Comte's Logical Positivism And Women

  • Uploaded by: Anthony Fejfar
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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 280
  • Pages: 1
Comte’s Logical Positivism and Women By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar Comte’s half-baked relativism and fascism is bullshit. While Comte purports to be a feminist, in fact Comte is a misogynst and sexist male. Comte states that Women are not interested in political rights. Comte makes a sexist argument that Women exercise “Social Feeling” over Selfishness. This is of course absurd. Both Men and Women must learn to develop Higher Love of Compassion and the Intellect over mere Base Emotions of selfish love, greed, envy, sloth, etc. Additionally, Comte ignores the Christian notion of Original Sin which argues that Women are more susceptible to the Base Emotions than men because they are more likely to be fixated in their Root Chakra. As the account in Genesis has it, Eve took the fall into the Base Emotions first, and then tricked Adam into doing the same. Additionally, I argue that men tend to place principles and Higher Values over familial selfishness and women tend to do the opposite. In fact, the whole notion of Liberty is based upon Reason, Higher Values, and Higher Love, not the Base Emotions and not selfish familial love. Additionally, Comte asserts, wrongly, that Women do a better job at ruling in government than philosophers, In fact, Plato argues that government by philosophers is the best form of government. Comte also makes the absurd statement that Women are irrational statement that Women and the Working Class cannot think logically and thus are schizophrenic and thus better suited to run society. It is obvious that Comte is some sort of wimp whose wife wore the pants in the family.

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