Clarification 3

  • November 2019
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Friday 15 September 2006 Issue 3.00

Removal of the doubts raised by SP in their usual SPin

Methodology of Criticism Between The Du’aat 1 Of Ahlus Sunnah ‘Allaamah Shaikh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz (rahimahullaah) “Indeed Allaah ‘Azza wa Jal orders with justice and ihsaan, and prohibits injustice, oppression and enmity. Allaah has sent His Prophet Muhammad ( ‫ )ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬with the same [religion] that He had sent all His Messengers with; consisting of calling to Tawheed, having sincerity to Allaah alone. He ordered him to establish justice/fairness and forbade him from everything that is in contradiction to it such as worshiping other than Allaah, splitting, dispersing, enmity and aggression upon the rights of the slaves. It has spread that in these times a lot of those who affiliate themselves with knowledge and calling to good, speak about a lot of their brothers from the known callers. They speak about the students of knowledge, the Du’aat and the lecturers. They do this secretly in their gatherings, they may sometimes record this and spread it amongst the people and they may also do this in public and in general lectures in the Masaajid. This approach is in CONTRADICTION to what Allaah ordered His messenger ( ‫ )ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬with from a number of angles: This is a form of aggression upon the rights of the Muslims, rather an exclusive group of people who are from the students of knowledge and the Du’aat, those who exerted their efforts in enlightening the people, directing them and rectifying their ‘Aqeedah and Manhaj. They strive in organizing lessons, lectures and writing beneficial books. This is splitting the unity of the Muslims and tearing apart their ranks, while they are in the utter most need of unity, distancing themselves from dispersal, splitting and excessive Qeel wa Qaal (he said, she said) between them. Especially if the Du’aat that are being spoken about are from Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah and are known to wage war against innovations and superstitions, standing up against those who call to that and exposing there plots and faults. We do not see any benefit in this kind of conduct except for the lurking enemies from amongst the Kuffaar and hypocrites or the people of innovations. These types of actions assist and support biased people from amongst the Masons, Orientalists and other than them from the Aheists. Those who are notorious for speaking about the Du’aat, lying about them and inciting people against them in what they have written or recorded. It is not from the rights of Islaamic brotherhood to help these hasty enemies against their brothers from the students of knowledge or the Du’aat or other than them. These actions corrupt the hearts of the general people as well as those specifically involved. It is also a form of spreading and propagating lies and false rumors. It is a cause for excessive Gheebah and Nameemah, it opens the doors of evil upon the weak souls who struggle against this kind of behaviour, those who have become accustomed to spreading misconceptions, starting Fitnah as well as being keen upon harming the believers with what they have not earned. A lot of the speech that has been said has no reality to it, and it is only envisions/imagination/predictions which the Shaytaan has beautified for those who engage in it as well as deceiving them with it. Allaah Ta’aalah has said in the Qur’aan: {O you who believe! Avoid a lot of suspicion; indeed some suspicions are sins. And spy not, and do not backbite one another.} [Al Hujaraat:12] The believer should understand the speech of his brother based upon the best of interpretations. Some of the Salaf said: “Do not think evil of a word that your brother has spoken of while you are able to find a good interpretation for it.” What we find from Ijtihaad from some of the scholars or students of knowledge in the issues where it is permissible to have Ijtihaad in, then the one who holds that particular opinion should not be blamed or rebuked if he is from amongst those who are qualified to make Ijtihaad. If someone else disagrees with him in that particular issue, then it is more befitting that he debates with him in a manner that is best while being keen upon reaching the truth with the quickest of paths while also repelling the whispers and provocations of the Shaytaan between the believers. If this is not possible and he sees that he has to clarify the contradicting view, then this should be done with the best of words and the most pleasant of indications. Without attacking, dispraising and transgressing in speech which in turn may lead one to reject the truth and turn away from it. Also without speaking about specific personalities or accusing people’s intentions or speaking more than one should without any justification. The Messenger of Allaah ( ‫ )ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬used to say in situations like this: “What is the matter with people who say such and such.” , I advise those brothers who spoke ill of the Du’aat [from Ahlus Sunnah] to REPENT (make Tawbah) to Allaah Ta’aalah from what their hands have written and what their tongues have uttered which in turn corrupted the hearts of some of the youth and filled them with hatred and malice as well as occupied them from gaining beneficial knowledge. Also [to make Tawbah] from calling to Qeel wa Qaal about people, looking for things that they consider to be mistakes of others and fishing for them and taking this upon themselves. Just as I advise them to atone/amend what they have done, whether it be written or other than that which will free them from this kind of conduct. Also that they remove what they attached to the minds of those who listen to them and that they turn to fruitful deeds that bring one closer to Allaah and that are beneficial to the slaves. Also that they beware of hastily uttering rulings of Takfeer or Tabdee’ or Tafseeq upon other than them without proofs or evidences, the Messenger of Allaah ( ‫ )ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬said: “Whoever says to his brother; “You kaafir”, then it will return to either one of them.”

