Chronicle Oct 15

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Breast Cancer Takes Toll on Black Women By Bob Small Saadeka Joyner-Chandler has always been someone who enjoys getting the most out of life. Whether it be riding horses in the country, taking flying les-

sons or paddling a canoe off the shores of the Ashley River. So two years ago she was surprised when she found a lump on her breast that came back positive for cancer just two months after a mammogram came back negative. Afraid, she waited two months before going to get it checked out. After the diagnosis Joyner-Chandler had radiation treatments and was declared cancer free. She went back to her active lifestyle while juggling careers as a real estate agent and massage therapists. Her ordeal was not over. Two years later she noticed another lump and again

she waited and it got bigger. She waited three months before going to a doctor. She was told the lump was cancerous and See pg 2

Breast Cancer: Black Women Less Likely to Get It, More Likely to Die from It By. Julianne Malveaux NNPA Columnist October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Millions of women are sporting pink ribbon pins in support of a month when

Saadeka Joyner-Chandler

organizations like the Susan G. Komen Foundation fundraise and galvanize people around the quest for a cure for breast cancer. They are right to raise awareness ñ more than 184,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States in 2008, and more than 40,000 will die from breast cancer. While AfricanAmerican women are less likely than White women to get breast cancer, we are

more likely to die from it. The morbidity rate for White women is 9.4 per See pg 2

Julianne Malveaux




•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• October 15, 2008 •

Elder Johnson: “Churches Must Address Problems of Youths in North Charleston” heavy police presence. On Monday, he said the community needs job training, drug prevention programs, education and a multicultural center to change the attitude of youth and began to build pride in themselves. He said the churches in the black community have been silent, ”opening for service but doing little to

By Bob Small Elder James Johnson is not impressed with North Charleston’s 10 year plan for residents in the black community of Cherokee-Chicora. He said since the Noisette Project has been around it has spent over $60 million in revitalization efforts and the only thing the black community has seen is a

Congresswoman Eleanor-Holmes Norton To Keynote North Charleston NAACP Freedom Fund Banquet She is now in her ninth term as congresswoman for the District of Columbia. Ms. Norton is considered an icon among American Women in the country. President Jimmy Carter named her the first woman to Chair the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She is a Civil rights and Feminist leader. She will keynote the 24th Annual Freedom Banquet for the North Charleston Branch on Friday October 31, 2008 at 7 pm Sheraton Convention Center in North Charleston. Mary W. Ward is the President and Sam Holmes is the Banquet Chair. For More Information on Tickets and Sponsorship please call the Branch number hotline 843225-6086.

Cong. Norton

Elder Johnson

See pg 2

African-American Contractors Come Up Short on Promises Made to Them depressed because I wasn’t allowed to participate in [the project],'' Shelmon told the board. ''I knew that I was qualified to do the work. All I needed was a break ...'' He asked the board to demand that prime contractors begin using minority subcontractors instead of using white subs ''over and over again.''

TOLEDO, Ohio (NNPA) - As nearly anyone in the central city who’s watched neighborhood schools being built could have guessed, very little of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are going to minority-owned companies or non-White workers – about a nickel for every dollar spent. The Toledo Public Schools Board of Education heard again last week from AfricanAmerican contractors who said they and other nonwhites would like a share of the ''Building for Success'' construction project. Lance Sims and Theodis Shelmon addressed the board at its regular monthly meeting. ''Over the years as I’ve watched the schools being built, I kind of got

''I’m still believing that there’s hope here in this city,'' Shelmon said. ''We’re not asking for a handout but just the opportunity to come to the table and be able to get involved.'' Records compiled by an outside monitor indicate there’s little chance of that happening. During a ninth-month period ending in June, companies owned by Blacks, Latinos and other nonWhites – collectively known as Minority Business Enterprises or MBEs – received less than 5 percent of the construction money. TPS began Building for Success six years ago with a pledge to the community to try to reach 20 percent minority participation. ''It’s worse than it’s ever been,'' said Doni Miller, chairwoman of the MBE Subcommittee of the Citizen Oversight Committee appointed six years ago to keep See pg 2


Obama Does Great in Polls –But Don’t Believe Them By. George E Curry NNPA Columnist According to the polls, Barack Obama is steadily widening his lead over Republican rival John McCain to become the next president of the United States. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday shows Obama with a 53 percent to 43 percent lead among likely voters. There is only one problem – don’t believe the polls. As the Washington Post noted in a story on its poll, at this stage in 1992, Bill Clinton held a 14-point lead over President George H.W. Bush yet he won by only 6 percent. In midOctober 1976, Jimmy Carter held a 13-point lead over incumbent Gerald Ford but won by only two

Senators McCain and Obama points. When the issue of race is added to the mix, conventional wisdom – which is often neither conventional nor wise – goes out of the window. Uppermost in the minds of African-Americans is the Bradley effect, named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, who sought

to become governor of California in 1982. Even last-minute polls showed him leading by a wide margin of victory. Yet, Bradley narrowly lost the election to Republican George Deukmejian. Many say it was because White voters lied to pollsters about their willingness to vote for an African-American. See pg 2

Delta Museum is a Tribute to Bluesman B.B. King By Shelia Byrd Associated Press Writer INDIANOLA, Miss. (AP) _ Translucent images of long ago, of black men and women, backs bent, picking cotton under an unforgiving sun, are artistically displayed on standing glass panels in a museum carved out of an old brick gin mill in the Mississippi Delta. They're a reminder of those who labored by day in a segregated society. But at night they escaped to Indianola's Church Street to be entertained by a young man later known as B.B. King, who would throw his hat on the ground to catch coins as he conjured devil's music from his guitar. More than a half-century after King left Indianola in search of fame, the $15 million B.B. King Museum and Delta Interpretative Center has opened in his hometown and is as

much a tribute to him and his blues music as the culture that inspired it. King's museum is the latest attraction for the state's blues tourism industry, which ironically thrives because so little has changed in the predominantly black Delta since King, Muddy Waters, John Lee Hooker and Robert Johnson got their start there. Enthusiasts from across the nation

``It's going to be educational to people, young and old, because it's going to talk about the origins of the blues. I'm just one who carried the baton because it was started long before me,'' he says. The details may be different, but the narrative of his life is similar to blues musicians who came before him. He was born poor

and black as Riley B. King in 1925. His parents split, leaving his grandmother to raise him before she died while he was still a young boy. He grew up, and as most blacks did in the Delta, he got a string of plantation jobs. His last was at the cotton gin in I n d i a n o l a . Somewhere in between, he began developing his playing style, described by some as a mix of See pg 2

and overseas vacation in the flatland region, known for fertile soil, its past racial strife and its lingering, unfathomable poverty. King, an 83-year-old multiple Grammy winner who still plays about 120 gigs a year, says he's honored the story of the blues is being told through the prism of his life. B.B. King

Why 8 Million (or More) African-Americans are Unregistered By Earl Ofari Hutchinson The recent report that 8 million African-Americans are unregistered to vote brought gasps of disbelieve, cries of shame, and a lot of head shaking reproach. It also stirred a mild soul search among blacks about how and why the numbers are so appallingly high. The figure was cited in September by Rick Wade, who handles African-American voter outreach for the Obama campaign. The

campaign was alarmed at the high number of unregistered voters because of the potentially damaging affect it could have on Obama in a close contest. Bushs razor thin victories in Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004 underscore the importance of a maximum black voter turnout. But the problem of getting blacks to the polls may be even greater than the Obama campaign realizes and that starts with the figure of 8 million unregistered voters. The number

may be much higher. According to Census figures there were 28 million African-American adults aged 18 or over in 2006. In the 2004 presidential election they made up 12 percent of the voters, or about 13 million voters. That means an estimated 15 million voting age blacks did not vote. The ban on ex felon voting in 15 states further ramps up the number of ineligible blacks. 40 percent of ex-felons banned from the polls are black

males. They make up another three million potential black voters. That means an estimated 12 million AfricanAmerican adults who are either officially barred from voting or decline to vote. The reason that so many blacks dont vote is chalked up to apathy, laziness, ignorance and cynicism toward politicians. By not voting, the critics say, they betray the struggle and sacrifice of those who

fought and in some cases died for the right of blacks to vote. This guilt laden reprimand is much too simplistic. In most state and local elections only a tiny fraction of eligible voters of any race vote. With the exception of the hotly contested 2004 presidential contest between Bush and John Kerry, the number of non-voters in presidential contests has steadily dropped during the past half century. Many say they dont vote because their

vote wont change anything. In the mid 1960s, a majority of eligible voters did vote. Two things changed that. One is the absolute dominance of corporate and labor Political Action Committees in bankrolling politicians. Soaring election costs have turned races for even the smallest state and local offices into a millionaires derby. The second thing that changed things is the subtle and at times overt suppression of See pg 2

The Chronicle

2-October 15, 2008 Breast cancer --------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 that radiation alone would not do the job. She had a mastectomy and after a regiment of radiation and chemotherapy she is now cancer-free. After the operation she was placed on medication which she took monthly until recently. “I had my last treatment on Oct. 11,” she said with pride. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and the number of African American women contracting breast cancer continues to rise. In South Carolina low income and minority women are three times more likely to to die from the disease. White women in south Carolina account for 11 percent of the deaths while African American women account for nearly 35 percent. Cherry Seabrook, director of Rise Sister Rise, a support group for Black women affected with the disease said the number of black women under the age of 35 who are getting cancer is growing at an alarming rate. “We need to have more research done to see why that is happening,’ she said. She said one reason black women of all ages are dying of breast cancer is because they don’t get treatment early enough. She said most of the women don’t get diagnosed until they are in the later stages of the disease. She said many don’t have any or adequate health insurance, and not having insurance makes it even harder to get help. Seabrook said it costs between $250-$300 for a mammogram and that is just the beginning of the process for those who test positive. “We need to have funds available to test and treat the growing number of black women contracting cancer,” she said. Seabrook said the American Cancer Society, the Susan Komen Foundation and Hollings Cancer Institute offer special programs to help Black and poor women but more needs to be done to find the reasons black women cancer rates are growing. Seabrook estimates that statewide 125 black women are affected by the disease. Dr. Marvella Ford, Associate Professor at the Hollings Cancer Institute said more emphasis needs to be put on preventative measures to combat the disease. “We need to shift more attention to prevention in combating the cancer.” She said obesity, alcoholism, breast density, late menopause and family history are factors that contribute to contracting cancer. Debbie Chatman-Bryant, Director of Resources and Support Services at the Hollings Cancer Institute said a program called the Best Chance Network provides screening and diagnostic, treatment and referrals to income eligible women over the age of 40. She said the program places special emphasis on racial minorities, low income and underserved women.

Why 8 million --------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 minority voters. This includes stringent drivers license or other ID checks, rigid time lines for filing voter applications, the lack of information or misinformation about voter registration forms and materials, and non-existent or feeble voter registration campaigns. This reinforces the deep suspicion that politicians are for sale and the buyers are well-heeled special interests. As politicians became more dependent on corporate and union dollars they appeared even more remote, inaccessible, and unresponsive to voter needs. Elected officials made little or no effort to inform and engage their constituents on legislative actions, initiatives, and policy positions. This has further estranged millions of potential voters.

African-Americans -------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 tabs on TPS spending patterns. ''It’s extraordinarily frustrating. Unfortunately, not that much has changed

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher NANETTE FRENCH-SMALLS CEO/ADVERTISING VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

over the years.'' The most recent dismal numbers: - From October through December 2007, when $118.4 million in construction contracts were in play, MBEs received only a 4.55 percent share. - From January to March, when $104.8 million in contract were in effect, MBEs received only 4.86 percent. - From April through June, when $108.7 million in contracts were in play, companies owned by Blacks and other non-Whites received only 5.14 percent. TPS also pledged years ago to try to give at least 5 percent of the overall work to women-owned companies, or WBEs. It’s fallen far short of that goal as well.

