Clarification 2

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 4
Friday 8th September 2006 Issue 2.00

Removal of the doubts raised by SP in their latest Spin, poorly disguised as a clarification.

‘Allaamah Shaikh Saalih al Fawzaan Answers A Question From Birmingham Question: We have a group of people in our city who are hasty in; making Tabd'ee and openly warning against and ordering Hajr (abandonment) of people from AhlusSunnah who do not agree with them in certain issues or in taking positions against certain people. This Ghuloo has lead to the splitting of Ahlus-Sunnah in Britain and has made people turn away from the Deen and the Da'wah. So what is your advice regarding these individuals and their like? Answer: "My advice to you is that you turn to seeking knowledge and to leave the disputes and the argumentations. Where as if you were to seek knowledge and acquire that knowledge, you would know the solution to what you are facing. As such, as long as everyone remains ignorant, then the arguments will increase and continue and will not cease except with the seeking of knowledge. So upon you is to embark upon knowledge. And do not turn to those who make Tabd'ee of people (declaring people to be innovators), or those who make Tafseeq of people (declaring people to be sinners and wrongdoers) or those who fall into cursing. SO LEAVE THEM and do not pay attention to them. Rather take into consideration the path that you are upon." (

‘Allaamah ‘Abdul Muhsin Al ‘Abbad on Jarh Wa Ta’deel in Contemporary Times Question: “We love you for the sake of Allaah and we desire that you comment on some points regarding Jarh wa-Tadeel. Firstly, what should be the qualifications of someone who speaks about Jarh wa-Tadeel? And what are the (Sifaat) qualities and conditions (Dhawabit) that should be found in him?” Answer: What is necessary in regards to Jarh wa-Tadeel: Firstly, Concerning authentication of Ahaadeeth and proofs of Ahaadeeth of Allaah’s Messenger

(sallAllahu ‘alaihi wasallam) then there is no way (to know the authenticity) except returning to the sayings of the people of knowledge in the past who were present in the times (of the narrators) and those who were present after the time of the narrators and this is to know their sayings, collect and compare them and know what can be accepted and what is unaccepted and based upon this, the judgment is made (regarding the narrator), as was the way of Haafidh Ibn Hajar rahimahullah in his book ‘Tahzeeb at-Tahzeeb’…. As for the contemporary people and what is occurring in recent times, then it is in reality, a Jarh wa-Tadeel which is unheard of until recently, that is to engage in Jarh wa-Tadeel and then those engaged in this Ilm do Jarh wa-Tadeel which in most cases is done on an individual in whom a fault (mistake) is found, who is then criticized, warned against, and this in reality is not a correct way. What is necessary is justice (‘Adl and Insaaf) and explaining the mistakes to him who has been mistaken and if he returns back then there is not need to raise the issue just like the issue never existed… For example, two scholars, Abu Na’eem al-Fadhl Ibn Dukain and he is from the narrators of the six books (of Ahaadeeth) and he is trustworthy (thiqah) and Muhammad Ibn Fudayl Ibn Gazwan and he too is from the narrators of the six books and he is truthful (Sadooq). Tashee’e (some opinions of the Shiites) was attributed to them but statements are known from them that point to their innocence from Tashee’e and their being safe from Tashee’e. One of them said: ‘May Allaah have mercy on ‘Uthmaan and may Allaah not be Merciful to him who does not send blessings on ‘Uthmaan.’ And this is a statement which could not be said by a Shee’e (a peorson who possesses Shiite beliefs) and it cannot come from a Rafidhi or Mutashee (a person who possess Shiite beliefs). And the other person said: ‘I haven’t accepted to write for anyone who curses Mu’awiya (radhiAllaahu ‘anhu).’ And then the people hear that something is attributed to one of them, and then his statement is found or it is known from him something that points to its innocence from this talk (Kalaam), and shows his opposition (to the talk); and sometimes the criticism attributed to him may come from a weak isnad. Then the Kalaam attributed to him is not proved because its source is Majrooh (criticized). In today’s time, engaging in Jarh and Tadeel and categorizing people and saying ‘he is such’ and ‘he is warned against’ and ‘he is to be abandoned.’; and the person who spoke on Jarh wa-Tadeel was not qualified to speak in Jarh wa-Tadeel and he is not from the people of Jarh and Tadeel and verily such a thing is not correct. Every person should engage in knowledge and not engage in abandoning people and speaking about people. Yes, if there is a person known for evil, (then) he should be warned against, and this is known from the Book. Concerning a person who is from Ahlus-Sunnah then seeking his mistakes and warning against him and spending all the time in speaking about him then this is neither required nor correct.

