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Keeping you in contact with your community 22nd EDITION

MARCH 2009


Apartheid in SA – Heaven compared to Palestine today FIRDOWS BADROODIEN President Kgalema Motlanthe delivered the key note address at the opening of the Fourth International Humanitarian Conference on Saturday, 7 February 2009 at the Parow Civic Centre. The conference organised by the Muslim Judicial Council was in aid of strengthening the efforts to "stop the humanitarian crisis in Gaza". Representatives from 16 countries were present at the conference, namely Bahrain, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, France, Holland, Morocco, Malaysia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Lebanon, Palestine, Greece, Sudan, Turkey and S.A. President Motlanthe said that he decided against writing a formal speech because he believed that he was able to speak from the heart on the plight of the Palestinian people. He stated that a "deep sense of shared pain" existed between South Africans and Palestinians because the Palestinians are living in their very own apartheid state. Apartheid, an Afrikaans word meaning separateness was a system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party Government of apartheid South Africa. This was a chapter in South Africa's history where black South Africans were stripped of their citizenship and legally became citizens of self-governing Bantustans (tribal homelands). These Bantustans occupied small and economically infertile areas of the country. So too has Palestinians been

forced off their lands by illegal Israeli settlers. The apartheid government segregated education, medical care and other public services and provided black people with services greatly inferior to those of whites. Israel's "security fence" or Apartheid Wall carves Palestinian lands into inaccessible areas, leaving Palestinians who live on the wrong side of the wall isolated from water and crucial resources. Additionally, this wall isolates the Palestinian population from each other and their way of life. The Group Areas Act Of 1950 designed to separate racial groups geographically, became the heart of the apartheid system. This Act which was passed on 27 April 1950 partitioned the country into different quarters - areas allocated to different racial groups. This law was the foundation on which political and social separation was built. President Motlanthe spoke of his visit to Palestine in May 2008, he said that "Israel continued to change the physical facts of Palestine and that they are constantly constructing new settlements and building roads for the exclusive use of Israeli citizens. He said, "Palestinians who usually took two minutes to walk across the road from their homes to their places of work, now have to use a different route, stopping at dozens of Israeli checkpoints." President Motlanthe significantly went on to say "Not even in the darkest days of apartheid did we ever experience anything like that". He believes unity

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

is the most potent weapon that the Palestinian people can have and that South Africa is uniquely placed to assist them to realise everlasting peace and self determination. He urged South Africans to engage with the people of Palestine and help them attain unity and emerge as a united force. The system of Apartheid ignited the flame of internal resistance by political organisations HANDSHAKE: President of the MJC, Moulana Igsaan such as the ANC, Hendricks welcoming President Kgalema Motlanthe at the the Black opening of the 4th International Humanitarian conference on C o n s c i o u s n e s s 7 February 2009 at Parow Civic Centre Movement, the PAC such as the Palestinian Liberation and the UDF. In turn, the South Organisation (PLO) and international African government responded with anti- apartheid movements. police brutality, resorted to deten- This however, seems impossible due tions without trial, torture and cen- to the fact that the United States, the sorship. But despite suffering European Union, Israel, Canada and extreme cruelty, and having to endure Japan have labelled Hamas as a exile, these organisations retained Terrorist organisation, in fear of what support for the anti-apartheid strug- Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of gle in South Africa and continued to Israel stated in November 2007: "If rally support from international anti- the day comes when the two-state apartheid movements. President solution collapses, and we face a Motlanthe stated that similarly, South African-style struggle for Hamas, an organisation of social equal rights (also for the Palestinians workers and a democratically elected in the territories), then, as soon as government of Palestine, should join that happens, the State of Israel is forces with other Palestinian groups finished."

Kgalema Motlanthe sets The world`s first divorce date for S.A Elections by Facebook President Kgalema Motlanthe announced that the general elections will take place on 22 April 2009. Speaking at the National Assembly, Motlanthe said: "I also take this opportunity to announce the date for the fourth national elections for our country: 22 April 2009. I must, however, emphasise that the actual proclamation of this date will be made later." The proclamation of the date simply

means that the date has been published in the Government Gazette. This publication officially declares the election underway. On that date, the voting rolls will finally be closed, but until then, voting rolls are still open for latecomers who are yet to register. They can do so at their local council offices. – Source: News agencies

Emma Brady, a 35-yearold conference organiser, claims that she learnt of her divorce when her husband Neil Brady, a 39-year-old IT consultant, changed his status on Facebook, a social networking website, to read "Neil Brady has ended his marriage to

Emma Brady." Only after receiving a call from a sympathetic friend in Denmark, did Mrs. Brady realize what had happened. "I only joined Facebook because the girls at work said it was good fun, what upset me the most was not the fact that Neil had written

he had ended his marriage, but the comment from the girl in Canada who said: "You are better off out of it." Neil Brady now lives with his mother.

– Source: News agencies

What's New: The Community News (CNEWS) has transformed into a Women, girls and youth engendered read. The CNEWS has dedicated pages written by young Muslims for young Muslims. The 'junior reporters' have been selected through the Youth Engineering the Future 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plan Competition held during 2008. Each junior reporter will be attending a Media and Communications course capacitating them with skills in the print, radio, television and digital media. Watch them grow! The Youth Media branches are Al-AAzhar High/Colorada Park masjid; Alshams/Park Road masjid; AlShabaab/Kalksteenfontein masjid; Darul Islam High; Darun Naim, Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts/Masjidus Sunni; Husami GoGetters/Husami Masjid, STEPS/Iqra High school and Owwal masjid.



March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430



Editorial Editor Sanaa Petersen [email protected]

Deputy Editor Firdows Badroodien [email protected]

Youth Media Editorial Al Shabaab Team - Almarkaz Al Islami Doublom Street, Kalksteenfontein Ayesha Nakidien Ighsaan Solomons Al Shams -Darul Karaar Park Road Wynberg Umaymah Davids Shuaib VD Schyff Al-Azhar/Colorado Park Masjid - Mitchell`s Plain Cnr Rosewood & Weltervreden, Colorado Park Shakierah De Vries Abdurosheed Emandien MUSCLE/Darun Naim Boys Castletown Road, Wynberg Abdul Kadir Davids Altaaf Harnekar Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts Masjidus Sunni , 11 Ayshire Road, Kromboom Ghafeetha Abdul Razak, Miekaeel Adams, Yaseen Ebrahim S.T.E.P.S/Iqra Academy/Owwal masjid Jasmyn Street, Belhar Fathima Naidoo Nurah Simon

Publishers: ISLAMIC MEDIA AGENCY CC Ck2002/001313/23 Address :466 Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne, 7780 Tel: 021 6972294 Fax: 021 6972304 Email: [email protected] Designer: Nazleah Hartley Printers: Paarl Coldset Banking Details: Islamic Media Agency cc FNB, Sandton City, Branch Code: 254-605 Account Number: 62033040007

No-school as taxi strikes The taxi strike has had a direct impact on learners who were subsequently prevented from attending schools. The Western Cape Education Department said a three-day, 11-13 February, strike by taxi operators has a major impact on teaching in the province.Several schools across the Cape Peninsula reported a high absenteeism rate among learners and teachers on Wednesday and Thursday.Schools were forced to dismiss students early. Livingstone High School in Claremont also requested parents to decide for themselves whether or not to send their children to school, stating "the safety of our staff and students is of paramount importance". The City of Cape Town will be engaging with the taxi industry at an industry wide level through a series of monthly meetings. The City is committed to the successful implementation of the Integrated Rapid Transport (IRT) System and engagement with the taxi industry is an important part of the IRT. Executive Mayor Helen Zille announced that the first of these meetings will be held on 8 March. Mayor Zille said: "It is important that all

roleplayers in the taxi industry have an opportunity to engage with the City about issues of concern to them and that the City can raise issues with the taxi industry. These monthly meetings will give us an opportunity for broad dialogue between the city and the industry". Democracy in Somalia Somalia`s parliament elected Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed as the country`s new president. Ahmed was sworn in on 31st January 2009 in Djibouti and was handed the daunting task of stabilizing a country plagued by violence and anarchy for nearly 20 years. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed was elected after the previous president - a former soldier, rebel and warlord Abdullah Yusuf resigned in December after failing to restore peace to the war-torn country. Sheikh Ahmed a former geography teacher and chairperson of the Islamic Courts Union was elected to head a small local sub-clan in Jowhar. Ahmed was chairperson of the Islamic Courts Union that controlled Mogadishu for six months in 2006 before Ethiopian soldiers drove them from power. The impoverished and drought ridden Horn of Africa nation with a population of 8 million people

