Implementation Of Uniforms In History & Political Science Department Sy 2010, Chapter Iv-vi Polsci79

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Treatment of Data The major instruments used for the collection of the data were interview schedules and opinion polls for the History Political Science majors. The purpose of the interview was for the researchers to get information directly and accurately from the faculty members of the History & Political Science department. The opinion polls, also known as the questionnaires is for the purpose of knowing the perception, awareness and the reaction of the major students regarding the future policy, which is the topic of our study. It was the most effective and reliable way of securing survey information although it required considerable time, planning and training. Percentage or frequency distribution was utilized to analyze the data after these were tabulated in an orderly fashion. This made it easier for the researchers to do analysis in order to make conclusions based on the findings. Statistical and mathematical methods were also employed to make the data gathering simpler getting the mean, median, the percentage of each questionnaire items and mode of the data accumulated. The data that was gathered in order to endow with the answers regarding the research problem were written and tabulated in a separate sheet, which was presented, analyzed and interpreted in a quantitative manner employing suitable statistical methods and the researchers’ skills.

CHAPTER V – DATA PRESENTATION In order to make the data gathering effective, we employed pie graph system for the reason that, the figures are more noticeable and clear to look at. Pie charts clearly illustrate the components of a proportion in relation to the whole. The data are clearly visible and can be understood intuitively, automatically, and very quickly. Captions of the pie graphs are backed-up with comments that the majors wrote in their comment, suggestion & feedback portion. For these reasons, respondents have a clear understanding and comments about the proposed implementation of the uniform policy. The researchers are grateful and recognize the value of effort of the respondents that shared their comments although there are thirty two (32) respondents who chose not to give their comment.

Figure A

When the respondents were asked if they’re in favor that the History and Political Science major students are required to wear uniform 48% answered NO, 45% answered YES while 7% were UNDECIDED. This only shows that the majority of the respondents don’t agree of having uniforms. In the researchers’ survey questionnaire, there was a provision for a space for comments, suggestions and feedbacks both for the negative and positive side. 48% of the respondents answered out of 103 respondents are not in favor of having the proposed implementation of the uniform policy because of its cost in acquiring the uniform. “Students don’t even wear their school ID how much more on making them wear uniforms.” according to a respondent. Now, other colleges have already mandated their students to have a proper uniform with all their other reasons why. It is not already new for other colleges to do the same thing in their departments for proper distinction. In fact, in the Public Administration course/subject in the Political Science department of the College of Arts and Sciences also require but does not demand a proper uniform for majors who will eventually be having their duties in public offices. 48% of the respondents wrote no doubt that they personally do not like to wear uniforms. Nevertheless, the thought was not expounded and properly explained by the respondents. The researchers made this into consideration because not all of the majors are honestly not in favor of wearing a uniform. The researchers understand that these respondents just simply do not like the thought of having a uniform.

In the other hand, 45% of the respondents wrote that they agree on this proposition if the department will implement the said uniform policy. Thus, the researchers also took information from the department faculty through an oral and written interview. It is noticeable that the percentage gap of those who are favor and not favor in the future policy is almost close, separated only by a small percentage of those who are undecided regarding the matter.

Figure B

It is observable in the pie graph that 52% of the respondents agreed to wear the future uniform during Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Eight (8) respondents commented that, these days are the busiest schooldays and uniforms can really do it work for identity purpose (because most of the majors’ arts and some major subjects fall on those days).

40% of the respondents agreed to wear this uniform every Tuesday and Thursday. Ten (10) respondents quoted that, these days are marked as convocations and special affairs day, which is usually held at the Luce Auditorium (dress codes are observed, then). Uniforms will serve its purpose in the said place and for formality’s sake. 8% of the respondents stood out that future uniforms should be wore everyday to serve mainly its daily purpose.

Figure C

Five (5) of the respondents wrote that they agree on this proposition if the department will implement the said uniform policy. Thus, the researchers also took information from the department faculty through an oral and written interview.

The next number of respondents has ostensibly positive reaction and comments about the uniform policy. Two (2) out of the 103 respondents checked all the items and commented that “having uniforms is cute and they want to try it”. The researchers appreciate the thought that there are respondents who are willing and open to try the uniform policy.

