Coc Newsletter 300809

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  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Contact Numbers




Senior Pastors: Ray & Marie Albrecht

(W) 4123 2711 (H) 4123 6562

Church Leadership:



Barry & Jenny Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732 Jamie & Sharon Klein – Secretary (H) 4122 2300 Ian & Beryl Moncrieff (W) 4123 1629 (H) 4123 6891

Management Committee: Ps. Ray Albrecht - Chairman (H) 4123 6562 Barry Klein – Deputy Chairman (H) 4122 1732 Jamie Klein (H) 4122 2300 Jean Kidd – Treasurer (H) 4121 3056 Julia Mijic – Secretary (H) 4123 5511 (M) 0407 764 509 Rod Orr (H) 4121 3506 Andrew Storrs (H) 4121 6132 Reta Welsh (H) 4121 7710


“God sees the finished picture”

Children’s Church Leader: Jane Orr

(H) 41213506 (M) 0405 318061

Mainly Music Leader: Linda Storrs

(H) 4121 6132 (M) 0429 787 982

New Christian’s Class Leaders: Steve & Alice Murray

(H) 4123 2394 0458574684


Worship Leader: Linda Storrs

(H) 4121 6132 (M) 0429 787 982

Appointed Deacons: Bob & Kay Thorpe (Head Deacons) Beth Baumgart Keith & Hilary Brockway Cal & Marion Dingwall Joe & Carole Marrington Bruce Mayer Bradley Yates John Yates


Rosters for the week 6 September 2009 Door a.m. – Barry & Jenny Door p.m. – Doreen & Chris B Communion prep – Carole Communion Table – John, Greg & Christine Supper – Dietrich family Cleaning – Barry, Jenny, Jamie & Sharon Offering & Prayer – Steve Money Count – Jim & Beryl 



30th August 2009



Maryborough Christian Outreach Centre Hervey Bay Road Maryborough PO Box 461 Maryborough 4650


Ph/Fax: (07) 4123 2711


COLLECTIVELY [email protected]

This wee eks comment: Have you evver done a jigsaw puzzle? p Sometimess you feel that some pieces p might be misssing ‘cause the pie ece you’re looking for doesn’t seem to be e there. You think you’ve found the right r piece – almostt fits exactly – butt if you leave it there the next few pieces you put in nea ar it won’t quite match up. Finally, you y find that elusivve piece but it’s diff ferent from what you y expected it to be – colour and pattern p didn’t seem m to match until it was locked in with the other piece es. And even thoug gh the picture’s on n the box it does no ot look complete on n the table till the last piece goes in n. Our lives arre like that jigsaw. Missing pieces th hat seem to make ourr life incomlete, out of balance, not q quite right. How often do we try to o make things happ pen – run ahead of Go od’s plan for us – an nd we wonder why things don’t quite work w out – like a misplaced m piece of jjigsaw. And then evvents happen, or so omeone comes acro oss our path, unexp pected, unplanned, unlooked for and o often unrecognisa able, and suddenly we w see clearly wha at God’s been trying to do with us. There’s an old o sticker saying – “Be patient, God hasn’t finished witth me yet! God se ees and knows the f finished picture of our o lives and it’s on nly when the last piiece is in ber, place that our o ‘life’ picture is complete. Rememb unlike us Go od doesn’t lose piec ces – allow Him to d do His work and yo our life will be a pe erfect completion. It’s something to t keep in mind whe en we look at each other, or members of f our family, and fe eel inclined to judg ge them against wha at we think they sh hould be. For a lot of us that final piece e may only happen jjust before we take t our last breatth – but it will happ pen. God holds the la ast piece! Have a wond derful week in yourr scenic journey th hrough life. With love and blessings, Kay T


Give God G what's rig ight - not no what's left ft. Sunda ay 30th 9.00a am - Prayer meetting…All Welcome 9.30a am - Worship & C Communion Service e


Lighthouse C Children’s Church followed by m morning tea and fellowship

August/Septemb A ber Birthdays th his week:   31 3 st – Joe Marrin ngton 1st – Chris Taylo or 3rd – Merv Fresh hney th 4 – Jordan Sto orrs 5th – Jane Orr

6.30p pm - Evening Serv rvice followed by

supper & fel ellowship Tuesd day 1st Sept 9.30a am – 4Her – Guestt Speaker 6.00p pm - Hour of Powe wer Prayer Meeting ng 7.00p pm - Music Practic ice

Please note: If you have ordered CD’s C or tapes – on nce they are don ne – please pay an nd collect them ASA AP. See Tracey M. M

Wedn nesday 2nd 9.30a am – Mainly Music c 10.00 0am – Global Care e Sewing


Thurssday 3rd

COC Maryb borough Church Birthday S Sunday 6 Sept

10.00 0am – Global Care e Craft

We willl be celebrating with a lunch after the t morning meetting. Please bring a plate of ‘finger food’ f to share.

Frida ay 4th 9.00a am – Global Care Sewing

PS There willl be no night meetting that day.

Saturrday 5th

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Attention: all ex-Cambodian teeam …… nd church family an

7.00a am – Men’s Breakf kfast in Activity Centre Ce             

              Sunda ay 6th Church Birrthday/Father’s Day D 9.00 0am - Prayer Mee eting…All Welcome e 9.30 0am - Worship & C Communion Servicce

~ 11 1 October ~ Elijah & Jit (still ( needs more monney to meet her travel costs) fro om Cambodia will be with us.

followed by y Birthday Lunch NO EVENING E SERVIC CE

=========== ==================== ==========

Also on o 11th October ….. Lighthou use Children’s Church C Famiily Picnic/Fun Day D 12 noon follo owing the mornin ng meeting.


Direct Depo osit Banking Details   for elecctronic transfers  A A/c Name: Christian O Outreach Centre  Marryborough  Westpac BSB: 0 034128  A/c No: 2522 288 

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