Chronicle Dec 3 08

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Ford’s Criticism of Clyburn “Strictly Business”

Cong. James Clyburn

Sen. Robert Ford

Charleston Sen. Robert Ford’s recent criticism of U.S. Sixth Dist. Cong. James Clyburn has drawn varied responses from local observers though the Clyburn hasn’t offered any responses himself. After learning that Clyburn’s daughter ,Mignon, is being considered for the Federal Communications Commission, Ford charged two weeks ago that she is getting the consideration because of Clyburn’s influence as Congressional Majority Whip. On Monday Ford said the political think-tank Common Cause charges that Clyburn, since his 1992 election as South Carolina’s first Black congressman since Reconstruction, has

used his position to provide perks to family members and friends. “That’s not what this is about,” Ford said of Clyburn’s alleged use of his political rise. “This is not about him and his family. This is about the people in his district. The Sixth District is among the nation’s poorest, yet it is represented by one of the country’s most powerful politicians and has one of the nation’s busiest interstate highways running through its entire length. Clyburn shouldn’t be fighting for jobs and positions for his friends and family, he should be fighting to get businesses located in his district.” Ford said his criticism isn’t personal. “It’s strictly business,” he said. While Clyburn could not be reached for comment

Civil Rights Leader Convicted of Incest Set Free LEESBURG, Va. - A key figure from the civil rights movement sentenced to 15 years in prison for incest has been released on bond while he appeals his conviction. It's unlikely the Rev. James L. Bevel will ever serve another day in jail even if his conviction stands because he's been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Doctors estimate the 71-year-old See pg 2

Rev. James L. Bevel

by press time, others locally had plenty to say. A retired Army veteran from Charleston said Ford’s criticism is unwarranted. “White politicians have done the same thing all along. Now that there is a Black man in a position to do something for his family he’s being criticized,” the veteran said. “Anybody else would do the same thing.” But a Charleston city employee had a different opinion. “That’s not what the Civil Rights

Movement was about. Martin L. King Jr. and Medgar Evers had children too. They could have kept their mouths shut and stayed alive to raise their children. But they made the sacrifice so that other people’s children would have opportunities. “Sure we all want the best for our children and Black politicians should make sure their children get the best just like everybody else, but not at the expense of their communities. We’re talking about government jobs and posi-

tions that should be available to the best qualified, not handed out because of family ties and friendship.” A retired Charleston County School District administrator said whether Ford’s charges have merit is not at issue, but rather his public presentation of those charges. “If Sen. Ford had those concerns he should have called Clyburn and talked to Clyburn in private. Other groups don’t criticize each other publicly as See pg 2

Election of Bishop Charles Blake Inspires More Grant Funding to Educate COGIC Churches Portsmouth, VA ( The recent election of Bishop Charles Blake to the COGIC general board has motivated a wealthy philanthropist to help Blake realize the vision that was cast in the 2008 COGIC AIM convention held in Detroit MI. The philanthropist believes that Church of God In Christ (COGIC), under the leadership of Presiding Bishop Charles Blake is well positioned to make a

positive impact towards solving many of the problems plaguing African-American communities including high school dropout rates, HIV/AIDS, prisoner reentry, unemployment, homelessness, hunger, etc. In addition to confidence in Blake, the philanthropist is encouraged by the size of COGIC; an international organization, with over 6 million members worldwide, the majority of whom See pg 2

Bishop Charles Blake




•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• December 3, 2008 •

Giant Cement teaches Career Workshop to Woodland HS students In this 9-hour workshop, conducted twice a year, students are given specifictools to aid them in successfully obtaining a desired job in their careersearch. Students learn how to complete an employment application and create a resume’ with powerful accomplishment statementsthat showcase their special skills and talents.

For the culminating activity at the end of the workshop, students search for a job, prepare a cover letter, create a resume, memorize their own self-promoting summary, formulate questions toask the interviewer, rehearse how best to answer interview questions, and experience a mock job interview conducted by area human resources personnel.

Giant Cement received the Business Education Partnership Award given by College of Charleston and The Education Foundation at the recent Business Education Summit for their support and sponsorship of the Career Workshop. Giant has sponsored these workshops at Woodland HS since 2000.

Joe Benoit, human resources manager for Giant Cement Company, prepares to interview students as part of the Career Workshop Giant sponsors at Woodland High School.


CSO Gospel Choir Joins Charleston Symphony Orchestra Tradition Saturday, December 6 The CSO Gospel Choir, under new leadership of music director Sandra Barnhart and Guest Conductor Vincent L. Danner ring in the holiday season with the highly anticipated Ninth Annual CSO Gospel Christmas featuring the CSO Gospel Choir and the Charleston Symphony Orchestra on

Saturday, December 6, 2008 at 8pm at the Gaillard Auditorium, 77 Calhoun Street, Charleston, South Carolina. With its largest membership in its nine year history, 110 voices of the CSO Gospel Choir will perform down-home traditional gospel arrangements, and soulful renditions includ-

ing the hallelujah chorus from Soulful Messiah, a Gospel version of The Twelve Days of Christmas, Now Messiah Has Come (originally premiered in Charleston in 2003) beloved Christmas standards such at Deck the Halls and Joy to the World and classical gems from the Charleston Symphony See pg 2

Charleston Symphony Orchestra Gospel Choir

Madam C.J. Walker Descendant Helps Sistahs Get in Touch With Hair, Soul By. Gordon Jackson Special to the NNPA from the Dallas Examiner DALLAS (NNPA) - There’s much ado about a hair-do, especially when it concerns African-American woman and their self-esteem. A’Lelia Bundles has served a twofold

purpose in addressing Black woman and their hair. Bundles’ strong pedigree makes her more than qualified. She is a fourth generational descendant of Madam C.J. Walker, the woman who built a multi-million dollar empire and revolutionized the Black hair care industry.

Bundles, author of Trip in Time, helps Black women and girls deal positively with their hair both inside and out. Several girls and young women clustered around Bundles as she read to them at the Hampton-Illinois Library in Oak Cliff on Aug. 12. The book tells of a group of young

Black girls who go back in time to meet Madam Walker. Through the reading, she starts to dissolve dangerous misperceptions about what is “good hair.” “All hair is good hair,” Bundles tells the audience. “Enjoy what you have, enjoy your natural hair. It’s all about how little girls feel about themselves.” Bundles explains that many Black women have been psychologically scarred about the texture of their hair, along with other features about their appearance, causing mixed signals which adversely affected their self-image. During her visit with the girls, Bundles mixes her story of the true history of Madam Walker with practical advice about nurturing a strong parent-child relationship. “It starts and ends with the parents,'' Bundles said. “What you see now is a little bit of

everything. Now, you’re bombarded with things. That makes it even more important for mothers and parents to help their daughters sort through when they’re watching these images on TV and help them shape their values.” Bundles adds that a great mother-daughter bonding opportunity is when the mother is doing their daughter’s hair – or even sometimes vice versa. Bundles says mothers should use grooming opportunities to affirm the natural beauty of their children’s hair to combat the times when someone from outside of the home tells them otherwise. “They are getting all kinds of messages from people,” Bundles continued. “That bonding has got to come when you’re doing your daughter’s hair. This should be a time of love, not a time of pain.”

Walker, born Sarah Breedlove Walker (1867-1919), is the historic entrepreneur who amassed wealth selling hair care products for African American woman. Not only is Walker recorded as the first Black self-made female millionaire but also the first selfmade female millionaire, Black or White, in American history, according to the Guinness Book of Records. “She did use the hot comb, but did not use the word “straightener” in her ads during her lifetime,” said Bundles, who also rested misconceptions that her great-great grandmother was trying to help Black women straighten their hair to make them look like Whites. “It was not about straightening hair as it was about having hair,” Bundles said, explaining that women were able to wash See pg 2

The Chronicle

2-December 3, 2008

Young Voters Support Obama Across Party and Racial Lines

“At this critical moment in our nation, and as we make the transition into a new administration, we must continue to encourage and motivate all young people to get involved in politics, government and their community,” said CIRCLE Director Peter Levine. “We must continue to engage our nation’s youth and expand civic opportunities for young Americans.” The 18-29 age voting bloc is more diverse than older voters—youth voters classified themselves as Hispanic/Latino, black,

and gay, lesbian, or bisexual in much larger proportions than the electorate as a whole. Unfortunately, young voter turnout remains skewed towards those with more formal education. For instance, while just 57 percent of U.S. citizens under 30 have ever attended college, 70 percent of all young voters had gone to college. The same disproportion can be seen when looking at those without a high school diploma. While youth with no high school diploma make up 14 percent of the general youth population, only six percent of young voters in 2008 had no high school diploma. One of the most striking characteristics of this election was young people’s united support for Barack Obama, regardless of their political affiliations. Thirty-three percent of young white voters selfidentified as “Democrat,” and yet, 54 percent voted

Ford’s Criticism -----------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 Black people do and they certainly won’t share their criticism of a member of their group with someone from another group. Before they do that they won’t say anything,” he said. “There’s some unspoken rule in the Black community that we should not be critical of public

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher NANETTE FRENCH-SMALLS CEO/ADVERTISING VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

“Year End Tax Tips” by Michael G. Shinn, CFP Contributing Writer

Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service, Medford, MA – Now that the dust has settled from a record turnout of young voters, new research reveals young Americans voted for Obama across party and racial lines, but youth with no college experience were underrepresented at the polls, according to Tisch College’s Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE) at Tufts University. An estimated 23 million young Americans under the age of 30 voted in the 2008 presidential election, 3.4 million more voters as compared to the 2004. CIRCLE estimated youth voter turnout rose to between 52 percent and 53 percent, an increase of four to five percentage points. Compared to 2000, the increase in youth turnout is at least 11 percentage points. This year’s youth turnout rivals or exceeds the youth turnout rate of 52 percent in 1992, a high year for youth voter turnout. A complete breakdown of the youth vote can be found at


officials whom we may disagree with,” says retired Navy Master Chief James Powe of West Ashley. “Well, if you can’t be critical of those among us, then how shall they know tah we aren’t agreeing with everything they say or do. Sen. Ford was right on point in raising the family connection in Clyburn’s trying to find a place in the Federal C o m m u n i c a t i o n Commision, but just for some to say the white folks have been doing the same for years, doesn’t make it right. If the lady has the skills and attitude to serve in that position, good for her!” A n o t h e r Charleston elected official said he, too, was surprised at the remarks of Sen. Ford. “It is obvious that the senator is still stinging when his choice for president, Hillary Clinton, didn’t receive the support from Blacks here, has left him embittered, so why not attack Cong. Clyburn?,” he said. He added that what’s more important is that our officials continue to work in behalf of their constituents and “leave that petty crap aside.”

for the Democratic candidate. Similar trends were seen with African Americans and Latinos, where a large number of youth self-identified as Republicans yet voted for Barack Obama, signifying youth support for Obama seemed to cross racial and partisan lines. And as expected, young African American voters overwhelmingly supported the Democratic Party and Barack Obama, but 58 percent considered themselves “born-again” or “evangelical” Christians, and 21 percent considered themselves “conservative.” Young women voters also came out to the polls in

CSO Gospel -----------cont. from pg 1

larger numbers—55 percent of young voters were women, which was consistent with the overall trend (53 percent of all votes were cast by women). This trend, however, was especially strong for young Black voters, 61 percent of whom were women. As for adults, the economy was a top issue for young people. Youth were more likely to oppose U.S. offshore oil drilling (39 percent versus 28 percent of all voters). More young people said a candidate’s race was a factor than the general voting population (24 percent versus 19 percent). Almost half of young voters said they would be “excited” if Obama won, as compared to 30 percent of the overall electorate, and just 20 percent of voters over the age of 60.

