Company Histories

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 457
  • Pages: 3
TEAM NAME: BOMBS TEAM MEMBERS: Xudong Sun, Fuhao SA, Xiaoyan Huang, Tang Xun. IN-CLASS EXERCISE: Company Histories Questions and Answers.

1) What was Boeing’s first two business lines? First two business lines are commericial jetliners and military aircraft. 2) What major products did Boeing produce during WWII? B-17 ”Flying Fortresses”and B-29 “Super Fortress” 3) What products did Boeing contribute to the development of space exploration? The products callde Dyna-Soar made Boeing contribute to the development of space exploration 4) What did Boeing do to become the world leader in the aerospace industry in the late 1990s? In Aug 1997 Boeing completed a $14 billion acquisition of McDonnell Douglas, vaulting Boeing into the number one of position worldwide in the aerospace industry. 5) Which company is Boeing’s main competitor and which product are they competing to commercialize?

Airbus S.A.S is Boeing’ main competitor. The A-380 is that they competing to commercialize?

1) How did Rolex revolutionalize the watch industry in its early years as Wilsdorf &Davis? Wilsdorf developed a screw crown and casebook mechanism that revolutionized the watch industry 2) What technology breakthroughs did Rolex develop in the watch industry? The technologies of impervious and waterproof made Rolex’s big breakthough.

3) What did Rolex do to survive the Japanese invention of the quartz watch? Wilsdorf created a private trust run by a board of directors to insure the company would never be sold .

4) What corporate philosophy has Rolex always adhered to? The philosophy is"where will we be in five or ten years'time?"

1) What was Hitler’s and Porche’s visionary goal for Volkswagen? The visionary goal was ‘people’car(small, low-priced car) 2) How did Volkswagen enter the US market with its Beetle model? The firm of Doyle Dane Bernbach took over the advertising for the car, that it began to appeal to large numbers of Americans. He coined the name ‘Beetle’ for the Volkswagen. And the ad agency took what had been the car’s drawbacks and turned them into selling points with such slogans as ‘Think small’ and ‘Ugly Is Only Skin-Deep’. This made Beetle became a counterculture symbol in the U.S. 3) What business activities did Volkswagen undertake to avoid bankruptcy in the mid 1970s? The businees activities are: “A development program was instituted to creat a sucessor to the Rabbit, the company’s major automobile after the Beetle. 4) What two business strategies is Volkswagen pursuing to compete in the auto industry at the turn of the century? (1) When competing with Honda and Toyota.The company spent $194 million on factory automation at the Wolfsburg factory.. (2) When competing with USA companies, Piech’s was to take Volkswagen upmarket. Rather than taking taking the more time-consuming route of building a new high-end models, Piech went the acquisition route.

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