Computer Organization & Articture No. 8 From Apcoms

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Basics of computer

Lecture 08 COA by Athar Mohsin

The Register • Registers are used in computer systems as places to store a wide variety of data, such as – addresses, program counters, or data necessary for program execution.

• A register is a hardware device that stores binary data. • Registers are located on the processor so information can be accessed very quickly – Data processing on a computer is usually done on fixed size binary words that are stored in registers. • Therefore, most computers have registers of a certain size. Common sizes include 16, 32, and 64 bits. • The number of registers in a machine varies from architecture to architecture, but is typically a power of 2, with 16 and 32 being most common.

– Registers contain data, addresses, or control information. – Some registers are specified as "special purpose" and may contain only data, only addresses, or only control information. – Other registers are more generic and may hold data, addresses, and control information at various times. COA by Athar Mohsin

The Register • Information is written to registers, read from registers, and transferred from register to register. • In modern computer systems, there are many types of specialized registers: – registers to store information, – registers to shift values, – registers to compare values, and registers that count.

• There are "scratchpad" registers that store temporary values, – index registers to control program looping, – stack pointer registers to manage stacks of information for processes, – status registers to hold the status or mode of operation (such as overflow, carry, or zero conditions), and – general purpose registers that are the registers available to the programmer. COA by Athar Mohsin

The Input/Output Subsystem •

Input and output (I/O) devices allow us to communicate with the computer system. – I/O is the transfer of data between primary memory and various I/O peripherals. – Input devices such as keyboards, mice, card readers, scanners, voice recognition systems, and touch screens allow us to enter data into the computer. – Output devices such as monitors, printers, plotters, and speakers allow us to get information from the computer.

• A computer communicates with the outside world through its input/output (I/O) subsystem. – I/O devices connect to the CPU through various interfaces.

• I/O can be memory-mapped- where the I/O device behaves like main memory from the CPU’s point of view. • Or I/O can be instruction-based, where the CPU has a specialized I/O instruction set. COA by Athar Mohsin

I/O • These devices are not connected directly to the CPU. – Instead, there is an interface that handles the data transfers. – This interface converts the system bus signals to and from a format that is acceptable to the given device.

• The CPU communicates to these external devices via input/output registers. The exchange of data is performed in two ways. – In memory-mapped I/O, the registers in the interface appear in the computer's memory map and there is no real difference between accessing memory and accessing an I/O device. • this is advantageous from the perspective of speed, but it uses up memory space in the system.

– With instruction-based I/O, the CPU has specialized instructions that perform the input and output. • This does not use memory space, it requires specific I/O instructions, which implies it can be used only by CPUs that can execute these specific instructions. COA by Athar Mohsin

Isolated and Memory mapped I/O • There are two completely different methods of interfacing I/Os – Isolated or direct I/O and – Memory mapped I/O

• For isolated or direct I/O – IN and OUT instructions transfer data between memory and I/O

• For memory mapped I/O – This is treated as a memory location in the memory map – Dose not uses IN and OUT instructions – The instructions that transfers the memory to processor is used

COA by Athar Mohsin

Direct I/O • Memory mapped I/O can be used with any microprocessor system but x86 family allows to setup separate address space • The separate address space for input and output port is called direct I/O • The advantage of direct I/O is that none of the system memory space is used for ports • The disadvantage is that only specialized IN and OUT instructions are used for input and output the data FFFFh

I/O 0000h COA by Athar Mohsin

Memory mapped I/O • When a decoder is used which translates memory addresses to chip select signals for port devices then it is called memory mapped I/O • The advantage of memory mapped I/O is that any instruction which references memory can be used to input data from or output data to port • The disadvantage is that some of the system memory space is used for port and it is not available for memory



oooooh Memory + I/O

COA by Athar Mohsin

• In memory mapped I/o , port devices are addressed as if they are memory devices • Any instruction that refers to memory can theoretically be used to read or write to a port • Since the device occupies the system memory space hence not available for storing data

COA by Athar Mohsin

Memory Organization • Computer memory consists of a linear array of addressable storage cells that are similar to registers. • Memory can be byte-addressable, or word-addressable, where a word typically consists of two or more bytes. • Memory is constructed of RAM chips, often referred to in terms of length × width. – If the memory word size of the machine is 16 bits, then a 4M × 16 RAM chip gives us 4 megabytes of 16-bit memory locations.

COA by Athar Mohsin

The memory • An address is always represented by an unsigned integer. – A 4 bits is a nibble, and 8 bits is a byte.

• Normally, memory is byte-addressable, which means that each individual byte has a unique address. – Some machines may have a word size that is larger than a single byte. • For example, a computer might handle 32-bit words, but still employ a byte-addressable architecture. – In this situation, when a word uses multiple bytes, the byte with the lowest address determines the address of the entire word. – It is also possible that a computer might be word-addressable, which means each word has its own address COA by Athar Mohsin

Confused in bits and bytes? • Take example: – Memory is similar to a street full of apartment buildings. • Each building (word) has multiple apartments (bytes), and each apartment has its own address. • All of the apartments are numbered sequentially (addressed), from 0 to the total number of apartments in the complex. • The buildings themselves serve to group the apartments.

• In computers, words do the same thing. – Words are the basic unit of size used in various instructions. • For example, you may read a word from or write a word to memory, even on a byte-addressable machine.

COA by Athar Mohsin

Byte / word addressable • If an architecture is byte-addressable, and the instruction set architecture is larger than 1 byte, the issue of alignment must be addressed. – For example, if we wish to read a 32-bit word on a byteaddressable machine, we must make sure that: • the word was stored on a natural alignment boundary, and • the access starts on that boundary.