Delta Museum ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 Delta, Memphis and Texas sounds. King started with gospel, but he noticed the spirituals drew more pats than tips at his perch on Church Street. ``I made more Saturday evening than I did all week driving a tractor,'' King says. He became known as the Beale Street Blues Boy and then had the nickname Blues Boy, which he shortened to B.B. His career took off in 1948 after performing on a radio program in West Memphis, leading him on a path that would make him an international icon and put him in a class by himself as the only living blues artist with his own museum. With its sleek, linear design, the 20,000-squarefoot museum carved out of the old cotton gin is a convergence of old and new. A touch-screen interactive allows visitors to choose topics of interest, ranging from King's childhood to facts about the Delta Flood of 1927. Music lessons are given through another interactive com-

puter program with King instructing on a video as visitors finger chords on a guitar. Elsewhere, vinyl blues records by Bobby Blue Bland and Blind Lemon, are hung near decades-old, yellowing contracts signed by musicians, who are now largely forgotten. A Panoram Soundies nearby broadcasts a Cab Calloway performance. The museum also houses rare photos of Elvis Presley, King's draft card and, of course, Lucille, the storied guitar King used on such hits as ``The Thrill Is Gone,'' ``To Know You Is to Love You'' and ``Sneakin' Around.'' The significance of the museum in the blues world cannot be overstated, says Mark Camarigg, publications manager of Living Blues Magazine, believed to be one of the oldest blues magazines in the United States. ``You can't overestimate his impact and what he represents. He's virtually transcended blues music in a lot of people's minds. He's on the level of a

Breast Cancer: Black ---------------------------------cont. from pg 1 100,000, compared to 15.4 per 100,000 for AfricanAmerican women. Additionally, AfricanAmerican women often are diagnosed with breast cancer when they are younger, and when AfricanAmerican women under 55 are diagnosed with breast cancer; it is more likely to have deadlier effects. Researchers are studying the reasons why AfricanAmerican women are so much more vulnerable than other women are to breast cancer. But the findings make it important for AfricanAmerican women to get regular mammograms and to deal with other aspects of our health. Whenever there are health awareness weeks or months, whether they are for breast cancer, muscular dystrophy, diabetes, or another cause, I crave attention to the broader issue of health care and health access. We can take a slice out of the health care challenge by focusing, in October, on breast cancer, but the fact is that part of African-American womenís increased vulnerability to breast cancer is a result of differential access to health care and health services. Too many AfricanAmericans lack health insurance. Too many wear the stress of racism in poor eating and living habits, and it shows up with obesity, high blood pressure, and the higher incidence of other diseases in our community. African-American women are more likely than any other population, in 2008, to be diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. When another population was most likely to be diagnosed, HIV/AIDS awareness garnered headlines. Now, too

many are silent about this disease, unless they are talking about the international incidence of HIV/AIDS. It is not clear why our nation has not galvanized around the health care issue. To be sure, both presidential candidates have ideas about health insurance and health care; their plans are divergent. In my humble opinion, Hillary Rodham Clinton had one of the best health care plans weíve seen in a long time, reflective of the work she has spent on health care since she worked on it as First Lady in the Clinton Administration. Senators Obama and McCain would be advised to review her plan and incorporate aspects of it into their own work. Somehow, every American must have access to preventive health care, and protection from bankruptcy when they are diagnosed with expensive diseases. And somehow, as we raise awareness bout breast cancer, we must also raise awareness about the ways breast cancer incidence is intertwined with the status of our health care system. Breast cancer awareness has an international dimension. Hala Moddelmog, President of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, indicates that 10 million people will die in the next 25 years absent intervention around breast cancer. Last year, the Komen organization held a global advocacy summit in Hungary, and announced pilot programs in Eastern Europe, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. This month, they sent delegations to Ghana and Tanzania. It is important to note that for all the challenges women face with breast cancer in the United States, health care access is even more limited in developing countries. The Komen organization is to be commended for their work in taking breast cancer global. Back at home, though, the health care disparities that riddle our system are as present in the realm of breast cancer and in other areas. Sisters must be among those sporting pink ribbons, but beyond the pink ribbons, we must all be passionate advocates for increased health care access, especially in the African-American community. Julianne Malveaux is President of Bennett College for Women. She can be reached at [email protected].

Sinatra or Willie Nelson,'' Camarigg says. ``Because of his age, it's a great way for people to get a connection to him. Other than Robert Johnson, he's prob-

ably the most important person in blues music.''

Obama Does --------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 But it wasn’t just, as John McCain would say, that one. Pre-election poll also overstated the margin of victory for Harold Washington in Chicago, David Dinkins in New York City and Doug Wilder in Virginia. But Bradley’s race predated the Internet and cell phones and before Black music did more to erase racial barriers than any presidential speech. In fact, there are an increasing number of people questioning the premise of the Bradley effect. In a story headlined, “Do Polls Lie About Race?” New York Times reporter Kate Zernike wrote: “But pollsters and political scientists say concern about a Bradley effect – some call it a Wilder effect or a Dinkins effect, and plenty call it a theory in search of data – is misplaced. It obscures what they argue is the more important point: there are plenty of ways that race complicates polling. “Considered alone or in combination, these factors could produce an unforeseen Obama landslide with surprise victories in the South, a stunningly large Obama loss, or a recount-thin margin. In a year that has already turned expectations upside down, it is hard to completely reassure the fretters.” Looking back, some observers say pollsters got it wrong with Bradley not because White voters lied to pollsters, but because they failed to factor in the absentee ballots. Whatever the reason, some researchers think that’s less likely to happen today. According to the New York Times: “In a new study, Daniel J. Hopkins, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard, considered 133 elections between 1989 and 2006 and found that blacks running for office before 1996 suffered a median Bradley effect of 3 percentage points. Blacks running after 1996, however, performed about 3 percentage points better than their polls predicted.” As the debate continues about whether the Bradley effect is valid, the McCain camp continues to exploit the issue of race. When Obama’s name has been mentioned at McCain-Palin rallies, there have been cries of “Kill him!” and “Off with his head!” It has gotten so bad that McCain has urged his followers to tone down the rhetoric. Away from rallies, however, his attack ads use code words to argue, as Palin put it, that Obama is “not one of us.” But observers have been able to see past the code words. “From the start, there have always been two separate but equal questions about race in this election,” Frank Rich wrote in the New York Times. “Is there still enough racism in America to prevent a black man from being elected president no matter what? And, will Republicans play the race card? The jury is still out on the first question until Nov. 4. But we now have the unambiguous answer to the second: Yes.” Rich explained, “McCain, who is no racist, turned to this desperate strategy only as Obama started to pull ahead.” He isn’t the only person who feels McCain is playing to racial fears. “Obama has been running as a post-racial candidate from the start, and he has been doing it very well,” David Brinkley, a noted presidential historian told the New York Times. “But the fact of the matter is that some voters – we can’t know yet how many – will not get past his race. And I very much believe that the McCain-Palin ticket is tapping into that.” And there is plenty to tap into. In that same New York Times article, John Schuster, a Republican from Wheeling, W.Va., said,”What you hear around here is, would you rather have a black friend in the White House, or a white enemy?” He explained, “Most guys I know are for McCain, and a lot of it’s because of race.” George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine and the NNPA News Service, is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. He can be reached through his Web site,

Elder Johnson -------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 change the conditions of the people who live around the church.” Johnson proposed a town meeting in which the area churches step up a plan to provide assistance in the neighborhoods they are in. He said what the mayor is touting as affordable is not affordable in many black neighborhoods. “Rents and mortgages are high and not many black families can afford them. Many landlords who don’t live in our community don’t fix up the homes while many of the residents live. He said as a result the residents don’t complain because they fear if they do the landlord will raise the rent. Johnson feels the churches have to become more involved if the condition blacks are currently living in is to change. “There is more to serving God than a Jesus sermon on Sunday. The churches need to open their doors to the community and host programs that will help our youth, they have the resources,” he said. Johnson said if the city and the community worked together then positive change could take place in many run down neighobrhoods but he is optimistic about that happening. He said the black community cannot wait for the mayor to step in and stop the violence and negative conditions in the black community. “As long as those blacks stay in the black community the mayor doesn’t care what they do,” he said. Johnson alluded to the current violence to youth fighting over an overcrowded drug trade. “We have a 50 percent unemployment rate. I have youth tell me all the time that there are no jobs out there. So they go out there and make money selling drugs. When they start crossing into other neighborhoods the violence escalates.” He said the heavy police presence has not lessened crime, it has only changed the methods. “As long those blacks don’t go into white neighborhoods little will be done.” Recently, in Dorchester Terrace six shootings were reported in one week, where Johnson said the youths were fighting over drug territory. Johnson said his proposal will address the problem from many different prospectives. “We have to educate our youth, provide meaningful job training and job opportunities and teach them about themselves and help them instill pride in themselves and their communities. He feels that if the youth were given positive things to do then crime would go down. “They need to learn about their culture. That they can succeed, right now all they know is bling bling, spinning car rims and a false security of selling drugs because that’s what they see in their communities.

The Chronicle

October 15, 2008- 3

- Get Motivated to Graduate stalling out. By Kara Wahlgren Losing steam to forge full speed ahead on your educational journey? Schools are coming up with innovative ways to prevent you from taking a pit stop and help you complete your degree. Earning a degree takes a significant amount of time, money, and determination—which may explain why only 55 percent of firstyear, full-time students finish their bachelor’s program within six years. And according to the Southern Regional Education Board, 20 million adult students in Southern states have enrolled in a college or university but left without earning a degree. Completing your degree earns you more than mere bragging rights; a college degree can drastically improve your odds in a competitive job market. “Aside from a personal sense of completion, it just clearly has a currency in the marketplace,” says Richard Garrett, program director and senior research analyst at Eduventures, an education consulting firm. A degree also carries far more weight than an unfinished education. “Credentials are counted, and credits are not,” Garrett adds. “The credential clearly has a certain status…and accumulated credits imply that you didn’t finish something, that you quit early, that you didn’t have the stamina.” Luckily, your school wants you to graduate. “An academic degree is an extremely personal accomplishment,” says Jacqueline Mounce, director of learner success at Northcentral University in Arizona. “Yet a single individual’s dedication to learn can have farreaching impacts.” Higher graduation rates improve a school’s reputation, help to allay recruitment costs, and even benefit the economy; Mounce notes that this “ripple effect” can greatly increase the value of a college degree. And as a degree becomes increasingly vital in the workplace, many schools are pioneering programs that make those degrees easier to attain. Here are four initiatives designed to prevent your education from

Flexible Scheduling Completing a traditional degree requires a considerable time investment, especially for adult students who are often balancing a full-time career while continuing their education. But many colleges have begun offering programs designed to minimize the amount of time spent in a classroom. Online courses are a major component of this trend, with more than 60 percent of traditional schools offering undergraduate courses online. Schools are also helping to expedite degree completion by offering fast-track programs, weekend-only

courses, and shortened schedules. Northcentral University, for example, offers eight-week courses that start monthly, while Bellevue University offers an accelerated program that allows students with 60 credit hours to complete a bachelor’s degree in 15 months. Many traditional schools offer a Weekend College division, where students can complete their degree by attending Saturday-only courses. “There’s certainly been a significant move toward a language of acceleration,” Garrett notes. “And particularly for adult students, having them really focus on a course at a time can make a big difference in terms of getting them to concentrate, given all the other things going on in their lives.” Credits for Life Experience For students with extensive work experience in a particular field, some schools are offering Credits for Life Experience (CLEs), which allow adult learners to apply on-the-job experience toward fulfilling the requirements for their degree. Although these programs have commonly been associated with diploma mills, several fully accredited universities

