Cnews_ April 2006

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FRE copyE Keeping You In Contact With The Community And Keeping The Community In Contact With You 11th EDITION April 2006 PRICE R6.50 Rabi Auwal 1426 In the name of Allah, most Gracious most Merciful. All Praise is due to Allah the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

e u s s I s i h In T


Cartoon March


n a personal interview with the Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas at the Table Bay Hotel on Friday, 31 March 2006 he stated that his position as president of the Palestinians and chairperson of the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) is to negotiate and deal with political issues in order “to establish an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital”.


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During South Africa’s struggle for freedom the PLO maintained excellent relations with the African National Congress (ANC) and is relying on President Thabo Mbeki to promote peace within the volatile Middle East. Although, Abbas’ Fatah party loss the elections they are calling on the western countries not to withdraw their support for the Palestinians, “We have limited options and alternatives to solving this problem (financial aid) but we are calling on the western world not to punish the Palestinian people for having chosen democracy and electing a new political party. Also, in the meantime they are asking Hamas to be more practical and deal with the situation in a very realistic manner, so we don’t give justification and critics to the other countries to take these harsh measures against the Palestinian people”. In the past the PLO under the leadership of the deceased Yasser Arafat, was regarded as the leader of the Palestinians and the highest political reference. The PLO signed the OSLO agreement and Roadmap for Peace, which negotiates the creation of an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state. Today, instead it has a racist Separation Wall, expanded settlements and continued systematic and blatant persecution of the Palestinians. Abbas acknowledges that Palestine is in a very difficult situation with serious economic and social problems and blames this dire situation largely on ‘certain western countries.’ Abbas also acknowledges that they have made certain mistakes in the past and will be reorganising themselves as a movement to be better leaders. With this realisation and Hamas as the Palestinians choice as peacekeepers and liberators will Abbas be able to finally free Palestinian?

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“I will deal with Hamas as the president of the Palestinian National Authority, they are in government, its my responsibility to deal with the political negotiations President Mahmoud Abbas during his 3 day and as the chairman of visit to South Africa the PLO and here I’m hoping that Hamas in the near future realise that unless and until they change their position, its (they) going to be very difficult to govern the Palestinian territories.” In a separate interview with Nabil Abu Rodeima, spokesperson for President Mahmoud Abbas, reiterated that the PLO’s solution for the Palestine/Israeli conflict are the negotiated and signed Oslo Accord as well as the principles contained in the Roadmap for Peace. Hamas will visit South Africa later in the year, Insha-Allah and for related stories and to view pictures please visit – and

Sanaa Petersen and Nabil Abu Rodiema, President Mahmoud Abbas’ spokesperson, at the Table Bay Hotel on Friday ,31 March 2006.

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40 000

By Sanaa Petersen, pics M. Cassiem Arend

MUSLIMS PROTEST Sadly, all twelve cartoonists depicted the noble

immigrant to Denmark rather than the founder of Islam.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as a dehumanizing

On his shirt is written "Fremtiden" (the future). Valby is a

imbecile. It is apparent from their illustrations

district of Copenhagen known for having a concentrated

that they have been influenced by the likes of George Bush. On the other hand Rose could

with a short sabre in one hand and a black bar censoring

publishing a children’s book.

his eyes. He is flanked by two women in niqaabs, having

by Jyllands-Posten’s own staff, including the On the 6th of February 2006 more than 40 000 Muslims peacefully

“bomb” and “niqaab” cartoons.

and proactively took to the streets of Cape Town in protest to

face of Muhammad; his right eye is the star, the crescent

The grotesque cartoons were first published in the Danish

surrounds his beard and face.

reprinted in newspapers in 40 other countries. This controversy started when Danish writer Kare Bluitgen

horns. •

knald i låget som holder kvinder under åget!” In English

self-censorship the Jyllands-Posten cultural editor, Flemming

the poem could be read as: “Prophet, you crazy bloke!

Rose, commissioned twelve cartoonists for the mission.

Keeping women under yoke” •

demand a special position, insisting on special consideration of their own religious feelings. It is incompatible with

An abstract drawing of crescent moons and Stars of David, and a poem on oppression of women "Profet! Med kuk og

attention to the right to freedom of speech and debate on

“The modern, secular society is rejected by some Muslims. They

Translated in English: “Stop, stop, we have run out of virgins!”). •

Muhammad as a simple wanderer, in the desert, at sunset. There is a donkey in the background.

Another shows journalist Kåre Bluitgen, wearing a turban with the proverbial orange dropping into it, with the inscription “Publicity stunt”. In his hand is a child’s stick drawing of Muhammad. The proverb “an orange in the

Muhammad standing in a gentle pose with a halo in the is obscured, revealing only the edges which could resemble

Muhammad standing on a cloud, greeting dead suicide bombers with "Stop Stop vi er løbet tør for Jomfruer!”

