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•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• October 29, 2008 •


Obama v. McCain: NAACP Questions Reveal Differences

The Charleston Chronicle describes itself as the “Voice of the African-American Community.” In so doing, we fully realize that there is no one voice of the African-American community; we know we are not homogenous. We know, after 37-years of continuous functioning as your newspaper, we are not monolithic in thought or in deed. We know that we may be as diverse in our opinions as the public in general. We do, however, universally share one common goal, the betterment of our community for ourselves and our prosterity. Being a news medium, we are afforded the opportunity, more than the average voter, to understand the platforms of candidates, their qualification, their commitment to community issues and their integrity. Some of the names are familiar while others belong to voices that are just beginning to be heard. We will not endorse a candidate we do not feel is going to go the extra mile and then some for his or her constituency, and we hope the same decison-making process will be behind every ballot cast Nov. 4. Doing any less is a debasement of every high ideal that made democratic and free elections possible in our society. PRESIDENTBarack Obama V. PRESIDENT Joseph Biden U.S.SENATE Lindsey Graham U.S.HOUSEDist.1-Linda Ketner Dist. 2 - James Clyburn S.C. SENATE Dist. 42 - Robert Ford Clementa Pinckney - Dist. 45 (no opposition) S.C. HOUSE David Mack III - Dist. 109 Wendell Gilliard - Dist. 111 (no opposition) J.S. Whipper - Dist. 113 (no oppostion) Ann Peterson Hutto - Dist. 115 Robert Brown - Dist. 116 (no oppositon) CORONER Henry A. Middleton CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL Elliott Summey - Dist. 3 Henry Darby - Dist. 4 (No Oppositon) Curtis Bostic - Dist. 6 Colleen Condon (Dist. 7) CHARLESTON COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Downtown(one seat) Marvin Stewart North Charleston (two seats) Mattese Lecque, Chris Collins West Ashley(two seats) David Engelman, Chris Fraser CONSTITUENT SCHOOL BOARD- DIST. 20 Write-In Candidates Tony Lewis, Dana Martin, Barbara Holmes (Note: While many of the above candidates have “no opposition” in the Nov. 4 elections, they can still face opposition from “write-in” candidates). WHY WE SUPPORT THESE CANDIDATES For Blacks and citizens of good will in America, there is no choice but to vote for Barack Obama and Joe Biden for President and Vice President of the United States of America. We say this with conviction because we have had eight years of a BushCheney Administration that has almost ripped our guts out, not only as Black people, but as citizens of this great country. They have stomped us, walked around the residue of the stomping, and poured gasoline on whatever remains, so that what was burned by the sun had a case of bad luck and was caught by a forest fire, even in places as remote as Alaska. LINDA KETNER The lawmakers that are sworn in January 2009 are going to undergo unprecedented pressure to work with the president in a manner not seen since the days of the Great Society----

wheter that president is Obama or McClain. That is why we recommend Linda Ketner as the most competent to stand for the inevitable great change that is to come. REP. JAMES CLYBURN In the 2nd Congressional District we recommend James Clyburn as the most competent to stand for the inevitable change that is to come. Mr. Clyburn has shown us the kind of leadership that gives African Americans an unwavering voice in the halls of Congress, one that is not afraid to speak out against injustice whether it is in South Carolina or in the backrooms of a foreign government. SEN. ROBERT FORD We have said many times before, and we can’t say it enough, we’ve supported Senator Ford throughout his political and civil rights career, and we must make it a top proirity to show up at the polls and reelect him again, since Republicans have plans to support his Republican opposition in a silent get-out-the-white vote campaign. We believe that Sen. Ford deserves to be reelected, and to put it bluntly, this is your city and your life is being decided in Columbia, in a General Assembly controlled by Republicans. REP. DAVID MACK III Most voters in House District 109 have been fortunate to have accumulated over the years legislators who are committed, knowledgeable and relentless in their pursuit to make sure Charleston County is not forgotten in the halls of Columbia politics. We encourgae him to stay the course and consider stepping up to other equally important political offices that can give him the launching pad his skills and talents deserve. CORONER HENRY A. MIDDLETON This community can recall the many instances when an African American was killed by an officer-of-the-law in carrying out his or her duties, and often we were critical of decisions made by the coroner, who often-times rendered decisions in contrary to the real facts in a situation. We can also recall when Rev. Charles Green, who served as deputy coroner for some 13-years, but was defeated by an inexperienced opponent, still rankles. Middleton has all the qualifying credentials, a good working knowledge of the complexities of law and policy that should not be overlooked. ELLIOTT SUMMEY DIST. 3 COUNTY COUNCIL Summey continues to be a refreshing newcomer in county politics, which often suffer from a staleness in new ideas and visionless debates. Summey displays all the attributes and potential for being an effective leader on county counSee pg 2

John McCain By. Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief WASHINGTON (NNPA) – An NAACP presidential candidates’ questionnaire reveals starkly different views between Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain, giving voters more in depth perspectives on the candidates’ racial and civil rights views as they go to the polls on Tuesday. Issues that disparately affect Black people such as affirmative action, voting rights for ex-felony offenders, voting rights for D.C. congressional

representatives, racial profiling, police brutality, mandatory minimum sentences, and the death penalty are just a few of the issues that have barely - if ever – been publicly addressed by either candidate during the intense race. “It was made clear at the time that the responses received would be reproduced and distributed to the NAACP members and communities so that we could make informed decisions when going to the polls,” says Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington Bureau. “The questionnaire contained…issues of crucial importance to the NAACP and the communities we serve.” The 39-page document, compiled by the historically nonpartisan civil rights

organization over the course of a year, allowed the candidates to give candid views in 200 words or less. For space and brevity, the NNPA

STATE OF BLACK BUSINESSES DISMAL HERE By Bob Small While local black businesses have shown an increase in numbers locally, black businesses lag far behind Hispanic and other minorities that continue to grow and get a stronger grip in the business market. Theron Snipe, manger of the City of Charleston’s Minority Enterprise Program said the number of black businesses has increased over the past couple of years but not See pg 2

News Service has excerpted quotes from the responses. The following are verbatim excerpts from the questionnaire: • What specific actions will you take regarding equal opportunity programs? MCCAIN: “The affirmative action remedies designed forty years ago See pg 2


Barack Obama

Alaska Minorities Feel Ignored by Palin By Rachel D’oro ter of the controversy over Associated Press injecting the race issue into the presidential campaign. Writer P a l i n , A N C H O R - Republican AGE, Alaska J o h n (AP) -- Alaska's M c C a i n ' s black leaders say r u n n i n g has they're not sur- mate, prised to see r e p e a t e d l y Gov. Sarah insisted that Palin at the cenSee pg 2 Palin

Millions to Vote in Historic Election By. Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief W A S H I N G T O N (NNPA) – For the first time in American history, millions of voters will cast their ballots on Tuesday in an election in which an African-American is the nominee of a major political party, fulfilling the long-held dreams of civil rights veterans. “I’ve always hoped so and I’ve also worked for this idea,” says 96-year-old Dr. Dorothy Height, president emeritus of the National Council of Negro Women. “I think this will help the whole country, people of all backgrounds…I know historically, AfricanAmericans will feel good about it, but, I think everybody across the country will have the realization that there are people in all groups who have the capa-

bility to be president.” That hope, birthed in the race between Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain has translated into massive voter registration numbers nationwide in the contentious and historic race. “We’re seeing that voting is becoming a true family affair, a true community

affair all over this country,” says Melanie Campbell, executive director and CEO of the National Coalition for Black Civic Participation. ''We want the people to enjoy the process of making history.” Campbell says while a 60 percent turnout has been considered good in the past, this year, a recordbreaking 70 to 80 percent

is expected in some communities. “And AfricanAmericans are going to be leading the way,” she said. “People feel like they are a part of the process. This is part of the definition of what a movement is. People are taking their neighbors to go vote. This movement for a change is also a change in removing See pg 2

Jasper-Style Lynching in Paris, Texas? By. Jesse Muhammad Special to the NNPA from the Final Call PARIS, Texas (NNPA) When the body of a 24year-old Black man in Paris, Texas was discovered in the middle of a busy road, law enforcement declared the case a hit and run by an unidentified driver. Now this small raciallydivided town’s worst fears are brewing, with evidence

pointing towards two White men who picked up Brandon Clelland in their Dodge truck before he was found mutilated and dismembered in September. Forensics performed by the Texas Rangers found blood from McClelland and other DNA evidence on the undercarriage of the truck which has the victim’s family calling the death a “Jasper-style” lynching. The term is a reference to the murder of a Black

man in Jasper, Texas in 1998. “The tied my son to that truck and drugged him until his body parts were detached,” said Jacqueline McClelland, the victim’s mother in an interview with The Final Call. “His body was so destroyed that it could not even be embalmed by the funeral home. This is a hate crime. I don’t want the death penalty for these killers because that would be too

quick. I want them to suffer for life in jail without parole since I will never have my son back.” The Lamar County District Attorney has decided race is not a factor in the death of McClelland because he was friends with alleged assailants Shannon Finley and Charles Ryan Crostley. Both men are 27-years-old. Angry family members and community activists, howSee pg 2

Sharpton Calls for Inquiry in Alleged NYPD Assault By: David B. Caruso, Associated Press NEW YORK - Saying that police brutality is not an issue of color, the Rev. Al Sharpton on Saturday joined the cause of a white man who claims that a group of officers sodomized him with a walkie-

talkie. Sharpton called for a thorough, independent investigation of Michael Mineo's allegation that five officers tackled him in a subway station, then violated him with a radio antenna after his baggy pants either fell down or were pulled off. Mineo, 24, was hospitalized for four days after the

Oct. 15 incident. He was back in the hospital this weekend being treated for what his lawyers said was continued bleeding, problems urinating and severe pain. "Many of the critics say I only fight for black causes," Sharpton said at his Harlem headquarters. He dismissed that perception

as misinformed, and said it didn't matter to him that Mineo was white and the group of accused officers was racially mixed. Sharpton visited Mineo at the hospital Saturday. He castigated the police department for denying See pg 2

The Chronicle

2-October 29, 2008 Chronicle Endorsements ----------------------------cont. from pg 1

Alaska Minorities --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1

cil---given time, experience and objective introspection. Having been exposed at an early age to the politics within the African-American community, makes him a valued interpreter and policymaker in county government.

Barack Obama's former preacher, the inflammatory Rev. Jeremiah Wright, is a legitimate issue even though McCain himself has said it's out of bounds.

CHARLESTON COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD Marvin Stewart-Mattese Lecque -Chris Collins - David Engleman A school board member’s job is a vastly time consuming and thankless task at best. And in times of continuing crisis such as the present budget cuts, charter schools and what schools to close, must be especially frustrating and painful. This tragic maze of uncertainty that appear to have no ready solution seems to deepen with each passing day beclouding even the simplest decisions of the school board. In endorsing candidates for the school board and other races, we recognize the potential danger of antagonizing some more than we please others, but we choose not to stand on the sidelines and watch.

State of ----------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 as fast as the Hispanic population. He said many of the black businesses are in service areas and that other businesses are cutting back locally on sub-contracting and out-sourcing here. Snipe said the recent collapse and Congressional bailout of the nation’s financial institutions will surely add to the woes of blacks trying to get into business for themselves in a volatile lending market. Locally he pointed to the closing of the black owned Port Trust Credit Union which could not get the needed customer support to remain afloat. “Traditionally it has been hard for black businesses to get loans for businesses based on past historical biases but it will be even harder now,” he said. There are 28,620 black businesses in the state, a 23 percent increase since 2002. Those businesses employ 17,324 workers but most offer median incomes of about $16,500 annually. Even more are one man or husband and wife enterprises. Nationally, black businesses numbered 823,000 and generated $71.2 billion in revenues. according to the last U.S. Census. Though South Carolina showed an increase of 23 percent it still had one of the lowest minority business ownership rates in the country per capita. Snipe said Hispanic businesses are the rising star. They have grown steadily and recently formed their own national chamber of commerce, the National Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He said Indians of India have also grown, primarily through technical support jobs. They too have created their own chamber in the U.S., the new India National Chamber of Commerce. “With today’s technology, businesses here can hire an engineer in India for $22,000 where in the U.S. they would have to pay at least double that amount. Who do you think they are going to favor for their businesses? “ Snipe said the way for blacks to have a greater piece of the economic pie is through education. “Our children have to learn about the technologies and get into them,” he said. He said criticism of lending agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack is unfair. Critics have said the institutions made loans to people who could afford them and later could not keep up the payments. “I think Wall Street’s involvement contributed to the crisis. “In their greed they pimped the mortgages not telling the borrowers that the interest rates would balloon later. They went to people and told them they could put them in a house for the same amount they were paying rent. Who would turn that down?“ he said. He said the end result was people paying mortgages that were three times what the property was worth. Snipe feels that black businesses are not doomed. He said education is key to play in the game. “If we learn the technology and how the game is played we can have a greater success,”

Jasper-Style-----------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 ever, are demanding a thorough investigation into a possible hate crime they say parallels the lynching of James Byrd Jr., in Jasper, Texas, which is several hours south of Paris.

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher NANETTE FRENCH-SMALLS CEO/ADVERTISING VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

In 1998, Byrd was strapped to a pickup truck and dragged to death by three White supremacists eventually convicted of murder. The case spurred massive protests and drew international outcry Paris authorities are trying to stunt but may have a hard time avoiding. According to a police report, McClelland was walking in front of the pickup a little after 4 a.m. on Sept. 16 when Finley and Crostley allegedly ran him down and dragged him up and down a Lamar County road until his disfigured body popped out from beneath the chassis. “I don’t see how it was racial, being as how they were good friends,” said Stacy McNeal to the local press. He is the Texas Ranger who is leading the investigation.