has had no functioning government, since clan-based militia overthrew General Mohammed Siad Barre in 1991. Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed stated, "Very soon, I will form a government which represents the people of Somalia. We will live peacefully with east African countries and we want to cooperate with them. Elections in Israel National elections to the Knesset, Israel's parliament, are held once every four years, unless circumstances call for early elections. This year's elections saw two rival Israeli parties claim victory. The Kadima Party, led by Tzipi Livni, the current Foreign Minister as well as Benyamin Netanyahu, leader of the Likud Party and former Prime Minister of Israel, have both declared themselves victorious. Livni declared victory in the early hours of Wednesday, February 11, saying: "Today the people chose Kadima…We will form the next government led by Kadima." Netanyahu addressed his party shortly before Livni spoke to hers and said: "With God's help I will lead the next government. Tzipi Livni won 28 parliamentary seats beating Netanyahu by one seat. According to Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, "a government

requires the Knesset's confidence to function, it must have a supporting coalition of at least 61 of the 120 Knesset members. To date, no party has received enough Knesset seats to be able to form a government by itself; thus all Israeli governments have been based on coalitions of several parties, with those remaining outside the government making up the opposition". 3.5tons of disposable nappies clog landfills each year According to The Green Guide 95% of US families use disposable diapers to the extent of as many as 8000 per child. The result is that 3.5 tons of them clog landfills each year. There is also the matter of untreated urine and faecal matter that can easily contaminate surrounding ground water. Pathogens in the waste can be spread by animals and insects. Bleaching the diapers gives rise to the chemical dioxin which is potentially harmful to the factory workers and if trace amounts show up in the diapers the babies skin becomes exposed to dangerous carcinogen. With all this as well as the fact that most brands of disposables are made from petroleum-derived plastic and wood fibre requiring 250 000 trees to supply America's requirements.

Interest in Islamic law grows SANA EBRAHIM

From a modest intake of just 14 students in 2004, to a staggering 85 in 2008; the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) Certificate in Islamic Law course has proved its weight in gold. The course has had wide appeal across cultural, religious and racial lines. It gives nonMuslim students a better understanding of Islamic Law in particular; and Islam in general. For Muslim students, a definite draw card has been the comparison of Islamic Law to South African law in issues that affect them in their daily lives, like marriage, divorce, succession, Islamic banking, and medical science. The course boasts a diverse student profile. 'Ulama (Muslim theologians), academics, businessmen, lecturers, home executives and students have all found relevance for it in their lives. This indicates that perhaps people might want to study Islamic Law not so much from the point of view of wanting to practise law, but to get an insight into Islam. So exactly what is Shari'ah (or Islamic Law) and how does it differ from western law? Course-coordinator Adv Muhammad Vahed explains: "Western law is man-made law; it's changing all the time, depending on circumstances. Whereas Islamic Law is

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen certificate course, such divine law and is as developing it into a applicable to all postgraduate diploma, Muslims for all and later on an LLM times, wherever (Masters in Islamic they may be situFamily Law/ Criminal ated." In the conJustice/ Islamic text of the Banking/ Medical Certificate in Jurisprudence). Islamic Law course, students Mr Shabir Chohan, are equipped with CEO of Albaraka Bank knowledge on a (corporate sponsors of wide spectrum of the certificate course) Islamic legal highlighted that in the issues in order to create a better AWARDS: (l-r)Adeeb Abrahams-manager Albaraka, wake of the current understanding of Prof Mohseen Ebrahim, Dr Muhammad Vahed, Judge global economic crisis, the practicality of Bashier Waglay, Shabir Chohan- CEO-Albaraka, flaws in the way busiSheikh A. Alexander, ness was done in the Islam in a secular past have surfaced. state. Every modcentres located in Ladysmith, "Governments bailing out ule commences with an Gauteng and Cape Town. The overview of western law fol- immediate result was a signif- banks show them to be really lowed by a detailed discus- icant increase in enrolment - just treating the symptom and sion of Islamic law. 40 more students joined the not the cause. Islam has the Contemporary issues such as course outside the Greater solution; based on risk-sharing, interest-free investment. the Amina Lawal Zina (adul- Durban area. This is evident from Islamic tery) case, the 'Khatif girl' rape case in Saudi Arabia, the The 2009 Certificate in banking in several countries cartoon cases involving the Islamic Law graduation took remaining largely unaffectProphet Muhammad (pbuh), place on 7 February with ed." The reason for this is that including the local Jacob Sheikh Mohammed Colbie Islam prohibits any form of Zuma cartoons in the context achieving the highest aggre- speculation, whereas western and Sheikh banking and finance trade in of freedom of speech, the gate debt and paper, which have no Abduragmaan Alexander, Muslim Personal Law Bill, and the global financial tur- imam of Masjid Ighwa Tul intrinsic value. Islam in second position and Students moil are examined. interested in Mymoena Arnold in third enrolling for the 2009 UKZN is the only tertiary position. Certificate in Islamic Law institution in South Africa course should contact Mrs Munirah Osman (lecturer that offers this course, which Mawlana Mulla on 079 796 has created a huge demand in the School of Law at 73070 or for it nationally. But UKZN UKZN) stated: "In a time [email protected]. is not a correspondence uni- when social injustices and Sana Ebrahim is a freelance versity and therefore the challenges are facing many journalist. Read her 'Indians course was offered in 2008 as countries, this course is espe- in Africa' blog at http://indiblock lectures at three new cially relevant." Future plans were also unveiled for the


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Sacrificing the self SANAA PETERSEN

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

Eid ul Adha is a time for reflection and clarifying our connection with the Divine. That was the theme of Sheikh Abd 'al Rasheed Brown's Eid morning sermon at Masjidus Sunni. Sheikh Brown said, 'The sacrifice of the animal is merely an outward manifestation of our sacrifice for Allah. The flesh or blood does not reach Allah, but our taqwa does.' Retrospectively, what would define our niyyah (intention) to consciously purchase and kill an innocent animal? Do we slaughter in the name of religion? Do we slaughter because we want good luck? Do we slaughter to chase the omens away? Do we slaughter to purify our 'gray' monies? Is our sacrifice ritualistic? All these questions entered my mind as I was listening to the Sheikh standing austerely on the mimbar (pulpit) addressing the predominately male crowd. 'Taqwa is a basis for ourselves, of our society. If there is no taqwa, there is nothing for the Muslim, because all of the principles upon which we build this ummah, can only be internalized through taqwa.' My mind drifting to a proclamation of a Muslim woman a few days prior 'I felt like a piece of meat.' Sadly, these exclamations don't make it to the mimbar, the headlines and neither does it tug at the Ulamas' heart - it's only whispered between women. A humiliating legacy passed between sisters from generation to generation. Many Muslim women irrespective of their status suffer in silence. Some were brave enough to cry at the feet of the Ulama only to be chided. Some were lucky to have registered their marriage in a secular court, allowing an opportunity for limited recourse. Some consoled themselves to a reward in the hereafter. On the day of Wuqoof my friend asked if I could meet with her friend Rayghana, a forty-five year old beautiful and stylish woman. She said Rayghana needed help in coping with her divorce. My mission is to teach women to rewrite their legacy. I am a project developer of the 'It's About Me' women's creative writing project. Since, it's launch in April, we facilitated sixty-seven women's life stories. A common thread in each story these women entrusted their spirituality to an understanding of the teachings of Islam woven by a dysfunctional legacy.

PORTRAIT: Poised picture taken outside a Rayghana grew up in a traditional home in Bokaap. She was never allowed to date and not encouraged to pursue a tertiary education. 'My mother taught us, that it was not necessary to have an ambition, as our husband would look after us,' said Rayghana. Her first husband was her classmate on high school. He was a non-Muslim and reverted to Islam. After eight years of marriage and two sons, he decided to convert to Christianity. 'I was left homeless and penniless, ashamed to go back home, feeling like a failure.' Only with a high school certificate and two young sons she moved from place to place looking for work. After a few months she found employment as a supervisor in a Wellness centre. She and her boys then moved in with her parents. No-one at work knew she was divorced, she pretended to be married, not wanting to deal with the rejection - not only as a wife but as a Muslim. The maintenance contractor, Nizar, at the Wellness centre was a Muslim, who alleged to be a widower, playing on the sympathies of the women

Saudi appoints first woman Minister The Saudi Gazette reports on the 14 February the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdullah issued a Royal Decree appointing the first woman to serve in a ministerial position. Royal decrees were issued making, Nourah Al-Fayez, the first woman to serve as Deputy Minister of Education for Women's Education Portfolio. The additional

changes in the composition of the Council of Ministers are Prince Faisal bin Abdullah bin Mohammed appointed as Minister of Education; Dr Abdullah Al-Rabeeah Minister of Health; Dr. Mohammed bin Abdulkareem Al-Issa Minister of Justice and Dr Abdulaziz Khojah Minister of Culture and Information. The new appointments come into effect February, 28.

staff. But Rayghana always kept a cordial relationship until the water pipes burst in her home. Her parents telephoning frantically and Nizar overhearing the commotion promised to fix the plumbing. He fixed the plumbing and then made regular maintenance checks, each time wanting to meet her husband. Rayghana lied saying her husband worked nightshifts. Then one day, Nizar, made a house call during the day, not finding a husband, he interrogates the domestic helper. She obviously was not alerted to the lie and replies, 'Mevrou, doesn't have a husband.'