3,000 Ex-Offenders Meet Voter Registration Deadline in Nation's Capital By. Joseph Young Special to the NNPA from the Washington Informer W A S H I N G T O N (NNPA) - District of Columbia residents flooded the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics in a last minute effort to register to vote in the upcoming presidential election, including people who had previously been incarcerated for felony convictions. The deadline to register for all D.C. residents and in most states was Mon., Oct. 6. Five hundred voter registration applications of exoffenders were hand- carried into the office of the Board of Elections by Peaceoholics founder Ronald “Mo” Moten, who spearheaded the drive to get ex-offenders registered to vote. “Our voices will be heard from this day on,’” said Moten who is an ex-offender. There are more than 60,000 ex-offenders living in the District, according to Moten. Twenty-five hundred are returned to the District each year from federal prisons, and 19,000 are in and out of the DC Jail each year. “You can’t stop crime if you don’t help change the social ills that caused the criminal activity,” Moten said. “A lot of these crimes are poverty crimes.” Moten announced at a

press conference outside of One Judiciary Square where the Board of Elections is located, that the Peaceoholics reached its goal of registering to vote more than 3,000 exoffenders. The ultimate goal of the Peaceoholics is to register the more than 60,000 exoffenders residing in the District registered to vote within the next two years. “Once we do that nobody can stop our agenda, which is to make sure we are treated as citizens,” Moten said. “We want to have an equal playing field like everyone else.” Many ex-offenders who live in the District are unaware that they can vote. According to Dan Murphy, spokesperson for the D.C. Board of Elections and Ethics, ex-offenders have a legal right to vote in the District, even if they have been previously incarcerated for a felony or under court supervision. A person awaiting trial while in jail also has a right to vote by absentee ballot as well as a person who was convicted on misdemeanor charges. Forty-eight states, and the District, prohibit inmates from voting while incarcerated for a felony offense, according to the Sentencing Project, an advocacy group for reform in sentencing laws.

have begun to incorporate CLEs into their academic programs. One online school, Western Governors University, offers a unique competency-based degree program which allows students to earn their degree solely through a combination of CLEs, assessments, and projects. Excelsior College offers more than 50 exams that allow students to earn credit for prior knowledge. Even traditional schools like Fordham College and the City University of New York have begun offering limited credits for life experience. According to Garrett, many schools are beginning to realize the value of real-world experience. “Essentially, it’s a matter of recognizing that you can achieve collegelevel outcomes outside of college,” he says. “And it seems hard to justify why students shouldn’t have their knowledge or skills validated.” Financial Assistance Federal aid and scholarship opportunities aren’t the only ways students can ease the financial burden of a college education. Many schools have begun offering unique monetary incentives as well. Lebanon Valley College in Pennsylvania, for example, pledges that students will complete their degree within four years or the college will subsidize tuition for additional courses, provided the students adhere to the guidelines of their degree program. Clark University in Massachusetts offers an accelerated B.A./Master’s program in which eligible students receive a fulltuition scholarship for their fifth year. Concordia University in Texas offers free textbooks—an expense that more than 80 percent of college students say they underestimated, according to a survey by the education planning and finance company Nelnet. Streamlined Transfers When students transfer between colleges, the time it takes to complete their degree can increase by more than a year. According to Garrett, that has led some schools to lobby for a simplified transfer process. “You hear stories of students being forced to retake the same program because the provider wasn’t accredited by the same organization, or it was just judged that the program wasn’t comparable,” he says. “It’s an issue

which speaks to the relatively unlimited capacity of schools to maximize credit efficiency.” Many non-traditional schools, especially those geared toward adult learners, tend to be more liberal in their acceptance of transfer credits in order to facilitate degree completion. By easing the time demands and financial burden of a college education, these initiatives can help offset the most common

obstacles to degree completion. John Kowalczyk, a program coordinator at University of MichiganDuluth, knows this firsthand. Twenty years after dropping out of a traditional Ph.D. program, he realized that finishing his doctorate would help him advance his career. Juggling a family and a fulltime job, he enrolled at Walden University to take advantage of the online school’s flexible scheduling, which helped him

complete his degree. “One must be self-motivated, dedicated, and organized,” he says. “But the doctoral degree has given me more creditability, and it did help me to secure my dream job of being a fulltime professor.” And with both online and traditional schools getting involved in this trend, more students may find it easier to reap the rewards of an accredited college degree.

The Chronicle

4-October 15, 2008

Black America ‘Gets Pneumonia’ in Cold Economic Climate Hazel Trice Edney NNPA By. Natalie A. Thompson and Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Special Correspondent and NNPA Editor-inChief WASHINGTON (NNPA) - As the Black unemployment rate leaped another eight percentage points last month – from 10.6 percent to 11.4 percent, the White unemployment rate actually remained the same – at 5.4 percent, less than half the rate for Blacks. In addition to that in every economic category, from the poverty rate to housing loss African-Americans remain historically and consistently at rock bottom – a condition exacerbated by the national housing and Wall Street financial crisis that forced Congress to reluctantly pass a $700 billion bailout last week. ''We're in a weaker financial position related to the mainstream in the first place,'' said Alfred A. Edmond, Jr., editor-in-chief of, in an interview with the NNPA News Service. “The saying goes, 'when the rest of America gets a cold, Black America gets pneumonia.'' Edmond is just one among Black economic experts across the nation who say as America observes the economic fall out even after Congress' recent bailout of lending and investment agencies, African-Americans must establish creative ways to stay afloat. “In every relevant economic number, Black people are worse off today than they were in 2000,” says Natioal Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial, in an interview following a Black Leadership Forum telephone conference pertaining to get out to vote efforts as well as the economic bailout. “We’ve lost ground in home ownership, we’ve lost ground in employment, we’ve lost ground in wage verses inflation, we have just lost ground economically in the last eight years.” After the Oct. 7 conference, Morial said the bailout was not a rescue but just something to help stop the bleeding. “The ramifications of not doing it were worse than the ramification of doing it. For there not to be any credit, obviously, when it hurts big businesses, it hurts small business and it hurts the average consumer, automobile loans, personal finance loans, credit cards, that kind of thing,” said Morial. “My position would have been that we have to hold our noses and go forth.” Morial, who predicted the mortgage crisis in the spring of last year, said the bailout will not be enough for Black people and will take many months to execute. “We have taken the position consistently for six months now that the country needs a jobs stimulous program. We have offered extensive ideas for such a jobs stimulous program – to focus on infrastructure, to focus on an extension of unemployment benefits, to focus on the kinds of things like summer jobs and youth jobs that will put some people to work because the underlying issue is that we lost 159,000 jobs last year.” The economic climate is hurting Black people from the grassroots to Wall Street. The credit crisis came to a head when two of Wall Street’s largest investment firms folded. As top companies are feeling the pressure to survive in a changing marketplace, some Black-owned investment firms are finding themselves in the red. In 12 months the Black-owned, Chicago-based Ariel Investments LLC has suffered more then $1.6 billion in losses. The once leading firm totals $2 billion in assets, a decrease from $21 billion four years ago. The company's poor performance has lead to a 20 percent downsize in staff and the sale of holdings in several companies. “The financial sector has been in trouble for the last year and a half,'' said William E. Spriggs, Chairmen of the Department of Economics at Howard University. ''African-Americans lost a disproportionate share of the jobs as financial managers over the last eight months. A lot of the fallout occurred over the issue of the mortgage crisis.'' Since the 2007 mortgage fallout the market has consistently struggled. But, as usual, Black-owned businesses are doubly hurt. ''Minority-owned firms will suffer in this environment. They're already under capitalized; they have difficult times getting extensions of credit, in any capacity. To get the capital to perform is going to be extremely difficult,'' said Shawn Baldwin, Chairmen and CEO of Capital Management Group, a Chicago-based firm. Leading White-owned companies who traditional had the capital to aggressively perform in a stringent environment have also seen their shares plummet. Lehman Brothers, Inc. and American International Group, Inc. (AIG) have lost more then $163 million in the wake of the mortgage collapse. ''This is a loss of capital in the financial sector. When the financial sector has capitol they leverage that to make loans, which gives liquidity to the system,'' Spriggs said. ''If you take a trillion dollars out of the system, that's not a trillion dollars worth of loans, that's like eight trillion dollars worth of loan. That means for at least the next two or three years, as firms try to find capital, there's going to be a time period where unless your firm is on very solid ground you're going to have a hard time getting credit.'' Not all minority-owned investment firms are struggling in the current market. Atlanta-based Earnest Partners is ranked number one on the 2008 Black Enterprise List of 100 Asset Managers. The company totals more then $27 million in assets under management, and was selected by Hancock Horizon Fund to help manage an international funds project set to open September 30.

2008 Election: Historic,Whether Obama Wins or Loses By Ron Walters We may be about to witness what political scientists call a "critical election" which promotes a realignment of American politics - in this case, from Republican to Democrat. But more important than that, it may signal a realignment from the conservative politics that has gripped this country for the past 30 years to a more liberal version going forward. For the racially disadvantaged and economically needy, who need government most, it may signal a return to policies that emphasize investment in human development since the evidence is that the lack of such investment has been the major factor in the fading middle class. This signals that if there is a difference in the previous administration and what is coming, it will be measured by how the new leaders see the role of government. I'm sure from what he has said, that Barack Obama wants to emphasize personal responsibility, but I am just as sure that he understands the decisive role of government in making sure the opportunities exist that enable people to exercise it. McCain, however, has followed an ideology which suggests that government does not have much of a role in this, that people should try to exercise their personal responsibility and if they don't succeed - tough. While that ideology may have been a weapon begun by Ronald Reagan, blunt the force of the Civil Rights movement and to return to the unchallenged supremacy of whites to the racial hierarchy, the record shows that it has also damaged whites, especially, white middle class enormously. So, the issue becomes what kind of change voters really want and which of the candidates they believe can produce it. If Barack Obama wins, it will undoubtedly be an historic event because of his race and because it may create in some, the idea that America has moved beyond racial evaluations in its determination of what things are important. But race has not always been the determining factor, for if it had, Clarence Thomas would not be sitting on the highest court in the land. Those who sponsored him did so not only because he was black in succeeding Justice Thurgood Marshall, but more importantly because he believed in the same things and they could trust him to deliver policy based on that belief. Obama's win would signal a generational change, departing from the influence of the "baby boomer" generation moving into post modern America, an America more at ease with race, more comfortable with global culture and the electronic and visual technologies that unites it. Will he be post-racial in his leadership of public policy? I don't think so, because of his pledges to carry the legacy of the Civil Rights movement into the 21st century, his understanding of racial problems and the fact that presidents also have to respond to problems in the political culture that they didn't create. So, he will have to respond to the on-going saga of racism which has taken over 400 years to invest in the culture. The caveat one sees, is that his decision will also be based on those around him. He is in a position to be the leader of an era changing movement, the true characteristics of which are not yet clear, but the seeds of which he has proposed in this campaign, such as more emphasis on environmentalism, concern with domestic productivity and security, promotion of diversity, and collaborative decision making here and abroad. However, if Barack Obama loses, it will take us in a familiar direction, defined by a primary concern with narrow racial privilege and competition and radical nationalism. The difference between the political parties on issues has favored the Democrats during this election season by an average of as many as 10-15 points on what Americans regard as "most important" issues - war in Iraq, economy, health care, education, terrorism, and etc. in various surveys. The difference between candidates Obama and McCain, however, has rarely been in this range, more like 3-7 points with Obama leading most of the time. Analysts have suggested that given this relative small difference, he will need a greater lead going into the November election if he is to win, because the racial vote will more than likely reduce his numbers. Thus, there has arisen a debate over whether the so-called "Bradley factor" is alive and well, that is, whether white Americans say they will support a black candidate in polls, but deny him or her support when they cast their vote. Some believe that because the US Senate race of Harold Ford, Jr. turned out close to the poll predictions in 2006 that the Bradley factor no longer exists. We will see. Black Americans most assuredly will be disheartened if Barack Obama loses, given the heights that he has ascended thus far in winning the Democratic nomination for president. But their expectations of an historic outcome have been increased as he recovered his lead that McCain had achieved after the Republican Convention with the gloss being removed from his VP pick, Sara Palin, and the "perfect storm" of the economic crisis that is pushing Obama at this very moment into a lead beyond anything he has experienced over McCain.

''Their disciplined investment strategy and proven results truly set them apart from the rest of the competition,'' said John Portwood, Chief Economic Strategist and Fund Manager for Hancock Horizon Funds in a press release. However, according to a study by Ariel and asset management firm Charles Schwab, African-American stock market participation fell to 57 percent from a high of 74 percent five years ago.

For many, the question has become, "how can he lose?" Others have formulated various versions of the "October surprise" that appeared from time-to-time in elections. Underneath it all, there is the tortuous feeling of many African-Americans that America is not quite "America to me" yet, that the use of race will triumph and spoil the dream.