Muhammad with a bomb in his turban, with a lit fuse and

shape of a crescent moon. The middle part of the crescent

children’s book about the Prophet. Bluitgen said that the artists violent attacks by extremist Muslims. And in wanting to draw

the Islamic creed written on the bomb.

experienced difficulty in finding artists to illustrate his were unwilling to illustrate the face of the Prophet for fear of

only their wide open eyes visible.

The Islamic star and crescent partially symbolizing the

the blasphemous cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). •

Another drawing shows Muhammad prepared for battle,

be avenging Bluitgen’s frustrated attempts in

Four of these twelve cartoons were illustrated

newspaper Jyllands-Posten on the 30th September 2005 and

population of immigrants. •

turban” is a Danish expression meaning “a stroke of luck •

A police line-up of seven people wearing turbans, with the witness saying: "Hm... jeg kan ikke lige genkende ham” (“Hm... I can’t really recognise him”). Not all people in the line-up are immediately identifiable. They are: (1) A generic Hippie, (2) politician Pia Kjærsgaard, (3) possibly Jesus, (4) possibly Buddha, (5) possibly Muhammad, (6) generic Indian Guru, and (7) journalist Kåre Bluitgen, carrying a sign saying: “Kåres PR, ring og få et tilbud” (“Kåre’s public relations, call and get an offer”).

A nervous caricaturist, shakily drawing Muhammad while

If by chance Rose commissioned and published the cartoons

looking over his shoulder.

to impel dialogue in the age old debate of freedom of speech

Two angry Muslims charge forward with sabres and bombs,

versus freedom of religion then it would indicate that as

is certainly not always attractive and nice to look at, and it

while Muhammad addresses them with: "Rolig, venner,

Muslims we have a long and challenging road ahead in attesting

does not mean that religious feelings should be made fun of

når alt kommer til alt er det jo bare en tegning lavet

the Quranic aayat 33.21-

at any price, but that is of minor importance in the present

af en vantro sønderjyde”. Translated in English: “Relax,

context. [...] we are on our way to a slippery slope where

friends, at the end of the day, it’s just a drawing by a non-

contemporary democracy and freedom of speech, where you must be ready to put up with insults, mockery and ridicule. It

no-one can tell how the self-censorship will end. That is why Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten has invited members of the

believing South Jutlander”. •

A 7th grade Arab-looking boy in front of a blackboard,

“Certainly you have in the Rasul of Allah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for him who hopes in Allah and in the last day and remembers Allah much”

Danish editorial cartoonists union to draw Muhammad as they

pointing to the Farsi chalkings, which translate into "The

see him,” Rose explains.

editorial team of Jyllands-Posten is a bunch of reactionary

We would like to hear from you please sms us on

provocateurs". The boy is labelled "Mohammed, Valby


school, 7.A", implying that this is a second-generation

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AL-AZHAR PRIMARY DECLARES ITS LOVE FOR THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD (SAW) The learners and educators of the AlAzhar Primary school situated in Ottery could not support the official march organized by the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) in protest to the blasphemous cartoons of the beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw) as they had previously committed themselves to the school’s annual Muharram celebrations. Each Muharram the elderly of Lotus River are invited to a sumptuous lunch.

Despite their Muharram obligation the Al-Azhar school expressed their devout commitment to the unlettered Bedouin, unique philosopher, wonderful reformer, renowned molder of culture and civilization, an illustrious politician, a great leader, a judge of the highest eminence and an incomparable general who turned the uncouth into the cltured, the barbarous into the civilized, the evil-doers and bad characters into pious God fearing and righteous persons with beautifully illustrated placards displayed alongside the busy old Strandfontein Road.

The Muslim Judicial Council Appoints New President After serving the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) as deputy president for the past six years, Ml Igsaan Hendricks was voted as the president on the 25th February. He succeeds Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels.

Ml Igsaan was born in Worcester and like many Muslims started with Islamic studies at madrassah and after matriculating he furthered his Islamic studies in Newcastle. “From there I moved to India and did my BA degree in Islamic Studies and Arabic in the city of Lucknow,” said Igsaan.

On his return to South Africa he worked as a deputy Imam in Worcestor and later moved to Wellington where he served as Imam from 1989 to 1992. He also served as Imam of Belhar’s mosque for 5 years.

As the newly elected and youngest president of the MJC, Ml Igsaan pledges his commitment to uphold the values of the council and to serve the community.

