College Dress Code In Silliman University Sy 2008-09 (bc25)

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  • Pages: 6
The impact of C.A.S. dress code among the CAS students in S.U. for the S.Y. 2008-09 Thesis: Although the CAS students find the college dress code a nuisance, it should be implemented because of its In our paper as an introduction deals with: practicability & benificiality in the near future. • “First Impression Counts” Factor • Significance of Dress Code • Professional & Educational Respect Our paper contains: • The overview of Silliman University (College of Arts & Sciences) Dress Code • Benefits of having a dress code • Arguments raised to those who are against the dress code

The impact of C.A.S. dress code among the CAS students in S.U. for the S.Y. 2008-09 The Three Main Arguments of the Paper: I. Economical This focuses on less money & time consumed with the aid of dress code.

A. Saves time on choosing what to wear

II. Psycho-sociological

B. Reduces clothing expenses

III. Institutional

Dress Code Policy reduces clothing expenses for both the parents and their children or that teenagers. Spending losing too muchdress for few school attires would Students wear uniforms or and follow the common codes going to school not be awhat problem after With the aid this implementation, students would not know clothes areall.acceptable andofdo not spend extra time each morning worry how less or how Many more they should payment in expense school preparing for school. students gotuse lateup in in going to school decidingofwhat get Our money would just they end its fatetofor apparels, not to mention school to up. wear and what are thenot outfits need avoid (Pedzich, 2002). projects, contributions, miscellaneous fees, tuition fees and the like. How a typical student could survive facing these things, if some of his/her needs are not met, is more important compared to some pieces of clothing (Murray, 2007 July30).

The impact of C.A.S. dress code among the CAS students in S.U. for the S.Y. 2008-09 The Three Main Arguments of the Paper: I. Economical A. Reduces distinction among social This refers to the classes behavioral impact of II. Psycho-sociological dress codes on students. B. Reduces distractions III. Institutional The state ofcodes comfort isuniforms defined as feeling ofare euphoria, when no eye sore Dress also encourage distinction ofthere character and In the end, this isand a school—where minds given preparation toare fulfill our habiliments around you.of Being in this state allows human mind and tonot feel personality instead appearance. What truly amatters about a person is endeavors in this society, rather, a training ground for our moneys to body be well relaxed catch upoffast comprehensions the mind. tocharacter imagine attention seeker what brand clothing he or ostentation. she isofwearing, butTry thereduce ofpressure. that person. prepared for flashy raiment and Uniforms peeran With person inputting your classroom. You be bothering seeing and wondering Another positive of would school uniforms is that uniforms place an society muchaspect emphasis on therather outward appearance, uniforms areemphasis a waywhy to that person wears that way instead of focusing on what you should be giving attention onthe learning, not onofclothing 2008fashion February25). avoid competition wearing(Sloth, the latest trends (Studak & Workman, 2007 to—in this context, academic lessons. Of course, it is not just the student fellows that August21). are victims of this incident, but also the teacher (Escano, 2008 June20).

The impact of C.A.S. dress code among the CAS students in S.U. for the S.Y. 2008-09 The Three Main Arguments of the Paper: I. Economical to the nature of the A. Silliman UniversityThis asrefers a Christian Learning school; how this institution realized; Institution II. Psycho-sociological as well as the organizations or

B. PAASCU as an III. Institutional

associations that would soon intervene to this institution. accrediting unit

“Having no dress code or uniform may give students the mindset that they should be The Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities aware of what they wear, whether they are appealing or not, making a school not a (PAASCU) is a private, voluntary, non-profit and non-stock corporation which was learning corners of our future, but instead, a fashion show run way. Dress code registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the Philippines on policies somehow boost better academic performance and ratings especially for December 2, 1957. It is a service organization which accredits academic programs students and the institution itself. The PAASCU is suggesting for a dress code or which meet commonly accepted standards of quality education. uniform in this university in order to make this institution deserving of the rating that Source: the accrediting union had given to this university. Silliman, as a Christian institution,,_College should also be an inculcator of discipline and order for its students including its s_and_Universities teaching personnel” (Grapa, AC).

The impact of C.A.S. dress code among the CAS students in S.U. for the S.Y. 2008-09 The Three Main Arguments ofno. the Paper: Question no. 997 C D 3 Question no. 5no. 4 Question no. B 8 Question no. 5(female) (male) Question 2 6 Question 9 --- E Question no. A 1 I. Economical 8% II. Psycho-sociological 5% : Conclusion

No, Im confident as long as I'm in the fashion trend a plain, simple No,Just people wouldn't college student Typical Boymind afterCollege all

16%18% Next 10% Fashion Just ok door --- a conscious common 10% 8% 28% 5% 5% 22% 30% 30% • Majority is not favor in College Dress Code 38% 12% 38% student sight 38% Fashion inclined Yes, people might find 40% 46% Always Very beneficial 44% Get mad • The thesis statement doesn’t coincide with the results & statistics 48% 30% 18% Yes Agree student me Home distracting buddy Distracting ---Agree attention III. • Institutional A call for implementation Seldom Beneficial Happy seekers 30% No Disagree 50% 50%Sporty Disagree Disagree 16% 62% Never NonI beneficial don't care 56% 46% Yes, Sprots because Inspired I'm Vulgar --needs 62% 62% 67%36% 40% 70% 72% discipline conservative 20% Music inclined look 82% 32% Semi-Forma Others

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