Orchestra. This year’s performance will feature the return of Memphis-based, outstanding guest artist Jennifer Bynum, soprano recently seen in the award-winning film Hustle and Flow starring Terrence Howard. All reserved seats for the Ninth Annual CSO Gospel Christmas are $30 available at Gaillard Auditorium Box Office; Ticketmaster outlets at Publix Supermarkets or www.charlestonsymphony com. As the largest full-time performing arts organization in South Carolina, the Charleston Symphony Orchestra (CSO) has been a central component the region’s cultural fabric for visitors and residents alike.

Civil Rights ------------cont. from pg 1 has only a few months to live. Bevel was a top lieutenant to Martin Luther King Jr. and architect of the 1963 Children's Crusade in Birmingham, Ala. In April, a jury convicted Bevel of incest for having sex more than a decade ago with his then-teenage daughter. Prosecutors opposed Bevel's release. He served about seven months of his 15-year sentence.

"If we accept and acquiesce in the face of discrimination, we accept the responsibility ourselves and allow those responsible to salve their conscience by believing that they have our acceptance and concurrence. We should, therefore, protest openly everything . . . that smacks of discrimination or slander." -- Mary McLeod Bethune (1875-1955)

There are just a few weeks left before the end of 2008, but there are still some opportunities to successfully manage your tax burden. “To manage your taxes, you have to be on top of it. You have to have a good estimate of your income and tax deductible expenses. Don’t wait until April 15th, because it’s too late to do anything about it then,” states Kevin Penn a CPA and tax preparer in Cleveland, Ohio. The general rule of deferring income and accelerating deductions at year-end is still good tax planning strategy. If you used a tax advisor in the past, you should meet with your advisor to assess your tax situation and discuss how the following tips apply to you. . Tip #1- Determine where you are? Start by taking out last year’s tax returns, your most recent pay stubs and your investment account statements. Make a copy of your Form 1040 and pencil in estimates of your 2008 income. Use your investment account statements to estimate your interest and dividend income and also whether you have capital gains or losses. If you have a business, estimate your business income for 2008. If you have rental property, estimate your full year income and expenses. Estimate your itemized deductions for 2008. These include: allowable medical expenses, all state and local taxes, allowable interest, charitable contributions, allowable losses and miscellaneous deductions. Pencil in your total deductions on your Form 1040 and subtract it from your adjusted gross income to determine your Taxable Income. Use the tax tables to determine your estimated tax. Subtract any applicable credits from your total tax. Using your pay stubs, estimate your withholding for the year and add quarterly tax payments. Subtract your payments from the total tax to determine the amount of your overpayment or tax due.

Election of -----------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 reside in urban communities. Urban Awareness USA was selected to receive this additional round of grant funding, in part, because of the vision of its owner, Tracy J. Brown and his proven track record of helping urban churches achieve their ministry visions. Mr. Brown wrote the book titled A Moses for Urban America in which he outlines his plan to solve the problems of Urban America by educating AfricanAmerican churches on how to use funding from the FaithBased Initiative and private sources to implement programming to solve problems in the inner city. Mr. Brown says, "I feel privileged that Urban Awareness USA has been selected to receive this additional funding gift to help COGIC churches become more empowered and equipped to deal with the problems facing their communities. I'm also overjoyed that Urban Awareness USA is quickly becoming the undisputed authority on community growth and development issues for the urban church...prayerfully funding will continue to pour in so that we can help more ministries like COGIC more effectively reach the communities God has called them to serve." According to sources familiar with the terms of the grant, Urban Awareness has received enough funding to assist 250 COGIC churches nationwide, with the possibility of receiving additional funding in phase two as early as spring 2009. Additional funding for this and future initiatives is contingent, in part, upon the success of phase one of the COGIC initiative, with similar programs under consideration for Full Gospel, AME, AMEZ, and Baptist organizations. To ensure an impartial application process, Urban Awareness USA has established a special website for COGIC Pastors and leaders to apply for the program ( or

Madame CJ ----------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 their hair maybe just once a month. “They were going bald and she was trying to address those issues. Hygiene was really different back then. When you don’t have indoor plumbing and central heating and electricity, you just can’t jump in the shower and wash your hair. Bathing didn’t happen very often and people didn’t wash their hair very often, as a result they had a lot of scalp diseases.” Bundles has become a success in her own right, just two years removed from a 30-year career as an award-winning television producer. She was director of talent development from 2000 to 2006 and deputy bureau chief from 1996 to 1999 of ABC News in Washington, following 20 years as a network television producer with ABC and NBC, producing shows like ABC’s World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.

Tip #2- Accelerate Deductions Allowable deductions reduce your taxable income and your tax bill. The following is a sample list of actions that you can take before year-end to help reduce your tax burden: -Pay state and local estimated income taxes before the end of the year. -Pay property taxes before year-end. -Pay your January, 2008 mortgage payment in December-The interest will be deductible this year. -Be charitable- Make contributions to your favorite charities. Additionally non-cash contributions such as clothing, household goods and appreciated securities can be deducted at their fair market value. Tip #3- Harvest Your Losses Analyze your investment portfolio with the objective of balancing out capital gains and losses. If you have stocks that have “paper” losses, try to sell enough losers to offset your realized capital gains for the year. Additionally, you can deduct an additional $3,000 ($1,500 for married filing separately) of losses from your regular income. Two words of caution: Be careful to avoid a “wash sale” that is re-buying the same security within 30 days before or after you sold shares. Additionally, losers that you dump have to be securities that you are comfortable selling at this time. Tip #4- Defer Income The basic intent of deferring income is to lower your taxable income for the current year. This is limited for most wage earners, however there are some opportunities. Deferring a year-end bonus to January 2009 will escape taxation in 2008. Investment property, such as real estate, which is being sold near the end of the year, could have the closing delayed until early 2009. Tip #5- Get Ready First, setup a tax filing system for all of you tax related receipts and statements. Keep a copy of your tax returns forever. If you anticipate receiving a large refund because of over withholding, consider filing a new W-4 to reduce your payroll withholding. Plan ahead for your 2009 IRA, 401K, and similar retirement account contributions. If you have a medical or child-care flexible spending account, make sure you use the full balance this year and plan ahead for next year. Watch out for the AMT You might be subject to the alternative minimum tax, (AMT) if your income is above $75,000, had significant write-offs, exercised incentive stock options or had significant capital gains. When it applies, the AMT is an “add-on” tax that is over and above your “regular” tax. To determine your AMT exposure, get the most recent version of Form 6251 and make the calculations. The information provided here is a basic guideline to get you started. It is recommended that you consult a qualified tax professional to assess your personal situation. Michael G. Shinn, CFP, Registered Representative and Advisory Associate of and securities offered through Financial Network Investment Corporation, member SIPC. Visit HYPERLINK "" for more information or to send your comments or questions to [email protected]. © Michael G. Shinn 2008. Neither Michael Shinn nor Financial Network provides tax advice. Please consult a tax professional before implementing any strategy.

The Chronicle

December 3, 2008- 3

2008 North Charleston Christmas Festival North Charleston, SC – The 2008 North Charleston Christmas Festival will take place on Saturday, December 6, 2008 from 4:00pm to 9:00pm. Families, friends, and neighbors are invited to share the joys of the season through delightful entertainment, children’s activities, festive food and decorations, a Holiday market, and an evening parade. Park Circle, the Felix Davis Community Center, the surrounding traffic circle, and major thoroughfares transform into a magical holiday scene with lighted snowflakes, Christmas trees, and other signs of the season. Children’s activities begin at 4:00pm and include jump castles, hayrides, and a petting zoo. Entertainment will take place on the front lawn and the auditorium or amphitheater stages at the Felix Davis Community Center at Park Circle from 5:00pm to 6:00pm and from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. Expect performances by the Charleston Brass Ensemble, The Ashley Gospel Singers, Happy Feet Dance Company, The Community Dance Theater, Tony & Company, as well as a number of community and school music and dance groups. The annual Christmas parade begins at 6:00pm, followed by the Mayor and Santa’s tree lighting ceremony at 7:00pm. The Festival also features a marshmallow roasting pit, visits with Santa, a Holiday Art, Craft, and Farmer’s Market, and the Walgreens Take Care Health Tour Bus. For more information, visit the City’s website at "http://www.northcharlest o n . o r g " or contact Sheri Pearson at 843-740-2538 or Belinda Swindler at 843-745-1028. In conjunction with the North Charleston

Christmas Festival, the Greater Park Circle Film Society will present a PGrated film, titled What Would Jesus Buy?, at the Olde Village Talking Picture House (1060 East Montague Avenue, North Charleston). This hilarious, 90 minute documentary, directed by Rob Van Alkemade, produces a scathing assessment of the shopping culture that has consumed the US. It examines the commercialization of Christmas, following Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping Gospel Choir on a crosscountry mission to save Christmas from the “Shopocalypse” (the end of humankind from consumerism, over-consumption, and the fires of eternal debt). Show times are at noon, 3:00pm, and 8:00pm and admission is free. Those attending the evening showing of the film may choose to attend the after-film discussion. To learn more about the Greater Park Circle Film Society ,visit "" Festival-goers also have the option of visiting the City of North Charleston Cultural Arts Department’s bi-annual Art & Fine Craft Co-Op at the Olde North Charleston Meeting Place (1077 East Montague Avenue, North Charleston). The Meeting Place Art and Fine Craft Co-Op is a temporary artist cooperative gallery. The gallery is dedicated to presenting many artists of varied backgrounds working in a diverse array of media and styles, from representational to contemporary, in both two and three dimensions. Works typically exhibited include paintings, prints, sculptures, fine crafts, jewelry, and more. All pieces on exhibit will be available for sale. Gallery hours on the day of the Christmas Festival are from 11:00am to 8:00pm. The gallery is open to the public on Fridays,

Saturdays, and Sundays until December 28. Parking is free. Inquiries about the Art & Fine Craft Co-Op and other exhibition opportunities may be directed to the North Charleston Cultural Arts Department at 843-7451087.

