Climate Change Is A Natural Occurrence When The Earth Climate System Change And Developed A New Climate Pattern.docx

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,341
  • Pages: 2
Climate change is a natural occurrence when the earth climate system change and developed a new climate pattern. Intense heat wave, the rapid increase in sea level and loss of Arctic glacier ice is the changes that happen in this modern era because of increase in greenhouse gases that cause the earth to increase in temperature for the past few decades. According to NASA, the global temperature rise is 1.9 degrees Celsius and if the number stay or increase for another 12 years, we can no longer save the earth as it will be too severe to fix at that moment. Paris climate agreement is an initiative that has been proposed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on December 2015 to build up and intensify global response to climate change and strengthen the ability of countries to handle the impact of climate change. Its main objective is to reach the limit of 1.5 degrees Celsius of global temperature rise and keeping it below 2 degrees. However, some countries did not make the effort to invest in reaching the goal of the Paris agreement and did not bother to take action to reduce the impact of climate change. This makes the climate change crisis does not have any further improvement as there are no actions taken to reduce the activities that contribute to climate change. Greta Thunberg, a 16years-old Swedish girl, decided to not attend school and demonstrating alone by standing in front of Riksdag, national legislature and supreme decision-making body of Sweden, every day with a sign that reads "Skolstrejk for klimatet" which means "School strike for climate". She demanded the Sweden government to comply with the Paris agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. She continued to demonstrate every Friday and will continue to do so until the government fulfilled her demands. Other than that, she also posted on her social media about this movement and later she gained worldwide attention because of her brave action. She managed to inspire school student around the world to participate in this school strike as they thought it is for their future and there will be no future for them if this crisis still exists. In December 2018, more than 20,000 students around the world joined this movement with the same agenda as Greta. 2.PROBLEM STATEMENT "We have only 12 years to save the planet" warns the U.N Intergovernmental Panel on climate change because of rapid rising of carbon dioxide emission and the world only have 12 years to preserve any hope before the Earth becomes an unlivable planet. The global temperature needs to be maintained below two degrees Celsius. Most people do not realize that flood, storm and global warming that happen in Malaysia because of climate change. Although some people realize the problem they not doing anything. Furthermore, the government of Malaysia still focus on business involving chemical while they already summit the Paris agreement as the climate action plan. The student skipped the classes on Friday and doing the movement so their voices are heard about the adults need to take responsibility for the crisis and reshaping their future to better. There is no point of study hard on studies but there is no future to look up. Moreover, most people also not aware of this movement (Friday for Future). As a result, this movement does not have a large number of students in Malaysia to join this movement. The following research questions have prompted the researchers to conduct the study on acceptance of school strikes for climates (Friday for Future) among university students in Malaysia. Why is it that some students choose to join or not to join the movement (Friday for Future)? What is it makes the movement is not growing fast by the student in Malaysia? Is it the climate change problem are getting worse until the students' needs to hold the responsibility by involving the movement? 3. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The purpose of this research is to study of acceptance of school strike for climate (Friday for Future) among university students in Malaysia. This study several research objectives to be attained as follows: To identify the level of participation among students towards school strikes for the climate. To analyze the importance of this movement (Friday for Future) toward climate change. To evaluate the thoughts of students on the effect of joining the movement. 4.SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The results of the

findings will be great of benefits to the students. The results will provide students with knowledge about climate change and the information on school strikes for the climate. It would give students the realization of how bad climate change has happened over the past few years and the determination to change towards a better future by defending and fighting for the future generation. At the end of this study, students will finally know how school strike works towards preventing climate change from getting worse than it already is. Furthermore, the given data would guide educators to provide a platform for students to strike for climate since this strike only occurs in a safe way. The data would also provide educators a deeper understanding of this school strike for the climate. Lastly, the given data would help them formulate some preventive measures to help students strike in a safe environment. The data would also help society to acknowledge the causes of climate change and how bad it is happening now around the world. 5.LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY Throughout finishing the study, there were some unavoidable limitations. One of the main limitation including the restricted amount of time. The student was given a total of 13 weeks before the submission of the full report. These timelines given seem to be sufficient. However, the fact that student also takes other courses related to their degree programme results in the limited time available. This includes limited time in collecting information from interview, book, journal, questionnaire, and internet. Secondly, the inability to generalize university student's acceptance toward this Friday for Future (School Strike for Climate) because the data are only assessing respond of 50 university student through Google doc. The total number of university student all over Malaysia are 1,325,699 (Ministry of Higher Education) (2017). In order to get the result for larger groups, the study needs to have more respondent to our questionnaire. Thus increase the study reputation. On the other hand, the credibility of information gained from the questionnaire is also a limitation because it might not clearly reflect themselves on what they did in real life situation. The certain respondent may fake their answer as compared to what they really did. Last but not least, the major drawback of this study was the cost. Interviewing Greta Thunberg really could have been a plusvalue to the study but definitely hard to achieve. As a replacement, Aroe Ajoeni Sulistyoritni from University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) was selected to be interview as she was the one who started this movement in Malaysia with also being a realistic choice from the financial perspective. 6.METHODOLOGY This study will be conducted at higher education institutions in Malaysia. The subjects of this study will be 50 students in Malaysia. Social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and WhatsApp will be used to distribute a set of questionnaire to the subjects of study. The questionnaire will be divided into three sections which are demographic information, review on climate change, and review on Friday for Future movement. An interview session will be held with one of the pioneers of this movement in Malaysia. A semi-structured interview will be used to promote a deeper exchange of ideas and information without misleading from the purpose of this study. Reading material will be another method of data collection for this study. The focus will be on electronic resources since it is best to get the latest information nowadays. Information that will be gathered through reading materials would be facts regarding this study. This study will be conducted for 9 weeks starting from 17th March 2019 until 23rd May 2019.

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