– This is accomplished, in the case of 32-bit words, by requiring the address to be a multiple of 4. – Some architectures allow unaligned accesses, where the desired address does not have to start on a natural boundary. COA by Athar Mohsin

Memory address space • The 8088 can access any two consecutive bytes as a word of data – The lower addressed byte is the least significant byte of the word – The higher addressed byte is the most significant byte of the word Address



5 4

00725h 00724h

0101 0101 0000 0010

=55h =02h

2 1

Collectively represents the word =5502h or COA by Athar Mohsin


= (0101010100000010)2


Storing a word of data • To permit efficient use of memory – The word of data (16 bits) can be stored at even or odd addressed word boundaries – The least significant bit of the address determine the type of word boundary • If the bit is 0, the word is at an even address boundary corresponds to two consecutive byte located at even address Address


00725h 00724h

0101 0101 0000 0010

=55h =02h

Collectively represents the word =5502h or = (0101010100000010)2

The Least Significant byte of the word is stored at 00724h, so it an even address boundry COA by Athar Mohsin

Aligned and misaligned words • A word of data stored at an even address boundary like: – 00000, 00002,00004 – said to be aligned words, located at an address that is multiple of 2

• A word of data stored at an odd address boundary like: – 00001, 00003, 00005 – said to be misaligned words

COA by Athar Mohsin

Aligned words misaligned words 00008h

Byte 8


Byte 7


Byte 6


Byte 5


Byte 4


Byte 3


Byte 2


Byte 1


Byte 0

Example • What is the data word shown bellow? – Express the result in hex form – Is it stored at an even or odd addressed word boundary – Is it aligned or misaligned word of data The MSB of word is stored at 0072Ch: – 11111101 = FDh Address

The LSB is stored at 0072Bh 10101010 = AAh

0072Ch 0072Bh

11111101 10101010

Combining both give the word 11111101 10101010 = FDAAh Expressing the address of least significant byte 0072Bh = 0000 0000 0111 0010 1011

COA by Athar Mohsin

As the right most bit (LSB) is logic 1, the word is stored at an odd addressed boundary in memory, so it is a misaligned word

Aligned and misaligned word •

The double word is another data that can be processed – D/Word corresponds to four consecutive bytes of data stored in memory • Pointer is an example of D/Word – A two word address, used to access data or code in memory – The word of this pointer that is stored at higher address is called » Segment base address – The word at the lower address is called » The offset

– D/word can also be aligned or misaligned • Aligned words are located at an address multiple of 4 • Misaligned words are located at odd addressed boundary


Physical memory


Byte 8


Byte 7


Byte 6


Byte 5


Byte 4


Byte 3


Byte 2


Byte 1


Byte 0

DWords 5 DWords 4 DWords 1 DWords 0

Aligned Dword misaligned Dword

COA by Athar Mohsin

Aligned and misaligned word •

The storage of pointer in memory – Higher addressed word represents , segment base, stored at even address bdry 00006h – The most significant byte of the word is at 0007h and is equals to 00111011 = 3Bh – Its least significant byte is at the address 00006h that is equals to 01001100 = 4Ch – Combining both • We get segment base address – 0011101101001100= 3B4C

– The offset of the pointer is the lower addressed word • Its least significant byte is stored at 00004 and contain 01100101 • Its MSB is stored at 00005 and contains 00000000 – Combine both i.e 0065h

• Complete DWord = 3B4C0065 • Since it start at 00004h so it is aligned COA by Athar Mohsin

Memory in hex




0011 1011



0100 1100



0000 0000



0110 0101


Storing a 32 bit pointer in memory Address










An example

The memory • Memory is often referred to using the notation L x W (length x width). – For example, 4M x 16 means the memory is 4M long (it has 4M = 22 x 220 = 222 words) and it is 16 bits wide (each word is 16 bits). – The width (second number of the pair) represents the word size.

• To address this memory, we need to be able to uniquely identify 212 different items, which means we need 212 different addresses. – Since addresses are unsigned binary numbers, we need to count from 0 to (212 – 1) in binary. – How many bits does this require? • To count from 0 to 3 in binary (for a total of 4 items), we need 2 bits. • To count from 0 to 7 in binary (for a total of 8 items), we need 3 bits. • To count from 0 to 15 in binary (for a total of 16 items), we need 4 bits. COA by Athar Mohsin

The memory • Main memory is usually larger than one RAM chip. – Consequently, these chips are combined into a single memory module to give the desired memory size. • For example, suppose you need to build a 32K x 16 memory and all you have are 2K x 8 RAM chips. • You could connect 16 rows and 2 columns of chips together as shown

COA by Athar Mohsin

The memory • Each row of chips addresses 2K words (assuming the machine is word-addressable), – but it requires two chips to handle the full width.

• Addresses for this memory must have 15 bits (there are 32K = 25 x 210 words to access). • But each chip pair (each row) requires only 11 address lines (each chip pair holds only 211 words). – In this situation, a decoder would be needed to decode the leftmost 4 bits of the address to determine which chip pair holds the desired address. Once the proper chip pair has been located, the remaining 11 bits would be input into another decoder to find the exact address within the chip pair. COA by Athar Mohsin

The memory • A single shared memory module causes sequentialization of access. • Memory interleaving, – splits memory across multiple memory modules (or banks), can be used to help relieve this.

• With low-order interleaving, – the low-order bits of the address are used to select the bank;

• high-order interleaving, – the high-order bits of the address are used.

COA by Athar Mohsin

Memory interleaving • High-order interleaving, the more intuitive organization, distributes the addresses so that each module contains consecutive addresses, as we see with the 32 addresses

• Low-order interleaved memory places consecutive words of memory in different memory modules.

• With the appropriate buses using low-order interleaving, a read or write using one module can be started before a read or write using another module actually completes (reads and writes can be overlapped). COA by Athar Mohsin

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