''We see the the short term effect has been very negative, it's certainly shaking the confidence of all Americans in regard to economic security,'' said Edmond of


The 2007 study, which surveyed the investment habits of 500 African-Americans also reported 50 percent of AfricanAmericans said real estate was the ''best investment overall'' in 2003. That number dropped to 45 percent in 2007. Despite hard times for the firm, Ariel's president John Rogers was named one of's secondquarter all star managers last month for not abandoning his ''value approach''. The company that has lost 23 percent in the last 12 months is up 1.64 percent in the market. Still Black Wall Street firms and the Black community in general will feel the crunch most. The bottom line, says Spriggs, ''There's just not going to be as much money out there as there was over the last eight years.”

HAVANA - Fidel Castro says a "profound racism" in the United States will stop millions from voting for Barack Obama in next month's presidential election. The ailing, 82-year-old former Cuban president says it is "a miracle that the Democratic candidate hasn't suffered the same luck as (assassinated leaders) Martin Luther King, Malcolm X and others who harbored dreams of equality and justice." Castro's written comments were published by state media Saturday. In them, he insists a "profound racism" exists in the U.S. and that millions of whites "cannot reconcile themselves to the idea that a black person ... could occupy the White House, which is called just that: white." Castro also described Republican presidential candidate John McCain as "bellicose." By Associated Press

Who Asked Me? by Beverly Gadson-Birch

RACE TO THE FINISH LINE It was just last week that people from all walks of life were out in record numbers registering folks before the October 4th deadline. It was such an exhilarating experience. It was truly a new day—young, old, black, white, Republicans and Democrats—all had a sense of urgency to register and vote in one of the most important and breathtaking elections ever. While the process has been full of excitement, at times it has been negative and darn right racist. It’s been a long haul leading up to the Primary and now the General Election. I don’t know about y’all but I am worn out with the highs and lows of the nominating process coupled with the decline of the stock market and the overall state of the economy. At times, I had to remind myself that this is America and each of us have an opinion; although vehemently as that opinion may be, it is important that we respect the opinion of others. Now, I don’t usually lose my cool but I lost it Saturday night while watching a brother on CNN pledge his support to McCain. I am sure y’all know which brother I am referring to. He supported McCain because he said he is a “conservative”. He said he could not support Senator Obama because he is the “most liberal” Senator in the Senate. My mother used to say if you don’t have anything good to say, keep your mouth closed. So, can anyone tell me why the brother even bothered to open his mouth except to get some air time? His appearance was controversial. When given the opportunity to explain his position, he did not have anything substantive to say? The brother’s argument was he cannot support liberal spending. Well, let’s take a look at the Republicans spending since President Bush took office. In surfing the internet, I came across a very interesting article written by Steve McGourty on the US National Debt. It was an analysis of Democrats as well as Republicans borrowing that is responsible for America’s debt. McGourty compiled his last revision to the US Debt Analysis in September 2008 and this is what he wrote. “Since 1938, the Democrats have held the White House for 35 years, the Republicans for 36. Over that time the national debt has increased at an average annual rate of 8.5%. In years where Democrats were in the White House there was an average increase of 8.3%. In years where the Republicans ran the White House the debt increased an average 9.2% per year. Those averages are not that far apart but they do show a bias toward more borrowing by Republicans than Democrats even including World War II. McGourty also wrote that “prior to the Neo-Conservative takeover of the Republican Party there was not much difference between the two parties’ debt philosophy. They both worked together to minimize it. However, the debt has been on a steady incline ever since the Reagan presidency. The only exception to the steep increase over the last 30 thirty years was during the Clinton presidency, when he brought spending under control and the debt growth down to almost zero.” According to McGourty, Republican Presidents outspent Democratic Presidents by a three to one ratio. Someone just needs to educate the lip smacking, flapping brother. A little bit of education is a dangerous thing. So, the brother really thinks that voting for McCain will bring spending under control? Wrong!! It hasn’t happened in the past and there is very little evidence to support that it is even a remote possibility. The debt has climbed over $14,000,000,000,000 under the Bush Administration and that is as of September 21. And, that figure does not represent the $85 billion bail-out of AIG, Lehman Brothers and mortgage giants Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. Since the brother feels he must find an excuse not to support Obama, will someone just tell him that this present administration—the Republican Administration—has spent over $400 trillion dollars on an unprovoked, unnecessary war. If that is conservative I hush my mouth. Then add to that the number of lives lost. I am sure the over 4,000 American military men and women (not to mention those who lost their lives from other countries) could hardly amount to a conservative figure. And, let’s not forget those soldiers who have been disfigured physically and mentally and will require government assistance for the rest of their lives. That can hardly be called conservative. Then, don’t Gov. Sarah Palin, a loose cannon, running around trying to incite a riot calling Senator Obama a terrorist. Her action has uncovered the dark side of America. These incendiary encounters seen at some of the Senator McCain rallies are raging out of control. His failure to act on these outrageous attacks on Senator Obama sends out the wrong message. We, the people, have been running a very swift and methodical race. We are almost to the finish line. We can’t afford to stumble or be blindsided. We are rounding the last curve and our eyes are fixed on the finish line. The only way that we are going to get there is through your positive energies. Your vote does count. You vote makes the difference and you should share that enthusiasm with other registered voters. We have the chance to elect the first African American President not because he is black but because he is ready to lead this country out of this mess we find ourselves in. It’s not about the blackness but about the exactness. It is that time America. Let’s not seize the opportunity to get in the spotlight. We are going all the way to the finish line. If we don’t make it, it is not going to be because we have not given it our all. Although America has an open door policy for those seeking to become a part of the American Dream, I say to all of you good hearted White Americans, get past the issue of race and look at who can best restore balance to this country. If you can do that, then vote your conscience; restore the confidence of the American people back to the days of wine and roses.

NAACP WATCHING, READY FOR WOES The NAACP will have lawyers targeting 750 precincts around the nation on Election Day to help address complaints about possible voter disenfranchisement, the organization's new president said in San Antonio, Texas Saturday. Benjamin Jealous, who took the helm of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People on Sept. 15, said volunteer lawyers have already been addressing complaints about voter registration problems. On Election Day, lawyers will be sent to the 750 precincts where there has been a history of voter discrimination, Jealous said at the state NAACP convention. Jealous also said he hopes that Democratic nominee Barack Obama's growing popularity will aid the civil rights organization. Obama's background as a community organizer and civil rights attorney could help as the NAACP targets quality education and other equality issues, he said. But Jealous said Obama's rise has also occasionally led people to question whether the 99-year-old organization is still relevant. "If Obama is elected, won't colored people have advanced as far as they can advance?" Jealous recalled being asked. "The condition of the grassroots" will determine whether the NAACP can shut its doors, not the advancement of a single man, said Jealous, the youngest-ever leader of the group at age 35. The presidential primary campaign highlighted the difference between many Hispanic voters and black voters. Hispanic voters helped give Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton a win in Texas, temporarily stalling the Obama campaign's momentum before he eventually secured the nomination.

The Chronicle

October 15, 2008-5

As I See It

Hakim Abdul-Ali

Looking For Answers is one of my columns that require you to sit back and ponder some polemical things that may be nipping at your mind from moment-to-moment. Call it what you want, but for now I’ll just label it “Looking For Answers.” As long as “hue-mans” exist in this phase of life they are always going to be in a debatable mood or doubtful frame of mind. Life is a testing ground for the soul searchers of truth, and I consider myself a traveler seeking truth while living in a paradoxical world of myth and reality. It’s as though that I’m constantly “Looking For Answers” in all the suspicious and ambivalent places in my desire to seek the understanding of some things that have been on my mind since early childhood. Being a student in life’s pursuit of indefeasible knowledge lets me know the importance of having valid information. I read a lot of educational material, etc., and I’m a serious collector of religious and ethnic material which provides me with indepth information in the privacy of my home’s library at a moment’s notice. It’s a wonderful feeling to be industriously alone in my mind’s eye and still seek renewed wisdom via the pursuit of knowledge and constantly “Looking For Answers,” even at my age in life. I seemed possessed to want to seek the truth about questions of my authentic religious heritage and African roots. Those are really very personal and stimulating questions for my mind’s eye and, respectfully, your concern of inquiries may be on other topics or matters. It doesn’t matter what interests your or my inquiring mind or thoughts, because it all falls under the private radar screen of seeking confirmations to and about things that make us wonder about a colonial tale or problematic relationship gone wild. Think, if you can and dare, for a stone, cold moment in time about the sorted queries in your past and present worlds of existences that required immediate answers (or unknown wisdom) for mental relief from depressing doubt. Wisdom has no doors that will not open for those “hue-mans,” who aren’t afraid to get off their “rusty-dusty” and do something for self in seeking answers to what ails them. That’s a constant theme of mine of late as I scan my thoughts in trying to figure out what’s in so many of my ethnic brothas and sistahs’ heads, hearts and minds. Many of them are mis-educationally deaf, dump and blind to the truth about so many things that govern and control their until it’s not funny.This bothers me, and I personally hate to say that about some of “our” people, but some “colored” folk are just plain lost as hell, pardon my honest verbal assessment of the matter. It’s a negative flow of a mental laziness, combined with an influx of self-denial, that’s born of a diseased mind that cradles apathy and never spends time “Looking For Answers” that could help alleviate some of the pain and problems in “our” communities. What are the immediate and long-range answers to youthful Black-on-Black crime, disappearing family structures, poor and under achieving schools, soaring incarnation rates, rampant unemployment and undeniable homelessness, just to name a few issues that affect African-America immensely? These issues are everywhere in Black America from Portland, Oregon, to Raleigh, North Carolina, screaming for someone in “our” communities to take a bold step and “take care of business” like we know we should to resolve these pressing concerns. Add to that the questions of what are “our” kids learning in schools is enough to make you rise up and continue to look for all the answers. Life is what you make it, and that’s no last second murmur. It is what it is, and the beat goes on for the consciously aware among us, and life presents more questions that challenge “our” inquiring minds on a daily basis. I’m one of these inquiring souls who longs for answers to the many questions of the profound mysteries of life. Some of my inquiries you and others may share with me in mutual desires for solutions to some of society’s more simple concerns. Others points of concern may become rather complex in application with no end to the final outcome. I guess only time will bring forth a better response to questions like, “Why did the Africans sell each other in the initial slave process?” When true answers are given for that question, then maybe I can find a possible link to why this current and maddening sickness of young men Blacks killing each other is off the reasoning scope of intellectual comprehension? My mind and Black thoughts are there now, because I’ve seen a few things in my lifetime, and I wonder whether some of us are thinking about the present as we destroy “our” futures while possibly “Looking For Answers” in all the wrong books and places. That’s why “Looking For Answers” is circulating in my head the way that it is. Simply, I’m a brother of soul who desires answers to why some of us continue to do some of the idiotic things we do to destroy “ourselves,” families and communities, some without apparent sane effort. The truth may not be far from the roots of “our” collective pains and sufferings about who we are and why we live in present day colonial existences. As I said before I’m speaking of a need for the truth about “our” maladies and solutions for them before we pass on more of this hurtful misguidance to those yet unborn. There are questions that have been asked of me from time-to-time that, because of study and prior insight about that subject matter, I’ve been able to, hopefully, give some valuable information. It’s about getting at the truth. I’d like to think that I was helpful to those who asked of me just as I have asked of those who are and were more learned than me when I needed answers to some things that were and are troubling me. You probably feel the same way about that scenario because I’m sure you’ve been in those simular situations a thousand times in your worlds of continuing existences. I want you to know that some questions have appeared on my mental horizons over the decades, and I’ve been blessed by the Creator Alone to have them answered in a reasonable short period of time. And then there are others, which if placed in a unique category, they’d be classified as “bewildering,” have yet to be resolved in my mind-set as I continue to patiently “Look For Answers.” Being a student of universal knowledge has taught that patience is the key to the door of relief, and that motto definitely applies when it comes to “Looking For Answers” in the many different time sequences in which the confounding questions of life may appear as they do and will in the unforeseen future. Never forget that word called patience. It’s the answer to all your questions about life, because if you seek an answer to a difficult question, or situation, in life’s Universal School of hard Knocks, it lies in being patient. If you are, by God Alone’s permission, then in time your question may be answered because the Most High Alone is All-Knowing. Always look to God Alone for all the answers and for relief. For today, that’s, “As I See It.”

Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals. Martin Luther King, Jr.