This revelation propelled him to pick Rayghana up from work pretending that the pipes burst in her hotel in Uganda. home, again. Driving around for awhile looking for plumbing parts, he stops at Strandfontein Pavilion to buy an ice cream, as it was a hot summery day. Before she could blink he was on top of her, kissing and touching her. Too shocked to move, she waited for him to stop. He touched her all over but did not penetrate her as she was menstruating. Afterwards, he carried on as if nothing happened telling her how much he loved her. Too shocked to speak, she sat dutifully silent until they reached her home. She then avoided him, he persued her relentlessly. Too ashamed and afraid to speak out, she pretended nothing happened. She missed her monthly period, thinking it's absence was stress related. When she missed her second month's period, she went to the doctor, to discover she was pregnant. Distressed she confronted Nizar, he beamed, finally claiming his prize, 'Now you are mine,' he happily exclaimed. My mind drifting back to the sermon 'the more you have, the more you will worry about sacrificing…And this is when you get into trouble. You start to manage things as if you own them.'

When Rayghana was in her last trimester, she received a knock on the door, she opened the door and infront of her stood Nizar's 'deceased' wife. He was never widowed, he was a married man with a four-year old son and an eighteen month daughter. After the birth of their child Rayghana refused to see him, her elderly father assumed responsibility, but this infuriated Nizar and he persisted in asserting his role as a father. Rayghana went to an Imam seeking help to end the miserable relationship with Nizar. The imam's response to her trauma was, 'Why you coming to cry by me, you made your bed, you slept with him.' Disillusioned she internalized her pain and humiliation and consoled herself that one day 'Allah will save her'. Burying herself in her work, defenseless against Nizar and the taunting of his wife she became a shadow of life. After her parents' death she relented to Nizar and became his second wife. An emotional trauma that lasted twenty-years abruptly ended on a Friday an hour after pleasing her husband, he hands her, what he termed a 'love' letter. Bewildered she returns the letter to him unopened replying, 'You have never written me a letter before, neither have you ever bought me flowers or a gift, take your letter I don't want it.' The same evening Nizar's brother in-law, an Imam, delivers her the same unsealed envelop. In it were three written talaqs. Perplexed, she telephones the officiating Imam, who was a mutual friend, he responded to her questions, 'I thought you knew' and Nizar's response was, 'Ek het jou lief maar ek is ook lief vir die doenya(status).' His first wife has since sued Rayghana for a paternity test and R500 000 in damages. In concluding the Eid morning sermon the Sheikh quotes from the Holy Quran; ' And those who exalt the sacred symbols of Allah, it is from the taqwa in their hearts. It is from the consciousness of Allah and the consciousness of the hearts of heavenly people; living and tarrying on the earth for a short time, only to return to the heavens.' Sheikh Abd 'al Rasheed explains, 'That is what sacrifice is about. It's about making sacred the mundane. It's about aligning your lives to the prayer…constantly reorientating our hearts to the Qiblah that Allah has given us; not our nafs, hawa, shaytan and dunyah has given us. And this is what we need to do.' Do you have a story to share? Please email us [email protected]


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Youth on The MOVE

Winner of the YEF ‘Hubb 4 Life’ Business plan competition The Al-Shabaab team, representing AlMarkaz al Islami masjid in Kalksteenfontein was awarded first place in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The Al-Shabaab team won a Sahara laptop, 3-1 HP Office and each team member was awarded a Nokia cellular phone. Awqaf SA awarded the team with R5000 and a project management course. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About the Al-Shabaab Our mission is to provide an institute that will cater to the holistic, educational, spiritual, cultural and developmental needs of the community. We intend to educate the youth and motivate teenagers. Our motivation for having the Shabaab Centre in the community is mainly to attract more youth to channel their energies

PICTURE: Sanaa Petersen

Shameega Jinoo, 17 years This year I have been thinking of studying hifdh. It is my dream to be-able to memorise the entire Quran and become a Fashion Designer, Insha-Allah. I enjoy spending my free time shopping, hanging out with friends and listening to music. CELEBRATION: (Team leader) Fadwah Thorne,18 years, Hifz student; Shariefah Donson,15years; Ighsaan Solomons,16years; Ayesha Nakidien, 19years, Hifz student; Shameegah Jinoo, 17years; Zuraan Boltman , 16 years; Mushfieqah Lodewyk, 14 years more productively. In addition, we also believe that skills development classes for adults are greatly needed. There is an alarming call for youth groups to be established in our community and we believe that Shabaab Centre is the solution. The Shabaab Centre Team comprises of a dynamic group of young people who are dedicated in their cause of social upliftment in the community. Each member is committed to doing as much as they can in order to bring about positive change to their environment. The Al-Shabaab Team Mushfiqa Ludewyk, 15years My goal for 2009 is to make my parents proud by passing exceptionally well in the academic field. I plan to attend university when I complete high school, Insha-Allah.

The subjects I enjoy studying are Afrikaans, English and Life Skills. Fadwa Thorne, 18 years I am currently studying hifdh at Abdullah bin mas'ood hifth institute. On completing my hifdh, I would very much like to pursue my dream of becoming a nutritionist as I am highly interested in the medical field. I also enjoy swimming, hanging out with friends and networking (MXIT). Zuraan Boltman, 16years In my spare time I like going out with friends and chilling with family. My goal is to complete school and thereafter study hifdh Insha-Allah. My favourite subjects at school include Physical Science and Electrical Technology. Ayesha Nakidien, 20years I am currently learning

Union to co-o ordinate charitable and voluntary efforts in Palestine AYESHA NAKEDIEN

On Saturday the 7th of February 2009, the Muslim Judicial Council and "Eitilaf El Khair" (Union of Good) opened the 4th annual conference at the Parow Civic Centre. The conference was in aid of the Humanitarian crisis in Palestine. The mission of "Eitilaf El Khair" is "Coordination and successful communication

hifdh at Darul Furqaan Haafth Institute. I am a confident individual that questions everything. I have a strong personality, yet I remain friendly and approachable. I would like to study Clinical Psychology and my aim in life is to be happy, comfortable and successful.

among and between charitable organisations is the best way to support the Palestinians' effort, preserve their existence and great heritage and develop their personal abilities and infrastructure." (according to their Charter) The two-day conference was attended by leading public figures, among them were Sudan's Former President Dr Siwar Al Dhahab, for-

Sharifa Donson I am an extremely hard working, dedicated and "girly" 15 year old. I like adventures and love learning new things. I mostly love history and cars. It is my dream to become a Crime Scene Examiner. Igshaan Solomons 17 years I am involved in and committed to the RCL and the MSA. I have taken three major subjects at school level namely, physical science, biology and accounting and I believe these subjects greatly affect my future. I also take part in sports and extra mural activities. I enjoy playing soccer, rugby and taking part in cross-country running. I love keeping fit and keeping updated on the latest trends in technology. Diarise our 2009 Event Unity Carnival in May. It will be the first cultural and interfaith carnival in Kalksteenfontein. Email: [email protected]

A junior reporter’s first experience AYESHA NAKEDIEN After being selected as part of the editorial team for the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) organization, a few of us were presented with the opportunity to attend the Muslim Judicial Council`s banquet and conference over the weekend of 7th February 2009. I then went from being an average teen to being a junior reporter. Ever since the banquet, I`ve realized that journalism isn`t what it seems to be. It`s about critical thinking, the ability to read between the lines, prior research, knowing who`s who in the world, how to be specific when asking a question and not to mention, the ability to write. Other than that…you get an all access pass, you get to meet important people, you stay updated and it gives you insight into the way the world works. It`s an interesting yet tiresome job. My weekend as a junior reporter was… AWESOME. I was incredibly nervous, at times incredibly blonde but I learnt a lot, the experience was amazing and the company was great. I`d like to thank everybody from the Islamic Media Agency for helping me to grow, especially Sanaa Petersen, Zakareeya Pandey and Firdows Badroodien for making me feel comfortable, being patient with me, helping me out when I needed it and for not throwing me in the deep end completely. Here`s to more interesting stories.