16% of the overall respondents noted that having uniforms is admirable and neat which basically connotes decency. In the Political Science department where students are taught about politics and everything that goes with it, proper attire is in demand. Hence, decency in the attire is very much favorable.

One (1) respondent remarked that History and Political majors should practice wearing such. This is for the eventual preparation for work opportunities and therefore practicing the wearing of proper attire is complimentary. Six (6) of the respondents riposted that the implementation of uniforms in the society is okay if it is the choice of the majority of the History and political science majors. “Identity” reasons were the response of seven (7) respondents and 17% of the respondents stood out regarding identity as students and as part of the History – Political Science Department. Identity, in the sense that, history and Political Science majors will be distinct in the university through uniforms. Out of the 103 respondents, only one (1) answered that having uniforms is a tool for uniformity among History and Political Science majors.

Another point of 1 respondent is that uniforms should be pursued if and only if it is not costly. The cost is very much in the consideration of the proposition of the researchers therefore agreeing to the respondent that the uniform must be of less cost. Two (2) of the respondents are in favor of having uniforms but suggested that uniforms

can also be polo shirts. Another respondent proposed that it should be polo shirt but paired with slacks.

“Respect for the institution” is the reaction of one (1) out of the 103 respondents. Uniform connotes loyalty and proud to the university such as Athletes proudly wearing the school colors and logo. This is in fact not an act against the university that gives us excellent education.

One (1) respondent answered that having and wearing uniform should come from the initiative of the individual. One (1) respondent, also, evaluated the uniform policy as a tool for the History and Political science majors to have a sense of belongingness.

For these reasons, respondents have a clear understanding and comments about the proposed implementation of the uniform policy. The researchers are grateful and recognize the value of effort of the respondents that shared their comments although there are thirty two (32) respondents who chose not to give their comment.

Figure D

Students in the universities spend much of their money or allowances on their college and department requirements (I.e. research paper printing, proposals, ballpoint pens et al.). Since it is given in the university on not requiring its students to have a proper and well-planned uniform or dress code, it is not an issue on the need to buy more clothes. Thus, 19% of the respondents stood that uniforms are costly. The researchers ask them if the cost will be at the acquiring of the uniform, if the uniform is available, will the cost be a continuous issue?

26% respondents had the same thought on another comment which is the violation of their freedom of expression. Students of Silliman University, including the History & Political Science majors want to express themselves and have been expressing

themselves through their fashion. Students now are mature enough to think what is wrong and right and at the right age of having the thought on what decency is; decency in the sense of proper selecting of clothes to wear appropriate for school days. The researchers then add that it is not totally a violation on the freedom of expression when, the proposed uniform can be worn in their own way or style, only, it will be a matter of appropriation.

One comment that stood out from the survey was the thought of 12% of the respondents loving or liking the feel of wearing of civilian clothes saying it is comfortable and expressive. In the years of most students, it is only in college that they are not being deprived of what to wear. In some private schools, the high school administration is even requiring their students to tuck in their polo shirts as part of the dress code to inflict decency and discipline. The researchers add then that it is very much all right to wear civilian clothes in college years just as long as the students are decent and still express themselves and are comfortable with it.

“Students don’t even wear their school ID how much more on making them wear uniforms.” according to a respondent. Now, other colleges have already mandated their students to have a proper uniform with all their other reasons why. It is not already new for other colleges to do the same thing in their departments for proper distinction. In fact, in the Public Administration course/subject in the Political Science department of the College of Arts and Sciences also require but does not demand a proper uniform for majors who will eventually be having their duties in public offices.

Fourteen (14) of the respondents wrote no doubt that they personally do not like to wear uniforms. Nevertheless, the thought was not expounded and properly explained by the respondents. The researchers made this into consideration because not all of the majors are honestly not in favor of wearing a uniform. The researchers understand that these respondents just simply do not like the thought of having a uniform.

SUMMARY This study is an attempt to figure out the perception of the History & Political Science major students if uniform policy will be implemented by the school year 2010 by the History – Political Science Department. It describes through a sequential quantitative through questionnaire check lists made for the majors and qualitative explanation of circumstances with the aid of scheduled interviews to some of the faculty members in the History – Political Science Department. Specifically, this study answered the following questions: 1. Are the History and Political Science Major students in favor of having uniform?

a. Basing the data gathered made possible by the majors most of them is not favor of

having uniform due factors, such as: 1. Discomfort – many students are not comfortable of wearing uniforms in

going to school. 2. Deprivation in terms of their [majors] fashion styles – college life for

most students mean freedom in all sort of things. Having uniforms would them impede their fashion styles and preferences in terms of what to wear in going to school. 3. Impractical – having uniform is impractical due to the fact that 4. Curtailment of Freedom of Expression – freedom for them is absolute,

most especially in college.

