Clarification 1

  • November 2019
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Removal of the doubts raised by SP in their latest Spin, poorly disguised as a clarification.


Friday 1 September 2006 Issue 1.00

The Reality of Jamiat Ahle Hadith by Shaykh Wasee’ullah Abbaas Question: O honorable shaykh we are aware that you know those who are in charge of Jamiat Ahlul-Hadeeth in Britain and that you visited them last year. So what do you say about the one who says: Jamiat AhlulHadeeth in Britain is not from Ahlus-Sunnah nor was it established upon the Sunnah, rather it is said that: since the past 30 years it has done nothing in the way of Da'wah or in spreading the Sunnah. And this is all based upon errors that some who work in the Jamiat have fallen into. So do you advise the youth to co-operate with this Jamiat and to continue advising it or to abandon it and warn against it? Answer: "Jamiat Ahlul-Hadeeth; whether they are in Birmingham, London or in Britain as a whole or in the USA, their foundation is upon the Salafee manhaj (methodology); upon the Book and the Sunnah. This is their manhaj without doubt. As for what is said that they do not give any service to this manhaj. Then it is appropriate that we say to them, that if you are not doing anything and you have ability and adequacy to do something then what is requested from you is that your actions be in accordance with the Book and the Sunnah. So I say to the brothers at the Jamiat to increase in your actions. As for what is held by way of weekly lessons or summer conferences, then this is not enough. The world has changed. So what is upon you is to enter into and use the means that are available, like the radio. Where you can have specific programmes dedicated to you for the teaching of Aqeedah, educating the people and purifying the actions. Likewise it is appropriate for them to set up learning institutions and Islamic colleges or at the very least evening schools for those who attend the public schools, so they may acquire the correct Aqeedah (Belief) upon the Salafee way. These are the types of things they need to be doing. As for their current Da'wah activities that they do presently, then they do not do anything that is void of the Book of Allaah or the Sunnah. So what is requested from them is to increase in their activities. So the statement that they are not Ahlul-Hadeeth or they are not Salafee is not correct. Claims in reality are either based upon truth or upon lies, which end up affecting the people greatly. And as it is known, A'ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) was free from all evil, that she was accused of. To the extent that she almost fell ill. So there is no doubt that she bore patiently the false accusations. So it is appropriate for those brothers who want advice for the Jamiat, that they do not call to cutting off from the Jamiat nor should they declare those who are in charge of this Jamiat as not being Salafee. This is an absolute lie.


I know the likes of brother Abdul-Haadee who is well known. However certain things have occurred that we desire not to occur. Like taking part in certain conferences or certain gatherings, where it is not appropriate for one to be in. However they may have an excuse and they are aware that they live in a country where the likes of the Rawaafidh and many other different groups and sects are present. So they participate in such events hoping to clarify the true Aqeedah and defend Islaam. So brothers like Abdul-Haadee, Shuaib and Thanaa-Ullah, all have correct Aqeedah. And if any one of them was to fall into error, then it is appropriate that they are advised and not exposed. What is required is sincere advice not exposition. So the one who calls to abandoning them, then he is not correct in his position. So we hope that as long as there are differences in the issue and it is not absolute or clear cut, then we must know that whenever a person makes a mistake, then the people of Islaam are better than any one individual from the false religions. The like of this is what Shaykh-ul-Islaam ibn Taymiyyah said: " The people of Hadeeth are the best (from amongst the Muslims) from all the groups and sects within Islaam." This is what I have to say for whoever embarks upon Salafiyyah and acts upon the Book and the Sunnah." Taken from a recorded lecture by Shaykh Wasee’ullah Abbas (17th December 2005). (Source:


Shaykh Khaalid Ar Radaadee On the Manhaj Errors of Salafipublications Question: O Noble Shaykh, we co-operate with a Da’eeyah (caller [to Islaam]) by the name of Dawood Adeeb, However it has reached us that some of the Mashaayikh have had gatherings warning against him, and we understand that you may be from amongst those who are warning against him. Therefore we desire to ascertain the truth of this matter and to know what our relationship should be with this Da’eeyah; Dawood Adeeb. Answer: What we know about the brother Dawood, is that he is involved in giving Da’wah to Salafeeyah and to the Manhaj of the Salaf as well as being intent on being upon it. We never gathered to warn against him specifically; rather the issue had something to do with Salafi Publications in Britain. Salafi Publications fell into some issues that were brought up against them. There were some Manhaj points brought up against them that included (i) Ghuloo’ (extremism), (ii) putting themselves forward to teaching (iii) as well as being hasty in some issues in which they were given advice in regards. Included in this advice, is [a narration] that reached us in which Dawood Adeeb showed Ghuloo towards Salafi Publications; that they have with them a stamp of approval upon everybody whom they issue a ruling upon, whether it be a recommendation or dispraise. This is blameworthy Ghuloo, so [we spoke about him] from this perspective, as it relates to the brother Dawood. And he has come to us now and we found that he was very accommodating and receiving to advice as well as being co-operative, and he promised that he is going to make a Bayaan (clarification) that he was mistaken in this issue and that he is going to make Taubah from it and proclaim all of this publicly. This is what we hope for, and [we see] that he is intent on accomplishing this with the permission of Allaah Ta’aalah. This is what should be done by every Salaafee; that if a mistake/fault is made clear to him, he retracts from it. So what happened is just as I have said; Dawood was not spoken about specifically, rather it was an advice directed to Salafi Publications and those who are in charge of it, which consisted of some of the issues that they fell into from Ghuloo, being hasty in some issues, and also what relates to putting oneself forward to teaching and (iv) giving Fatwaa by those who are neither qualified to do so nor have the ability to engage in this affair (giving Fataawa and teaching). And so we had given them advice, and they promised us that they would write something to show that they have retracted from a lot of these issues, and we are still waiting for them to proclaim publicly their retraction as well as their Taubah from some issues and errors that they fell into. ( entitled “Do the Mashaayikh Warn Against Dawood Adeeb”).


Some Examples of the Double Standards and the Fasaad Caused by abdul waahid (aka abu khadeejah)* in Green Lane Masjid (*He is an ignorant person who founded Spubs along with his cousin Amjad Rafiq after they left JIMAS. He is a fraud who puts himself forward as a person connected with knowledge and its people yet has no Islamic background whatsoever. Although some of the following points are not all direct actions of abu khadeejah himself, he is the one who instigated and fostered this evil behaviour.) 1. He ‘abdul wahid Alam started giving his circles and started using them to attack other salafis and preach ignorance and ghuloo. This despite him having no grounding whatsoever in Islamic knowledge, not even to the level of children’s classes. Where he started making tabdee' of people with ignorance. In one occasion 'the self appointed corrupt daee' made tabdee of 5 'general worshippers' within 5 seconds: 'Thats a hizbee, thats a hizbee, thats a hizbee, thats a hizbee and thats a hizbee.' 2. Attacking the religion and honour of the Imaams of the masjid. Where up to this very day he constantly gives out anything that he can get his evil hands on, in order to call the people to abandon Green Lane. Never do you see him giving out literature which warns the general Muslims aganist the regular conferences that occur at the biggest centre for the sufi grave worshippers or against the shi'ites or the local qaadiyani centre and their annual gatherings. His dawah is built and established upon enmity for Green Lane and to seek total destruction of them and their masaajid. 3. ‘abdul wahid alam was not at all interested in trying to rectify the mistakes in Green Lane or in giving sincere constructive advice and instead seeking to destroy and demolish them in order to raise his ignorant self (the questions they sent to Yemen regarding Suhayb Hasan is sufficient proof, where the whole purpose was to destroy and not to rectify). The 'self appointed corrupt daee' also tries to use (out of context) the words of Shaykh Badee' that he said about Green Lane whilst he was advising them: 'If you were Ahlul Hadeeth I would have told you.' Then totally disregarding the fact that Shaykh Badee' up until his death (may Allah have mercy upon him) co-operated with the Jamiat and never told the people to abandon it and when some brothers used to phone him from Birmingham about marital issues he used to say: 'I refer you to and advise you to go to Maulana Abdul Haadee.' 4. Making ghuloo of the student from the Arabic Language Institute Dawood Burbank and of himself. 5. Making tabdee’ of salafis in the masjid including the masjid authorities, accusing them of being enemies of Islaam and of trying to dismantle Tawheed (all this only because his fitnah-making ignorant circles were banned). 6. Claiming that the masjid authorities were opposing the sunnah by not allowing people to wear shoes on the carpet. [Then later not allowing shoes inside their own musallah]. 7. Then going on to wear shoes inside the masjid with the masjid’s expressed disapproval. Thereby causing much upheaval, argumentation and fasaad in the house of Allaah. 8. Collecting money outside the masjid after Jummu’ah without permission. [They do not now allow this in their musallah]. 9. Giving out leaflets inside and outside the masjid without permission [They do not now allow this in their musallah - so bear this in mind when things ARE handed out there!]. They even tried to fight with