WORKING: Junior reporter, Ayesha Nakidien from the AlShabaab Editorial Youth Media team, putting theory to practice at the 4 the Humanitarian conference hosted by the MJC. PICTURE: Zakareeyah Panday

mer Mufti of Palestine Imam Ikrimah Sabri and international delegates from 16 countries. The objectives of the E'tilaf El Khair is to reframe the priorities of charitable and relief work for Palestinians and to coordinate the charitable, voluntary and relief organisations serving Palestinians. UNION OF GOOD: Delegates at the E'tilaf El Ghair conference held at The Capetonian Hotel in February.


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Youth on The MOVE

Youngest contenders scoops Second Place in 'Hubb 4 Life" competition The Husami GoGetters, representing the Husami masjid in Cravenby was awarded second place in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The Husami Go-Getters was awarded R2500 from the Sulayman Bhayat Foundation. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About the Husami GoGetters Our at vision at Husami Go-Getters Youth Group is to build bridges of understanding, love, respect, and hope between young Muslims and all the role players in society, with a special focus on family relations and development. Our mission is to create an interactive forum which is both educational and enjoyable in order to support and nurture the Islamic identity of young Muslims growing up in South Africa Our objective is to create an interactive and participatory environment that relates with the needs of young Muslims in society today. As well as an environment free from intimidation for those young Muslims seeking spirituality. A special

PICTURE: Zakareeyah Panday

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

PLEDGING: The learners of Darul Islam pledging their commitment to a peaceful Palestine

Palestinian youth rally 2009 AYESHA NAKEDIEN

TEAM: (Team leader) Muneer Parker, Aadila Ahmed,

Waseemah Moerat, Rameez Kamaloodien, Kawthar Langry, Ismail Shaik Ahmed, Fayaz Parker, Ibrahim Allie and Mu’mina Moollaagee.

focus will be placed on the 12 to 17 year age group. Husami Youth will position itself as an educational resource for young Muslims wishing to learn about the benefits of growing spiritually in a non-Muslim society. We believe as youth, that we need the support of our parents, siblings, family, educators, Ulama and other role players to be able to transform our society into an exemplary one. The Husami Youth committee will provide a unique platform for young Muslims together with their families to further grow as an Islamic unit.

am the youngest in my family. I love food, fast cars and computers. I would like to become an IT engineer one day. My strengths are being able to work effectively within a team as well as being a great team leader.

Our Team Kawthar Langry, 14 years I am a hard worker always helpful towards others. I enjoy making new friends and trying new things. I am quite shy and wouldn't usually speak in big crowds but if the need arises, I will always try my best. I also enjoy reading and writing.

Aadila Ahmed, 13 years I am currently in grade 8. I enjoy participating in debates, swimming reading and watching TV. I am a friendly, helpful, confident and caring person. My strengths include being able to find a solution to any problem. 2009 Event: Friendship Festival where we will confidently discuss dating, sexuality, friendship and Islam, participate in a Debate, 'Know your Partner' quiz, make friendship memorabilia. When: Saturday 28 February 2009 Time: Thur to Esha prayer Venue: Husami Masjid, Cravenby Entry fee: R5.00, Boerewors rolls, juice and refreshments on sale.

Mu'mina Moollagee, 13years I am currently in grade 8. I am a dedicated, innovative, confidant, determined and hard working individual. My strengths are helping people and solving problems. I enjoy reading and eating, but I dislike vegetables and dogs. Ismail Shaik Ahmed, 13 years I have three sisters and I

Muneer Parker, 17 years I am currently in matric and going Hifz part time. I love sports, cars and I am always up for a challenge. I am a helpful, sociable, confident and adventurous individual. I believe that my strengths include being able to speak up and have my views and opinions heard.

On Monday 9th February 2009, the Islamic schools of Cape Town gathered at the Darul Islam Islamic High School campus in Surrey Estate in an effort to voice their outrage at the situation in Palestine. And to show their support and solidarity towards the Palestinian people who have been attacked and brutally murdered. Darul Islam, AL-Azhar, Madressa Tarbiyya, Hidaayatul Islam, Islamia, Iqra Academy, Noorul Huda, Iglaasiniyya and other religious schools attended the rally. Students from various schools expressed their views through

poems and song. Among the speakers were Sheikh Ebrahim Gabriels and Abu Zaid - an international delegate from Morrocco. Abu Zaid, on seeing the various presentations stated that in his heart, he felt that the future of Islam would be upheld with dignity and steadfastness. Even though each school had a different manner of bringing their views across, the message remained the same. We the youth have to play our role. Palestine is not only the land of the Palestinians, but the land of all Muslims. We must stand up and be counted. Through unity, we will be victorious.

Darul Islam Youth prioritises Health and Nutrition The Darul Islam High school participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About the Darul Islam Youth We at Darul Islam Youth, strive to empower the youth in order to build a better future by fostering their

leadership skills and instilling in them God Consciousness. Our vision is to be-able to empower the youth by opening an innovative and vibrant youth centre, so that we may redirect the youth`s attention towards beneficial endeavors. Our mission is to keep the youth away from harmful and idle activities and remain in a safe, fun, inspirational and educational environment. Thereby enabling us to embark on a journey to better ourselves and inspire our fellow young brothers and sisters to do the same. We are committed to developing leading scholars, sportspersons together with young dynamic leaders and ambassadors for Islam. The Darul Islam Youth Committee is made up of a diverse and energetic group of individuals, each bringing a unique quality to the organization, thus enabling our committee to create a positive awareness of Islam. Diarise our Event: Darul Islam Health Festival nutrition, diets, exercise and beauty taking place in April.

Albaraka Bank Proud Supporter of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' project 42 Klipfontein and Belgravia Roads, Ahtlone, 7764 Tel: 021 637 8800 Fax: 021 637 8805

Banking only one way, the Islamic way


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Youth on The MOVE

Youth group placed 3rd in ‘Hubb 4 Life’ competition The Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts team, representing Masjidus Sunni in Kromboom was awarded third place in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts team was awarded R1500 from the Sulayman Bhayat Foundation. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About the Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts Our vision at Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts Youth Committee is to beable to grow as a community, using the universal principles of Islam namely,` Al Kulliya tus Sit`, which is the preservation of Belief, life, intellect, lineage, honor, wealth and prosperity. We plan to cultivate an environment based on trust, love and respect. Our goal is to support the formation of an identity of young Muslims and nonMuslims alike growing up in a multi- cultural pluralistic environment. We intend to develop fun, educational and interactive programmes, which attract young persons towards spirituality. It is our mission to provide a pleasurable and participative space in which to educate and empower young persons.

About our team: Gaafitha Abdul Razak I am studying Hifdh and love laughing and spending time with my friends (my favorite people in the world). I am a very sociable individual. I am always up for trying new things and having a good time. I enjoy travelling to different countries and meeting new people. I am a very determined person. Fast cars and food are two things that excites me greatly…lol. My weakness is public speaking. I do

untouched spaces. I am passionate about life and its many different, beautiful and scary trials. In essence, I would describe myself as a complex passionate being that never gives up and never loses hope. Miekaeel Adams I am currently completing my Hifdh programme and hope to qualify as a Chartered Accountant. I have an effervescent personality and love people, drama and sport. I am driv-

Israel should be banned from 2010 World Cup MIKAEEL ADAMS

The Palestinian Solidarity Group (PSG) with its partners held a Mass Rally at the Violets Rugby Sports ground in February to end the 'Humanitarian Crises in Palestine'. Mercia Andrews of PSG said, 'the struggle in Palestine is even longer than South Africa's (liberation) struggle.' She called for Israel's soccer team to be banned from the 2010 World Cup. And, former Minister of Intelligence, Ronnie Kastrils, said that South Africans can never celebrate their freedom until Palestine is free. Allan Boesak reminded the

crowd that it was the Palestinians that helped them (South Africans) fight for freedom from Apartheid. 'Christians should stand up against Israel in the same manner that they stood up against the apartheid government of South Africa,' said Boesak Cosatu, Zwellenzima Vavi called for: All companies should refuse to carry shipment to Israel. The SA government should stand up against the Apartheid State of Israel The media should express the truth Israel should be banned from the 2010 World Cup. PICTURES: Ghafithaa Abdul Razak