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MS MINTON SPEAKS CANDIDLY …. MARRIAGE AND BAGGAGE (part 1) In over 20 years of marriage counseling, it has become very evident to me that for couples planning to get married, it is an absolute must not only to attend marriage classes, but that they must seek psychological help to clear up past traumas and heal their emotional scars. Majority of couples enter into marriage hoping their partner will fulfill all their unmet needs, namely to be the loving parent they never experienced or be the ‘perfect’ partner who will make all their dreams come true. The reality is, the partner has also entered into marriage with baggage from the past. Thus, when the excitement of sexual gratification has worn off, partners start acting out their unresolved issues within the marriage container. In my experience, tensions arising within marriage is not only due to psychological problems, there are innumerable reasons, I found couples could work through many problems if they have balanced and well adjusted personalities, and come from a strong value based upbringing where Allah consciousness was part of the couples lifestyle. In home where there is firm faith in Islam it is easier for couples to bounce back

from the vicissitudes of marital challenges, but it is not to say that even the pious cannot experience relationship problems. The terrible experiences revealed by couples in counseling, shows that the individual needs to be healed through the process of psychotherapy.

Our newest contributor is Ms Noorrohnihaar Mintin, the co-founder and recently retired director of the Islamic Social and Welfare Association (ISWA). A distinguished lady who has dedicated her life to the plight of women, children and family regeneration.


FIRST LADIES HIFITHS SCHOOL The first ladies hafith school in the Western Cape opened its doors on the 23 January 2006 at the Habibia Soofie Mosque Complex. Under the guidance and leadership of Sheikh Yusuf Booley the Jami’yya Tul Quraa Girls Hifiths School (JEQ) was realized. The JEQ would be run on a similar basis to the boys’ school located in Skaapkraal. The boys’ school hufaath has over the years won many national and international accolades. “The JEQ would follow suit to envisage a “Centre of Excellence” and also introduce English, Mathematics and an innovative life skills programme to complement the spiritual and academic development of it’s learners”, said its administrator, Faiza Toefy.

Battle for Islam

By Roshan Vallie

It felt like a blast from the past as signal cannons fired away on the shores of Melkbosstrand on Saturday morning 7 January 2006. Amid the smoke, soldiers fell to the ground as opposing forces of British and Batavian (Dutch) regiments fired guns at each other. Either these soldiers dressed in 18th Century uniforms travelled to the future or I travelled to the past to witness this war. Thankfully, it was not a real war, rather the re-enactment to commemorate the day the British and French vied for the strategically placed Cape on 8 January 1806 known as the battle of Blaauwberg. In his speech historian Major William Steenkamp said: “The bi-centennial commemoration of the Battle of Blaauwberg is a day of living history of a small battle of which the effects are still being felt”. Among the mixture of infantry volunteers stood, Mogamat Hartley wearing a unique costume with a straw hat. He represented the loyal Javaanse artillery who fought bravely to defend their “colonial masters” in the battle. So, why would these Indonesian Muslims

bravely defend the Dutch rule even though Islam was a banned religion in the Cape colony? At the age of 97 the respected leader of his community, Kardie Abdussalaam known as Tuan Guru, was approached by General Dundas to help the Batavian army. In return the Muslims were promised “freedom” from slavery as well as a plot of land in central Cape Town for a mosque and burial site. Because of his old age, Tuan Guru passed the allegiance to Frans van Bengalen, the Javaanse army

and Indonesia presented wreaths in honour of their respective regiments who died in the battle to the melodious sounds of bagpipes played by Duncan McMullen. The performance of the only Muslim pipe band in Sub Sahara, Habibia Siddique Pipe Band, provided harmonious and lively entertainment for all. Whether it was a commemoration day of East meets West or North invades South, eyes were opened and history was lived!

“chaplain.” As the rule over the Cape changed from Dutch to British, the British commander, Admiral H.R. Popham deeply moved by the courage of the Muslims decided to uphold the Dutch promise. So, the first masjid named Masjid Awwal was built which is a lasting memorial to the brave Muslims who died for their religious cause. Frans van Bengalen was the first Imam of the masjid. The battle of Blaauwberg is a monumental reminder of the Muslim contribution to a war that changed the course of South Afirican history and so rooted Islam in the Cape. In his speech Premier Ebrahim Rasool said: “Only through the engagement of our past can we clear up the fog and keep the strain of positive history alive.” Attending dignitaries from South Africa, Britain, France, Netherlands

Premier Ebrahim Rasool, Mogamat Hartley representing the Javaanse artillery and Salfrida N. Ramadhan KH the Consul General of the Republic of Indonesia commemorating the achievement of the Muslims of the Cape at the Battle of Blaauwberg.

4 If you look at the world today, you find that there are few things guided by spirituality. Our lives are filled with things, which are material and mundane. Most of us only aspire to

A Mother’s Love Faiza Lamara Toefy

interaction with her children, she teaches them the Qur’an? Instead of singing the popular nursery rhymes and lullabies when putting the children to bed she recites to them verses from the

achieve those things that will benefit us in this world like a nice car and designer clothes. Many of us wake

Holy Qur’an. It has been proven that if the mother recites the Qur’an frequently during her pregnancy the

up too late usually when we are faced with a calamity. We then turn to our Creator for help.

child has an inclination towards the Qur’an.

