • • • • •

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Rö+4 7 A-69 m3er(0) 8800 str5. 5, 0 Br F egen 8z h +4 tel3we T es re88 uz@ (0)iss 55 74 i 49 z at, 49 0, w F Co 88 n ac t: Anes hotelweiss dkr eaeuuz@d er n -6Ki7 kinz.at, wwnz w.ho Contact: Andrea und Verena Kinz telweisseskreuz.at Open all year (ex cept 24 - 26 Dec 2009 and 3 - 6 Ja n 2010) th Coenffol erlow a ilit encengfac ds:ies s : Fo tin wi th or r yo wi preo ec ur th ou co t or nf th ab er , sc ee ence, wel ca following s, no pr erovea aidn/ d s pin sebo ide atar ingd wilip ph rtthsl th ch ones or wi proje oje oudt tapble ctor,f xscreen to am rerhe er. te s, An eov y /p o inb he ad oa r re rd qu , easonlyeso, tained. i eslide eq pr ph ipment c n b fax, beamer. Any flip chart, leother required eq ojector, te easily obtained. uipment can be pedteal fe ap Ho se: m atte urdes Faina milyro -rom un 4-fre arpe ou kinrio star su g rs ho e ac pe acte osd se d ad esl, at tm apte e ina strreero hapa t.om Se, fre ndrk icaing inae park p cit eaing y ls sp y , ro housinn ou whss r t at osth e ac e ecustr a paat aces isiee th ne e ha s rk re ing t. ce Se ve ( 0y 8inno, e chef minar meals a nu cit be by our teoama atarth toisi whose cu qune e ha ds ausl re Mi e lla u) . ce ive (2008: one chef’s d a number of awards toque Gault Milla u).

G G 8 EZ • 36 DZ F 81 œ/ © % IHmhX Fœ©%w wIHmhX‘ Co nfenar Semi renrau ce moom Size 55 m2 dividable Seminarraum 55







F• TM • • •






50 Dornbirn Hatlerstr. 2, A-68 0, F 22720-73 72 22 72 55 t T +43 (0) www.kronehotel.a t, l.a ote info@kroneh ck be So Contact : Manuela

Messestr. 1, A-68 50 Dornbirn T +43 (0)5572 3888 bankett@4p-sherato-423, F 3888-30 Contact: Oliver Ku n-dornbirn.at, www.4p-sheraton -dornbirn.at hn Open all year Conference facilit ies: Five variably foyer with co

Open all year ies: oderator Conference facilit : flip chart, pinboard, screen, m gy olo hn Standard tec eaker’s podium ad projector, TV, sp materials, overhe

mbinable rooms daylight, air cond and a itione for banquets). Fr ee W LAN connd through cooled ceilings (also restaurant. ection in confere nce area and

nal, nerations. Traditio Hotel features: berg family for 5 ge Live and relax in our om Rh e th by d ge . Mana cuisine regional gourmet garden villa. international and building or in the ain m e th in s Festival comfortable room ers, shuttle service to the Bregenz off e ag ck pa ve Attracti ers. minar package off performances, se

Hotel features: 45

2 fitness area on 4 0 m of event spaces, 6,500 m2 11th floor with viefloors, sky restaurant, sky bar an of wellness and ws over the whole d terrace on the exit access, across Rhine Valle international hotel from trade fair grounds. A mey. Direct motorway mber of Starwood chain.

160 / 20 EZ • 71 DZ

G hX‘ Fœ©%wHmÁ Size m dividable Conference room 27 Bödele 47 see Boden 70 Dornbirn II 105 Dornbirn I 2

12 20 50 70


15 20 30

12 30 70



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F TM • • • •



m dividable e 70 24 K 1nference room Siz Co 40 30 50 57 70 K 12 240 K 40 5 57 K 24 1700 1070 0 K 20 1800 • 25 4 30 60 70 K4 0 72 17 • 180 a/ K 44 ab K 60 30 72 K 4 a/b


