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The Charleston


•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• October 1, 2008 •

Charleston Club of Washington Celebrates 60th Anniversary By Clarence McNeill, Corresponding Secretary On July 12, 2008, the Charleston, SC Club members and several hundred guests gathered at La Fountaine Bleu, in Lanham, Maryland, to celebrate its 60th anniversary with an elegant extravaganza. It was such a grand affair. The evening was full of fun and camaraderie. The Club was organized on July 10, 1948,

by Charlestonians in the Washington, DC area to promote fellowship, to support the community, and to preserve the cultural features of the city we love so dearly. Mrs. Julia Magwood Harris, one of the three living charter members, reminded us of the good old days. Afterwards, she was serenaded by the melodious saxophone sounds of Mr. Keith ‘Kool - K’ Wilson

with his special rendition of “The Wind Beneath My Wings.” This was followed by our featured guest, Mrs. Lorraine Holmes Roseboro, a Gullah storyteller, who came all the way from Charleston to give us a taste of the wit and witticism found only in low country humor. Remarks were provided by our very own, The Honorable Jack B. Johnson. A scrumptious See pg 2

Members of the Charleston Club of Washington Clarence and Lillian McNeill (sitting in foto) greeted by guest including Prince George’s County Executive, Jack Johnson(middle) and Sydney McCottrey-Smith(far right)at its 60th Anniversay celebration this past July.

A Visit With Beaufort’s Returning Prodigal Son John C. Dortch, J.D.

Poignant, Tragic, Insightful View of Author, Lawyer, Deacon Who Thrived on Hope, Spirituality By Hakim Abdul-Ali It’s been said that life is a blend of many different, altering episodes that can color one’s outlook in the formulation of the overall meaning of what living is all about. Legends are made from the ashes of lives born anew from the errors of false decisions gone awry. Such is the case when “The Charleston Chronicle” hit the road recently and visited a dynamic and very reflective forwarding thinking AfricanAmerican gentleman and author named John Curtis Dortch in his hometown of Beaufort, South Carolina, on this past Wednesday, September 24, 2008.

He’s the author of “Memoirs Of The Prodigal Son: The Road To Redemption,” a powerful book of spiritual uplift and hope, pinpointing the essential redemptive qualities of submitting to God after a catastrophe that impacted his core existence. His interview reflected the power of renewed faith in his devout Christian faith and being positive in the midst of trials and tribulations. This 63-year divorcee is a disciplined speaker, with humility tracing his every word, and he makes it very plain in his explosive, but heart-warming story, that he gives glory to none but God for bringing him to the station where he is presently in his life. His book is an amazing

Jael Gadsden of Johns Island A Lincoln Spotlight Champion

Beyond the Rhetoric It was an extremely sad day for those who believe in free enterprise and the fundamentals of capitalism. Adam Smith, the author of “Wealth of Nations”, who is considered the Father of Capitalism, must have been turning in his grave. Here was the Secretary of the U.S. Treasury, Secretary Henry Paulson, aka King Henry, Big Willie, Iceberg Slim, coming to Congress on a Saturday morning requesting $770 billion to be handed over to his office for disposal at his discretion without court or congressional oversight, i.e. transparency. He had the audacity to threaten us by saying give it to me now or the world economy will go into a terrible depression immediately. Congressman Mike Pence (RIndiana) would say, “The last time I heard something like that, I was standing in a used car lot”. Paulson even had the guts to put it on a trifling two and one half page proposal. The legislative leaders of the free world were being shaken down by a very rich hustler. First of all, Secretary Paulson has a very big conflict of interest in all this. He is the former CEO of Wall St. investment firm Goldman Sachs which is

By Bob Small Jael Gadsden always liked to sing. As a young child she would entertain family and friends at home on Johns Island and at church. That love of singing recently netted her the title the 2008 Lincoln Spotlight Champion, a $10,000 check and appearance with her idol Common in Chicago. Not bad for a young lady who sang at programs at New Hope Baptist Church in Red Top. “My parents encouraged me to sing when I was young. We had a group called the Cochran Singers and we sang in the area,” she said. The national competition which was open to men and women of all ages had several themes in which contestants could choose from. Gadsden picked the theme, “Reaching Back For Your Dreams.” Other themes were “Going for the See pg 2

Obama and McCain By: Deborah Mathis, It says something that Barack Obama was so well-acquitted in the first presidential debate on Friday, that many a conservative commentator acknowledged his poise and presidential stature without hesitation. It says that Obama was so good that even those who normally champ at the bit to diminish him had to concede that he dispelled any lingering doubts about his readiness. It says Obama must have been twice as good as the pundits attest, because only such an utter triumph can bring the partisans to bow.

It also says that John McCain is a goner. The man we once respected as the maverick, iconoclast, independently spirited, tell-it-like-it-is rebel, is no more. The senator who was once upon a time so beguiling that, in a moment of weakness many years ago, got a diehard liberal like me to say to his face that if he ever ran for president, I might work for him -that man is vapor. The Arizona senator seems to be the only significant Republican player who is still willing to pronounce Obama unfit for the Oval Office. As if he hadn’t been dismissive and condescending enough with his repetitive claims that See pg 2

See pg 2

Black Lawmakers Lament, Praise Defeat of $700 Billion Economic Rescue Bill in the House By: and the Associated Press Some black lawmakers in Congress expressed disappointment in the defeat of a $700 billion rescue of the nation’s financial system in the House on Monday, but said the vote may signal an opportunity to finally put partisanship aside and come up with a solution acceptable to the financial community and average Americans.

Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court Should Remind Us What’s at Stake in This Election Jael Gadsden

Wondering Why McCain Couldn’t Look Obama in the Eye ? He Was Ashamed

By. Harry C. Alford NNPA Columnist

Stocks plummeted on Wall Street after the House voted 5

Author John C. Dortch, J.D., posing with a copying of his book, Memoirs of the Prodigal son: The Road to Redemption,: in his Beaufort, South Carolina office. photo: Hakim Abdul-Ali

When Big Capitalists Plead for Welfare


By: Judge Greg Mathis, Special to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently spoke to a group of leaders from the nation’s historically black colleges and universities. True to form, the AfricanAmerican conservative could not resist discussing his antiaffirmative views. Thomas has often been commended by some for his support of HBCUs and the opportunities they offer blacks to pursue higher education. cont. on pg 2

Clarence Thomas

228-205 to defeat the legislation, despite urgent warnings from President Bush and congressional leaders of both parties that the economy could nosedive into recession without it. “After lengthy bipartisan negotiations, we came to the floor today with a piece of legislation that the members of our (Democratic) caucus decided

was in the best interest of the country,” House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn (DS.C.), said at a news conference with Congressional leaders after the vote. “Sixty percent of them put aside their individual feelings, emotions, experiences and voted for this bill. Sixty-seven percent of the Republican conference decided to put political ideology ahead of the best interest of

OBAMA’S RUN AGAINST MCCAIN AND WHITE MEDIA IS ALMOST OVER Election ‘08? Well, it’s almost over except the voting, and memories etched into the recesses of our brains of two horrible years of the most intense, malicious and superbly orchestrated media assault on Sen. Barack Obama as a successful symbol of Black achievement as well as every Black in this city who ever rode aboard CARTA, purchased goods at a mall retail store, read a copy of the city’s white newspaper, or watched television in any form. White radio was different. With television, there was sometimes an attempt to be civil....not fair, but civil. Radio was raw and hateful. Blacks who listened, accidentally or otherwise, found themselves cursed, insulted, demeaned. From “welfare moms’ for Barack Obama to “Black bitch” to an articulate Black woman with whom the white host disagreed, we were bombarded with a hatred for our people that most of us wanted to refuse to believe. But we had to believe what we saw, read and heard. As Election Day for president draws closer, the assaults continue, echoed by commentaries in The News & Courier and on ‘talk’ radio with such luminaries as

Richard Todd and the Southern Avenger (Jack Hunter) on the pseudointellectual scale to Rocky D on the “only God knows what” scale over hate-radio, WTMA. Of course, Rocky D is dangerous because he has no limits, as Todd or Hunter, intellectual or moral. One has to be a brain surgeon or brain-dead not to understand what is going on. For reasons totally unfathomable, media has conspired wittingly or unwittingly to demonize persons of color, to scare the holy hell out of trusting but frightened whites, rendered slowwitted by their own acceptance of the fiction of their natural superiority, when at the same time having to bear witness to the achievements of those who were “inferiors” in arts, letters, science, sports and entertainment. Therein lies the burden of racism, forcing oneself to believe for his own sanity that which is not true.... that which has no basis in fact. In other words, being forced to believe your lying eyes. We are at the threshold now of a great victory or a profoundly damaging defeat. Barack Obama is our symbol of victory over racism and cont. on pg 2

The Chronicle

2-October 1, 2008 Charleston Club ----------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 dinner was served and the dancing and partying were on. The kick-off dance, of course, was the Charleston and it was quite a sight to behold: Dozens of people doing this lively dance that most of us had forgotten. As the evening went on, we took time to renew old friendships and relive stories of long ago. Many of our family and friends came from near and far. Some of our out of town guests included Mrs. Mary Gourdine, Ms. Cynthia O. Coulter, Mrs. Cynthia Smith, Mrs. Lillian McNeill, Mrs. Margaret Tipton, Mrs. Margaret Whatley, Mr. Robert ‘Bobby’ Rose and his wife Margaret, and Mr. Benjamin Pickering all from South Carolina. Mr. Robert Fleming came from Georgia. From New York and New Jersey came the following: Mr. Reynard Blake; Mr. Thomas Brown; Ms. Zeni Jackson; Rev. Jerome Washington; and, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simmon. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Cornell Osborne and Mr. Alfred Brown from Pennsylvania. Also in attendance were Mrs. Shirley Eaton from Connecticut and Mrs. Joyce O. Berkeley from Florida. Since it was our 60th Anniversary, we profiled 60 Charleston Area Notables in our souvenir journal. There were so many notables....but we only chose 60. The journal reminded us of such notables as Denmark Vesey, Septima Poinsette Clark, and Art Shell, all from the Charleston area. As the evening ended, it was evident that a good time was had by all.

When Big --------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 a suspect in all this mess. In 2005, Paulson’s personal value of Goldman Sachs stock was over $800 million and today it is valued at around $500 million. Yes, he is down to his last half a billion dollars and he wants to turn that around even if the assistance comes from American taxpayers. The fired CEO of AIG Insurance, a major suspect in this, had a value of $1.2 billion in his company stock and today that has shrunk to less than $50 million. They are personally in trouble and are trying to manipulate your elected officials to further the U.S. debt and have you, the typical American taxpayer, make them whole. Yes, I used the term “suspects”. The reason for all of this mess is a wholesale movement of deception, greed, corruption and simple felonies. The FBI currently has at least 26 major investigations going on in Wall St. The major subject is mortgage fraud. What we definitely need to do is build a couple of new prisons and send these financial criminals away. Let’s not swat hands this time. These federal criminals need to do some serious time and set the example that ripping off people, including Black folks, will get you locked up. Yes, I am saying a lot of this is racial. The major component of this economic meltdown is the mortgage fraud that was taking place. The prime targets of the fraud were Black and Hispanic families. Subprime mortgages have exploited minority home owners and

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher NANETTE FRENCH-SMALLS CEO/ADVERTISING VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

they were the first to suffer. The whole scheme backfired on the conspirators because they never figured the public would finally realize who was to blame. In sum, Black net worth in America has probably fallen 30% due to the criminal activity of Wall St., Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and others. Thirty years of our wealth building has collapsed and that will hurt us for a significant time. We have got to make them pay! Small businesses do not have this luxury of paying off officials through Political Action Committees, lobbyists, etc. We sink or swim based on our own accountability, business acumen and fate. We are the true Capitalists in this time and it is us who provide 70% of all new jobs in this nation. Big corporations are the manipulators as opposed to students of Capitalism. They must pay for their transgressions. I know that good government must step in but it should not be in the way of super regulation. Heavy regulation is not the answer as it can only make things worse. We should continue to embrace true Capitalism and, by doing that, we should prosecute those who abuse the public trust and embrace greed versus business acumen. What Secretary Paulson and his minions didn’t count on was the fact that Congress has to answer to the American people. Our populace is against any kind of major bailout by the ratio of 50 to 1. Congresspersons and Senators have an election next month and they must report on this issue. If they discount the people and go for the “big boys” their futures will be in jeopardy. Democracy is going to make them fall onto the people’s side. Yes, Corporate Thieves you are in serious trouble. I guess it is time for you to “fall on your swords”. Congress should take its time and sort this serious matter out. Save the nation from total financial abyss but do so with no mercy to the SOB’s who got us in this mess for the simple reason of personal gain. We don’t need more regulation we need better policing. That way equal opportunity can take the place of greed and bias. Harry Alford is the cofounder, President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce. Website:

Black Lawmakers -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 our great nation. “I’m hopeful that as we move forward, we can all join hands, set aside our partisanship and do what’s in the best interest of our country, and I hope that will happen in the next few days,” Clyburn said. As the market plunged, Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (DD.C.) said Congress cannot go home without stabilizing the markets and offering a new bill. “I received hundreds of e-mails and phone calls, overwhelmingly opposed to the plan Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson proposed,” Norton said in a statement. “Today, Americans continued to see the benefit to Wall Street but not to themselves, notwithstanding many improvements to the original bill. “They did not see their own pension funds, mutual funds and 401Ks that dominate today’s Wall Street, nor the harm the markets are inflicting on the value of their homes, the primary asset of most Americans,” Norton said. Said Rep. Kendrick Meek (DFla.): “Congress has no choice but to pass this financial rescue package and begin the long and difficult road of correcting eight years of economic mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibility.” In all, 65 Republicans joined 140 Democrats in voting “yes,” while 133 Republicans and 95 Democrats voted “no.” In the face of thousands of phone calls and e-mails fiercely opposing the measure, many lawmakers were not willing to take the political risk of voting for it just five weeks before the election. The vote also did nothing for Republican presidential candidate John McCain and his Democratic presidential rival, Barack Obama. Both stepped into the fray last week and boasted of exercising leadership in the negotiations. Not only did a majority of McCain's Republican colleagues vote against it, so did all his fellow Arizona lawmakers. Obama was unable to sway many House liberals, including a majority of the Congressional Black Caucus. “Obviously we are very disap-

pointed in this outcome,” said White House spokesman Tony Fratto. “There’s no question that the country is facing a difficult crisis that needs to be addressed.”

“Congress forgot the history of the 1930s that shows that the economy did not respond for several years after Roosevelt succeeded in calming the markets, only when the economy

Fratto said the president will be meeting with his economic advisers to discuss next steps.

Thomas on ------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1

The legislation the administration promoted would have allowed the government to buy bad mortgages and other questionable assets held by troubled banks and financial institutions. Getting those debts off their books should bolster those companies’ balance sheets, making them more inclined to lend and easing one of the biggest choke points in the credit crisis. If the plan worked, the thinking went, it would help lift a major weight off the national economy that is already sputtering. The fear in the financial markets sent the Dow Jones industrials falling by over 700 points at one juncture. As the vote was shown on TV, stocks plunged, and investors fled to the safety of the credit markets, worrying that the financial system would keep sinking under the weight of failed mortgage debt. Norton said the defeat was predictable, especially after the Senate failed to pass a stimulus package that she had sought for months and that was passed in the House on Friday. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson “rushed forward to forestall a collapse of the financial and credit sectors, but Congress has not taken comparable action to fuel the economy where most Americans work, spend, and need money,” Norton said in a statement. “A stimulus that has to be spent stateside would have immediate effects on people and their pocketbooks, and therefore on their view of congressional action to save the top of the economy.” Norton, in an interview with last week, said the country needed ready-to-go transportation and infrastructure projects that are proven to have a ripple effect, creating jobs in many sectors of the economy and spurring spending.