"She has no sensitivity to minorities," said the Rev. Alonzo Patterson, a Baptist minister and president of the Alaska Black Leadership Conference. "She's really inciting a lot of African-Americans to get out and vote." Since taking office in December 2006, Palin has had a sometimes tense relationship with black leaders, who say they've been ignored in their efforts to get more minorities hired in her administration. In Alaska, blacks chafed when Palin failed to issue a proclamation last year endorsing a festival that marks the freeing of slaves, though she did issue one this year. On the campaign trail, her events sometimes have attracted fringe groups hostile to minorities. At one rally attended by Palin, a supporter told a black cameraman to "sit down, boy." This week, in the final debate of the campaign, Obama himself noted the hateful tone of some the McCain-Palin crowds, singling out Palin herself for not doing enough to ease the friction. Many of Palin's black constituents say they are disgusted with the campaign's racial overtones. "It's really been like you're going to a Ku Klux Klan rally," said Javis Odom, an Anchorage minister. "Gov. Palin is really showing her true colors on the national stage." In Alaska, the issue of race relations usually focuses on Alaska Natives, who make up 18 percent of the population. Blacks, in contrast, make up 4 percent. Patterson and Odom say that when they've pressed Palin about diversity in hiring, she gets defensive and even testy. "If you're going to embrace the entire country, you need to address the issues here," said Marilyn Stewart, president of the Alaska Black Chamber of Commerce and a volunteer on Palin's gubernatorial campaign who has served Republican and Democratic governors. "Most certainly there are qualified minorities who would love to be part her administration. People aren't asking for her selections to be based on color, but because of qualifications." Among Palin's 417 appointments or reappointments to boards and commissions since taking office in December 2006, 240 have voluntarily identified their ethnicity. Eight are black, 49 Alaska Native, six Asian or Pacific Islander and one is Hispanic. The Palin administration says her appointments and chief advisers reflect the state's diversity. For example, her communications

director, Bill McAllister, is part black. However, her rural affairs coordinator, who is part Japanese, announced her resignation this week, saying an Alaska Native would be a better fit for the position. McAllister, who was hired in July, said he and others on the governor's personal staff are evidence that she is committed to diversity. "She's just a warm human being who I think communicates on a deep level, both from a mass media perspective and just a oneon-one perspective," McAllister said. "So it's shocking to me that anyone would imply that she's racist or, you know, neglectful of people of color. I think she's an extraordinary woman and it's disappointing to me that folks would make these charges."

In Palin's only face-to-face meeting with black leaders in 21 months in office, words became terse when the issue of diversity arose, according to several who attended the March 2007 gathering in Anchorage. Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell also attended the 45-minute meeting. Participants say Palin refused to reconsider her decision not to reappoint two black officials - including Stewart - from her predecessor's administration. The implication from Palin was "you can't tell me how to do my job," said Anchorage businessman Mayfield Evans. "Her top lip got really tight. You could tell she was upset, that something was not right."

At one point, Parnell broke in and asked the group if they were accusing Palin of being racist, participants said. Parnell said the group was making "outlandish claims" and added, "I'm not going to let somebody say that about her or me." He said the meeting ended on a positive note with Palin's assurances that minorities have an equal shot at appointments and state contracts. "In my view, the governor has gone to extraordinary lengths to ensure that all Alaskans are treated with equal opportunity," Parnell said. A few weeks after that meeting, Patterson sent a letter to the governor to reiterate the group's concerns and invite her to attend a town hall meeting with black constituents. Patterson said no one from the governor's office has responded.

Obama v, -------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 should be reexamined…Our efforts to promote equal opportunity should focus on those who are disadvantaged. In access to quality education, we should focus on poorly performing schools that are not effectively educating our students, not on the students’ race. In access to government contracting, government set-aside programs should focus on disadvantaged enterprises and employees, not their race, ethnicity, or gender.” OBAMA: “I support affirmative action. When there is strong evidence of prolonged and systemic discrimination by organizations, affirmative action may be the only meaningful remedy available…We shouldn’t ignore that race continues to matter: To suggest that our racial attitudes play no part in the socio-economic disparities that we often observe turns a blind eye to both our history and our experience – and relieves us of the responsibility to make things right.” • What, if anything, would you do to help restore the voting rights of ex-felony offenders? MCCAIN: “The fourteenth amendment to the Constitution specifically recognizes that the right to vote may be taken away if a person commits a crime…The right to vote should be restored to felons only on a case by case basis after they have served their full sentences and have satisfactorily demonstrated that they have turned over a new leaf.” OBAMA: “I support restoration of voting rights for ex-offenders. I am a cosponsor of the Count Every Vote Act, and would sign that legislation in to law as president.” • What would you do to promote the rights of the citizens of the District of Columbia? MCCAIN: “I do not support legislation to give the District a vote in Congress because I believe that such a law would be unconstitutional. The Constitution says that ‘the House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states.’ Because the District of Columbia is not a state, it is not eligible to send a full representative to Congress unless and until either the Constitution is amended to allow this, or residential districts of the District become part of Maryland.” OBAMA: “I am an original cosponsor of the Senate bill that will provide the District of Columbia with voting representation in the House of Representatives. I consider passage of this bill to be an important step toward justice. In our great Democracy, it’s a shame that residents of the District who pay taxes, fight in wars, and enjoy the same rights as other American have no voting representation in our nation’s capital. I will continue to champion this issue as president?” • What actions, if any, would you take to address the problem of racial profiling by law enforcement officials? MCCAIN: “No one should be stopped by the police because of his or her racial or ethnic identity. At the same time, law enforcement officers must be permitted to carry out their duties base on fair, professional, non-discriminatory criteria, such as acting on a specific description. I will demand proper training and attention with respect to race relations and citizen rights.” OBAMA: “As a United States Senator, I cosponsored federal legislation to ban racial profiling and require federal, state and local law enforcement agencies to take steps to eliminate the practice. As president, I will continue my decades-long fight against racial profiling, and sign legislation that will ban the practice of racial profiling by federal law enforcement agencies and provide federal funding to state and local police departments if they adopt policies to prohibit the practice.” • What, if anything, would you do to address the issue of police misconduct? MCCAIN: “If there is systemic misconduct, police brutality, or violations of federal laws, including civil rights laws, it is the duty of the Department of Justice to take appropriate federal law enforcement action.” Obama: “I will direct my attorney general to have the Justice Department work closely with state and local law enforcement to ensure the effective implementation of standards for use of force.” • Would you work to increase or decrease the number of offenses which trigger a mandatory minimum sentence? McCain: “I have supported mandatory minimum sentencing for certain crimes, particularly for violent crimes and serious offenses…As president, I will support evaluating whether the type and number of offenses that trigger mandatory minimum sentences are effective in combating crime and in protecting law abiding members of society from criminal activity.” Obama: “There are at least 171 mandatory minimum provisions in federal criminal statutes…I will immediately review these sentences to see where we can be smarter on crime and reduce the ineffective warehousing of non-violent drug offenders.” • How would you work to ensure that as long as we have a death penalty that, at the very least, the color of one’s skin or a person’s financial status are not determining factors when deciding who should receive the death penalty?” McCain: “I support the death penalty for heinous crimes in which the circumstances warrant capital punishment. I have supported legislation that sought to expand the number of federal crimes punishable by death, including terrorism and narcotics trafficking by drug kingpins. The color of one’s skin or a person’s financial status must never be factors when deciding who should receive the death penalty.” Obama: “I believe there are a few crimes so heinous that they warrant the ultimate penalty. But, the question is whether that sentence can be implemented in a fair and just way. As a member of the Illinois state senate, I led efforts to reform a broken death penalty system that sent 13 innocent people to death row because it was filled with error, questionable police tactics, racial bias and shoddy legal work…I will direct my Justice Department to undertake a comprehensive study of the administration of the federal death penalty and to make recommendations on how to address the problems that have been identified with the system, including racial bias.” A survey of Black voters by the Joint Center for Political and Economic studies last year indicated that the economy, education and jobs were named as the top issues for Black voters in the presidential election. However, in its questionnaire, the NAACP has pinpointed what its leaders often call the “bread and butter civil rights issues.” To view the questionnaire in its entirety, please go to

Millions -----------------cont. from pg 1 apathy and we’ll have to build on that.” In the close race, election officials are also hopeful that few glitches will occur. “We really are confident that this is going to be a good election,'' says Donetta Davidson, vice chair of the Federal Election Assistance Commission. ''The election community has really been working very hard, and the election officials, to make sure that this election runs as smoothly as possible,” Davidson says. “Will there be a hick up some place? Possibly. That’s because there’s a human factor in programming this equipment and testing it. Testing is the valuable point. If they do their testing right, they will catch any kind of program they have before Election Day.”

Sharpton Calls -------cont. from pg 1 that anything improper took place before the investigation was complete. "I do not know what happened, but I do know that we cannot allow the police to be the only investigative body," he said. The Brooklyn district attorney's office also is investigating. The police department has verified that officers chased Mineo and grabbed him, but described the encounter as a "scuffle," and said his account of being sodomized was not supported by civilian witnesses. A department spokesman said the officers had suspected Mineo of smoking marijuana, but let him go after writing him a ticket for disorderly conduct. Mineo had a friend drive him to the hospital, where he was diagnosed as having been injured by an "anal assault," according to discharge papers reviewed by The Associated Press. His lawyers said they had interviewed three witnesses who corroborated some of Mineo's account. Attorney Stephen Jackson said one witness, who he would not identify, verified that Mineo had blood on his pants and hands as he was led out of the subway station. Jackson also said a witness saw blood smeared on the window of the officers' car. Mineo's legal team has advised him not to speak with journalists for now.


The Chronicle

October 29, 2008- 3

Vote to Make Your Ancestors Proud By. George E Curry NNPA Columnist I am voting for someone else on Tuesday. No, not John McCain. I am voting for my beloved Big Mama, Sylvia Harris. I am voting for my stepfather, William H. Polk. I am voting for my Uncle Frank Harris, who could not read or write. I am writing for Aunt Katherine Foster, who could write, but barely. I am voting for all of my deceased relatives and so many non-relatives who did not live to see the day when a Black man could become president of the United States. We don’t only have a right to vote on Tuesday, we have an obligation. No one is asking us to submit to police dogs or fire hoses on Election Day. No one is proposing that we risk our lives, which was the case just 50 years ago as AfricanAmericans pursued their constitutional rights. All we’re expected to do is what those who went before us can’t possible do – we’re expected to vote. When I approach the voting machine on Tuesday, it will be with a great sense of pride, knowing that I will be doing something that would make my deceased relatives proud. While this will not be the end of the civil rights movement – as some right-wingers like to proclaim – it is an important step toward racial equality that has eluded the United States since its founding. I must confess that I never thought I’d live to see this day. That’s not being pessimistic, that’s being realistic. To appreciate this moment, you must appreciate what AfricanAmericans have endured, especially those of us who grew up in the Old South. I’ll never forget the indignity of having to ride in the back of the bus in my hometown, Tuscaloosa, Ala. I know how it feels to stare at “colored” water fountains and restrooms downtown. Of course, I’ll never forget seeing my mother, Martha Brownlee, riding in the back seat of a car upon her return home after doing domestic work for the White woman driver. I remember

thinking at the time that this woman felt my mother was good enough to cook their food and care for their children, but not good enough to ride in the front seat of her car. I filed that image away for posterity, determined that neither I nor my three younger sisters – Charlotte, Chris or Sue – would sit in the back seat of anyone’s car unless we were being chauffeured.

healing and transformation — that most Americans share. He wants to re-orient the country to empower ordinary people, not just its wealthy voters, big corporations or Washington lobbyists. He wants to make government a helpful ally, not a suspicious monitor. He wants to replace swagger and bombast with genuine concern for rights and well-being.”

Even as a teenager, I fully understood how the notion of White supremacy was designed to make Blacks feel inferior. When I took my mother to get her driver’s license, like other AfricanAmericans, we had to wait until every White person in the room completed the test before it was given to Blacks. I filed that scene away, too. The irony of pervasive degradation, however, was that it made me stronger, not weaker. Those of us who survived America’s version of apartheid knew that on our bad days, we were at least equal to the people who tried to suppress our humanity. Moreover, we knew that the wall of segregation would crumble and we did everything within our power to speed its demise. I am proud that a bunch of students from all-Black Druid High School piled in Joe Page’s old car for a trip to Birmingham to protest the church bombing that claimed the lives of four innocent girls.

The Tuscaloosa News? This is the same newspaper that published segregated classified ads when I was growing up. Now, it’s endorsing a qualified Black man for president. In my hometown, Obama has already brought about change. And he can bring about similar change for the country. That’s why in casting a ballot for him on Tuesday, I will serve as proxy for the millions who did not live to see this day.

Because of the civil rights movement, things did change for the better. In 1970, I left Knoxville College in Tennessee for New York City, where I began my career in journalism as a reporter for Sports Illustrated, the largest sports magazine in the world. At the time I began work in New York, no AfricanAmericans were allowed to work as reporters, editors or photographers at the Tuscaloosa News. But even the Tuscaloosa News has changed. Not only are Black journalists employed there, the paper recently endorsed Barack Obama for president. The editorial said, “He has a vision — unity, cooperation,

George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine and the NNPA News Service, is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. He can be reached through his Web site,

In This Election The Supreme Court Matters By. Marian Wright Edelman NNPA Columnist Child Watch® Column On the way to the voting booth on November 4, in addition to thinking about who should occupy the White House, we should also be concerned about who he will appoint to federal courts. The next President will likely name one to three Justices to the Supreme Court and hundreds to lower federal courts. I can't over-emphasize how important this is to America's children and future. Federal judges are appointed to life terms and preside over cases involving a broad range of issues affecting children and working families including health care, education, civil rights and child safety. For example, in June 2008, the Supreme Court struck down Washington, D.C.'s ban on handguns in its ruling in the District of Columbia v. Heller case. This decision puts at risk numerous state and local statutes and ordinances designed to remove guns from our streets at a time when gun deaths among children are on

the rise. On the Supreme Court docket for this 2008-09 term are a number of cases that will affect the welfare of children. In the Altria Group v. Good case, the Court will rule on whether cigarette manufacturers can be sued for deceptively labeling their products as ''light'' and ''lowered tar and nicotine.'' This case will have a major impact on the health of children and teenagers who are influenced to start smoking because they are deceived by these ads. Many of them will grow up to be among the 438,000 who die of smoking related causes each year. In a similar case, Wyeth v. Levine, the Court will decide whether pharmaceutical manufacturers are liable for injurious drugs even if they are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The Arizona v. Johnson case will decide whether police officers can pat down motorists for routine traffic stops even if the officer has no reason to believe they committed a crime. This is particularly ominous for minority youths who often are victims of police profiling. Regrettably, for a generation,

the Supreme Court's slim five to four conservative majority has handed down decisions on numerous cases that threaten hard-earned progress for children, families, women, minority groups and the poor. The Court also has eroded civil rights gains, including desegregation and affirmative action efforts, and other social and economic advancements made since the 1950s. That has been true of the lower federal courts as well. During his time in the White House, President George W. Bush contributed to this negative progress by selecting judicial nominees who generally espouse a conservative, so called ''strict constructionist'' philosophy of jurisprudence that supposedly adheres to the letter of the U.S. Constitution as written. They view the Constitution as a static piece of paper instead of a living document that evolves to respond to the needs of our society—as when the Supreme Court struck down the doctrine of ''separate but equal'' that justified racial segregation with its 1954 Brown v. Board of Education school desegration decision.

