Constitution Party: The Fix Is In

  • November 2019
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P.O. Box 1782 Lancaster, PA 17608 [email protected]

Obama - McCain Meeting Shows “Not A Dime’s Worth Of Difference” Between Two The “Fix” Is In: Same-Old–Same-Old Two Party Charade Lancaster, PA, (November 17,2008) The Constitution Party (, America’s fastest- growing third party, points out Monday’s meeting between presidentelect Barack Obama and former GOP rival John McCain ( shows the striking similarity of both candidates when it comes to the issues. Obama promised that his meeting with McCain was to “have a good conversation about how we can do some work together to fix up the country.” Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer said, “It’s ludicrous to hear Obama say he and McCain can talk about “fixing-up” the country when both these candidates supported the disastrous so-called “bailouts” which can do no such thing.” Clymer added, “To think that the American people fell for the ‘two party’ ruse thinking all along they were actually voting for any politically distinct ideology is absurd.” During Monday’s meeting with McCain, Obama said, “"We shouldn't worry about the deficit next year or even the year after. ...” “It’s precisely that kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first place”, Clymer, noted. The Constitution Party challenged voters during the election to show any measurable difference between the two candidates on issues like illegal immigration, second amendment gun-owner rights, taxation, foreign intervention, unconstitutional wars and job-destroying “free-trade” schemes like NAFTA and GATT. During Monday’s meeting, president-elect Obama pledged to ‘restore America’s moral standing in the world”. “This statement comes from the U.S. Senate’s most rabid pro-abort”, said Clymer. “If Obama was so determined to ‘restore America’s moral standing in the world” he would have started in Illinois. He would not have fought so hard to defeat the ‘Born Alive Infant Protection Act’.” ( That legislation offered babies who survived late term abortions humane care until their death. “Obama apparently thinks infanticide is A-ok, at least during the first few hours post birth, and now he has the audacity of hope for “moral standing” in the world?” Clymer asked. The Constitution Party’s candidate for president, Chuck Baldwin, was the only candidate for president who was pro-life, pro-secure borders and pro-2nd amendment. Baldwin opposed

the “bailouts”, challenged the constitutionality of the war in Iraq and promoted the abolishment of the Federal Reserve and IRS. Baldwin was on the ballot in 37 states. #### To schedule interviews with Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer, or presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin contact Mary Starrett, National Communications Director at 602 315 6193 or [email protected]

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