5. Cost – having uniforms would mean other expenses; majors preferred

and are contented on what to wear and they simply hate having uniform considering financial constraints.

a. In the other side of the coin, there are number of students who belong in the

said department who are looking forward to the implementation due to factors:

1. Belongingness / Identity – having uniforms would create an ambiance

that fellow majors associate with each other. Majors, themselves can distinguish that the other person around the corner or somewhere else is a History or Political Science student in a way he/she wears the department prescribed uniform. 2. Decency – uniforms would give a civilized and polite way of dressing to

the students. 3. Practicality – uniforms would alleviate further financial burdens in

buying new clothes in clothing boutiques. 4. Neatness – being in uniform is neat and more presentable. 5. Comfort – comfort would mean to the respondents as being at eased

on what they will wear in school without being conscious because they’ll be wearing the same thing. 6. Discipline


would manifest that major



disciplined and obedient in following the future policy of the department. This would train major students in preparation for the professional world outside the halls of Silliman.

7. Equality – being in the state of wearing the same thing, uniforms would

also serve as an equalizers among students, that their status (whether rich, middle class, etc.) 8. Identity - the desire to be identified as History-Political Science majors

in the entire college and in the university, as well. Outside, they desire to be identified as students of Silliman University.

c. It is inevitable to find traces of lackadaisical perception regarding the implementation. This might be due to lack of awareness to political and academic issues that happened and might be introduced in the department. 2. Is wearing uniform advantageous to the: a. University The future policy would contribute a lot to the university. This would create an ambiance of belongingness to the majors, making them as one big, cohesive and equal family; discipline can also be inculcated that can make the department be one of the role model in the entire College of Arts & Sciences. b. Students The perception of the students are diverse, but those who are not in favor of having uniforms has the larger percentage compared to those who are in favor. In general, numerous students in the department would not have the same opinion to those who desire this implementation if the department would push through the policy.

1. What are the advantages or disadvantages in imposing a uniform policy among the History and Political Science Major Students?

Going through research for this study, there have been a lot of advantages and disadvantages that has been formulated in conducting the research, along with the comments of the respondents. a. Advantages: –

Identity and belongingness among History & Political Science majors

Uniforms would serve as equalizers among the major students

Neatness, decency



a. Disadvantages:

-Discomfort -Costly -Freedom of Expression among majors will be curtailed -Their [majors] fashion sense and preferences will be deprived - Impractical

Budget and financial matters; comfort is perspectival – this means that it depends on the major student’s perspective whether uniforms are practical or costly, comfortable in what sense and uncomfortable in what matter, due to the fact and varying conditions major students have as well as their outlook regarding the policy. Respondents view on different angles given the factors of advantages and disadvantages in the questionnaire.

4. What is the opinion among faculty members of the department in this regard?

A. Professor Selibio “During my college and university years, we don’t have any dress code policy/ uniform policy. The proposal of having a uniform policy in the History/Political Science students’ body is a good idea for our students to be identified as History and Political Science majors or part of the History and Political Science family. However, it might become a topic for discussion since not all of us agree with this policy. Whatever may be the result of the implementation of the uniform policy, if it will be push through or not, I will respect the decision of the majority.”

B. Professor Jomao-as “I haven’t experienced a uniform policy in my college/ university years. My stand on the proposal of having a uniform policy among the students of the History and Political Science society is a conditional “NO”. I’m not totally against it or totally for it in such a way that having a uniform policy is undemocratic since it deprives your freedom of choice and expression. However, the advantages of this policy would give the students a sense of belongingness, identity, discipline students, neatness, and would not make students worry on what to wear in getting up for school. If ever this policy will be implemented then I would suggests that the wearing of uniforms should be compromise.”