18 20 186 6 76 24 60 24

20 32 96 20 72 96 32 72 32

20 18 18 14 14 82

32 32 32 16 16 160




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( ) 52 Leonha 0 splatz 2, A8 Fe 4 ldk r +4er atrdion 00 @h74 irch T oli60 da0,y 68 3 (0)5522 inn ld F 78 64 oli 6 i da y in reservation@h f ki h com C t c N o oliPday-inn-feldk ww w.holiday-inn- uc Juli P irch.at, Contact: Nicole Pofeldkirch.com l uch, Julia Paul O ll Open all year Co f

all year Open gh tong25s0 mn2, e m 57 C nf n f ig royoms fro , ce innfKeren ain ,ble l b co m stan4 un p ce facilitiesa: lab so e eq odern lightging . . 4 lotble Confert en gyile walls in K4, highly mbu kintaina l ob a ob n c d t m ) dpronof ( r k utabole, other equipmen soun lot aprdr m technology avail rooms), W-LAN, buits parking da d r t k ou ff g tmentts (brea r ices, i p rv apar S w t d se E te t lf toffm adde th ut to s ckur e ng ersecwi vickli u e le ag , pa f r t n ar ina a ls d with sp es: Sem rfa at ur atur stenn ist et mice to c rv Hotel fece ant “Im Er ptio gourtmthete resta d t sh se ine uttle esllsl , cdirteec ncrfa re int rf e wate seasgonn offFers, L) l at th , va t CH tor ay (D, Brne receptions m fr toric market 1 cem wi s, glocated son his, FL), intere1 val performan s sti jz Fe ua sq en orway (D, CH Breg a d l i ur t ng c g und from A14 motrammes. square just 1.5 km og pr re su lei d an sting background


Conference room Size m2 dividable Conference 1 52 54 18 Conference 2 47 45 18 Conference 3 47 45 18 Conference 4 35 27 16 Conference 5 35 27 16 Ballsaal inkl. Foyer 450 • 250 100


03 rnbirn 6050 Do 7 A-68 ( )tr. 2, rts s a k at, ww Mo+zans tin a @m ng tu tal 03 ra3 (0)5572 3760-1 , F 3760-376 martinspark.at v +4 T w. z ai in artinspark.at, ww ntact veranstaltung@m inz Ka rin Contact: Ka

58 DZ EZ • I 29 w Hm G œ4 /© F 16 I ivHd blem Á h X ‘ © Size m F m w ce roo ferenœ

G 212 / 106 DZ (usable as sin gles) Fœ©%wIH6 mÁ?7hX‘

ro mer o o e f oo Conf . : L en ilities ec n baom 7 newlco ic nfce fac g ndut o , ro e tor. hn vated, air co olo gN Sy reanote en flo itioned event rba e stioons on W f y r fo co connections w che can e LAnn f t sic conferenc thr ea, s o ou c pa to on r n ghou technology. Se hotel free rate foyer forecoffe receptions which o can be connected e breaks or H f to co L nfe re nce room. i a Ho i i g

tel features: eLoca l s tep i d in theonhearvit aofi y a ea t heg n i oo anda itsb int m ed ra iev te l al d Fe saun ho sh ir l, ping zone, co irca dit steam t tho ldk n e op ali tyi aring th ce g un h ando ind ea wi ,ol. blic uvitde di ooto sa ecl, ba r po a a, gr e un Ai hote r o d conditioning ga ge th terrace to ot r o direct access to inner town, public underground throughout garage with 182 / 3 EZ hotel and rooms. 182 / 3 EZ • 89 DZ




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• • • • •

G G Fœ©%wI6m Fœ©%wI6mhX‘ hX‘

Co Fe dki ferrch en+M ce on ootfo m Size 40 m2 divida•ble Arldki berrch g +Mon Fel 81 tfort 140 • Arlber bergg 14500 Arl 81 00 Piz ber Bu gn + v / a 50 Arl Kiwi 1100 Zim ba 20 Piz Buin/Silv./Valluga 14250 • 11150 Zimba 25 15

700 50

28 36 28



10600 80 60 1200 18 12200 20




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F• TM • • • • • • • • • • •




6800 Feldkirch Galuragasse 7, A- 9, F 7479911 t ontfort-dashotel.a T +43 (0)5522 7218 shotel.at, www.m da rttfo on @m office erhöller Contact: Dieter Ob

Kreuzlingerstr. 2, AT +43 (0)5522 4423 6830 Rankweil 7, F 44555 [email protected] t, www.freschen.a t Contact: Andreas Weber Open all year

Open all year

combim2 each (can be ies: 3 rooms of 60ology: flip chart, pinboard, hn Conference facilit tec recorder, ckage offers, ned), seminar pa rials, screen, beamer, TV, video hone, fax, ep ate tel m a, r er ato m er ca od m r, camera, video r electricity sockets overhead projecto -LAN, high powe W , ing ht lig le dimab 5 by greenery, just ation surrounded Several golf courloc iet qu s: re tu n center. Hotel fea from historic tow enjoyment in wintertime. minutes on foot skiing by ar Ne in. m free W-LAN. ses within 30 mfortable rooms, co , dly en fri t, igh Br

