Company Histories

  • June 2020
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후봉봉 완천 천 우신우 IN-CLASS EXERCISE: Company Histories Questions and Answers.

1) What was Boeing’s first two business lines? The plane for mail delivery and pilot training. 2) What major products did Boeing produce during WWII? During the war Boeing was called upon to produce hundreds of its B-17 ‘flying fortresses’ for the U.S.Air Corps. Boeing was also producing an improved bomber called the B-29’super fortress’. 3) What products did Boeing contribute to the development of space exploration? Lunar Orbiters and Lunar Roving Vehicle 4) What did Boeing do to become the world leader in the aerospace industry in the late 1990s? In August 1997 Boeing completed a $14 billion acqusition of McDonnell Douglas, vaulting Boeing into the number one position worldwide in the aerospace industry.

5) Which company is Boeing’s main competitor and which product are they competing to commercialize? The European Airbus consortium is Boeing’s main competitor. The A-380 of Airbus and Boeing’s 747 jet are competing to commercialize.

1) How did Rolex revolutionalize the watch industry in its early years as Wilsdorf &Davis? Wilsdorf developed a screw crown and casebook mechanism that revolutionized the watch industry. 2) What technology breakthroughs did Rolex develop in the watch industry? Rolex’s big breakturough came in 1926, when Wilsdorf developed a case that was impervious and waterproof. 3) What did Rolex do to survive the Japanese invention of the quartz watch? Rolex stuck resolutely to its mechanical guns.

4) What corporate philosophy has Rolex always adhered to? Never to adopt change for change’s sake.

1) What was Hitler’s and Porche’s visionary goal for Volkswagen? Porsche, an engineer, had designed powerful luxury automobiles for AustroDaimler. By 1938 roundish, odd-looking car had become the center of plan to build an ideal worker’s city, and a factory was started at Wolfsburg.

2) How did Volkswagen enter the US market with its Beetle model? In a series of award-winning advertisements, the ad agency took what had been the car’s drawbacks and turned them into selling points with such slogans as ‘Think Small’and ‘Ungly Is Only Skin-Deep’. Changes were made internally, however, and the Volkswagen became renowned for its durability. 3) What business activities did Volkswagen undertake to avoid bankruptcy in the mid 1970s? A development program was instituted to create a successor to the Rabbit. 4) What two business strategies is Volkswagen pursuing to compete in the auto industry at the turn of the century? One is the VW Lupo ,a car featuring an economical three-cylinder engine and marking the company’s entry into the subcompact segment. Another goal of piech’s was to take Volkswagen upmarket.

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