Programme Colt Conference

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  • Pages: 2
Community and Lesser Taught Languages Conference Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 November - City Inn, Manchester Day 1

THEME: Community Languages: planning, promotion and status

9.45 – 10.00


10.00 – 10.30

The development of a strategy for promoting community and lesser taught languages in the NW Sharon Handley, Routes into Languages NW; MMU

10.30 – 11.30

Valorising Community Languages Itesh Sachdev, School of Oriental and African Studies

11.30 – 11.45

Coffee and tea: breakout area Parallel session 1: Main room

Parallel session 2: Syndicate room 1

11.45 – 12.15

A strategy for the development of the teaching and learning of all World Languages James O'Donoghue Training and Development Agency for Schools

Bilingual pupils and MFL: a report on pupil perceptions, with implications for practice. Pura Ariza Manchester Metropolitan University

12.20 – 12.50

Our Languages: Promoting community cohesion through diversity Sarah Cartwright CILT

Language, identity and belonging in Lancashire and Mirpur Anthony Capstick Lancaster university

12.55 – 13.55

Lunch: breakout area

14.00 – 14.30

Complementary and Mainstream School partnerships: a case study Craig Brown and Nilufar Chowdhury Chatham Grammar School for Boys Bengali Complementary School

What is Supplementary Schools? Mohamed Elhaddad University of the West of England

14.35 – 15.05

Parental attitudes to language learning in Arabic and Chinese supplementary schools: a case study Amy Wang and Stella Bullo-Alos MMU - Routes into Languages

Signall II: Raising the profile of Signed Languages within Europe John Walker University of Sussex

15.10 – 15.40

Urdu in HE market research: process and results Stephen Toal Aspect MR, Manchester

15.45 – 16.10

Coffee break: breakout area

16.15 – 17.00

Workshop: Language applicants to HE: analysing the statistical evidence Jo Wiggans Aim Higher

17.05 – 17.15

Discussion and closing Sharon Handley


Conference dinner: The Pennine Restaurant, MMU, All Saints, Oxford Road

Workshop: Triple your uptake! How NVQ language units can motivate, inspire and raise attainment Juliet Park Lead Practitioner for the SSAT, Regional Advisor for ALL

Day 2

THEME: Community Languages: teacher and learning

9.45 – 10.00

Tea and coffee: breakout area

10.00 – 10.30

Community Languages teaching training Gee Macrory, COLT teacher training programme leader, Manchester Metropolitan University Parallel session 1: Main room

Parallel session 2: Syndicate room 1

10.35 – 11.05

Training Chinese teachers Feixia Yu, Amy Wang, Gee Macrory University of Central Lancashire, Manchester Metropolitan University

Supporting the Italian Studies Curriculum: the Holistic Approach of Manchester Elena Polisca, Caroline Foster and Charlie Pybus University of Manchester

11.10 – 11.40

Visual e-Lingua: How to empower new e-Learning technologies to support visual based learning and teaching of COLT languages Mourad Diouri Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World

Students’ attitudes and cultural awareness through learning Chinese Qi Zhang Manchester Metropolitan University

11.45 – 12.15

Towards a critical model of teacher education for Languages of the Wider World Joanne Eastlake and Ian Newby School of Oriental and African Studies

Creativity in the community languages classroom Jim Anderson and Yu-Chiao Chung Goldsmiths, University of London

12.20 – 13.10

Lunch: breakout area

13.15 – 13.45

Using film for teaching community and lesser taught languages: Multiliteracies through film Carmen Herrero Manchester Metropolitan University

Showcasing Good Practice in Teaching of Community Languages Naresh Chandla Wolverhampton Local Authority

13.50 – 14.20

Chinese language and film: Little Red Flowers Amy Wang, Robert Hamilton and Qi Zhang Manchester Metropolitan University

'Community Language Learning: From Three Different Perspectives'. Emine Çakır Sürmeli and Julien Boast School of Oriental and African Studies

14.25 – 14.40

Coffee break: breakout area

14.45– 15.45

The Context of COLT Richard Towell Chair of the Steering Group of ‘Routes into Languages’

15.45 – 16.00

Closing Sharon Handley

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