Conference facilit ies Flip chart, overhe : ad projector, pin boards, screens, recorder, moder TV, video ator materials, speaker’s podiu hardwood floors, m, parquet daylight, can be darkened. Hotel features: Free high speed Int near train statio ernet access in rooms, central loc n, bus stop and motorway exit. Cu ation, gourmet club niv eau. isine at

G 99 / 5 EZ • 46 DZ, 1 Suite X ‘ Fœ©%wIHh

G 65 / 31 DZ Fœ©%wHX‘

2 Size m dividable Conference room 40 68 Montfort 40 57 Graf Rudolf 40 68 Wolf Huber 120 • 125 F. Andergassen 160 • 3 19 Kaiser Maximilian

30 30 30 60 90

20 20 25 60 80

20 20 25 80 130



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F TM • • • •

• • • • •

cemrnbetr y - 20 Dent en 2 Januar Op , nce rooms, f c g o f v cess in reb a ds ip confe pin t ac .g ne y er t c en Int en eos/DVD : pm vidial ies ilit TVa, er , fac ing ca ce ht lig ec er nf ble m Co sic ria soj vact , m de tor order/sebcretarialrh seervdice r /co ards, flip bo pin p . e.g py t, v en m fax h rts beam r technical equip materials eritato r,r modch recorder, basic erhead projecto ctr e in th r ov , m er t am c p t be t ts ri char cu sitecture in th, e hear t l e tu Ho dc ch ar rary co s ne r ures: bright, conteempofac ts fit i it cuisine, tepeeT, spor t d Kn ang " n od Hotel ,fewatt rhou e din Fo low ic "S rd ac no , fir se , an ur m tst co ro ou le ture tennis a ai ab of na p facility, fitnerss m, no to, s tusbe an d Kneip k ngwa TV in the , t , rfirepmlacerro om v i nisl ro s, e terhone s zone om m le ten ro)oms available. m0ina walking tours, tabs available oth ber ds e (5 h hoeru se u ne yo + ho Z ep tel 20 • s, room 115 / 25 EZ beds) + youth house (50 115 / 25 EZ • 20 DZ


4 60 30 48 2 30 26

• • • • •

V• • • • • •

32 32 64

40 40 80




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• • •

• • •

G G œ©%HX‘ œ©%HX‘

G G©%w HhX‘ œ ‘ œ©%wIHhX


46 46 92

(0 , A- 41 6, Pl+4 atz 38 6870 Bezau in+4 o@3 m ste41 T rbez u a w w (0)klo 5514 , F 4126-4 on tac Nosteber26Sc info@imt:klo ne, ww er w.im rbezau.at klosterbezau.at Contact: Norbert Schneider Open all year C c nfe , Co erence facr,ilitm orhe ies: ra Over s, vi nt,am ad rproje liper ar scqu reen, be s pr , u s,erpin r, slisy de , rdate m s, ria k od m cls, cto ojector, s, ator m piaeno W LA th hoeo n sy equipm tem vid t, flip charts, pin ugh a sy ste h m, saudio l. boards, micropho kers, piano, W-LA ne system, speaN throughout hotel . F r at mur ones Hotel fe : ne ly n a Former mona m E enor gliy a d F ste s, a o tirta e bueildoing ca newl en ry, a exe ga n h renovated ok .R co oEngli clusively m le,s, n bendrebnted m for ansh tab i an le liroom i dn, fl ib pavilion, large ga l rdn d French spoken. Re en, liable, dependable organisation, flexib time planned 25 / E 9 DZle. 25 / 5 EZ • 9 DZ

6tzis 0, Gö 3 )tstr. 3886, A-6840 rarlb g. forst@ a h rc e v 62 Montga 0 F 501-32 ar at 625015523 d E t, www.arbogast. T +43 (0) tin ris t Ch C irche-vorarlberg.a arbogast@kath-k Ender e Contact: Christin 0 D

4 68 26 54 34 26 34

40 40 80



m2 dividable a room Size 32 Sace ßerren Gro 7 Confe 1 130 aal 132 K in 35 Großer Saal2 7 70 108 Da r u al Kleiner Sa 64 35 78 Ka ell r u 30 Dachraum 2 6 50 64 k u Kapellenraum V 30 56 Werkraum

Conference room Size m2 dividable Saal 1 70 Saal 2 70 Saal 1+2 140 •


• F• TM • • • • •

• • • • •

Confe Klo steren rhoce f room Size16m02 div ida•ble Bibste liotrho hekf Klo 16420 Ka • mi nzi 13320 10300 Bibliothek 18 42 12 12 Apmi • ostnzi elkmm 32 elleer r Ka 30 35 18 36 30 12 Apostelkeller 12 35 36 30