Wondering Why -----------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 Obama “doesn’t understand” this or that, McCain capped his critical barrage with this bumbled put-down of the frontrunner’s command of foreign affairs: “I honestly don’t believe that Senator Obama has the knowledge or experience and has made the wrong judgments in a number of areas.” Do tell. If the past several weeks have shown us anything, it is that McCain is, himself, quite adept at making “wrong judgments in a number of areas,” proving that political longevity does not necessarily bequeath good judgment or wisdom. His selection of a little-known, scantily experienced, rather goofy governor of an outback state brings his good sense into question every bit as much as his rabid embrace of a

military occupation that continues to cost lives and drain the treasury. What kind of patriot would put such a person within a furlong of the presidency, let alone a heartbeat away -- and at the direst time in the country’s history since the revolution? And what was up with that “suspension” of the campaign last week? Can’t McCain and his minions come up with a less obvious stunt than one that casts him as Mighty Mouse swooping in to save the day, when, in fact, he had no more power to do that than 434 other members of Congress? All politicians at this level are ambitious and crave the win. We can’t blame McCain for that. But there is a difference between being driven to win and being driven to succeed. What I believe about Obama is that he will work night and day to be a success -- to deliver and make his supporters proud and glad that they chose him. Judging from his desperate ploys, McCain just wants to get there. Not once did he look Obama in the eye during Friday night’s debate. Not even when they shook hands at the start. Many critics have chalked that up to one of two things: Either McCain doesn’t respect Obama or he doesn’t like him. I think it was something else at work: Shame. Over the crotchety nature of his debating tactic; over the mean streak that kept flashing; over the lies and distortions he was telling. The last gasps of the old John McCain, perhaps.

was stimulated sufficiently to put people back to work,” Norton said. “The American people, however, have not forgotten.”

However, his efforts to dismantle affirmative action leave many wondering if he truly believes in equal opportunity for all. Affirmative action practices were instituted to counteract generations of discrimination in schools and the workplace. Though the practice has come under fire in recent years, it is partly responsible for the large numbers of African-Americans graduating from college and taking on management level positions in corporate America. Thomas has voted to outlaw the use of race in college admissions and in determining which public schools students will attend. Appointed to the Supreme Court in 1991 by then-president George H. W. Bush, Thomas replaced outgoing Justice Thurgood Marshall, the Court’s first African-American judge. It is believed that Thomas received the appointment, despite his lack of judicial experience, because he was, in fact, black. Thomas himself has said that he was allowed to attend Yale Law School in the 70s because of his race. Despite knowing that affirmative action played a key role in his historic career path, Thomas says the practice is detrimental, not helpful, to blacks. Despite his education and status, Thomas is not an inspiration to most African-Americans. His viewpoints only serve to dismantle the work of our elders, who fought for equality so young men and women like Thomas could ascend to the heights they are at today. Instead of paying homage to those leaders through judicious use of his influence on the court, Thomas has, through his voting, slowly chipped away at and weakened affirmative action. However, Thomas alone cannot be blamed for the current state of affirmative action. He and his fellow justices are simply doing the bidding of the president -- and political party -- who appointed them to their posts. When you vote for president of the United States, you are also playing a role in selecting future Supreme Court justices. It is important to know where candidates stand on critical issues like affirmative action. Senator John McCain has said that he believes in equal opportunity, but does not support affirmative action or quotas. Senator Barack Obama supports affirmative action when there is evidence of prolonged discrimination. He also supports efforts to increase educational opportunities for all lowincome individuals, regardless of race. The next president of the United States may have the opportunity to appoint up to three justices who will serve in that post until they retire. Wisely choosing a presidential candidate will help to ensure the country also has a Supreme Court that works for and not against the people of this country. -Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president of Rainbow PUSH and a national board member of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

Jael Gadsden --------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 American Dream,” and “Reaching for Your Goals.” Contestants were asked to compose lyrics based on the chosen theme. They were then required to send in a tape and a video of themselves. The video was shown on line and anyone could vote for who they wanted. Voters could give a contestant a rating of one to five stars, with five being the best. Gadsden was informed she was one of the 10 finalists. The 10 finalists were then judged by industry personalities that included hip hop star Common, music producer Bryan Michael Cox, Vibes Editor-in-Chief, Danyel Smith and DJ Tony Touch. The judging was based on originality, creativity, verbal technique and visual sophistication. Gadsden now lives in Los Angeles. This is not the first contest she has been in. While modelling for Millie Lewis in Charleston she participated and won several regional contest. Her parents, Carolyn and Glenn Gadsden, said they are proud of their little girl. They have been so supportive all the time,” she said. Gadsden graduated from Charleston Collegiate, formally Sea Island Academy and later Furman University where she she received her degree in broadcast journalism. Some of her other credits include being featured in a K-Swiss commercial and was credited as a back-up singer in the 2006 movie, “American Dreamz.”

Obama’s Run --------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 fear. He has done all that he can do in order to win..... to give lie to the premise promoted by WTMAs Rocky D, the new “keeper of colored people” amongst white ‘talk’ show hosts, that there is no longer a viable need for the NAACP. In a bout of wishful thinking Gov. Sarah Palin’s daughter can birth a child out of wedlock, while he rants that Black women have no sense of shame and lack family values. We still have not learned that there are those who would make a living out of the chaos created when a Rocky D can promote the idea of divide and conquer. Perhaps Chronicle readers have begun to understand why whites hate us so. Hate us in spite of the fact that we care for their children and their elderly, support their businesses, vote them into office, win their sports titles at the high school and college level, shine their shoes, clean up their vomit, and by our very presence make them feel superior. That is why it is so important that we go out en masse and vote for Barack Obama in order to express once more the potency of our vote and the fact that we will be reckoned with. Obama can win, and he must. Only we can do that now with our vote. Jim French


The Chronicle

October 1, 2008- 3

NNPA Celebrates Black Press Columnists as 'Champions' at CBC Weekend Event By. Natalie Thompson WASHINGTON (NNPA) Sixteen social and political issues columnists of the National Newspaper Publishers Association were honored Sept. 25 during a Black Press Champions Reception held during the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Conference. Along with NNPA columnists such as former NNPA Editor-in-Chief George Curry, National Urban League CEO Marc Morial, and Bennett College President Dr. Julianne Malveaux, CBC members were also honored for their roles as guest columnists. ''This is a great organization,'' said honorary Dr. Barbara A. Reynolds, NNPA religion columnist and former writer with USA Today. ''It is on the cutting edge, and it always will be.'' A special recognition was given to members of the CBC for their contributions to the Black Press by NNPA Foundation Chair, Dorothy Leavell. Leavell presented Ofield Dukes, a member of the CBC Foundation and NNPA board of directors with an award for establishing the oped relationship between both organizations. ''We wanted to recognize the Congressional Black Caucus members for their contributions of op-eds that appeared in our newspapers,'' Leavell said. ''It was because of our relationship with Mr. Dukes and his liaison between the CBC and the Black Press of America that for over a year now those op-eds have appeared in our publications.'' Curry, a former New York Bureau Chief for the Chicago Tribune, gave an acceptance speech on behalf of the honorees. In his speech, Curry

said the NNPA has served a unique purpose in presenting news of substance to AfricanAmericans. ''When I was with the Chicago Tribune, if had three stories I cared about in all the year of publishing, that was a good year for me. But at the NNPA every week is a good week for us because we're doing something of substance. So we applaud the NNPA for being a source of news you can not get anywhere else.” Newly appointed president and chief operating officer of the NNPA Advertising and Marketing Group, Robert Bush, was also introduced by Leavell during the ceremony. Bush recognized NNPA board members and publishers in attendance and charged the audience to become change agents by getting to know the Black publishers in

their communities. ''I can't tell you how excited I am to be making money for Black newspaper publishers and to be able to have the opportunity to move the deal for our marketplace,'' Bush said. ''The Black newspapers are the gatekeepers of our community. Nothing happens in our community unless it goes through the gates. When you pick up a daily newspaper you see all the bad that happens in the Black community. But when you pick up our papers, you get the real news.'' Hazel Trice Edney, editor-inchief of the NNPA News Service, likened the columnists to unsung heroes. “For almost two centuries, 181 years to be exact, the pages of Black newspapers have thrived with the fiery voices of columnists under girding our journalistic mission for freedom, justice and equality,” she

said, giving the Statement of Occasion. “Those columnists are represented here today in the personage of 16 people who have served faithfully in that historic role.” NNPA co-chairs, Leavell and John B. Smith Sr. presented awards and posed for pictures with the honorees. Smith said columnists serve an important role in the Black Press by helping to cover all aspects of the community. ''I think this may be the Black Press' finest hour, because we may soon have the first black president,'' Reynolds said . ''Even if we don't we have a movement of change we need to go about a change of the current system. I think we can play a good role. The leadership whether it's Barack Obama or McCain should respect the Black Press enough to bring us in with the other major news organizations.''

Others honored were, Harry Alford, president and CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce; former Johnson Publications journalist and Malcolm X aide A. Peter Bailey; teacher and author Jim Clingman; Marian Wright Edelman, president and CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund; former Bill Fetcher, director of field services and education for the American Federation of Government Employees; Gary L. Flowers, executive director and CEO of the Black Leadership Forum; best-selling author and millionaire entrepreneur Farrah Gray; Nicole C. Lee, executive director of TransAfrica; Larry Lucas, associate vice president of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA); Michael Shinn, certified financial planner and investment advisor for

Financial Network Investment Corporation; University of Maryland political scientist, Ron Walters; and Phil Wilson, founder and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute, were also honored as columnists for the the Black Press of America.



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The Chronicle

4-October 1, 2008

Obama Still Thinks Deal Will Be Reached, Michelle Wows 'Em at FAMU and More Couric-Palin?

CBC Weekend Clouded by $700 Billion Bail Out Bill By. Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) – Members of the Congressional Black Caucus walked the red carpet in tuxedos and gowns here Saturday night. They grooved to Patti Labelle and gave a standing ovation to keynote speaker Sen. Barack Obama. But their minds were far from the glitz and glamour of this year’s big dinner that drew thousands to the Washington, D.C. Convention Center as their emails and voice mails were packed with mostly Black constituents decrying the proposed $700 billion Wall Street bail out that failed on its first vote on Monday. “This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to try to deal with. But, we’re holding on,” said Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), a former CBC chair. “My feeling is that if you’ve been making eight, ten, twelve or twenty million dollars a year, why should we bail you out? You should have saved something. I think we ought to be talking about saving people who have lost their homes.” Even if CBC members wanted to simply vote for the bill and be done with it, their constituents wouldn’t let them. “I had both offices to tally up the calls. One thousand and fourteen said No,” said Rep. Diane Watson of California, sparkling as she exited the Ball Room. “People have been calling, detailing their foreclosures in tears. And we’re going to spend $700 billion to bail out the guys that got us into this?” A clear answer of what would ultimately be done was still up in the air early afternoon on Monday as the House initially voted down the bail out 205-228 with 433 of the 435 members of Congress voting. Leaders were bent on negotiating or even pushing fellow lawmakers to change their vote. Late Monday afternoon, the bill was expected to be revised for a new vote. CBC members were conflicted, hearing the sentiments of their primarily Black constituents saying the bail out in any form would be unfair as they struggle with every day expenses. President Bush, who had pushed for the failed bill said he was “very disappointed” that it did not pass. Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain, members of the U. S. Senate, had no vote on Monday. Neither had stated clearly what they would have done had the bill - in its initial form - made it to the Senate. Both said it depended on the language. Meanwhile CBC members took the pressure of their constituents for the entire four days of the Annual Legislative Weekend. “They really don’t believe that we ought to be bailing anybody out,” said House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (DS.C.) at his “Carolina Reception” in a Downtown D.C. hotel Sept. 25. “They are nine to one against it.” However, Clyburn said the failure to do anything at all could be even more detrimental. The repercussions could be far-reaching, he says. “This is not just about Wall Street. It’s about community bankers, local banks, credit cards, trying to buy a house, trying to buy a car, all of those things could get tied up if we don’t do something,” Clyburn says. “And so, because people do not understand that, they think that all we’re trying to do is bail out Wall Street. And that is what the White House is doing. But, we’re trying to make sure that we can restore confidence in the market and that we protect the taxpayers as we do it.” Complicating the situation is the fact that every member of the House of Representatives is up for re-election unless they are retiring or stepping down. Therefore political fear also played a role as members prepare to adjourn Congress to go home and campaign. “Ninety-nine percent are opposed to the bail out,” said Rep. G. K. Butterfield (D-N.C.). “We get a variety of statements when they call. But, most of them are in three words: What about me? My family is hurting. My kids are not able to go to college. My grandmother is not getting sufficient access to health care. What about me?” The pressure worked.

By: staff OBAMA CONFIDENT DEAL WILL BE REACHED Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama said this afternoon that "he's confident a deal will be reached on a bailout plan, despite it failing in the House," says NBC's Athena Jones, reporting from the Obama campaign. By staff --MICHELLE OBAMA WOWS FAMU Capitalizing on a well-attended two-week voter registration drive that ended in Tallahassee pulling in a crowd of 8,000 students at Florida A&M University, Michelle Obama is continuing her push for increased voter registration with additional campaign appearances this week in Colorado and Missouri and making radio appearances to support Tuesday’s “One Vote” National Registration Drive. The one-day drive, sponsored by Radio One, Inc.and the Hip Hop Caucus - Respect My Vote Campaign, aims to register more than 50,000 eligible persons in one day from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. There will be 52 Radio One Inc stations across 15 cities broadcasting live from a central location allowing registrars to register eligible voters on site. The drive will also provide information on live call-ins and online registration. Obama, whose husband, Sen. Barack Obama, is the Democratic presidential nominee will make appearances on the Tom Joyner Morning Show and the Michael Baisden show to emphasize the need to vote. In July, Obama announced an effort to register black voters and get them to the polls in November and more engaged, generally, in civic life. In a conference call with reporters, Obama said the effort would include voter education to help people navigate the registration process, procure absentee ballots when necessary, locating and getting to their polling places. At the time, Obama noted that there were nearly 26 million African American eligible to vote, but 8 million – 32 percent – were not registered. In Ohio, 270,000 African Americans were not registered; it was 333,071 in Pennsylvania, 432,000 in Virginia and 591,000 in Florida. There were no figures available on the number of voters registered during Obama’s recent swing. This nationwide voter drive is a joint effort between Radio One, Inc and Respect My Vote creator, Reverend Lennox Yearwood, also co-creator of the 2004 campaign "Vote or Die" with Sean "P Diddy" Combs. The initiative looks to bring the large number of African Americans, ages 18-29, who did not attend college out to the polls to participate in this year's presidential election. The 15 cities participating in the one-day registration drive are: Atlanta, Indianapolis, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Charlotte, Raleigh-Durham, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Philadelphia, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, Richmond and Washington D.C. “We are committed to building awareness to the ‘Respect My Vote" Campaign,’” said Respect My Vote founder, the Rev. Lennox Yearwood, co-creator in 2004 with hip-hop mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs of “Vote or Die.”

“It seems like the country’s priorities are totally misplaced,” said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) “This is Bush’s legacy and I hope that we don’t do this. There are other ways to stabilize the financial markets.” House Ways and Means Chairman Charles Rangel said CBC constituents are clear on the Caucus’ claim as the “Conscience of the Congress.” He said, “They understand that our job is to protect them, their jobs, their savings and not to protect Wall Street.” Still reeling from the damages and heartaches of Hurricane Ike in Houston, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee said the bail out drew more response than she has seen any issue in years.

“Our partnership with Radio One will help push the importance of registering to vote in this year's presidential election to the more than 8 million unregistered AfricanAmericans eligible to vote nationwide.”