We want the best for our children, but yet we only invest in their worldly needs. We expect them to be

The impact of the Qur’an is so great that it’s baraka (blessings) does not only affect the

obedient to their Creator; however the example we set is contrary to this. How often do we find parents

person that recites, but also those who are listening. Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad

telling their children to go to the mosque and yet they themselves sit at home and watch television. What

told us “ the best among you are those who learn the Qur’an and teach it”. Don’t we want

kind of example is this!

our children to be the best! We don’t need to spend thousands of rands clothing them

How wonderful would it be if every parent could live the life they want their children to live. We are the best example for our children. It has been proven scientifically that during the formative years of the child’s life the child learns by imitating the parent.

in designer wear or sending them to private schools to make them the best. All we need to do is give them a legacy that will benefit them not only in this world but also in the Hereafter and that is for them to memorize the Holy Qur’an, the Book of Allah, which is guidance to all Mankind and a protection from the Hell Fire.

Take the mother as an example. Her traditional role of being at home has changed dramatically over the past decade for a variety of reasons. However her influence over her children cannot be underestimated. Her interaction with her children is perhaps less but her relationship with them is just as important. What would be more wonderful if the mother in every household was Hafithul-Qur’an and in her daily

May Almighty Allah guide and protect us all! Faiza L. Toefy is the Administrator of JAM’EEYATUL QURRAA GIRLS HAAFITH SCHOOL

A B C GUIDE TO OBTAINING A PROTECTION ORDER The procedures to be followed to obtain a Protection

of marriage, although they are not, or were not, married to

Order in domestic violence situations are regulated by the

each other, or are not able to be married to each other;

Find out all the details of the person whom you

and effect until is has been served on the Respondent as

Domestic Violence Act 116 of 1998 (hereafter referred to

(c) they are the parents of a child or are persons who have

want to be protected against from domestic

in step 3 below.

as “the Act”). Below is a simple A B C guide outlining a

or had parental responsibility for that child (whether or

violence, e.g. his/her home and work address and

Step 3…

few simple steps that a complainant (the person affected

not at the same time);

identity number etc.

by domestic violence) has to follow in order to obtain an

(d) they are family members related by consanguinity,

interdict (Protection Order) against a person. However,

affinity or adoption;

before these steps may be laid down, it’s important to know whether you should approach the Domestic Violence

nervous at Court and leave out valuable information. •

PLEASE NOTE: An Interim Protection Order has no force

Step 2 …

Now the Respondent has to be informed about the application to Court and the date which both of

Go to the Domestic Violence Court closes to your

you have to be back at Court. Depending on the

(e) they are or were in an engagement, dating or customary

area and the Clerk of the Court will give you a form

Court, the Clerk of the Court might give you the

relationship, including an actual or perceived romantic,

to fill in. The form is referred to as an “Application

necessary documents to drop at the Police Station

Court or the South African Police Services for a Peace

intimate or sexual relationship of any duration; or

for Protection Order” form. Use the information

or Sheriff’s Office operating where the Respondent


(f) they share or recently shared the same residence. Now

you have gathered in Step 1 and fill in the form.

lives or works in order to have it served on the

the last question is, what is domestic violence?

This form is an affidavit and you therefore have

Respondent. Make sure that you receive proof

Q: What is a Protection Order?

Q: What is a domestic violence?

to swear to the correctness of the information

from the officer serving the documents on the

A: In simple terms, a protection order is an order granted

A: According to the Act, domestic violence” means-

under oath and sign. Therefore do not hide any

Respondent that he has done so.

by the Domestic Violence Court which prohibits the person

(a) physical abuse;

whom the order was made against to commit any acts of

(b) sexual abuse;

Caution: If your information is not 100 % correct, you may

domestic violence against you. Furthermore, a Court might

(c) emotional, verbal and psychological abuse;

be cross-examined on such correctness in Court and if it is

grant you an interim Protection Order with basically the

(d) economic abuse;

found that you were not totally honest, this would not be


same effect as a Protection Order which will be finalised

(e) intimidation;

in your favour.

immediately to the Police and if there is not


(f) harassment;

information or exaggerate.

(g) stalking;





to the Domestic Violence Court and state your case in order to get one.

have to be a “complainant” as described by the Act.

where the parties do not share the same residence; or

According to the Act, such a person is someone who is or

(j) any other controlling or abusive behaviour towards a

has been in a domestic relationship with a respondent (the


documents to a Magistrate who would read through

person committing the domestic violence) and who is or

Therefore, if you are experiencing domestic violence, the

it and might want to speak to you as well. The Court

has been subjected or allegedly subjected to an act of

following simple steps have to be followed in getting you

domestic violence, including any child in the care of the


complainant. So therefore the next question is what is a

Step 1 … Write on a page all the incidents of domestic


Once you have filled in the Application for

(i) entry into the complainant’s residence without consent,

If the Respondent commits any acts of domestic

Clerks of the Court would be happy to assist you.