18 40 12 18 17 12 17

20 80 12 20 16 12 16



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• • • •


F• TM • • • • • • • • •





Am Platz 185, A6952 T +43 (0)5513 6201 Hittisau ,F gasthof@krone-hit 6201-16 tisau.at, www.kron Contact: Dietmar e-hittisau.at Nussbaumer Open mid-Decem to mid-Novembe ber to mid-April and mid-May r

Bezau Brugg 35, A-6870 -0, F 2207-22 m T +43 (0)5514 2207 au.com, www.hotelpostbezau.co ez stb lpo ote @h office pf Contact: Beate Ko Open all year ble, slide ies: Conference facilit pinboards (incl. paper), trainer ta or DVD, ile S ob VH m er ts, rd eo reco Flip char ad projector, vid projector, overhe r ye pla colour-TV, CD

Conference facilit Seminar room wiies: on seating); be th separation walls, capacity 25 amer, overhead (de Internet connectio projector, video pending , W-LAN boards, fireplace n, moderator materials, flip ch salon. arts, pinHotel features: 170 years of tradit in homey wood ion and modern Bregenzerwald architecture regionally inspir, with handcrafted furniture. Ou supervision. Outded cuisine, individual, person tstanding al oor possibilities in splendid nature seminar . 50 / 4 EZ • 23 DZ

th, sauna, steamba Hotel features: th indoor pool, ater basin on roof wi ea ar s es lln ed saltw Large we ir whirlpool, heat cosmetic sanarium, open-a Kaufmann Spa with hotel’s own Tennis e ts. nn en sa m Su at . tre ce d rra te s, massage an , billiards, table tenth ba us rio va d studio line an r courts, fitness (2 chef’s indoor and outdoo ded 16 points by Gault Millau ar aw nis. Cuisine toques).

G 98 / 9 EZ • 41 DZ Á?7hX‘ m 6 H w % © œ F 2 Size m dividable Conference room 100 • 0 18 Postbote 40 • 90 Postkutsche

80 30



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F TM •



5 üls0 ( m T +4 843Da 68 ao ze1-20 g Fpit 21 l-m ote n 211, pe 10 itt a 55 (0) 3 T +4 itz tt sp ag itt m ao hotel e -m ittagspitze@ n.a w.alp wwen hotel alp r ne dleittagspitze.at M -m o tel Ing t: en onw.ac ho alp ww dlener Contact: Ingo Ma to end of October Open December i usenti: vefer es,e, ev d co anec ods, w, lan ial Of em terhin hik npahe tivre Sp urse enina rties c dd Inc p, sle ro ing t ng wi hu sh ine ns ic al m tio us fi m en an , s atrs and conv gsina titei woods, hikes ninm p th s urco Se o co sppe semin w nt y 1ow0. ts, ine ings, e alp apac sh hut,r ro res, film tu uc andgsco an str ra atnc nf ion tit te nin pe ple m m co c ts i or sp om er 0. ro nt 15 wi y na cit sanm d concerts, structure, capa th complete infra seminar rooms wi c isi nd. ng spna, ce u st New, ndler s.rs alt esn: Wote ing itude atur fefu e1,4of31e m ete Ho aon ag m ea at ar ne ati es isi l loc cu l we ci us ful, centra c s in roge s Outstanding nder Wo t ac ns ar assa omofferings. m er , In ea ee f es an lln cious we access in rooms. and free Internet

G ?7hX‘ DZ I H 6 m • 44w 6 EZ% /© 94 G œ F mÁ?7hX‘ 6 H I w % © œ F


G Fœ©%wHmh • •

Conference room Size m2 dividable Seminarraum 70 •









F TM •


) 51 Hof 14, A44hw , arze -20 686729Sc in+4@3 irsch nberg en29 T sc44 hw,ar (0)5512 rg0 F ze 29nb ww 44-2 w. irs chens info@hir nsch c waarzenb sc rg.att rzenberg onw. t hir ct:sc Be at ww se henschäwa Contact: Beata Fä rzenberg.at ssler O ll Open all year Co fa /co Conf erpy en/s r s, b , vd o : er Wv-Lce c pycceni facl ilities AN fax/co ho /secretariauil serv enice m r t, s, thproug nference ar h ad boaeouts co j TV to basic tero r , chD, ts, ea, vid ch e anfld pDV nic o al eq uip shead t be ment, e.g. pinial am e isi . , er, p so al boards ca projector, moder ator materials, , flip charts, oversupervision. pe rs on al care and t ce S re arze b . Hotel featu ig na 250scent ber fireps: geton old ho l ar cezesayel ar d e ur n of Schw digibtel in his nberng.an d village alobe ooenricalley listeBa ,s, i ht Or na u stu l Br ri eg c fireplace salonisin ze rw ald restaurqu h wi n gio ant an a d cti h ba o salon, el r, , a " wo o od ht Austrian fcuisince in ne d Baup i nselig roqub Fr hpa ne with d e Air"lle wies inte ne lecga e tiodn, n. ly "Conferences in regional charac r, superb designed garden the Fresh Air" in . our newly