“It is generating the most interest that I’ve seen since the Iraq war and the mood that the country was in,” she said. She says she believes the Congress should simply take a break before voting any further in the matter. “Let us just stop, just pause for a moment, let us go home and engage our constituents, talk to our banking community, our real estate persons, find out what is happening in our particular communities, come back over a period of time and address the questions of the market in a comprehensive landscape,” Jackson Lee said. “My position is whoa. That’s a term that we use in the state of Texas. Horses stop when we say whoa.”

These clips aren't from Couric's near-comical interview with Palin last week, however; Couric also interviewed Palin and Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden for pieces set to air on Wednesday and Thursday.


More than half of black women say they are living paycheck to paycheck, and almost half say it’s difficult for them to have the lifestyle they desire because of financial obligations to their immediate family, according to a survey released recently by the ING Foundation. “What we have here is a financial perfect storm. An inclination to spend, combined with an extraordinary desire to help others financially, has left many black women behind the curve in terms of savings,” said Rhonda Mims, president of the ING Foundation and senior vice president of ING’s Office of Corporate Citizenship & Responsibility. “The good news is that black women care deeply about their financial future, have a strong desire to learn more, and manifest many of the qualities critical to investment success,” she

said in a prepared statement. The national telephone survey was sponsored by the ING Foundation and developed in conjunction with the editors of Essence. ING is a global financial services company based in Amsterdam. The survey was conducted between May 1 and May 18 and included 1,000 pre-retired black women and 454 non-black women. The firm of Clark Martire & Bartolomeo conducted the survey, and results were released earlier this month. The survey also reported: * More than a third of the women have loaned over $1,000 to friends or family in the last year. * Sixty-eight percent of black women buy what they want in a good or bad economy. * Seventy-one percent said it was important to give to their place of worship.

(AND THE WALL CAME TUMBLING DOWN) While the Bush Administration has acted irresponsibly in the past engaging the American public in a war that to date has cost somewhere in the neighborhood of one trillion dollars, America finds herself in another ill-advised catastrophe. And even after the troops’ withdrawal, American taxpayers will continue to foot the bill for America’s presence in Iraq. That’s the dollar amount; but in terms of fatalities, over 4,000 Americans have lost their lives since President Bush made his case to the United Nations on weapons of mass destruction. The reality of it all is the weapons of mass destruction were the President and members of his administration that supported a senseless war. During the past two weeks we have seen the government bailout of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and American International Group (AIG). According to the Tampa Bay, the US Treasury acquired warrants to purchase 80% of AIG stock. AIG is presently suing seven former executives, including their CEO for $20 billion dollars in misappropriated stocks. So, the free wheelers are finally being wheeled in but they are eight years too late. That’s how long this administration has turned its head to the corruption. With this kind of abuse of power and greed, why didn’t we see the train coming? Once again, we have the President making his case to the American taxpayers for a $700 Billion bailout without any accountability. And while the President clearly has not acted responsibly in the past, he faces a snowball chance in hell of getting approval from either side of the aisle. It’s too close to the election. The constituents back home will have a lot to say at the polls when they cast their ballot. The President is asking Congress to sign a blank check for the Wall Street debacle. So, what’s going to happen to the small business owner that have worked hard and followed the rules? Who is going to ensure that they remain solvent and are able to get loans to keep them from falling under the ax? That’s one of those safeguard that needs to be included in the bailout package if it passes. Big businesses have every chance of succeeding given all of the resources, personnel, finances, tax incentives and loopholes that they have to their disposal. However, what has been fueling big businesses is greed. CEOs have drawn unprecedented salaries, severance bonuses and health care benefits. They just kept piling it on while small businesses were forced to close their doors because they were not able to get loans. Many of the taxpayers do not fully understand the ramifications of the last two weeks of the market ups and downs. They don’t understand what it will mean to their retirement plans and even to their ability to get loans or credit cards. The home buyer who had his house up for sale will have to stay put and pay the mortgage. In the past, many of the homes sold within a month or two; now some have been on the market well over six months. Banks are foreclosing on loans. I tell you it is getting real messy. As I was driving home today, I thought about the few dollars I have in the bank. I called hubby and said look, I just heard on the news that Wachovia is being bought out by Citicorp. I told him those big boys have this country in a mess. Y’all can listen to those crooks if you want to. It wouldn’t hurt to get a little cash to stash for emergencies until you find out how we are going to get out of this mess. If you think those crooks have all of their cash in banks, think again. They have stashed their cash in safe havens just in case the market crashes. So, I headed to the bank and got my savings of twenty dollars plus six cents interest out of the bank and put it under the mattress. It’s going to earn just as much interest as it will sitting in the bank. As a youngster, I can remember my grandmother stashing her cash under the mattress. I thought that was strange then but faced with the uncertainty of the economy and the banks, it’s not as funny when it’s your money. My grandmother never really worked; but, her husband did. She lived through the Great Depression and was going to protect the few dollars that her husband had worked so hard to earn for the family. If you thought you didn’t have a reason to vote before, you have one now. Don’t miss the opportunity to vote for the best candidate. We did not get into this mess overnight and we will not straighten it out overnight. We cannot live through four more years of the Bush economic policies that benefit the rich. So, let’s register to vote. Saturday is the last day to register before the General Election. You can make a difference in this election. Yes, you can.

MORE COURIC-PALIN CLIPS? Greg Sargent at Talking Points Memo has confirmation that CBS News will air additional footage of Sarah Palin, Alaska governor and Sen. John McCain's running mate, interviewed by Katie Couric.

They were asked identical questions, so it should make for interesting comparisons. Washington Post's Howard Kurtz reports, however, that CBS "has two more responses on tape that will likely prove embarrassing." And not for the Obama-Biden ticket.

ING/Essence Survey Outlines the Spending, Saving and Loaning Habits of Black Women By: Sherrel Wheeler Stewart,

Who Asked Me?

* Forty-one percent feel guilty about how much they spend on expensive brands. The trends reflected in the survey report show that black women are experiencing many of the same challenges as the rest of America, said personal finance expert Michelle Singletary. “This is not surprising. Across the board, people are living paycheck to paycheck,” Singletary told But the current economic climate should signal that it is time to make changes in spending and saving, she said. “This is a time when people should be pulling back and living below their means,” Singletary said. “You can’t have what you want when you want it if you don’t have the resources.” The survey showed that almost seven in 10, or 68 per-

cent of black women, say that they buy what they really want in good times or bad. And many said they are tempted to make impulse purchases when they are depressed. Nikki Jackson, a 34-year-old engineer in Birmingham, Alabama, said she was browsing through Saks recently and saw a black, Gucci Hysteria purse with a price tag of more than $1,700. “It was the purse I had wanted. It was black patent. I had to call someone to talk me off of the ledge,” she said jokingly. “I decided not to get it, even though I had available credit.” Jackson, a single woman, doesn’t live paycheck to paycheck, but she said she is mindful of her dollars these days. She says she invests regularly, mainly through programs at work, and tries to limit impulse purchases.


The Chronicle

October 1, 2008-5

As I See It

Poignant, Tragic, Insightful View of Author, Lawyer, Deacon Who Thrived on Hope, Spirituality----------------------------(cont. from pg 1)

Hakim Abdul-Ali

Lavish Luxuries There’s a potent word that most people take for granted, and that word is “lavish.” It’s oftentimes misunderstood. I tend to think of it as a word that describes extending or bestowing profusely. You, like someone else in “hue-manity” may have another meaning or interpretation of this word, but it all comes out to indicate something that is marked by profusion or excess. When applied to “hue-man” nature on a day-today basis “lavish’ sometimes gets all twisted up in concepts gone wild. At this moment I’d like to hold your focus on the sweetness of the word, without crassness and ostentatious show. I take that flow with your solemn thoughts that as I mention the fact that none of us can afford the luxury of a negative vibration or thought running through our heads and heart, you already know this to be truth personified. We all have to be positively in tuned in our individual time zones to good feelings around us in order to accomplish some good and great things in this life. Being positive is tranquility for the soul. I’d like to think of serene moments like these as being showered with “Lavish Luxuries,” because positive thoughts are synonymous to successful actions. That’s why I said previously and referred to the word “lavish” as being sweet because it’s a loving state of mind to exist in. No one can, should or must live in a mental space where love is absent or invisible to the naked eye of a pure feeling. That feeling, once exposed to the fresh reality of sweet freedom, becomes forever absorbed into the discovery of self. That’s a “Lavish Luxury” that most people search a lifetime to find things like love and self, and when they do, most often, they don’t know what to do with it in the first place, because they don’t know what a good thing it is to be free and in love at the same time. It’s said that love is a many splendid thing, and I hold that to be so very true, but deep “hue-man” love between a committed man and woman is a “Lavish Luxury” that defies description. Its sweetness lightens the burdens of this life. I’ve been told that this sweetness combines trust with honesty to make it truly luxurious, and one should always “lavish” his or her partner with sweet nothings all day long to keep the flames of true love alive. I don’t have any argument with that philosophy because love is the stuff that makes the soul feel blessed and luxurious at the same time. While on that point, just recently I was saying something to a young African-American brother about the nature of always showering his queen with “lavishness,” especially if she deserved it. He said he felt that he couldn’t give his all in that arena because she never showed appreciation of anything he did. He said he felt that she took everything for granted. (Sisters! Are you listening?) After listening to him, I told him it’s a sting to bust your you know what for someone, and they don’t appreciate you or what you do, but never, ever let that stop you from being a person who extends “Lavish Luxuries” upon someone who does truly appreciate you and the things that you do. In all fairness, I told this young brother that if you had a trusting queen who you knew was deserving of being “lavished,” then show her how much you love and respect her by giving her love and being there for other than in romantic venues. (Brothers! Are you listening?) It’s hard enough to be alone without love, but what about being in love and making it harder. Love is a “lavished” opportunity for two married and committed souls to express the “luxury” of being together and working for a common goal. Without that end and purpose, I’m afraid the so-called relationship is doomed from the start. Having been there, and done that, I know all too well that love gone sour is a mystery that destroys the luxury of “lavishness.” I mentioned to the young brother that there are a lot of unhappy and lonely people in this world, and they are only happier if they see you like them. So, I strongly advised him, without solicitation, to stay out of other people’s marital problems, because all you do is make matters worse. Our conversation was getting kind of heavy, to lay it simply on the line, and as we continued down the path of wisdom and learning, I had to mention to him that I sensed that he was having some problems with his queen, who was his wife. He agreed, and said that he enjoyed talking with me because I listen to the fact that he loved this lady, but he was just completely exhausted from giving to someone who he felt didn’t appreciate him or what he was doing for her. He said, if the truth must be told, he couldn’t and wouldn’t give any more “Lavish Luxuries” to her or any other female. At that point, I said to him, with complete sincerity, “Brother, that’s your queen. You fight for her, and love her, if (?) she’s worthy of your love. “Don’t let the negativity of a testy moment in time destroy your real love for this sister, because I sense also that you love her very deeply, and for some reason(s) we brothers have a problem talking to our queens and sisters.” He had to agree with me because the truth is and was real. We in the Black community do have immense problems of communication to our beloved spouses and members of the opposite sex. I told him that it’s not easy to say that, but it’s a form of “Lavished Luxuries” to know that the sweet truth shall set you free. Maybe, that’s what I was alluding to in my earlier aforementioned thought that most people search a lifetime to find self and love, and when they do, they don’t know what to do with it in the first place. I suggested to the young brother that he mustn’t fall into that pit and make that error most of us brothers do, including me. We must know and love ourselves first before we can love and know anyone else, and when we do, it truly can be labeled a “Lavish Luxury.” There’s nothing sweeter than the “real” love of two trusting and committed souls who don’t sneak around behind each others’ backs playing games of hide and deceive. (Brothers! Sisters! Are you both “really” listening?) I hope so, because the sweetness of a trusting moment is too vital to waste on petty deceits and slick pretenses. In order for the sweetness of any “Lavish Luxury” to be marked profusion in the self one must give love unconditionally, even sometimes if it means, or may appear, that you get or expect nothing in return. The young brother said, “I don’t get it!” I told the young brother, “Be patient. Not many people know that patience and understanding are two of the sweetest “Lavish Luxuries” that God Alone gave us as “hue-mans” to bestow upon one another.” I told him to work at trying to decipher what I just said, and learn that love is a two-way boulevard between him and his wonderful queen. “We’re all works in progress, including your wife,” I said, and by being patient and considerate, he’ll get the message of understanding. That’s a hard lesson to fathom, and some folks in creation never get the gist of those “Lavished Luxuries.” I trust that you do, and my “Lavished Luxuries” for you today are to be at peace with yourself and the one you love. And that’s, “As I See It.”.



account of what life holds for the person who has been down life’s low roads and chose to make something positive of that experience. The story of Mr. Dortch’s life in his contemplative memoir is stunningly poignant and shockingly tragic, spiritually insightful and forever encouraging in the same read. It’s about insubstantial reality, repentance and much, much more, with no apparent details left out. Much has taken place since his modest birth, departure and return to this quaint little coastal South Carolina city, population 12,789. He returned “home,” as he proudly says, about five years ago to continue his journey of spiritual growth. John Curtis Dortch was born in Beaufort in 1945 and attended Robert Small High School where he was a gifted student and all-around talented athlete. He graduated in 1963 and enrolled at Howard University in Washington, D.C., the Black Mecca of collegiate higher learning in America at that time. While at Howard Mr. Dortch excelled in his studies with the ultimate intentions of attending law school to fulfill his desire of giving something back to his community and society-at-large. He, especially, became very active in the university’s ROTC program, rising to the top student leadership role as Brigadier Commander in his senior year. Upon graduation in 1968, Mr. Dortch joined the military as a commissioned officer serving in the Rangers, an elite Special Forces unit where duty took him to volunteered service in the Viet Nam War. While there serving his country he was severely wounded in combat and this first lieutenant was honorably discharge after a nineteen months due to his war related injuries. He returned to the Washington, D.C. area and went to work for New York Life Insurance Company from 1971- 1974, eventually becoming one of it’s highest grossing and most successful field underwriters. Everything was going uphill in his life when fate took an expected turn for the worse. Somewhere during this time period in 1974, Mr. Dortch decided to branch out in other additional economic arenas and he founded JCD Enterprises, an operational holding company. As the book clearly details, that didn’t pan out as he had expected due to his unsuccessful attempts to acquire a capital infusion from investment bankers. That business was in a state of financial decline from the shortage of operational cash flow needed to keep JCD Enterprises afloat and solvent. And with financial pressures mounting, Mr. Dortch resorted to other ways to acquire said funds by engineering a conspiracy to rob the Columbia Federal Savings and Loan Association Bank in D.C. It was at this time when this former highly decorated military infantry officer’s life took a turn for the negative subjecting him to a subsequent lengthy prison term and a resultant period of deep moral introspection and spiritual redemption. This is the “root” message of his 357 page book of inspiration and hope. Mr. Dortch, in our interview, described his attempt to raise the extra cash flow he said he needed to overcome his financial burden by carefully organizing a selected group of seven individuals to assist him in the bank robbery which was to take place on September 20, 1974. During our intense interview at his beautifully restored home/office, all done by his physical efforts, this deacon at the First African Baptist Church (in Beaufort) emphasized that he was the chief organizer behind the bank’s conspiracy, never passing blame on anyone. The bank robbery was botched when Mr. Dortch was stopped near the bank by undercover police officers, who were alerted of the robbery attempt by a paid informant member of Mr. Dortch’s own inner robbery cohorts, unknown to him. Another accomplice, James Bryant,