A: In order to approach the Domestic Violence Court you

domestic relationship?

Interim Protection in place, go immediately back

(h) damage to property;

Protection Order form, return it to the Clerk who

serve these documents but the Sheriff does.

If you require any assistance in filling in the form, the

Q: Who my approach the Domestic Violence Court?

Hint: The South African Police Services does not charge to

Go back to Court on the date provided and state

will have it commissioned.

your case. If there are grounds, the Court shall

The Clerk of the Court would then take the completed

grant you a Protection Order.

Best of Luck!

will then do one of 3 things: (a)


Dismiss your application if there is no evidence

Adv. Muhammad Abduroaf (LL.B) LL.M (Constitutional

that domestic violence is taking place.


Grant you an Interim Protection Order which will






Q: What is a ‘domestic relationship’?

violence done to you or to your children on paper.

be finalised on a date provided by the Court where


A: According to the Act, a “domestic relationship” means a

Be very clear with names of people, dates and

the Respondent will have a chance to give his / her

South Africa

relationship between a complainant and a respondent in any

times. Take your time as this information you shall

side of the story; or

P.O Box 80

of the following ways:

have to fill onto a form at Court which is dealt

Postpone the matter without granting an Interim


(a) they are or were married to each other, including marriage

with in step 2 below.


Protection Order and provide a date where the

according to any law, custom or religion;

Tip: If you fill in the form at Court without first making a

Respondent will get a chance to give his / her side

(b) they live or lived together in a relationship in the nature

draft to work from at your convenience, you might be so

of the story.

Cape Town Displays Religious Tolerance

Pictures by Sanaa Petersen

The Cape Town Interfaith Initiative (CTII) recently celebrated and shared the richness of Cape Town’s religious and spiritual diversity at the V&A Waterfront on the 5th February, 2006. A beautiful platform creating awareness and tolerance towards the various cultural and religious expressions in the Mother City.


5 By Sanaa Petersen

The mandatory renewal of the Voice of the Cape (VOC) and

frequencies as transmission can only take place in a specified

exclusive broadcasting rights to the event, the two parties

Radio 786 broadcasting licences are due at the end of April

area and various frequencies are needed for the different

additionally signed a contract whereby VOC would do an

and rivalry has caused furore within the Western Cape and

areas, namely Western Cape and the Boland.

outside broadcast from Paarl for the duration of the festival.” In the business world, irrespective of historical relationships,

Boland Muslim community. Sentech further explains, “there are no frequencies available

a written or verbal agreement is binding on the concerned

Eleven years ago when the two Muslim owned radio stations

in the Western Cape and even if it would like to create more

parties and it is ‘commendable’ that the Paarl Muslim Jamah

applied for individual licences to broadcast the Independent

frequencies it’s impossible, unless you use a digital platform”.

(PMJ) has honoured its obligation.

Communication Authority of South Africa (ICASA) granted both

Although, Sentech is the service provider, ICASA is the regulator

Boland Summer Festival is a community event, which is

stations broadcasting licences on condition that they share a

and decides who can or cannot broadcast.

enjoyed by both radio stations audience.

the two radio stations service the same target audience and

Since regulatory powers do not lie with the management boards

The two stations share the same frequency, the same (Muslim)

that only one frequency was available. According to ICASA’s

of the Radio stations and after eleven years of broadcasting

audience but on alternative days. The VOC was broadcasting

website a breakdown of frequencies allocated to community

it is by time that the stations learn to work in tandem to

on 100.4fm frequency on Friday and Sunday and on Saturday

radio stations are listed which clearly indicates that all the

serve the broader Muslim community. Ideally, an unshared

it broadcast on 95.8fm (in the Boland). Radio786 broadcast

allocated frequencies are in use and no frequencies to broadcast

frequency for either station would seem the simplest solution

on Saturday on 100.4fm, on VOC’s “day-off” (in the Western

are available. The list states that 1 frequency available in

but in reality they share the same frequency and audience.

Cape) so why was Radio786 prevented from broadcasting the

Logically, speaking the

frequency. The reasons for sharing were on the premise that

Boland Summer Festival or having telephone link-ups with

Fish hoek was allocated to CCFM, the 2 frequencies in Paarl were allocated to Radio KC, VOC&Radio786, the 5 frequencies

The Boland Summer Festival 2006 witnessed two Muslim

officials of the PMJ on VOC’s day off. Why has the VOC binded

in Tygerberg were allocated to Bush Radio, CCFM, Fine Music

community radio stations with similar objectives to serve,

a community festival - community organisation to exclusive

Radio, Radio Tygerberg, VOC&Radio786 and 1 final frequency

educate, empower and entertain the Muslim (and increasing

trade agreements when it knowingly shares its frequency with

in Worcester was allocated to the VOC.

non-Muslim) community throw their toys at each other.

