The Bn Ruling Party In Malaysia Is The Most Skilled

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,251
  • Pages: 3
The BN ruling party in Malaysia is the most skilled in the art of bluffology as well as being the most evil and cruel of all the ruling political party or parties in S. E.Asia. The BN has treated the people, especially its minorites in a most very shameful manner and has unhesitatingly put the citizenry in the tightest of binds possible. Not that the better, with tails of the taking their

other ruling cliques in S. E.Asia are any bit almost all of them trying to ride on the coatEast Asian countries while at the same time own citizens for a ride.

And the BN in Malaysia is the most bankrupt and in more ways than one. No more stimulus package is possible today simply because there is no more reserves of money now. All is gone due to sheer recklessness and improper management. Now you know why the 2010 Budget is so smaller than the last one. The BN government says economic activity is recovering and increasing. The truth is the economy is in a state of total shambles and about the only thing now increasing is the crime rate besides the ensuing increase in the people's suffering. In numerous residential neighbourhoods just about everywhere, thugs prowl around late at night and most weekends, gangs of them buzz around on bikes unrestricted right into the early morning hours. Only the cruel BN sleep soundly these days. Meanwhile the minority communities are not spared of needless suffering. Many of these people have zero citizenship status despite being born here and living and staying here for years and even decades. Why, one could ask except for nothing to say but the colour of their skin. Wrong colour. Floods of foreign aliens have been silently tolerated and encouraged to flow into the country for many years now to serve some certain political purposes and expendable ends and to assist the BN ruling clique to maintain their grip on power. And along the way, criminal gangs and syndicates have mushroomed all over the country. The end result was very great and very needless human suffering. Local people failed to secure employment and took to crime to obtain a living and many willingly or unwillingly helped illegal aliens to transit through or even stay in the country without permission. The end result was more and more crime and the spread of many highly contagious diseases among the local folks. The BN government has failed to effectively fight corruption and bribery until even now and the result is a huge, almost uncontrollable and growing predilection for banned items. In all the rural districts, towns and cities across the country, guns, drugs, firecrackers, protected animal species, alcohol, tobacco, controlled goods, young women and refugees are taken past the border checkpoints, airports and jetties and landing quays in massive numbers and quantities and great amounts of

money change hands as a result. This has led to a very materialistic way of life and people have come to equate money with satisfaction and happiness. Thus you see the very ostentatious weddings, huge SUVs, the big houses with grand renovations, showy jewellery displays, the love for BMWs, MBs, Audis, Harriers and many others. It has resulted in a vicious cycle of having the people acquiring wealth through any means necessary and in turn attracting the professional and killer gangs of burglars and robbers that roam all over the place today. Meanwhile, the law enforcement agencies are unable to cope and have to resort to gunning down all & sundry, even girlfriends of alleged criminals. Others have resorted to deadly and fatal interrogation methods including dangling people out of windows or assaulting their bodies including their private parts. Yet the BN ruling clique loudly claims that everything is okay and foreign countries are now busily admiring, praising and even heaping countless awards on the country. The nation is going up or fast shooting up through the various and almost countless international ranking lists and so on and so forth. Nothing else apart from all that very numbing bullshit could be further from the truth. Just about the only thing going up is the feeling of sheer hopelessness and a deep sense of dread among the people. The future is very scary indeed and partly explains why extreme violence is so common nowadays, not just only in the streets but also within the home itself. The BN politicians are trying dastardly to bluff all those who are willing to accept their rubbish totally and unquestioningly and the BN government's propaganda machine is always going full blast, day and night to convince those who are still sceptical. The BN politicians spread big lies and half-truths about the opposition and proclaim that they are coming apart and could even collapse at any time. The real truth is that the BN had colapsed and came apart long ago and the only thing that made it still existing is its unethical and illegal grip on power in the country via sham democracy. Recall how the Penang UMNO openly heaped verbal abuse against Koh TK just not too long ago. Forgotten ?? The BN grouping is really nothing but an empty shell with genuine leaders all gone and with only the headnodders and the self-serving leaders still there holding the roof up. But for how long ? The BN political clique is merely a gathering or grouping of bluffology experts and those skilled in the art of deceiving and lying which has greatly disunited and harmed the people. The BN is surely a very sad lot and their deceit must now be properly exposed and the people duly warned. Some people might be willing to put up with the sham democracy and even the economic morass but few are willing to tolerate the crime issue and the bad and insidiously toxic propaganda. It's an open secret that the constant and very unethical chants

of 'kaum, bangsa, agama, bahasa' are aimed to directly target the minorities. Other sinister chants are aimed at the political opposition. These evil chants are designed to arouse communal sentiments and awareness of each other's differences in order to divide and rule the populace. People are fed of all this. Yet the BN is still very ignorant of past painful lessons. The BN are truly evil and their propaganda machine is very most dangerous and poisonous and fully without competition. Their policies have always been formulated to suppress and control the minorities as well as the opposition and also to harm and blame them and paint them dirty. For example, when the nation's schools began to produce half-baked students by the busloads, fingers were pointed at the minorities, not those who had made and implemented the bad useless policies. This is the way of the self-righteous in Malaysia ! Such is their evil. Breed evil do evil is their motto. These days there're very unmistakable signs that influential figures and BN politicians and the Information Ministry are all trying their level best to resurrect old ghosts from the past with the aim to sow fear, doubts, confusion and uncertainties among the people, especially to the minorities. This is truly the rising evil in the country today. There is absolutely no doubt anymore. They are playing a very dangerous game at that and it's all because they are totally unaware of where the buck needs to stop. They are evil and most devious. To Hell with them !! Reject them. Always and always. Forever.

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