C. Professor Enumerabellon “We don’t have a dress code policy/ uniform policy during my college/ university years. With regards of the proposal of having a uniform policy among the History and Political Science students should be push through and be implemented so that the history and Political Science students can have an identity. With the uniform policy it will dignified the appearance of the students, less expenses on clothing and encouraged formality among the students. Thus, this policy will derive discipline, competence and identity of the History and Political Science body.”

D. Professor Raymond “In my college/ university years we have a dress code policy/ uniform policy. Having a uniform policy encourages decency, neatness and discipline. I would really agree on the proposal of having a uniform policy among the History and Political Science students since Silliman University has always a dress code but way not and still not implemented today. If ever this proposal will be realized I would give my full support on it. For I believed that having a uniform policy will promote a competence since the students will be identified with a department that has goals and objectives In lieu with the University and will taught the History and Political Science students to be formal and presentable.”

CONCLUSION Based on the findings, the following are the conclusion: 1. Majority of the majors student oppose and do not agree with uniform policy

Overall, with this imposition, there are a lot of factors to give consider why majority of the students in the said department don’t agree with the eventual policy. Although there are a lot of advantages regarding this eventual policy, such as: discipline, belongingness, equality still, majority of the respondents opposed it.

a. The main issue is the freedom of expression. Major students are used to the

usual situations that they would be wearing the way they want. b. Second issue would regard to the future expenses of the majors in complying

the eventual policy which would eventually add up to the financial burdens of the majors’ parents.

c. Discomfort is another issue because wearing uniforms in the side of the

majors would mean clothing articles that lessen ventilation, ease and the like.

1. In summing things up, the perception of this eventual policy amongst major students is negative and this should not be pushed through this coming school year.

RECOMMENDATION The results of the responses show that uniform policy by the school year 2010 in the History Political Science department among majors show that most of the students is not a favorable implementation. The researchers endeavor to present some recommendations that will address the need for this implementation, despite the negative perception of major students regarding this issue.

1. For the basic understand and know-how of uniform policy and how is it different to dress code policy, there are following abstracts the researchers formulated to be aware of this. a. Uniform – Common mandatory attire [decided among researchers of this study]

among students that would promote equality, recognition & demonstrate discipline among History & Political Science major students. b. Dress code - A set of obligatory attire standards followed by some schools.

1. Abstract of the uniform a. Male

The vest (disregard bow tie) note: polo shirt is not long sleeved. Pants must be black slacks. Shoes will be black.

b. Female

Ladies’ top note: accessory will be a laced neck tie

Ladies’ pants, skirt and preferred black heeled (or not) shoes 1. Frequency of the future uniform to be worn

The researchers regarding this matter would like to push through in wearing the uniform during Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, in order to really make use of the uniform to meet its practicality and this clothing article would not be a waste in the side of the students as wearers and to their parents who provide them financial resources to come up with the uniform. Secondly, uniforms should be worn during special academic programs and required convocations. It is also a challenge to the History – Political Science Society to dissipate announcements ahead of time in order for the majors to be prepared whether to wear this uniform on the specific day or not because the researchers are not pushing through a notion that uniforms should be worn every Thursdays and Tuesdays, considering that special programs and required convocations are during those days [because there are some Thursdays and Tuesdays of the week that there are no convocations and special programs].

2. Style

Witnessed in many school scenes in movies [particularly western movies] that students wear the same uniform but the manner of wearing it depends on the preference of every student. The researchers believed that freedom of expression is not absolute and it should not just be a one-way road, instead, the department should also intervene on what the students should wear through implementation of policies to bring about discipline, order and neatness to the majors. In the other hand, students, given this prescribed attire in going to school should also be given freedom to wear these clothing articles in such a manner that

they would be more comfortable and confident. They have the freedom to add up accessories and other clothing material, such as head dresses, brooches, name plates and the like. In this manner, there would be a two-way recognition of benefits and advantages in both parties. 3. The decision of the department regarding the implementation It is encouraged that the faculty members of the department would take a look on the issue regarding the study, whether there is a need or not to implement uniform policy among the majors. It is also recommended that continuous analysis and assessment should be done by the said party in the near future and in pursuance of excellence, discipline and uniqueness in the department.