G G F 60 DZ (usable as single œ/ 2©EZ %31w ) H m Xs ‘ Fœ©%wI I H m X‘ i l

Co Henfe r hau rensen ce room Size 73 m2 dividable HHrrh + ausnte He en 15 73 00 Mö + Wi e nterga 60 HH rten 11405 • 10300 Mörike 40 30

50 30 20 50 20

50 25 15 50 15

70 40 15 70 15



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F• TM • • •


• • •




6780 Schruns Silvrettastr. 8, A, F 73553 41 71 56 55 hotel.com T +43 (0) m, www.loewen.co tel info@loewen-ho rie Sachs-Ritter Contact: Irmie Ma mid-December of November and Open May to end to end of April ies: variable Conference facilit s and bedrooms, conference room l equipin ica ss hn ce ac tec t ne sic er ba , Int er video/DVD record head projector, lighting, TV and arts, beamer, over ch p fli , ds ar bo ment, e.g. pin ls available. moderator materia

INCENTIVE PROGRAMMES Vorarlberg is one huge outdoor centre. In these surroundings, sporting and activity oriented incentives are a snap, even when there is little extra time.

Hotel fe2 atures: heated outdoor pool, Ladyspa 3000 m new spa, (usable as singles) 160 / 83 DZ + APP

Sailing, skiing, backcountry tours through gorges, hiking, mountain biking,

G mÁ?7hX‘ Fœ©%wIH6 T V K F TM

Size m dividable Conference room 57 Golm 45 och Hochj 16 Rhätikon 16 Verwall 36 y wa Heming 183 Montafon 450 al rsa ltu Ku 2

30-50 20-30 8-10 8-10 15-25 80-96 224

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

• • • • • • •

etc. Convention Partner Vorarlberg will organise literally everything. Cultural incentives also play a big role in Vorarlberg. Let us advise you. You will be astonished at how endless the variety is.


t erball PR & Even

z 29, 6900 Bregen Mariahilfstraße 9-40 34 82 F 9, 34 82 T +4 3 (0)5574 berball.com all.com, ww w.sil bregenz@silberb Frei Contac t: Carolin b r and want to clim avid mountainee ely et pl m co is at Imagine you’re an th enging peak...one al an attractive, chall u hire a profession hat do you do? Yo W u. ks ec ch e, ut ro e unknown to yo th ans the mountain, pl ings you guide. He knows e summit and br th to ly fe sa u yo ly how ise ec pr is the gear, leads at to the valley. Th ck ba ty ts you ar or he pp d su hale an t Agency, experienced Even the to y wa e th Silberball, as an all ion from the inspirat e alive...and and your events: ur message com yo e ak m We n. guests. ur yo r fo implementatio e table experienc et rg fo un an o int turn it



Pfänderbahn AG , Steinbruchgasse 4, A-6900 Bregen T +43 (0)5574 4216 z 0office@pfaenderba 0, F 42160-4, hn.at, www.pfaen derbahn.at Contact: Sylvia Mi tterhuber The Pfänderbahn whisks visitors qu ickly and comfor to the 1,065-met er high Pfänder ev ta ery day from 8:00 bly up 7:00 pm. The vie ws are unparalle am until led over of Lake Austria, German Constance, y, Switzerland an d 240 alpine sum region. mits in the Regardless wheth er you explore the Alpine Game Park eagle vantage po , int, go hiking, bik ing or simply enjoy visit the nificent views from the magthe terrace of Resta - a visit to the Pfän urant Berghaus Pf der is a wondrous änder Game Park, a 30 -minute walk is su experience. At the Alpine ffiicient to see alp deer, mufflons, wi ine ibex, ld From 1 May until boar and marmottes. 4 October at the Pf änder eagle vantag every day at 11:00 e point, am show their strength and 2.30 pm, fascinating predato ry birds and nimbleness: The Berghaus Pf eagles, owls and falcons. änder is open da ily from 5 May September. And until 27 to top it off, hik es and biking tou superbly marked rs on the trails in the netw ork over the Pfän highly recommen ded. der are