John Lewis Rebukes McCain-Palin: Civil Rights Icon Links McCain to 60's Segregationist By Sean Yoes Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers (NNPA) - Civil Rights legend Rep. John Lewis, DGa., said today that recent rowdy McCain-Palin rallies in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Minnesota spark ugly memories of an America that routinely advocated and practiced violence and murder against Black Americans. ''What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history,'' Lewis said in a statement. ''Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse.'' Lewis comments came on the heels of last weekís rallies for the Arizona senator and Alaska governor that heard members of the audience shouting at different times ''kill him,'' ''off with his head,'' ''treason'' and ''terrorist'' -all in response to remarks about McCain's Democratic presidential

Cong. John Lewis rival, Barack Obama. Now, after spending most of the week whipping their supporters into a frenzy, McCain and Palin have toned down their fiery rhetoric. Last Saturday morning at a rally in Pennsylvania, Palin shifted her focus to the abortion issue. And in Minnesota last Friday, McCain went so far as to defend Obama. ''I have to tell you, he is a decent person,'' said McCain to a man at a Lakeville, Minn. rally who said he was ''afraid of an Obama presidency.'' McCain continued, ''And a person that you do not have to be scared of as

president of the United States.'' Nevertheless, McCain's defense of Obama was met with boos and groans from many members of the crowd. It was a scene that Lewis is all too familiar with. He compared McCain and Palin's antics to an infamous southern segregationist from the 50's and 60's ñGeorge Wallace, the late governor of Alabama who defiantly stood at the door of the Univ. of Alabama in an unsuccessful attempt to block the enrollment of Black students. Wallace vowed, ìsegregation todayÖsegregation forever.î Still defiant and spewing hatred, Wallace later ran an unsuccessful campaign for president in 1972 that ended with him being shot in Laurel, Md., leaving him paralyzed. ''George Wallace never threw a bomb,'' Lewis argued. ''He never fired a gun but created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights...As

public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all.'' The McCain campaign wasted little time refuting the statements of Lewis, whom McCain once called one of the ''wisest'' men he knew and whose advice he would seek if he were to become president. ''Congressman John Lewis' comments represent a character attack against Governor Palin and me that is shocking and beyond the pale,'' read the statement from McCain who called for Obama to reject Lewis' statements as well. Obama seemed to shy away from the comparison between McCain and Wallace, but he acknowledged the escalating hostility and anger at McCainPalin rallies. Said Obama in a statement, ''John Lewis was right to condemn some of the hateful rhetoric that John McCain himself personally rebuked just last night.''

Legislation Introduced to Restore Voting Rights for People Who Have Finished Prison Sentence Federal legislation was introduced this week that would permit individuals who have been previously convicted of a crime, have completed their prison term and are living in the community the right to vote in federal elections. The Democracy Restoration Act of 2008 (DRA, S. 6340, H.R. 7136) was introduced in both chambers of Congress by Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Rep. John Conyers (DMI). The U.S. currently denies 5.3 million, or one in 41, citizens the right to vote due to felony convictions and is the only democracy that disenfranchises citizens who have completed their prison sentence. The DRA restores voting rights to individuals who have returned from prison or were never sentenced to a prison term. Because periods of supervised release, probation or parole can last decades and is part of a person’s sentence, reinfranchising individuals after completing their sentence would not ensure the same access to the ballot box as this measure does by giving voting rights back to people already living in our communities. This bill would also instruct officials in each state to notify individuals of their restored right to ensure access to the ballot. Nineteen states, including

Maryland, Texas and Florida, have reformed felony disenfranchisement laws over the last decade, increasing voter participation through bipartisan reform efforts. These reform efforts have set the stage for Congress to act and, although there is little time to enact this legislation this year, it lays the groundwork for restoration in the near future. “Once passed, this bill will mean that people who are living in society and paying taxes will no longer be second class citizens,” said Jasmine L. Tyler, deputy director of national affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance. “Regaining the right to vote after prison means formerly incarcerated individuals will have every opportunity to be civically engaged and influence the

political process as everyday Americans.” No group has been harder hit by disenfranchisement than African Americans. After gaining the right to vote in 1965, and overcoming the history of slavery and racism that overshadowed our country’s early history, African Americans suffered a new form of Jim Crow under the guise of the modernday war on drugs. Thirteen percent of AfricanAmerican men have been denied the right to vote because of felony conviction, the majority of these convictions stem from drug law enforcement. Although drug use rates are similar for both African Americans and whites, African Americans make up more than half of those con-

victed of felony drug charges. Upon introduction of the DRA, Sen. Feingold, addressing the President, said “…the practice of disenfranchising people with felony convictions has an explicitly racist history. Like the grandfather clause, the literacy test, and the poll tax, civil death became a tool of Jim Crow.” “Unjust policing practices, misuse of prosecutorial power, and lack of judicial discretion all converge to create the judicial system that African Americans experience, namely injustice, and it has led us to the newest installment of racialized community suppression: the war on drugs,” Tyler said. “At least in federal elections, this legislation will change that.”

6- October 15, 2008



Taking Your Blood Pressure Correctly by Of course, measuring and assessing blood pressure is easy-provided you know the three possible sources of error: the equipment, the patient and the operator (you). Let's look at each one.

You may take blood pressure readings every daybut just how accurate are your findings? Make sure you meet American Heart Association standards for this key assessment procedure by reviewing the guidelines here. Breathless, Patty Smith arrives for her clinic visit a few minutes late. As you prepare to take her blood pressure, you learn that she's 39, single, and the mother of three preteen children. Her blood pressure by arm cuff is 140/94 mm Hg- not surprising, you think, considering her obesity and her stressful life. You report your findings to the doctor, who schedules her for a follow-up visit and possible therapy for high blood pressure. But is this really such an open-and-shut case? Or could the reading be falsely high because you used a normal-size adult cuff instead of one designed for larger persons? Perhaps Patty's blood pressure was temporarily high because she was harried and never stopped chattering about her trouble finding a sitter and a parking space. Though



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The equipment...

seems simple, taking a blood pressure reading with a cuff is fraught with potential errors that can stand between you and a valid assessment of your patient's condition. These errors could leave a hypertensive patient untreated while a patient with normal blood pressure ends up on an expensive drug regimen he doesn't need. Either way, the patient loses. What's more, keep in mind that a single measurement may not represent your patient's true blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends this procedure: Take your patient's blood pressure twice while he's standing, then record the average of the two; next, take it twice while he's sitting and record the average of those two. Document which pressure was taken with the patient standing and which with him sitting. Use the sitting measurement as your final reading- the standing measurement is a reference point only. Initially, take the blood pressure in each arm and document any difference in the reading. After that, use the arm that gave the higher reading.

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Tuskegee University Leader in Producing Black Veterinarians came. By KATHY SEALE The Birmingham News BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) _ Ask any AfricanAmerican veterinarian _ anywhere in the country _ where they attended veterinary school.

Errors can arise from uncalibrated or damaged equipment or from using the wrong equipment. (See Check for Problems before They Start.) Mercury manometers, for example, can yield inaccurate readings if the air vent at the top of the column is clogged or the mercury has oxidized. You may not spot these problems by looking at the manometer, but suspect them if the mercury column responds sluggishly.

Odds are they'll name a school in Alabama.

To prevent these problems, find out whether your institution has a written policy for regular assessment and maintenance of mercury manometers - and make sure to follow it.

You won't, however, stand out on campus if you're not one of the 120 black veterinary students.

With aneroid manometers, check before each use that the needle is on zero at baseline. If it isn't, recalibrate it to a mercury manometer using a Y connector attached to the tubing on both manometers. Compare pressures at several points along the scale. As with mercury mamometers, be sure this equipment is monitored and maintained regularly. Incorrect cuff size is a major source of equipmentrelated errors. A cuff that's too small will produce a falsely high reading; one that's too large, a falsely low reading.

``If you see a black face, that person probably came from Tuskegee University,'' says Ruby Perry, associate dean at the School of Veterinary Medicine. More than 70 percent of black veterinarians in the U.S. are Tuskegee grads, Perry says, and the school continues to train 50 to 60 percent.

``We wouldn't be truthful to the ideals of diversity if we only had AfricanAmerican students,'' Perry says. Haylie Hendershot, for example, is one of 100 whites on campus. ``Haylie would not feel comfortable if it was `just her,''' Perry says. ``She needs to come in and see someone like her.'' Hendershot, who is president of the class of 2011, concurs: ``I probably would not have come here if they didn't have another white student.'' She's glad they do, she says, because she's glad she

``Never have I felt uncomfortable being a white student at a historically black college,'' Hendershot says. ``Everybody has embraced me.'' You'll find three Asian students on campus, too, as well as three from India and 18 Hispanics. School officials estimate that 10 percent of the country's Hispanic veterinarians are Tuskegee grads. It's no accident, either, that they were there, or are there. School officials actively encourage a mix of students, Perry says. They no longer have a Native American student on campus, for example, so they're working with a Native American graduate to help recruit. Tuskegee grads nationwide encourage students to apply to their alma mater, Perry says. For example, Stefanie Clay left the Midwest to attend. ``My mentor at the University of Minnesota, an alum at Tuskegee, spoke to me about the school,'' says Clay, class of 2010 and student body president of the vet school. She was intrigued with the warm weather and the opportunity to become a ``Southern belle,'' she says. The No. 1 reason she chose Tuskegee, though, was the diversity.

The faculty, though, is not as diverse as they'd like it to be, Perry says, and budget constraints keep them from having as many faculty members as they'd like. ``We're losing faculty just like everybody else,'' she says. Male students, too, are becoming scarce, which reflects a nationwide trend. There are 195 female students at Tuskegee's veterinary school and only 49 males. About 75 percent of entering students nationwide are female, according to information from the American Veterinary Medical Association. A stroll through campus reveals students of every persuasion, doing what veterinary students do: Listening to lectures, grabbing a bite to eat between classes, and, of course, working with animals. At the small-animal hospital, Mark Freeman, an assistant professor of small-animal internal medicine, coaches second-year student Carl Southern on the art of examinations. Freeman greets their client, an American Staffordshire terrier, with ``Hello, Chyna, darling. How are you?'' before raising her to a stainless-steel table. Slowly, he works his hands down and around her body, pausing at intervals to explain. ``Keep your hands on the animal as much as possible,'' Freeman says. ``If you're not looking and touching, you're going to miss things.

Using the wrong-size cuff is a common problem with obese patients. Taken with a regular cuff, their systolic and diastolic pressures will be falsely elevated. A similar potential for error exists for patients with extremely thin armsfor them, a regular-size cuff may be too big, leading to falsely low blood pressure readings. To check for proper cuff size, the American Heart Association recommends comparing the cuff with your patient's arm. The length of the bladder should be at least 80% of the arm's circumference. (See Using the Right Cuff.) The stethoscope you use for auscultation should have a shallow bell with a large diameter. This lets you auscultate low-frequency sounds. (See What You're Measuring Isn't What You're hearing.) Most nurses use the diaphragm of the stethoscope, but you should use the bell to auscultate indirect arterial blood pressures. Don't put too much pressure on the bell; you may occlude arterial flow and dampen out the low frequencies.

Dr. Stewart Middleton

The Chronicle

OCTOBER CALENDAR OF EVENTS BROWN BAG LUNCH SERIES Sponsored by Mass Mutual and the Little Black Book for every busy woman

Protecting and Repairing Your Credit Everything you need to know about improving your credit score. Andrea Davis, First Federal Sheila Underwood, SunTrust Thursday, October 9 at Noon • FREE Call to reserve your seat.

Spending, Saving & Giving: How do We Form the Right Habits in Our Children? David L. Cole, Mass Mutual Debbie Kidd, Family Services Thursday, October 16 at Noon • FREE Call to reserve your seat.

If you need help through a difficult personal time, low- cost counseling is available at the Center for Women.

LEGAL CLINIC South Carolina Pro Bono Program attorneys discuss your rights and options.

Workers Comp Learn about SC rules and regulations regarding work-related injuries or death Jessica ‘Tucker’ Cecil, Esq. Turner, Padget, Graham & Laney Tuesday, October 28 at 5:30pm to 7:00pm • FREE Call to reserve a seat.

