Final Draft Of Lesson #2_ Elementary Charge_ Calculating Charged Particles.docx

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  • Words: 2,507
  • Pages: 5
1 Teacher Candidate: Damaris Martinez

Subject: Physics Grade Level: High School Lesson Number: 2

Central Focus/Overall Goal: Students will be able to analyze what electrostatic is with all of its components, how it is produced, how it works and its application to electricity Learning Segment/Unit Language Function: Analyze State-adopted student academic content standards

NYS Common Curriculum Physical Setting/Physics Major Understandings 5.1: Students can explain and predict different patterns of motion of objects (e.g., linear and uniform circular motion, velocity and acceleration, momentum and inertia). CCSS.ELALITERACY.RST.11-12.3 Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 11-12 texts and topics. 21st Century Learning Skills: Use Systems Thinking: Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex systems

Lesson Objectives/Targets

Students will be able to explain different patterns of motion by 1. Explaining (Evaluation) that an elementary charge only exists in whole numbers


1a Lesson 2: Calculating Charged Particles Worksheet” Problem 2.5 1b Exit Slip: Lesson 2

Common Misconceptions/ Possible Student Errors & How they will be addressed

A misconception students may have is believing that an elementary charge can exists in a fraction. I will address this misconception by comparing an elementary charge to a penny. Imagine you go to the store you are checking out with the cashier and they say your total comes up to 5 dollars and ½ a cent. You cannot give them just half a penny. You can only give them a whole penny, 1¢. An elementary charge is the same way you cannot have a fraction of an elementary charge.

Procedure –

Bell Ringer ● Students will pick up a bell ringer, they will have 5 minutes to complete this. ● The students will be asked to find the elementary charge of a proton and an electron. ● The teacher will give a 1-minute warning, afterwards Bell Ringers will be collected. Transition: The teacher will ask students to open their notebooks, take out their colored writing utensils, and pass out worksheets for the lesson. Development/Teaching: Elementary Charge ● The teacher will ask for 3 volunteers to share where they looked for the answer to the question and what they think the answer is. ● The teacher will say, “on page 1 of the Reference Tables for Physical Setting/PHYSICS (RTP), you can find the value of the elementary charge.” ● The teacher will also display the RTP’s the section being discussed (Visual) ● The teacher will introduce what an elementary charge is and display the definition ● The teacher will then ask the students to write down the following ○ 1 elementary charge of a proton charge = +1.6𝑥10−19 𝑥 ○ 1 elementary charge of an electron = −1.6𝑥10−19 𝑥 ● The teacher will ask the students to write “RTP pg 1” and circle it next to it so they know that it can also be found in their reference table on page 1. (Visual)(Academic Language Introduction: Elementary Charge) ● The teacher will ask if anyone notices a pattern. ● The students will do a turn and talk to discuss this. They will have 2 minutes to do this (Auditory) ● The teacher will as each pair to share what they discussed. ● The teacher will point out and explain that electrons are negative and protons are positive which is why the elementary charge is negative and positive respectively. ● The teacher will then display and ask the students to write the following down in green. ○ An elementary charge can only exist as a whole number. ● The teacher will display a penny and use the penny analogy to further explain this concept. ● The teacher will ask students to use information presented to finish fill out a “Vocab Tab” for Elementary Charge. (Academic Language Practiced: Elementary Charge)(Kinesthetic)(Visual) ● The students will have 5 minutes to do this ● The teacher will ask for 2 volunteers to repeat the directions. (CFU-Directions)

Label: Instructional method(s), learning tasks, modeling, guided practice, scaffolding, independent practice, activities and/or other Label: Bell Ringer Also may be called: anticipatory set, hook, introduction, review, Do Now, Write Now, Silent Starter, warm-up Label: Transitions Label: Accommodations for Learning Modalities visual, auditory, and kinesthetic Label: Checks for Understanding: directions, and/or content (formal or

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2 informal) Label: RBIS ( Research Based Instructional Strategies) Label: Evidence of Cognitive Student Engagement (CSE) Label: Academic Language (introduced/practic ed/assessed) Label: 21St Century Skills Label: Adaptations/ Accommodations for diverse learning needs (not required) Label: Differentiated Instructions (content, process, and/or product – ability/readiness) – only required in 1 LP Label: Interdisciplinary Skills Label:


