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  • Words: 2,739
  • Pages: 5
1 Teacher Candidate:Damaris Martinez


Grade Level:High School

Lesson Number: 1

Central Focus/Overall Goal: Students will be able to analyze what electrostatic is with all of its components, how it is produced, how it works and its application to electricity Learning Segment/Unit Language Function: Analyze State-adopted NYS Common Curriculum Physical Setting/Physics Major Understandings 5.1: student academic Students can explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects (e.g., linear and uniform content standards circular motion, velocity and acceleration, momentum and inertia). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.11-12.2: Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; summarize complex concepts, processes, or information presented in a text by paraphrasing them in simpler but still accurate terms. 21st Century Learning Skills: Communicate Clearly: Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts Lesson Objectives Students will be able to explain different patterns of motion by Targets, Goals 1. Analyzing (Analysis) the behavior of similar and differently charged particles 1a. “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” Worksheet- Independent Practice Evidence 1b. Exit Slip “Attraction & Repulsion” 1c. Venn Diagram: Compare & Contrast Motion in Space and on Earth Common A misconception that student might have about this topic is that the concepts of attraction and Misconceptions/ repulsion may only be applied to magnets. The teacher will describe that the North and south Possible Student magnetic poles are created by the alignment of the spins of electrons on a particular material. Errors & How they Charge is a property of matter. Electrons are negatively charged while protons are positively will be addressed charged. Procedure Label: Instructional method(s), learning tasks, modeling, guided practice, scaffolding, independent practice, activities and/or other

Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: anticipatory set, hook, introduction, review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter, warm-up Label: Transitions Label: Accommodations for Learning Modalities visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, and/or content (formal or informal) Label: RBIS

Unit Hook ● The teacher will greet students at the door and ask them to place cell phones, calculators, watches, anything that runs on electricity in their backpacks before they enter the classroom ● In preparation teacher will have all the lights turned off. Anything in the room that runs on electricity will be removed, covered, or turned off in attempt to make the room dark. ● Teacher will have students attempt to copy “ Good morning and welcome to physics class” from the board on to their notebook while in the dark. ● The teacher will ask the students if they need extra time to copy the board. ● The teacher will expect student to say that they can see the board and the teacher will ask why? ● The teacher will use the students responses to being in a dark room to explore the important role that electricity plays in our daily lives ● Language Function: Introduced ● The teacher will have students pick up “Vocab Tab” as they enter the classroom. ● The teacher will introduce unit language function by asking students, “What does “Analyze” mean? ● Students will do turn and talk for 3 minutes to come up with a definition for analyze and write it down. (Auditory) ● The teacher will ask each pair to share their answers ● The teacher to use this form a class definition of the word Analyze. ● The teacher will have students write their definition in the “Define your word” Section. ● The teacher will teach students jingle and hand gestures that will help them remember what apply means. Jingle: “An-a-lyze, break it down, down, down. Then explain what you found, found ,found” ● Students and teacher will do jingle together, then the students will do it on their own as a group. (Auditory) (Kinesthetic) ● The teacher will ask students, “ What are some examples or synonyms of Analyze?” ● The teacher will write the student’s answers on the board. ● The teacher will give the students 10 minutes to complete the “Vocab Tab”. ● The teacher will give students a 3 & 1-minute warning. (Academic Language Introduced: Analyze) Transition:The teacher will pass out boxes that contain a single object in them. Teacher will have

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2 Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE) Label: Academic Language (introduced/practiced/ assessed) Label: 21St Century Skills Label: Adaptations/ Accommodations for diverse learning needs (not required) Label: Differentiated Instructions (content, process, and/or product – ability/readiness) – only required in 1 LP Label: Interdisciplinary Skills Label:


