Comte’s Fascist Social Feeling is Schizophrenic By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2009 by Anthony J. Fejfar Comte’s Fascist Social Feeling is Schizophrenic.
Everyone knows that Modern
Civilization is found upon Logic and Reason. This is the Greek intellectual tradition. Comte has this idiots idea that “progress” is based upon Fascist Social Feeling which rejects individual Rights and Liberty, Logic and Reason, and instead support his retrograde, fascist, dehumanizing, obsequious belief in fascist authoritarianism. In short, Comte is a stupid asshole. Now, you can see that there are two paradigms at work here, one fascist and one based upon Reason. Reason wins. If you study Wittegenstein and linguistics, it is obvious that ordinary human language and syntax is based upon logical rules. No logic, no speech. No logic, no writing. Since Comte writes, it is clear that Comte must use language and thus logic. Comte’s writing falls prey to Fallacy of Hypocrisy and is thus rendered invalid. Comte is an idiot and so are those who follow him. Moreover, those who follow Comte are Schizophrenic. Everyone knows that Schizophrenia is a major thought disorder where the patient cannot think causally or logically. Since Comte cannot think logically or causally, Comte is obviously a Schizophrenic author. Comte must go.