witnessing Mr. Dortch’s confrontation with the officers, which included the discharging of one of the weapons that Mr. Dortch was carrying, ran away. No one was hurt in the melee except Mr. Dortch who was injured under his eye. In the commotion, both Mr. Bryant and Mr. Dortch fled, but in different directions, with Mr. Dortch catching a city bus and simply disappearing into the rush hour D.C. traffic. Mr. Bryant, on the other hand, was apprehended by a young D.C. police officer, twentyfour year old Gail Cobb. She hadn’t pulled her revolver when Mr. Bryant, using a concealed weapon, shot and killed her. Ms. Cobb was one of the first female officers to die in the line of duty in the United States. Mr. Dortch wasn’t at the scene of Ms. Cobb’s shooting, but he was indicted and tried on several counts related to the conspiracy, attempted bank robbery and felony murder. He was sentenced to fifteen years to life on those charges. After his release from prison in 1990 and having served fifteen years, where he was classified as a model citizen, he enrolled in law school at the District of Columbia Law School in 1991. He was selected as president of the Student Bar Association, among other prestigious honors, and he graduated in 1994, with hopes of being able to practice law. The only problem with that decision was that a convicted felon on parole normally was not allowed to practice law in most states. Having passed the bar examinations in DC, Maryland and West Virginia, Mr. Dortch readied himself for the opportunity to practice law, which he has not been able to do because of legal denials. He even appeared on the “Today ” show, with his attorney and was interviewed by then coanchor Katie Couric in February 1997, to bring his plight to the attention of the national audience. To this day, he’s not been able to practice law anywhere in America. His book brilliantly details a disciplined man who’s not bitter, but a “better” human being because of his determined faith in God, and how it has brought him inner relief after such a horrendous period in his life. The book is a must read, no matter what your faith tradition is, because it truly attests to the absolute power of spiritual repentance before the Creator. Mr. Dortch has been through quite a bit, both good and bad according to most candid pundits of sacred observation. In interviewing Mr. Dortch you can’t help but see a strongwilled believer in his Christian way of life, who is as organized a human being as you ever want to meet. He’s extremely articulate, polite and his book, published by Disciple Publishing Company, P.O. Box 554, Beaufort, South Carolina, 29901, is punctuated with meaningful life-enhancing mental transformations that will make you realize how precious life really is. Through all that he’s been through and what’s lies ahead of him, you get the sense that “Memoirs Of The Prodigal Son: The Road To Redemption” is what Deacon John C. Dortch is about, and he’s lived a life that few can ascribe to. This open and aboveboard author related that he’s genuinely sorry for the sadness that he’s caused anyone as a result of his role and actions in his crimes in D.C., and he asks God for guidance, relief and aid through his daily sincere prayers. He’s tried to make a better man of himself in God’s eyes, by serving his religious community in any way that he can, especially those who are less fortunate than himself. Just being in his presence, you can tell that he’s a survivor, by his belief in the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, as he (Mr. Dortch) proclaims. Deacon John C. Dortch’s book symbolizes and illustrates so wonderfully in his dynamic tell-all account of his spiritual voyage from hellish ordeals to soothing redemption is probably what all of us

go through and ultimately seek. It’s a mighty lesson to be understood. With the escalating number of ebony souls today being incarcerated in ever-increasing high numbers, “Memoirs Of The Prodigal Son” may just be the type of thoughtful book that may give you a helpful clarity

about the trials of life that surrounds us all in more ways than one in Black America. I strongly recommend that you get a copy. Deacon Dortch summed up what his book was about by relating that, “The past is irrevocable, but there’s always hope.” His website is

Obama Hits a Triple at the Debate, A Home run at the CBC By. Ron Walters NNPA Columnist By all accounts Barack Obama won the first of the presidential debates on September 26 over John McCain, who was widely considered to have more experience in foreign affairs. He won by exceeding expectations, exhibiting that he had a substantial grasp of issues and that he was presidential, while McCain talked in generalities and showed his disdain for Obama, not according him proper acknowledgment by refusing to look at him. But whatever advantage McCain was thought to have over Obama by his familiarity with various heads of state and, as he intoned, having been involved in every major crisis in foreign policy in the past 25 years, Obama came back several times, diminishing McCain’s winning points. For example, when McCain alluded to the fact that he had a bracelet from a woman whose son had been killed in Iraq, Obama countered with his own bracelet, squelching McCain’s emotional point. When McCain charged that Obama didn’t understand the “Surge,” Obama countered that McCain seemed to think the war began in 2007, then dramatically stated since the war began in 2003, McCain had been wrong about the reason for its start, wrong about how American troops would be received, and wrong about the tension between Sunni and Shia factions. And there were others. Nevertheless, it was also somewhat unnerving to hear him say at least seven times that McCain was right; for him not to counter McCain repeated message that Obama didn’t understand, to see McCain muscle him out of responses several times because Jim Lehrer was not in control of the debate; to see him not follow up on several obvious openings such as his definition of the “success” of the Surge, McCain’s slavish support of George Bush’s policies, McCain’s lack of support for Veterans, and others. I understand the problem he has. On one hand, he can’t feed into the “angry black man” racial image and turn off some white voters; on the other, he has to establish a level of policy competence and physical ease that lets him appear presidential. But I give him a triple because he could have been much better. Then next evening, however, when Barack Obama stepped on the stage to give the keynote speech at Congressional Black Caucus annual dinner, that he was home could be witnessed by everybody who was on their feet, rocking to the music of, “Here I am baby, signed sealed delivered, I’m yours….” Obama was given the CBC’s Harold Washington Award, named after the former mayor of his home City and he proceeded to acknowledge those who had paved his way – again, leaving out Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr. who sat at a table in front of him. But as Obama got into his speech and began to warm up, he answered the criticism of me and others, by dealing with critical aspects of the Black Agenda. Time and again, he brought the crowd to its feet by observing that this historical moment was not just about him, but about the children who might benefit and who might live to actually see a black person in the White House. He defined change with his stock presentation on issues like ending the Iraq war, enacting health adequate insurance and health care, and ending the failed No Child Left Behind education program. He also linked shoring up inadequate schools in poor neighborhoods to college attendance and good jobs. Most important, he showed that he was conversant with the problems of urban America, pointing to the need to deal with poverty, promoting job training and ending mass incarceration by rolling back punitive legislation. And he felt that we should not only be “tough on crime,” but smart on crime. Gone was the patronizing language of moral responsibility as the only solution. This was not only good for the audience to hear assembled there, but it was fuel for the fundraising that he and Michele were doing in town, and for the message of a strong black turnout that rippled through the CBC forums all week long. So, I give Obama a Home Run for his performance at the CBC and feel that he has not only put many of the questions raised to rest, he also teed up a number of issues he will bring to the table in the debates on domestic issues. Dr. Ron Walters is the Distinguished Leadership Scholar and Professor of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland College Park. One of his latest books is: Freedom Is Not Enough: Black Voters, Black Candidates and American Presidential Politics (Rowman and Littlefield)

6- October 1, 2008


The Chronicle


Natalie Cole And Hepatitis C Millions of People With Gout years. And that's not rare.

( -- For many, it was surprising to hear that phenomenal songstress Natalie Cole has hepatitis C. And for some it was saddening to hear her explain her treatment process. Next week she will be getting chemotherapy and will cut off all of her hair. "What I have is treated with chemotherapy. I have chemo every week," Cole said in an interview shown on Entertainment Tonight. She told her interviewer, Paula Abdul of American Idol, that the chemotherapy makes her tired and nauseous, and that she's lost a lot of weight due to her illness, but that she has a "great group of people" rallying around her. What is hepatitis C? How do you get it, how is it treated, and can you prevent it? And is chemotherapy a common treatment for hepatitis C? Here are answers to those and other question about hepatitis C.

What is hepatitis C? Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by an infection with a virus. It is a serious disease because the liver is needed to remove toxins that build up in the blood. Hepatitis C can cause cirrhosis and destroy the liver. It is a main cause of liver transplants worldwide. How do you get hepatitis C?

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"Patients can be without symptoms and even with normal liver tests for 25 or 30 years. That's very common, in fact," Bruce R. Bacon, MD, director of the division of gastroenterology and hepatology at St. Louis University School of Medicine, tells WebMD.

Natalie Cole There are several ways to get infected with hepatitis C: • Sharing needles for injection drug use. Drug use may be how Cole got hepatitis C. She told Entertainment Tonight that she used heroin in the early 1980s. Cole wrote about her drug use in her 2000 autobiography, Angel on My Shoulder; saying her drug use is long over. • Accidentally getting pricked by a needle contaminated by infected blood. This sometimes happens to hospital workers. • Being born to a mother with hepatitis C infection. • Getting a blood transfusion from someone with hepatitis C infection. Before 1992, blood could not be tested for hepatitis C. Since 1992, all blood donated in the U.S. gets tested for the virus. If you had a blood transfusion or organ transplant before June 1992, ask your doctor about being tested for hepatitis C. • Some people on kidney dialysis have gotten hepatitis C from contamination of the equipment. • It's possible to get hepatitis C from someone you live with if you share items such as razors or toothbrushes that might have had his or her blood on them. • A person can get hepatitis C from getting a tattoo or body piercing with dirty tools. • Rarely, a person can get hepatitis C from having unprotected sex with an infected person. This is more likely to happen if the infected person also has another sexually transmitted disease. • You cannot get hepatitis C from hugging or shaking hands with an infected person.

How common is hepatitis C in Blacks? Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common blood borne infection in the United States. An estimated 2.7 million Americans are infected, with the greatest prevalence of infection in African Americans at 3.2%. African Americans account for 22% of Americans with HCV. And several studies have shown that the response rates of African Americans to HCV treatments are significantly lower than those for nonHispanic whites. The reasons for these differences in natural history and outcomes of therapy are not understood but are the subject of ongoing study.

Does hepatitis C make you sick right away?

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Not usually. Natalie Cole told Entertainment Tonight that the hepatitis C virus had been "dormant" in her body for 25

Bacon, who isn't treating Cole, prefers the word "inactive" rather than "dormant" to describe the virus when it's not causing obvious symptoms.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis C? Hepatitis C usually doesn't cause any symptoms. But when symptoms occur, the CDC says they may include: • Fever • Fatigue • Appetite loss • Nausea • Vomiting • Abdominal pain • Dark urine • Clay-colored bowel movements • Joint pain • Jaundice (yellow color in the skin or eyes) "The most common symptom is probably no symptoms. But the next most common symptom would be fatigue. People just feel tired and worn out," says Bacon.

How is hepatitis C diagnosed? Hepatitis C is diagnosed by a blood test. If you have any risk factors for hepatitis C, get tested, and if you find out you have hepatitis C, see a specialist, Bacon suggests. Don't let stigma about drug use or other risk factors stand in your way. "We just need to move beyond that and find out what's going on," says Bacon.

Are Suffering Needlessly WILLIAMSVILLE, N.Y., - PRNewswireDespite the fact that gout has been well understood for many decades, a recent study found that 78% of people living with this disease are receiving suboptimal care from their physicians and are suffering needlessly. For years, gout was considered by most doctors to be a painful but otherwise harmless disease, which is why interest in research and proper management for this condition waned, and with it, the quality of care for gout sufferers. Gout is caused by a buildup of uric acid in the body, a condition known as hyperuricemia. New research has revealed that hyperuricemia may increase the likelihood of several very deadly diseases such as heart disease, kidney failure, diabetes, stroke and liver failure. This new research suggests that hyperuricemia and gout may be life-threatening conditions. Patient education is the major key to helping those with gout get the quality of care they need. To this end, Ayerware Publishing announced today that it has released a new book entitled "Beating Gout: A Sufferer's Guide to Living Pain Free," by Victor Konshin. Culled from the review of over 300 scientific research articles and texts, "Beating Gout" is a compilation of the latest medical information on the best treatments for gout, management of hyperuricemia, and diet and lifestyle implications. "Beating Gout" is the

mostcomprehensive resource for sufferers of this chronic condition, detailing itscauses, progression, diagnosis, how to stop a gout attack in its tracks, reduce the occurrence of attacks and practical tips for managing hyperuricemia.

management of their condition -- and how they can live a long, healthy, and pain-free life.



Dr. Ralph Argen, MD, FACP, FACR, a gout expert and reviewer of "Beating Gout," explains: "Fifty years ago, treating and managing gouty arthritis was interesting and exciting. Rheumatology knew the cause, could accurately diagnose gout and had definitive drugs to manage and treat it. Since then there has been a lack of new ideas, thoughts and drugs -- good management has waned. This book sets the record straight on the best way to diagnose, treat and manage gout." The author, Victor Konshin, adds, "I am always struck by the horrorstories I hear from people who are still having frequent and intense gout attacks. When I ask them a few questions about how they are managing their gout, it quickly becomes clear that no one has ever explained to them how to manage this disease, how to use gout medications properly or make even the simplest of lifestyle changes to avoid gout attacks. Also, information found on the Internet offers a confusing mess of contradictory advice. I quickly realized that 'Beating Gout' needed to be written." "Beating Gout" aims to educate gout sufferers so they can take charge of the

How is hepatitis C treated? Hepatitis C is treated with two drugs: long-acting interferon (called pegylated interferon or peginterferon) and ribavirin. Pegintereferon "gets the immune system to handle the virus a little more effectively," says Bacon. Ribavirin is an antiviral medicine, "but it doesn't work against hepatitis C alone; it only works in conjunction with interferon." New treatments are in the works. "Those new treatments are a class of drugs called protease inhibitors," says Bacon, singling out two protease inhibitors -- telapravir and boceprevir -- as being "far along in development." give it that negative connotation, to try to keep things positive for patients. So I call it treatment for their viral infection or antiviral therapy." By Nicole Smith, BDO Staff Writer

OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS BROWN BAG LUNCH SERIES Sponsored by Mass Mutual and the Little Black Book for every busy woman

Protecting and Repairing Your Credit Everything you need to know about improving your credit score. Andrea Davis, First Federal Sheila Underwood, SunTrust Thursday, October 9 at Noon • FREE Call to reserve your seat.

Spending, Saving & Giving: How do We Form the Right Habits in Our Children? David L. Cole, Mass Mutual Debbie Kidd, Family Services

If you need help through a difficult personal time, low- cost counseling is available at the Center for Women.


Thursday, October 16 at Noon • FREE


South Carolina Pro Bono Program attorneys discuss your rights and options.

Call to reserve your seat.


Workers Comp Learn about SC rules and regulations regarding work-related injuries or death Jessica ‘Tucker’ Cecil, Esq. Turner, Padget, Graham & Laney Tuesday, October 28 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm • FREE Call to reserve a seat.

ENTREPRENEURIAL WOMAN SERIES Sponsored by SunTrust, Legacy Wealth Mgt & Charleston Regional Business Journal

Are You Ready to Start a Business? Get a better understanding about working for yourself. Mary L. Dickerson, State Director, FastTrac Business Training Tuesday, October 21 6:00pm to 8:00pm Advanced registration suggested: $20 CFW members; $25 Non-members

To register for an event, call (843) 763 or visit


Center for Women 129 Cannon Street (between Ashley Ave & President St.) Parking is free nights and weekends at 30 Bee Street.