another for the duration of the festival? And on the realisation

Logging on to their websites was like watching a tennis match!

of this isolation why has Radio 786 not tried to engage in

Sentech transmission service provider, Callie Tydeman explains,

An interesting statement on the VOC website was that the

dialogue with the VOC before publicly and rather strongly

“a fm frequency is a straight frequency, and for example, if

“Boland Summer Festival has traditionally been associated

broadcast its dismay and disappointment. Could the run-up to

you shine a light at a certain spot it will only shine on the

with the VOC ...” “Apart from the fact that the Paarl Muslim

the licensing renewal be the culprit for this dissention?

specified area and not move. The geographical location of the

Jamah, as founding trustee of the Muslim Broadcasting

Western Cape, namely Table Mountain play a role in restricting

Corporation, (parent body of VOC), had been assured of

Shaikhs Exotics Prawn Biryani

Healing with the medicine of the Prophet (pbuh) This is a great scholarly work by one of the foremost classical academics of Islamic History by Imam Ibn Al Qayyim Al Jawziyya (R.A), it is a treasure of information and a rich source of guidance for humanity, a testimony to the Islamic legacy. The craze of today’s alternative healing, organic foods, spiritual therapy, are progressive concepts entrenched within the Islamic paradigm as advocated by the teachings of the Qur’an and the Messenger of Allah (pbuh). This book has been well-researched and documented by the learned scholar who relies upon information which has been verified as authentic and reliable for consumption by the masses. For easy reference it has been divided into 4 sections the Part 1 deals with the Kinds of Diseases



Part 2 - Using Natural medicine and Part 3 - the Prophets guidance on using Divine Ruqya (Spiritual readings) Part 4 - discusses the different natural alternative cures according alphabetical listings.

Excellent served at weddings , special occasions and celebrations. 1 kg headless prawns

125ml (1/2 cup) buttermilk

500ml (2 cups) Shaikhs Exotics Basmati Rice

125ml (1/2 cup) tomato puree

2 medium onions , chopped finely

2 Shaikhs Exotics stick cinnamon

juice of 1 lemon

3 Shaikhs Exotics whole cardamon

3 tsp ( 15ml ) garlic paste

2 Shaikhs Exotics whole cloves

1tsp (5ml) salt or to taste

2 fresh green chillies

2 tsp (10ml) Shaikhs Exotics Seafood Masala ½ g Shaikhs Exotics Pure Saffron 2 tsp (10ml) Shaikhs Exotics Biryani Masala

90ml (6tblsp) oil

1/2tsp (2.5ml) Shaikhs Exotics Garam Masala

90ml (3tblsp) ghee

Method 1. Fry onions in ghee till golden brown.

5. Heat saffron in microwave for 1 minute.

Remove and drain well. When cool

Add ¼ cup of boiling water to saffron

crush with hands. Keep ½ for prawn marinade and ½ for decorating rice. 2. Fry prawns in oil till pale pink in colour (optional- remove shells if desired ).

The writer makes reference to the illustrious scholars of Islamic Sciences and both Islamic and Greek physicians. This book is a must for all homes and libraries.

3. Boil rice with stick cinnamon , cardamon , cloves and salt till nearly done . Drain well. 4. To prawns add tomato puree , lemon

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Whole Crayfish and large Crayfish Tails export quality Tiger Prawns Excellent with the original Shaikhs Wet Seafood Masala and our delicious ready to use Fish Marinade For a gourmet taste, try our sensational Morrocan Chermoula paste with your seafood Grill, braai, stir-fry, sushi, curry or paella

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juice , Seafood masala , Biryani masala,

and leave to stand for 10 minutes. 6. In a large pot put 2tblsp of ghee , then prawn marinade and fresh chillies 7. Spread rice over prawn marinade 8. Sprinkle 1tblsp ghee over rice 9. Decorate rice with saffron and balance of fried onions 10. Lastly add 2 tblsp water over rice 11. Close lid tightly and cook on high heat

Garam masala, garlic paste , buttermilk

for 5-10minutes. Lower heat and steam

and ½ quantity of onions. Add chopped

for 30 minutes or till done

dhanya and marinate for 15 minutes. Serve with cucumber raita, papadams, atchaar. Alternately the Prawn Biryani can be steamed in the oven. Shaikhs Exotics Seafood Masala is excellent used on all seafood. Mix Seafood Masala with lemon juice, garlic paste and olive oil. Marinate for 30min., wrap in foil and braai or grill for excellent mouth watering flavour.


