Economy Constitution Party

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Janise Marvin AP Government Political Position Paper December 10, 2009 Economy and Politics and the Constitution Party The economy is one of the most widely talked about issues in this day and age. The current economic recession began in 2007 with the crashing of the housing market, which had peaked in 2005-2006. The market had gotten out of control with many different policies allowing people to take out with very low interest rates. This was caused by an influx of foreign cash into the United States from other rapidly growing markets. The loans were far to easy for Americans to get. They signed far too many and got themselves far into debt. This was one of the main reasons for the current economic situation. Other factors contributed as well to the recession. Loans were handed out to people with less credit than was preferred. The loans defaulted, and the series of foreclosures that began in 2006 took out cash from the market. Deregulation of the financial system contributed to the current economic downturn. Banks and financial organizations didn’t have as much of a nationwide standard to adhere to concerning the different markets. Laws concerning fiscal regulation did not keep up with the advancing market. The current economy has many problems, and since it isn’t possible to change the past, Americans need to look to

future solutions to America’s financial woes. Many Americans believe that it is the job of the government to fix our economic troubles. Others believe that the government is to blame for the economic downturn and think that it is up to Americans to join together and fight it. The Constitution Party believes in a domestic economic policy, as outlined in the constitution. In Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution, it is clearly stated that it is the power of Congress “to regulate commerce with foreign nations.” If Congress had followed this policy by taking full responsibility of regulation of commerce with foreign nations, instead of handing it out to different agencies, maybe the influx of foreign money would not have happened to start the process that led to the current economic situation. They “favor the abolition of the Office of Special Trade Representative, and insist on the withdrawal of these United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and all other agreements wherein agencies other than the Congress of these United States improperly assume responsibility for establishing American trade policies.” This policy would be very helpful in the government, because then one entity would be responsible, rather than dividing up the responsibilities and running the risk of miscommunication or overlooking an issue. They are also against any international trade agreement with foreign nations that is not

immediately beneficial to the American economy. The Constitution Party is also very against taxes of any kind. They propose the abolition of the IRS (internal revenue service), and instead, imposing a “staterate” tax, where a state is responsible for a percentage of the government cost depending on the population of that state. Also, they believe that tariffs should be one of the main sources of income for the US government. In the book of Exodus when God is setting out the law for Moses, He talks about a census tax. This is actually not a tax. It is given to the priests. Also, the tax is half a shekel no matter whether the man is rich or poor. “Each one who is numbered in the census shall give this: … half a shekel as an offering to the LORD. Everyone who is numbered in the census, from twenty years old and upward, shall give the LORD’s offering. The rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less … You shall give it for the service of the tent of meeting" (Exodus 30:13-15). This supports the anti-taxation belief held by members of the Constitution Party. In Deuteronomy 17:15-17, it says “You may indeed set a king over you … he shall not … acquire for himself excessive silver and gold.” This supports the Constitution Party’s belief that the president should not achieve high economic standings for himself. I believe in a laissez-faire style of government. Businesses should not be bogged down by governmental regulations to the point where it

is difficult to make a profit. I think that over regulation by the federal government only hurts the economy. Taxation should only be used to a minimal extent. It’s the government’s job to ensure the country in not in peril and to protect it from foreign nations. I think that most governmental powers should be reserved to the states. One national government is too detached and the different states are too different for one government to control most of their freedoms. Also, the national debt needs to be taken care of so we don’t leave such a burden on the generations to come. The economy today proves to be a tricky situation. The government has a role in getting the country back on its feet, but to what extent that role is a matter of opinion. The Constitution Party believes that the government should cut taxes, abolishing some, to ease the financial pain of some Americans. Other parties believe that the government needs to give different businesses money through bailout plans and it will eventually trickle down to the common man. The different plans all have different positive and weak points. The nation will just have to wait and see what ones work and which fail.

Works Cited "Constitution Party National Platform." The Constitution Party. 2009. Constitution Party National Comittee. 10 Dec. 2009 . Financial Crisis of 2007-2009 , Wikipedia, 2009. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. . North, Gary. "Taxation in the Bible." Gary North's Specific Answers. 2007. 10 Dec. 2009 . "The Giant Pool of Money." This American Life. Chicago Public Radio. 9 May 2008. 10 Dec. 2009 .

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