PICTURES: Moosa Brown

SOLIDARITY: (l-r) Speakers at the PSG 'Stop the Humanitarian Crises in Palestine' mass rally are Mercia Andrews - PSG; Nozizwe MadlalaRoutledge -Deputy Speaker of Parliament and Zwellenzima Vavi COSATU TEAM: back (l-r) Mikaeel Adams, Amien Karriem, Yaaseen Ebrahim, Wazeer Isaacs, Raees Ismail and Suhail Waggie (infront) Musaddiqah Brown, Israh Ariefdien, Ghaafithau Abdul Razak and Uzair Achmat however posses a great passion for photography and would like to become a photographer one day. Musaddiqah Brown I am studying Hifdh and enjoy shopping, chilling with my friends and watching movies. I am a very lovable person and I enjoy making new friends. I am afraid of dogs and spiders. I am a very quiet person but once you get to know me you will discover my true personality. It is my dream to become a doctor one day. Raees Ahmed Ismail I would describe myself as person that is driven by success and challenges. It is my dream to achieve the inconceivable, the implausible and the most farfetched of dreams. I am not afraid to just be me and to venture into open

en and motivated to succeed in all that I plan to do. Israh Ariefdien, 14years I am currently studying Hifdh and still undecided as to what I would like to study after my Hifdth programme. I don't particularly like public speaking but I do enjoy the planning of a project or event. I like learning new things and my favourite colour is red. Yaaseen Ebrahim I matriculated two years ago and then decided to pursue the memorisation of the Holy Quran. When I am done with my Hifdh programme I would like to further my studies in the arts, graphic design or animation fields. I enjoy meeting people and learning new things. Diarise our event: Car Rush (Driver Education Programme) taking place in October.

The South African National Zakaah Fund (SANZAF) Proud Supporter of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' project SANZAF Western Cape Head Office and Centre for Education & Skills Development 381 Lower Main Road, Salt River Tel: 021 447 0297

EXPERIMENTING: Mussaadiqa Brown and Miekaeel Adams, from YEF Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts with former president of Sudan Dr Siwar Al Dhahab at mass rally, Vygieskraal.

space SHARING: - Taj and Maggie from the Stoke-on-tent college, Manchester UK visits the Ibn Jazariy academy in Kromboom.


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Youth on The MOVE

Al-A Azhar High school in Athlone adopts the Colorado Park masjid youth The Al-Azhar High school participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About Al-Azhar High youth team At Al-Azhar, our objectives are to create a unique, innovative concept that will attract the youth towards the spiritual environment of the mosque. Highlighting the diversity within Islam and moving away from the stigma attached to it. We aim to empower the youth by giving them a voice and thereby affording them with an opportunity to express their viewpoints. We at Al-Azhar, plan to promote the Mosque as a safe haven for young people, in so doing provide an environment which encourages communi-

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

youth group at Radio 786. In 2008, I entered the V o d a c o m Journalist of the Year not knowing where that would lead me…to tell you the truth, I entered just for fun. As a result, my radio feature was short listed and I made the regional finals. I hope to make 2009 a successful year. I believe that the Youth Engineering the Future will take me places and TEAM: (Team leader) Abdurosheed Emandien; Shaakirah De that is why I am Vries; Su-aad Williams; Fatima Ryklief; Zainap Martin; forming part of the Shakira Jeppie; Yumna Abdul and Khaliel Doutie executive committee. cation and tolerance among teens. Abdurosheed Emandien Our team Su-ad Williams, Fatima Ryklief, As a muslim, there is an expectation Zainab Martin, Shakira Jeppie, from Allah S.W.T that makes me a representative for Islam as a whole. Yumna Abdol, Khaliel Doutie Thus I can say that being a Muslim Shaakirah De Vries, 17 years I am an extrovert and I am always has molded me into a respectable perdoing things to improve my knowl- son who behaves ethically. I see the edge of media. I am extremely inter- YEF programme as a social upliftested in media as a whole. I wish to ment scheme and would be suitable pursue a career in journalism If I for a person like me. could describe myself in one word it would probably be practical, because Our Event I believe that things do not happen on Al-Azhar High/ Colorado Parktheir own. If you really want some- Empowering the youth on media thing you have to reach out for it in and IT your own way and make things happen for yourself. In 2007 I joined the

MUSCLE spiritually uplifts youth PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

The Darun Naim Boys High school participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth.

mosque as well as taking part in its activities. By attracting the youth, we ensure a stronger foundation for the next generation. Our aim is not only to keep the youth occupied, but to provide guidance and a positive social climate to nurture their minds. We hope to reduce the number of misguided youth found on streets and enhance the number of youths helping Islam flourish.

The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support.

TEAM: Abdul-Kader Davids, Altaaf Harnaker and About our team Touhir Mohamed Altaaf Harnaker I am currently in my second year of Arabic and Islamic Touhir Mohamed, 17years Studies at Darun Na'im - Institute I am currently in the second year of for Higher Islamic Learning. Prior my Islamic studies course at Darunto that I attended Habibia Primary Naim. I attended Madrassa-tuPrimary School. School and I matriculated from Tarbiyyah Thereafter I completed my hifdh of Islamia College in 2007. I enjoy camping, fishing, hiking, martial the Quran under Sheikh Ismail arts, swimming and being with Londt. I spend my free time playing games, and I enjoy all types of friends. sport. Our Event Abdul-Kader Davids, 20 years I completed grade 7 at Morgenson Darun Naim Ijtimaa- Separate Primary School, thereafter I attend- Boys and Girls religious camps ed Darul Uloom Arabia wal Islamia taking place in Junetion. Many in Strand, where I concluded my others are studying either in the hifdh after four years. My hobbies Health Sciences, Engineering or are reading, swimming, playing Commerce fields. Some have gone cricket and rugby, taking walks and on to study Islamic Law and Religion. learning new things.

About MUSCLE - Darun Naim Boys Muscle Association or Muslims United for Social, Cultural and Leadership through Education is an organisation with the sole purpose of attracting youth to the mosque in order to uplift the community on a mainly spiritual level through academic and extramural activities. Our mission is to inspire and generate enthusiasm among the youth to get involved in and around the

Al-A Azhar High achieves 100% pass rate SHAAKIRA DE VRIES

The Al-Azhar High School in January 2005, moved from the Ottery campus, where the Primary school was also housed to its premises in Athlone. We started the year with 182 students, 11 teachers and 9 class units. Since then our intake has increased steadily over the past 4 years. Currently (in our 5th year at this campus) our enrolment stands at 330 students, 23 teachers and 13 class units which will soon increase to 15 units once the additional two classrooms have been completed. Our academic record has also rapidly improved over the 4 years. In 2007 we had our first group of matriculants who sat for the National Senior Certificate examination. Our pass percentage rate in this examination was 88.8% with 56.8% Exemptions. In the 2008 Grade 12 Final NSC examination, we achieved a 100% pass rate with 58% Endorsements. The majority of our students who have successfully completed their Grade 12 examinations have gone on to study further at tertiary institutions in this country and abroad. 82% of the 2007 candidates are now studying at a tertiary institution. Many others are studying either in the Health Sciences, Engineering or Commerce fields. Some have gone on to study Islamic Law and Religion.

Al-A Azhar primary honours its elderly neighbours

PAMPERED: The principal and staff of the Al-Azhar primary school hosted its annual Muharram lunch for their elderly neighbours. The neighbours were treated to a 3 course sumptuous lunch prepared and served by the teaching staff.

The Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) Proud Supporter of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' project

20 Cashel Avenue, Athlone Tel: 021 696 5150/1/2


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Youth on The MOVE

Al-S Shams applies intergrated Islamic approach The Al-Shams youth team from Park Road masjid participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About Al-Shams Our mission is to encourage a lifelong participation within Al-Shams in order to create a thriving community. As well as forming a relationship and network with other youth groups and organizations. Our youth group will ensure that an integrated Islamic approach is fostered in all activities,

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

TEAM: From left to right: Shuaib Van der Schyff-12years, Team leader – Gafeedha Davids-19years UWC student, Nabeelah Davids-14 years, Umaymah Davids – 17years and Uzair Ramjam – 16years which we undertake all the while being mindful of the environment in which we live. Our philosophy is to provide a unique atmosphere for youth to interact and develop in an environment that would encourage sharing and the galvanizing of different ideas, feelings and opinions in order for them to contribute meaningfully towards their own personal growth and the advancement of our community. Our vision is to provide youth with a unique space to grow physically, intellectually and spiritually enabling them to lead a positive lifestyle strengthened by Islam and to remain mindful of our responsibilities as youth. At AlShams, we hope to position

ourselves as an educational resource for individuals wishing to learn about Islam and its culture. Our team Nabeelah Davids, 14 My education is very important to me although I don't like sport that much. Being an executive member is an honor for me because I see this as an opportunity to develop in all aspects of life insh-allah. Growing up in a western society can be a difficult task, but I hope this program will equip me with the necessary skills. Umaymah Davids, 18 years I am a first year student at the University of the Western Cape, studying computer science. I'm a fun outgoing person who is game for almost anything. While I love spend-

ing time with my friends and having fun I know when to be serious. I've lived by the moto: "live life to the fullest", always hold your head up high Allah won't make you carry a burden you cant bare. Gafeedha Davids I am a 2nd year occupational therapist student at UWC. I am the eldest of 3 girls. Being the oldest is not an easy job. It can be very stressful at times, but all I can do is be grateful and thank our Almighty Allah. The reason I chose occupational therapy as a career is because I have the passion to work with people and to enable them to live a satisfactory life with or without a disability and to help them fulfil their daily occupations successfully. I'm an honest, trustworthy, patient and understanding individual going through life looking for opportunities to grow and to become a stronger, independent individual within society. I am a responsible person with the courage to pursue my vision and my dreams. A positive attitude brought me to where I am today and a positive attitude will take me through life Insh-Allah.

It probably seemed like just another 'Youth Engineering the Future' gathering, where we would have another meeting and receive our next task, but this was not the case at all. We all met at the MJC office and it was interesting to note that we, naturally, stood with our own crowd. The atmosphere was, to a certain extent, tense because no one really knew each other. Oh, but was that going to change. We finally arrived at our destination, Spier, and what a wonderful place it is. We then had time to roam around and see what Spier had to offer. But my highlight was playing the interactive game next on our agenda. Boys and girls were separated and were to stand in a line, opposite someone. We were then given one minute each to introduce ourselves. Honestly, it was somewhat difficult for me. And I think

this was a mutual feeling amongst us. You try speaking to someone about yourself for one minute and try and make an excellent first impression. Admit - it is difficult! Once our game came to a close, the most perplexing part approached. Not only did we have to remember everyone's name, we had to draw a person's name out of a hat and describe them to the group. Sometimes the group knew whom the orator was speaking of, while other orators were dumbstruck themselves. When we got the person's name correct, we could draw a gift out of the bag. We were all asked to bring a gift with that resonated the theme 'sharing' without the Valentines day hoo-haa - no reds, chocolates, flowers, cards, candles and soaps worst of all the gift could not exceed R15. Sharing felt so special with our new friends, we not only exchanged gifts but smiles and so much


Being my first time going out into the world and having to take notes and interview people was nerveracking. I had no idea what to expect and how to react. While sitting and listening to the speakers I was taken in by what they said and the way they said it. As the night progressed I became more relaxed but when I spoke to some of the guests my stomach was in a knots all over again. I got up the courage interview the guests and had a blast. I’d love to do it again soon. Shukran for the opportunity.

Uzair Ramjam, 17years I am extremely imaginative and really expressive. I am outspoken, and an excellent mediator, yet I can still remain critical an empathetic. I am independent and hardworking. I am interested in literature, comparative religion, current affairs and politics, especially Middle Eastern politics.

YEF breaking the ice UZAIR RAMJAM

A junior reporter’s first experience

PICTURES: Zakareeyah Panday

laughter - we had so much fun. Then came the most interesting and unexpected part, a message from Sanaa Petersen, the YEF facilitator, who said that the game we played, proved that at our developmental age, it is difficult to make a first truthful impression because we didn't really know who we are. She left us with the question So, how is it that teenagers can be in YEF TEAMBUILDING: YEF team building at Spier, 14 February 2009 a (adult) relationtense to a more relaxed feelship, and share of themselves the group . ing. And I think the objective to others, if they don't really know what qualities they are After this, the whole frame of of the day was successfully made up of in the first place? mind of the YEF group attained. changed. Not only did we sit A quest to find one's self is a in unison, but we spoke What an event it was! This lifelong journey and only you freely to each other too about gathering was extremely enjoyable. The ambience, know when you're really a number of aspects. food, games and the people ready. This message impacted heavily on my conscience On the way back, you could were just awesome. and made a lot of sense not not help but observe the tranjust to me but to the rest of sition of the atmosphere from


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Youth on The MOVE

STEPS cultivating young leaders YEF gone sailing The STEPS youth team from Iqra high school participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth. The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. About STEPS We at STEPS youth committee believe that our vision should please Allah (S.W.T). It is our mission to transform the Mosque into a hub where social responsibility will germinate amongst the youth. Research has shown that there is growing demand for the development of Islamic youth groups. STEPS will therefore provide the youth with a safe Islamic environment in which they can socialize as well develop themselves spiritually, physically, emotionally and intellectually. We recognize the need to respond to the current socio-economic, political, cultural and religious challenges facing youth today. It is our intention to draw the youth back to the mosque thereby transforming the mosque into a hub for constructive activity. We believe that through our youth committee, the youth`s talent and skills will be honed, cultivated and nurtured thereby transforming the youth into successful leaders. About the STEPS team Junaid Mullajee I am a natural leader with experience in talking to large crowds. I enjoy analytical thinking and intellectual debates. I`m religiously orientated and I attend a madressa over weekends. I am a private person but I can converse well with most people. I enjoy the sciences and nature, animals

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

TEAM: (Team leader) Junaid Mullagee, Imraan Jappie, Zubair Rusdien, Gadija Jabaar, Razaan Hindley, Faatimah Naidoo, Shaakirah Rajab, Nurah Simon, Gaseenah Mentoor, Sameeu’d deen Machelm, Gayaatunisa Ishmail and Aqeela Van der Berg and reading. I believe in staying young and therefore still watch cartoons, play games and play with my younger siblings. I am currently Head Boy of Iqra Academy. Fatima Naidoo I am a dedicated student in achieving the best in every aspect and spirited in every goal. Competitiveness is my middle name. I tend to be curious, brilliant, open-minded, original, independent and eccentric. I have a highly developed sense of social equality and a lightning-fast intuitive insight. Sameeu`d Deen Machelm I am an extremely focused individual who possesses a unique personality. I am tenacious and humorous as well as loyal to those who are dear to me. I am Islamically orientated and therefore carry myself with humility and pride. I also have a sincere love for the game of cricket. Caleb Haggland I am a caring and giving individual. I am peace-loving strongly apposed to using violence as a method of resolving problems. I am focused and therefore I am able to make decisions on my own without giving into peer pressure. Nurah Simon I am a very committed student. I am an honest and generous person. I am surprisingly sensitive and can be dramatic at times. I love enjoying myself and I believe that I will achieve and deserve the very best.

responsible person. I am a quick learner and I am able to work well under pressure. I am intelligent and posses good leadership and management skills. I am very driven and believe that nothing is too big to overcome. I can therefore accomplish anything I set my mind to. Gaseenah Mentoor I am generous warm- hearted person. I can however be selfcentered at times. I am very protective of the people close to me, especially children and those who are weak. I am creative, dramatic, as well as sensitive. I posses strong organizational skills and I consider myself a natural leader, one who is always up for a challenge. Zubair Rusdien I am a very dedicated person. The word failure never crosses my mind. In fact, it is not even in my vocabulary. I am an Islamically orientated person with a great sense of humor and I enjoy having a good laugh. I have a great passion for cars. Both driving and working on cars brings me great pleasure. Shaakirah Rajab I can describe myself as being an assertive person and I have a strong sense of self. Holding grudges is not something that I would do. I am drawn to physical activities and adventure appeals to me. I have a natural ability to handle any project assigned to me with boldness. I also have a great knack for creating things.

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

SAILING: The SA National Zakaah Fund invited the YEF executive members to share in their 'family' day in February. The YEF enjoyed a day on the Nauticat with a lazy trip to Seal Island and lunch treat at Fish on the Rocks.

CHILLING: The YEF STEPS youth taking a stroll on Houtbay at the SANZAF Family day.

YEF in training

CAPTIVATING: Fathima Naidoo and Junaid Mullagee conquers the 'Nail' project management exercise at the YEF January breakfast.