The Chronicle

October 1, 2008-7

........HEALTH FOR YOU DC Hopes Needle Exchanges Curb Soaring AIDS Rate By BRIAN WESTLEY Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) -Reggie Jackson spends much of his day inside a Winnebago, riding through the city's hardscrabble neighborhoods to hand out clean syringes in exchange for dirty ones. "We're saving lives, man," Jackson says. He's on a mission to protect drug addicts from HIV, which Jackson learned he had in 1990 after years of sharing needles to shoot heroin and crack cocaine. District of Columbia officials are counting on Jackson and others like him as they try to tackle an AIDS crisis so severe that one report has called it a "modern epidemic." Despite such alarms, little has changed over the years as city leaders struggle to reverse a startling statistic - one in 20 residents in the nation's capital is believed to be infected with HIV, a rate worse than any American city and one that rivals some developing countries. But there is reason for optimism, officials say. Congress lifted a decade-long ban in December prohibiting D.C. from using local tax dollars to support needleexchange programs. Critical funds are now starting to reach these groups, allowing them to increase outreach

efforts and add workers like Jackson. It remains to be seen, though, how much of a dent will be made in slowing the virus, which has touched nearly every cross-section of Washington. "There is no silver bullet," said Walter Smith, the director of the D.C. Appleseed Center for Law and Justice, an advocacy organization that is monitoring the city's efforts to reduce HIV infection. "There are multiple factors that have produced our high HIV/AIDS rate and it will take multiple factors to bring it down." The reasons include unstable leadership at the city's HIV/AIDS prevention office, which has had 12 directors in just over 20 years. That has slowed strategies to get a handle on the disease. Washington also has a high population of black and gay residents - groups where the rate of infection has been high historically. Still, one statistic has particularly frustrated D.C. officials: More than one in five of Washington's HIV cases were transmitted through intravenous drug use, according to a report released last year by the city's HIV/AIDS Administration. Needle exchanges are being used in 36 states, D.C. and

Puerto Rico to slow the spread of the disease through IV use, according to the North American Syringe Exchange Network. Many of the programs are financed with state or local money. In 1998, however, Rep. Todd Tiahrt, R-Kan., and then-Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Mo., inserted language in the federal spending package that blocked D.C. from funding such programs because of concerns about drug abuse. They were able to do so because Congress approves the city's budget. D.C. needle exchange advocates say the ban left them without an important tool in a city where roughly 10,000 residents are believed to be injection drug users. "If you want to reduce the spread of HIV ... you put more syringes out there," said Ken Vail, executive director of PreventionWorks!, where Jackson works. The program, which serves the city's residents through a roving Winnebago, survived during the congressional ban mostly on private donations. During that time, PreventionWorks! was able to reach roughly 2,000 of Washington's intravenous drug users annually, Vail said. He is hoping to double that number now that D.C. has agreed to give PreventionWorks! about

Experts Believe in Adult Stem Cells (NU) - In America, the term "stem cells" is automatically associated with "embryonic stem cells," the cells that scientists can only extract by destroying a human embryo. But while American politicians, scientists and religious leaders debate moral issues, the rest of the world uses adult stem cells to treat, and heal patients. Adult stem cells exist in every human being's tissues, where they help regrow skin, muscle and nerve cells. Scientists can extract adult stem cells from patients, then multiply the cells in labs. When the cells are injected back into a patient, they help grow healthy tissues. In countries including the U.K., Thailand, China, Israel and Argentina, adult stem cells have successfully treated patients with everything from Hodgkin's lymphoma to broken bones. Don Margolis created the

Worldwide Center for Adult Stem Cell Education LLC (WCASCE) to help Americans locate and use adult stem cell treatment centers. Through Margolis's Web s i t e ,, people can search a list of treatment centers for over 100 different diseases. Margolis writes on his Web site, "Americans need to know that that they can receive immediate, life-changing treatments for congestive heart failure, sickle-cell anemia, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury and many other diseases -; as long as they search outside of the U.S." Adult stem cell treatments can be very beneficial. The WCASCE's Scientific Advisory Board contains expert physicians who have used adult stem cell treatments. Its Chairman, Kittipan

Visudarom, M.D., co-founded the Minneapolis Heart Institute before going to Thailand, where he treated over 100 end-stage heart patients with adult stem cells. Carlos Lima, M.D., is a ground-breaking neuropathologist who developed an adult stem cell treatment that helps regrow nerves in parapalegics. He works in Portugal. Zannos G. Grekos, M.D., uses adult stem cells to treat people with heart and peripheral vascular diseases in the Dominican Republic. "The adult stem cell research and medical treatments have been done." says Margolis. "Americans simply need to access the same technologies that already save lives across the globe." For more information, visit .

When a Loved One Needs Long-Term Care by Michael Raab, MD Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine It may be the most difficult decision you ever have to make. A spouse, parent, or other family member can no longer live independently, and the care needed to enable her or him to remain at home is not available. This may be a temporary situation, which can frequently follow an acute illness, hospitalization, or injury. It may be necessary when usual caregivers are drawn away by an emergency or simply need to get away for a break. Or it may be necessary on a long-term basis when the loved one declines physically or mentally. Types of Care The array of care facilities now available can be very confusing. Choosing the right one depends on the level of care needed, and on doing a good job of investigating the possibilities. Assisted-living facilities, personal-care homes, and retirement communities are all names of facilities that provide for people who are nearly independent, but for reasons of either mild physical or mental impairment, need some help with tasks like cooking, housecleaning, or shopping.

Most assisted-living facilities have on-site staff who can assist with medications and are available 24 hours a day for problems that come up. They either have on-site care, or they contract agencies that can provide personal attendants, nurses, and physical and occupational therapists on an as-needed basis. Often they provide congregate meals and a number of social activities. Most residents of assisted-living facilities are able to perform their own self-care activities like dressing, bathing, and eating. Some facilities are either contiguous with, or have arrangements with facilities that provide higher levels of care should the resident

become more impaired, but others require residents to move when they become too dependent. Subacute care units are designed for a patient's continued treatment in a setting where the intensity of care is less than that in a hospital setting, but still provides continuous registered nurse supervision. An example would be the need for extended intravenous antibiotic therapy for some types of infections. The development of subacute care has been driven largely by attention to cost containment and the desire to limit extremely expensive hospital care.

$300,000 a year for the next three years. The money is the largest share of nearly $700,000 the city is allocating annually for needle exchanges. Other organizations receiving help include those that work with specific high-risk groups such as sex workers and the homeless. Critics include the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which argues the needle-exchange programs may actually increase disease infection rates because they fail to curb risky behaviors associated with needle-sharing. Advocates such as Sharon Hader, who leads the city's HIV/AIDS Administration, note that such programs are about more than handing out needles; they also counsel users about rehabilitation services, provide HIV testing and offer supplies such as condoms. "Needle exchange is not a standalone intervention," Hader said. "It's bundled with a lot of wraparound services." On a recent day, about a dozen drug users lined up outside the PreventionWorks! Winnebago to trade in dirty needles. Most were unemployed men in their 40s and 50s. Some were rail-thin, and others had arms covered in pockmarks from years of drug abuse. As they stepped inside, Jackson sat at a computer and typed in data while his colleague, Hazel Smith, handed out syringes - "blues" and "apples" for those who have been injecting drugs for shorter periods and "groins" for longtime addicts whose veins are badly damaged.

"Need some condoms, baby?" Hazel Smith asked as she handed eight blues to Deborah Jones, an unemployed woman from southeast Washington. "You can give me two packs," replied Jones, 46, who said she has been coming to PreventionWorks! for the past five years. So far, Jones said,

she has not been infected with HIV. "I'm blessed, not lucky," Jones explained. Hazel Smith then stuffed the supplies into a brown paper bag and, before sending Jones on her way, offered some parting words. "Be safe, be careful."

The Chronicle

8- October 1, 2008

Arsenio Hall to Host TV One Mini Series SILVER SPRING, Md.,PRNewswire -- Beginning Sunday, Nov. 9, TV One will premiere an original, five-hour special chronicling the unforgettable moments, cultural movements and personal achievement that have advanced the black race and helped change the course of American history over the past century in The Blacklist: 100 Greatest Power Moves. Arsenio Hall, the groundbreaking television host who literally changed the face of late-night television, will host the special, which will air over five consecutive nights, covering 20 Power Moves each night, culminating with the top 20 -- and the #1 moment -- on Thursday, November 13. With a unique blend of reverence, "tell it like it is" attitude and a little bit of humor, this highly entertaining series promises to give a historical perspective, as well as an inspirational walk through of the best and most celebrated moments of the African-American experiArsenio Hall ence. The Power Moves will be presented with a fast-paced display of memorable imagery, the most-up-to-date graphic technology and soulful music, transporting the viewer to times and places that should never be forgotten.

Heffner Still Wants Lil’ Kim in ‘Playboy’ Dressed in a leopard print bra and panty set and flimsy feathered robe, Lil Kim broke molds and set standards (at the time) for female rappers back when she released the now infamously sexy promotional poster for her debut album “Hardcore.” Word on the street is that the game’s littlest femcee is now taking it back to her roots with an alleged deal to pose nude for Playboy. “I am willing to shell out any amount for Kim,” Hugh Hefner reportedly said. “I’ve been trying to her her to do it for years!” According to reports, Kim was supposed to flick it up for the magazine a few years ago but declined Hef’s offer because of her “religious beliefs.”

Lil’ Kim

A source close to Kim, however, is saying “the only reason why she declined it at the time was because the money was not enough, this time the money is right.” At press time, Kim had issued no comment on the deal.

Rihanna and Brown Moving In? According to an insider Rihanna has been searching for a condo in the Los Angeles area since early July to share with Chris and has checked out units in Beverly Hills’ Sierra Tower. Rihanna’s so serious about finding them a new home that she has new listings emailed to her even when she’s out of town. “She and Chris want to live together,” says the insider. “They play their music loud though, so they want a condo that’s soundproof.”

Rihanna and Chris Brown

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The Chronicle----Lowcountry Connection


Oct ob er 1, 2008


REGISTER TO VOTE BY OCT. 4-A CALL TO ACTION By Prof. Damon L. Fordham Most people are aware that on November 4, 2008, Barack Obama will face John McCain in the election for President of the United States, but there are some factors involved with this that are not getting the attention that they deserve. For one thing, people who wish to vote but are not well informed about politics should know that if they want to vote in this election in South Carolina, they MUST be registered to vote BY OCTOBER 4, 2008. As I write this, Senators McCain and Obama are EVENLY TIED in the polls. In other words, this election can go either way. Additionally, EIGHT MILLION eligible AfricanAmericans are currently unregistered to vote. These people can make all the difference over who will become the next president and all hands

must be on deck. IF YOU HAVE BEEN TO JAIL There is a lot of misinformation about whether a person who has been to jail is able to vote. This varies from state to state, but I checked with the South Carolina Department of Voter Registration. It states that in South Carolina, a voter must-Be a United States citizen (born in the United States or territories or sworn in as a citizen). -Be at least eighteen years old on or before the next election -Be a resident of South Carolina, this county and precinct. -Not be under a court order declaring you mentally incompetent (extreme mental illness). -Not be confined in any public

(NOTE: The following is a public service of The Chronicle, since The Charleston County Election Commission deem it fitting that our readers have no interest in Amendments.)

The following Statewide Constitutional Amendments will be placed on the ballot: 1. Must Section 33, Article III of the Constitution of this State be amended so as to delete the provision that no unmarried woman shall legally consent to sexual intercourse who shall not have attained the age of fourteen years?

Explanation of Above: This amendment deletes the section of the Constitution which says an unmarried woman must be fourteen years old or older in order to consent to sexual intercourse. Deleting this section would allow the state legislature to set the age of consent. Currently, the state legislature has the age of consent set at sixteen for most cases. A “yes” vote would delete the section from the Constitution and let the state legislature set the age of consent. A “no” vote would leave the section of the Constitution in place. 2. Must Section 16, Article X of the Constitution of this State relating to benefits and funding of public employee pension plans in this State and the investments allowed for funds of the various state operated retirement systems be amended so as to provide that the funds of any trust fund established by law for the funding of post employment benefits for state employees and public school teachers may be invested and reinvested in equity securities subject to the same limitations on such investments applicable for the funds of the various state operated retirement systems?

Explanation of above: “Post-employment benefits” are benefits, mainly health insurance, provided to eligible state government and school district retirees. To comply with a change in accounting standards, the state has created trust funds to pay for these post-employment benefits. This amendment relates to how the money in these trust funds may be invested. A “yes” vote would give the state government the option to invest these funds in equity securities (stocks). A “no” vote would mean that state government is not allowed to invest these funds in any kind of equity securities (stocks). 3. Must Section 16, Article X of the Constitution of this State relating to benefits and funding of public employee pension plans in this State and the investments allowed for funds of the various state operated retirement systems be amended so as to provide that the funds of any political subdivision of this State that have been set aside for the funding of post employment benefits for the political subdivision’s employees, including those invested in independent trusts established for that purpose, may be invested or reinvested in equity securities of the type permitted for investment by the various state operated retirement systems, as provided for by the General Assembly?

Explanation of above: This amendment is the same as Amendment 2 except it applies to local governments’ post-employment benefits (instead of the state government’s post-employment benefits).

The time is always right to do what is right. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

prison resulting from a conviction of a crime -Have never been convicted of a felony or offense against the election laws OR if previously convicted, have served the entire sentence, including probation or parole, or have received a pardon for the conviction. In other words, if you have been to jail on a misdemeanor, you could still vote as long as you are not presently in jail. But if you have committed a felony (armed robberies, murders, rapes, etc.) you have to have completed your sentence, probation, and/or parole or have received a pardon. The numbers that I am about to give you for voter registration may give you further details. HOW TO REGISTER

In Charleston County, you may call 744-8683 for information on where and how you may register and for further details on how to regain your vote if you have committed a felony. In Dorchester County, the number is 563-0132 or 8320132 and in Berkeley County, it is 719-4056. IF YOU FAIL TO REGISTER AND VOTE On the morning of November 5, 2008 after the election, what if John McCain wins, Barack Obama loses, and you did not register to vote? By now everyone knows where they stand on the issues. It will be on YOUR conscience that a good and intelligent man will have missed his chance to change our nation for the better in regard to the

economy, housing, education, and race relations. When your children come home from school that day and ask, “Why did Obama lose?” YOU will have to explain to them and look in the mirror to realize that YOU are to blame for one of our greatest opportunities in history to make a positive change was missed. But if you register and vote and he wins, not only should the situation of our country improve, but the lie that we as a people are good at all things with the body and nothing with the mind will finally be destroyed for our children. You can tell them with pride that YOU helped to make that change! TELL EVERYONE YOU CAN

This is so important that I urge you to take this message wherever you can. Read this to people who cannot read (you may vote if you are illiterate). Go to the barbershops, beauty parlors, pool halls, juke joints, street corners, society meetings, crab cracks, churches, mosques, and schools and spread the word to register to vote before October 4 and vote on November 4. The future of yourselves, your children, your people, and your country has TOO MUCH to lose if you do not! Damon L. Fordham is an adjunct professor of history at Springfield College in Charleston and the author of True Stories of Black South Carolina. He may be reached at [email protected]

Class of 1967 Burke Alumni Dr. Paul Brown Presides Over The American Medical Technologists Laboratory Consultants credentials.

Dr. Paul C. Brown, MT (AMT), a graduate of Burke High School Class of 1967, was recently elected as President of the American Medical Technologists (AMT) during its 70” National Meeting and Educational Program held in Providence, Rhode Island. This is an historical event as he is the first Afro-American to hold the position as president in this premier accrediting organization for Allied Health Professionals. Presiding at the helm, Dr. Brown leads this prestigious organization whose membership totals wells over 42,000 ,members worldwide. AMT credentials clinical laboratory professionals in seven disciplines: Medical

Among his civic involvement, Dr. Brown has been instrumental in organizing two student chapters for Medical Assistants and Medical Administrative Specialist. These chapters are located at Virginia College in Mobile and Montgomery. Alabama. It affords upcoming Allied Health Professionals the opportunity to work together in a team-oriented environment.

Dr. Paul C. Brown Technologists, Laboratory Technicians, Medical Assistants, Medical Administrative Specialist. AMT also offers Allied Health instructors and Clinical

He has spearheaded numerous mayoral and gubernatorial proclamations as laboratory technologists and medical assistants are recognized annually.