ENTREPRENEURIAL WOMAN SERIES Sponsored by SunTrust, Legacy Wealth Mgt & Charleston Regional Business Journal

Are You Ready to Start a Business? Get a better understanding about working for yourself. Mary L. Dickerson, State Director, FastTrac Business Training Tuesday, October 21 6:00pm to 8:00pm Advanced registration suggested: $20 CFW members; $25 Non-members

To register for an event, call (843) 763 or visit


Center for Women 129 Cannon Street (between Ashley Ave & President St.) Parking is free nights and weekends at 30 Bee Street.

The Chronicle

October 15, 2008-7

........HEALTH FOR YOU Polls Rocketing for Obama, But, Could Racism Undermine Results on Nov. 4 By. Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief W A S H I N G T O N (NNPA) – U. S. Sen. Barack Obama has moved yet another step closer to becoming America’s first Black president after an arguably bland second debate Oct. 6 that gave him strong leads over Sen. John McCain in several key polls. But, some political observers say the polls may not reflect a racial undercurrent among Whites that could hurt Obama’s election chances on Nov. 4. A National CNN poll at the conclusion of the debate – which focused largely on the economy had 54 per cent of voters saying Obama won the debate, versus McCain at 30 per cent. Likewise, a CBS poll favored Obama at 39 percent to 27 percent among uncommitted voters with 35 percent claiming the debate as a draw. Moreover, Gallup, among the most credible polling agencies in the world, reports Obama actually leading McCain by more than 10 percentage points in a national poll asking voters who they favor. “Barack Obama has opened up a nine-point lead over John McCain, 51% to 42%, in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking,” states an explanation on “That matches Obama’s largest lead of the campaign to date.” University of Maryland Political Scientist Dr. Ron Walters called the polls

astounding, but says Blacks should shave off at least five points to account for the racial factor that can go undetected until after people vote. “I’m saying to myself, ‘Wait a minute, this is okay, but I don’t think it’s that high,’” Walters says. “You have to respect the polling. But, you have to discount it a little.” For example, Walters says although Gallup reports a more than 10 percent Obama lead, that should be thought of as more like five percent to account for racial and other prejudices that may factor in the voting booth. The so-called “Bradley effect”, recalls the 1982 gubernatorial race between an African-American Democrat, Tom Bradley, and a White Republican, George Deukmejian. Though major polls placed Bradley well ahead of Deukmejian only days and hours before the election, Bradley narrowly lost. This discrepancy between how Whites say they will vote and how they actually vote was also observed in the 1989 Virginia governor’s campaign between African-American candidate L. Douglas Wilder and White candidate Marshal Coleman. Wilder won, but by less than a percentage point – only a few days after polls gave him as much as an eight point lead. Walters says because the Bradley race was more than 25 years ago and the Wilder race nearly 20 years ago, racial attitudes have changed. Newer and younger voters must now be factored in and it’s no

longer unique for an African-American to be running for public office. Still, the Obama camp appears to not take polls for granted, working vigorously in so-called battleground – or unpredictable states to now excite registered voters to go to the polls Nov. 4. The outreach appears to be working. In states considered especially hard for Democrats, such as Virginia, Obama is ahead 49.9 to 45.1. In Florida, he us up 48.3 to 45.3 and in Pennsylvania, he is up a whopping 51.2 to 39.2, according to The key is economic worries, political observers say. “There are no issues. There’s just the one issue. It’s the economy,” says David Bositis, senior researcher for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies. “I’m not worried about the ‘Bradley effect.’” Even if attempts to deface Obama or undermine his reputation with veiled racial attacks in final days of the campaign become prevalent, Bositis predicts it won’t matter. “If your house is on fire and Frankinstein is outside, you don’t worry about Frankenstein. You worry about you’re going to die in the fire if you don’t do something about it,” Bositis says. “This election is about the way people feel about how things are going in the country right now. And the way they feel about how things are going in the country is that they stink. They stink bad.”

Pain in the Elderly: When Someone You Love Is in Pain While arthritis is the most common cause of pain for people over age 65, circulatory problems, shingles, certain bowel diseases and cancer are other common reasons for pain in older people. Nerve damage can also cause severe and constant pain. Some people think that pain is natural with old age or that when older people are not clear in explaining the cause of their pain they are just complaining. Both of these views are wrong. There is almost always a real problem behind the aches and pains. Pain can lead to other problems. People with pain may lose the ability to move around and do everyday activities. People with pain also often have anxiety or depression. They may be at greater risk for falls, weight loss, poor concentration and difficulties with relationships. Most pain can be controlled, usually through a combination of drug and non-drug strategies, which should be discussed with a healthcare provider. Caring for someone in pain or at risk for pain is often an ongoing process. As various strategies are tried, it may help to keep in mind two basic principles: * Believe the person you are caring for. People with pain are the only ones who know how much pain they are feeling. Pain is whatever the older person says it is and exists whenever he or she says it does. If people with pain feel that others do not believe them, they become upset and may stop reporting their pain accurately. This makes controlling the pain more difficult. * Every person has the right to good pain control. Your job as a caregiver is to make sure that good pain control is provided. Tell health professionals if pain does not improve with treatment and ask them to try new treatments until

the pain is controlled. Your goals are to help evaluate and relieve pain and to keep health professionals informed about pain levels and responses to pain treatments. What You Can Do to Help Evaluate pain: * Ask about the pain. No medical test can tell you whether or not a person is in pain. The best way to find out if a person is in

pain is to ask. A good way of asking is to say, “How bad is your pain right now on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain you ever had?” Don't contradict or argue about these ratings. * Listen for words other than "pain." Older people may use different words to describe their pain, such as “discomfort,” “soreness” or “ache.”

The Chronicle

8- October 15, 2008

Leave Obama T-Shirts at Home Nov. 4, Voting Rights Experts Advise By. Pharoh Martin NNPA Correspondent

such as handing out campaign material,” Davis states. But when asked if there are any restrictions on the wearing of campaign paraphernalia she says, “Absolutely not. You can wear whatever you want. The only restriction is for the people working at the elections all day.” She added, “I can't imagine any restriction on that sort of thing because of free speech concerns.” Some courts don’t see it that way. A 2001 Washington, DC Circuit Court ruled against voter David Marlin, who had taken the DC Board of Elections and Ethics to court


WASHINGTON (NNPA) - Don't wear campaign paraphernalia to voting polls on election day Nov. 4 or bring a sweater to cover it up, experts say. ''Whether or not they have a constitutional right to wear [campaign memorabilia] we tell them to leave it at home and avoid the hassle,” says Laughlin McDonald, Director of ACLU Voting Right Project. “There is a Supreme Court decision that prohibited campaigning within 100 feet of a polling place so we advise that if they do wear a campaign button that they follow that state's law, unless they are trying to challenge it.'' Barbara Arnwine, executive director for Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under the Law, a non-profit legal organization that specializes in election law, agrees. She says that there should be no open endorsement of a candidate because it helps voting sites remain neutral. But, she says, “There needs to be more uniformity of the law under local and state legislation.” Thousands of voters have received emails and text messages informing them that they may have problems if they show up to the voting booths wearing buttons, stickers and tee shirts with the names of political candidates. In many states, that could be true. Maryland voter Alpatrick Golphin, 39, thought the email he received was just another unsubstantiated rumor. “I thought it was a joke like Ashton [Kutcher] was trying to punk me,” he said. Golphin has voted in other elections, but this was the first time he's heard anything about this. He may not have heard about not being allowed to wear his candidate's tee shirt to the voting polls because Maryland does not have a

dress code per se. But, it still has laws against “electioneering” or campaigning inside a voting poll. It is a state’s decision how to regulate elections so long as the elections are conducted fairly, says Federal Elections Commission spokesperson Bob Biersack. Because there’s no federal provision, elections are administered by the states. Therefore, depending on what voting jurisdiction a citizen resides in, casting a ballot while displaying any campaign affiliations – including names or images on a hat, t-shirt or button - could be classified as passive electioneering, a misdemeanor in some states, depending on how the attire is interpreted by authorities. The laws are meant to protect elections against voter intimidation and swaying decisions. But the written definition of electioneering is murky in some states. Virginia is a critical swing state in this year's presidential election but its voters aren't the only ones confused about the issue of what constitutes electioneering. The state's board of elections are even having a hard time interpreting the law in a way that they could definitively inform their voting public. “Section 24.2-604 of the Code of Virginia creates a 40 foot neutral zone in which cam-

paign material is prohibited but there has been some confusion among the voting population in recent weeks as far as the definition of excessive campaigning at the polling place,” the Virginia State Board of Elections said in a statement. “As a result, the State Board of Elections will meet on October 14th to make a ruling on the draft policy.”

for denying his ballot because he wore a sticker supporting a specific mayoral candidate. The court sided with the board citing a Supreme Court ruling that stated that polling places are not a forum to engage in public discourse and such “view-point neutral” laws are a constitutional and necessary means of ensuring orderly election process. Such laws have sparked widespread debate, even among students. American University law student Kimberly Tucker published a legal paper entitled “You Can’t Wear That to Vote: The Constitutionality of

State Laws Prohibiting the Wearing of Political Message Buttons” in 2006 that argued against the restrictions. ''States cannot demonstrate a “compelling state interest” in prohibiting the wearing of political message buttons in the polling place,” she wrote. She also argued that the laws are far too broad and that the statutory language often permits “arbitrary enforcement.'' Because of the wide latitude, says Arnwine, the best way is the safe way: “What is correct is that you may have to cover up and expose your Obama tee shirt once you go outside the designated voting zone.”

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Such states as Ohio, Tennessee and Texas emphatically ban the display of political buttons, caps, stickers and other like items within 100 feet of polls while they are open. Kevin Kidder, spokesman for the Ohio Secretary of State's Office, says that while there are restrictions against wearing political paraphernalia, the right to vote comes first. ''Voters are not allowed to wear campaign paraphernalia,” Kidder said. “We'll ask them to turn it inside out. Put a jacket over it. The right to vote is absolute so you'll be allowed to vote but you can be charged later.''

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Other states like Georgia and Florida have laws that are more lax. According to Florida Department of State spokeswoman Jennifer Davis, her state's definition of electioneering is reserved for more obvious campaigning. “There's no overt soliciting

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The Chronicle----Lowcountry Connection


Oct ob er 15 , 2008


New Law Meant to Improve Stability in the Foster Care System Hailed as Groundbreaking By: David Crary, National Writer

what we can do to improve it, rather than just BandAids," said Adam Pertman, executive director of the Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute.


For many thousands of America's foster children, prospects for a permanent home and stronger support will be brighter under a new law that bridged Washington's partisan divide and is touted as the most significant child-welfare reform in decades. Its title is a mouthful -- the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act. And it has raised some questions: Will budget-strapped states embrace some of the options it offers? Why didn't it include initiatives to help curtail child neglect in the first place? Nonetheless, the bill -signed with little fanfare last week by President Bush -- is widely viewed throughout the child-welfare community as a remarkable achievement by a Congress often incapacitated by partisanship. Click here to find out more! "This is a historic moment for foster children and families," said James Brown, president of the Child Welfare League of America, calling it the most significant foster-care legislation since 1980. The act is striking for its breadth. Among its major provisions, it will: * Provide more financial incentives for adopting children out of foster care, especially older youths and those with special needs.

One example: federal adoption assistance for specialneeds children will no longer be limited to those who come from lowincome families. * Allow use of federal funds to assist children who leave foster care to live as legal guardians of relatives -- a step which will help an estimated 15,000 children. In the past, such "kinship care" -which experts view as preferable to foster care -was generally not eligible for federal aid. * Allow direct federal foster care funding to tribal governments, so more American Indian and Alaskan Native children can receive services while remaining in their own communities. Previously, the tribes had to go through state agencies to seek this funding. * Allow states to provide federally subsidized foster care services to young people up to age 21, instead of 18. * Require child-welfare agencies to make "reasonable efforts" to keep siblings together when they enter foster care, and work harder to ensure that foster children receive a stable education and proper health care. "It takes a comprehensive look at child welfare and

On any given day there are more than 500,000 children in the U.S. foster care system, including about 125,000 waiting to be adopted. More than 25,000 "age out" of foster care annually after turning 18 without ever finding a permanent family to support them. Under the bill, financial assistance could be available through age 21, provided the young person is working or in school. Richard Barth, dean of the University of Maryland School of Social Work, questioned this provision, suggesting that youths not meeting these criteria might be in even greater need of help. The bill envisions about $3 billion in new costs over the next 10 years, notably for the enhanced adoption incentives. It won bipartisan support in part because congressional budget analysts determined that savings - for example, less spending on foster-care casework - would offset the added costs. For the state and county agencies that directly oversee foster care, some parts of the bill are mandatory for example, demonstrating greater effort to keep siblings together, improve foster children's health care and minimize the need for them to switch schools.