Guided Practice: Calculation of Charge using Elementary Charge ● The teacher will display Practice Problem 2.1 from the “ Calculating Charge Particle Worksheet” and read it out loud. (Visual)(Auditory) ● The teacher will model how to do the calculations on this problem.Students will follow along and are encouraged to take notes. ● The teacher will then display Practice Problem 2.2 from the “ Calculating Charge Practice Problems Worksheet” and read it out loud. (Visual)(Auditory) ● The students will then have to model for the teacher how to do the problem. ● The students will have 5 minutes to work by themselves or with a partner to solve the problem. ● The teacher will ask for 2 students to repeat the directions. (CFU-directions) ● The teacher will give students a 1-minute warning. Afterwards, she will ask 2 groups to share how they solved the problem. Independent Practice: Calculation of Charge using Elementary Charge ● The teacher will then give students 5 minutes to complete Practice Problem 2.3 from the “Calculating Charge Practice Problems Worksheet” independently. .CSE21St Century Skills-Use Systems Thinking ● The teacher will ask 2 students to volunteer to repeat the directions and how long they have to complete the problem. (CFU-Directions) ● The teacher will monitor students at close proximity to do a roster check to evaluate and write a commentary on the students level of readiness of learning objective #1. (CFU-Content-Formal) RBIS #2 ● If students are stuck and cannot figure out how to do the problem, the teacher will encourage them to write down everything they do know about the topic on their worksheet.RBIS#1 Transition: ● The teacher will give students a 1-minute warning. ● The teacher will then go over the steps to solve the problem. Development/Teaching: Calculation of Final Charge ● The teacher will ask students “what the law of conservation of charge is, from the last lesson”. ● The students will do a turn and talk to discuss this.(Auditory) ● The teacher will as each pair to share what they discussed. ● The teacher will ask students to use the information presented to finish fill out a “Vocab Tab” for Elementary Charge. (Academic Language Practiced: Conservation of Charge) (Kinesthetic)(Visual) Transition: The teacher will have the students create a tab booklet called “Steps to Find Charge” Booklet Activity (Manipulative) ● The teacher will give the students instructions to create tabbed booklet, “Steps to Find Charge”. Each step will be placed on a tab along with modeled problem. ● Students will write each step and draw pictures or a graphic that will help them remember the steps. (Kinesthetic)(Visual) ● The teacher will ask the students, “Why we can make the assumption that all objects have the same charge towards the end? ● Students will do a quick turn and talk to discuss this (Auditory) ● The teacher will have a person from each pair share what they discussed with the class. ● The answer the teacher is looking for is “ because of the law of conservation of charge”. The teacher will allow students to answer more than once and ask a probing question to get to the answer. ● The teacher will ask students to use information presented to continue filling out their “Vocab Tab” for Elementary Charge. (Academic Language Introduction: Conservation of Charge) (Kinesthetic)(Visual) Guided Practice: Calculation of Final Charge of Charged Objects ● The teacher will display Practice Problem 2.4 from the “Calculating Charge Practice Worksheet” and read it out loud. ● The teacher will model how to find the final charge of two objects after these two charged particles have come in contact with each other.The students will be instructed to follow along and do the problem and write each step on their booklet using this Problem 2.4 Independent Practice: Calculation of Final Charge of Charged Objects ● The teacher will ask the students to take out an index card and put their name on it. ● The teacher will display Practice Problem 2.5 from the “Calculating Charge Practice Problems

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3 Worksheet”. The teacher will instruct students to solve the problem on an index card. If students are stuck and cannot figure out how to do the problem, they must write everything they do know about the topic on the index card. RBIS#1 The students will have 5 minutes to complete the problem.CSE21St Century Skills-Use Systems Thinking (CFU-Content, Formal) ● The teacher will ask for 2 students to repeat the directions. (CFU-directions) ● The teacher will give them a 1-minute warning. Afterwards, the teacher will collect all index cards and begin separating them into Correct (Yes) and Incorrect (No) piles. ● The teacher will then pick her Favorite “No” from the pile and go over it with the class. ● The teacher will rewrite the student’s work to keep them anonymous. ● The teacher will ask the students what they thought the student did well. ● Then the teacher will ask about any suggested improvements. ● Then the teacher will model how to complete the problem with the help of the students. Transition: Teacher will ask students to wrap up their final thought and to clear their desks. The teacher will pass out the Exit Slip Closure: Exit Slip ● The students will have to determine if the elementary charge of a particle is correctly notated. The teacher will instruct students to write down all equations, known variables, all given variable (drawings depicting problem are encouraged) RBIS #1, and to use the vocabulary words used in lesson to write the explanations. (Academic Language Assessed:Elementary Charge,Conservation of Charge, Charge).CSE21St Century Skills-Use Systems Thinking (CFUContent, Formal) ● Students will turn it in as they leave at the end of class.The teacher will go over all the problems and offer individual feedback, next class. ●