The Chronicle

4-December 3, 2008

Holder Could Be GOP Target By Earl Ofari Hutchinson Before nominating Eric Holder to be his attorney general, President Elect Barack Obama quietly asked key Senate Republicans if there would be any potential confirmation problems with Holder’s nomination. Holder is his first cabinet pick and Obama wants to make sure that the pick will be hailed as a good one. The last thing he needs is a bitter, partisan, and contentious scuffle over Holder. Holder’s legal credentials, administrative experience, and accomplishments are impeccable. As Clinton’s Deputy

Eric Holder Attorney General, he got high marks for initiating community outreach programs to address domestic violence, hate crimes and child abuse, devising standards for criminal prosecution of corporations, and handling civil health care matters. He’s also touted for encouraging greater diversity and more pro bono work by attorneys. Holder drew loud cheers from civil libertarians when he told the American Constitutional Society in a speech earlier this year that he would restore the “rule of law” to the Justice Department; meaning that he’d reverse the worst civil liberties abuses by Bush’s Justice Department in the terrorism war. Yet Holder’s sterling credentials are one thing, but politics is another. A political appointment to a top spot is generally a pro forma affair; it may be anything but that with Holder. The immediate cause for some worry is Holder’s role in Clinton’s pardon of outlaw financier Mark Rich in 2001. Holder reportedly green lighted the pardon, but soon regretted it. He says he never would have said anything favorable about Rich if he had known the full details of the case. Prosecutors, the GOP and even Democrats pounded Clinton for the pardon. But Holder’s input on Rich was only one factor in Clinton’s decision to pardon Rich, and it was ultimately Clinton’s call. That probably alone won’t assure a smooth sail for Holder through the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Holder nomination gives a badly mauled GOP a chance to show that it still has some fight in it and that it will not simply be a rubber stamp for Obama. Some conservatives indeed have said that picking a fight over some of Obama’s top picks might be a good way to show the troops that the party can regain some of its political footing. The Rich issue is not the only skeleton that the GOP could attempt to rattle in Holder’s closet to get that footing. One is the claim that Holder routinely cleared Clinton’s brother Roger of any wrongdoing when he lobbied brother Bill to grant pardons for a drug trafficker and other high level crime figures. This charge will also go nowhere. Clinton did not grant the pardons. And Holder did not solely make the call absolving Roger Clinton of wrongdoing in the pardon cases. Top FBI officials and then independent Counsel Robert Ray also said that Clinton did not do anything illegal. Another possible hit point is Holder’s lobbying on behalf of telecom giant Global Crossing after the company went belly up in 2002. Global Crossing incurred millions in debt. Back in June, the Republican National Committee first brought this up and claimed it would push to make it a campaign issue. The RNC didn’t say just what the issue was. It didn’t matter. The charge also went nowhere. Then there is the Elian Gonzalez case. In 1999 Cuban leaders in Florida were furious at Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno for enforcing a court order requiring that the six year-old Gonzalez be removed from his relatives' home in Miami's Little Havana and returned to Cuba. As Deputy Attorney General, Holder took some heat for enforcing the court order. The same year Holder drew more fire for his role in approving the clemency request for 16 members of the radical Puerto Rican independence group FALN convicted of a string of terrorist bombings and murders. The FBI, Bureau of Prisons and U.S. state attorneys opposed clemency for the 16. Holder refused to comment on what part he played in the clemency action. Silence on the part of government officials is always taken as a sign by politically driven inquistors that an official has something to hide or is trying to dodge culpability for their actions when things go wrong. The FALN clemency issue could prove to be even more an irritant for Holder than the Rich case. In June, the RNC tried to stir up the pot on the FALN issue when it issued a press release urging the FALN clemency be made a campaign issue. There were no bites and the issue quickly died. Then Holder was not an elected official, held no government office, and was only one of several top advisors to Obama. The talk of him being Obama’s pick as attorney general was just that, talk. However, he now is Obama’s pick and a GOP thirsting for anyone to target to make trouble for Obama may just see Holder as that target. Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. His forthcoming book is How Obama Won (Middle Passage Press, January 2009).

"Brave men do not gather by thousands to torture and murder a single individual, so gagged and bound he cannot make even feeble resistance or defense." -- Ida Bell Wells (1862-1931)

Barackonomics – Are You Cashing In?

Who Asked Me?

By James Clingman NNPA

by Beverly Gadson-Birch

It Pays to Educate Blackonomics There was Reaganomics in the 1980s, and some of us had the Reaganomic Blues during that time. Old Ronnie ushered in a period of economic empowerment, for some, that is still remembered, by some, as the best ever. To this day, the “Conservatives” are making every attempt to reincarnate the Great Communicator, by holding séances otherwise known as political debates, like the one we saw held at the Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California, during the Republican primary. Those folks love themselves some Ronald Reagan – and they loved Reagonomics. Now we have Barackonomics. No, we have not seen the result of Obama’s economic policies yet, but the current environment is rife with excitement, anticipation, and “hope” for the “change” millions voted to see. We will soon find out what the big picture holds, but even prior to the election, Obamania ushered in a new language, a new zeal for politics, and a new economic arrangement for Black folks, the likes of which I have never seen. Always watching for the economic advantages available to Black people, during the campaign I saw hordes of brothers and sisters making money. Although it was reported that the lion’s share of the $650 million or so raised by the campaign flowed into the dominant media outlets, Black owned media receiving very few of those party favors, some of our more enterprising Black entrepreneurs managed to hitch a ride on the Obama gravy train. I attended one of the Obama rallies held at the University of Cincinnati, during which I saw Black vendors – as matter of fact, I saw only Black vendors selling everything from Obama Action Figures, to Obama Bobble-Head Dolls, to glow-in-the-dark thingamabobs, to placards, buttons, glasses, cups, banners, and T-shirts of all designs and themes. Barack should have copyrighted his name and image. My old friend and world renowned painter, Gilbert Young, called me to announce his latest creation: a painting of Barack Obama that Obama himself signed and endorsed. The painting is titled, “History + Hope = Change” ( Now you know there will be bushels of money made from that painting. And, as they say, “It’s all good!” I can’t recall seeing Black vendors selling Reagan items, or those of the other 42 Presidents for that matter; no, not even Clinton and Kennedy. (I wonder if Gilbert Young did a painting of Reagan; just kidding, Gilbert.) So I was encouraged to see so many Black folks cashing in on Barackonomics, at least as long as the phenomenon lasts. It’s about time. It’s good to see Black folks finally getting in on the economic side of politics, especially the folks at the bottom of the heap. Yes, big business got its share, as it always does; the television companies and their affiliates, newspapers, radio stations, and the major marketing and advertising firms received a windfall from the Obama campaign. But, finally, thousands and maybe even millions of brothers and sisters got in on the act as well. My advice is for them to stay with Barackonomics as long as they can. Come up with new ideas, new products, and new services to sell. The ICE Supreme Man(, Ashiki Taylor, in Atlanta, has created a new flavor “Obama Medley;” Farley’s Coffee ( Executives, Raymond Wilford and Ricky Tillman have developed an Obama “Hero’s” Blend. I am sure there are hundreds of other enterprising Black folks across the country who are making money via Barackonomics, and I see no problem with that. I do see a problem with Black folks just settling for the moment, however. We had better get a good understanding of the fact that economics runs politics, and this time is no different from all the other presidential elections when it comes to economics. Let’s not merely live for the moment and then go back to sleep in the next couple of months. Let’s take the small lessons of Barackonomics and do big things with them. Let’s support one another with the knowledge that there is enough, more than enough, to go around. Don’t back off now; raise the bar even higher. Be creative and innovative; devise new entrepreneurial ventures and strategies to capitalize on Barackonomics. You can’t pay your bills with hope, history, or hysteria. Emotional investments do not pay dividends. Euphoria is not bankable. Inspiration that is not followed by perspiration - taking some action, doing some work will be as fleeting as a shooting star. If we don’t turn, “Yes we can!” into, “Yes we did!” beyond the election, beyond the inauguration, and beyond the parties, then shame on us. Allow your inspiration to catapult you to collective economic empowerment by establishing equity funds, bartering groups, urban gardens, food cooperatives, rotating credit associations, small business associations, cooperative purchasing programs, youth entrepreneurial training programs, and all of the entities we need to survive and thrive in this dire economic environment. If we do these things, and more, we will have justified our emotional euphoric response to Barack Obama being the 44th President of the Untied States. If we fail to do these things, we will miss out on the economic benefits that always find their way to the “special interests.” Aren’t we special? Don’t we have our own interests? You had better believe the “big guys” will capitalize on their investment in Barack Obama. Question is: “Will we?” Let’s understand that part of the “change” we voted for is grounded in economics, at least I “hope” it was. And let’s commit that the “change” we receive will be much more than mere “chump change.”

The older I get the more of my aptitude I lose. I can remember back in the day, my Trigonometry teacher didn’t have any problems with me, no siree. It only took me a few seconds and I could rattle off the results of the ratio of the Sine, Cosine and Tangent. If you ask a kid today what is a Tangent, he might ask you are you talking about a “tantrum”. In Chemistry, I could mix up almost anything in the lab without blowing it up. I remember carving a human body out of plywood for a science project and running tubes through the body to show how blood flows to and from the heart. I actually used an aquarium motor to pump the food colored water through the tubes that served as the arteries. And, if I had to recite a poem, just give me a couple of days and I would have it down pat. Now-a-day, I am having trouble remembering where I put my eyeglasses. If you are a part of the baby boomer era then you can relate to how important education was to you. Education was exciting and challenging. The more information you received the more curious you became. As I reflect back to how little we had to work with in the classroom and how excited students were to learn, I can’t help but think about the correlation between knowledge and success.. There must be a certain excitement to learn in order to spark that thirst for knowledge. Even by today’s standards, students who should have been in some type of special education class were not tagged as such and did quite well in the end. I know because I run into some of those students that I went to school with who are gainfully employed and have their own business. So, why are we having the problems that we are having with students that have just dropped out of the process both physically and mentally. How did our schools get to the point where students think it is vogue to carry cell phones to school? Why do we allow our children to leave home with every part of their young bodies exposed showing off their tattoos and piercings? Why do we spend more on our children’s clothes than on their education? Why do our children know more about Bow Wow, Jay-Z and Lil Kim than they know about Drew, Artistotle or Einstein? Whatever happened to washing mouths out with soap if you were caught lying or using profanity (more of a scare tactic)? Why aren’t dress codes for students enforced? Why are teachers and principals no longer placed on a pedestal and regarded for their professionalism as they once were? What happened to the fear children once had of punishment? Perhaps, we can thank DSS for watering down our children’ fear of punishment. If you have not reviewed the highly publicized DVD that was released last week by the news media, you need to see it. If you don’t think the problems with our young people are getting out of control, just continue to sit home and do nothing. Don’t cry when they start selling their wares on your doorsteps. When children glorify the criminal elements of our society and make a mockery of the system, you can expect society to deteriorate without intervention. There is a big divide in this country between the haves and the have nots, between races and between classes. This generation will not sit idly by and wait for their ship to come in; instead, they are going out in the waters to meet it. They don’t have the patience that their parents had. They want immediate gratification. Young people do not see education as the way out. They have watched some of their counterparts go off to college, get their master’s degree and are still unable to find jobs paying over $30,000. In order to become successful, our children have to leave home for larger cities and more lucrative jobs. This is another way of destroying families. Oftentimes, children just aren’t ready mentally for the separation. There are two sets of rules that divide this country. If you are black, you are born into a system that refuses to let the past die. You are looked upon as inferior. And if you are white, you are just right. It is evident that blacks will never be afforded the same rights and privileges as whites in this country. Sure, I know a few of y’all think you have made it; but, you really haven’t. Take the blinders off. You own nothing. It is time to get involved before the drug dealers set up shop on your doorsteps. The system has targeted black males for failure. Prisons are being built in anticipation of the large number of young black males they take in each year. Prisons are big business. It is virtually impossible for black males who fall behind on their child support payments for whatever reason to ever get out of that vicious system. How can a man pay child support if he is locked up in jail? How can a man take care of his family if he has a record? Do you see where I am headed with this? The gangster DVD points to all that is wrong in our society. Television has glamorized sex drugs and violence over shows that educate. Drugs and crimes are being portrayed as lavish lifestyles and it is the lifestyle that our children find so attractive We have got to spend more quality time with our children. Now, y’all can’t wait until your children are grown to establish rules and restrictions because they are not going to listen to you. Stop trying to be their friend and be their parent. I can’t say enough about discipline. If you fail to discipline your children, the prisons will. It is better that you have the say so in how your children are disciplined than to leave it up to others. It is morally reprehensible to think that man would rather rehabilitate than educate. I say we get more bucks for the bang when we educate.