Other provisions will be optional for the states, notably participating in the new guardianship program for relatives and extending foster-care support past age 18. The level of state activity may hinge part on how their child welfare budgets weather the current economic turmoil. "We're going to have a tougher time with implementation by the states then if we didn't have this crisis," said Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa), a key Senate backer of the bill. "It might add a couple of years to full implementation." As encouragement to the states, the bill calls for doubling the per-child bonuses they receive for placing foster children in

adoption. Richard Wexler, executive director of the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform, says this could aggravate an already worrisome phenomenon.

adoption or foster care have the most noble motives," said Chuck Johnson of the National Council for Adoption. "We need to do a better job screening them."

"That means an even greater incentive for quickand-dirty, slipshod placements, for placements more likely to disrupt, and for the creation of more legal orphans, as states rush even faster to terminate parental rights," Wexler said in an e-mail.

Despite its broad scope, the new act does not tackle the front end of the childwelfare problem -- it contains no prevention initiatives to combat neglect and abuse so fewer children are removed from their families in the first place.

Adoption advocates acknowledged that mistakes can be made in placement, and said the bill's new provisions should be accompanied by effective vetting of prospective adoptive parents. "Not all who volunteer for T:5.25"

"Once again, America's child welfare establishment has refused to put its money where its mouth is," Wexler said. "In this big new bill they're all cheering about, there is not one new idea, not one new word, and not one new penny for keeping families together."

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The Chronicle

2b-October 15, 2008

CHURCH - SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP M I S S I O N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCHSunday School - 10:00 AMSunday Service -11:00 AM Thursday Night Bible Study and Prayer Service- 6:00 PMThe church is located at 75 America Street, Charleston, South Carolina We are the church where Christians are at work! The Honorable L.B. FyallPublicity Committee Reverend Leroy Fyall – Pastor

WALLINGFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Invites You To COME, SHARE and FELLOWSHIP with The Seniors Activities Bible Study, Physical Fitness, Arts & Craft Projects, Health Education, Enrichment Programs, Speakers, Community Resources, Trips, Recreation, Nutritional Lunch and lots more fun . . .When: Every Thursday, Where: 705 King Street, Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: NO CHARGE~~FREE, (843) 723-9929

LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES - Please come and join us for Bible Study on Saturday at 3:30 pm. Sunday Services is 11:00a.m. Minister Rose Washington, Associate Pastor Rev. Glenn Scott, Pastor

The Emancipation Proclamation Association

cordially invites you to their annual King & Queen Contest on Monday Night, October 20, 2008 @ 7 P.M. The Event will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 446 Meeting St., Charleston, SC 29403. Dr. George McClanan is the pastor. Please come out and witness a great and marvelous event. Young people from numerous churches and organizations will be displaying their talents and fineries. Please come out and support our young people. They are our future. For more information please contact Mrs. Annice Brown, Youth Director @ 843-797-1613 or Mrs. Ethel Greene @ 843-571-4061.

Week of 10/15/08 thru 10/21/08

The St. Paul A.M. E. Church located at 6925 Rivers Avenue, North Charleston, cordially invite you to attend an Appreciation Service in honor of their Pastor the Rev. Clyde J. Corbin for 16 years of service on Sunday, October 26, 2008 at 4pm at the church. For further information please call the church at 553-2522. Hosted by the Steward Board, Rev. Clyde J. Corbin, Pastor.

Wesley United Methodist Church 2718 River Road, Johns Island, SC Celebrate its 139th Church Anniversary October 19-26, 2008 Come and Enjoy Theme: A New Beginning-A Fresh Anointing” Sunday, October 19, 2008 11:00 a.m. Rev. Otis Scott, Jr., Pastor Wesley United Methodist Church—River Road, Johns Island, SC Wednesday, October 22, 2008- 7:00 p.m. Rev, Mark Mitchell, Pastor St. John United Methodist ChurchSt. George, SC And Oak Grove United Methodist ChurchRidgeville, SC Thursday, October 23, 2008-7:00 p.m. (Youth Joy Night) Minister Ann Robinson New Jerusalem A.M.E. Church, Wadmalaw Island, SC

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THE 2ND ANNUAL WHALE-OF-A-YARDSALE 2008! Saturday, October 25, 2008 from 8:00am to 3:00pm. Orphan Aid Society, Inc. presents familyoriented fundraising event – a fun day of treasure hunting! Door Prizes! at Jenkins Institute for Children, 3923 Azalea Drive (off Leeds Avenue or North Cosgrove Avenue), North Charleston. The public is invited! FREE admission and FREE parking. For more info., e-mail [email protected], or call (843) 744-2429. BAR-B-Q AND OYSTER ROAST! Friday, October 24, 2008 from 5:00pm to 9:00pm at Jenkins Institute for Children, 3923 Azalea Drive (off Leeds Avenue or North Cosgrove Avenue), North Charleston, SC. The public is invited for good food and fun to benefit Jenkins Institute for Children (formerly Jenkins Orphanage). Tickets are $15 for Adults and $7 for Children 12 years and under. Smokey Bones Barbeque and Grill and The Noisy Oyster Restaurants will be participating. For tickets/info. e-mail [email protected], or call (843) 744-2429.

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COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) _ Black people in South Carolina registered to vote at nearly twice the rate of whites ahead of last weekend's deadline. An Associated Press analysis of voting records shows that registration among black voters rose 15 percent from the start of the year through Oct. 1. White registrations were up 8 percent over that time. The biggest percentage gain was among black men between the ages of 18 and 24. Their registrations rose 31 percent, while registration of white men in that age group rose 17 percent. The state also recorded more than 16,000 new registered voters between Oct. 1 and Oct. 4. Commission spokesman Chris Whitmire says registrations are still being processed and the state could end up with 300,000 new voters for the Nov. 4 election.

The Chronicle

October 15, 2008- 3b

Pastors Can Speak Out on Election Issues Minority College Attainment Up, But Stalls by Pastors and church leaders do not need to violate IRS regulations on political activity in order to impact the 2008 elections. There are a wide variety of permissible activities that will activate voters and encourage them to vote according to biblical values. While churches may not endorse or oppose candidates for elective office, pastors can preach on biblical and moral issues, such as abortion and traditional marriage, can urge the congregation to register and vote, and can overview the positions of the candidates. Churches may distribute nonpartisan voter guides, register voters, provide transportation to the polls, hold candidate forums, and introduce visiting candidates.

its tax-exempt status, and not one donor was affected by this incident. Churches may promote and endorse pending legislation or marriage amendments or initiatives. The only limitation is that churches not devote more than a “substantial” part of their overall activity to lobbying. Since 1934, when the lobbying restriction was added to the IRC, not one church has ever lost its tax-exempt status for engaging in too much lobbying. This is not surprising, considering that, with all the other meetings and activities undertaken regularly, churches would have to lobby constantly in

order to violate the lobbying restriction. Mathew Staver, Founder of Liberty Counsel and Dean of Liberty University School of Law, stated: “Pastors should throw away the muzzle of fear and replace it with a megaphone of boldness. It was sermons of pastors that fueled the American Revolution. America needs her pastors to once again speak up and address the religious and moral issues of the day. Pastors can preach biblical truths and educate their congregations about the critical moral issues at stake in this election without violating any IRS rules .”

Soulforce participated in an event at the school Tuesday, observing National Coming Out Day. Soulforce organizer Katie Higgins says the group had a good discussion with school administrators and students at Columbia International University on Monday. Soulforce dropped plans to try to enter the campus against school administrators' wishes. Organizers had said they could visit South Carolina State University, but the group said Tuesday had no plans to visit the historically black school in Orangeburg. Soulforce will visit at least three predominantly black universities this year as part of a national tour of Southern faith-based colleges.

As a result, U.S. adults in their late 20s are reaching only about as far as the age group immediately above them in terms of educational attainment. And among Hispanics, a lower proportion has completed at least an associate's degree when compared with those age 30 and older.

The findings are highlighted in a biennial report to be released Thursday by the American Council on Education, supported by the GE Foundation. "One of the core tenets of the American dream is the hope that younger generations, who've had greater opportunities for educational advancement than their parents and grandparents, will be better off than the generations before

view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of

"The fact that this younger generation is attaining less than the older generation should really be ringing bells across this nation, and we really should be asking ourselves why," said Dolores M. Fernandez, president of Eugenio Maria de Hostos Community College, which is part of the City University of New York.

In fact, the report shows notable progress for minorities in higher education in several areas. Between 1995 and 2005, total minority enrollment on U.S. campuses rose 50 percent, to 5 million students. The numbers of Hispanics receiving bachelor's degrees has nearly doubled over that period, as has the number earning doctorates.

The report also highlights the growing gender gap in higher education, a trend that has been building steadily for a number of years and which some colleges have tried to staunch with everything from giving men an admissions advantage to starting football teams to recruit them.

However, significant gaps among racial groups remain, and by some measures are widening. In 2006, among 18to 24-year-olds, 61 percent of Asian-Americans were in college. That compares with 44 percent of whites, 32 percent of blacks and 25 percent of Hispanics.

Still, according to the report, 36 percent of young men were enrolled in college in 2006, compared with 44 percent of young women.

Department of Education figures show that in 2006, 18 per-

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Molly Corbett Broad. "Yet this report shows that aspiration is at serious risk."


The church sued, and the court ruled that churches are tax-exempt without an IRS letter ruling. The court noted that “because of the unique treatment churches receive under the IRC, the impact of the revocation is likely to be more symbolic than substantial.” Not even this church lost

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) _ Members of a gay rights group say they'll speak with students at the University of South Carolina.

cent of older Hispanics had at least an associate's degree, compared with just 16 percent of 25- to 29-year-olds. Council researcher Mikyung Ryu said the numbers do not suggest that's simply because students are delaying getting an associate's degree until after 30.

The number of minorities in college has increased substantially in recent years, but not fast enough to keep up with demographic changes.

Unless the trend is reversed, the increases in Hispanic participation in higher education won't be enough to ensure that a growing proportion earn a college degree.

Since 1954, when the political endorsement/opposition prohibition was added to the Internal Revenue Code (”IRC”), only one church has ever lost its IRS letter ruling, but even that church did not lose its tax-exempt status. Churches, unlike other nonprofit organizations, do not need an IRS letter ruling to be tax-exempt. That case involved the Church at Pierce Creek in New York, which placed full-page ads in USA Today and the Washington Times opposing thenGovernor Bill Clinton for President. The ads were sponsored by the church and donations were solicited. The IRS revoked the church’s letter ruling, but not its tax-exempt status.

Soulforce to visit University of South Carolina

them," said council President

By Justin Pope, AP Education Writer





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never become a reality... I believe that unarmed love will have the final word. We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities And To Correct Printer’s Errors. We Gladly Redeem USDA Food Stamps. Prices Effective 10/13/08- 10/19/08. Martin Luther King, Jr.

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truth and unconditional

The Chronicle

4b-October15, 2008

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON ROSETTA S. FRASIER and MILDRED SWINTON, Plaintiffs, vs. JOHNNY HENRY GERMAN, JR., WILLIAM GERMAN IV, CHERIE CRISP, PAUL CRISP, LOUISE ALSTON, VANESSA HANKEL, JOHN DOE, AND MARY ROE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown heirs at law distributees, devisees, legatees,, widow, widowers, successors and assigns, if any, of WILLIAM GERMAN, (deceased), and the following deceased individuals: CHRISTINA GERMAN ROUSE, ESTELLE G. NELSON, MARION NELSON, SR., HENRY NELSON, ALONZO NELSON, MARTHA NELSON, CHRISTINA NELSON, WILLIAM NELSON, GEORGE GERMAN, JOHN HENRY GERMAN a/k/a HENRY GERMAN, WILLIAM GERMAN II, JANIE CRISP, WILLIAM GERMAN III, and all other persons unknown claiming by, through or under them or having or claiming any interest

in the real estate described in Complaint, whether infants, incompetents, insane persons under any other disability. Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL CASE NO: 08-CP-10-4190 SUMMONS (Quiet Title Action) (Non-Jury)

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charleston, which action was brought by the above-named Plaintiffs against the above-named Defendants to determine the rightful owners of the below described real estate.