1 It should NOT be understood from the title that we are implying “SalafiPublications” or its “leaders” are recognised du’aat. No, they are NOT qualified or authorised to even be in the field of da’wah. They entered into the field of da’wah with no Islamic legitimacy or any qualifications and started to attack those who are established, Islamically qualified and legitimate – and we seek refuge with Allaah from this type of evil behaviour. Markazi Jamiah Ahle Hadith UK have legitimate qualifications from the likes of the Islamic University of Al-Madinah as well as being recognised and supported by the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs and Darul Ifta in Saudi Arabia. In fact Shaikh Ibn Baaz personally appointed Shaikh Suhaib Hasan and ‘Abdul Haadee al ‘Umari as the Du’aat in the UK. So SPub’s actions are rebellion against Shaikh Ibn Baaz, as well as Dar ul Ifta and the Saudi Ministry of Religious Affairs! So do not look at SPubs’ claims but look at the reality of their actions. They continuously attack Green Lane Masjid, but the Kuffaar and the real People of Innovations and Desires (the local Barelawis, Deobandis, Shiah and Qadiyanis) are safe from their tongues?

It is legislated for the Du’aat to the truth and the students of knowledge if something from the sayings of the people of knowledge is problematic for them to return to the acknowledged ‘Ulamaa in those issues. To ask them so that they can explain to them the clarity of the issue and show them it’s detailed explanation in order to remove uncertainty and misconceptions from them selves acting upon the saying of Allaah ‘Azza wa Jal in Surat An Nisaa: {When there comes to them a matter concerning (public) safety or fear, they make it known (among the people); if only they had referred it to the Messenger [ ‫ ]ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬or to those charged with authority among them, the proper investigators would have understood it from them (directly). Had it not been for the Grace and Mercy of Allaah upon you, you would have followed Shaytaan (Satan), except a few of you. } [An Nisaa/83] We ask Allaah to rectify the state of all the Muslims and to gather their hearts and deeds upon Taqwaa. To grant success to all of the Muslim ‘Ulamaa and all the Du’aat to the truth to what Allaah is pleased with and benefits His slaves. To guard them from the causes of separation and differing. To give victory to the truth and disgrace falsehood through them, indeed He is the Walee of this affair and is able to carry it out.” [Source: Majmoo’ Fataawah Ibn Baaz: 7/311(]

