Coaquira Luis Ht2

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Homework Task 2A Fecha de entrega: ver calendario de actividades Revise las indicaciones generales para desarrollar la actividad Homework Task 2, que se encuentran en la página de la guía de estudios unidad 2.

NAME: luis santos coaquira paredes EXERCISE I (70pts) Skim the blog on the next page for content and write ( inferred (50pts)



I ) only if the sentences are

Long time ago virus writers were not believed to be perpetrators, but testers I of the system

Hace mucho tiempo no se creía que los autores de virus fueran perpetradores, sino probadores del sistema.


Virus writers did not intent to be malicious by entering their code into I forbidden places

Los escritores de virus no intentaron ser maliciosos ingresando su código en lugares prohibidos


According to the blog author, the main rationale for virus writing was to I punish computer users who committed a virtual crime against Software corporation.

Según el autor del blog, la razón principal para la escritura de virus era castigar a los usuarios de computadoras que cometieron un crimen virtual contra la corporación de software.


Many people, far from writing viruses, wanted to become famous by using virus kits.

Muchas personas, lejos de escribir virus, querían hacerse famosos usando kits de virus.


Virus kits were predominately used by bored people who distributed viruses for no reason at all.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú



Los kits de virus fueron utilizados predominantemente por personas aburridas que distribuyeron virus sin ningún motivo.



Christopher, one of the bloggers, believes virus writers are talented people,

Christopher, uno de los bloggers, cree que los creadores de virus son personas con talento,


David Siefker would like to punish virus perpetrators physically.


A David Siefker le gustaría castigar físicamente a los autores de virus.


Sulaiman agrees on virus writing and supports his view steadily


Sulaiman está de acuerdo con la escritura del virus y apoya su opinión de manera constante



John must be a law representative

John debe ser un representante de la ley


Virus writers make a great deal of money

Los escritores de virus hacen mucho dinero.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú



Why Do People Write Viruses? by DaBoss on Friday, March 1st There are many reasons why people write viruses, from simple boredom to criminal activity for making money. Back in the dim mists of time, most virus writers were people who just wanted to test the system and push the envelope. They delighted in finding a way to insert their code into places where others might not find it and held contests of sorts to see who could do what the fastest during various conferences. Another common reason in favor of writing viruses was to “punish” users for some perceived infraction. The Brain virus, for example, was said to have been written to punish users of illegal copies of software (software pirates). Users could become legitimate by contacting Brain Computer Services for help. With the advent of virus writing kits more people entered into the picture. These were largely the bored who had too much time on their hands and decided to spend it making and distributing viruses just for the heck of it. Many of these people could not actually program one if they had to; they just used the kits and put in different parameters and then sent whatever came out on their way in the hope of getting their name mentioned somewhere.

Comments: David Siefker said this on 2014-03-17 At 12:50 pm Like everyone else I have been a victim of computer viruses at one time or another. They are annoying in the least and destructive at its worst. I personally would like 10 minutes alone in a locked room with anyone who writes computer viruses for whatever purposes. I have often said there should be a special place in Hell for people who write computer viruses. Harsh to admit, I know, but I have no love for these personality types who hurt other people and their businesses. Sulaiman said this on 2014-04-06 At 09:27 am Sometimes I am thinking, if there is no viruses. How antivirus programs owners will have money? Like all of us when a job goes away, we find another job. What’s more, with the programming talent AV companies should have no trouble figuring out another product to develop/support. So, I’m for virus writing as a means of having a job. Christopher said this on 2014-04-29 At 08:44 pm It’s a shame that the people writing these viruses don’t use their intelligence to help improve the quality of the internet rather than attempt to ruin it for everyone else. What a waste of talent. John Said this on 2014-05-05 At 11:50 pm What a terrible life a person must live that they enjoy creating tech. issues for other people. What happens when I or someone else tries to put in an honest day’s work? I am coming after you! Not as an individual, but as a law.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú




Scan the above text once again and now choose the correct alternative to answer the questions (20pts)

1. According to the blog author, what were the two reasons why people go into virus writing in the past? a) Money recognition


b) Respect and pride

c) Boredom and crime

d) Punishment revenge


2. What does the blog author mean when he says he..: "… decided to spend it making and distributing viruses just for the heck of it". hands and decided to spend it making and distributing viruses just for the heck of it. a) They decided to make and distribute viruses just for fun.

b) They decided to make and distribute viruses for no apparent reason.

c) They decided to make and distribute viruses for just damaging large systems.

d) They decided to make and distribute viruses for having more work to do.

3. What does David Siefker imply when he says "... I personally would like 10 minutes alone in a locked room with anyone who writes computer viruses..." a) He would like to convince the virus writer to regret for the harm he causes.

b) He would like to punch him.

c) He would like to talk to him and understand his purpose.

d) He would like to invite him over to his place of work and locked him in.

c) Because he thinks it is a way of having a job.

d) Because he thinks more AV companies must face challenges.

4. Why is Sulaiman in favor of virus writing? a) Because he is a virus writer himself.

b) Because he earns money in AV companies.

5. What does Christopher think about virus writers? a) These people must use their talent to do something positive in their personal life.

b) They must find ways to improve internet.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

c) They must try to put in an honest day's work

d) They should be hired for developing AV programs.



EXERCISE II (30pts) - Vocabulary Complete the following sentences using one word containing he root word “plic”. Choose from the below alternatives.

1. Implicit

2. Explicit

3. Inexplicable

4. applicants

5. replica

7. duplicate

8. applicable

9. implicate

10. pliable

e 6. complicity

a) A program specification is a fairly Explicit description of the task at the conceptual level. b) Brushes had very pliable. hairs, usually made from deer, goat, wolf or hare. c) The decision appears Implicit to many senior rail managers who hold no brief for first. d) Inexplicable conversions loose no more information than explicit ones. e) All suitable short-listed applicants will normally be invited to attend for interview. f)

He will soon be making a fiberglass replica to be fitted to the wagon.

g) We have found duplicate current postings on the main weblog page. h) Your job promotion will implicate more changes than expected. i)

The project is equally applicable in an environment where there are no machines or process.


The real threat is what others allow them to do through their own silent complicity.

Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú


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