DISTILLERY APIARY & DEMO ERS BENTELE BROTH 63 Egg/Großdorf Heckisau 77, A-68 , F 4402-1 T +43 (0)5512 4402 w.gsiberger.at ww , at er. rg ibe info@gs Bentele Contact: Werner

ZERWALD BEST OF BREGEN . Then elcome schnaps“ rs pour you a „w strahe on ot m br de d ele an nt y Be iar The y through the ap all and on od rs wo pe u of yo e they guide beehive hous st, the spacious crafting d an g nin hio fas tion distillery. Fir rn all the steps to h to the glass. Then you lea berries and fruits, from the mas from m s fro s nd te ap refined schn products ex The variety of oils and n. ge tio la sa til as m dis to al y fin e wa s, liqueurs all th assortment of schnaps, brandie ere is also a wide se Street. Th s. on as se r scents of fou zerwald Chee s from the Bregen artisanal cheese cursion through nise an all-day ex osals can be ga or to y pp ha We would be ramme prop ald for you. Prog the Bregenzerw to the ite. seen on our webs Bregenz or Dornbirn, take the road via s. te How to get here: inu it only takes 20 m Bregenzerwald,


RE LINKED TO NATU panies trainings, Our offer to com tion and outdoor ions, communica s, canyoion tit pe m co ny Company excurs rcours, compa pa r tours r oo die td na ou Ca , al rs du indivi ng, aqua parcou fti ra and s, ur ng to ini ve tra ca ning tours, pe/rapelling rache stream, ro ze en eg Br e th on trainees. special events for

experiencing one’s



team spirit

Am connoisseurs, Vo ARon CHg TE CTOURS rarlberg is cons ce Am nt re idered THE on of g co nnnt oiem ARC ITc EC sseu po rary or rs arar chlb TO iterctgurise co R S hi in ns ce lls Eu nt idro Amonear erpe e “THE coive he nt g oe oal wi m th no ss po ta u ra ch souryts iner ite gcgar Voar r nd ursch rlb e co th ite hill e tre n ns ct ill Euur usof e, ar ro trialnn " eco Am ou w i ot ng m e he ag wi d az th onsoeem TH in ou ea sseu W porsa yts ta al ap V eri ch rand r lp itng be rgtu In lla hih co illar tiom st n ga riora ebo wi us ive h zth ou eexta Wpe Co a rt nvite nd lpns, Voraclrlb enct a er In tionr Partner arch lla er th bo ca n tio orag st n ga rigra w ni wr te us se th m ex xp pe errt z ts gu n id W ed on al by ra v to Vo p biol ur nt p kel er iosn - Pa rlb r or In on fo c tca tnot non e, b by or. ra

RIDING IN A NAR ROW GAUGE TRAI N FrID omI thGe IN R exhiAbiN tion “Rheinschaue W GAU n" in LuIN choo-choo toddleARRO stenau, the s its way to La GE

ke Constance, to spom ot wh Fr the e Rh ther e e thib ine“Rflo t on hews in in e "lainke. chto th en From sp Be ot re za thu to An de ls ws ch ntbu "Bregenzerwäeld in lo o th e /B akersb uc h, th e er Museumsb ah n" pu puffs its way, lli ng From its B m zaeticultouslA y re stls orbu edch de tr/B ainercabu rs.


A-6900 Bregenz 54024 Merbodgasse 9, m 927, F +43 (0)5574 T +43 (0)664 2207 am.com, www.canyoning-team.co te office@canyoning- k Fin Contact: Manfred



experiencing their Your benefit newly motivated: be ll wi es ye tion on perforplo Your em e group, concentra th g nin enged he gt en rk - all are chall own limits, str nce and teamwo ide nf co lf se , ce man and honed.


i exan hibi tio Tr sp arns ent, architectur ally inimitable e bi KU exan Tr hi t ar sp house of oneps. fo lKU po Th in exche bi t is tioB pr e ts inte s esth en rfa ce in ternatbe iotw nnt naee coem an l co tepo de lar mra pory cBinitpr fo Thca raar ry t. At cesth po KU ur e in t is en s te inrfa te ce rn be at io tw na ee l n co co an tent foca d larpo mem p ra pory chi ite raar ry t.arAt t ictth uree.

INATURA DORNB IRN The adventure of looking at nature , a museum setti the path for ot ng her museums. With sun statio underwater cinem ns, a, avalanche sim ulator, butterfly meadow, Scienc e Center full of physics and tech logty. noIntegrally involve d in the creation of this concept we bio-cybernetic sc re ientist Frederic Vester, Sir David Attenborough of BBC London and other internationa ly illustrious pers lonalities.


