Conference Programme In English

  • November 2019
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The Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences of Nabeul

In cooperation with The National Translation Centre Organize An International Conference on « Translation: From Training to Profession »

Conference Program November 28 & 29, 2008 Abou Nawas Hotel Hammamet

Day 1 : Friday, November 28, 2008 8h00 – 9h00 09h00-9h30


Opening Session

 Speech of Manoubia Meski, Director of the Higher Institute of Applied Languages and Computer Sciences of Nabeul  Speech of. Ridha Methnani, Cabinet Chief, Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Technology  Speech of . Mohamed Mahout, General Director of the National Translation Center 09h30-10h00

Coffee Break

10h00–12h20 First


Chaired by : Abdel Fattah Brahem 10h00-10h30: (Keynote Address 1) Frederico Zanettin Università di Perugia - Italy 

Translating into L2 : Tools and Resources


Abdellatif Abid,

( Vice President of the Union of Arab translators)

 Issues on the training of translators in the Arab World (presentation in Arabic) 10h50-11h10 Jean-Marie Le Ray (Specialist in translation and information technology, France)  Translation : from training to practice : how to use Internet for a successful transition (presentation in French) 11h10-11h30 Ali Lamouchi, (Higher Institute of Applied Studies in Humanities of Tozeur)  A Strategic Teaching of Translation: the CTE Process 11h30-11h50

Hammouda Salhi, (ISLAIN)

 Small Parallel Corpora in an English-Arabic Translation Classroom: No Need to Reinvent the Wheel in the Era of Globalization 11h50-12h20 discussion 12h20-13h20

Second session Chaired by: Federico Zanettin


(Keynote Address 2) Souleiman Al-Abbas, (General Director of

Research and Studies Centre: Atlas - Amman, Jordan)

Training for Translators: Translation Curriculum in Jordanian universities (presentation in Arabic)

12h40-13h00 

the International

Anouar Jamaâoui, ISLAIN

Translation of technical terms into Arabic: a civilizational necessity and a linguistic challenge (presentation in Arabic)

13h00-13h20 

Mourad Jmaâ, Faculté des Sciences Humaines et Sociales

Teaching Translation in the French language BA: Pedagogical Assessment and Practical considerations (presentation in French)






Third session Chaired by: Abdellatif Abid


Ahmed Dhiab, (Medicine University of Sfax)

 “Al sad” of scientific terms at the service of training and translation (presentation in Arabic) 15h30-15h50 

Teaching Terminology: its role in training translators (presentation in Arabic)

15h50-16h10 

Saber Jamaâoui, ISLAIN

Adel Bennasr, Institut Supérieur des Sciences Humaines de Tunis

Translation of Legal texts : What is the best strategy? (presentation in French)


Alia Bibia, Université de Tébessa, Algérie

 Rhetoric Coinage of Scientific terminology: From the revival of heritage to the hegemony of translation (presentation in Arabic) 16h30-17h00



Coffee break


Forth session Chaired by: Souleiman Al-Abbas


Rima Hakim, University of Damascus

 Translation teaching experience in Syria: the example of the Higher Institute of Translation (presentation in Arabic) 17h35-17h55

Othman El Ahmadi,

 Pedagogic Translation: curriculum issues and evaluation difficulties (presentation in Arabic) 17h55-18h15

Raouf Jabnoun, Institut supérieur de langues appliquées aux affaires et au tourisme de Moknine

 Tousrism translation in Tunisian Universities ((presentation in Arabic) 18h15-18h35


Day 2 : Saturday, November 29, 2008 09h00–11h00

Fifth session Chaired by: Dorothy Kenny

09h00-09h20 

(Keynote Address 3) Sara Laviosa, University of Bari, Italy

Discovery and Justification Procedures in the Corpus-based Translation Classroom


Mohamed Mansouri, Faculté des lettres, des arts et des humanités, Manouba

 Translators’ Strategies 09h50-10h10 

Moez Salaani, ISLAIN

The Translation of J.Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians into French: Strengths and Limitations.

10h10-10h30 Algeria) 

Jannet Zrad, (University of Tébessa) & Mohamed Zakour, (University of Mohamed Sedik,

Construction of the image of the Other in the translation of the African Novel (presentation in Arabic)




Coffee Break


Sixth session Chaired by: Sara Laviosa


(Keynote Address 4) Dorothy Kenny, University of Dublin, Ireland

 Metaphors in translation :the view from Machine translation 11h40-12h00 Monia Hammami, Faculté des lettres, des arts et des humanités, Manouba  Machine Translation: automated applications of natural languages (presentation in Arabic) 12h00-12h20

Abd-el-Kader Ben Farah,

 Translation as a Science (presentation in Arabic) 12h20-12h40





Seventh session

Chaired by: Mohamed Karray 14h30-14h50

Mohamed Belarbi Elkebir, Association of Translators

 The contribution of the translator/interpreter to the theoretical and practical works of translation (presentation in French) 14h50-15h10

Samia El Melki, Faculté des sciences économiques de Tunis et Khedija Nakbi, ISLAIN

 EDI and Translation: From Theory to Practice 15h10-15h30

Aziz Ben Slimane, ISLAIN

 The copyright rights of the writer and the translator (presentation in Arabic) 15h30-15h50



Coffe break


Eighth session Président de session : Mohamed El Mansouri


Otunuyi Abdul kebeer Tihamiyu, University of Abuja, Nigeria

 Translation Challenges in the Training of Teachers through Arabic Medium in Nigeria (présentation en anglais) 16h30-16h50

Imed Chikhaoui, Institut supérieur de langues appliquées aux affaires et au tourisme de Moknine

 Translation as a Discursive Practice : Alterity and Ideological Tour de Force (presentation in English) 16h50-17h10

Abdelkader Charef, University of Abdelhamid Ben Badis, Algeria

 The role of translation in identifying the other and recognizing the self (presentation in Arabic) 17h10-17h30



Closing Session Conference Report

NB :

Kindly feel free to contact Mr Hammouda Salhi for further information on the conference at [email protected] (email) or (+216) 98 652 835 (cell phone).

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