And Jarh wa-Tadeel should truly be in the courts because the witness and the claimant has someone to authenticate for them and the defense criticizes them, saying ‘I do not accept his Shahaadah (witness) because in him is such and such deficiency.’ JARH WAT TA’DEEL IS IN THE COURTS. But as for indulging in Jarh and Tadeel in today’s times by engaging in abandoning people and speaking about people, then this returns to the person who started it with harm (destruction). And an individual is in need of his good deeds and his good deeds are not a burden to be distributed to the people, and the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said: “Do you know who is a Muflis (pauper)?’ ‘A Muflis is he who comes on the Day of Judgement with Salaat, Zakaat, Siyaam, Hajj but (he would find himself bankrupt on that day as he would have exhausted his funds of virtues) since he hurled abuses upon others, brought calumny against others and unlawfully consumed the wealth of others and shed the blood of others and beat others, and his virtues would be credited to the account of one (who suffered at his hand). And if his good deeds fall short to clear the account, then his sins would be entered in (his account) and he would be thrown in the Hell-Fire.” [Saheeh Muslim (6251)] In this time, there are people from whom Allaah has benefited (the masses) and they busy themselves with Da’wah to Allaah day and night, but in spite of this, there are some people who speak (ill) about them and criticize them on the pretext of Jarh and Tadeel and speaking on Jarh and Tadeel. In reality this person is doing injustice to himself, and he does not realize it, he is harming himself and he does not realize it, and a person is himself more entitled for his good deeds than others. A person may have many good deeds then Allaah brings to him more good deeds from people who engage themselves in speaking about abandoning people.” (

SOME OF THE LIES TOLD BY SPUBS 1. Denying that they ever made Tabdee’ of people or fell into Hadaadiyyah. They have made Tab'dee of: Hidaayah, Sparkhill, Alum Rock, Coventry, Hamd House, Luton and Brixton, either by using the term Hizbee on them or Mumayy'i. Along with, openly warning against people and ordering Hajr (boycotts) upon them, without referring to the scholars. 2. Saying that Green Lane stopped the duroos of Kitaabut-Tawheed. However, Green Lane allowed abu talha to carry on teaching but not abdul waahid (aka abu khadeejah) due to the fasaad he caused. 3. Denying that he (abdul waahid) got involved in the divorce case of a brother from Birmingham. But he sent a letter to the brother saying "we have dissolved your marriage with your permission", after he told the brother that Shaykh Abu Anas from Kuwait gave the Khulaa. When the brother phoned Shaykh Abu Anas to find out, Abu Anas DENIED IT. He then went back to abdul wahid, confronting him with this. abdul wahid (in order to nullify what the brother was saying) then started saying to people that the brother is a faasiq (evildoer), whose narrations are not accepted (making Tafseeq of him)

4. Denying that he ever spoke about Shaykh Zubair ‘AleeZaee from Pakistan, saying "it was other people speaking about him". There are witnesses that when he was in Madinah he (abdul waahid) was speaking ill of Shaykh Zubair and belittling his knowledge. 5. Denying that he ever got involved with the problems of the brothers in Coventry. He (abdul wahid) recorded a tape against the brothers in Coventry, where he made Tabdee’ of them. This tape was then distributed and spread. 6. Denying (whilst swearing by Allah three times) that he has ever given Fataawa in the affairs of women, marriage cases or in any of the affairs of the Deen. There are people who are willing to be witnesses that he removed the guardianship rights of some fathers. And the talks he used to give (including the talks for sisters), would have question and answer sessions, where he used to answer questions without making reference to any fataawa books or scholars. (Source of the above: meeting with Shaykh Waseeullah and sp, recorded tape). 7. When the bayaan was written in Madinah (“call to the unification of the students”) he said that it was SPECIFIC to Madinah, and DOES NOT concern any one outside of Madinah. This lie he spread to avoid any blame that he ever fell into some of the points. Anyone who reads it knows how general the bayaan is and relates to anyone who may have fallen into the errors. 8. When they sat with the Shaykhs in Madinah, he (abdul waahid) admitted "we have mistakes and we are willing to do ANYTHING you tell us." So they were told by the shaykhs to make bayaan and free themselves from the Ghuloo of the likes of dawood adeeb and abdur-razaaq as-sana'aanee and that bilal davies has to make bayaan from the Ghuloo HE fell into. They agreed, bilal said: "it is easy for me". What did they do?…NOTHING! Instead, after first agreeing, they went complaining to another Shaykh, in order to avoid making a bayaan. 9. After signing the 10 points, those who are not qualified to give dawah, continued to travel the country and beyond giving lectures. One prominent individual (who signed) has complained about the bayaans, by saying: "what's with all the bayaans this year?!" Then only a couple of months ago, one brother gave the 10 points to another (without giving his own explanation to the points). He (abdul waahid) approached him and told him he needs to make Tawbah from this and needs to give out the praise which the shaykh done of them and that he will watch him for 10 days (!!!) to see what he will do. There are witnesses (from Birmingham and Madinah) to ALL the above. It is enough for us to remind ourselves and to remind the people, with the statement of the Most High: "O you who believe! Fear Allah and be with the truthful ones." (At-Taubah: v119). RECOMMENDED WEBSITES: WWW.ALBASEERAH.ORG WWW.FATWA-ONLINE.COM WWW.ISLAMQA.COM WWW.MADEENAH.COM WWW.THECLEARPATH.COM

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