VOTE TO RE RE--ELECT REPRESENTATIVE DAVID MACK, III Called One of The General Assembly’s “Movers and Shakers” The State Newspaper, (January 9, 2005) Evaluated as a “Captain” for Effective Performance as a Lawmaker The Post and Courier, (July 14, 2007) Recently Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Bills (Partial List) South Carolina Minimum Wage Act Cervical Cancer Prevention Act Physical Fitness Act Domestic Violence Against Women Act South Carolina Clean Air Act Hate Crime Legislation Health Insurance Premium Assistance for Small Business Over 30 Years of Committed Service to the Community (Partial List) Member, House Labor, Commerce, and Industry and Medical, Military, Municipal Affairs Committees; Member, House Sub-Committee on Banking and Consumer Affairs and Sub-Committee on Real Estate; Former Sub-Committee Chair, Health and Environmental Committee; Past Chair, Legislative Black Caucus; Lay Speaker and Former Adult Sunday School Teacher, Old Bethel United Methodist Church, Former Member, Board of Directors, Hollings Cancer Center; Carolina Youth Development Center; African American Jewish Coalition; Mu Alpha Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity; Urban League

The Chronicle

4-October 29, 2008

Blacks and the Politics of Transition By. Ron Walters NNPA Columnist

In many ways, this has been a difficult time for Blacks who believe that a presidential election is an opportunity for policy accountability that must be taken advantage of, because they are afraid that such policy demands would be seen by potential White voters as Blacks playing on a racial connection that they might resent and use to vote against Barack Obama. But if Obama wins, it would seem to me that the process of agenda presentation to the new president should begin and the immediate opportunity will be the transition period from the end of the election on November 5 to the point at which he takes office on January 20. By law, both of the major candidates have met with George Bush and covered such issues as: what federal financial and other resources are available to the winner of the election, what responsibility the sitting president has to assist the winner, when and how the sitting president should vacate the White House, etc. Then, each of the candidates has met with their own staffs to begin the internal transition process. And while John McCain has given minimal attention to the Transition, preferring to spend his meager resources on the campaign, Barack Obama has begun an extensive process that has taken into consideration, the logistical issues discussed with Bush, but also the personnel who will run key initial functions of government and the issues they will begin to address. The Transition train is moving very fast now with respect to how the Obama government will be structured and the New York Times recently proposed a lineup of probable appointees to posts such as: White House chief of staff and the secretaries of treasury, defense, state and the president’s national security adviser featured three candidates none of whom were African-American with the sole exception of Susan Rice for national security adviser. And while there may be some African- Americans being considered for other agencies, my distinct impression is that the cadre of close policy advisers who are African-American is thin as witnessed by the surrogates who have participated in various policy discussions on behalf of the campaign. On the issue front, the Obama campaign has presented several policy issues that have been close to those that feature either barriers or opportunities for the Black community. They are social policies such as K-12 education, higher education, universal health care, urban policy, job training and development using the environmental engine and infrastructure repair. These and other initiatives are promising which, together with the passage of a substantial Stimulus Package, will help to begin the change toward human development policy that is needed by the middle class and poor, black, white and otherwise. The concern I have heard is whether Black leaders will attempt to work with in the Transition process, which would be a natural move, or would there be a continued attempt to keep them at arms length in order to construct a “race-neutral” style of governance. Then there is also concern that the specific issues that are of prime interests to the Black community will be received by the transition process. It would appear that the transition period would be an important time to test these assumptions rather than hanging back and celebrating while the governing structure and agenda of the President are being set in stone. I remember that when Blacks helped elect Jimmy Carter, contrary to all signs that Carter was not a Lyndon Johnson, Black leaders stood by for over a year without making any demands upon his administration until Vernon Jordan who was then head of the Urban League said at a press conference, “where’s the beef?” Now is not the time to sit and wait. With the massive problems confronting the nation and therefore, the president, if Black leaders do not signal their concerns early in the formation of the administration, the policies of those who need government most could be put under a pile in the Oval Office. In response to a question in the last debate about their priorities, Barack Obama himself said that presidents had to do more than one thing at a time. So, we should be confident in putting forth the Black agenda now that we will not be asking one or two years out, “Where’s the beef?”



As I See It

Hakim Abdul-Ali

Who Asked Me? by Beverly Gadson-Birch

It’s Still A Great Day


Sometimes life molds “hue-mans” in many unique ways. I believe that with all my heart. This is October and as the wondrous fall season bombards my present mind-set, I find myself challenge with picking my spirits up, because it’s been one of those days and week for me. You probably know that feeling if you can relate to going through the ups and downs of life’s daily testing format. Well, being brutally frank with you today, I must tell you that all my strengths have been serenely tested as I’ve moved from second-to-second during those periods of intense reflections. I’ve been drawn to something deep within me to handle the problems, or more correctly, the tests that the most high had placed on my plate of unwanted experiences. That thing residing within me is the fact that I know that “It’s Still A Great Day.” I kept telling myself during this period that even though so many things were coming at me from so many different directions, seemingly in ever way, I still sensed that I knew that all of this was for a divine reason. I sensed (and knew) that I was selected by the Most High Alone to experience what I called “being spiritually schooled” by the Creator Alone of everything. In “being spiritually schooled” I sensed that the earth was my classroom to learn more continual lessons about what I was and am about. Sometimes, those lessons come at a very painful and tiring price. I honestly try never run away from my problems and tests. My track record of constantly viewing my life’s episodic adventure with a keen eye towards facing them and learning more about them than I did the day before has always left me in awe of God Alone unyielding mercy. As I’ve said before I’m a continuing work in progress in that I feel that I’m a perpetual student of learning seeking a better understanding of things from life’s daily signs and teachings. And even with the personal disappointments that come with being “hueman,” I sincerely believed and still think that “It’s Still A Great Day. Each day is a blessing, even though keeping my head up sometimes can get a little heavy at times. I have to say that because I’m laying it on the line with you at this moment while attempting to let you know that today is as special as any that you’ll ever receive. This moment is all that we have, so I’ve oftentimes wondered why some “hue-mans” become so lost in our and their various abstractions. This saga is known out throughout the echelons of recorded time and space, and we should always be aware that no matter what happens during the day, “It’s Still A Great Day.” Individuals of all ethnicities go through the tough moments in life in various phases. Some understand that it’s all part of the growth maturation of the living process, and others never see the light of wisdom that nothing in life happens for aimless reasons. I believe that I’m one of the first category because I continue to grow spiritually with each sign that the Creator shows me during each marvelous diurnal cycle. I love the fact that even though I’ve lost a lot of things and people who I once thought were in my corner at certain intervals in my life, I can sincerely say that “It’s Still A Great Day.” I struggle with issues like people being distrusting and disloyalty, and I am personally am bothered by sneaky sorts in “hue-man” flesh. I know that I have to work hard to see that even these souls have a profound purpose in my development as a better “hue-man.” I, like most “hue-mans,” tend to forget from time-to-time that “huemanity” is what it is, and as such we’re not to change anyone. Only they can do that, and when make changes for the positive sides and directions in life, “It’s (Truly) A Great Day,” no matter whether it’s noon or night time. “It’s Still A Great Day” when I arise in the morning knowing that I must face the future challenges of the coming day with a faithful outlook that life is about the evolving relationships with these daily challenges and how we handle them. I’d like to think that most “colored” folk of every ethnicity in this huge bubble called the world as we know it recognize that life is precious to the core. And while living in this bubble of political hoaxes galore and questionable social injustices made to seem correct, I’d like to assume that there are some real “hue-mans” on the planet who care enough about the good of “hue-manity” to make positive contributions for its enlightenment. When that occurs. “Its (Really) Going to be A Great Day” for all “hue-manity.” “It’s Still A Great Day” when religious wars no longer exists, and racism will sound like an offensive foreign joke, except that the pangs of yesteryear’s slavery is ever-present in today’s clandestine American reality. Oh, I’d like to ask is the Constitution of this land inclusive of the continental Indians’ rights as being the original soul brothers and sisters who live on these shores from California to Virginia? While investigating that thought simply ask yourself ever so politely does or will race really make a (hidden) difference in the upcoming Presidential elections? If it doesn’t, or didn’t according to the time in which you’re ready this article, wouldn’t “It Still Be An Awesome Day” in the mythological land of the bald eagle? That’s a loaded question for the thinker of peace, justice, equality and universal love, who knows that “It’s Still A Great Day” is an ideal that rings in the heart of the globe’s suffering poor and disenfranchised. Also, wouldn’t it be a great day when the talk of global warning becomes a whisper to the cold wind of non-greedy souls. “It Would Be A Great Day” when so-called minorities of the salad bowl in this country felt like they were a part of the majority of the United States, whoever they may be. Dr. Martin Luther King,

As we approach the last week before the General Election, we are seeing some of the crazies emerge from the wood works. Today the Feds apprehended two White supremacists in Crockett County, Tennessee for allegedly plotting “to shoot and decapitate Black people and Democratic Presidential candidate, Barack Obama. Apparently the two suspects had targeted a predominately African American school. According to the news, their plan was to kill 88 Blacks and decapitate another 14. The numbers are symbolic among the white supremacists. This is a very unfortunate incident but we cannot take our eyes of the prize. I am reminded of a picture that was circulating on the internet among my e-mail buddies of the AME ministers at their National Conference encircling and praying for Obama. So, let’s all join forces and pray for Obama. Now, y’all know what prayer can do. White folks don’t want us to start praying in record numbers. And, don't even think about laying on of hands or that annointing oil. Oh, Lordy!! We are trying to be civil about this election.

Jr., El Hajj Malik El Shabazz and Medgar Evers, just to name a few of “our” strong, valiant giants, would be so proud when that took placed, because then their lives would not been in veined. As you, hopefully, reflect on how you feel today, please think that no matter what happens to you, it should only assist you in becoming stronger believers in the power of God Alone existence and power. Face your assorted concerns, ups, debts, woes, highs, lows, and loves with “greatness” of serenity and calmness. In order to do this you must be steadfast in patience and prayer to the Creator Alone. This is hard for those who are wrongdoers in their souls and spirits. Remember that as you are what you think. Think positive thoughts always, For today and always, that’s, “As I See It.”.

A right delayed is a right denied. Martin Luther King, Jr

If you have voted early, aren’t those long lines encouraging? I stood in line a little over an hour last week and believe it or not, no one was complaining about the lines. Many of the people waiting were striking up conversations about what this moment in history meant to them. They seemed oblivious to the wait. Perhaps some other time may have brought out some anxiety in folks trying to vote and get back to work but not this time around. Everyone seemed to be so relaxed but excited about the possibility of a Democratic President who understands the plight of the poor and middle class. They were excited to have the opportunity to vote for a President who they believe was the best hope to restore their confidence in government. In McCain’s case, he just does not get it. He has made a mockery of the highest office in the land by choosing Palin as his running mate. I don’t care how you slice it, the Republicans choice of Sarah Palin was poor and it has backfired on the Party. Our government is not about pretty faces in high places but who is best qualified to lead this country effectively. I don’t care how much lipstick you put on Palin, she is just not prepared for the Vice Presidency not unless she plans to hang out hunting with Vice President Cheney. Let’s not discuss the possibility of the “what if something were to happen to the President” and she had to assume the duties of Commander-In-Chief. I would live out my days on some remote island that is not under the jurisdiction of the US. We are eight days away from the election. We can’t take anything for granted. The old folks used to say, “don’t count your chickens ‘till they hatch”. While it is evident what they meant, it is beyond comprehension when I think about the possibility of an African American President in the White House. I think about the millions of faceless ancestors who died for this very remote possibility. I think about those killed in combat that will not get the opportunity to vote for change; yet, they made the supreme sacrifice. It was the sacrifice of a young Senator by the name of Barack Obama who was bold enough to think that he could bring about a change in the way our government does business. It was about transforming government to the original intent of its founders. So now, we are almost to the finish line which really would be the beginning line for African Americans. It would be the beginning of a new era. Obama was right when he said “changes start from the bottom up”. Some of you may remember the Populist Party Platform of 1892. “The nation was in the midst of moral, political and material crises (sounds familiar to you?). Prices were falling. Farms were foreclosed. Meeting in Omaha, Nebraska, on the 116th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the new People’s Party of America, or Populist Party, put forth in the name and on behalf of the people of the United States, and with the “blessing Almighty God,” a platform of grassroots principles that would assuage angry farm organizations, the principal sponsors of the meeting, which were disappointed in the major political parties and its corporate state. Its Declaration of Independence, calling for free coinage of silver and a graduated income tax, was intended to curb the “money power” in the East.” The Populist were calling for a government by the people and for the people (sounds familiar to you?) We are almost to the finish line. We find ourselves much like the Populist Party resurrecting a grass root Presidency for the people and by the people. After all that is what government should be about. The Populist Party wanted to curb the “money power” in the East. Obama wants to spread the wealth. We are placing our best hope on the one candidate that can sort through the problems facing America and restore balance and integrity. America truly is a great nation. The opportunities and wealth have been reserved for a few. It is time for a change. We have worked too hard and too long not to be a part of history in the making. Get out and vote!! Get those pants up on your butts and get out to the polls. If any of you are felons or know of any who have completed their obligations to the system, you are eligible to vote. If you want to end the cycle of returning to prison time and time again, make sure you get your clearance and vote. Your best hope to ending this cycle and turning your lives around is to VOTE!!! Stop this madness about your vote doesn’t count. It can’t count if you don’t vote. Be in the number for change. Don’t wake up on November 5 if we lose this election and say I wish I had or ‘ya see homie, what had happen was….. We can’t afford to lose this one. Gas up those cars and get folks out to the polls. Make sure you carry your Driver’s License or Voter Registration card to vote. It would speed up the process and avoid confusion upon sign in. If you have any problems at the polls, find a Poll Manager and report the problem immediately. Do not let anyone turn you away from the polls. Call the NAACP hotline. Call the Chronicle. Call the police. Call somebody but don’t let anyone turn you away or steal your vote. Once you have made your selections, review the machine to make sure your vote went to the candidate of your choice before you touch that green button to cast your ballot. Remember, don’t wear any campaign gears-- buttons, t-shirts or hats that show candidate preference. We have a lot riding on this election but I am crazy enough, just crazy enough to believe that good will triumph over evil and mudslinging. I am crazy enough to believe that God hears and answers prayers. I am crazy enough to believe that Obama was born for such a time as this. I am crazy to believe that we can achieve what we believe. I have high hopes for victory come November 4. VOTE!!! VOTE!!! VOTE!!!