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The Chronicle

December 3, 2008-5

As I See It

Hakim Abdul-Ali

Thanks For This Day The traditional Thanksgiving Day weekend is over, and families gathered for reunions of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, it’s the opposite as some individuals were alone on this past celebrated come-together and reflect day. For some “colored” souls in the United States it was a day of happiness and joy, and for others it was just another day in Soulsville, alone and depressed. It’s a perplexing landscape to observe if you’re a caring “hue-man” being as the smell of cooked food permeated many of the dinning room tables. Many times in our various worlds of existences we experience so many certain indescribable highs and lows until its difficult to explain to the insensitive heart of the callous “hue-man,” who’s lost, lonely and depressed living in our land of economic and racial abstractions. When that occurs I feel that we have to travel to a place in our own respective hearts where solitude exudes an overall atmosphere of general goodwill. During this sojourn into the self some of us look pensively into our souls and discover that we have much to be thankful for, even when loneliness and despair are uninvited guests at our past daily Thanksgiving Day eating arenas. It’s serious food for thought to me, and I’m especially overjoyed for each precious moment that comes my way with an appreciation that’s hard to explain. Every day and moment in this living episode is pristine and unique to my senses of understanding. I’ve come to learn and be conditioned by that reality, especially as I get older with each passing moment in time. I think that the majority people in the world that we live in feel that way also, no matter where or from what part of the universe that they may call home or is their points of origins. I, also, think that these same folks sincerely thank God Alone for every day that they share and experience. “Every day is one to give thanks.” That recognition is crucial to me as I tell about how you I feel when I proclaim “Thanks For This Day” and every other one to come, even though the future ones are not promised to me (or you). Maybe, that’s why I’m so engulfed about telling you that each moment is special and vital, and we should never forget that life is really short in every pragmatic interpretive way of looking at the “now” moment of living. Life is a “now,” sweet journey moment to experience, but it’s all transitory in more ways than one to the casual, but ever so seriousminded enlightened soul of the universe. I say that knowing fully well that each moment in time could be my and your last, so that’s why, again, I say, “Thanks For This Day,” (to God Alone) as I live in the ideal spiritual realm of each mundane inner reflective contemplation. I must and do, because I know that life is full of tests beyond our unsuspecting knowledge, so much so that some people may forget that nothing is promised to us except that death awaits every created thing or being in existence. Never forget that definitive thought on this day and at this precise instance. I say that to you as I say it to myself because this present moment on “this” Thanksgiving Day is as special as every “other” Thanksgiving Day during “every” day of the year. Yes, knowing that “every” day (to me) is Thanksgiving Day “is” the reason that I say “Thanks For This Day.” I’d like to think that you feel the same way as I do because this solo, precious moment is all that we have. We need to thank God Alone for all moments that we share and, yes, even the difficult, pressing and trying ones. As I travel back through the annals of “his-story” I find myself thinking of and about the hard times and difficulties that the original (American) Indians and the enslaved Africans, who were brought here against their wills, and how their so-called Thanksgiving Days were. It must have been some kind of bitter taste from hell that’s hard to describe as the Pilgrim’s turkey of yesteryear’s questionable feast doesn’t serve as a symbol of justice and communal brotherhood for all today. With all the recent hoopla about how America is now ready for political change because of the recent presidential election, I most certainly hope and, I say genuinely, “Thanks For This Day,” because serious and desperate changes are needed in our land. As some “colored” folk sat down to eat their piece of turkey I wonder if they kept in mine that there are million of homeless and hungry Americans who are at their wits’ end waiting for much needed help and change. I also know that from Haiti to Darfur there are millions of starving and needy souls, along with scores from other nations, who are in need of their unrecognized Thanksgiving Day dinners that more than likely will never be delivered or served. Will you really enjoy your future meals knowing that there are so many unfortunate mouths to feed in the world, not to mention our own nation? (It’s just another food for thought dish for your mental plate.) That poignant thought alone makes me know that I have to give thanks, if not but for this solitary moment in time, knowing that we here in our community and nation have much to be thankful for. The prevailing thought of those who are suffering in the remote corners of “hue-manity’s” geographically unknown challenges me to pray to God Alone to change their conditions for the better. I believe that steadfast prayers to the Creator Alone of everything and everyone changes things beyond our wildest imaginations. “Prayer is powerful, if you use it.” That’s easily enough to say, but I absolutely mean it and saying and knowing that makes “Thanks For This Day” an ever-living spiritually conscious reality. Giving thanks is and can be a work in progress for some disillusioned folks in the universe of their own selfish thinking, who only see their individual good times as moments of showing appreciation to just those close to them. I’m not of that vein because I sense that the time is “now” to examine what an honor it is to be alive in the spiritual “now.” Being in the spiritual “now” is all about being comfortable with the trials and tests of life as we savor that each moment in time is a Thanksgiving Day second, and that’s all that we all have to show our glorified homage to God Alone. It’s real. We have no reason to not recognize that each day is our only moment to glorify God Alone for everything, even in our lowest valleys of trials and depths of pitfalls galore. Giving “Thanks For This Day” is about love for the so-called good, the bad and the ugly trials and times in life’s episodes of diurnal experiences. Are you in love with the fact that life is more than an isolated plate turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce on a solitary day in November of each day in opposition to being in the spiritual “now” of always giving “Thanks For This Day,” no matter what the occasion is or may be? Think deeply about your answer knowing fully well that the next turkey day lasts only as long as you can devour what’s left on the dinner table. For today and always, I wish you and everyone on “every’ day in “hue-manity” a very Happy Thanksgiving Day, and, that’s, “As I See It.”

"Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed." -- Booker T. Washington (1856-1915)

Report Links Rangel School Gift to Tax Loophole By: Associated Press NEW YORK - Rep. Charles Rangel helped preserve a tax loophole for an oil drilling company at the same time the company's executive pledged $1 million to a school to be named in the congressman's honor, according to a published report. The report in The New York Times is just the latest in a series of revelations about the personal finances and ethics of the long-serving New York Democrat who has one of the most powerful posts in Congress - chairman of the tax-writing Ways and Means Committee. The $1 million pledge for the planned Charles B. Rangel School of Public Service at the City College of New York was made by Nabors Industries Ltd. chief Eugene M. Isenberg. Rangel denied any improprieties in a statement issued Tuesday evening. "At no time - ever - did I

Rep. Charles Rangel entertain, promote, or secure a tax break or any special favor for anyone as an inducement or reward for a contribution to the City College of New York," Rangel said. "It is a clear matter of public record that I have consistently opposed retroactive changes to tax law because I believe it is unfair to taxpayers and bad tax policy," he said. Last year, when the Senate sought to rescind an offshore tax shelter for four companies, including Nabors, Rangel, the newly

m i n t e d chairman of the House Ways and M e a n s Committee, took up their cause, the p a p e r reported. The result, according to a congressional analysis, was that

Nabors saved tens of millions of dollars annually and the federal treasury lost $1.1 billion in revenues over a decade. Isenberg says the school is a worthy cause and he didn't get special treatment. A spokeswoman for the city college, Mary Lou Edmondson declined to release information about other donors, saying the school would have no comment while the ethics committee investigates. Rangel is under investigation by the House ethics committee for failure to

pay taxes on income from a beach house in the Dominican Republic, his use of several rent-stabilized apartments in Harlem, and letters he wrote on congressional stationery trying to drum up donors for the college center named in his honor. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi resisted calls in October for him to lose his chairmanship over those issues, but critics said the new details deserve another look. "Rep. Rangel's ethics problems continue to mount, yet the ethics committee and the Democratic leadership remain silent," said Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a watchdog group. A spokesman for Pelosi did not immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

Black Republicans Ponder Their Future By. James Wright Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers WASHINGTON(NNPA) - With the election of former Democratic Sen. Barack Obama as president of the United States with overwhelming support from communities of color – 95 percent among Black voters and over 65 percent among Latinos – many Black Republicans, in contemplating their future, also are reflecting on their place in a party that critics say has always marginalized them. Leading the way is former Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele who has decided to run for chairman of the Republican National Committee which provides national leadership for the Republican Party. The committee is responsible for developing and promoting the Republican political platform, as well as coordinating fundraising and election strategy. It is also responsible for organizing and running the Republican National Convention. Steele was the only African American given a prominent speaking role – “drill, baby, drill” was his most memorable line -- at this year’s Republican National Convention held in St. Paul, Minn. Only 36 of the delegates were Black, representing less than 1.5 percent of the total delegates and a 78.4 percent decline from four years earlier. Steele, who ran unsuccessfully for a Senate seat two years ago, noted the party’s loss this year of the White House, six U.S. Senate and 24 House seats. A for-

mer state party chairman in Maryland and the first African American elected to a statewide office there, Steele said his party has lost its way and needs to return to its core values. “The Republican Party must present a vision for the future of America that relies on our conservative values and core principles,” Steele has told The Associated Press. “It is wrong to believe the voters have suddenly become liberal. They have just lost any sense of confidence that the Republican Party holds the answers to their problems.” His opponents for the GOP’s top post include several state party chairs and political operatives. Steele’s candidacy is the latest development in an effort by African Americans to make an imprint on the Republican Party. If elected at the annual RNC meeting in January, Steele would become the party’s first African-American chairman and only the second Black person to head a major political party since Ronald Brown served as chair of the Democratic National Committee, from 1989-1993. While the election of Obama as the first Black president was a proud and historic day for all Black Americans – Democrat and Republican alike - it did not bode well for Blacks within the GOP. No Black Republican who ran against a member of the Congressional Black Caucus came even close to winning. The last Black Republican to serve in the U.S.