Convention 09 Inn

enteil_englisch:C onvention 07 Inn enteil Convention 09 Inn enteil_englisch:C onvention 07 Inn Convention 09 Inn enteil enteil_englisch:C onvention 07 Inn enteil Convention 09 Inn enteil_englisch:C onvention 07 Inn enteil

08.07.09 15:07 Seite 27 08.07.09 15:07 Seite 27 08.07.09 15:07 Seite 27 08.07.09 15:07 Seite 27 26 | 27 26 | 27 26 | 27

RAPPENLOCH G ORGE RAPPENLOCH G Ne RGE ar PE DoN rnLO birn RAP , oneOof CH G O RGthEe most imposing gorges in th e Ea ster nbirn Ne Alps ar PE . Fr Do R rnLO om AP , on N e catlitim of CH GORGthth y po Güsin pa tleg lyDo , yo Neert Eee mloos er arEa th keinwo rn stover gourghies nbirn , od onen Al ps e steps,

of th . From al gy po thee m pisin the er ro tlitim loos ug caon an hover th aer Gü pa ev nn tlesg rt Ne st goudrghies elod lyDo , yo arEa ntu inom Al inps ab rn keen . -Fr wo birn ou t , 30 en on th m e st e in of ep ut lo pe th ca es s, e rc lit up al h of m y on hi os Gü pa ll g t th tle rtEa to im is pi ly , po er th ra yo ro the ov es vin sin u ug er hi an h er e. g ke a ntuAl d st go wo rg ev nn es en en elod in ps st . Frinom abep oues, al th t lo on 30 gy ut m ca pi thro in er lit s pe es Gü an rc pa hovath up h of tle d rtug hi tu ly , ev ll yo nn en toke u hi elod-e. eris ra thewovin in ab ous, en t 30 step At min thug alon pe rc g utpies heof thro erup th s hi isalnn einRappen anlld toevth hpoathrttu raofvin e e. en lo el ch Go ab rg la ou e, up t 30 minutes thhi t po e llworld’s Ro lls Atrg pe Ro thes rc yc heof e M rt th us al to is eu of th ra m th e vine.e Rappenlois carg tee, ca d, th rs wiethwo chloGo th Atrg lorld thes la ts of long etat po rtlls al Robe of ed ki ng theetoM Ro ’s s yc an Ra d pp ar en useu istrg oce, chloGo mlois rath tse .thwo la ca te ca d, rs Atrg Robe wi th thes etat lorld po Ro ’s ts of long rtlls yc al of ed us theetoM eu ki m Ra ng pp is s an en lo ca d lo ar te ca ch ist d, rs Go oc wi th rg largestatRobe ra th e, ts lo . th ts e of wo ed llslong rld to Royce Mki ’s anis usng d ar eusm istte ocd, loca rawi ts.th lots of cars that belong ed to ki ng s an d aristocrats. SCHATTENBURG FELDK

IRCH SCHATTENBURG Th FE LD ha K tte IRCH nb SCeHSc ATTENBurUg,RG built mKab t 1200 by Hugo I. FEfro LD M on IRou tfo CH rt, pe Th rm e of Sc its haTE SCHAT tteN enilttofro nbBur dam g,Rev y bu a vie U w of 00 G theby ea ab FE rly ou world in th LD Thon t 12 six e Sc KIRCH teen M ha

thur e tfort, tte Hugo I. of ce ur penb y. rm bu Th itsg,ntev iltto em Go fro en thvie icwca da ou stle y aab t 12 st ch 00 apHu M lly el on by of or is th Thica na ea ar e rt, e tfo go rly tiwo Sc en pe I. six rld ha te rm of tette d in its wi enm nb the thto thur en fre ceg,ntev sc bu ur da ilt y. y aoe s. Th fro Th em e fo Go ab th thvie of ouw erlyre ic thrm erHu t 12 ea ca e girt, rogo st wo on 00 om le Mica six rld st alm on ch by tena ad of ap tfo en lly m el th in or e isinar ist pe ce I.sthtira rm ntev of tio ur en its y. n te Th ("V d en wi e og Go th to te th da fre ive ic y aoevie sc caof m strw tu s. w le ngrld st Th ylly ch wo ")om e ap thal fo rk ho eaica th el e rm sm us or rlyre ean wo is byen er na e six ar ar gi ro tite tis on in en ts al te th s th fro d ad e of wi ce m m ntist in th urra fre eth y.thtio re Th giTh onest ne sc s. Gooe ("V an In og dch ic ab fo te ca th rm ive ro ethre Rior ad er rw leal tte stica . ar m ro on an tu om ap aa llygi ng alsrs ye el l te s wo ") ad (K of is na rk ho nits m gh m in us tiby ist en ts e ar ra Ha d tis tio ll)eoe with n sc of ("V frofre th og m eerw th ca ive up s.te re tore gi Th ,ng m al ev on tu en 0tte fost an ye20 than pe rm In wo ")ad dle eth ab er rk ho on roro gi Rion by om er ca alsrsrs .tsus ngh sfoof tis ad be aa ts m or lars(K in fro ga ist ni m niog ra se th tio ts e d. n re Ha ("V gi ll) on of te an th In ive d e th ab rw ca m ro al st upan Ri0tte tu ad le toye20 ng , . ev wo rs ") en aa rk ho tsus lars(K pe s rs byon foer nits ghfro tis tsm ca Haga n be ll)eniof or th th e ca re segi d.on upth toe20 anstdleab , ev In pe roen Ri0tte adts for on . rsrs aa l s(Kca nin or ghbe ga ts ni Hall) of seth d.e castle, ev up to 200 persons en ts fo r can be organised.