VOTE !!!

vote !!! VOTE YOUR RIGHT Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The Chronicle

October 29, 2008-5

6- October 22, 2008



Medicare Open Enrollment Begins November 15th Plans Change. You Change. Shop And Compare. (NAPSI)-Each year, plans adjust what they cost and what they cover. Now is the time for people with Medicare to review the changes being made by their current plan and compare it to others to make sure it still meets their needs. Those who don't have prescription drug coverage can also enroll in a drug plan during open enrollment. Some beneficiaries may see significant premium increases or changes--such as reduced coverage in the gap--if they stay in the same prescription drug plan in 2009. Medicare encourages individual beneficiaries to review how their plans are changing and what other options are available.

you by your plan. 4. Talk with local Medicare experts at your State Health Insurance Assistance Program. People with Medicare should also be aware of Medicare fraud and identity theft. To help protect Medicare beneficiaries when speaking with plans and others about their Medicare prescription drug coverage, Medicare urges them to protect their Medicare number as they would their credit card information. People with Medicare should not give their information to anyone who comes to their home (or calls them) uninvited selling Medicare-related products. If

Enroll as soon as possible--the sooner the better--to avoid any inconvenience at the pharmacy counter in January. Dec. 31--Open Enrollment Ends Jan. 1--Coverage Begins

1. Call (800) MEDICARE (1800-633-4227, TTY 1-877-4862048). Twenty-four-hour help is available from trained Medicare representatives.

(NAPSI)-Understanding thsymptoms of teen depression may help parents get their children the help they need.

2. Visit Compare costs, coverage and more. Get an estimate of your out-of-pocket costs for the year.

Here's a situation they may be able to relate to: A girl named "Ronnie" was crying herself to sleep every night feeling lonely, unloved and depressed. The anxiety of being teased at school, having no friends, constant fighting with her sister and feeling ignored by her alcoholic parents was just too much. She was withdrawing, her grades were failing and she was looking for any way to make the pain go away. She wondered, should she numb her pain with drinking, huffing or cutting? Should she run away from her pain and take her chances on the streets? Or should she end her suffering once and for all?

“Anxiety Free Dentistry”

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Larry J. Ferguson, DMD 1812 Wallace Rd. - Ste. 400 Charleston, SC 29407 (843-) 571-4411 50% off in office whitening with Crown and Bridge work (located West Ashley- directly behind

Office Depot & Barnes & Noble Bookstore)

Dr. Stewart Middleton “A Caring Dental office for the whole family Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Do you, your children, family members or friends have Medicaid Insurance? Our office accepts Medicaid Insurance and other insurance plans (843) 763-3257 Mon-Thur. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturdays 9-5 pm 1605 B- Ashley River Rd. WEST ASHLEY

"Ronnie's tale is typical of many teens in crisis today. Many of these young people

"Older men with slow-growing prostate cancer who have chosen watchful waiting over chemotherapy and radiation should seriously consider altering their diets to included more tomatoes and broccoli," added study co-author and doctoral candidate Kirstie Canene-Adams.

Nov. 15--Open Enrollment Begins

Helping Teens With Depression, Loneliness And Anxiety

Larry J. Ferguson, D.M.D

compounds in each food work on different anti-cancer pathways," study co-author John Erdman, a professor of food science and human nutrition, said in a prepared statement.

Important Medicare Enrollment Dates:

There are four ways to review and compare plans:

3. See the listing of plans in your "Medicare & You" handbook and information sent to

Tomato-Broccoli Combo May Protect Against Prostate Cancer

you or someone you love is not sure if a provider is approved by Medicare, simply call (800) MEDICARE.

This message brought to you by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

show up at our doors looking for help, feeling they have nowhere else to turn," says Jim White, president of Covenant House International, the largest nonprofit in the U.S. helping homeless youth. Covenant House has 21 crisis centers/shelters annually helping over 65,000 homeless young people who run away from home, are kicked out or age out of the foster care system. Founded in 1972, Covenant House has reached over 1 million young people via its crisis centers/shelters with immediate assistance (food and shelter) and support to transition from life-on-the-streets to a positive future (counseling, health services, substance abuse intervention, legal services, spiritual guidance, educational and vocational opportunities and life-skills training). "If not dealt with, feelings of anxiety, loneliness, grief, anger and poor self-esteem can lead teens to depression, substance abuse, running away and even thoughts of suicide," says White. "These are the kids that call us or show up at one of our facilities thinking 'nobody cares what happens to me.' We show them that there are plenty of people and organizations who care. We show them that lifesaving help can be just a phone call or email away." Teens can get help from Covenant House's NINELINE (800-999-9999), (TTY: 1-800-999-9915), a free 24/7 hotline, and, a free 24/7 online community. Both offer immediate assistance with highly trained counselors with access to resources in local communities. In the past 21 years, the hotline has helped over 1.5 million callers with crisis intervention, counseling support and referrals to local shelters/agencies. Set up as a confidential place for young people to get help, it also gives parents and caregivers advice.

vote vote vote

The Chronicle

( -- Broccoli and tomato -- two vegetables known to help fight cancer -are more effective against prostate cancer if they're eaten together as part of a daily diet than if they're eaten alone, a new study with rats suggests. University of Illinois researchers fed a diet containing 10 percent broccoli powder and 10 percent tomato powder to a group of rats that had been implanted with prostate cancer cells. Other groups of rats received either tomato powder or broccoli powder alone; a supplemental dose of lycopene (the red pigment in tomatoes believed to be an anti-cancer agent); or finasteride, a drug prescribed for men with enlarged prostates. Another group of rats was castrated. After 22 weeks, the researchers found that the combined tomato/broccoli diet was the most effective at prostate tumor reduction. Of the other treatments, castration was the only one that came close to being as effective. "When tomatoes and broccoli are eaten together, we see an additive effect. We think it's because different bioactive

"To get these effects, men should consume daily 1.4 cups of raw broccoli and 2.5 cups of

fresh tomato, or 1 cup of tomato sauce, or 1/2 cup of tomato paste. I think it's very doable for a man to eat a cup and a half of broccoli per day or to put broccoli on a pizza with 1/2 cup of tomato paste," CaneneAdams said. The study was published in the Jan. 15 issue of the journal Cancer Research. More information The U.S. National Cancer Institute has more about cancer prevention. By Candace Hall, BDO Staff Writer

Understanding Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (NAPSI)-There’s good news for anyone confused by Medicare’s new drug coverage. A new book from the trusty yellow and black series of books can help you cut through the complexities of Medicare Part D and avoid dangers and scams. “Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage For Dummies” (Wiley, $19.99) explains Part D--insurance for outpatient prescription drugs--in plain English and helps you determine if you really need coverage. The book helps you find out whether Part D affects any drug coverage you already have and how to weigh the consequences of going without coverage. It shows you how to minimize expenses, use the “right” pharmacies and troubleshoot any problems with your coverage. Remember, the costs and benefits of plans change each year. In order to find the best deal, Medicare beneficiaries already in the Part D program must compare plans all over again during open enrollment. This guide makes the process easy, with step-bystep guidance and clear instructions for joining and switching plans.The Part D program can be confusing for almost anyone--the book is also useful for those new to Medicare and adult children who may be helping them. Available wherever books are sold and online at

The Chronicle

October 29, 2008-7

Use It or Lose It: ED No More Entrepreneur Introduces Natural Treatment to Conquer Common Sexual Problem of Erectile Dysfunction for African American Men Michael Smith, president of MB2, Inc.

ing this all-too common problem. So he set out on a mission of research and development to find a natural treatment to conquer ED that would not only benefit African-American men but any man seeking a non-chemical way to treat ED. The result is MB2, which is comprised of a series of at

Atlanta, GA ( - Perhaps, you've seen the numerous commercials and medical solutions for Erectile Dysfunction (ED), numerous pills and treatments, which can boost one's sexual drive and function. Is this a one-size fit - all solution? Absolutely not. Erectile dysfunction is a sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection. To combat the effects of ED, a number of prescription medications have been widely promoted. While these medications may help ED sufferers, they most often contain numerous side effects, some of which have proven to be dangerous. These side effects leave a large segment of the population left out--AfricanAmerican men. Due to various health and risk factors, many black men cannot take these medications. African-American entrepreneur Michael Smith, president of MB2, Inc. knew there had to be a safer means of combat-

home exercises, and the patented Powerect pills perfectly priced at $24.95. Due to poor diet, stress, health concerns such as high blood pressure, many AfricanAmerican men simply cannot take the ED medications currently on the market. And at times, the cost for such medication is also prohibitive to many. In fact, studies have shown that prevalence of high blood pressure among African Americans (about 34%) is among the highest in the world. Add to this, African-

American men are 20% moHealth and Social Life Survey. Yet, health issues such as hypertension leave black men without a solution to their ED. That is until now. African-American men will also benefit greatly from the MB2 treatment. The groundbreaking MB2 treatment, created by Smith, works on the theory similar to Kegels pelvic exercises often suggested for women. MB2 helps men learn how to exercise their penile muscle to create an erection. Like any other muscle, says Smith, the penis must be exercised. "MB2 teaches the 'use or lose it' principle," says Smith. "And with people being so busy today, they often don't have intercourse on a regular basis. This non-usage can lead to ED. But if you consistently take a few minutes to exercise the penile muscle, it remain fit and in shape. My goal is not to teach that men should have more sex or to masturbate, but rather they should exercise or manage their erections." This is new forward thinking of MB2 Treatment: Activity and Movement to keep the person fit and healthy. It is physical movement designed to make the body (penis) stronger and fitter. Smith is not alone in this belief. Researchers have found that men who had sexual inter-

Camp Crescent Targets Youngsters With Sickle Cell Anemia By. Sandra Jordan Special to the NNPA from the St. Louis American ST. LOUIS (NNPA) Sickle cell anemia is a serious, inherited blood disease that affects more than 70,000 AfricanAmericans. Approximately one in every 400 AfricanAmerican newborns has sickle cell disease. People with the disease inherit a sickle cell gene from each parent. Normally round red blood cells have a quarter-moonshape in children and adults with sickle cell, which compromises the ability of those red blood cells to carry oxygen throughout the body. Unlike sickle cell anemia, people who have the sickle cell trait inherit a sickle cell gene from one parent and a normal blood cell gene from the other parent. However, people with either the sickle cell trait or sickle cell can both pass the gene to their children. Persons with sickle cell anemia commonly experience fatigue and other symptoms of anemia. Sickle cell anemia patients suffer from multiple pain episodes, which can be acute or chronic, which can last hours, days or in the case of chronic pain—for months. Sudden pain throughout the body is called a sickle cell crisis and the crises often affect the bones, lungs, abdomen and joints. Painful sickle cell crises occur when red blood cells clump in the b l o o d s t r e a m . Complications such as strokes, and major organ damage can occur due to stiff, sticky, abnormal red blood cells that don’t move well through the bloodstream. Currently, multiple medications and blood transfusions are used to treat sickle cell anemia. The only known cure in a small number of cases is a bone marrow transplant. Many youth understand and accept limitations sickle cell anemia may place on their friends. However, some children with sickle cell anemia are forced to deal with the rude stigma of “having a disease” along with other peer pressures of youth and adolescence. There is one week out during the summer that Saint Louis Children’s Hospital and Washington University School of Medicine provide children with sickle cell anemia a safe getaway to be regular old kids n at Camp Crescent held each year in Babler State Park near St. Louis. “Now that I know I’m not the only one that has sickle cell, I can talk to other people about it,” said Georgia

Ray, a seventh grader at Southeast Middle School. Activities that most kids enjoy without a second thought, like swimming in cold water on a hot dayn can set off a terrifying and painful crisis for children with sickle cell anemia. “If you stay in there too long, you can get really sick. Water just feels like an ice pick, just stabbing you,” said Sherraine Griffin, a former sickle cell camper turned camp counselor. She recently graduated as valedictorian at McClure North High School and now attends Washington University. Medical staff from Children’s Hospital and specially-trained camp counselors stay with the children around the clock as they enjoy outdoor fun. In order to reduce the possibility of a crisis, Camp Crescent has a routine developed for sickle cell campers before they get in the pool. The kids take a warm shower before the swim, spend approximately 30 minutes in the pool in the mid afternoon sun, then they return to warm a warm shower. “Cold water/ice slows down blood flow and warmth speeds it up. The hope is to reduce or eliminate the amount of pain the patient experiences as a result of swimming,” said Kim Lesley Ferguson MSW LCSW of St. Louis Children's Hospital “Quite a few of the patients do get chilled, have subsequent pain and need mediation after swimming.” Renowned sickle cell expert Michael DeBaun M.D. also stays at Camp Crescent (unless he is called off for an emergency) to ensure the best medical care for the children, who range in age from 9 to 13. Older teens with sickle cell disease are trained as camp counselors for the camp. Many of the children and teens at the camp expressed interest in science, math and becoming a doctor, and all pointed to DeBaun as their inspiration. “I’m their fan—that’s why I am here. They rejuvenate me. They rekindle my spirit in what I do,” DeBaun said. “You want to see some joy? Go see them at the pool n pure bliss.”

Dajon, a fifth grader at Gateway Elementary rushed to Dr. Debaun’s side after going fishing for the very first time. Counselors scurried him away, as it was time for arts and crafts. After a few moments of sadness, Dajon got his chance to share his “big fish that got away story” with his sickle cell hero.

course "or an erection" less than once a week had twice the risk of developing ED, compared with men reporting having sexual intercourse once a week. The occurrence of ED dropped even further among men who said they had sexual intercourse "or an erection" three or more times a week. Dr. Hossein Sadeghi-Nejad, an associate professor of urology at UMDNJ New Jersey Medical School Hackensack University Medical Center, agrees. He told HealthNews Daily, "This [the penis] is the same as any other part of the body. It's what we in vascular surgery refer to as the 'use it or lose it' concept. Sexual activity will promote maintenance of normal erectile function down the line." Adding, "Anything you can do to bring blood to the penis is beneficial." According to a statement by Dr. Juha Koskimki, from Tampere University Hospital's Department of Urology who did a study on the connection between frequent sexual activity and ED, "Regular intercourse has an important role in preserving erectile function among elderly men, whereas morning erection does not exert a similar

effect." Now, with Smith's innovative product, anyone can beat ED. Smith has had incredible feedback to his holistic approach to MB2 Treatment. Says one more-than-satisfied customer, "I'm a 42-year-old man who works 75 hours a week. Working all those hours takes a lot of my energy, and can make achieving a good strong erection difficult. I tried the MB2 treatment and it worked wonders for me! Just three times a week, for only a few minutes each time. I can proudly say now, I have no problem being ready for sex...I will continue to use the all-natural MB2 treatment." Smith also offers customized MB2 Treatments for couples as ED affects both the man and women in a relationship. As one recent customer discovered, "MB2 has made me a happy woman. My boyfriend uses the all-natural MB2 treatment. With both of our hectic schedules, we can't always be intimate as much as we would like to. When we're not together, he uses the MB2 Treatment three times a week. This ensures me that whenever I'm ready for sex, so is he..."