stations that all have boxes that contain a different object. Language Function: Analyze Activity ● The teacher will have students will fill out an Analysis Worksheet. Analysis Worksheets are differentiated based on readiness. Green Analysis Worksheets are for below target students, Yellow Analysis Worksheets are for on target students, and Blue are for above target students. (DI: Readiness) ● Students will fill their “Analysis Worksheet” by clearly writing observations made from the object inside their box. 21St Century Skills- Communicate Clearly ● Students will have 10 minutes to complete this. ● The teacher will ask 2 students to volunteer to repeat the directions. (CFU-Directions) ● The teacher will give students a 3 & 1-minute warning. Anchor Activity ● If a student who has a “Green Analysis Worksheet” finished before time they will be given the “Yellow Analysis Worksheet” and a new box to analyze. ● If a student who has a “Yellow Analysis Worksheet” finished before time they will be given a “Blue Analysis Worksheet” and a new box to analyze. ● If a student who has a “Blue Analysis Worksheet” finished before time they will pair up with another student who finished and attempt to guess what the object they had was based on their observation made on their worksheet. Transition: The teacher will instruct students to take out notebooks and a writing utensil. The teacher will display the day’s agenda. (RBIS #1) Development/Teaching of Vocabulary ● The teacher will display a vocabulary list with the Academic Language a for the unit on the board. ● The teacher will ask for student volunteers to read the definitions out loud. ● The teacher will also give students a handout with vocabulary words and definitions for the unit. ● The teacher will give the students “Vocab Tabs” to fill out for each word. ● The students will have to write the word, the definition in their own words, draw a picture, write a synonym, use it to write a sentence, and create a jingle or gesture that will help them remember the meaning of the vocabulary word. (Visual)(Kinesthetic) ● The students will have 15 minutes to get as many of the Vocab Tabs done. Students will use “Vocab Tabs” and update them after each lesson in the unit to reflect their new knowledge. Transition:The teacher will give students a 2 minute warning and after ask to take out material needed for the rest of the lesson. Development/ Teaching: Anatomy of an Atom ● The teacher will then review and write the elementary parts of the atom. The teacher will then introduce the word charge and give its definition. ● The teacher will draw an atom and instruct students to draw it their notebook (Visual) ● The teacher will display and read the 3 characteristics of an atom. Students will also write the next three points down. ○ Atoms have a positively charged nucleus and are surrounded by electrons. ○ All electrons are identical in mass and charge. Same holds true for protons and neutrons. ○ The nucleus is made up of protons and neutrons. ● The teacher will then ask students probing questions like, “How does the atom stay together”, “What happens to an electron and proton if they are close enough”, “What happens if two protons come close together”, “What happens if two electrons come close together”. ● Students will do a quick turn and talk to brainstorm answers. (Auditory) ● The teacher will then ask for each pair to share what they discussed. ● The teacher will point out and write that this is a fundamental rule of all electrical phenomena, that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. ● Students will write this main concept in their notebooks in their own words using a green writing utensil. (RBIS #2) (Academic Language Introduced: Charge) Transition: Teacher will hand out magnets with the North and South ends labeled (+) and (-). The teacher will pass out the “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” worksheet that has 6 scenarios drawn that contain similar and different negatively and positively charged objects. Independent Practice: Attraction and Repulsion

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3 ●

The teacher will explain that charged particles on the worksheet are like the magnets the teacher passed out. They can be negatively or positively charged. ● The teacher will address the misconception that attraction and repulsion only applies to magnets by explaining how magnets get their charge from the electrons that are in it. ● The teacher will ask students to draw an arrow showing which direction the objects will go on the worksheet and use at least 1 complete sentence to justify their answer.CSE 21st Century Skills-Communicate Clearly ● The teacher will instruct the students to simulate the scenarios on the worksheet by using the magnets for verification of their answers. (Kinesthetic) ● The teacher will tell students that they have 10 minutes to do this. ● The teacher will do a check for understanding of instructions by asking for 2 students to volunteer to repeat directions. (CFU-Directions) ● The teacher will monitor students at close proximity to conduct a formal formative assessment using the Roster Check to check for readiness of learning objective #1 and write down any comments.(CFU-Content,Formal) ● For students who finish early, the teacher will have student flip their, “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” worksheet, and ask them to come up with 2 scenarios that include at least 3 particles and describe their movement using arrows. ● The teacher will give a 1-minute warning Transition: Teacher will use “Physicists, Yes” for the class to regroup and collect worksheets after time is up. The teacher will then introduce the next topic. Development/Teaching: Charged Objects ● The teacher will review that neutral atoms have the same number of electrons and protons giving them a net charge of zero. ● The teacher will also introduce and write that atoms transfer or receive electrons causing them to have more or fewer electrons than protons. This could cause the atom to be positively charged or negatively charged, these atoms are Electrically Charged Objects. ● The teacher will reinforce that electrons cannot be created or destroyed but simply transferred one material to another and emphasize that this concept is known as Conservation of Charge. ● The teacher will ask students to use information presented to finish filling out their “Vocab Tab” for Conservation of Charge. (Academic Language Introduction: Conservation of Charge) (Kinesthetic)(Visual) Transition: Teacher will ask if students need more time to finish writing their final thought in their notes and pass out the exit slip Closure- Exit Slip ● The teacher will have students answer an exit slip where students will have to explain why similarly charged objects are attracted or repelled by one another.The teacher will instruct the students to use the vocabulary words used in lesson to write the explanations. (Academic Language Assessed: Charge).CSE21St Century Skills-Communicate Clearly(CFU-Content, Formal) ● Students will turn exit slips as they leave at the end of class.The teacher will go over all the problems and offer individual feedback the next class. Formal Assessments Name the assessment and describe the purpose/what is 1.Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method being assessed (include related objective(s)) “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” WorksheetWorksheet- Independent Practice Problem Worksheet Independent Practice Problem Worksheet and Exit Slip. and Exit Slip. 1.Practice Problems will be graded as classwork grade. Objective 1- Students will be able to explain different patterns of motion by analyzing (Analysis) the behavior of Satisfactory Grade= 3 similar and differently charged particles