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Charleston Chronicle 3.667 x 6

Congress was J.C. Watts, from 1995-2003. There is only one Black person on the Republican National Committee - Virgin Islands committeewoman Lilliana Belardo De O’Neal. Former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Peter Boulware ran for the Florida House of Representatives as a Republican in a district that included Tallahassee and some of its suburbs. He lost the race by a thin margin of only 440 votes. Out of approximately 10,000 Black officeholders nationwide, there are only 14 Republicans on the state level, which consists of state legislators and statewide offices, and 40 in local offices, according to research conducted by the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies in Washington.

research associate at the Joint Center, said that McCain’s poor performance among Black voters had little to do with his political career. “He has largely been a stranger to African Americans, coming from a state with a minimal Black population,” Bositis said. “Rather, his lack of support was a reflection of Obama’s historic candidacy, the deep and genuine enthusiasm for him in the Black community, and McCain’s association with Bush, an exceptionally unpopular figure among African Americans.” Mykel Harris, chairman of the Prince George’s County, Md., Republican Central Committee, said his party must reach out more to Blacks if it is to thrive again.

Republican presidential candidate John McCain received only 4 percent of the Black vote, far behind President Bush’s showing of 11 percent in 2004. It is the worst showing of a GOP presidential candidate with the Black vote since Barry Goldwater got 6 percent in 1964.

“First and foremost, the GOP must realize that it cannot compete with the Democratic Party in giving away free stuff,” Harris said. “In the final analysis, the GOP must demonstrate that it can apply conservative principles in a manner which will yield positive solutions in the Black community.”

David Bositis, a senior

"There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough, to live up to their own constitution..." -- Frederick Douglass (1818-1895)

The Chronicle

6- December 3, 2008

“Real” Affluent Housewives Disturbed by Reality Show By Corilyn Shropshire, Houston Chronicle

Court Decision Marks 4th Legal Win for State's Charter School Movement in Effort to Secure Equitable, PubliclyFunded Facilities for Students

Watching The Real Housewives of Atlanta, you might think it’s easy to get wealthy AfricanAmericans to talk about money. Concluding its maiden season on Bravo tonight, the reality program chronicles the conspicuous consumption of five well-off women who have ordained themselves among Atlanta’s elite. Four of the Housewives are AfricanAmerican. But the show has hit a raw nerve within the black community — lighting up the Internet and the airwaves with charges that it perpetuates negative stereotypes with its focus on catfighting women who shamelessly lord their wealth and generally misbehave. A particular sore point is the consistently egregious grammar the Housewives stars use. Houstonian Phyllis Williams, well-known for her philanthropic work, recalled flipping channels on her television on Election Night — from the historic speech of President-Elect Barack Obama to a Real Housewives episode in which two wealthy women learn to let loose on a stripper pole. “I was appalled,” she said. “This is not what elite women are about.” The women on the show, she said, are shallow, graceless and mean. “They eat and breathe money and clothing,” Williams said. In one episode, queen of mean Sheree Whitfield drops $6,000 on a private shoeshopping spree in her living room; in another, Kim Zolciak, the show’s only white cast member, calls her sugar daddy “Big Poppa” to request $68,000 cash so she can buy a Cadillac Escalade on the spot. Despite — or perhaps because of — the furor surrounding the show, few Houston women were willing to talk about it with the Chronicle. When a reporter struck out to get a peek into what life is really like for the city’s black elite, she was met with polite no-thank-yous and snarky voicemails but mostly unreturned phone calls. Merele Yarborough, another prominent woman in charitable fund-raising circles who has been featured on the Chronicle’s annual Best Dressed list, politely declined to throw open her closet doors for public inspection. She found what she saw on Housewives troubling and hopes it reflects the slant of the producers. “I was disappointed by the

Charter School Wins Lawsuit Against LAUSD

way these characters were portrayed,” she said. “I’m praying they are not like that. They are like children in a candy store. They’ve been given all this money. It’s almost like the blind leading the blind.” Money is a touchy subject for most people, but for some affluent AfricanAmericans there’s an added layer of self-consciousness about how the black community is portrayed. They worry that too much bling reinforces the public’s worst perceptions.

sitting on the boards of such child-focused nonprofits as Chuck Norris’ Kickstart Foundation. “I don’t like talking about money,” she said. “We just feel blessed, At the end of the day, we’re just regular people.”


“I’m just hoping that most people don’t look at this show and think that every wealthy black woman is like this,” said Williams.


Like their old-money counterparts in the Anglo community, the black elite are quiet about their wealth and would rather die than parade themselves showing off “ridiculous homes that resemble Potemkin villages,” said Lawrence Otis Graham, author of Our Kind of People: Inside America’s Black Upper Class.


He labeled The Real Housewives as the “P. Diddy crowd,” who are “here-today-and-gonetomorrow money.” The black upper class, he said, doesn’t want the likes of them living in their neighborhoods, going to school with their kids and certainly not marrying into their ranks. “These are not people who value education and true philanthropy,” said Graham, who lives with his wife and children in an apartment on Park Avenue in Manhattan and on an estate in Chappaqua, near the home of former President Bill and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton. “We don’t know people like them.” Like the women on the show, Williams admits to a love for fine clothes, exclusive vacations and fabulous handbags. She even plans to launch her own line of women’s golf clothing next year. But there’s more to life than shopping and parties, she said. Williams said she prefers to be known for her work

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LOS ANGELES, CA-New West Charter Middle School (New West), a high-performing charter public school in West Los Angeles, was victorious in a court ruling Friday, when the court ruled that Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) had violated the law after the school district denied New West students their legal right to classrooms under Proposition 39. The court ordered LAUSD to provide space for 285 students at Fairfax High School or another acceptable school facility in conformity with Proposition 39 by October 8, 2008. The court ruling marked the fourth consecutive legal win for charter schools under Proposition 39, a state ballot measure passed by California voters in 2000, which requires school districts to share public school facilities fairly among all public school students, including those attending charter schools. This includes a lawsuit filed against LAUSD in May 2007 by the California Charter Schools Association, Green Dot Public Schools and PUC Schools -- a lawsuit that was settled by all parties this April. Since the settlement, LAUSD has denied, rescinded or made unacceptable offers to 30 of the 44 (68 percent) facilities requests made by its charter schools, actions that may place the district in violation of its own facilities agreement established with its charter schools. "The California Charter Schools Association is pleased that the court once again enforced the law by requiring LAUSD to provide New West with classrooms," said Peter Thorp, Interim CEO of the California Charter Schools Association. "LAUSD needs to take its legal obligations more seriously. The courts won't allow

school districts like LAUSD to play games with charter schools while shortchanging their own students." The ruling in New West's favor came after a severalmonth dispute which began in April, when LAUSD originally approved a facility request by New West and several other charter schools before illegally withdrawing its offer. The court ordered LAUSD to immediately provide New West with 13 classrooms to house 285 students at Fairfax High School or at another location acceptable to New West. Attorney Gregory Moser of Procopio, Cory, Hargreaves & Savitch LLP represented New West in the case. "This is a tremendous win not only for New West's students, but for all of California's charter school students," said Sharon Weir, Executive Director and Principal of New West Charter Middle School. "This victory sends a clear message to LAUSD that they must make adequate facilities available to our students. It is unfortunate that the district would rather fight than find positive solutions. Our students deserve safe, adequate and publicly-funded classrooms and school districts must comply with the law." When a charter school is not offered district facilities, it is forced to use money intended for teacher salaries and instructional supplies to pay for classrooms. Last year, New West was forced to spend over $300,000 on obtaining a school facility. Despite its facilities challenges, New West managed to successfully achieve an Academic Performance Index (API) score of 867, making it the highest-performing public middle school in LAUSD. New West was also one of the most improved public middle schools in LAUSD, having jumped 32 API points during the last school year. This is the third consecutive year the school has scored over 800, which is the goal for all

ADVERTISEMENT On or about Monday 17 November 2008, plans and specifications for SPA Main Office, Installation of 5 Liebert Challenger Units and Removal of Two Existing Liebert Units, 176 Concord Street, State Pier # 2, Charleston, South Carolina. will be available for distribution to qualified contractors by the South Carolina State Ports Authority. A Mandatory pre-bid will be held on Wednesday, December 3, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. at the Main Office Building 341, 176 Concord Street, Charleston, South Carolina. Contractors must attend Pre-Bid to be qualified to Bid on the above project. Bids will be received at the Maintenance Department, Building 160, Columbus Street Terminal, 838 Morrison Drive, Charleston, South Carolina until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 16, 2008, at which time there will be a public opening of bids at the Port of Charleston Operation Center Office, Building 160, Columbus Street Terminal. The work consists of Installation of Five New Liebert 5-ton Challenger Units Owner supplied in computer room and server room, reworking of electrical controls and refrigerant lines, and all miscellaneous items to insure proper installation, and any items that are specified in specification or drawings. Work also includes the removal of Two Liebert one-10 ton and one 7 ? ton units this include all electrical work and controls. Contractor will be responsible for disassembly, removal and disposal of both units. Requests for Contract Documents from parties interested in bidding on this work should be filed promptly with the Maintenance Department, South Carolina State Ports Authority. Cost for Contract Documents, Plans and Specifications are $25.00 per set. Make check payable to South Carolina State Ports Authority. Edward W. Piggott, Project Manager, Telephone Number (843) 577-8703 or (843) 577-8660, Fax (843) 577-8690. South Carolina State Ports Authorities consultant engineering service Owens & Associates Inc. Bidding materials will be forwarded as soon as possible. One hundred percent (100%) labor and material bond and one hundred percent (100%) performance bond will be required. The bidder shall have a current’s bidder’s license and contractor’s license for the state of South Carolina The South Carolina State Ports Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid if considered best for its interest.

public schools in the state. About the California Charter Schools Association The California Charter Schools Association is the membership and professional organization serving the more than 700 charter public schools that serve over a quarter million charter school students in the state of California. The Association's mission is to improve student achievement by supporting and expanding California's quality charter public school movement.

Obama Win Sparks Baby Name Craze On the morning of Nov. 5, just hours after the United States elected Barack Obama as its next president, 10 boys were born at a hospital in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Six of them were named -- you guessed it -- Barack Obama. The Illinois senator's historic win isn't just changing politics, it's making a very unusual name much more popular, both abroad and here at home in America. The New York Times reported that the names Barack, Obama, Michelle, Malia and Sasha have inspired first and middle names across the country. A president named Obama could break down the perception "that there is such a thing as a 'normal' name," said Laura Wattenberg, a name expert and author who runs the blog The Baby Name Wizard. Barack has never made the top 1,000 names in the U.S., although it is expected to shoot up the charts now. Presidential naming trends have happened before. Franklin surged to number 33 in 1933, and Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan became popular in the 1990s. Obama, however, is a much less common surname than those of past presidents. The Washington Post reports that there are about 11,000 Clinton families and 60,000 Bush families in the U.S., while there may be fewer than 20 families named Obama. "I'm not related to the president, but I think Obama is a good name to have right now," said Nicanor Obama, a 28year-old Virginia resident. He said after getting pulled over for driving too fast recently, an officer let him off without a speeding ticket, saying, "Well, I'm going to let you go because you have the Obama name." Think you know what names are popular in the U.S. right now? Click through the galleries below to see the top 10 for boys and girls -- a few will surprise you. And then check out some really bizarre baby names parents have recently chosen.