Among many degrees earned, Dr. Brown has Doctor of Ministry from Andersonville Theological Seminary, Master in Ministry and Biblical Studies from Birmingham Theological Seminary, a Bachelor of Science from University of Maryland, and an Associate in Applied Science Medical Laboratory Technology from the Community College of the Air Force. He has served 26 years in the United States Air Force. I swear to the Lord I still can't see Why Democracy means Everybody but me. ~Langston Hughes, The Black Man Speaks

The Chronicle

2b-October 1, 2008

CHURCH - SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP M I S S I O N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCHSunday School - 10:00 AMSunday Service -11:00 AM Thursday Night Bible Study and Prayer Service- 6:00 PMThe church is located at 75 America Street, Charleston, South Carolina We are the church where Christians are at work! The Honorable L.B. FyallPublicity Committee Reverend Leroy Fyall – Pastor

LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES - Please come and join us for Bible Study on Saturday at 3:30 pm. Sunday Services is 11:00a.m. Minister Rose Washington, Associate Pastor Rev. Glenn Scott, Pastor

The Emancipation Proclamation Association

WALLINGFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Invites You To COME, SHARE and FELLOWSHIP with The Seniors Activities Bible Study, Physical Fitness, Arts & Craft Projects, Health Education, Enrichment Programs, Speakers, Community Resources, Trips, Recreation, Nutritional Lunch and lots more fun . . .When: Every Thursday, Where: 705 King Street, Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: NO CHARGE~~FREE, (843) 723-9929

cordially invites you to their annual King & Queen Contest on Monday Night, October 20, 2008 @ 7 P.M. The Event will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 446 Meeting St., Charleston, SC 29403. Dr. George McClanan is the pastor. Please come out and witness a great and marvelous event. Young people from numerous churches and organizations will be displaying their talents and fineries. Please come out and support our young people. They are our future. For more information please contact Mrs. Annice Brown, Youth Director @ 843-797-1613 or Mrs. Ethel Greene @ 843-571-4061.

WE WELCOME YOU TO JOIN US, THE REVELATION OF CHRIST CHURCH, The R.O.C. Church, 1473 Remount Road, North Charleston, SC, 29406, at our Prophetic Conference, October 8th – 10th. This year, we will welcome, Pastor/Prophet, Ocie Reese, Jr. of Anointed Word Christian Ministries in Atlanta, GA. Each night of the Prophetic Conference, we will offer, on Wednesday and Thursday, October 8th and 9th, at 6:00pm, prophetic seminars titled, Understanding the Prophetic,” featuring Elder Rich Stevens of Living Water Ministry in Tucson, Arizona. Then on Friday, October 10th, at 6:00pm, we will have a health seminar, titled “Getting a Good Nights Rest” featuring Karen Rollings from the sleep lab disorders at Roper Saint Francis Hospital. Be Here! Bring a Friend! Service will begin promptly at 7:00pm, nightly. You don’t want to miss this much anticipated event. For more information, please contact the church office at 843-566-0024 or go to our website at We hope to see you there!

BAZAAR/ YARD SALE- at Washington Park Community Center, 5th Avenue and Playground Road- West Ashley- Saturday- October 4, 2008 from 8:00 to 1:00 p.m.

NAACP Uses Web to Register Voters

Week of 10/01/08 thru 10/07/08



Saturday, October 4th & Sunday, October 5th While Supplies Last

100% Natural Value Pack

Value Pack, Bone-In

New York Strip Steak


$ 99


$ 49

Value Pack

Country Style lb. Pork Ribs

Without MVP Card Regular Retail

Chicken Thighs




$1.49 lb. Rest Of Week Without MVP Card $1.79


Without MVP Card $2.49

Limit 4 27.8-39 Ounce Cans (Decaf. and Simply Smooth Not Included)


$ 99

Folgers Can Coffee

$5.99 Rest Of Week

Without MVP Card $10.45

Limit 4 8 Rolls White or Print

Bounty Paper Towels

Limit 2 Free 16 Ounce, 16/20 Count

5 Lb. Bag New Crop

Without MVP Card $4.49 Each


$7.99 Rest Of Week

Without MVP Card $8.47

Food Lion Extra Jumbo Raw Shrimp

White Potatoes



By. Larry Miller Special to the NNPA from the Philadelphia Tribune (NNPA) - With most voter registration deadlines only days away for the historic 2008 presidential election, record numbers of new voters are still expected to register and vote for the first time. Many of those new voters will be young African-Americans, casting ballots in their first presidential election. To facilitate and encourage those potential voters, new NAACP president Benjamin Todd Jealous unveiled an online voter registration initiative this week for a generation weaned on the technology of the Internet. The initiative, Upload to Uplift, uses Web 2.0 technology to encourage visitors to register and upload the e-mail addresses of family and friends who are not registered. Jealous said the new initiative is the perfect way to reach out to the estimated 8 million unregistered Black voters. “We took a standard voter registration form and hooked it up to the technology,” Jealous said. “People can go online and basically canvas their friends through the Web and encourage their friends to vote. This is my third decade of doing voter registration and this is beyond the bare knuckle, walking the streets tactics. This technology is one more way to reach the 8 million Blacks who are not registered to vote. This combines old school NAACP tactics with new school technology. We’re very excited about this.” According to Jealous, who has been doing voting registration since he was 14, visitors to the NAACP Web site,, can connect to the Upload to Uplift link and complete, print and mail

Without MVP Card $14.99 Each

Limit 4

6 Mega or 12 Roll Select Varieties




99 $6.99 Rest Of Week

Without MVP Card $8.29

14-15 Ounce

General Mills Cheerios

Limit 2 Free

Limit 2 Free


Or 16.9-17 Ounce

Kellogg's Frosted Flakes or Frosted Flakes Gold

11.5-12.5 Ounce Select Varieties

Lay's Potato Chips

48-60 Load Liquid or 63-80 Load Powder Select Varieties

Gain Detergent

Without MVP Card Regular Retail

Without MVP Card $3.79 Each


$ Limit 4

97 $9.97 Rest Of Week

Without MVP Card $11.99

5.25 - 12.5 Ounce Select Varieties

Lean Cuisine Dinners and Entrees


WithoutMVP MVPCard CardRegular $3.49 Each Without Retail

% Off

Limit 4

21-23 Ounce Select Varieties

48-56 Ounce Select Varieties

21-56 Count

Birds Eye Voila!

Breyers Ice Cream

Pampers Jumbo Diapers

Limit 2 Free

Limit 2 Free

Without MVP Card $4.99 Each


Without MVP Card $11.94

Without MVP Card $5.19 Each

We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical and photographic errors. Rainchecks unavailable on alcohol and tobacco products.

$ 99

All Stores Accept

Good neighbors. Great prices.

$10.49 Rest Of Week



the registration form before the Oct. 6 deadline. Corporate, community partners and bloggers are also encouraged to download the widget and place it on their site. “The technology will capture information like e-mail addresses and cell phone numbers and individuals will get text messages encouraging them to vote,” Jealous said. “That’s the whole thrust of this effort — registering your friends to vote. The NAACP has had a history of transforming this country and we will transform the electoral process. We can do it by registering every last voter, verifying every last voter, mobilizing every last voter, protecting every last voter and ensuring that every last vote is counted.” While unprecedented numbers of African-Americans and young people are expected to register in this year’s election, voters in swing states like Pennsylvania are going to have a tremendous impact on the 2008 election. “People say that the Black vote is a shoe-in for the Democratic Party, but especially in swing states that should not be taken for granted,” Jealous said. “Swing voters need to be motivated and anyone doing voter registration in those states needs to fight hard for the Black vote. There should be kitchen table discussions and community meetings discussing the needs of Black voters, which aren’t insignificant at all.” Jealous also said the 8 million unregistered Blacks were transients, people who moved around a lot and forgot to reregister, college students, young people who are not rooted in a particular community and also people who might be confused about the status of their right to vote. “For instance, people in California who are in jail and awaiting trial might not know that until they are convicted of a crime, they still have the right to vote,” Jealous said. According to the United States Census Bureau, only 69 percent of African- Americans are registered compared to 75 percent of their White counterparts. “Every 20 years or so there’s a major election — the 2008 presidential election,” Jealous said. “We see this as our responsibility to get as many people as possible engaged in the political process.”


The Chronicle

October 1, 2008- 3b

BAW Film Review: Spike Lee’s ‘Miracle at St. Anna’ Tells the Story That Must Be Told By: Esther


Somebody has to tell the story. There is a moment early in Spike Lee’s latest joint, “Miracle at St. Anna,” when an elderly black man, Hector Negron, peers at an old World War II flick on television starring John Wayne. Then, almost inaudibly, Negron mumbles to himself about how black soldiers were over there too -- and how “we fought too.” The scene, quiet and fleeting compared to visceral scenes of war, is a reminder that “Miracle at St. Anna” is, first and foremost, a longed-for big screen production about African-American men who fought during World War II. How black soldiers have been missing in action, particularly in flicks about the “good war,” has not gone unnoticed by

scores of black veterans who find themselves absent from most accounts of the so-called “greatest generation.”

of story lines makes the film feel choppy. It is possible to lose track of the miracle amid such tragedy. And some of Negron’s mumblings and circumstances, on which we must build to solve the mystery, are not easily understood.

And this absence has not gone unnoticed by Lee, who uses a novel and screenplay by James McBride to tell the story of the all-black 92nd Division stationed in Tuscany, Italy during 1944. The story is told as a murder mystery, with Negron at its center and the long-ago war as a vivid flashback. The introduction of black soldiers onto the battlefield changes the film conversation and narrative about war. In “Miracle at St. Anna,” there are scenarios when black soldiers are betrayed and fired upon by their own white captain. The portrayal of overt racism faced abroad and at home by black U.S. soldiers depicts a complex and painful history that these veterans do not forget.

spirituality and a belief in the supernatural exists with lust and moments of comedy.

On the other hand, one seamless thread throughout is Terence Blanchard’s signature jazz soundtrack, which offers, literally, a whole different rhythm and atmosphere to scenes of war. Similarly, the ensemble cast, including Derek Luke, Michael Ealy, Omar Benson Miller and Laz Alonzo, works like a well-oiled machine and transports us to another time when young men -- teenagers and those in their early 20s -- gave their lives in battle.

While this complex mix of emotions does not seem out of place, sometimes the overload

Though Ealy plays the part of the pretty boy womanizer, and Miller plays the big and slow

Matteo Sciabordi, Omar Benson Miller, Michael Ealy, Derek Luke and Laz Alonso in Touchstone Pictures ‘Miracle at St. Anna’ Lee obviously has a lot to say, and he packs plenty into two and a half hours. Death and destruction live side-by-side with the gentleness required to care for a child. Conspiracy,

country boy -- “the biggest Negro you have ever seen in your life” -- Lee has matured as a filmmaker, and the characters in “Miracle at St. Anna” are not the stark archetypes in films such as “Do the Right Thing,” “Jungle Fever,” or his other male ensemble cast film, “Get on the Bus.” In “Miracle at St. Anna,” Negron functions almost as the Unknown Soldier or, more exactly, the Unknown Black Soldier. And someone must tell his story. --Esther Iverem is founder of and author of "We Gotta Have It: Twenty Years of Seeing Black at the Movies, 1986-2006." She will be discussing black culture and criticism Sunday, Sept. 28 at the Baltimore Book Festival."

Watching Baseball By Bill Fletcher Jr. The Cape Cod Baseball League The Cape Cod Baseball League is a well-respected association in which young baseball players from around the country, many of who are in college, compete during the summer. From this league emerge players who will often transition into Major League Baseball. Yet, watching a game between teams from Harwich and YarmouthDennis, one would have no sense that Black people had any significant involvement with the sport of baseball.

has made sure that everyone knows it!).

to this argument since football and basketball games are also quite expensive. Yet, baseball was always a working person’s sport, at least until the early 1970s, and was reasonably priced. That has changed dramatically, such that a family of four going to a game can end up forking over more than $100.

As I have written elsewhere, the Major League Baseball owners have given little attention to promoting baseball among African Americans. They are anxious to recruit players from Latin American teams, often robbing the home countries of their key baseball stars, but investing in African American players is secondary at best.

There may be no way to reverse these trends short of a significant commitment by the Major League Baseball owners, and, secondarily, the Major League Baseball Players Association (the labor union of the players) taking pro-active steps to encourage a new interest in base-

The matter of Black support for baseball certainly must also be tied to the rising costs of baseball games, but there is a limit

I had the opportunity to watch most of a game recently between these two teams (there are several teams in the Cape Cod League). What struck me was that, as best as my wife and I could tell, each team had one Black face on it. We kept looking and looking, but that seemed to be it. The second striking thing was that, again as far as we could tell, we were the only Black faces in an audience that numbered several hundred people. This entire scenario seemed emblematic of the decline of the African American baseball player and of African American support for baseball. It is important to be clear that there is a major Black presence in baseball, but this Black presence is largely from Latin America. Since the early 1970s, African Americans have been declining in their percentage in Major League Baseball. From a high of about 30 percent, African Americans are now reportedly at approximately 8 percent. Attendance at ball games by African Americans continues to decline as anyone attending minor league or major league games can attest. The problem of African Americans in baseball probably has several factors at its root. The changes in urban areas are certainly of great significance. Sandlot baseball is virtually extinct in most major cities, with the precious land once occupied for the game now gobbled up in major urban development. Instead, basketball courts prevail, given the relative lack of space necessary to play the game. At the college level, basketball and football are money-makers. These team sports are actively promoted by college administrations and alumni, whereas baseball is often marginalized. One can see this at the high school level as well. By way of example, in my area high school, located in a predominantly African American area, though a baseball team exists, the school’s principal largely ignores the team and its games, whereas she is a major fan of football (and

ball in our urban areas. This might include campaigns to keep and/or rebuild sandlot fields in our communities, along with active local business support for Little League and school teams.


We do not lack for Black baseball heroes, whether from years past, such as Satchel Paige — or today, such as Derek Jeter. What we lack is a sense that they are currently relevant to the Black American experience and that baseball is anything more than a sport whose glory – for us – has been lost.

This sort of commitment, however, will only happen if there is pressure from within Black America for change.

If that is the conclusion, it is a sad one indeed.

In order for that to happen, we must be reminded of the key role that baseball played in our own history, going back to the earliest years of baseball, through the period of the Negro Leagues, and into the era of integrated baseball.

Bill Fletcher Jr. loves baseball. He is the former president of TransAfrica Forum and can be reached at [email protected].


THE SAVINGS This Week’s Specials

On The Butcher Block

Buy One Get One Free

Whole New York Strip

Doritos 12.25-12.5 oz.

Buy One Get One Free Sunnyland Spread


3 lb.

Produce Field Fresh Snap Beans

48¢ lb. Farm Fresh Green Cabbage

49¢ lb.



Jumbo Pack

Fresh Ground Beef





Dairy and Frozen Food

Mayfield Ice Cream

2/$600 5/$500

12 oz.

2/ 4



2/ 4

5 lb. Limit 2 with $20.00 order

1 Gallon

1 Gallon



12 oz.



IGA Ketchup


24 oz.



18 oz.

18 pk. cans



Gain 2X Liquid Laundry Detergent

Miller Lite or Coors Light $


Duke’s Squeeze Mayonnaise


IGA Bleach

Tropicana Punch 64 oz.


Cottage Brand Sliced Bacon


IGA Sugar

IGA Sliced American Cheese $


2/ 6 2/ 3 $

IGA Vegetable Oil

Banquet TV Dinners 7.1 - 10 oz.


Grocery Specials

159 lb.

1.75 qt.