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All questions are correctly classified

At least 4 questions are correctly classified

Left Blank


All answers have a justification statement of at

At least 4 answers have a justification statement of at

Left Blank

4 least 1 complete sentence using the main concept/ main vocab

“Analysis Worksheet” Objective 1- Students will be able to explain different patterns of motion by analyzing (Analysis) the behavior of similar and differently charged particles

Academic Language required for the lesson How will the language be introduced, practiced, & assessed?

Instructional Resources/ Materials

Research and/or Theory Supporting Instructional Decisions (at least 2)

least 1 complete sentence without mentioning the main concept or main vocab.

2. The teacher will provide criterion-based feedback to students and give them the opportunity to revise it again for more points. Students must write corrections in a different color and include at least 1 goal for themselves to implement to drive their learning. “ Analysis Worksheet” 1. Analysis Worksheet will be graded out of 9 Satisfactory Grade= 6 3




Number of observations

The student has made 3 observations for each section

The student has made most of the observations in each section and miss at least 3 observations

The student has not made most of the observations in each section and more than 3 observations

Left Blank

Type of observation

All of the student’s observation is correlated with the sense that made it

More than half of the student’s observations are correlated with the sense that made it

Less than half of the student’s observation is correlated with the sense that made it

Left Blank

Observations correlation to object

All of the student's observations correlate with the object being observed

More than half of the student's observation correlated with the object being observed

Less than half of the student's observation correlated with the object being observed

Left Blank

2. The teacher will provide criterion-based feedback to students and give them the opportunity to revise it again for more points. Students must write corrections in a different color and include at least 1 goal for themselves to implement to drive their learning. Academic Language: Electrostatic, charge, ion, electrically charged objects, conservation of charge, induction by friction and contact, induction, grounding, attraction, and repulsion. Introduced: The terms “ charge and conservation of charge” will all be introduced in the instructional portion of the lesson. The teacher will describe the term by using it in a scenario and give the definition. Students will record these words in their Vocabulary notebook using a “Vocab Tab” method. Practiced: Students are required to appropriately use and apply their new vocabulary when completing classwork. Students also continue adding to their “Vocab Tabs” to practice lesson vocabulary words and create memory devices for each vocabulary word. Assessed: Students are expected to correctly use the vocabulary when justifying their answer on the “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” Worksheet and when answering exit slip ● “Similarly and Differently Charged Particles” Worksheet and Analysis Worksheets ● Computer and Projector ● Whiteboard/Chalkboard/Smart Board ● Magnets and Boxed with different objects inside RBIS #1- Sharing Objectives, Learning Objectives, and Class Agenda: By sharing the class objectives and the class agenda at the beginning of the class, I am preparing my students and showing my expectations for the class. UDL Guideline 6 supports providing options for executive function by 6.1 Guide appropriate goal-setting & 6.2 Support planning and strategy development. By beginning class by putting up or displaying that day’s lesson/learning objective and sharing the day’s agenda so students, they are aware of what they are doing in class. RBIS #2- Color Coding Notes

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5 By color coding notes written on the board, color coding important information on handouts, and in their interactive vocabulary journal, the teacher heightens the importance of main concepts, equations, theorems, and vocabulary words.Marzano(2001) supports summarizing and notetaking. He suggests that by doing this we enhance the student's ability to synthesize information and organize it in a way that captures main ideas and supporting details. UDL Guidelines support highlighting patterns, critical features, big ideas (3.2) while (3.3) guiding information processing and visualization. By color coding notes we enable our students to process information and organize it in a way that can be easier to retrieve later.

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