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.

Calvin Coolidge


Continuing Education

By: Associated Press KANSAS CITY, Mo. - A man convicted of killing and beheading his thengirlfriend's 3-year-old daughter and dumping her body in the woods was sentenced Thursday to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Before being sentenced, Harrell Johnson again stated that he is innocent of the 2001 murder of Erica Green. The girl's remains went unidentified for four years after they were found, during which time she was referred to by the community and in the news media as "Precious Doe." "Never once have I harmed a hair on her head or did anything to hurt her," Johnson told the court. "God knows my little angel - Erica - knows the truth. And I ain't gonna stop fighting until I prove my innocence and the truth is brought to the light." Johnson, 29, was convicted last month of first-degree murder, endangering the welfare of a child and abuse of a child. Erica's mother, Michelle Johnson, testified at Harrell Johnson's trial that he was high on drugs and kicked Erica in the head because the girl wouldn't go to bed. She said she and Johnson didn't seek medical help for Erica for fear of going to jail on outstanding warrants in other cases. Prosecutors said Johnson decapitated the girl's body and dumped it in woods. Michelle Johnson, 33, who married Harrell Johnson after the slaying, was sentenced last month to 25 years in prison for the murder. Prosecutors did not seek the death penalty, partly because Johnson agreed to withdraw his request to have the case moved out of Kansas City. The only sentence Jackson County Circuit Judge John Torrence could hand Harrell Johnson for the murder charge was life in prison without the possibility of parole. He sentenced Johnson to four years for the endangerment and 25 years for the abuse. The sentences will run consecutively. Johnson will appeal the conviction, said one of his lawyers, Kent Hall. He declined to comment further on the case.

By: Jim Salter, Associated Press ST. LOUIS - A man who spent 23 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit sued St. Louis County and the officers who arrested him, saying investigators ignored inconsistencies in the victim's description. Johnny Briscoe, now 54, was freed in 2006 after DNA evidence exonerated him. He filed suit earlier this month in U.S. District Court in St. Louis. The suit claims his constitutional rights were violated and seeks unspecified damages. "The prime of his life was lost," Briscoe's attorney, Burt Newman, said Tuesday. "When he went into prison he was raising two young children. When he got out he had grandchildren." Spokesmen for St. Louis County and the county police declined to comment. The crime occurred in October 1982, in the suburb of Maryland Heights. A man burglarized a woman's apartment and raped her when she awoke. He talked to her a while and gave his name as John Briscoe. The woman later picked Briscoe's picture out of a lineup. But the lawsuit pointed to several inconsistencies. The victim described the attacker as dark-skinned, about 5-foot-8, with normal teeth and a mustache. Briscoe is a light-skinned black man and 6-2, and had a gold-capped front tooth and a goatee. Even so, Briscoe was convicted by an all-white jury. He said his defense attorney never met with him. When the case was reopened, DNA on a cigarette butt at the rape scene was found to belong to Larry Smith, an acquaintance of Briscoe's who is serving a life term for another sexual assault. Under state law, Briscoe was eligible for up to $36,500 in compensation for each year he was wrongly incarcerated, or more than $800,000, but he would have had to agree not to sue. Newman said the compensation falls short and Briscoe is confident he can win in court. "Let me put it this way: If you walked up to someone on the street and asked them to go to prison for $36,000 a year, you wouldn't get many takers," Newman said. When Briscoe was released in 2006, Prosecutor Robert McCulloch called the conviction a "terrible mistake." He said the wrong was made worse by years of delay in finding the cigarette evidence in storage after McCulloch requested a review in 2000. Newman said Briscoe continues to try to get his life back in order, but often struggles to find work. "He has an incredible attitude," Newman said. "The man is not bitter at all about what has happened. It's an inspiration to listen to him talk."

By Makeisha Lee, Health and Nutritional Advisor The change of the seasons alone is enough to cause some people to overeat, especially those in cold climates. Combine this with the stress of the economy, the holidays, and an abundance of seasonal foods and the temptation can become very overwhelming for some. So how can you short-circuit that temptation and still enjoy yourself? Here are 5 easy, practical and realistic tips to use: 1) Don’t Starve Yourself The number-one rule to avoid holiday overeating is to make sure you eat enough. This is not the time to start restricting calories to the point where you’re so hungry...even the foods you “hate to eat” starts to look good. The key is to eat small meals or snacks frequently throughout the day. This way, you won’t ever really feel hungry, and you’ll be able to resist all those grains and high-sugar foods that will sabotage your healthy diet. Fill up on all the nutritious foods, like healthy meats, vegetables, coconut or some berries that you want so that you won’t feel that you’re missing out. 2) Buy a New Outfit This tip can work for Ladies and Gents! Whether you decide to indulge in a new blouse, dress or a special shirt and tie, the point is to purchase something that you are really looking forward to wearing and that you feel good about. When you feel good about yourself on the outside, it will help you to respect yourself from the inside and you’ll be less inclined to keep reaching for the “better than sex” cake. 3) Get Some Fresh Air A simple, quick walk outside will not only give you a quick burst of energy, it will also take your mind off of food. By the time you come back inside, you’ll feel refreshed and your food cravings will likely be diminished. Taking a walk after dinner is especially helpful because moving around will help your meal to digest and reduce your chance of becoming sluggish or tired. 4) Deal With Your Emotions Many of your food cravings have nothing to do with physical cravings and are actually emotionally based. You may associate certain holiday foods with the comfort of your childhood and be tempted to overeat them to try and regain that sense of comfort. Or, the stress of the holidays may be behind your overeating. Instead opt to get involved in a fun board game with friends or relatives. Or you can relax in a recliner and sip on some organic hot apple cider and let the stress melt away! 5) Remember: Its Just Another Meal Focus on being grateful for life itself and you’ll quickly see that family and friends are at the center. This outlook will take the focus off of food. Makeisha Lee is the author of "Why Black People Can't Lose Weight". She is also the founder of the Black Health Network online at

The Chronicle

December 3, 2008-7

African American Students are not Applying for Scholarships Even if you do not have a college-aged child at home, please share this with someone who does, pass this scholarship information on to anyone and everyone that comes to mind. Though there are a number of companies

17) WiredScholar Free Scholarship Search http://www.wiredscholar.c om/paying/scholarship_sea rch/pay_scholarshipsearch.jsp 18) Hope Scholarships &Lifetime Credits

31) Burger King Scholarship Program http://www.bkscholars.csf 32) Siemens Westinghouse Competition http://www.siemens-foundationorg/ 33) GE and LuLac

and organizations that have donated moneys for scholarship use to African Americans, a great deal of the money is being returned because of a lack of interest. No one is going to knock on our doors and ask if we can use a scholarship. Take the initiative to get your children involved. There is no need for money to be returned to donating companies because we fail to apply for it. Please pass this information on to family members, nieces, nephews, friends with children etc. We must get the word out that money is available. If you are a college student or getting ready to become one, you probably already know how useful additional money can be. Our youth really could use these scholarships. (If clicking on the link doesn't work, then type in the Web site address manually.)

ope/ 19) William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship for Minority Students S/grants/aspen3.cfm 20) Multiple List of Minority Scholarships f i n a n c i a l assistance/Scholarship/bla ck.html 21) Guaranteed Scholarships 22) BOEING scholarships (soma e HBCU connects) mpanyoffices/educationrelations/scholarships 23) Easley National Scholarship Program 24) Maryland Artists S c h o l a r s h i p s 26) Jacki Tuckfield Memorial Graduate Business Scholarship (for AA students in South Florida ) 27) Historically Black College & University Scholarships info/hbcu.htm 28) Actuarial Scholarships for Minority Students http://www.beanactuary.o rg/minority/scholarships.h tm 29) International Students Scholarships &Aid Help 30) College Board Scholarship Search /fundfind01.html

Scholarship Funds rams/Scholar.html 34) CollegeNet ' s Scholarship Database http://mach25.collegenet.c om/cgi-bin/M25/index 35) Union Sponsored Scholarships and Aid http://www.aflcioorg/scho larships/scholar.htm 36) Federal Scholarships &Aid Gateways 25 Scholarship Gateways from Black Excel /25scholarships.htm 37) Scholarship &Financial Aid Help /fin-sch.htm 38) Scholarship Links (Ed Finance Group) holarship.htm 39) FAFSA On The Web (Your Key Aid Form &Info) 40) Aid &Resources For Re-Entry Students http://www.back2college.c om/ 41) Scholarships and Fellowships ep/links.html 42) Scholarships for Study in Paralegal Studies /Choice/2000west.htm 43) HBCU Packard Sit Abroad Scholarships (for study around the world) broad/packard_nomination.html 44) Scholarship and Fellowship Opportunities chl1.html 45) INROADS internships

1) BELL LABS FELLOWSHIPS FOR UNDER REPRESENTED MINORITIES P/info.html 2) Student Inventors S c h o l a r s h i p s 3) Student Video Scholarships http://www.christophers.o rg/vidcon2k.html 4) Coca-Cola Two Year College Scholarships 5) Holocaust R e m e m b r a n c e Scholarships m/ 6) Ayn Rand Essay Scholarships ontests/ 7) Brand Essay Competition E s s a y C o n t e s t 2002Rules.htmm> 8) Gates Millennium Scholarships (major) inationmaterials/read.dbm ?ID=12 9) Xerox Scholarships for Students /xrx/about_xerox/about_xe rox_detail.jsp 10) Sports Scholarships and Internships t/scholarships.html 11) National Assoc. of Black Journalists Scholarships (NABJ) studentsvcs.html 12) Saul T. Wilson Scholarships (Veterinary) http://www.aphis.usda.go v/mb/mrphr/jobs/stw.html 13) Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund 14) FinAid: The Smart Students Guide to Financial Aid scholarships) 15) Presidential Freedom Scholarships 16) Microsoft Scholarship Program /college/scholarships/mino rity.asp

46) ACT-SO bEURoeOlympics of the Mind "A Scholarships k/actso/act-so.shtml 47) Black Alliance for Educational Options Scholarships ons/privatelyfinanced.jsp

48) ScienceNet Scholarship Listing http://www.sciencenet.em 49) Graduate Fellowships For Minorities Nationwide tudent/GRFN/list.phtml?

category=MINORITIES 50) RHODES SCHOLARSHIPS AT OXFORD 51) The Roothbert Scholarship Fund http://www.roothbertfund


success starts here

WHFKQLTXHVDQGPHWKRGV´ Karl Williams, The Culinary Institute of Charleston


Apply now. Visit for registration schedule. You must be accepted before registering.