Formal Assessments Name the assessment and describe the purpose/what is being assessed (include related objective(s))

Lesson 2: Calculating Charged Particles Worksheet” Problem 2.3 Objective 1- Students will be able to explain different patterns of motion by demonstrating (Application) that an elementary charge only exists in whole numbers

1. Evaluation Criteria and 2. Feedback Method Lesson 2: Calculating Charged Particles Worksheet” Problem 2.3 1. Independence Practice Problem will be graded out of 8 points. Evaluations Criteria: Satisfactory Score = 5 2

Exit Ticket-Practice Problem 2.5 Objective 1- Students will be able to explain different

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Answer to Problem

The answer to the problem is correct

The answer to the problem is incorrect but an effort was shown by having something a knows list

Left Blank

Usage equations

The student used the correct equations and wrote them down

The student used the wrong equation or misused equation

Left Blank

Usage Substitution

The student correctly substituted values

The student may have substituted incorrectly

Left Blank


No arithmetic mistakes

Contains only 1 arithmetic mistake

Left Blank

2. The teacher will provide criterion-based feedback to students and give them the opportunity to revise it again to recuperate points lost. In order for student to regain points lost they must

4 patterns of motion by demonstrating (Application) that an elementary charge only exists in whole numbers

write corrections in a different color and include at least 1 goal for themselves to implement to drive their learning. Exit Ticket-Constructed Response Questions 1. Exit Ticket will be graded out of 12 points. Evaluations Criteria: Satisfactory Score = 8 3



Answer to Problem

Student provided the correct answer to the problem using proper units

Student provided the correct answer with no units or incorrect

Student answer was wrong but right with methods used

Usage of Equations

The student used the correct equations and wrote them down

The student used the correct equations and but did not write it down

The student used incorrect equations and may have included it

The student correctly substituted values and wrote concepts

The student correctly used substituted values but forgot to include concepts

The student incorrectly used substation and or concept

1 arithmetic mistakes

2 arithmetic mistakes

Usage of substitutions and Concepts


No arithmetic mistakes


Left Blank

Left Blank or not done

Left Blank or not done

Left Blank or not done

2. The teacher will provide criterion-based feedback to students and give them the opportunity to revise it again for more points. The teacher will give students the opportunity to revise it again for more points. Students must write corrections in a different color and include at least 1 goal for themselves to implement to drive their learning. Academic Language required for the lesson How will the language be introduced, practiced, & assessed?

Instructional Resources/ Materials Research and/or Theory Supporting Instructional Decisions (at least 2)

Academic Language: Elementary Charge and Conservation of Charge Introduced:The terms Elementary Charge will all be introduced in the instructional portion of the lesson. The teacher will describe the term by using it in a scenario and give the definition. Students will record these words in their Vocabulary notebook using a “Vocab Tab” method. Practiced: Students will have an opportunity to practice vocabulary by creating their own definitions and create their own memory device in the Vocab Tabs. Students will also have the opportunity to apply their knowledge of the vocabulary by encouraging them to appropriately use and apply their new vocabulary when completing classwork. Assessed: Students are expected to correctly use the vocabulary word to complete their Exit Ticket by describing the reasoning behind elementary charges only existing in whole numbers. ● ● ●

Computer and Projector Whiteboard/Chalkboard/Smart Board Lesson 2: Finding Charge Classwork Sheet

RBIS #1- “Show Me What You Know” Marzano(2001) in “Reinforcing Effort” believes that teachers should enhance student’s understanding of the relationship between efforts and achievement. By allowing the student to write what they know about the subject even if they are unsure about the answer we encourage and praise the student’s effort. This encourages students to keep trying and rewards them for what they do know instead of penalizing them for what they do not know. RBIS #2-Roster Check UDL Guideline support providing students with options for executive functions (6.4). By using a

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5 roster check to gauge students readiness in a learning objective and offering feedback, we enable and enhance capacity for monitoring student progress.

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