Cpm Selection Process 15 May 09

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CHANGE POLITICS MOVEMENT: SELECTION PROCESS OF THE CHANGE POLITICS SET OF CANDIDATES Version 15 May 2009 10 - 31 May 2009: Nomination Period Any member of the Change Politics Movement can nominate a candidate or candidates for President, Vice President, and Senatorial slate. However, the nomination should go through a deliberation process. The deliberation process should be conducted by a collective of at least 10 duly registered members of CPM. The deliberation within the collective will seek to determine whether the nominated candidate meets the Change Politics selection criteria, using a pass-or-fail framework. Candidates who get an approval from a simple majority (50% +1) of those deliberating can be formally nominated. The collective may approve more than one (1) candidate for the same position. The nominating group must submit a written nomination, which will include details of the deliberation process (i.e., reasons for nomination, date, venue, names of participants, etc.), by email or fax, to the national secretariat, with copy furnished to the city/provincial/regional coordinator, if existing. The nominating collective may withdraw its nomination at any time before the first votation. Members are reminded to use the selection criteria in assessing candidates. 1 June – 31 July 2009: Deliberation Period This is the deliberation period for the members of CPM; this is a period of discussion and discernment on the criteria for selection and its application to the nominated national candidates. The provincial chapters will organize fora and dialogues with the nominated candidates to interact and discuss with them the agenda for change and reform that they will implement when elected. Members are encouraged to tap the internet in accessing information on the different candidates and to share the results of their fora and other exchanges with the nominees online. Nominees or nominating groups will be given the opportunity to provide feedback on and respond to issues that will arise about the nominee through the website, e-groups, and other available venues. Updates on the results of deliberation processes of the different chapters will be uploaded to the website. This will provide more information about the nominees. Only members whose registration has been received by the national secretariat as of 5:00 PM of July 24, 2009 will be allowed to vote. Prior to the first votation, all nominees who have not yet publicly declared their intention to run will be asked by the national council whether they intend to run or not, and for what particular office. Nominees who indicate that they are not interested to run for any national office will not be included in the final list of nominees. The final list of nominees will be circulated to CPM members by email and SMS (text) and posted on the website on 30 July 2009.


3-4 August 2009: First Votation The first vote will take place. All members of CPM will vote via SMS (text) their choice of presidential, vice presidential, and senatorial candidates, using their duly registered cell phone no.* 5-8 August 5-8, 2009: Dissemination of Results of First Votation The national secretariat will disseminate the results of the first vote to all CPM members by email and SMS. The results, with municipality/city, provincial, and regional breakdown, will also be sent by email and posted at the CPM website. The two candidates with the highest number of votes for the presidential and vice presidential positions will be announced as the remaining candidates for the final vote. The 15 candidates with the highest number of votes for the senatorial slate will also be announced as the candidates for the Senate in the final vote. 12 August 2009: Final Vote and Selection The final vote will be conducted. Each member is entitled to vote a slate of national candidates via text (SMS), including a maximum of 12 for the Senate. In the case that one of the top two candidates who obtained the highest votes for president or vice-president withdraws from the selection process, CPM will still proceed with its final vote. To be declared the CPM candidate for the presidential and vice-presidential positions, respectively, the candidate should garner at least a simple majority (50% + 1) of total votes case. For the senate slate, only candidate obtaining 60% of all votes will become Change Politics candidates. If more than 12 senators receive at least 60% of the votes, only the top 12 candidates will be selected as CPM candidates. No other candidates for Senate will be included in the Change Politics slate after the final vote has been made. The only exception will be in the case that the candidate selected by CPM for the presidential or vice-presidential positions decides to withdraw from his/her originally selected position in favor of the Senate, providing there are still vacant positions in the 12candidate slate. Posting of all CPM-selected national candidates will be made on 13 August 2009.


Details of SMS mechanics for 1st and final voting will be finalized by the national secretariat, approved by the national council, and duly circulated to all CPM members in advance of the first vote.

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