With each MB2 Treatment package, consumers receive instructions for the series of exercises along with a 60count bottle of Powerect Pills at the discounted price of $24.95. Powerect Pills are totally holistic and made of natural ingredients. They help increase the flow of blood to the genital area, thus allowing men to achieve full erections. "They are virtually without side effects," notes Smith. "None of our customers have experienced any. Instead, they are now able to enjoy a full sex life, without ingesting chemical products that may cause further harm to their bodies." MB2 Treatments and Powerect Pills can be purchased via m and via email [email protected]. MB2 is available by mail: P.O. Box 444 Social Circle, GA. 30025. For additional information, interview requests, visit m and contact Michael Smith, [email protected]. Written and edited by m

The Chronicle

8- October 29, 2008

We REALLY NEED to Vote early ('Absentee VoteIN-PERSON) in order for us to turn S.C. (BLUE) Help spread the word: VOTE NOW thru Oct. 31 - IN PERSON - Charleston County 4367 Headquarters Rd - off Leeds Ave. • Anyone over 65 may VOTE now and no reason is needed • All others - there are many reasons listed, however check that you have to work that day or have to be out of town. • You will not be telling the untruth, b/c if you decide to take the day off - then you can volunteer to help at the polls or with the campaign by helping to

staff the phone bank, be a part of the canvass team, help at the poll by being a checker, be a runner to take the food or drinks to the other workers (you don't have to purchase the food). They also need folks to help 'Adopt a precinct, or adopt a group of streets'. • The key is to VOTE in Person - Do NOT mail in your ballots at this point, Election Headquarters have over 21,000 ballots that have

already been received. Those ballots cannot be opened until 10:00am 11/4 and from there. • People are needed to work the polls!! We need people in place to make sure that EVERYONE is given the opportunity to vote before the doors close at 7 pm on Election Day! • Share this information with family, friends, church members & others

WANTING A CHANGE! :) • If you would like to volunteer to assist in some capacity before or on Election Day - You may contact: Ashley Jones 267-2555 or email: [email protected] Much talk is that S.C. CAN make a MAJOR impact, we DID IT for the PRIMARIES, so let's Do IT AGAIN! YES WE CAN!

Youth Empowerment Services, Inc. FREE AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM Age 11-16 H.Y.P.E Teen Afterschool Center Helping Youth Proceed to Excellence Monday -Thursday 3:30 to 6:30pm Location: YES Family Resource Center 3262 Landmark Drive North Charleston, SC 29418 For more information Contact Min. Harwell or Ms. Robinson at 843 767-9969

As your voice on County Council, I will roll up my sleeves and work hard every day for you and your family. I grew up here, went to public school here and worship here. I am dedicated to this community and the families who live here.

TRANSPORTATION FOR PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION If you need transportation to the polls in Charleston, Berkeley or Dorchester counties, you may call the South Carolina Coalition for Black Voter Participation a non-partisan organization @4528141 or 224-0426 or 6937514.

Elliott Summey

Elliott Summey – Democrat for County Council

If you think that you have encountered discrimination, poll irregularity or the polling machines were not working you may report your concerns by call 2240426 or 693-7514. Poll Transportation will start at 7AM until 6PM. Please call in your request early.

Now more than ever, we need a fighter on County Council. Democrat Elliott Summey will be that fighter. He’ll work to make our neighborhoods stronger and safer and to recruit good jobs with benefits. Elliott will make sure that our schools get the funding needed to properly educate our kids.

On November 4th, let’s make Democrat Elliott Summey our voice on County Council! 0AID FOR BY %LLIOTT 3UMMEY #AMPAIGN s  #ENTRE 0OINTE $RIVE .ORTH #HARLESTON 3# 

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The Chronicle----Lowcountry Connection


Oct ob er 29 , 2008

Old Slave Mart Museum to Celebrate 1st Anniversary The Old Slave Mart Museum, located at 6 Chalmers Street in downtown Charleston, will celebrate its first anniversary on Saturday, November 1, 2008, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To celebrate this important milestone, the museum will offer $1 ADMISSION to all visitors. Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the museum’s exhibits, take a behind-thescenes look at the museum’s collections and examine artifacts and documents seldom seen by the general public, and shop for books, CDs and DVDs in the museum store. Visitors will also be able to enter drawings for a chance to win fabulous prizes! November 1st will also mark the debut of an exhibit created by the students of Charleston Development Academy Charter School, inspired by the Amistad Incident of 1839. Since opening its doors last November, the Old Slave Mart Museum has established itself as one of the premier

museums in the Lowcountry, welcoming over 24,000 visitors. The museum has featured AMISTAD America, Inc.’s traveling exhibit, The Amistad Story, in its 2nd floor gallery and hosted Tavis Smiley’s America I AM: Across America traveling exhibit. The Old Slave Mart Museum tells the story of Charleston’s role as an urban slave-trading center during the domestic slave trade, a hugely profitable economy organized by local and regional slave traders within the United States who forcibly relocated over 1 million American-born slaves from the upper South to the lower South in the decades before the Civil War. The Old Slave Mart is the only structure remaining of a complex of buildings known as Ryan's Mart where hundreds of slave auctions were held from 1856-1863. The museum’s permanent exhibit focuses on the daily process of

slave sales at Ryan’s Mart from the perspectives of a number of its historically documented buyers, traders, and enslaved African Americans and speaks to their stories, contributions and legacies. In its upstairs gallery, the Old Slave Mart Museum features a portion of Lest We Forget: The Triumph Over Slavery, an enlightening panel exhibit that offers an inspiring look at the cultural, political, economic and social practices enslaved Africans developed while enduring the dehumanizing conditions of slavery. Lest We Forget is an exhibition created by The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, The New York Public Library, in conjunction with the UNESCO Slave Route Project. The Old Slave Mart Museum is open from 9 A.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Saturday.

Groundbreaking Guide for African-Americans is the First of Its Kind What Y'all Gon' Do With Me? (Let's Talk About It): The African-American Spiritual and Ethical Guide to End of Life Care Kansas City, MO ( - If you couldn't talk for yourself because of a life-threatening illness, what would you want done? If you couldn't eat by mouth, would you want to be tube fed? These are just a few questions that need to be considered in end of life planning. The African American Spiritual and Ethical Guide to End of Life CareWhat Y'all Gon' Do With Me? is the first of its kind in the United States and was written specifically for African Americans who want to know more about end of life issues. The easyto-read booklet offers basic information on how to make good choices concerning end of life care and contains a special pullout Health Care Directive form. Racial disparity in health care has caused many people of color not to trust doctors or proposed treatment options. According to the Institute of

Medicine Report of 2002, health care disparities continue to cause minorities to receive less quality healthcare. Because of African Americans' unique cultural history and value system, the decision-making process on end of life issues is often based on spirituality and religious influences. Ethical decision-making encompasses much more than a medical dimension. It is important to understand the key influencing factors--culture, history and generational family values--that seem to play an important part in addressing the specific needs of African American decisionmaking in end of life care. Gloria Thomas Anderson, an African American woman, is the author of the Guide and a licensed master's degreed social worker, who is passionate about her mission in life, which is to encourage and inspire others. When asked what motivated her to do research in this area, Gloria replied, "I saw the need in my own family. Some of my relatives did not understand the difference between a 'living will' and a 'legal will'...or what an 'advance directive' is and a 'durable power of attorney for health care

decisions'. Gloria became a subjectmatter expert during the process of developing and writing The African American Spiritual and Ethical Guide, and presented her work at the First North American Spirituality and Social Work Conference in Waterloo, Canada in 2006. She is a clinical instructor and motivational speaker, presenting and lecturing on a wide range of social service and inspirational topics to healthcare professionals, churches, and social service organizations throughout the United States. Gloria was recently interviewed on NPR affiliate, KCUR, and has been featured in several national articles, including the Hospice Foundation of America newsletter, July 2008. The Guide is now in its third printing and is available for purchase directly through her website, CONTACT: Gloria Thomas Anderson, LMSW 913-433-3877 AAEOLCareGuide@heart [email protected]


Vermont Town Honors Slave's Life Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers (NNPA) - A former slave whose memoir is among the only one known to describe abduction from Africa is about to get a historical marker in the small Vermont town where he ended up settling. Descendants of Jeffrey Brace - who fought in the Revolutionary War eventually earning his freedom will gather Oct. 12 for the erection of the memorial, according to the Associated Press. “The importance of Brace's story is not just that he's a remarkable individual but it's part of Vermont's history and American history that had disappeared,” said Kari Winter, who edited the memoir “The Blind African Slave; Or, Memoirs of Boyrereau Brinch, Nicknamed Jeffrey

Brace.” Brace’s memoir traces his abduction in 1758 at age 16 and the wretched transAtlantic voyage that ensued, in which he was starved, shackled and whipped and watched others die of starvation and beatings. Brace ended up in Connecticut after being enslaved on an English trade ship in Barbados. He was sold to a New England ship captain, and then auctioned off several other times, the final time to widow Mary Stiles in Woodbury, Conn., who sent him to school and taught him to read; he eventually moved to Vermont. Brace became blind in his old age but says he felt it was his duty to publish his memoirs - “that all may see how poor Africans have been and perhaps now are abused by T:5.25" a christian and

enlightened people.” He was helped by a White abolitionist lawyer, Benjamin Prentiss, who wrote down his story, adding his own research and interpretations. Winter, a professor at the University of Buffalo, found one of the original copies published in 1810 in the special collections library at the University of Vermont, where she used to teach.



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The Chronicle

2b-October 29, 2008

CHURCH - SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP M I S S I O N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCHSunday School - 10:00 AMSunday Service -11:00 AM Thursday Night Bible Study and Prayer Service- 6:00 PMThe church is located at 75 America Street, Charleston, South Carolina We are the church where Christians are at work! The Honorable L.B. FyallPublicity Committee Reverend Leroy Fyall – Pastor

Too Many Innocent People on Death Row, Rights Group Charges

WALLINGFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Invites You To COME, SHARE and FELLOWSHIP with The Seniors Activities Bible Study, Physical Fitness, Arts & Craft Projects, Health Education, Enrichment Programs, Speakers, Community Resources, Trips, Recreation, Nutritional Lunch and lots more fun . . .When: Every Thursday, Where: 705 King Street, Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: NO CHARGE~~FREE, (843) 723-9929

LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES - Please come and join us for Bible Study on Saturday at 3:30 pm. Sunday Services is 11:00a.m. Minister Rose Washington, Associate Pastor Rev. Glenn Scott, Pastor

Special to the NNPA from GIN (GIN) – Human rights defender Amnesty International has charged that hundreds of prisoners on Nigeria's death rows did not have a fair trial and may be innocent. Many confessions are reportedly extracted under torture and people are sentenced to death on that evidence alone. A new Amnesty report calls on Nigeria's government to halt all executions. ''The judicial system is riddled with flaws that can have devastating consequences,'' Amnesty's Aster van Kregten said. According to the 78-page report, almost 80 percent of inmates in Nigerian prisoners say they have been beaten, threatened with weapons or tortured in police custody. After a prisoner has been hanged, other death-row prisoners are forced to clean the gallows, the report says. Ledap, a Nigerian legal organization which co-authored the report, noted that confessions under torture, frequently a factor in convictions, were technically inadmissable as evidence in court. Nigeria’s Prosecutor Williams Ashu admitted the report had identified real concerns. He said in a radio interview with the BBC, ''We're working on trying to resolve the problem.''

Week of 10/29/08 thru 11/04/08

NEW TABERNACLE FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH extends to you a cordial invitation to attend its Annual Tea which will be held Sunday, November 2, 2008at 5:00 p.m. at the church

Ready For Retirement? Be Prepared With Inflation-Adjusted Income (NAPSI)-Americans are living longer today and their retirement needs and concerns have changed significantly. Growing your nest egg is essential, but so is having a plan for making sure that nest egg lasts throughout retirement, which, according to the National Vital Statistics Report, can last 20, 30 or even 40 years. Traditionally, pension and Social Security payments sufficiently covered income needs in retirement. But with these long-standing sources of guaranteed income under stress or disappearing, the importance of purchasing a lifetime income product should be considered as part of an overall retirement plan. Lifetime income annuities provide a steady stream of income payments guaranteed for the rest of your life, and can play a pivotal role in managing risk and establishing the foundation for a secure and fulfilling retirement. While having an income annuity is a key component to meeting your retirement income needs, it's also important to maintain the buying power of that income. Inflation is a fact of life, and its impact over time can be devastating. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, after just a decade of 4.2 percent inflation, a monthly payment of $1,000 would have the spending power of only $664. With the prospect of living in retirement for multiple decades, inflation will have a dramatic effect on your retirement income. The good news? There is a way to neutralize the effect of inflation. Some insurance companies are now offering inflation protection on lifetime income annuities. This feature ensures that your income payments will increase each year to help counter the negative effects of inflation. This increased income will continue for as long as your retirement lasts, whether that is 10, 20, even 30 years. Remember, you'll be trusting a company to provide a guaranteed lifetime stream of income throughout your retirement. It's important to buy an annuity from an insurance company with a steady track record, such as New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company, which can provide the financial stability that is essential to your retirement plan. A retirement plan that includes a lifetime income annuity and gives you the flexibility to adjust for inflation can provide tremendous peace of mind--no matter what the future may hold.