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APPENDIX 1.A INTERVIEW LETTER History - Political Science Department College of Arts & Sciences SILLIMAN UNIVERSITY 6200 Dumaguete City, Philippines


Mr. / Mrs. / Prof. / Dr. /


We, the History and Political Science 3rd year major students will carry out a research study on the “Implementation of the Uniform Policy in the School Year 2010: The Perception of the History and Political Science Major Students”, as to comply our Political Science 79 course this semester. We would like to conduct an interview in your most convenient time, for us to know your perception regarding the issue for our research study. Your cooperation is highly appreciated. We are hoping for your kindest response and are willing to call you for us to discuss this further. If some of our questions prove too confidential you have the liberty not to answer them. We would like express our outmost gratitude for your cooperation in our research study in pursuit of greater knowledge and higher liberal arts education.

God Bless Us All!

Noted by: Dr. Maria Emellen RedillasNakao (Name/s of the interviewer/s)


Guidelines to the Interviewees ➢ Introduce yourself. ➢ Give a brief overview of the research study. ➢ Restate the purpose of the study. ➢ Ask the interviewee what he/she wants to know about the research study.


Interview Proper The responses of the respondents are presented at the following pages.

1. Were you able to experience having a dress code policy/uniform policy during your college/university years?

2. What’s your perception on the uniform policy? Did you agree or disagree? Why? 3. What is your perception regarding the eventual uniform policy for the history/political science majors?

4. If ever the uniform policy will be implemented in the department what will be your stand? Discuss why.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a uniform policy? 6. Will we derive discipline, competence and identity if ever the uniform policy will eventually be implemented? In what way?

APPENDIX 1.C INTERVIEW RESPONCES A number of interviews were made and the respondents were some of the faculty members of History & Political Science Department in Silliman University.

Professor Jessa Selibio, a professor in the said department, teaching Asian & Philippine History

1. No 2. Agree. We will be identified as Political Science and History majors or part of the

History-PolSci family.

3. It might become a topic for discussion since not all of us agree with this policy. 4. I will respect the decision of the majority. 5. A: Neat and descent B: Never identified as to what course you belong 6. Yes, because we are now identified as one group. What is important is to have a sense of belongingness.

Ma. Editha B. Enumerabellon, a professor in the department teaching Political Economy 1. No 2. So that the Political Science students can have an identity. This will also discourage students from using indecent clothing. 3. It should push through. 4. I should implement it and require students wear uniform 5. Advantages – formality, dignified appearance, less expenses on clothing 6. Yes. Joseph T. Raymond, a history professor in the department

1. Yes 2. It encourages decency, neatness and discipline 3. Silliman has always a dress code but was not and still not implemented today. 4. I will support it. Students should be taught how to be presentable. 5. Gives decency 6. Yes you will. Having a uniform policy will promote competence since you are identified with a department that has goals and objectives in the lieu with the University.

Regan P. Jomao-as, a professor in the department specializing in Rizal studies and World History 1. No 2. Undemocratic •

freedom of choice, expression

sense if identity

sense of belongingness

discipline students


make you distinct from other students of the campus

Conditional No (Compromise the wearing of uniform) Not totally for it Not totally against it

APPENDIX 1.D QUESTIONNAIRE Silliman University College of Arts and Sciences History-Political Science Department Political Science 79 Political Science Method

Dear respondents,


The Political Science 79 class is conducting a research in their perspective assigned groups and preferred topics. Our group is conducting a proposal on implementing a uniform in the political science and history majors in the School Year 2010.

In lieu of this, we are requesting you to answer this questionnaire honestly and legibly to help us, the researchers, to conduct this study accordingly.

Thank you very much and kudos to us all. The researchers: Nakao

Noted by: Dr. Ma. Emelen

James Ryan Penalosa Freshtille Rose Dianne B. Picardal Liezl Beth Eunice Bantilan Krystel Mate Pons Ligutom Jennylyn Aurea Mabelle Kisstrel A. Saron AB Political Science III

Please fill up the spaces below and follow instructions carefully. Name :_________________________________( optional) Year Level: ________ Gender ________

Please answer the questions with outmost honesty. Check the provided spaces in the options questions.

1. Are you in favor that the History and Political Science Major Students are required to wear uniform? YES___



(If your answer is yes, please proceed to No 2 and 3)

(If your answer is no, please proceed to No 4)

2. In your opinion, how many days in a week should this uniform be worn?

__ Everyday __ M.W.F __ TTH

3 .What are the advantages in wearing a Uniform?