Our event: Learner management - July 2009

Imraan Jappie I am a very well mannered and

Proud Supporter of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' project Vangate Mall, Vanguard drive, Athlone, 021 6331065 Hospital Welfare and Muslim Educational Movement (HWMEM) - 021 637 7866 Hijrah Travel, Hashiem Fryddie - 021 7058602 Imam Hashiem Lamara Taj and Fairuz Aklekker Awqaf Foundation Cosy Corner, Ottery road, Wynberg - 021 7972494 Debonaires Pizza, Plumstead, Grassy Park and Kenilworth Centre

EDUCATING: Rudewaan Arendse, Project Manager and a member of the YEF Advisory board, facilitated a project management workshop at the January YEF meeting. He illustrated the importance of planning before executing any project. The interactive and participative session proved to the young members that success lies in planning, attention to detail and assertiveness.


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430




Muharram at Park Road, Masjid Our Muharrum program was held on the 18th January 2009, where the imam Moegamat Noor invited under privileged children and families to celebrate the Islamic new year with the Wynberg community. The event started off with a Thikr and snacks for the guests. A guest speaker spoke about the difficulties that the people in Gaza and the significance of Muharrum. After Thur lunch was served at the Vigilance wall we as al-shams helped were necessary. We are planning to take the youth of our community to visit Greenpoint stadium so that they see the developments and improvements, indeed it is a historical moment for all of us because it is history in the making. We see this as an opportunity for the youth to be exposed to what is happening within the country and for them to realize that tomorrow belongs to them. G.Davids, Al-Shams Thank you, SANZAF Thnx sanaa u the bst i reali enjoyd myslf 2day n snd my thnx 2 SANZAF as we on bhalf of al da STEP membas we wud lyk 2 tel u thn u dng a great job n we wil try our bst 2 mke da dream of da yef 2 wrk! Thn u a star! Imraan Jappie YEF January Meeting Salaam i realy njoyd ystrday i learnt alot . . .my fav part was da nails ha ha ha embarrassing. Hey but im realy excited 4all the evnts an otha thngs that are gona happen.thanx 4 giving us all the opportunity 2make sumthng of our lives. Yaaseen Ebrahim YEF Teambuilding Slm. Shukran sanaa me had a wondaful tym saturday!:-) ws awsome gettng 2no evrybdy. totali enjyd myslf(",) it ws one of my best valentines day eva!! Lol once agn shukran! Hehehe! Ighsaan Sedick Hey m0wah!shukz 4 yesterday hada fab day..!fadwah Thorne Thanks sanaa n evry1 that atendd the yef team buildn, it brightnd up my day. Ayesha Nakidien

Al-A Azhar high school builds 5 additional classrooms PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

Kindly share this information below with all voters, in particular the aspect of the Voter that needs to be taught/reminded that they have two ballots - one a National Ballot and the other being a Provincial Ballot Voting procedure When you arrive at the voting station in the voting district where you have registered, the electoral staff will:

WORK IN PROGRESS: Worker on site at Al-Azhar High school. The Al-Azhar Institute of Cape Town is a fully registered independent school that is wholly dependent on the school fees, fund raisers and a small subsidy from the WCED. All our expenses, (telephone, rates, electricity, water, office equipment, stationary, duplicating paper, toners, stencils, daily running expenses, resource books, etc) have to be paid from these major sources of income. We do not receive any funding from the Al - Azhar University, Cairo or the Egyptian Government (as is commonly believed by our community outside of the school) We carry the name because of an agreement signed in 1993 between the Muslim Judicial Council and the Al-Azhar University Cairo that they will send Egyptian Al-Azhar graduates to South Africa to teach our students the Arabic language. These Egyptian teachers are paid by the Egyptian government. That is where Egypt's responsibility

ends. The host country must provide all the infra-structures, as agreed upon in 1993. Because of the rapid growth of the High School, we have been forced to find funds for the construction of the three laboratories and 5 additional classrooms. Two classrooms are near completion. We are therefore in need of the necessary furniture and equipment to continue with our programme of providing quality education to our students. We are making a very serious and earnest appeal to you, to please assist us in continuing on this path of excellence in education. Kindly consider how you can assist this school to make learning a pleasant experience for all concerned. Yours in the interest of quality education M.S. Christian Principal - 021 6965475, Birdwood Ave, Athlone

In the SPOTLIGHT The message 'Restore unity in Palestine' resonated at the fourth international humanitarian conference hosted by the Muslim judicial council (MJC) in February. - Umaymah Davids

Another guest, Yaseen says that what the president said looks uplifting and insh-allah the goal is to free Palestine, Masjidul Aqsa and the people of Palestine. A guest at the conference Zeenat Hassan says, "at the rate things are it is going to be difficult but with dua and striving for what you believe in unity will prevail."

What happens at the voting station on 22 April 2009?

According to Nazley Solomon the truth has prevailed this is the nature of life and we will have unity. Do not loose hope because Allah promises unity to all. We should network and acquire woman leadership.

"wa tasie moe bie gablilah hijamie owala tafa rakoe" Hold onto the rope of Allah, because unity is strength, let us eases the fight in Palestine Inshallah.

1) Check your ID and hands to ensure there is no ink on your fingers; 2) Verify if the photo in your green barcoded ID looks like you and verify that you are registered; 3) Cross your name from the segment of the voters' roll; 4) Mark your left thumb with indelible ink; 5) Issue two ballot papers i.e. national and provincial ballot papers; 6) Direct you to a voting booth to cast your votes. Once you have marked the ballot papers you must place your ballots in the ballot box. Shukran and Was salaam Aslam Salie W Cape Director of Communications ALJAMA Political Party Registered Political Party in terms of Electoral Commissions Act, 1996 (Act No 51 of 1996)

Developing partnerships with Africa and the Gulf states FIRDOWS BADROODIEN The Gulf Research Center held its first annual forum at the CTICC on 24-25 February to develop strategic partnerships with Africa and the Gulf states. Chairman of the Gulf Research Center, Abdulaziz Sager Abdulaziz Sager in his address said that the development of a multi-level economic, social and political relationship is crucial to creating a beneficial and sustainable partnership with Africa. The Strategy Forum entitled "Developing a New Strategic Partnership" is "a milestone not only for the Gulf Research Center but also in the long history of Gulf-Africa relations. In addition, this partnership has become all the more important in the current context of the global financial crisis." Sager stated that the conference would serve as the perfect platform for both regions to undertake the task of better understanding each other as well as working on a strong recovery from the global economic crisis. The Gulf-Africa Strategy Forum aimed to cement the Gulf-Africa relationship by offering an indepth assessment of the status of ties and a clear outlook to where the relationship could be heading. The Gulf-Africa Strategy Forum will become an annual GRC conference event which will bring together the key leaders and personalities from business, academia, government and media to outline the main issues and challenges facing more constructive relations between the key regions of Africa and the Gulf.


March 2009 - Rabi-ul-Awwal 1430

Darun Naim girls promoting Islam ' I t ' s A b o u t M e '

The Darun Naim Girls - Young Changemakers for Youth Empowerment participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revitalise the masjid as an integral, functional and vibrant fundamental in the development Muslim Youth.

The YEF would like to thank the Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plans competition namely, Rudewaan Arendse, Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for their selfless support. Darun Naim Masjid Girls: Young Changemakers for Youth Empowerment The Darun Naim Masjid Girls and Boys school participated in the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life'/'Love for Life' Business Plan competition, convened by the Youth Engineering the Future (YEF) Project Trust on 30 November 2008 at SANZAF H/O and Centre

PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen for Educational and Skills Development in Salt River. Participants had to develop a business plan inorder to create a Young participative space within the masjid. They also had to identify and develop sustainable frameworks to revi- TEAM: (Team leader) Athira du Toit -16, Aliah goder, talise the masjid Amaal Goder, Zahrah Goder – 16, Ayesha Mohammed as an integral, -15, Tauhira Mohammed -18years. functional and vibrant fundamental in the devel- the hub of the community. And is seen as a place to engage with opment Muslim Youth. The YEF would like to thank the and empower young Muslims, Adjudicators of the YEF 'Hubb 4 allowing them to take responsiLife' Business Plans competition bility for self development and namely, Rudewaan Arendse, development of their community. Amina Bhayat, Dr Anwa Nagiah, Our objectives are to make the Mickaeel Collier, Sheikh Shahied masjid friendly to the youth, to Esau and M. Amien Jacobs for promote Islam and bridge cultural differences. To help the youth their selfless support. About the Young rediscover the value of living life Changemakers for Youth the Islamic way and to create a space for young people so that Empowerment We see the masjid as a place they are able to develop life where we, the youth can learn, skills and responsibilities, which have fun and interact in an they need in order for them to Islamic environment resulting in deal with the challenges of growthe beneficial development of the ing up. community at large. Our mission Our Team: is to provide a platform whereby Adhira du Toit, Aliah Goder, Amaal the role of the masjid in the 21st Goder, Zahrah Goder, Ayesha Century, has once again become Mohammed and Tauhira Mohammed