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Hospice of Charleston and McAlister-Smith Funeral Home Offer program on Grief and the Holidays Hospice of Charleston, a Gentiva company, is partnering with McAlister-Smith Funeral Home to offer a program entitled Grief and the Holidays. The most difficult time for those who have lost a loved one seems to be on holidays, particularly Thanksgiving and Christmas. This program is designed to let you know that there is no specific way to handle your grief during the holiday season. However, there are tips offered that will assist you during this hard time of the year. Learn that it is certainly okay to cry, to laugh, to grieve and to enjoy the season. The program will be offered at three different locations: November 11, 2008 10am 2501 Bees Ferry Rd. Charleston, SC 722-8371

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November 12, 2008 10am 1520 Rifle Range Rd. Mt. Pleasant 884-3833 November 13, 2008 6:30pm 100 S. Goose Creek Blvd. Goose Creek, SC 553-1511 This program is free and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. Please call McAlisterSmith at 722-8371 to register.

Ways To Get Free Professional Financial Advice (NAPSI)-One of the ironies of the American economy is that the people who could most benefit from professional financial advice are quite often those who can least afford it. Fortunately, there are many qualified professionals who offer pro bono financial advice to those who simply wish to make the most of what little they have. For example, through the first six months of 2007, local chapters of financial planners reported providing 24,154 hours of pro bono activities by their members. This includes financial literacy/education programs for high school students and financial literacy classes for low-income parents and families to reduce their debt, control their spending, improve their credit and create savings plans that are helping them qualify for Individual Development Account funds. These programs and others, including distribution of financial-planning handbooks with plain-English tips on budgeting, banking, investments, retirement, credit and home ownership, and business advice for women entrepreneurs, are promoted by the Foundation for Financial Planning (FFP). A key example is the Moneywise in the Military program, which distributes information to service personnel and family members, including basic information about financial planning to help individuals develop budgeting and spending plans, and information on the uniformed services 401(k) program.

The Chronicle

October 29, 2008- 3b himself.

when she applied for a job that required a physical exam,she came up HIV-Positive and that he was the only one busting nerves with her. After confronting him, he admitted some relationships while in Leiber Correctional Institute, and obviously passed his ‘thrill’ onto her. He’s trying to be the righteous brother she thought him to be and she’s in love, so maybe thangs can work out between them. Let us pray! +++++++ FOR SOME REASON it really escapes me! Especially on weekends in the malls where you’ll see these brothers, holding hands, carrying shopping bags with some white girl and acting like they were in paradise! Now, I ain’t got nothing against this sort of relationships, but my question remains: With all these fine sisters out here, where do they find these ugly white women? +++++++ THE JOKE BOX------A FARMER took his son to the State Fair in Columbia to look at sheep. When he found one he liked, he began to rub the rear end of the sheep to gauge the fat content. The son said, “Dad, why are you rubbing the sheep’s rear end?” The father said, “that’s what you do when you want to buy.” The son said, “Well, the man next door must want to buy because while you were at work that’s what he was doing to mom……A GIRL, 18, who was dating a man 65, asked her best friend, “Is there too much difference in our ages?” Her boyfriend said, “No, not if he’s the president of a bank.”-------AND THEN there was another girl whose nickname was “Cafeteria.” Every man that went out with her helped

ipalities. They cite that when former Charleston City Councilman KWADJO CAMPBELL placed himself in a position to be criticized for failings in his private life, no other voice on Council, except JAMES LEWIS, or perhaps ROBERT MITCHELL and departing WENDELL GILLIARD, have shown the tenacity for speaking their minds…….When County Councilman Chairman TIM SCOTT leaves office in January to become a member of the S.C. General Assembly, it won’t be too soon, say The Pundits. Still, he may have to respond to questions swirling around the water fountain, as to the reasons some of his political associates have been retained as consultants on county projects already staffed with consultants! Making matters worse are the job performance, as required by law, as to what was accomplished. In circulation now, say The Pundits, is a breakdown of one of those ’consultants’ work ethics who was paid a hefty sum to do nothing…… +++++++ FAMILIES living in the area of the College of Charleston were pleased that city police are cracking down on rowdy students who think they can run-n-rip the streets downtown half the night, and not expect ordinary citizens to become tired of their antics. “Before the arrival of the new police chief, and working with city government who won’t allow this town to become a replica of New Orleans, these young hooligans are upset. Hell, they come through my block, tanked-up and smoking reefers, singing and turning over trash containers like it was some street party. Enough is enough and thanks to the police, we support your efforts.” So do we. +++++++ A CARTA regular passenger Ma Belled to complain that the bus drivers should stay off the “damn cell phone” especially when turning corners. And when they are checking on the

boyfriend and his whereabouts! We also agree. NAACP BANQUET

Friday 7 p.m., Sheraton Convention Center in North Charleston. The North Charleston branch of the NAACP will host its 24th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet. The guest speaker is U.S. Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes-Norton, who is now in her ninth term as congresswoman for the District of Columbia. For more information on tickets and sponsorship, call 225-6086.

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AN ELDERLY brother who is a skilled craftsman in his own right was perturbed when Charleston City Council gave permission to The Citadel to build an addition to their football stadium by covering the gravesite of hundreds of slaves reportedly buried there. The brother, Alfred, is in his 90s but clearly recalled in a Ma Beller to this newspaper, that the site was a potter’s fields for indigents and should have been preserved and was furious with Blacks on council who allowed the disrespectful act to take place. “They had the gall to place a little plaque at the location,” he said, adding that when they found some bodies thought to be from the submarine Hunley, they dutifully removed them for a proper burial in Magnolia Cemetery. There is no respect for Blacks here and this insult just proves it.” Also, according to our research, Confederate Civil War soldiers were earlier unearthed and then placed in Magnolia Cemetery. May they rest in peace, with no-thanks to city council. +++++++ WHEN HISPANIC WORKERS in the downtown area have a need to get their physical appetite served, they make a short ride or walk to an out-of-sight apartment off Jackson St. in public housing, where we’re told that business is brisk, especially when the payroll checks arrive. The love-in is operated by a mother of two who send the children across-the-way on weekends because her three bedroom are occupied, according to a Ma Beller whom, we’ve learned, sells half-pints for $10 while they wait in her place until called. She even sells chicken wings and a plate of beans, rice and ham hocks go for $7. Her biggest complaint is that very few speak English, which ain’t no big deal, long as you pay the $20 up-front, and you eat, the beer is free. Nope, no credit cards! ++++++++ CAN YOU BELIEVE that fairly large church in North Charleston who sought a $75,000 loan for renovation and was turned down, cold! A member of the board said the church has over $175,000 in that bank but was saving that for future expansion. “I’ve been a member of this congregation for at least 10-years and we recently installed a new pastor, very young but lacks the wisdom of our last pastor, who went on to Glory. Anyway, the board was upset when the bank refused the loan and we made a decision to change banks. Guess what, this new pastor convinced the members to stay with the bank, “ain’t that crazy!”, he said. Maybe you all need to begin the search for a new pastor, don’t you think? ++++++++ WHILE RELATIONS between North Charleston police and its AfricanAmerican citizens have improved, somewhat, the chief and his top staffers will have to find a way to rip itself of some officers who think of themselves as Rambo’s. This comes from a minister who was called to a member’s home to help resolve a dispute with a neighbor about parking her car in her driveway. “I had just gotten there about ten minutes before the police,” he said in a Ma Beller, “and I was pleased to see them. But when the two white officers came upon the porch, they asked me in what I call a disrespectful tone did I live there? I said ‘no’ and he ordered me to leave. When I failed to move fast enough, he used a foul word, saying I was interfering with police business. He had his hand on his gun, even though I was wearing my collar and a name plate identifying me as a minister. It made no difference to him and I intend to make an official complaint about this unwarranted conduct of a police officer,” Good. That’s the only way police officials can determine if their all-out efforts to improve relations is working. However, the dispute between the neighbors was resolved….by the pastor. +++++++ A 24-YEAR-OLD SISTER sends out a warning to the young sisters who may still be dating brothers who have been locked away for more than a year and then are released. The sad tale is that

++++++ POLITICAL PUNDITS mixed grits & shrimps and other mid-morning breakfast offerings at that pit-stop on Highway 61, and the conversation was on-point, as they tend to say. First on the napkin was LINDA KETNER who will attempt to unseat First Congressional District incumbent, HENRY BROWN. What disturbs The Pundits is the notion that if KETNER is to be victorious, it will be on the coattail of Sen. BARACK OBAMA and not having access to plenty of grocery store bucks, why is that? They are of the notion that KETNER rarely mentions the name of OBAMA in her political advertising or even in meeting with various white groups throughout the district. The Pundits also recall meeting with Cong. BROWN at the Town & Country Restaurant 2-years go, that included several wellknown Black businessmen, and when asked if he would support issues of concern to Black people, well, The Pundits had already anticipated his response. In effect, he said, “Well, I can’t recall receiving much support from the Black voters in my last run.” That was taken , and it has proven to be true, say The Pundits, negative!…….. WHILE THE PUNDITS all agree that any individual has the basic right to seek elective office, it was noted that the majority white candidates either are self-employed, selfsustaining income, or have been involved with public service long before they sought office. Not so for Black office seekers and The Pundits say perhaps this is one of the basic reasons few of them speak out on issues of concern to Blacks. In the City of Charleston and North Charleston, The Pundits ask: name those on council holding college degrees, or professionals, or whose income or private employment could be affected by taking a strong position in the governance of their munic-

4b-October29, 2008

The Chronicle

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON ROSETTA S. FRASIER and MILDRED SWINTON, Plaintiffs, vs. JOHNNY HENRY GERMAN, JR., WILLIAM GERMAN IV, CHERIE CRISP, PAUL CRISP, LOUISE ALSTON, VANESSA HANKEL, JOHN DOE, AND MARY ROE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown heirs at law distributees, devisees, legatees,, widow, widowers, successors and assigns, if any, of WILLIAM GERMAN, (deceased), and the following deceased individuals: CHRISTINA GERMAN ROUSE, ESTELLE G. NELSON, MARION NELSON, SR., HENRY NELSON, ALONZO NELSON, MARTHA NELSON, CHRISTINA NELSON, WILLIAM NELSON, GEORGE GERMAN, JOHN HENRY GERMAN a/k/a HENRY GERMAN, WILLIAM GERMAN II, JANIE CRISP, WILLIAM GERMAN III, and all other persons unknown claiming by, through or under them or having or claiming any interest

in the real estate described in Complaint, whether infants, incompetents, insane persons under any other disability. Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL CASE NO: 08-CP-10-4190 SUMMONS (Quiet Title Action) (Non-Jury)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charleston, which action was brought by the above-named Plaintiffs against the above-named Defendants to determine the rightful owners of the below described real estate.


That the premises affected by this action is located within the County and State aforesaid and is more particularly described as follows:

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, located at 1847 Ashley River Road, P.O. Box 80609, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint.

All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land containing then (10) acres situated on the Wando River in Christ Church Parish, County and State aforesaid and bounded as follows: North by lands now or formerly of A.R. German, East by lands now or formerly of James Weston, South by lands now or formerly of Joe Simmons and West by the Wando Tract. The same being one fourth of the Chandler Hill Plantation and left to the said Wiliam German by will of his father, the late William German.


TMS Nos.:615-00-00-113, 61500-00-114 & 615-00-00-020 NOTICE NISI

Estate of:

RUBY J. GREEN 2008-ES?10?1333 DOD: 06/28/08 Pers. Rep: HESTER F. JONES 2012 RIVERVIEW AVE., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29405 ************************************************************************* Estate of: MIRIAM K. CONYERS 2008-ES?10?1348 DOD: 08/13/08 Pers. Rep: YVETTE M. CONYERS 8307 WHITEHAVEN DR., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29420 *************************************************************************

The Housing Authority of the City of North Charleston, South Carolina is seeking proposals from an individual or firm to provide Homeless Coordination duties to ensure that the Housing Authority of the City of North Charleston can complete the goals that have been described to support the homeless. The RFP can be obtained by sending an e-mail request to the Executive Director Mr. George Saldana at [email protected]. Sealed responses to this solicitation will be received by the NCHA until 5:00pm Eastern time on October 22, 2008.

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication on his Notice to Creditors or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. MOLLIE T. SMITH 2008-ES-10-1004 DOD: 8/22/07 Pers. Rep: MICHAEL L. SMITH 1852 CHESSHIRE DR. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 ************************************************************************** ESTATE of: BENNIE E. POWELL 2008-ES-10-1011 DOD: 10/15/06 Pers. Rep: ARTHURINE RIVERS 117 BELLPOINT LN. DANIEL ISLAND, SC 29492 *************************************************************************

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plaintiffs have applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointent shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty (30) days of the service of this Notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them. NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Summons, Complaint, Lis Pendens and Notice Nisi were filed on July 22, 2008 in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Kelvin M.Huger, Esquire of 27 Gamecock Ave, Suite 200, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, S.C. 29416, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County, dated the 22nd day of July, 2008 and the said appointment shall become absoulte thirty(30) days after the final publication of this Notice, unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall procure a proper person to be appointed as Guardian ad Litem for them within (30) days after the final publication of this Notice. Arthur C. McFarland 1847 Ashley River Road, Suite 200 P.O. Box 80609 Charleston, SC 29416 (843) 763-3900

Estate of:



Plaintiffs, vs. GENEVA G. ROSS; KATHLEEN C. HAYNES; FONTAINE HAYNES; and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names, to represent the heirs of any of the above named parties who may be deceased and their heirs; and RICHARD ROE, a fictitious name to represent the interest of any minors, incompetents or disabled persons or those that may be serving in the military; Defendants.


Did Isiah Thomas Involve Daughter in a Cover-Up? By: Associated Press NEW YORK - A suburban police chief likened the conflicting accounts of an accidental overdose at Isiah Thomas' home to a "cover-up" and rebuked the former New York



Isiah Thoms Knicks coach Saturday for saying it was his teenage daughter who required treatment.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lis Pendens, Civil Cover Sheet, Summons and Complaint in this action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina on August 15, 2008.

IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CASE NO: 2008-CP-10-3598 NOTICE OF FILING TO: THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVENAMED: You are hereby notified that a Summons, Complaint, and Lis Pendens were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on June 24, 2008, by Samual H. Altman of Derfner, Altman & Wilborn, LLC, Attorneys for the Plaintiffs.

"It wasn't his daughter," Harrison Police Chief David Hall told The Associated Press. "And why they're throwing her under the bus is beyond my ability to understand." Authorities were called early Friday to Thomas' Westchester County home, where police said a 47-year-old man was taken to the hospital and treated for an overdose of sleeping pills. Several media outlets reported that police confirmed it was Thomas who went to the hospital. But reached on his cell phone Friday, the 47-year-old NBA great told the New York Post he had not been treated for a sleeping pill overdose, and that it was 17-year-old daughter Lauren who had a medical issue. It "wasn't an overdose," he told the newspaper. "My daughter is very down right now. None of us are OK."