a brother who was advertising a conference by Salafi 'Ulamaa [Ibn Baaz Conference 2003, inc; Sh Fawzan, Sh Zaid Madhkhalee, Sh Abdullaah Bukhari, and Sh 'Abdus Salaam Burjiss (rahimahullaah) who they claimed to love after he died but warned against and dishonoured him when he last came to Brixton by telling their followers not to attend], and then when the police appeared during the scuffle, the ignorant racist told the police that the event was associated with Al-Qaeda. Then after the police pulled him away an hour later he chased the brothers again and said "I want to fight you right now", and then on being reminded of Allaah and the Last Day he replied "Forget Allah! Forget Yawm ul Qiyamah!"]. 10. Encouraging worshippers to come late for Jummu’ah so as to avoid listening to the khutbah. 11. Claiming that having set times for the prayers is a reprehensible innovation. [They now have set times for the prayer in their musallah]. 12. Encouraging brothers to open the fast inside the masjid before the adhaan in front of the worshippers again causing much upheaval, argumentation and fasaad in the house of Allaah. [This evil behaviour of theirs even spread to Saudi Arabia where those affected by their manhaj were doing the same things in the Haramain and in different masaajid around the Kingdom]. 13. Pulling people away from the masjid that was established upon the Sunnah 30 years ago and splitting the previously united community, ultimately rebelling and then establishing his own musallah upon lies and corruption, being rented from a Sikh and in direct opposition and rivalry to the masjid that was established upon the Sunnah. No wonder Shaykh Wasee’ullah called it: 'masjidul-daraar'. 14. As for those who are only concerned with their own personal and selfish masaaleh (benefits/interests) and then threaten people by saying; 'so and so Shaykh is going to refute the 'troublemakers' who agree with the recently published books of Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin and who take the position of Shaykh Wasee’ullah with regards to sp and Green Lane.' Then there is only one answer to give to them: First let Shaykh so and so refute Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin and then Shaykh Wasee’ullah for their positions and then you can speak about those who are following them. The people also need to be aware that the very same scholars Shaykh Abdul-Muhsin criticised are the same scholars who entertained and legitimised alot of the actions of the Ghulaat and who contributed towards their Tarbiyah. This again does not mean, O Selfish One! that we discredit the scholars. But as salafis we reject errors that are made, no matter who made them whilst at the same time preserving the honour of the people of the Sunnah and their level. As Imaam Maalik said: "Everyone's statement is accepted or rejected, except for the companion of this grave (meaning; Muhammad sallallahu alaihee wasallam)." 15. And as for what the Ghulaat started recently in Birmingham, by bringing out and distributing the answers of CAREFULLY SELECTED SCHOLARS relating to some of THEIR STRATEGICALLY WORDED QUESTIONS about Suhaib Hasan, Adnan Abdul Qaadir, Abdul Haadee, Bilal Philips and others, then not only does this display their evil long term strategy of Hadaadiyyah and self promotion by way of exposing the errors of those who they see as rivals, without being concerned about their rectification or in giving them constructive sincere advice. But it also displays their severe ignorance, lack of understanding and being totally unfit for purpose. The manhaj of SP, as opposed to the manhaj of the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah, is to take statements and use them out of context and out of their intended places. So for example the Lajnah did criticise Shaikh 'Adnan 'Abdul Qadir on one issue, but where did the Lajnah say that this means one must now make tabdee' (calling someone an innovator) of him, tahdheer (warning) of him, hajr (abandonment) of him and taqaatu' (cutting off relations)? This the usual SP spin, the manhaj of Hadaadiyyah and their old teacher Faalih al Harbee.