Grand Opening of 2 our Factory shop upstairs Gatesville


OPINION by Ml Shuaib Appleby

The HAMAS victory in the Palestinian elections herald a new

that Sh.Yusuf Qaradawi has issued a fatwa against this operations.

are flexible, strategic, and politically motivated as seen during

chapter in Islamic history, a new phase in Islamic activism and

This indicates that a future HAMAS government, will not engage

the election campaign when their election manifesto had no

afresh and innovative thinking amongst the Islamic ideologues.

in a war, since they deem themselves to be more strategic and

mention of maintaining armed struggle against Israel. HAMAS

The birth of a modern Islamic State born at the hands of the

politically wise than the now deposed Taliban government of

enlisted a Christian, as an electoral candidate as a symbol of

free will of the majority of Palestinians - irrespective of

Afghanistan and has proven this by publicly scoffing at the ‘offer’

religious freedom and a female candidate as a symbol of gender

religion creed or ideology in accordance to the Western style

by the Al Qaeda leadership whose brand of jihad they reject. It

equality, both were winners at the polls. They to have invited all

democratic process.

will be of interest to note that HAMAS has already under Sh.Ahmad

opposition parties to join them to form a coalition government

Yaseen (RA), resolved themselves to the reality that they will not

or government of unity - a symbol of Palestinian Unity.

Umm al Shaheedayn, a HAMAS member of Parliament, remarked: “All Praise be to Allah, this is the first Islamic State after the fall of the Islamic Caliphate.” (and Afghanistan?Iran?Algeria?). It is magnificent to witness the West not suppressing the will of the people to be fulfilled like in Algeria when the FIS gained power through the western system of democracy nor were they accused of rigging the elections nor were they accused of intimidating the voters through violence. The West accepted the will of the

be able to destroy Israel and “will rather leave the task to future generations”. In light of this reality HAMAS will rather focus their energy on internal unity and upliftment of the Palestinians, as this is what they are best at, social programmes. They have shown the willingness to negotiate with all even Russia who is at war with Chechnya, a Muslim country seeking independence and with Iran who is Shia and Saudi Arabia who is Salafi.

However, oppositions never accepted their offer and were saddened by a HAMAS vote of no confidence in the parliament against president Mahmood Abbas and the past agreements between the Zionist Israeli state and the Palestinian Authority. The fears of forbidding the sale and public consumption of intoxicants has been expressed by the secularists and other opposition parties, also the implementation of Sharia in

Palestinians though they showed some concerned of HAMAS

Khalid Misha`al, who lives in Damascus, and heads the HAMAS

Palestine has raised a few eyebrows. These uncertainties and

military programme. The Israeli government too shared the

Political Bureau, has repeatedly stated, that they will only

unknown factors have contributed to a state of anxiousness.

concerned of the West and does not want to support a HAMAS

decide to negotiate with Israel ‘if they withdraw to the 1967

However, since Ismail Abu Haniyya and most of the Palestinian

led Palestinian Authority. Internally, the FATAH movement and

border’ echoing sentiments of the now deceased Palestine

HAMAS cabinet members are moderates who seek amicable

many other factions are not interested to form a coalition with

leader, Yasser Arafat. In effect this indicates that HAMAS is

negotiated settlements a progressive Palestinian society will

HAMAS. This begs the question will HAMAS be able to govern?

willing to accept the two-state solution with Quds as its eternal

be possible. This possibility will only be realised if all accepts

HAMAS has ended their `Martydom Operations` since last year as Azzam Tamimi said in an interview with Community News (2005),

capital. These developments are a sure sign of political maturity

the policies of HAMAS and if HAMAS policies will be tailormade

in the HAMAS leadership which will enable them to govern

to suit all roleplayers and satisfy all kingmakers.

successfully in the Occupied territories. The HAMAS leadership



32 Hadjie Ebrahim Crescent Athlone Industria 1 P.O. Box 86 Gatesville 7764 Tel: 021 699 1200 Fax: 021 637 9406 A/H 021 637 1327 E-mail: [email protected]

Did anyone notice that on the way to the Montagu Springs Holiday Resort, in the main road as you enter Ashton, a billboard on which is painted ‘ASHTON ISLAMIC TRUST’. In our next issue we will feature full details about the Ashton mosque complex and its Muslim community. In the meantime when passing through Ashton, do stop and pay the Ashton Muslim community a visit.

V&A Salaah Khana Algamdullilaah, we have performed our salaah at the opened Salaah Khana at the V&A Waterfront.

It is

situated behind the Amphi theatre, visitors information centre, up a flight of stairs on the right. It has beautiful whudu and instinja facilities. We once again say shukran to all our readers who responded to the poll and made this endeavour a reality. May the Almighty reward you for your activism and answer your prayers. Insha-Allah.

The First Day At Muhammadeyah Muslim Primary School Wednesday the 18th of January 2006 brought back memories to many parents, some good and some bad, as it was the first day back to school after the long holiday. For some parents it was the very first day for their ‘loved ones’ to attend ‘big school’. Surprisingly, the grade1 learners were excited and confident, the parents on the other hand were apprehensive. “In my interviews with the grade1 learners they were so happy and expressed themselves confidently,” said Shanaaz Hamid Gool, presenter of Radio 786. And from the desk of the proud Principal, Mr E Ismail, is this encouraging story addressed to parents and learners.