1 3/4 lb. box

D’Anjou Pears $


Lumberjack Sausage

(2 to the pack)



Roge Wood

Boston Butt Pork Roast


Spiral Hams


549 Pepsi Products $ 00 5/ 5 6 pk 24 oz. 3/ 10 50 oz.


2 Liter



IGA (A Member of the Independent Grocers Association) We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities And To Correct Printer’s Errors. We Gladly Redeem USDA Food Stamps. Prices Effective 9/29/08-10/5/08

1133 Savannah Hwy., Charleston, SC • 1750 Remount Rd., Hanahan, SC


The Chronicle

4b-October1, 2008

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


ADVERTISEMENT TWO BID OPPORTUNITIES JAMES ISLAND COUNTY PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS AND THE PALMETTO ISLANDS COUNTY PARK PLAYGROUND RENOVATIONS The Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) is seeking bids for two separate playground projects, one at the James Island County Park and the other at the Palmetto Islands County Park. Work on both projects include, but are not limited to, the demolition and relocating of existing playground equipment, installation of new playground equipment and surfacing. For more information on obtaining the bid documents for each of these projects, please visit CCPRC’s website HYPERLINK "" or by calling Ms. Lynda Abram, Contract Coordinator, 843-762-8081. By: Mr. Tom O’Rourke, Executive Director CHARLESTON COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION

INVITATION FOR BID Solicitation Number: 08-B026B Waste Container Services

The City of Charleston is accepting Invitation for Bid for Waste Container Services. The City will receive bids until October 28, 2008 @ 11:00 a.m. at 288 Meeting Street, Suite 310 Charleston, SC.

The solicitation will be available upon request and may be obtained by submitting a written request to: Robin D. Barrett, CPPB by fax (843-720-3872), by phone (Carin McCrae, 843-724-7312) or mailing to the above address. You may also obtain a copy of the solicitation by going to our website: and then click on the Bidline link. ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication on his Notice to Creditors or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of: MOLLIE T. SMITH 2008-ES-10-1004 DOD: 8/22/07 Pers. Rep: MICHAEL L. SMITH 1852 CHESSHIRE DR. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 ******************************************************************* ESTATE of: BERNIE E. POWELL 2008-ES-10-1011 DOD: 10/15/06 Pers. Rep: ARTHURINE RIVERS 117 BELLPOINT LN. DANIEL ISLAND, SC 29492

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

EMILY PEARL MACK 2008-ES?10?1190 DOD: 10/26/06 Pers. Rep: ANDERSON MACK, SR. 2192 BIRD NEST RD., WADMALAW ISLAND, SC 29487 Atty: CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, ESQ. PO BOX 9, CHARLESTON, SC 29402-0009 ************************************************************************* * Estate of: MARTHA S. PERONNEAU 2008-ES?10?1203 DOD: 01/05/05 Pers. Rep: JAMET P. ROSS 14119 MT. PLEASANT DR., WOODBRIDGE, VA 22191 Atty: DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQ. 61 MORRIS ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29403 ************************************************************************

Census Bureau Seek Applicants The Charlotte Regional Census Center is seeking qualified applicants to fill more than forty Partnership Specialist positions in Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Partnership Specialists are charged with development partnerships with local, state and tribal governments, as well as community and faithbased entities, schools, businesses, media and grasssroots

organizations. For some Partnership Specialist positions, the Census Bureau seeks applicants who have professional and/ or volunteer experience developing partnerships in African American, Hispanic/Latino, Mexican, Native American, Asian and other minority communities and cultures. Specific cultural and /or language requirements(for example, proficiency in Spanish) are noted in the Recruiting Bulletins (job

announcements). Posting for Partnership Specialist positions are available at or beginning September 24, 2008. To receive consideration, an applicant deadline specified in the Recruiting Bulletin. this includes written responses to all questions and evaluation criteria shown in the Recruiting Bulletin. Moreover, from fall 2008

through spring 2009, the Charlotte Regional Census Center will be seeking about 75,000 applicants in our fivestate region to help build address lists in pre-census operations. The Census Bureau will use the address lists to mail out 2010 Census questionnaires. Posting for these positions will be available at in November 2008.


CHARLESTON COUNTY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS PUBLIC HEARINGS The following cases will be heard by the Charleston County Board of Zoning Appeals at their regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, October 6, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. in Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, Room B249, Lonnie Hamilton III, Public Services Building, 4045 Bridge View Drive, North Charleston, SC. This hearing is open to the public. Inquiries should be directed to the Planning Department (843-202-7200) referencing the case number. CASE#: 2061-V Variance request for the removal of a 25” Diameter Breast Height Grand Beech tree on property located at 1140 Idbury Lane, St. Andrews (TMS# 286-1300-214) CASE#: 2062-V Variance request for the encroachment of a (6’ x 17’) section of a proposed deck into the required 35’ OCRM Critical Line setback on property located at 837 Colony Dr, St. Andrews (TMS# 418-15-00-011)

The City of Charleston Department of Parks is soliciting bids from interested marine contractors for CP0410C1: Milton P. Demetre Park Public Pier and Floating Dock. The project scope includes: the construction of a 190’ pier with a 20’x 20’ pierhead and the installation of a 40’ floating dock at Milton P. Demetre Park (formerly known as Sunrise Park) on James Island, SC. The budget range is $ 400,000-$ 450,000. Bid Documents will be available on or after Tuesday September 9th, 2008 from Charleston Blueprint Co. 90 Brigade St. Charleston, SC 29403. There is a $ 35.00 non-refundable charge for these plans. Checks shall be payable to Charleston Blueprint. Plans may be examined at the Department of Parks office at 823 Meeting Street. All questions can be referred to: Mr. Kevin Turner, Collins Engineering Inc. 843-763-1576. A Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on site at Milton P. Demetre Park, Wampler Drive, on James Island, SC 29422 at 10:00 AM on Thursday September 18th, 2008. Bids will be due on Thursday October 2nd, 2008 at 2:00 PM. Interested parties please contact Ross Eastwood, Project Manager at 843-579-7552 or [email protected].

CASE#: 2063-V Variance request for the reduction of the required 50’ OCRM Critical Line setback by 9’ to 41’ for a proposed screened porch and deck addition on property located at 2071 Sunny Point Rd, Wadmalaw Island (TMS# 134-00-00-019) CASE#: 2389-E Special Exception request for establishment of a restaurant and bar that sells alcoholic beverages on property located at 2867 Maybank Highway, Johns Island (TMS# 313-00-00-134)

MAINTENANCE MECHANIC The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston is currently accepting applications for the position of Mechanic at our Office of Special Housing Needs. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. This position is responsible for performing semiskilled maintenance on building, grounds and equipment that includes duties in carpentry, plumbing, refrigeration, painting, heating, and/or mechanical or electrical repair. Operates related automotive and power equipment. Performs basic supervisory duties. Minimum qualifications: HS Diploma or GED supplemented by two to three years of semiskilled and unskilled tasks such as carpentry, electricity, heating, and plumbing, or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Must have the ability to perform responsible craftwork at the journeyman level. Must possess a valid state driver's license. The Housing Authority offers a great benefit package, which includes: Free medical and dental insurance Flexible schedule Generous holidays and paid time off State retirement plan, 401(k), and 457 Free life insurance Short-term disability, and more. The starting salary for this position is $12.08/hour. This position will require a background investigation, drug screen and physical at our expense. The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston 550 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403 Attn.: Human Resource EOE M/F/D/V (TDD 843-720-3685)


CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL HAS SCHEDULED A PUBLIC HEARING IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR OCTOBER 7, 2008, 5:30 p.m., AT THE LONNIE HAMILTON, III PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING, 4045 BRIDGE VIEW DRIVE, NORTH CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, TO HEAR PUBLIC COMMENTS CONCERNING THE TEN-YEAR UPDATE OF THE CHARLESTON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. This notice is being made in accordance with Section 6-29530 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Planning Department, (843) 202-7200 during regular working hours, 8:30 - 5:00 daily except Saturday, Sundays, and holidays, or e-mail us at [email protected] LENGTHY PRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Beverly T. Craven Clerk of Council ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

DEXTER KEYES 2008-ES?10?0821 DOD: 04/23/08 Pers. Rep: DEVANTE ALSTON 806 MINNIE ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29407 Atty: CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, ESQ. PO BOX 9, CHARLESTON, SC 294020009 ****************************************************************** Estate of: GEORGE JUNIOR WARD 2008-ES?10?0823 DOD: 12/14/07 Pers. Rep: GAIL LEE WARD 3115 BONANZA RD., CHARLESTON, SC 29414 ******************************************************************

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

HERBERT HOOVER HOSEY 2008-ES?10?0469 DOD: 02/02/04 Pers. Rep: LOUISE B. HOSEY PO BOX 71611, CHARLESTON, SC 29415-1611 Atty: ARTHUR C. MCFARLAND, ESQ. PO BOX 80609, CHARLESTON, SC 29416-0609 ****************************************************************** Estate of: DENISE JOHNSON SIMMONS 2008-ES?10?0532 DOD: 03/26/08 Pers. Rep: REV. VERNON SIMMONS 1406 RAINBOW RD., CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Atty: ARTHUR C. MCFARLAND, ESQ. 1847 ASHLEY RIVER RD., SUITE 200, CHARLESTON, SC 29407 ******************************************************************

October 1, 2008-5b

The Chronicle

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed



SHIRLEY CARNICKEY, WILLIE HEYWARD, SR., ALFRED ALLEN CARNICKEY, JOHN DOE,) and MARY ROE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown heirs at law distributees, devisees, legatees, widow, widowers, successors and assigns, if any, of WILLIAM SIMONS, (deceased), MOLLY SIMONS a/k/a MILEY SIMONS (deceased), DORA SIMONS, (deceased), REBECCA SIMONS GRAHAM, (deceased), LOUISE SIMONS SMALLS, (deceased), BERNICE SMALLS CARNICKEY, (deceased), SAMUEL CARNICKEY, (deceased), MARY L. HEYWARD, (deceased) and all other persons unknown claiming by, through or under them or having or claiming any interest in the real estate described in Complaint, whether infants, i n c o m p e tents, insane persons under any other disability, and AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE. Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL CASE NO.: 08-CP-10-797 AMENDED

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON FRANK REED, Plaintiff, Vs. ARTHUR CHOICE, if he is alive, and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names representing the unknown heirs, devisees, distributes, or personal representatives, and SARAH DOE AND RICHARD ROE, fictitious names representing the unknown minors, incompetents, persons in the military, persons imprisoned, or persons under any other legal disability of ARTHUR CHOICE, if he is deceased, and all other unknown persons claiming any right, title, interest, or lien upon the real estate which is the subject of this action, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE: 08-CP-10-4446 SUMMONS (Quiet title action: Equity And Partition by Allotment) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, which was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on August 7, 2008 at 3:24 p.m., a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscribers, at their offices at No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9, Charleston, South Carolina, 29402 within thirty (30) days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Charles S. Goldberg Attorney, LLC No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 720-2800 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina August 11, 2008 LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendant above named, and that the object of such action is to quiet the title to the real estate and to allot by partition described as follows: ALL that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina, containing 12.3 acres, more of less, and is the residual portion of No. 49, which originally con-

SUMMONS (Quiet Title Action) (Non-Jury) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Amended Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Amended Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, located at 1847 Ashley River Road, P.O. Box 80609, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and, if you fail to answer the Amended Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. AMENDED LIS PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charleston, which action was brought by the above-named Plaintiff against the abovenamed Defendants to determine the rightful owners of the below described real estate. That the premises affected by this action is located within the County and State aforesaid and is more particularly described as follows: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land containing twenty-five acres, more or less, situated in Adams Run Township, County and State aforesaid.

tained 25 acres and shown on a plat of HICKORY HILL PLANTATION, made by S. Lewis Simmons, as Surveyor, May, 1881. The residual portion is partially shown on a survey of LOT 49-D, dated October 6, 1997, and recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Plat Book EC, Page 851. The residual portion of located on the easternmost portion of Lot No. 49, but according to the subdivided plat aforementioned it butts and bounds to the North on Pine Log Lane; South on lands now or formerly of Hamilton and West on Lot 49-D; the easternmost line is cut off and show no terminus. BEING the same property conveyed to Frank Reed by deed of Katherine L. Hare, Acting Sheriff of Charleston County dated June 21, 2001 and recorded in the RMC Office of Charleston County in Book K377, Page 291; further conveyed to Frank Reed by deed of J. Al Cannon, Sheriff of Charleston County, dated June 19, 2008 and recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Book E-663, Page 092. The Tax Map Reference Number is 312 00 00 008 Charles S. Goldberg No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 720-2800 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, S.C. July 28, 2008 NOTICE NISI TO THE DEFENDANTS: THE DEFENDANTS TO ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. Heyward Harvey, 13 State Street, Charleston, SC, has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem Nisi in the above entitled action by Order and that such Order will become absolute thirty (30) days after the last publication of the Notice of Appointment, herein unless such of the Defendants as may be heirs, devisees, distributes, administrators, executors, guardians, and all those persons who may be minors, in military service, under any legal disability, or other persons claiming by or through, of the deceased persons above named, or someone in their behalf shall in the meantime procure to be appointed Guardian ad Litem for them, and that such Order is on file in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, Charleston County Courthouse, South Carolina. Charles S. Goldberg, Esquire Attorney for Plaintiff No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29401 (843) 720-2800 Charleston, South Carolina August 7, 2008

- Ask DeannaDear Deanna! My boyfriend and I have problems with his baby mama putting their baby in the middle of our relationship. When we make plans, she brings the child over and he baby sits. If the child gets sick she calls him in the middle of the night. The final straw came when we planned to go out-of town and she left him a message to get the baby from daycare. We didn’t see her for two days. He STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF CHARLESTON ) IN RE: ) ) NOTICE ESTATE OF MARGARET CLARK ) CASE NO.: 06-ES-10-006 ) TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTERESTED PARTIES: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-captioned action was filed in the Probate Court of the County of Charleston, South Carolina on January 3, 2007. This action seeks a determination of heirs of Margaret Clark who died intestate on November 15, 1987. PLEASE present any claims to the Probate Court for Charleston County, 98 Broad Street, Charleston, SC or to petitioner’s attorney within thirty (30) days of this publication. PLEASE be present at the said hearing if you are an heir or interested party in the within estate. _______________________ __________ Anthony B. O’Neill, Sr. 1847 Ashley River Road Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 763-3900 * 763-7996 FAX Attorney for Petitioner Charleston, S.C. August 2, 2008

Bounded Northwardly by Big Bay, Eastwardly and Southwardly by property now or formerly of Elizabeth La Roche and Westwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas Williams, all of which will be seen by reference to a plat made by J. D. Taylor, surveyor dated July 30, 1900. TMS NO.:


00-091 AMENED NOTICE NIS THE DEFENDANTS TO: ABOVE-NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plaintiff has applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointment shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty (30) days of the service of this Notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them.

needs to choose between our relationship or the baby. Fed Up St. Louis , MO Dear Fed Up: The junk in your trunk isn’t so good that you can make a man pick you over his child. If you


want the baby mama to stop playing games hit her with reverse psychology. The father should voluntarily start spending so much time with the baby that the mother will become a little lonely. This will slow her up on those bogus drop-ins. Don’t force him to choose because you’ll come up empty handed and dry as the Grand Canyon . Dear Deanna! When I met the woman I’m with, I wasn’t saved. Now I’ve given my life to the Lord and she doesn’t understand why I won’t have sex with her. I asked her to marry me but she said no. I don’t feel as if I can continue this relationship because my salvation is more

important. What should I do? Dennis Memphis , TN Dear Dennis: You’re doing the right thing by avoiding fornication which is a sin. It’s not worth it to send your soul to Hell over lust—a moment of passion with someone who isn’t your spouse. Lead her to the Lord and help her become saved. God doesn’t want you to be unequally yoked so don’t sweat the marriage rejection. Pray for her and continue to walk with God so she’ll see your faith and obedience. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna!