___1. Gives identity and sense of belongingness ___2. Descent ___3. Budget/ Practicality ___4. Neat ___5. Comfortable ___6. Makes student more discipline ___7. Remove social distinction/ equality among students ___8. To be identified as History and Political Science student

4. Disadvantages

___1. Discomfort ___2. I love fashion. Uniform deprives me of such. ___3. Impractical ___4. I will be deprived of my freedom to express ___5. Costly

The researchers request any personal suggestions and feedbacks about the proposed eventual implementation of the uniform. Kindly write your comments in the space provided.

______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________

The researchers appreciate your patience and honesty in taking this time to answer this questionnaire.

Thank you very much once again and God Bless us all.


NAME: James Ryan S. Penalosa AGE: 19 HOME ADDRESS: Salcedo Village, Makati City, Metro Manila DUMAGUETE ADDRESS: 94 Luke E. Wright St., Dumaguete City, Oriental Negros EMAIL: [email protected] BLOG: CIVIL STATUS: Single DATE OF BIRTH: August 21, 1990 PLACE OF BIRTH: Makati City, Metro Manila PARENTS: MOTHER - Marilyn Penalosa FATHER - Mario Penalosa RELIGION: Roman Catholic EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: PRIMARY: St. Mary’s School, Caloocan City, Metro Manila Better Children of St. Clare Montessori, Caloocan City, Metro Manila Our Lord’s Grace Montessori Schools & Colleges, Quezon City, Metro Manila Philippine Christian University, Dasmarinas, Cavite

Bayawan City East Central School SECONDARY: St. Augustine Academy Inc., Bayawan City, Oriental Negros Better Children of St. Clare Montessori, Caloocan City, Metro Manila University of Santo Tomas, Espania, Metro Manila

TERTIARY: Silliman University, College of Arts & Sciences, AB Major in Political Science SY 2007-08


Silliman University History-Political Science Society ➢ Debater (SY 2007-08) ➢ 1st Year Level Representative (SY 2007) ➢ Participant in Dialogues on Federalism (2007) Southeast Asia Organization, Silliman University ➢ Section Consultant (Singapore, SY 2007) ➢ Extra- Curricular Head (SY 2008) ➢ Administrative Vice President (SY 2007) Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter ➢ Member (SY 2007) ➢ Vice President (SY 2008) National Service Training Program ➢ Literacy Training Service [LTS] Leadership Awardee

College of Arts & Sciences ➢ Personality Enhancement Program [PEP] Peer Facilitator (SY 2007)


Freshstille Rose Dianne Balbuena Picardal

AGE: 19 HOME ADDRESS: Bulwang, Mabinay Negros Oriental DGTE. ADDRESS: Sibulan Country Homes subdivision, Maslog, SibulanNegros Oriental EMAIL: [email protected] CIVIL STATUS: Single BDAY: April 27, 1990 B-PLACE: Mabinay, Negros Oriental PARENTS: Father - Teodorico Picardal Mother - Rachel Balbuena RELIGION: Born Again Christian EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND PRIMARY: Mabinay Central School SECONDARY: Bais City National Science High School TERTIARY: Silliman University College of Arts and Sciences AB Political Science III ORGANIZATIONAL INVOLVEMENTS: ➢ Silliman University Aces and Lilies Frat/Sor ➢ Silliman University Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter (PIO SY 2008)

➢ Silliman University History- Political Science Society ➢ Southeast Asia Organization, Silliman University (Treasurer)

NAME: Pons Joseph Julian L. Ligutom AGE: 22 HOME ADDRESS: Blk. 2 Lot. 11, Silliman Heights Subdivison, Northern Junob Dumaguete City DUMAGUETE ADDRESS: Blk. 2 Lot. 11, Silliman Heights Subdivison, Northern Junob Dumaguete City EMAIL: [email protected] CIVIL STATUS: Single DATE OF BIRTH: March 23, 1987 PLACE OF BIRTH: Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital, Dumaguete City PARENTS: Father - Ponciano M. Ligutom Mother - Emervencia L. Ligutom RELIGION: Roman Catholic EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: PRIMARY: Silliman University Elementary School SECONDARY: Silliman University High School TERTIARY: Silliman University, AB Major in Political Science, Attended 2004 ORGANIZATIONAL INVOLVEMENTS: ➢ History & Political Science Society

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