DERFNER, ALTMAN & WILB ORN, LLC Larry D. Cohen Larry D. Cohen, LLC P.O. Box 30547 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Tel. (843) 225-4445 Fax (843) 225-2009

BY: Samual H. Altman, P.O Box 600, Charleston, SC 29402-0600 Phone: (843) 723-9804 Fax: (843) 723-7446 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF


SUMMONS TO: THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint filed in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Reply on the Plaintiff or its attorneys, Samuel H. Altman, Derfner, Altman & Wilborn, LLC, Post Office Box 600, 575 King Street, Charleston, South Carolina, 29402, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DERFNER, ALTMAN WILBORN, LLC


Samuel H. Altman 575 King Street Post Office Box 600 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 723-9804; Fax (843) 723-7446 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF June 23, 2008 Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina September 29, 2008 SUMMONS DEFICIENCY WAIVED TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscriber at his address, P.O. Box 30547, Charleston, South Carolina 29417 within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; except that the United States of America, if named shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time specified above, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. RESPECTFULLY TED,


Larry D. Cohen Larry D. Cohen, LLC P.O. Box 30547 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Tel. (843) 225-4445 Fax (843) 225-2009 ATTORNEY THE PLAINTIFF

Hall forcefully Thomas' statement.


"My cops ... know the difference between a 47-year-old black male and a young black female," Hall said. "These people should learn something from Richard Nixon - it's not the crime, it's the cover-up," he added. Voice mails and text messages from the AP were left on Thomas' cell phone Saturday. Messages left earlier with Thomas' publicist and two of his attorneys were not returned.




ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.



Charleston, South Carolina July 30, 2008

Thomas' 20-year-old son, Joshua, lashed out at Hall's comments. "Saying that someone is being thrown under the bus when you are talking about health issues is disrespectful," the Indiana University student wrote in a text to the New York Daily News. "I love both my sister and dad and am glad that both are doing well," he told the newspaper. "Thanks for all the support, but as a family we are fine and stronger than ever." On Friday, he also said it was his sister, not his father, who required treatment. No suicide note was found, and police were classifying the case as an "accidental drug overdose" on "a number" of prescription sleeping pills, Hall said. Hall would not confirm the identity of the hospitalized man. The developments, days before the start of another season, are the latest drama in what has been a difficult year for Thomas. He was fired as the Knicks' coach April 18 after a season of dreadful basketball, a tawdry sexual harassment lawsuit and unending chants from fans demanding his dismissal. Still, he was retained by the organization as an adviser and consultant. "Isiah Thomas spoke with members of the New York Knicks organization and is OK," the Knicks said in a statement. "He is dealing with a family matter, and we will have no further comment. He has asked that we respect his privacy, and we will." An ambulance and two police officers responded to a 911 call that came in from the Thomas home a couple minutes after midnight, Hall said. The victim was taken about 5 miles from the home to White Plains Hospital Center, where officials declined to identify the overdose patient. Thomas' house is on a luxury cul de sac of multimillion-dollar homes, about 30 miles from midtown Manhattan. As a player, Thomas won NBA titles with the Detroit Pistons in 1989 and 1990 and an NCAA championship with Indiana in 1981. He joined the Knicks as the team president in 2003 and became coach in June 2006 after Larry Brown was fired. Last season, Thomas drew the wrath of fans, who serenaded him nightly with chants of "Fire Isiah!" When he was dismissed, his record in New York was 56-108. Overall, he is 187-223 as an NBA coach, leading the Indiana Pacers to the playoffs in three straight years from 2000-03.


October 29, 2008-5b

The Chronicle

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NESBITT, JR., JOHN HENRY NESBITT, RAYMOND NESBITT, HELEN MAE SIMMONS, BENJAMIN NESBITT, JAMES NESBITT, WILLA MAE NESBITT, FRANKLIN NESBITT, AND NATHAN NESBITT, and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names representing unknown minors, incompetents, persons imprisoned, persons in the military, and persons under any other legal disability, and RICHARD ROE AND SARAH DOE, fictitious names representing unknown devisees, heirs, distributees, or personal representatives of AMOS NESBITT, JANIE N. CAMPBELL,


PUBLIC HEARING The public is hereby advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing Tuesday, October 28, 2008 beginning at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 80 Broad St., Charleston, SC to receive input from the public regarding the proposed 2009 City Budget. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present their views. Extended presentations should be submitted in writing. Vanessa Turner-Maybank Clerk of Council

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

LULA SIMMONS, JESSIE NESBITT, IRENE ALLEN, HATTIE YACHZELL,EVELYN SINGLETON, ELIJAH NESBITT, NATHAN NESBITT, ISAAC NESBITT, CAROLYN NESBITT, GRACIE LOU NESBITT, JERRY SIMMONS AND HAROLD NESBITT, all of whom are deceased, and all other unknown persons or entities who may a claim an interest in or lien upon the real estate which is the subject of this action, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Case No: 08-CP-10-5572 SUMMONS (Quiet Title and Partition Actions: Equity) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, the original of which has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina, 29401, on the 2nd day of October, 2008, at 3:32 p.m, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscribers, at their offices at No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9, Charleston, South Carolina, 29402 within thirty (30) days after the last date of the last publication of this notice; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, LLC No. 61 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (803) 577-7423 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina October 2, 2008 NOTICE NISI

HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. Heyward Harvey, Jr. , 13 State Street, Charleston, SC, has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem Nisi in the above entitled action by Order and that such Order will become absolute thirty (30) days after the last publication of the Notice of Appointment, herein unless such of the Defendants as may be heirs, devisees, distributees, administrators, executors, guardians, and all those persons who may be minors, in military service, under any legal disability, or other persons claiming by or through, of the deceased persons above named, or someone in their behalf shall in the meantime procure to be appointed Guardian ad Litem for them, and that such Order is on file in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, Charleston County Courthouse, South Carolina. Charles S. Goldberg, Esquire Attorney for Plaintiff No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29401 (843) 720-2800 Charleston, South Carolina October 1, 2008

The public is hereby advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing Tuesday, October 28, 2008, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 80 Broad Street, on the request that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Charleston be changed in the following respects: REZONING 1. To rezone 360 Concord Street (Peninsula) (3.256 acres) (TMS# 459-00-00-006) to include the property in the Accommodations Overlay (A)classification. ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS 1. To amend the Planned Unit Development Master Plan and Development Guidelines for Henry Tecklenburg Boulevard (Essex Farms Village Center PUD - West Ashley) (20.65 acres) (TMS# 309-00-00-262) (TMS# 309-00-00-003 master parcel for original PUD approval). 2. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) to change veterinary services from a special exception use in the Gathering Place (GP), General Business (GB), Urban Commercial (UC), Mixed Use (MU-2 and MU-2/WH) and Business Park (BP) zoning districts to a conditional use; and to permit veterinary services as a conditional use in the Commercial Transitional (CT), Limited Business (LB), and Mixed Use (MU-1 and MU-1/WH) zoning districts. 3. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) by amending Section 54-299.2 Land Uses for the Mixed Use Workforce Housing District to correct a scrivener's error. 4. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) by amending section 54-306 Old City Height Districts to permit non-habitable architectural elements to encroach into required setbacks for structures in the 85/200, 85/30, and 85/125 Old City Height Districts. 5. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) by adding additional streets to Section 54-268(a) the Commercial Corridor Design Review District.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendant above named, and that the object of such action is to clear the title to the real estate described as follows: ALL that piece or parcel or tract of land, lying and being in St. Pauls Township, Charleston County, State of South Carolina, containing Eight and one-half (8 ?) acres more or less and bounded as follows: on the East by lands of John Granderson and on the South by a Road called Landing Road; on the West by Nancy Pinckney; and on the North by lands of Martha Armstrong. BEING the same property conveyed to Amos Nesbit by deed of John Granderson dated November 12, 1930 and

PUBLIC HEARING The public is hereby advised that the Traffic and Transportation Committee will hold a public hearing Monday, October 27, 2008, beginning at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall, 80 Broad Street, to amend Chapter 31, (Vehicles for Hire), Article IV, Section 31-197(a)(1) of the Code of the City of Charleston to establish new rates for metered taxicabs as a result of higher fuel costs. VANESSA TURNER-MAYBANK Clerk of Council In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.


Written statements Will Be Received up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on November 25, 2008. All such statements shall be addressed to: Susan M. Stevens, A.A.E. Director of Airports Charleston County Aviation Authority 5500 International Boulevard, #101 Charleston, South Carolina 29418 and clearly marked: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR HVAC UPGRADES PROJECT CHARLESTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (Advertisement No. 2008-11-CHS) Statement of Qualifications Submittal Packages may be obtained by contacting the Authority at the above address or by calling 843-767-7000. Any questions and/or comments concerning this request for Statements of Qualifications shall be directed in writing to Susan M. Stevens, A.A.E., Director of Airports, at the above address. CCAA will not be responsible for any oral instructions with regard to this Notice. A Pre-Submittal Conference Will Be Held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at the offices of the Charleston County Aviation Authority, Second Floor.

recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Book T35, Page 187. The Tax Map Reference Number is 053 00 00 056 Charles S. Goldberg No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 720-2800 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, S. C. October 1, 2008


The public hereby is advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at City Hall 80 Broad Street, on the proposed closing and abandonment as follows: A portion of South Park Circle running in a westerly and northwesterly direction for approximately 650 feet from its intersection with South Park Boulevard to its terminus. Interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and express their views. Extended presentations should be submitted in writing. Vanessa Turner-Maybank Clerk of Council


In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

The Charleston County Aviation Authority (CCAA) is requesting Statements of Qualifications from interested Prime Contractors for the HVAC Upgrades Project at the Charleston International Airport.





(NewsUSA) - Ups and downs on Wall Street, the pinch of the current credit crisis and an uncertain economy make students and parents worry about college tuition payments. Tightened credit lines could make borrowing money for college an uphill battle for many American families. But most families can still find ways to send their high-school graduates to school. "You can still make college a reality, even in the middle of a credit crisis," says Martha Holler, spokesperson for Sallie Mae (, the nation's leading saving- and paying-for-college company. "Loans remain readily available to help you pay for college." Despite the crazy credit crunch, students and parents can still find federal student loans regardless of credit score, income, assets or collateral. Federal law fixes student loans at a competitive interest rate, so families won't pay higher rates in a troubled economy. Although other consumer credit is drying up, students and parents can still get federal student loans through Sallie Mae. The company is ready to make federal student loans to every student who needs one at every school across the country. Holler encourages students to educate themselves on how to get college money. She offers the following tips to students and parents looking to pay for higher education: Find free money. Apply for financial aid to access free money. Tap grants and scholarships by filing the Free Application For Federal Student Aid, also called the FAFSA. Fully explore federal student loans. Federal loans are the largest source of student loans and offer more favorable terms than private loans, so get as many federal loans as possible before resorting to private loans. If scholarships, grants and federal loans do not fully cover the cost, fill any gaps with private loans. Visit and start your plan today.

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and express their views. Extended presentations should be submitted in writing. In accordance with the American Disabilities Act people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at 843-724-3730 or email, [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

Affording College in a Down Economy

KING DAVID GRAHAM 2008-ES-10-1456 DOD: 09/04/08 Pers. Rep: EDNA K. GRAHAM 2144 MIDLAND PARK RD., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29406 Atty: EDUARDO K. CURRY, ESQ. PO BOX 42270, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29423 *************************************************************************

6b- October 29, 2008-

The Chronicle

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


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Driver- Owner Operators & Company Drivers. Miles and Mileage. Home often. Paid weekly and much more! Call Karen today, 800-333-8393 x 1121 or visit, HOMES FOR RENT ***Bank Repos*** 3 bd. 2 ba. $222/mo. 4 bd. 3 ba. $262/mo. Call Now! Great Deals! 5% dn, 15 yrs @ 8.5%. For Listings 800-391-5228 x T967. 6 Bed 4 Bath only $434/mo! Buy Foreclosure! Stop Renting! (5% dn, 20 yrs @ 8.5% APR!) For listings 800508-8176 ext. 1241. Buy Foreclosure! 3 bd. 2 ba. Only $18,900! For Listings 800-508-8176 ext. 1999. HOMES FOR SALE 4 Bed 2 Bath Foreclosure! Only $32,000! Bank Owned Home! For Listings 800-5088176 ext. 1917. LAND/ACREAGE RIVER ACCESS over 50% off! Steal this gorgeous full acre river access home site for less than half of what it was a year ago. Owner must sell now. Paved roads, elec., cable, great schools, pool. Don’t miss this opportunity. $29,900. Call now 877-289-2045. MISCELLANEOUS ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-8582121 ; AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 349-5387. A NEW COMPUTER NOW!!! Brand name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO credit- No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. It’s yours NOW Call 800-816-2375. VACATION/TRAVEL NEED RENTERS? ADVERTISE your vacation home to more than 2.9 million South Carolina newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Jimmie Haynes at the South Carolina Newspaper Network at 1-888727-7377.

Small-Business Survival Tactics Weathering Economic Downturn Requires A "Business-As-Usual" Mind-set (NAPSI)-It seems the economic climate gets stormier every day. During such uncertain times, entrepreneurs often choose to cut back, hunker down and ride it out. However, experts warn against exercising too much caution--especially when it comes to marketing. However, many experts warn against exercising too much caution--especially when it pertains to marketing your small business. With proper planning, your small business can actually prosper during tough economic times. According to Rieva Lesonsky, former editor of Entrepreneur magazine, entrepreneurs can use this time to cut back in certain areas and strategically invest in other areas, such as marketing. So how can small-business owners make it through these turbulent times? Lesonsky offers some advice: Keep overhead low. Entrepreneurs should take a hard look at their expenses and scale back on nonessentials. Some big cost-cutting areas include business travel, labor and rent. For example: Entrepreneurs can try videoconferencing instead of traveling to a meeting; consider forgoing pricey office space and work from home instead; and re-examine their staffing plan to ensure they have the right amount of coverage for their current level of business, keeping overtime costs to a minimum.

review sites such as Yelp, and creating company pages on social networking sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn.

the company Web site and marketing materials.

counts, such as on office supplies.

Always negotiate.

Have a strong online presence.

Entrepreneurs should keep in mind that everything is negotiable. When other businesses are cutting back, entrepreneurs are in a better position to negotiate for lower rates, better ad placements, lower telephone rate plans or other dis-

So stay flexible, consider your options, make decisions quickly and don't panic. By staying nimble and looking to the future, you'll increase your chances of emerging from the economic storm with your business' footing on solid ground for continued growth.