Solicitation Number: 08-B030B Roll Out Waste Containers The City of Charleston is accepting Invitation for Bid for Roll Out Waste Containers. The City will receive bids until October 30, 2008 @ 11:00 a.m. at 288 Meeting Street, Suite 310 Charleston, SC. The solicitation will be available upon request and may be obtained by submitting a written request to: Robin D. Barrett, CPPB by fax (843-720-3872), by phone (843724-7312) or mailing to the above address. You may also obtain a copy of the solicitation by going to our website: and then click on the Bidline link.

INVITATION FOR BID Solicitation Number: 08-B029B Stage Equipment (Rebid) The City of Charleston is accepting Invitation for Bid for Stage Equipment (Rebid). The City will receive bids until October 21, 2008 @ 11:00 a.m. at 288 Meeting Street, Suite 310 Charleston, SC. The solicitation will be available upon request and may be obtained by submitting a written request to: Robin D. Barrett, CPPB by fax (843-720-3872), by phone (843724-7312) or mailing to the above address. You may also obtain a copy of the solicitation by going to our website: and then click on the Bidline link. ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

DAVID N. FLEMING 2008-ES?10?1101 DOD: 05/17/99 Pers. Rep: DONNA FLEMING 23 BURNT MILLS RD., GOOSE CREEK, SC 29445 ************************************************************************** Estate of: THEODORE JAMES COKER 2008-ES?10?1106 DOD: 07/17/08 Pers. Rep: AMELIA T. COKER 2467 BIRKENHEAD DR., CHARLESTON, SC 29414 Atty: JUAN W. TOLLEY, ESQ. 184 EAST BAY ST., STE. 201, CHARLESTON, SC 29401 ************************************************************************** Estate of: DOROTHY FLOWERS 2008-ES?10?1147 DOD: 05/09/08 Pers. Rep: CORDELIA LA BOARD 2127 AMAKER ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29405 **************************************************************************

Attention: Charleston County Taxpayers

AMENDED NOTICE OF FILING TO: THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Amended Summons, Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Complaint and Amended Notice Nisi were filed on March 4, 2008 in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Kelvin M. Huger, Esquire of 27 Gamecock Avenue, Suite 200, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, S.C. 29416, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County, dated the 21st day of March, 2008 and the said appointment shall become absolute thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Notice, unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall procure a proper person to be appointed as Guardian ad Litem for them within (30) days after the final publication of this Notice. By: Arthur C. McFarland Attorney for Plaintiff 1847 Ashley River Road, Suite 200 P.O. Box 80609 Charleston, S.C. 29416 (843) 763-3900 Charleston, S.C. March 21, 2008

Notice of end of Redemption Period for October 1, 2007 Delinquent Real Property and Mobile Home Tax Sale If your property was sold at the 2007 Charleston County Delinquent Real Estate or Mobile Home Tax Sale and you have not yet redeemed it, please be advised that the redemption period ends at: 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 2, 2008 All properties not redeemed by that time will be conveyed to the successful bidder at the tax sale. Only cash, money orders or certified checks will be accepted for payments.

For additional information, contact: Charleston County Delinquent Tax Department O.T. Wallace County Office Building 101 Meeting Street, Suite 230 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 958-4570 [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday






vs. GENEVA G. ROSS; KATHLEEN C. HAYNES; FONTAINE HAYNES; and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names, to represent the heirs of any of the above named parties who may be deceased and their heirs; and RICHARD ROE, a fictitious name to represent the interest of any minors, incompetents or disabled persons or those that may be serving in the military; Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NO: 2008-CP-10-3598 NOTICE OF FILING TO: THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVENAMED: You are hereby notified that a Summons, Complaint, and Lis Pendens were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on June 24, 2008, by Samual H. Altman of Derfner, Altman & Wilborn, LLC, Attorneys for the Plaintiffs. DERFNER, ALTMAN & WILB ORN, LLC BY: Samual H. Altman, P.O Box 600, Charleston, SC 29402-0600 Phone: (843) 723-9804 Fax: (843) 723-7446 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF SUMMONS TO: THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint filed in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Reply on the Plaintiff or its attorneys, Samuel H. Altman, Derfner, Altman & Wilborn, LLC, Post Office Box 600, 575 King Street, Charleston, South

JOHNNY HENRY GERMAN, JR., WILLIAM GERMAN IV, CHERIE CRISP, PAUL CRISP, LOUISE ALSTON, VANESSA HANKEL, JOHN DOE, AND MARY ROE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown heirs at law distributees, devisees, legatees,, widow, widowers, successors and assigns, if any, of WILLIAM GERMAN, (deceased), and the following deceased individuals: CHRISTINA GERMAN ROUSE, ESTELLE G. NELSON, MARION NELSON, SR., HENRY NELSON, ALONZO NELSON, MARTHA NELSON, CHRISTINA NELSON, WILLIAM NELSON, GEORGE GERMAN, JOHN HENRY GERMAN a/k/a HENRY GERMAN, WILLIAM GERMAN II, JANIE CRISP, WILLIAM GERMAN III, and all other persons unknown claiming by, through or under them or having or claiming any interest in the real estate described in Complaint, whether infants, incompetents, insane persons under any other disability. Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL CASE NO: 08-CP-10-4190 SUMMONS (Quiet Title Action) (Non-Jury) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU



Carolina, 29402, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DERFNER, ALTMAN WILBORN, LLC


Samuel H. Altman 575 King Street Post Office Box 600 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 723-9804; Fax (843) 723-7446 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF June 23, 2008 Charleston, South Carolina

SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, located at 1847 Ashley River Road, P.O. Box 80609, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint.


LIS PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charleston, which action was brought by the above-named Plaintiffs against the above-named Defendants to determine the rightful owners of the below described real estate. That the premises affected by this action is located within the County and State aforesaid and is more particularly described as follows:

Accounting Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Mechanics Cosmetology Electrical Line Worker Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Program Coordinator Industrial and Manufacturing Training Director Librarian Massage Therapy Academic Program Coordinator Mathematics Nursing

Part-time Faculty

Air Conditioning/Refrigeration

NOTICE NISI TO: THE DEFENDANTS ABOVENAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plaintiffs have applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointent shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty

NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Summons, Complaint, Lis Pendens and Notice Nisi were filed on July 22, 2008 in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina.


Invitation to Bid


900 King Street Reroofing Phase I Job #081001


The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston will receive sealed bids on a General Contract for 900 King Street Reroofing Phase I unitl 2:00 p.m. local time, on October 28, 2008 at 550 Meeting Street, Room 114, Charleston, South Carolina. Bids will be publicly opened. Copies of the Bidding documents may be obtained after 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 30, 2008 at the CHA Modernization Office, 545 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403. Contact Ed Donnelly at (843) 720-3983.

Arthur C. McFarland 1847 Ashley River Road, Suite 200 P.O. Box 80609 Charleston, SC 29416 (843) 763-3900



A voluntary pre-bid confernce will be held at 545 Meeting Street on Tuesday, October 14, 2007 at 10:00 a.m. The Housing Authority encourages minority owned business to participate in its on-going purchasing of goods and services. CHA reserves the right to wave irregularities and to reject any and all bids. Donal J. Cameron Chief Executive O



For detailed information, visit or call 843.574.6201. Aircraft Maintenance Technology Animation Anthropology Biological Sciences CNC Machining Cosmetology Criminal Justice Economics Electrical Facility Maintenance English Esthetics Graphic Design Industrial Mechanics Information Systems Marketing Multimedia and Web Site Design

TMS Nos.:615-00-00-113, 61500-00-114 & 615-00-00-020

(30) days of the service of this Notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them.

FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Kelvin M.Huger, Esquire of 27 Gamecock Ave, Suite 200, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, S.C. 29416, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County, dated the 22nd day of July, 2008 and the said appointment shall become absoulte thirty(30) days after the final publication of this Notice, unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall procure a proper person to be appointed as Guardian ad Litem for them within (30) days after the final publication of this Notice.

All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land containing then (10) acres situated on the Wando River in Christ Church Parish, County and State aforesaid and bounded as follows: North by lands now or formerly of A.R. German, East by lands now or formerly of James


Full-time Faculty

Weston, South by lands now or formerly of Joe Simmons and West by the Wando Tract. The same being one fourth of the Chandler Hill Plantation and left to the said Wiliam German by will of his father, the late William German.

Nail Technology Nursing Paralegal Plumbing Radio, TV and Film Sociology Spanish Theater Welding

Full-time Staff

Electrician Information Resources Consultant I Landscape Maintenance Law Enforcement Officer I Law Enforcement Officer II


Temporary Staff

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.

Continuing Education

Estate of:

Security Specialist III Supply Manager I

Administrative Specialist II Biology/Chemistry Tutor Computer Technology Tutor Mathematics Tutor

Automotive Glass Training Instructor Pipe Welding Instructors


DOD: Pers. Rep: 29016 Atty:


KELVIN M. HUGER, ESQ. PO BOX 80399, CHARLESTON, SC 29416 *************************************************************************

The Chronicle

October 1, 2008 -7b

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON ANN ROPER WHITE, Plaintiff, vs. VIRGINIA ROPER, deceased, MORRIS ROPER, deceased, CORA BELL CHANDLER ROPER, deceased, NED ROPER, deceased, KATIE S. ROPER, deceased, MARY ROPER, deceased, BESSIE ROPER, NAOMI ROPER WASHINGTON, VIOLA ROPER RICHARDSON, HERMAN ROPER, ARTHUR ROPER, DECEASED, ALICE ROPER WILLIAMS, DECEASED, JAMES ROPER, DECEASED, JANIE ROPER DEAS, ANN ROPER, ALPHONSO WHITE, DECEASED, BRENDA ROPER, DECEASED, EDWARD DAVIS, MORRIS ROPER, JR., ARLICE ROPER, ALPHONSO ROPER, ANTHONY ROPER, ALAN ROPER, ANWAR ROPER, ALIA ROPER, SALEEMAH ROPER, AQUILA ROPER, ZAHIR ROPER, TARIQ ROPER, TYNISHA ROPER, IVORY ROPER, MAURICE ROPER, SHAMIRA ROPER, GREGORY ROPER, THERESA ROPER, SHAKIYA ROPER, JALESSA ROPER, YVETTA JEFFERSON, AL JEFFERSON, EVERETT JEFFERSON, AUSTIN DAVIS, COREY DAVIS, JOHN DOE, MARY DOE, RICHARD ROE, And SARAH DOE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown Heirs- at-Law, devisees, Distributees, widows, widowers, administrators, Executors, successors, and assigns, if any of VIRGINIA ROPER and MORRIS ROPER, the deceased and above named Defendant who may be deceased and all other persons claiming any right, title estate, interest in or lien upon the lands of VIRGINIA ROPER AND MORRIS ROPER or any portion thereof, including any such as may be infants, incompetents, or otherwise under an disability, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO: 08-CP-10-3543 SUMMONS YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff or her attorney, George E. Counts, Esquire, at 27 Gamecock Avenue, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint with the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 16th day of June 2008, at Charleston, South Carolina. COUNTS & HUGER, LLC GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for the Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue Post Office Box 80399 Charleston, SC 29416 (843) 573-0143 LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendants above named, and that the object of such action is to quiet the title of the below described property. The Real Estate affected by this action is described as follows: ALL that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on James Island in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and being shown as owned by the Estate of Lucy Roper on a survey by W.L. Gaillard, Surveyor, dated February 2, 1966, and said to contain two and two-tenths (2.2) acres. MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the northwest line three hundred fortyone (341.0) feet; on the eastern line five hundred twentynine (529.0) feet; on the southern line one hundred twentyfive (125.0) feet; and on the southwest line three hundred eighty-eight (388.0) feet be all the said dimensions a little more or less. BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the northwest on property, now or formerly, of Deleston; to the east and south on property of persons not mentioned on said plat and to the southwest on property, now or formerly, of Grimball; all of which by reference to said plat will more fully and at large appear.

BEING the same property conveyed to Virginia Roper, Morris Roper and James Roper by deed of Katie S. Roper date July 9, 1985 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book __ at Page __. TMS NO.: 334-12-00-025 ALL that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on James Island in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and being shown as owned by the Estate of Lucy Roper on a survey by W.L. Gaillard, Surveyor, dated February 2, 1966, and said to contain three and five-tenths (3.5) acres. MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the northern line seventy-five (75.0) feet; on the eastern line one thousand nine hundred thirty (1,930.0) feet; on the southern line one hundred twenty-five (125.0) feet; and on the southern line seventy-nine (79.0); and on the western line one thousand nine hundred sixty (1.960.0) feet be all the said dimensions a little more or less. BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the north on property of persons not mentioned on said plat; to the east on property, now or formerly, of Thomas Prioleau; to the south on property, now or formerly, of Grimball; to the west on property, now or formerly, of Betsy Prioleau; all of which by reference to said plat will more fully and at large appear. BEING the same property conveyed to Virginia Roper by deed of James Roper dated August 23, 1989 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book F-194, at Page 182.

T.M.S. NO.: 334-00-00-039 MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the northern line three hundred forty-five and seventenths (345.7’) feet; on the Southeastern line one hundred eight (108.0’) feet; on the Southern line three hundred five and eight-tenths (305.8’) feet; and on the western line ninety-seven (97.0) feet; be all the said dimensions a little more or less. BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the North on the property, now or formerly, of William Singleton; and to the southeast on Folly road eighty (80’) feet in width; to the South on property,, now or formerly, of Rufus Wilder; and to the east on the property, now or formerly, of James Roper, all of which by reference to said plat will more fully and at large appear. BEING the same property conveyed to Virginia Roper by deed of James Roper dated August 23, 1989 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book F-194, at Page 182. T.M.S. NO.: 334-10-00-006 ALL that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on Battery Island Road, James Island, Charleston County, South Carolina containing 0.45 acres measuring as folows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the western edge of Battery Island Road at the souheast corner of the lot hereinabove conveyed to James Roper and thence south three degrees nine minutes (3.9’) east, seventy (70’) feet to an iron pipe, thence south eighty nine degrees thirty minutes thirty minutes (89’30’) west, two hundred eighty-eight and 40/100 (288.40’) feet to an iron pipe, thence north fifteen degrees fourteen minutes (15’14’) west, sixty-five (65’) feet to an iron pipe, thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-five minutes (88.25’) west, three hundred one and 88/100 (301.80’) feet to the point of beginning. Butting and bounding as follows: To the east on Battery Island Road, to the south on a lot hereinafter conveyed to Jaine Roper Deas, to the west on lands of Nelson Deas and to the north on a lot hereinabove conveyed to James Roper. BEING the same property conveyed to Morris Roper by deed of Mary Roper, Bessie Roper, Ned Roper, Naomi Roper Washington, Viola Roper Richardson, Herman Roper, Arthur, Alice Roper Williams, James Roper and Janie Roper Deas dated June 23, 1969 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book C-93, at Page 227. T.M.S. NO.: 431-01-00-022

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NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Complaint in this action, together with the Summons and Lis Pendens, of which the above are copies, were duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina, on the 20th day of June, 2008. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Sherry B. Crummey, Esquire of 61 Morris Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County dated the 20th of June, 2008, and said appointments shall become absolutely thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Notice unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall petition the Court to have a Guardian ad Litem appointed for them within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this notice. COUNTS & HUGER, LLC GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue/Suite 200 P.O. Box 80399 Charleston, South Carolina 2941 (843) 573-0143 Dated August 14, 2008

NOTICE NISI TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Plaintiff has applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointment shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty (30) days of the service of this notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them.

Jimmie Haynes at the S.C. Newspaper Network at 1-888727-7377.

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COUNTS & HUGER, LLC GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue/Suite 200 P.O. Box 80399 Charleston, South Carolina 29416 (843) 573-0143


ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.

GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue P.O. Box 80399 Charleston, South Carolina 29406 (843) 573-0143

DOD: Pers. Rep: Atty:


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