As for the scholars of Ahlus Sunnah, when Shaikh Wasee’ullaah was told about the "Bed of Roses" conference with Shaikh 'Adnaan 'Abdul Qaadir he said that it was good and the people should benefit from it. When Shaikh Wasee’ullaah was told about "The Clarification" and the fact that using the fatwa of the Lajnah, they (the ghulaat) were calling for people not to benefit from the conference, the Shaikh responded by saying that "they are so ignorant that they are lost in their ignorance." As for using statements out of their place and quoted erroneously: Then the aayah "And had We not made you stand firm, you would nearly have inclined to them a little.”[Surah Al-Isra (17): 74] has been used out of place! The aayah is referring to the Mushrikeen who asked the Messenger (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wasallam) to change the Revelation!!! {See Tafsir Ibn Kathir} IT WAS NOT REVEALED TO STOP PEOPLE GOING TO LISTEN TO GENERAL TARBIYYAH FROM AHLUS SUNNAH! Fear Allaah O "Shoorah of evil and corruption" don't use the Qur'aan to defend your nafs! Stop using the aayaat against the Disbelievers against the Believers, Fear Allaah and again Fear Allaah! And the hadeeth: "Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger (may the peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) as saying: The similitude of mine and that of my Ummah is that of a person who lit a fire and then began to fall into it insects and moths. And I am there to hold you back, but you plunge into it." [Sahih Muslim - Kitab Al-Fada'il] Is about the Hellfire not about holding people back from going to Green Lane Masjid! Fear Allaah! How noble was the Messenger's (sallAllaahu 'alaihi wasallam) concern and how evil is your misuse of it! And the statement of Al-A’mash that he said, "They (the Salaf) did not used to ask anything more about a person after having asked about three affairs: Who he walks with, who he enters upon (i.e. visits) and who he associates with amongst the people. [Al-Ibaanah (2/478)]. Then who are you to apply it to this situation and time? Are you Al-A'mash (as well as being Yahya bin Ma'een?!), are you living in his time and are you talking about the same people? NO! As for them bringing out the previous statements of the likes of Shaykh Muqbil and Shaykh Ubaid against Suhaib Hasan and Bilal Philips, then the people need to draw a line and make a distinction between what was said Pre-Rifqan and what is being said Post-Rifqan. Many of the things that were said and the way the affairs were dealt with, will never (inshallah) be repeated now. That is why a review needs to be made of the conclusions and statements that were made about people from Ahlus-Sunnah who fell into error (especially the statements of those scholars who the Ghulaat are referring to and who were criticised by Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbaad). So we end this clarification with some wise words from Shaykh Fawzaan, showing the importance of knowledge in the field of dawah: "The second attribute of this methodology is that as a pre-condition, the one who calls to Allah must be upon knowledge. He must have knowledge of what he is calling to. Upon him is to learn, first and foremost, the knowledge which will allow him to call the people to Allah, the Most High. The ignorant one is not good for calling (people) even if his intention is good and even if he calls to Allah with firm resolve. If he does not have the knowledge then he is unfit for Dawah because he is not Islamically qualified...." (The Attributes of the Successful Caller).