Increasingly, consumers are using the Web to find businesses of all sizes, so it's really crucial that small businesses be visible online in order to compete. Today, there are a number of low- or no-cost options to help entrepreneurs establish a professional Web presence without the expense of hiring a designer or Web master. Microsoft Office Live Small Business ( provides entrepreneurs with a free Web site and hosting, a custom domain name and business e-mail free for the first year, low-cost e-commerce and online marketing tools, and free business management tools. "Hire" customers. Entrepreneurs can turn satisfied customers into a word-ofmouth referral engine for their business. They can consider offering referral fees or free services to encourage customers to refer new clients. Entrepreneurs can also ask customers to provide testimonials that can be showcased on



Make noise. In this economy, competitors are likely cutting back on marketing spending, too. This provides an opportunity for entrepreneurs to get their marketing message out in a potentially less cluttered environment, and possibly at a better rate, too. In addition to traditional forms of advertising, entrepreneurs can take advantage of low-cost digital marketing tactics, such as creating a blog, building an audience with Twitter, staying on top of their ratings through online

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National Motor Club of America has been in business since 1956. We are currently offering part and full time business opportunities. For more information please contact 800-417-6360 Ext 8063 DEADLINE: FRIDAY PRIOR TO WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION

The Chronicle

October 29, 2008 -7b

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In The District Court of The United States For The District of South Carolina Charleston Division


United States of America


Plaintiff, Vs. SEPEQUA DRAYTON AND SOUTH CAROLINA HOUSING TRUST FUND, Defendant(s.) CIVIL ACTION NO. 2:o7-26759-DCN NOTICE Of SOUTH Under authority and direction of the AMENDED DECREE OF FORECLOSURE AND SALE in the above action filed on July 29, 2008, I will offer for sale at public auction before the Courthouse door of the Charleston County Courthouse, Charleston, South Carolina, Eleven O’CLOCK A.M., Wednesday November 19, 2008, the following described property: All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, together with improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in Awendaw, Charleston County, S.C. and being more particularly described as 0.713 Acres on a “Plat Showing 0.713 Acres Subdivided Out of the Margaret Brown Property to be Conveyed to SEPEQUE E. Drayton Located in Awendaw, Charleston County, SC.” prepared by Keith K. Ruddy, RLS No. 9479, dated July 18, 1998 and duly recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County, SC on November 6, 1998 in Plat Book EC at page 853. Being the identical property conveyed to SEPEQUE E. Drayton by deed of LEAMON Drayton, Leon Drayton, Bertha Cochran, Charles McDonald, Patricia Palmer, Valerie McDonald, Ferrell McNeil, Elizabeth Brown Goodman, formerly Elizabeth Brown Dennis, Mary Brown Mitchell, formerly Mary Brown Williams Lucille Brown Love and Azalie Brown Clement formerly Azalie Brown Lee dated February 24, 1999, and recorded February 25, 1999, in the Office of the Clerk of Court RMC for Charleston County, South Carolina, in Deed Book Z320 at Page01. TMS No: 711-00-00-134 The above property will be sold subject to ad valorem taxes, the purchaser of said real estate to pay extra for deed and revenue stamps. Plaintiff not having affirmatively sought a deficiency judgment, the bidding will not stay open for the customary thirty(30)days following the sale. Sale shall require the highest biddre, other than the plaintiff, to make a cash deposit of five percent(5%) of the bid as earnest money and as evidence of good faith. If the plaintiff is the successful bidder at the sale, the amount due on its mortgage may be used as the equivalent of cash. Should the person making the highest bid at the sale fail to comply with the terms of the bid by depositing the said five percent (5%) in cash, then the premises shall be resold at such bidder’s risk on the same sales date, or some subsequent date, as the selling officer may find convenient and advantageous. Should the last and highest bidder fail to comply with the terms of the bid within ten(10) days of the final acceptance of the bid, The Entire Deposit Shall be forfeited. and the selling officer readvertise and resell the property on the same terms and at the bidder’s risk on a subsequent sales day. Under 28 U.S.C.§ 566,it is the duty of the United States Marshal to enforce the decree of the United States District Court and under 564, the Marshal is authorized to exercise the same powers of the Sheriff in conducting the sale. It is in the interest of justice that the sale be conducted to yield the best price through free, fair, and competitive bidding. Any act that appears to prevent a free, fair, and open sale or to suppress the bidding or otherwise adversely affects the sale, will not be allowed. If such an act occurs, then the sale will be halted. Further, the individual or individuals who perform any act which appears to contribute to the sale being halted or otherwise adversely affected, may be charged with contempt of court, to be sanctioned accordingly, including but not limited to paying for the costs and expenses of the scheduled sale JOHNNY MACK BROWN, UNITED STATES MARSHAL

Plaintiff, vs. RANDAL W. SIMMONS, VALERIE A. SIMMONS, KIRK S. SIMMONS, HEIRS-AT-LAW OF MARGUERITE SIMMONS, DECEASED, WACHOVIA MORTGAGE CORPORATION, F/K/A FIRST UNION NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTH CAROLINA, T.D. SHRUM, HARLESTON-BOAGS FUNERAL HOME AND FORD MOTOR CREDIT COMPANY, Defendant(s). CIVIL ACTION NO. 2:07-563-PMD NOTICE OF SALE Under authority and direction of the DECREE OF FORECLOSURE AND SALE in the above action filed on April 10, 2008, I will offer for sale at public auction before the Courthouse door of the Charleston County Courthouse, Charleston, South Carolina, Eleven O’Clock A.M., Wednesday, November 19, 2008, the following described property:

January 26, 1993 leaving as her heirs-at-law Randal W. Simmons, Valerie A. Simmons and Kirk S. Simmons as evidenced by information on file in the Office of the Probate Court for Charleston County, South Carolina under Case No. 93ES1000245. The above property will be sold subject to ad valorem taxes, the purchaser of said real estate to pay extra for deed and revenue stamps. Plaintiff not having affirmatively sought a deficiency judgement, the bidding will not stay open for the customary thirty (30) days following the sale. Sale shall require the highest bidder, other than the plaintiff, to make a deposit of five percent (5%) of the bid as earnest money and as evidence of good faith. Said deposit shall be made by cashier’s check or money order. If the plaintiff is the successful bidder at the sale, the amount due on its mortgage may be used as the equivalent of cash. Should the person making the highest bid at the sale fail to comply with the terms of the bid by depositing the said five percent (5%), then the premises shall be resold at such bidder’s risk on the same sales date, or some subsequent date, as the selling officer may find convenient and advantageous. Should the last and highest bidder fail to comply with the terms of the bid within

ten (10) days of the final acceptance of the bid, the entire deposit shall be forfeited, and the selling officer shall readvertise and resell the property on the same terms and at the bidder’s risk on a subsequent sales day. Under 28 U.S.C.§ 566, it is the duty of the United States Marshal to enforce the decree of the United States District Court and uder 564, the Marshal is authorized to exercise the same powers of the Sheriff in conducting the sale. It is in the interest of justice that the sale be conducted to yield the best price through free, fair, and competitive bidding. Any act that appears to prevent a free, fair, and open sale or to suppress the bidding or otherwise adversely affect the sale, will not be allowed. If such an act occurs, then the sale will be halted. Further, the individual or individuals who perform any act which appears to contribute to the sale being halted or otherwise adversely affected, may be charged with contempt of court, to be sanctioned accordingly, including but not limited to paying for the costs and expenses of the scheduled sale. JOHNNY MACK BROWN, UNITED STATES MARSHAL

Invitation to Bid

All that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, with buildings and improvements thereon, if any, situate, lying and being in Christ Church Parish, Charleston County, South Carolina containing approximately one (1) acre, more or less, and designated as Parcel Two (2) on a plat prepared by W.L. Gaillard, RLS dated July 12,1978, entitled “Plat of Parcel 1 owned by Marguerite Simmons and Parcel 2 owned by Paul Bradley and about to be conveyed to Marguerite Simmons, Christ Church Parish”, which said plat is recorded in Plat Book AM at page 24. The said parcel of land having such size, shape, dimensions, buttings and boundings as will by reference to said plat more fully appear.

Kiawah Homes Modernization II Job #081101

Being the same property conveyed to Marguerite Simmons by deed of Louis E. Condon, Master-in-Equity for Charleston County, dated September 21, 1979 and recorded September 25, 1979 in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina in Deed Book L120, at page 139. Thereafter, said property was conveyed to First Union National Bank of South Carolina by deed of J. Al Cannon, Jr., Sheriff of Charleston County, dated November 5, 1997 and recorded February 18, 1998 in the Office of the ROD for Charleston County, South Carolina in Deed Book L297 at page 723. Marguerite Simmons died on

A voluntary pre-bid conference will be held at 545 Meeting Street on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 10:00 a.m.

The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston will receive sealed bids on a General al Contract for Kiawah Homes Modernization Phase II until 2:00 p.m. local time, on November 13, 2008 at 550 Meeting, Street Room 114, Charleston, South Carolina. Bids will be publicly opened. Copies of the Bidding documents may be obtained after 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at the CHA Modernization Office, 545 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29503. Contact Marymims Goldman at (843) 720-3982.

The Housing Authority encourages minority owned business to participate in its on-going purchasing of goods and services. CHA reserves the right to waive irregularities and to reject any and all bids. Donald J. Cameron Chief Executive Officer

THE CHARLESTON AREA TRANSPORTATION STUDY (CHATS) POLICY COMMITTEE the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Region announces an amendment to the following document: FY2007- 2012 CHATS TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (TIP) is available for public review and comment from October 17, 2008 to November 18, 2008 during the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at the Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments 1362 McMillan Avenue – Suite 100, North Charleston, SC 843/529-0400 Contact Person: Jeffrey Burns The Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin familial status or disability in the admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its federally-assisted programs or activities. Persons needing assistance in obtaining information can call: RELAY SC #1-800-735-2905

The SC State Ports Authority is inviting Statements of Qualification from qualified assessment firms to provide auditing services in connection with the development of the Charleston Naval Base Container Terminal at its Port of Charleston facilities. The services consists, but is not limited to identifying, managing and mitigating risk, ensuring service quality and integrity, environmental and occupational health and safety issues, and monitoring of project timelines and budgets. Qualification statements will be received until 12:00p.m., Monday, November 10, 2008. A complete copy of the Request for Qualification with all specifications can be requested by contacting the procurement office at (843) 577-8181, or on our website: w. Scroll down the Home Page and click on Legal Notices and Bid Documents, click “Procurement,” or by emailing: T. This solicitation does not commit the Authority to award a contract, to pay any cost incurred in the preparation, or to procure or contract for the article of services. The Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any and all Qualification statements; to waive any informality in the Qualification statements; and to accept the submittals that is, in our opinion, in the best interest of the Authority. Tim Connor Manager-Procurement SC State Ports Authority 176 Concord Street Charleston, SC 29401 843-577-8181

PART TIME MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston is accepting applications for the position of Management Specialist for its public housing management offices. The position will remain open until it is filled. As a member of the management team under the direct supervision of the Assistant Housing Manager, performs routine functions in carrying out the team's duties and responsibilities. Duties include recertification’s, lease renewals, rent adjustments, rent calculation, housekeeping inspections and any other duties as assigned to ensure an efficient housing management operations for the Authority. The Management Specialist will work 30 hours per week. Minimum qualifications: Requires an Associate's Degree supplemented by one to two years of general office experience, or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Must possess a valid state driver's license. The Housing Authority offers a great benefit package which includes: free medical and dental insurance generous holidays and paid time off S.C. State Retirement Plan 457 & 401K plan life insurance short term disability The starting salary for this position is $12.08/hour. This position will require a background investigation, drug screen and physical at our expense. Applications can be filled out online and must include reasons for leaving previous positions and salary history. The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston 550 Meeting Street, Charleston, SC 29403 Website: Fax: 973-3481 Email: [email protected] EOE M/F/D/V (TDD 843-720-3685)

LDF Secures Voting Rights That Protect Foreclosure Victims NEW YORK, Oct 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Today, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund ("LDF") settled the lawsuit it filed just two days ago in Indiana state court to ensure that eligible voters with property subject to foreclosure proceedings or evictions cannot have their right to vote challenged during the upcoming November 4th election. In settling the case, the Plaintiffs and Defendants, Marion County Election Board, and non-parties Marion County

Democratic and Republican parties, agreed that such challenges are not permitted under Indiana law. "Foreclosure has no bearing on one's eligibility to vote. Today's settlement ensures that the current foreclosure crisis gripping the nation will not be exploited to strip the right to vote away from those who are among the financially vulnerable among us. Challenges based on foreclosure are the kind of voter suppression tactic that threaten our efforts to move towards an open and equal Democracy,"

ZONING CHARLESTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEARING CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE FOLLOWING ZONING CHANGE CASES AT 6:00 P.M., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2008 IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT THE LONNIE HAMILTON III, PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING, 4045 BRIDGE VIEW DRIVE, NORTH CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA: Case 3447-C St. Andrews: 1020 Bees Ferry Road Parcel Identification 287-00-00-054 12.4 Acres Request to change from Single Family Residential 4 (R-4) District to Community Commercial (CC) District Case: 3464-C 1724, 1725, and 1740 Dominic Drive Parcel Identification: 279-00-00-315, -320, - 323 Acres: 3.2 Request to change from: PD-128 District to PD 128-A District

said John Payton, LDF President and Director Counsel. The case, Herring v. Marion County Election Board, was filed on behalf of an AfricanAmerican family that fell behind on their home payments and faced the threat of foreclosure over the last two years, and the Greater Indianapolis Branch of the NAACP which has provided advocacy on behalf of countless families facing foreclosure in the region. The Plaintiffs were uncertain of their legal right to cast a regular ballot after conflicting statements were attributed to the Marion County Republican Party Chairman, who maintained that foreclosure was a "solid basis" for challenging voter eligibility on Election Day, and the Circuit Clerk, a Democrat, who disagreed. "The sole question before the court in the case is whether voters involved in a foreclosure can be singled out for Election Day challenges," said Jenigh J. Garrett, LDF Assistant Counsel who represented Plaintiffs. "The parties to the settlement unconditionally agree that both Indiana law and fairness dictate that the answer is a resounding no. This agreement helps ensure that our clients and all voters in Marion County will be able to vote in the November 4th election without the threat of baseless challenges and intimidation."

If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Planning Department (843) 202-7200. LENGTHY PRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Beverly T. Craven Clerk of Council


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