The Chronicle

8-December 3, 2008

CHURCH NEWS/SOCIAL Wesley United Methodist Church

Faithworks International Ministries,

Johns Island,

United Methodist Women Group presents REV. CHARLES GREEN


2111 RONDO ST. CHARLESTON, SC 29414 (843) 763-1005

A Women In Red Program and March Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 5:00 p.m Rev. Josephine Richardson of Payne RUME Church James Island, SC will be the speaker Rev. Otis Scott, Jr., Pastor Sis. Bettye Legare, President All proceeds will benefit our Mission Ministry



at 721 King Street is sponsoring a CAMP HOLIDAY, a Rewarding (6) day experience held during the school’s Christmas holiday vacation. Register now and Let’s Keep Your Children Safe and Happy. Dedicated and Qualified Caretakers, Breakfast and Lunch, Ministry Approved Curriculum, Supplies and Gifts. Registration Fee: $5.00 Per Child Registration Deadline: December 8, 2008 Hosted by: Faithworks Women’s Ministries Pastor Doris Haynes, Program Coordinator The FIM Christian Center

LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES- "Come join us...and watch your life change" 1852 Wallace School Rd. Chas., SC 29407 (Road that runs directly behind the Marshalls/T.J. Maxx shopping center)


Sunday School - 10:00 AMSunday Service -11:00 AM Thursday Night Bible Study and Prayer Service- 6:00 PMThe church is located at 75 America Street, Charleston, South Carolina We are the church where Christians are at work! The Honorable L.B. Fyall- Publicity Committee Reverend Leroy Fyall – Pastor

Larry J. Ferguson, D.M.D “Anxiety Free Dentistry”

• Relaxed, comfortable environment • Skilled dental care • Safe, comfortable, “one-hour” in-office whitening • Nitrous oxide gas• One pill conscious sedation • Same day emergency care • Dental care credit financing available • Free Initial Consultation Appointment • Exceptional Service Since 1980 • Graduate of MUSC School of Dental Medicine

Larry J. Ferguson, DMD 1812 Wallace Rd. - Ste. 400 Charleston, SC 29407 (843-) 571-4411

Sunday service10:00 a.m. Bible studyWednesdays @7:00 p.m.

50% off in office whitening with Crown and Bridge work (located West Ashley- directly behind

Office Depot & Barnes & Noble Bookstore)

Glenn Scott, Pastor


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v. CONSUELLA GILLIARD, Defendant. IN THE INTEREST OF: DEVONTRY MARQUIS GILLIARD, a minor child under the age of Eleven (11).

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YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto on the subscriber, Charlie L. Whirl, Esquire, at his office, 2112 Commander Road, North Charleston, South Carolina 29405, within thirty (30) days after the date of service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and judgment by default may be entered against you. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FURTHER that if you fail to appear and defend and filed to answer the Complaint as required by this Summons within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, judgment by default will be entered against you or the relief demanded in the Complaint. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Summons and Complaint in the above-entitled action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Charleston County Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina on September 26, 2008. The Final Hearing date for the Adoption is scheduled for December 19, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. on the second floor, 100 Broad Street, Charleston County Judicial Center, Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina. CHARLIE L. WHIRL 2112 Commander Rd. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 566-9705-Office Attorney for Plaintiffs

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The Chronicle

December 3, 2008- 9

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


Drug Resistant TB Patients Stuck in Jails

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, December 16, 2008, at 5:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 80 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina, the City Council of the City of Charleston will conduct a public hearing on the approval of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Redevelopment of the Horizon Redevelopment Project Area under the provisions of Chapter 6 of Title 31 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina 1976, as amended. The proposed Horizon Redevelopment Project Area shall be that area more particularly described as follows: ALL that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, with buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City and County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and being described generally, now or formerly, as follows, to wit:

I can't explain,'' said Zelda, who is suffering from Extreme Drug Resistant Tuberculosis or XDR-TB. She spoke to the BBC, whose cameras were allowed into her hospital for the first time.

new form of tuberculosis that has devastated the lives of countless African families.

NNPA (GIN) - Zelda Hansen, a wife and mother of three, is being held like a prisoner in South Africa because she suffers from a deadly

''It's like a prison. I'm found guilty for something

Zelda is being held at Jose Pearson Hospital in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Guarded gates and a fence topped with razor wire

Specified individual parcels (see Exhibit B) within the general boundaries of Lockwood Boulevard extending southeast from Fishburne Street to the southern end of Brittlebank Park; west along a line to the Ashley River; south along the Ashley River; southwest across the south bridge of US 17; north along the western edge of the Ashley River to the north bridge of US 17; extending along westbound US 17; south along Rte 61 extending back to the eastbound lanes of US 17; US 17 extending east to the western edge of the Ashley River; south along the eastern edge of the Ashley River to Calhoun Street; Calhoun Street extending east to Fourth Street; Fourth Street extending south to the north edge of Long Lake; the north edge of Long Lake extending east to Halsey Boulevard; Halsey Boulevard extending north to Calhoun Street; Calhoun Street extending west to Lockwood Drive; Lockwood Drive extending north to Bee Street; Bee Street extending east to Cherry Street; Cherry Street extending north to US 17; US 17 continuing eastward and northward to President Street; President Street north to Bogard Street; Bogard Street west to Norman Street; Norman Street south to Allway Street; Allway Street west to Hagood Avenue; Hagood Avenue north just past Fishburne Street; westward parallel to Fishburne Street; south connecting back to Fishburne Street; Fishburne Street southwest and then northwest to the wetlands; the edge of the wetlands extending southwest to Lockwood Boulevard; Lockwood Boulevard extending southeast returning to the origin at Fishburne Street and Lockwood Boulevard.

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

HELEN C. HAMPTON 2008-ES-10-1661 DOD: 10/30/08 Pers. Rep: JOAN C. O’BANNER 1425 WITTER ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29412 *************************************************************************

Week of 12/03/08 thru 12/09/08

The Horizon Area Redevelopment Plan and the redevelopment projects may be described as follows: The Horizon Area Redevelopment Plan is intended to reverse conditions of blight existing within the Horizon Redevelopment Project Area in order to promote economic development which will increase the tax base and improve the quality of life within the area. Redevelopment projects included in the Horizon Area Redevelopment Plan consist of various public infrastructure improvements within the area described above as follows: 1.

Improvement of the local street network, including improvements to existing streets and the creation of new connecting streets;


Improvements to stormwater management infrastructure;


Construction of sidewalks, new curbs and gutter installation, street-lighting and landscaping;


Addition of traffic control systems and signalization, and street signage;


Improvements to the Crosstown interchanges and off-ramps;


Construction of bicycle paths and bicycle and pedestrian facili ties;

keep patients from trying to escape. XDR TB is on the increase - in 2006 there was just one case at the Jose Pearson Hospital. Since then there have been more than 360. Tuberculosis is a world public health crisis and in South Africa it is been declared a national emergency.

Top Round, Bottom Round or Sirloin Tip Roast




Begins at 8 am, Saturday, Dec. 6th

% Off

Without MVP Card Regular Retail

1.Creation of new public spaces and parks, and the improvement of exist ing parks and park facilities; 2. Construction of civic buildings, such as community centers, public safety centers and cultural facilities; and

Limit 10 6.4 Ounce

Kellogg's Grab ‘n Go Frosted Flakes

3. Construction of parking garages and other parking facilities improvements. It is anticipated that the investment of public money to provide these facilities will make the area attractive for private investment and it is further anticipated that as a result of the public investment in the redevelopment area, blight, deterioration and other problems will be ameliorated. Underutilized and vacant buildings and properties will be rehabilitated and new buildings will be built. The maximum estimated term of obligations to be issued under the redevelopment plan is 15 years from the date of each issue of an obligation provided the maximum term of any obligation shall not exceed the duration of the Redevelopment Plan of 25 years. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at the public hearing.


Without MVP Card Regular Retail



100% Natural

/s/ Vanessa Turner-Maybank Clerk, Charleston City Council

Without MVP Card $4.99 Lb.


Campbell's Chicken Noodle or Tomato Soup Limit 6

Food Lion Chicken Breast Halves or Breast Tenders


Limit 2 Free Without MVP Card $12.99 Each

Limit 2 Free



1. 3565 Savannah Hwy (aka 3549 Savannah Hwy) (West Ashley) (1.58 acres) (TMS# 28500-00-179) General Business (GB). 2. 3058 Ashley River Road (0.67 acre) (West Ashley) (TMS#358-00-00-007) Single-Family Residential (SR-1).

Clerk of Council In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to

25-32 Loads (50 Ounces) Select Varieties

Tide Liquid 2X Detergent


Limit 2


$ 99



Without MVP Card

Rest Of Week

8 Ounce Select Varieties

Food Lion Shredded and Chunk Cheese


$ 2/

14-16 Ounce Select Varieties

Bounty Paper Towels

Or 9.5-16 Ounce Select Varieties

Keebler Sandies

Or 6 Mega or 12 Roll Select Varieties

Limit 2 Free Without Regular WithoutMVP MVPCard Card $7.98 Retail Each

Without MVP Card 2/$5.98




$ 99


Limit 2

Without MVP Card Regular Retail

Food Box Drive: Nov. 19 - Dec. 27 Purchase a $4.99 Hunger Has a Cure Food Box or make a cash donation at the check-out today. All donations will be used to stock the shelves of local food banks.



8 Rolls White or Print

Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies

Join our effort to Eliminate Hunger:



Without MVP Card $7.99

5. 1814 and 1820 Second Drive (0.49 acre) (West Ashley) (TMS#350-05-00-002) SingleFamily Residential (SR-1).

1. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) regarding allowed signs in all zoning districts.



Colby Jack Cheese

Without MVP Card $3.99 Each

4. 537 Wappoo Road (0.698 acre) (West Ashley) (TMS#350-05-00-002) Limited Business (LB).

Ordinance Amendments


Without MVP Card $5.99

3. 203 Live Oak Avenue (0.2 acre) (West Ashley) (TMS#418-13-00-058) Single-Family Residential (SR-2).

6. 37 Avondale Avenue (0.34 acre) (West Ashley) (TMS#418-14-00-026) Single-Family Residential (SR1).

Rest Of Week

Canadian Maple Ham

Lay's Potato Chips

To zone the following properties annexed into the City of Charleston:


Without MVP Card 78¢ Each

Without MVP Card $1.99

10.5-12.5 Ounce Select Varieties





Gala Apples


2. To rezone St. Johns Woods Parkway (The Villages, Phase V - Johns Island) (40.1 acres) (TMS# 27900-00-143) from Single Family Residential (SR-1) classification to Planned Unit Development (PUD) classification.