Muslim Polygamy case goes to Constitutional Court SANAA PETERSEN

Fatima Gabie Hassam, a Muslim widow, is waiting to hear if the Constitutional Court will allow her to inherit a portion of her late husband's estate despite the fact that she was in a polygamous Muslim marriage. Hassam was the first wife and her husband died intestate (without a will). Hassam approached the Cape High Court after her husband's death because the executor of his estate did not believe the validity of her polygamous marriage and refused to give her part of her dead husband's inheritance. Hassam's attorney, Ighsaan Higgins said, 'There is a whole sector of women that's been prejudiced by not being able to inherit from the executor's estate as well as they are not able to benefit from the provisions of the Maintenance of the Surviving Spouses Act." Four legal teams and Friends of the court, the Muslim Youth Movement (MYM) and Women's Legal Centre argued the matter in the Constitutional Court on Thursday, 19 February 2009. In supporting Hassam the MYM quoted F. Cachalia paper on ''Citizenship, Muslim family law and a future South African constitution: a preliminary enquiry', 'The consequences of non-recognition are serious, particularly for the wife. Although a couple may regard

themselves as married according to the tenets of their religion, the law treats them as strangers. There is therefore no legal nexus between them: there is no joint estate and any nuptial agreement is void; there are no financial obligations between the spouses inter se and no claim for loss of support accrues to the dependant spouse on the death of her 'husband'; she has no claim for maintenance on divorce or against her husband's deceased estate; she is effectively disinherited if her husband dies intestate; she may be compelled to give evidence against her spouse in criminal proceedings; and the law attaches the stigma of illegitimacy to her children.' Higgins said none of the legal teams objected to the key arguments. The judges wanted to ascertain if Hassam had been a spouse," said Higgins. This arose out of a dispute on whether or not a fasakh had been issued, which would have caused a separation between the deceased and his first wife. "There was some dispute on whether it had been revoked at some point or not. But we managed to overcome that difficulty, because the judges did not want to go into the conflict between civil law and Islamic law. They did not want to tamper in any way with Islamic Law so they accepted that Hassam had in fact being a spouse in the context of a polygamous marriage.

We then just had to argue the law pertaining to it," said Higgins

The 'It's About Me' (IAM) project is a Trust with the aim of sharing and preserving home-grown stories and experiences. In addition to promoting literacy and encourage writing, its core element is to help young girls and women recognise negative growth barriers including stereotypes, prejudice, conditioning, expectations and fears (external and internal). Although, South Africans share a unifying history of struggle, hope and triumph, it sadly does not share the same history when it comes to sharing of stories across racial, gender and generational boundaries. Sharing of stories through conversation and writing can be magical - it can be a healing and developmental experience. When you hear or read someone else's story you demystify prejudice, stereotyping, expectations, fears and negative perceptions, instead you star t to develop new insights in the storyteller. Insights that can develop into great friendships based on understanding, compassion, respect and love. On the 15 March, 2009 we will be launching the first compilation of grassroots women's stories titled, 'Silence Speaks'. The Depar tment of Justice and Constitutional Development has graciously sponsored the printing of IAM journals. We would like to honour our courageous par ticipants and host an afternoon in sharing stories with women from diverse environments. Launch Details: Date: Sunday, 15 March 2009 Time: 3 - 7pm Venue: UCT Tennis Club, Ring road, Upper campus, Rondebosch Cost: R100 Tel: 021 6972294, Cell: 084 774 4174, Email: [email protected]

According to the MYM the 'nonrecognition of women in polygamous Muslim marriages as spouses severely prejudices such women who are unable to access the system of benefits created by the State for widows, who have been determined by the Constitutional Court to be a vulnerable group in society'. The MYM further argues that the 'non-recognition of these women as spouses fails to have regard to their lived reality and fails to accommodate the diversity within our heterogonous society by recognising that people who live according to the tenets of Islam do enter into polygamous marriages'. Hassam has filed a draft order which she wishes the Constitutional Court to make. "The draft order declares section 1 of the Intestate Succession Act to be inconsistent with the Constitution and invalid to the extent that it does not include the surviving partner in a polygamous Muslim marriage and proposes a new construction of the Intestate Succession Act. It further declares that the word "survivor" in the Maintenance of Surviving Spouses Act should be read to include surviving partners of polygamous Muslim marriages.

Please support the Youth Media and “It's About Me” projects BANKING DETAILS Islamic Media Agency cc FNB, Sandton City, Branch Code: 254-605 Account Number: 62033040007

YEF 2009 Events Calendar


About YEF ‘Youth Engineering the Future’ YEF Strategy Meeting for 2009

February Friendship Festival (Dating, sexuality, friendship and Islam) Husami GoGetters

March Weekly Halqa on Citizenship and Democracy - Friday after Jumuah Leaders of yesteryear and today - Alshams, Park Rd Masjid-2 27th March Media Communications Bootcamp - Islamic Media Agency/ Channel 4 Network

April Darul islam - Health festival- nutrition, diets, exercise, beauty Public Youth Debate with top5 Political parties on Citizenship and Democracy

May Peace/Unity Carnival - First Cultural and interfaith carnival in Kalksteenfontien - Alshabaab

June Separate boys and girls camps - Islam in SA context - Darun naim - ijtimaa YEF 1st Anniversary - 'Calling all Super Heroes' Youth Khutbah at various masjids - MJC Youth Affairs Project Management Course - Awqaf Foundation

July Learner management programme/Entrepreneurship STEPS/Iqra Academy

August Empowering Youth through Media and IT - Al Azhar/Colorado Park


The vision of the ‘Youth Engineering the Future’ (YEF) project aims to support the young Muslim’s growth in a developing and pluralistic environment. The objectives of the YEF project are to revitalise and/or develop Islamic models or frameworks to nurture the young Islamic identity in a diverse and pluralistic environment. These Islamic models can hopefully; Create a supportive platform for SA Muslim youth growing up in a pluralistic environment with

respects to the debate of identity, culture, tradition and religion. Develop and enhance proactive and preventative initiatives with regards to peer pressure, HIV/Aids, substance abuse, sexuality and all forms of violence and abuse. Enhance civic participation with regards to community, political and economic development inorder to eradicate poverty and societal ills. Enhance civic participation in responsible engagement with the media, its technological tools and by-products.

YEF Youth Executive Branches Al-Azhar High School

Colorado Park masjid, Mitchell’s Plain


Park Road, Wynberg

Darul Islam Surrey Estate


Kalksteenfontein Masjid

MUSCLE/Darun-Naim BOYS Wynberg

Darun-Naim Girls Wynberg

Husami GoGetters Cravenby

STEPS Iqra Academy Belhar

Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts Hifz Academies Play Festival (Pre-R Ramadhaan) - Islamic Media Agency

Masjidus Sunni - Kromboom CONTACT DETAILS

October Car Rush Event (Driver education programme) Masjidus Sunni - Kromboom

November Examinations - Peer tutoring, study circles in masjid - All YEF Executives

December Youth Connection Leadership programme - Witrivier, Mpumalanga

The Board of Advisors of the YEF Trust are: Rudewaan Arendse - Project Management UCT Amina Bhayat – Economics MA – Nelson Mandela Fellowship Mickaeel Collier - Political Science (Hon) UCT, Ma. Cand Sheikh Abd ‘Al Rasheed Brown – BA Theology (ICOSA), BA Sociology UCT Roshaan Misbach – Bcom IS Unisa Sheikh Achmat Sedick - MJC Sheikh Shahied Esau – MP Founder Trustee: Sanaa Petersen

Supporting the young Muslims’ development in a non-Muslim and pluralistic environment

Trustees: Lauren Bates and Nabeweya Malick YEF Partners: Muslim Judicial Council SA National Zakaah Fund Albaraka Bank Hijrah Travel Imam Hashiem Lamara Exposure Women’s Club Vangate Mall Awqaf Foundation Islamic Media Agency cc Channel 4 Network Project Donors If you would like to receive a copy of the YEF Executive branches Business Plans please contact SANAA PETERSEN on 021 697 2294 /[email protected].

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