The Ignorant One is Not Fit for Da’wah! ‘Allaamah Shaikh Dr. ‘Saalih Al Fawzaan “The second attribute of this methodology is that as a pre-condition, the one who calls to Allaah must be upon knowledge. He must have knowledge of what he is calling to. Upon him is to learn, first and foremost, the knowledge which will allow him to call the people to Allaah, the Most High. The ignorant one is not good for calling (people) even if his intention is good and even if he calls to Allaah with firm resolve. If he does not have the knowledge then he is unfit for da’wah (calling people) because he is not Islamically qualified. The one calling to Allaah needs to clarify to the people the wrong from the right in Aqeedah, Worship, Interactions, Manners, Etiquette, Personal Life and in many things which are in the legislation. He needs to explain these things to the people. If he does not have knowledge, how will he clarify to them? Will he speak with ignorance and make things permissible or impermissible? This is a great catastrophe. He will misguide people even if his intention is good. Without realizing it, he will misguide the people. He may make permissible things impermissible and impermissible things permissible and give incorrect verdicts. So only one equipped with Islamic Knowledge taken from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Prophet ( ‫ ) ﺻﻠﻰ اﷲ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬upon baseerah, is fit to give da’wah. Baseerah refers to knowledge. The one who calls to Allaah will be faced by argumentative ones as well as those who bring doubts and the hypocrites. If the caller is not qualified in Islamic Knowledge, which he uses to refute their doubts and arguments then he will be defeated at the first obstacle he meets. They will be victorious over him and this will be at the expense of the da’wah. How will a person who does not have Islamic Knowledge be able to answer problems, doubts and misguidance? So knowledge in the da’wah is a necessary part. As for having only good intention and having only love to do good without knowledge then this is not enough. You know see those who speak amongst gatherings of people, embark upon answering questions after every gathering and after every speech. If the speaker or lecturer is not upon knowledge, how will he be able to answer those people gathered in front of him?” 2 **** "My dear brother, no one undertakes the Da'wah except the people of knowledge. It is not for the Juhaal (ignorant ones) to uphold the Da'wah. Allaah the Majestic and Most High has said: "Say: This is my way. I call to Allaah upon insight, I and whosoever follows me. And Glorified be Allaah, I am not from the Mushrikeen (polytheists)." (Yusuf:108). Calling to Allaah upon insight and that is having knowledge. And the Most High has said: "Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fine preaching and argue with them in a way that is better." (An-Nahl:125). Therefore these affairs are not upheld except with knowledge. So the ignorant person is unable to undertake and follow these steps which have been mentioned by Allaah the Most Perfect and Most High. So there is no Da'wah except with knowledge and there is no knowledge except with learning and there is no learning except at the hands of the well grounded scholars. Those who have correct Aqeedah (belief) and correct conduct and are the ones who are from the people of Taqwaa (piety) and who fear Allaah the Mighty and Majestic. As the Most High has said: "It is only those who have knowledge among His slaves that fear Allaah." (Fatir:2).” 3

The Cause of Differences Between the Du’aat ‘Allaamah Shaikh Dr. ‘Saalih Al Fawzaan

Differences only ever occur when UNQUALIFIED people enter into the da’wah, and so whoever is not equipped for it with beneficial knowledge and sincerity to Allaah, the Most High, then differences will occur. 4

Dear Brothers and Sisters Salafi Publications are not Islamically qualified or authorized, therefore they are unfit for da’wah, people should not follow them or take their religion from them. Their attacks on Jamiat Ahle Hadith are a mixture of hunting for and fishing for mistakes and then distortions, exaggerations and lies. On top of that it is NOT and NEVER was permissible for Salafi Publications to openly attack Jamiat Ahle Hadith and to call them People of Innovation (tabdee’) or to split up the salafi community up and down the country as they have done. Jamiat Ahle Hadith may have mistakes but they have qualifications and authorization from the likes of Shaikh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez bin Baaz to be in the field of da’wah in the UK. The way to deal with any mistakes from them is not by splitting away from them but rather advising sincerely.


What the Scholars Say about SalafiPublications.

Taken from the book “The Attributes of The Successful Caller” by Shaikh Fawzan (Dar as-Sahaba Publications) Taken from a recorded lecture: "The life and mission of Imaam Muhammad bin Abdul-Wahhaab." By Shaykh Saaleh Al-Fawzaan. (3rd December 2005) 4 “The Attributes of The Successful Caller” 3

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