10.75 Ounce

2.5-3 Lb. Bag Individually Quick Frozen

The public is hereby advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing Tuesday, December 16, 2008, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 80 Broad Street, on the request that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Charleston be changed in the following respects:



Rest Of Week


1. To rezone 505 Folly Road (James Island) (approximately 0.28acres) (TMS# 424-09-00-032) from Single Family Residential (SR-1) classification to Residential Office (RO) classification.



Boneless Chicken Breast Fillets or Tenders

Together we contribute

OVER $38 MILLION in products annually to local food banks

We reserve the right to limit quantities and correct typographical and photographic errors. Rainchecks unavailable on alcohol and tobacco products.

All Stores Accept

Good neighbors. Great prices.

Rest Of Week



10-December 3, 2008

The Chronicle

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YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FURTHER that if you fail to appear and defend and filed to answer the Complaint as required by this Summons within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, judgment by default will be entered against you or the relief demanded in the Complaint. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Summons and Complaint in the above-entitled action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court, Charleston County Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina on September 26, 2008. The Final Hearing date for the Adoption is scheduled for December 19, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. on the second floor, 100 Broad Street, Charleston County Judicial Center, Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina. CHARLIE L. WHIRL 2112 Commander Rd. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 566-9705-Office Attorney for Plaintiff

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YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to


ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

serve a copy of your Answer thereto on the subscriber, Charlie L. Whirl, Esquire, at his office, 2112 Commander Road, North Charleston, South Carolina 29405, within thirty (30) days after the date of service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and judgment by default may be entered against you.

KING DAVID GRAHAM 2008-ES-10-1456 DOD: 09/04/08 Pers. Rep: EDNA K. GRAHAM 2144 MIDLAND PARK RD., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29406 Atty: EDUARDO K. CURRY, ESQ. PO BOX 42270, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29423 *************************************************************************

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON George Herbert Roper, Kurline White, Gracie Roper Grant, and Carolyn Gibbs, Plaintiffs, The Estate of Isiah Roper, The Estate of Maggie Roper, The Estate of Sadie Roper, The Estate of Hutchinson Roper, The Estate Idella Roper, The Estate of Melvin Roper, The Estate of James Roper, The Estate of Alla Mae Roper, The Estate of Emily Roper Gibbs, The Estate of Arthur Gibbs, Arthur Gibbs, Jr., Henry Gibbs, Ronald Lee Gibbs, Bernard Gibbs, George Herbert Roper, Kurline Roper White, Gracie Roper Grant, The Estate of Herman Roper, Margaret Roper, J Doe adults and M Roe infants, insane persons, incompetents being fictious names designating a class of persons known or unknown who may be heirs, distributees, devisees, legatees, widow, widower, assignees executor, administrators, creditors, successor, issue and alieness of the Estate of Isiah Roper and Maggie Roper, and all other persons known or unknown claiming any right, title, Estate, interest in or lien upon the real property described in the complaint, adverse to the Plaintiff’s ownership, or any claim on Plaintiff’s title, Defendants. _______________________ IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO.: 07-CP-10-4227 SUMMONS AS A NOTICE OF THE COMPLAINT TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff, or on Plaintiff’s attorney, Brian G. Burke, at his office, 113 Wappoo Creek Drive, Charleston, South Carolina 29412, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and a judgment by default may be rendered against you. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Summons and Complaint in this action were filed on June

17, 2008, at the Charleston County Courthouse, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina.

Martin Law Firm s/Brian G. Burke_____ Brian G. Burke Martin Law Firm 113 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29412 843-762-2121 843-762-2333 fax Charleston, South Carolina

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON BETTY MYERS, Plaintiff, -versusPEGGY MOSLEY, Auditor for Charleston County and successor in Office to John C. Mehrtens and Henry Tecklenberg; D. MICHAEL HUGGINS, Assessor for Charleston County and successor in Office to John R. Lindsey; Andrew C. Smith, Treasurer for Charleston County and successor in Office to William J. Leonard, J. Riddick and William O. Thomas, Jr., and MORT FARRIS, Delinquent Tax Collector for Charleston County and successor in Office to Joseph M. Poulnot, Sheriff and the former Delinquent Tax Collector for Charleston County; JOHN DOE, adults, and RICHARD ROE, infants, insane persons and incompetents, being fictitious names, designating as a class any person who may be an heir, distribute, devisee, legatee, widow, widower, assignee, administrator, executor, personal representative, creditor, successor, issue and alienee of Samuel Bash, Julia Myers and Charles Case, deceased; and Thelma Myers, Richard Cash, Lemark Cash a/k/a Lamar Cash, Mary Lee Singleton and Charlie Cash, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NUMBER: 06-CP-10-2043 NOTICE NISI PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that there has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, State of South Carolina, an Order appointing for you as Guardian Ad Litem, KELVIN M. HUGER, whose business address is 27 Gamecok Avenue, Charleston, South Carolina, 29407, which appointment shall become absolute upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after the last day of publication of a copy of the Summons and Lis Pendens herein unless you or someone on your behalf, on or before the last mentioned date, shall produce someone to be appointed as Guardian Ad Litem to represent you in this action. DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff 61 Morris Street Charleston, S.C. 29403 (843) 723-1686 CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA June 6, 2006. AMENDED NOTICE YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that the Civil Action Cover Sheets Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Summons and Amended Notice, Complaint, Petitions for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem, Order for Appointment of Guardian Ad Litem, Notice Nisi, Affidavit of Publication, Order of Publication, and Notice of Intention to Refer to Master-in-Equity for Final Determination were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on November 12, 2008. The purpose of this action is to clear the title to the subject of real estate property. DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR. Attorney for Plaintiff 61 Morris Street Charleston, S.C. 29403 (843) 723-1686 CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA November 12, 2008. AMENDED SUMMONS TO: THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer on the Plaintiff or her attorney, Daniel E. Martin, Jr., at his office, No. 61 Morris Street,

Charleston, South Carolina, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for relief demanded in the Complaint and a judgment by default shall be rendered against you. YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE that should you fail to Answer the foregoing Summons and Complaint, the Plaintiff will move for a general Order of Reference in this case to the Master-in-Equity or Special Referee for this County; which Order shall, pursuant to Rule 53(e) of the South Carolina Rules of Civil Procedure, specifically provide that the said Master-in-Equity or Special Referee is authorized and empowered to enter a Final Judgment in this case. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Summons and Amended Complaint in this action were filed on November _____, 2008, at the Charleston County Courthouse, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401. Dated at Charleston, South Carolina, this 10 day of November, 2008. DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQUIRE 61 MORRIS STREET CHARLESTON, S.C. 294131830 (843) 723-1686 ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina November 10, 2008. AMENDED LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOV NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY given that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, pursuant: the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 49, South Carolina Code of Laws for 1976, as amended, as to the Plaintiff’s First Cause of Action for the entry of judgment declaring the tax sale of the subject was valid. the provisions of Title 15, Chapters 53 and 67, South Carolina Code of Laws for 1976, as amended, with respect to the Second Cause of action for the purpose of obtaining the judgment of this Court declaring that the Plaintiff is the owner of the parcels of land described herein, the contents of which are being fully incorporated herein and made apart hereof, with fee simple title thereto, free and clear of any adverse claims of each and every one of the Defendants who are joined in the above entitled action, and to declare that each and every one of them to be forever barred from asserting or claiming any right, title and interest therein or thereto, and pursuant to the provisions of Title _____, Chapter ____, South Carolina Code Code of Law for 1976, as amended for the purpose of obtaining the judgment of the Court declaring that the Defendants Thelma Myers, Richard Cash, Lemark Cash a/k/a Lamar Cash, Mary Lee Singleton and Charlie Cash be ejected from Parcels “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D” that are described herein, and the contents thereof are being incorporated herein by reference. THE BELOW DESCRIBED parcel of real estate was at the time of the filing of this Lis Pendens, and at the time of the commencement of this action, situated, lying and being in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and is more particularly described as follows: (PARCEL –A) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring an containing 0.69 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by U.S. Highway 17 North; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Southern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-110; and on the Western side by a fifty feet wide road right of way. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed of Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, dated June 24. 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page

189, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office. TMS #712-00-00-109 (PARCEL-B) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring an containing 0.72 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-109; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Southern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-151; and on the Western side by a fifty feet wide road right of way. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed of Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page 189, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office TMS #712-00-00-110 (PARCEL-C) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing 1.12 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-111; on the Southern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-11; and on the Western side partially by a fifty feet wide road right of way and a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-111. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed of Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page 196, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office TMS #712-00-00-151 (PARCEL-D) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing 9.03 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-151 and a fifty feet wide road of way; on the Eastern side by a portion of a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-121; on the Southern side by the marshes of an extending to the Intercoastal Waterway; and a parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #71200-00-122; and on the Western side by the parcel of land assigned Charleston County TMS #712-00-00-_____and TMS #712-00-00-122. This being a parcel of land conveyed by Mary W. Witherspoon to Betty Myers, in a deed dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-458, at Page 196, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office TMS #712-00-00-111 (PARCEL-E) ALL that certain piece, part and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Santee Parish No. 1, in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, measuring and containing 0.69 acre, more or less, and being bounded on the Northern side by lands of __________; on the Eastern side by a parcel of land now or formerly owned by the Estate of March Washington; on the Southern side by lands now or formerly of Jerry L. Middleton, and on the Western side by the parcel of land now or formerly owned by the Estate of Mose and Stephney McNeal. This being a parcel of land conveyed in a deed Mary W, Witherspoon to the Grantee Betty Myers, dated June 24, 2005 and recorded on August 11, 2005, in Book X-548, at Page 189, in the Charleston County R.M.C. Office. TMS #712-00-00-180 DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQUIRE 61 MORRIS STREET POST OFFICE BOX 21830 CHARLESTON, S.C. 294031830 (843) 723-1686 ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF Charleston, South Carolina November 10, 2008.

The Chronicle

December 3, 2008-12

Sean Levert May Have Survived Other Ohio Jails Special to the NNPA from the Houston Forward Times (NNPA) - The Cleveland Plain Dealer is reporting that Sean Levert's death in Ohio's Cuyahoga County jail in March may have been avoided had he been incarcerated in either of Ohio's two other major urban-county jails. Officials at the Franklin and Hamilton county jails said their facilities have policies that would not have denied the R&B singer his doctor-prescribed anxiety medication, as staff at the Cuyahoga County Jail did during what became the

Sean Levert last six days of life. A county coroner's report concluded that Levert's withdrawal symptoms from the drug Xanax contributed to the complications that stopped his heart on March 30. Levert was waiting for a doctor's evaluation to decide if he should be allowed the medicine. The visit was scheduled for April 8. ''If he had been in our jail and Xanax was on the formulary - if it was a standard-issue drug - he would have seen a doctor who would prescribe it,'' said Mark Barrett, chief deputy for jail administration in the Franklin County Sheriff's Office.

A-58897 (G_LG) 12/04/08



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