10 points from the Bayaan of Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee al-Madkhalee About SalafiPublications (Which was Signed and Agreed to by SalafiPublications Shoorah Members) [1] Fighting extremism (Al-Ghuloo) in all its forms, whether in the form of extremism for personalities or others like da’wah institutions, and that matters must be weighed according to the Islamic legal scales. [2] Concerning teaching and lecturing, we say: It is not permitted for anyone to put themselves forward to teach and deliver lectures until they become (i) qualified in their knowledge and (ii) until the required legitimate authorization is issued to them, either from (a) Islamic universities or (b) known shaikhs under whom they have studied and become qualified in Islamic sciences. [3] Concerning edicts and rulings (fatwa): The brothers are not permitted to issue rulings to the people because they are not from the qualified people of fatwa. It is upon them to refer the fatwa to the scholars amongst the sheikhs so that they can give them verdicts and then the brothers can circulate these fatawa or send them to the people concerned if the fatwa is private. [4] Concerning the translation of lessons, books or lectures: It is upon them to maintain precision, honesty and responsibility in this regard. [5] The brothers are not considered teachers who (themselves) are fulfilling the duty of education when they read the books of the scholars in which the latter have explained some (religious) texts; rather they are only conveying and translating the words of the scholars in explanation of these books. [6] Concerning what brother Bilal Abu Hakeem wrote on the topic of Al-Jarh wa Al-Ta’deel and which was circulated on the Salafi Talk website: It has been made clear to him that what he wrote was a clear error and in contradiction to what the hadith scholars, who are the real ‘People of Al-Jarh wa Al-Ta’deel’, are upon; not as the claimants and foreigners to this noble science say. When this became clear to him he admitted his error in this regard – Allaah reward him well – and this is the duty of all of us when our mistakes become clear to us. Thereafter he was made to understand that he must clarify his mistake and circulate his retraction. [7] Concerning being gentle with people when giving da’wah and teaching: It is upon the brothers to adhere to this way because ‘gentleness is not placed in anything except that it beautifies it and gentleness is not removed from anything except that it spoils it’ as the Messenger – sall Allaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam – said in the authentic narration. [8] Concerning the issue of boycotting and abandoning others (Al-Hajr): It is incumbent to refer to the scholars on this issue and to present any issues of this nature to them; they then will give the ruling as regards who deserves to be boycotted and who does not.


[9] Concerning cooperation with their Salafi brothers: We instruct (the brothers at Salafi Publications) to cooperate with them. I have told them to do this on numerous occasions in a number of our meetings; it is upon the brothers to follow their words with actions ‘for indeed a person’s actions confirm his words or refute them.’ [10] In closing, we advise them with Allaah’s instruction to us all, as it was His instruction to those who came before us, that being: the instruction to fear Allaah jalla wa ‘azz, and to be conscious of Him privately and publicly, outwardly and inwardly. We say to them, “Know that Allaah comes between a man and his heart”, and no subtlety is hidden from Him, glorified be He. One of the clearest signs of this consciousness of Allaah and fearing him is that their call to the people should be sincerely and purely for Allaah jalla wa ‘allaa, its goal being to guide people to the truth – not to themselves. So their goal should not be to dominate others or to gain leadership over them, as was stated by Shaykh Al-Islam Muhammad b. Abd Al-Wahhab – Allaah have mercy on him – in commentary of the statement of Allaah Most High, “I call to Allaah upon knowledge and insight.” Shaykh Al-Islam Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab said, “This verse points out that a person should maintain ikhlas (sincerity and purity of intention), for although many people involve themselves in da’wah, they only do so calling to themselves,” or words to that effect. May Allaah honour and send peace and blessings upon His most devout worshipper and Messenger, our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his Family and Companions and all those who follow them be_ihsan , wa al hamdulillah Rabi al a'alameen. Written by: Muhammad b. Hadi Al-Madkhali 29 / 2 / 1426 (


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