A young man was telling his mother how everything was going wrong at school. He was failing Maths, his sports coach was moaning at him, his teacher was picking on him and the chap who was his best friend was ripping him off at school. You know the feeling!!! While listening to all this, his mother was baking a cake. To make him feel better, she asked him whether he would like a snack. “Oh, yes, Mom” he said eagerly. “I love your cake!” “Here you are”, his mother said, “I have some cooking oil.” “Yuck!” said the young man. “How about a couple of raw eggs?” “Gross, Mom!” “Here’s something special – a nice cup of flour or how about some baking powder?” “Mom!! those are all yucky.” “You are right,” said his mother. “All these ingredients are revolting by itself, but when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake.” Life works the same way. All of us wonder why we must go through bad and unpleasant times. However, after we have put it all together, we then have the wonderful experience of living. We need the bad times to appreciate the good. The bad times enable us to

realize the importance of everything that we take for granted – our family, our home, the opportunities at school, our friends. There is no doubt that our year is going to be like a piece of cake. It will contain hardwork and trying events. You may not make the sports team you want, or achieve the marks for which you are striving but if you are patient and if you put in the effort, I am sure that all of you will have a wonderful cake at the end of the year which will be really tasty, Insha-Allah. Let me take this opportunity to welcome all our learners, especially our Grade1. Like us as parents and teachers our children too, have hopes and dreams for this year. We ask Allah (swt) to help us realize our dreams, to help our children experience His Divine Presence in the precincts of our school and crown the efforts of their teachers with His Barakah, Insha-Allah.


8 International Peace University TURN YOUR BUSINESS South Africa (IPSA) First Graduation IDEAS INTO REALITY The International Peace University South Africa (IPSA), Faculty of Islamic Studies, held their Graduation Ceremony on the 10th March 2006 at the Baxter Concert Hall.

The academic procession lead by the Chancellor, Premier Ebrahim Rasool and the Rector, Ml Ahmed Mukadam evoked the proud emotion felt by the parents and partners of the graduates. The insightful keynote address rendered by Prof Goosain Mohamed reinforced the vision of IPSA in striving “for excellence in teaching, learning and research as part of making a major contribution to Islamic education in Southern Africa.”

Bachelor of Theology Degree from left to right: Roeshdia Abrahams, Aneesha Davids, Mushaidah Sadick & Amien Labsang

An impressive total of 108 students graduated from the Faculty of Islam Studies of which 85 are females. Mushaidah Sadick who has obtained her Bachelor of Theology degree recounts her four years at IPSA as “the best times of my life. When one studies Islam, we are not just studying the literal texts because Islam is not a deen that separates scientific and religious knowledge. So, in the IPSA classroom we are exposed to Philosophy, Astronomy, Physics, Physiology, Chemistry and Mathematics.

If you are an aspirant and existing small and micro entrepreneur then The Business Place (TBP) situated at 45 on Castle – Castle Street, Cape Town is just the place to visit. TBP is a network of service providers, networking organizations and community based organizations (CBO’s), clustered under one roof, with a friendly, accessible referral, networking and information centre at its core. HOW THE BUSINESS PLACE CAN HELP YOU TBP is a vibrant information centre where you will find the personal support you need, to help track your business journey. So, whether you require finance, a business plan, company registration, marketing, tenders, accounting services or training, TBP will ensure the appropriate referral; information and services are at your fingertips. Services include internet access for business research and idea generation, referrals to government resources and quality service providers, use of their meeting rooms and free accounting and legal advice. Everyone is welcome and no appointment is necessary. Contact TBP on Tel: 021 422 2797 or Fax: 021 426 1410 or email: [email protected] TBP is also an Allocating Agent for the Usombomvu Business Development Services Voucher Programme and the City of Cape Town’s voucher programme which services the over 35 age group. Voucher application for business support services

From left to right: Ml Ahmed Mukaddem, Premier Ebrahiem Rasool , Dr. Salie Abrahams, Prof Goosain Mohamed & Ml Igsaan Hendricks standing for the national anthem at the I.P.S.A. Graduation


(FORMER DIRECTOR OF ISWA) PRESENTS A WORKSHOP ON THE FOLLOWING TOPICS • Building Self Esteem • Stress Management • Personal Power • Mind Power

As a


You’ll recieve 12 issues of the Community News delivered to your door

• Assertiveness Training • Self Knowledge • Inner-child & forgiveness

Workshops are facilitated by the principal, Ms N Mintin and lecturer, Brian Slender. Where: Athlone College (Next to Athlone Civic Centre) When: Saturdays – 9am – 12pm and 2pm to 5pm For more information call on 021 706 5408 or 083 521 7795

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Please be advise that this newsletter carries Allah’s name. The names of the prophets and sacred Verses of the holy Qur’an please treat it with respect.


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