Cot Lp English Q4 Week 2 Day 4- By Sir Rei Marasigan.docx

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1.Use compound sentences to show cause and effect. 2. Show tactfulness when communicating with others . EN5G-IVa-1.8.1 EN5VC-IVa –3.7 EN5A-Iva-17

II. CONTENT Using Compound Sentences to Show Cause and Effect

III. LEARNING RESOURCES Flashcard,Charts,Pictures Dictionary Vocabulary Worksheet Cause and Effect Chart

IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Connotation and Denotation

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Say: Look at the picture and answer the following questions: 1. What happened to the boy?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 Modeling for Students The product was rated poorly because it was below the standard. What happened? The product was rated poorly. That is the effect. Why did it happen? It was below the standard. That is the cause. What kind of sentence according to structure is the sentence above? That is a compound sentence. Here is another sentence. The guests stopped talking when the president entered the hall. What happened? The guests stopped talking. That is the effect. Why did it happen? The president entered the room. That is the cause. Connectors such as because, for this reason, that is why, so, therefore, for, and since can be used to show cause-and-effect relationships. A cause-and-effect relationship describes something that happens and explains why it happens. Compound sentences are made up of two simple sentences connected by a coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS: F - For A - And N - Nor B - But O - Or Y - Yet S – So Compound sentences show cause and effect relationship Another example: My daughter got sick so we had to cancel our trip. My daughter got sick We had to cancel our trip. Two sentences connected with conjunction so to form a compound sentence. My daughter got sick so we had to cancel our trip. Cause conjunction Effect Give your own examples of compound sentences that show cause and effect relationship. c.Teacher will give more examplesof compound sentence and let the pupils identify the cause and effect. d.Encourage the pupils to give their own examples of compound sentences.

F.Developing mastery

2. Why do you think the boy fell on the ground? 3.What do you think the reasons why the boy fell on the ground?

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson Tell the pupils that at the end of the lesson, they will learn to use compound sentences to show cause and effect and be tactful in communicating others D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Explaining the students what to do 1.Present the chart on the board. 2.Ask pupils to study what is written in the chart. Compound sentences are made up of two simple sentences connected by a coordinating conjunction. These conjunctions are also known as FANBOYS: F - For A - And N - Nor B - But O - Or Y - Yet S– So Cause is the reason why something happens. Effect is the result when something happens.. Compound sentences show cause and effect. FANBOYS is an acronym for the coordinating conjunction, what does it means?

Guided Practice Encircle the two ideas expressed in a compound sentence then underline once the cause and twice the effect. a.The dog barked at me because she was hungry. b.It was my mom’s birthday today so I make her a card. c.She didn’t sleep well last night so she feels weak today. d.All her clothes were dirty because her mother did not washed their clothes. e.Arnold dives in swimming pool and his head bump near the side of the pool.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living Group Activity Directions: Group the pupils into four. Let them do the assigned activity for their group Group the pupils into four. Group I will answer activity A. Group 2 will answer activity B.

Group 3 will answer activity C.

H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson What have you learn on todays’ lesson? Ask the pupils to answer the activity at “Talk about it “ and “Read and Write” I. Evaluating learning Let the pupils do the activity at “ Learn some more” Encircle the two ideas expressed in compound sentences then underline once the cause and twice the effect.

J. Additional activities for application or remediation Directions: Do the following activities: Activity 1: Read the compound sentence silently. Activity 2: Write five (5) compound sentences. Underline once the cause and twice the effect . Encircle the conjunction used in the sentence



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