SILVRETTA-HIGH ALPINE ROAD SILVRETTA-HIGH Th ALPINE ROAD e Si ta-H SILV hH Rlvr Alpi ETetTA nePIRoad is cons -HigIG AL th ee m NE ROAD idered one of os t be Th au tif Si ul lvr pa SI etTA no LV ta ram -H R ET ig h rout Al pi -H ne IG 22 Ro H .3 ther ad AL km e ed Alps PI Th lo coin NaE ng . eIt of thee m nsid Sios antif lvrtet RisOes is dul AD taau -H on be snofro ig hlead Alpi ne pa RoPa ram adrtenen

ov ma rout inid ises ther coin 30 Mps th ns on sw 22 os .3 Theer th hb n km eeed em ac on be Al Si au lvrtlo ng tif .taeItfoof up et an taitc is to pa -H dul ig thro ad hleks eut ram sno Alpi m Bi fro aPa el ne 2, er hö Ro 2km es he rte ad m 22 in et ne (to is .3m er th n ll) ov03 co s e in al th Al ns at th tit lo eer ps id e 30 ngitc ud er M . It ostsw on e. ed an is ta dul on be fo le hb au e n ad ac of tif s ks fro pano up to ram rte maPa thro ne eutBi nin ov inhö er thehe esel 2,03 er e Al 30 22 M(to on.ll) .32km sw th met taItfoat itc er hb lo n ps s ng ac al ks tit an is ud d up le e. ad to s from Pa the Bi At03 th2em Biet 2, el neel eritc ner ov inhö he er thhe er :ud re e M(to shö 30 al onll) aurants rte sw titac tafoat e.stup hb n an ks dBith cr03 e po ui to ss th ibili ov e er tyll)of a At th el e 2, er thse re hö se Biet 2em he rv eler ershö oi (to r in alhe a at : tit m re ud ot st or e. au bo ra at nt . s and the possibili At thse crui e Bi ovel hö ererth ty of a e he rervstoiau re:se r ra in nt a sman d th otor crui boeatpo At . ssibility of a ovel ererth thse e Bi e re:serervstoiau höhe r ra in nt a otor boeatpo sman . ssibility d th cruise over the re of a servoir in a motor boat.

LINDAU (German y) LINDAU (German Th eD drAU eamy little cityy)on LIN (Germany) the Bavarian shor Coensdr ta es of Lake ncm e.ySt Th ro ll cit thro ea LI N lit D AU tle (G nava yy)ug er rrria onhthth ownla m town an eeBa ne ,tapa s of of Th st theLaold ensdr th Co sh e ea To or m wn es nce.y little Ha

Stroll cit llhth with ke y ug thro on its co etheBa lonur thwn eens fu lo ria l sfa nava vin rr caof Co gl ow sh deeLa or to re la an es Th ne st ncst d or ,ta e.yyth pa edro of dr St ea th tim ke m llwn be ero ol th To d lit re tle d ug bu cit h Ha ild th y ll in on th wietheBa gs nava .ne rr its ow co to la lonur ria thwn s pa ens fu Co of sh lo,ta l th fa vin or ca e es gle.yth ol ncst de d of reero an wn La stTo St or ke Ha edro ll th llbe tim thed its ug re hwith coow burr lo na ild thwn e lo, vin inur gs .nel sfaof to lafu cath glythreestTo deean past d orwn ed Ha old timllbe re d bu wi ild th in its colour gsfu . l facade the lovingly restor and ed timbered build ings.

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