That the premises affected by this action is located within the County and State aforesaid and is more particularly described as follows:

YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, located at 1847 Ashley River Road, P.O. Box 80609, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and, if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint.

All that certain piece, parcel or lot of land containing then (10) acres situated on the Wando River in Christ Church Parish, County and State aforesaid and bounded as follows: North by lands now or formerly of A.R. German, East by lands now or formerly of James Weston, South by lands now or formerly of Joe Simmons and West by the Wando Tract. The same being one fourth of the Chandler Hill Plantation and left to the said Wiliam German by will of his father, the late William German.


TMS Nos.:615-00-00-113, 61500-00-114 & 615-00-00-020 NOTICE NISI

Estate of:

RUBY J. GREEN 2008-ES?10?1333 DOD: 06/28/08 Pers. Rep: HESTER F. JONES 2012 RIVERVIEW AVE., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29405 ************************************************************************* Estate of: MIRIAM K. CONYERS 2008-ES?10?1348 DOD: 08/13/08 Pers. Rep: YVETTE M. CONYERS 8307 WHITEHAVEN DR., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29420 *************************************************************************

The Housing Authority of the City of North Charleston, South Carolina is seeking proposals from an individual or firm to provide Homeless Coordination duties to ensure that the Housing Authority of the City of North Charleston can complete the goals that have been described to support the homeless. The RFP can be obtained by sending an e-mail request to the Executive Director Mr. George Saldana at [email protected]. Sealed responses to this solicitation will be received by the NCHA until 5:00pm Eastern time on October 22, 2008.

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication on his Notice to Creditors or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. MOLLIE T. SMITH 2008-ES-10-1004 DOD: 8/22/07 Pers. Rep: MICHAEL L. SMITH 1852 CHESSHIRE DR. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 ************************************************************************** ESTATE of: BENNIE E. POWELL 2008-ES-10-1011 DOD: 10/15/06 Pers. Rep: ARTHURINE RIVERS 117 BELLPOINT LN. DANIEL ISLAND, SC 29492 *************************************************************************

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plaintiffs have applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointent shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty (30) days of the service of this Notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them. NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Summons, Complaint, Lis Pendens and Notice Nisi were filed on July 22, 2008 in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Kelvin M.Huger, Esquire of 27 Gamecock Ave, Suite 200, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, S.C. 29416, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County, dated the 22nd day of July, 2008 and the said appointment shall become absoulte thirty(30) days after the final publication of this Notice, unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall procure a proper person to be appointed as Guardian ad Litem for them within (30) days after the final publication of this Notice. Arthur C. McFarland 1847 Ashley River Road, Suite 200 P.O. Box 80609 Charleston, SC 29416 (843) 763-3900

Estate of:



Plaintiffs, vs. GENEVA G. ROSS; KATHLEEN C. HAYNES; FONTAINE HAYNES; and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names, to represent the heirs of any of the above named parties who may be deceased and their heirs; and RICHARD ROE, a fictitious name to represent the interest of any minors, incompetents or disabled persons or those that may be serving in the military; Defendants.



ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Lis Pendens, Civil Cover Sheet, Summons and Complaint in this action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina on August 15, 2008.

Recording Company Sues Lil' Kim in NYC By The Associated Press NEW YORK (AP) -- A recording company has sued Lil' Kim for $2.5 million, saying the Grammywinning rapper hasn't delivered all the recordings their contract requires. Brookland Media filed the lawsuit Tuesday in Manhattan's state Supreme Court. Lil' Kim's lawyer, Londell McMillan, says Brookland sued "to leverage their own position" in the contract dispute. The lawsuit says Brookland contracted with Lil' Kim this year and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on recordings, equipment and advance payments. Court papers say the rapper later tried to change the contract and refused to continue recording unless Brookland agreed. The

lLil’ Kim papers say she had recorded only a few tracks toward a new album by the beginning of September. Brookland wants the court to declare the contract valid and bar Lil' Kim from recording for another company. © 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

T.I. Has Dual No. Ones But Claims Underdog Status By MESFIN FEKADU The Associated Press


NEW YORK (AP) — Although T.I. owns both the No. 1 album and single in the country, the platinum-selling rapper says he still feels like the underdog.

NOTICE OF FILING TO: THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVENAMED: You are hereby notified that a Summons, Complaint, and Lis Pendens were filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on June 24, 2008, by Samual H. Altman of Derfner, Altman & Wilborn, LLC, Attorneys for the Plaintiffs.

"Nobody has ever given me a win and nobody has ever said, 'T.I., you know he's going to do this thing.' They always (say), 'He's not going to do this much, he's not going to do that good, I don't believe he'll do that well.' So its always been an uphill battle for me no

T.I. matter how big I get I'm always the underdog," he said in an interview.

DERFNER, ALTMAN & WILB ORN, LLC Larry D. Cohen Larry D. Cohen, LLC P.O. Box 30547 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Tel. (843) 225-4445 Fax (843) 225-2009

BY: Samual H. Altman, P.O Box 600, Charleston, SC 29402-0600 Phone: (843) 723-9804 Fax: (843) 723-7446 Email: [email protected] ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF


SUMMONS TO: THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE-NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint filed in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Reply on the Plaintiff or its attorneys, Samuel H. Altman, Derfner, Altman & Wilborn, LLC, Post Office Box 600, 575 King Street, Charleston, South Carolina, 29402, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to do so, judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. DERFNER, ALTMAN WILBORN, LLC


Samuel H. Altman 575 King Street Post Office Box 600 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 723-9804; Fax (843) 723-7446 ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF June 23, 2008 Charleston, South Carolina

Charleston, South Carolina September 29, 2008 SUMMONS DEFICIENCY WAIVED TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to appear and defend by answering the Complaint in this action, of which a copy is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscriber at his address, P.O. Box 30547, Charleston, South Carolina 29417 within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; except that the United States of America, if named shall have sixty (60) days to answer after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time specified above, or otherwise appear and defend, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint, and judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. RESPECTFULLY TED,


Larry D. Cohen Larry D. Cohen, LLC P.O. Box 30547 Charleston, South Carolina 29417 Tel. (843) 225-4445 Fax (843) 225-2009 ATTORNEY THE PLAINTIFF


Charleston, South Carolina July 30, 2008

But the 28-year-old may not be able to claim that underdog title for long. His latest CD, "Paper Trail," sold more than 560,000 copies in its first week to debut at No. 1 on the Billboard Top 200 album charts, and his newest single, "Live Your Life" featuring Rihanna, supplanted the album's first single, "Whatever You Like," at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 singles chart. The 28-year-old rapper made the comments before taking the stage at Diesel's 30th birthday celebration in Brooklyn, N.Y., on Saturday night. The circus-themed event for the apparel company featured mash-up performances; other artists performing included N.E.R.D., Hot Chip, Franz Ferdinand, Joel and Benji Madden of Good Charlotte, Chaka Khan and M.I.A., who performed her breakthrough Top 10 hit, "Paper Planes." Other celebrities in attendance included Lindsay Lohan, "Gossip Girl" co-stars Chace Crawford and Taylor Momsen, actresses Emma Roberts and Zoe Kravitz, and former Destiny's Child member Michelle Williams. T.I. also performed a song with the pregnant M.I.A., and called the lyricist "the hottest rap chick in the game right now, period." T.I. recently sampled "Paper Planes" for a collaboration with Jay-Z, Kanye West and Lil Wayne. The song, "Swagga Like Us," appears on "Paper Trail." T.I. said the collaboration between the top rappers is a reflection of the respect they have for one another. "It wasn't like I said let me get Jay, Wayne and Kanye on the same song," he said. "The song started off with me and Kanye and it was just me and Kanye, and mutual associates of all four of us suggested, 'Hey man, if Jay and Wayne were on here too, it'll be one of the biggest songs in hip-hop history.' So I said, 'You know what, that's a great idea.

October 15, 2008-5b

The Chronicle

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NESBITT, JR., JOHN HENRY NESBITT, RAYMOND NESBITT, HELEN MAE SIMMONS, BENJAMIN NESBITT, JAMES NESBITT, WILLA MAE NESBITT, FRANKLIN NESBITT, AND NATHAN NESBITT, and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names representing unknown minors, incompetents, persons imprisoned, persons in the military, and persons under any other legal disability, and RICHARD ROE AND SARAH DOE, fictitious names representing unknown devisees, heirs, distributees, or personal representatives of AMOS NESBITT, JANIE N. CAMPBELL,


PUBLIC HEARING The public is hereby advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing Tuesday, October 28, 2008 beginning at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at 80 Broad St., Charleston, SC to receive input from the public regarding the proposed 2009 City Budget. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and present their views. Extended presentations should be submitted in writing. Vanessa Turner-Maybank Clerk of Council

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

LULA SIMMONS, JESSIE NESBITT, IRENE ALLEN, HATTIE YACHZELL,EVELYN SINGLETON, ELIJAH NESBITT, NATHAN NESBITT, ISAAC NESBITT, CAROLYN NESBITT, GRACIE LOU NESBITT, JERRY SIMMONS AND HAROLD NESBITT, all of whom are deceased, and all other unknown persons or entities who may a claim an interest in or lien upon the real estate which is the subject of this action, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS Case No: 08-CP-10-5572 SUMMONS (Quiet Title and Partition Actions: Equity) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, the original of which has been filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina, 29401, on the 2nd day of October, 2008, at 3:32 p.m, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscribers, at their offices at No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9, Charleston, South Carolina, 29402 within thirty (30) days after the last date of the last publication of this notice; and if you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, LLC No. 61 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (803) 577-7423 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina October 2, 2008 NOTICE NISI

HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. Heyward Harvey, Jr. , 13 State Street, Charleston, SC, has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem Nisi in the above entitled action by Order and that such Order will become absolute thirty (30) days after the last publication of the Notice of Appointment, herein unless such of the Defendants as may be heirs, devisees, distributees, administrators, executors, guardians, and all those persons who may be minors, in military service, under any legal disability, or other persons claiming by or through, of the deceased persons above named, or someone in their behalf shall in the meantime procure to be appointed Guardian ad Litem for them, and that such Order is on file in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, Charleston County Courthouse, South Carolina. Charles S. Goldberg, Esquire Attorney for Plaintiff No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29401 (843) 720-2800 Charleston, South Carolina October 1, 2008 LIS PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendant above named, and that the object of such action is to clear the title to the real estate described as follows: ALL that piece or parcel or tract of land, lying and being in St. Pauls Township, Charleston County, State of South Carolina, containing Eight and one-half (8 ?) acres more or less and bounded as follows: on the East by lands of John Granderson and on the South by a Road called Landing Road; on the West by Nancy Pinckney; and on the North by lands of Martha Armstrong.


The public is hereby advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing Tuesday, October 28, 2008, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall, 80 Broad Street, on the request that the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Charleston be changed in the following respects: REZONING 1. To rezone 360 Concord Street (Peninsula) (3.256 acres) (TMS# 459-00-00-006) to include the property in the Accommodations Overlay (A)classification. ORDINANCE AMENDMENTS 1. To amend the Planned Unit Development Master Plan and Development Guidelines for Henry Tecklenburg Boulevard (Essex Farms Village Center PUD - West Ashley) (20.65 acres) (TMS# 309-00-00-262) (TMS# 309-00-00-003 master parcel for original PUD approval). 2. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) to change veterinary services from a special exception use in the Gathering Place (GP), General Business (GB), Urban Commercial (UC), Mixed Use (MU-2 and MU-2/WH) and Business Park (BP) zoning districts to a conditional use; and to permit veterinary services as a conditional use in the Commercial Transitional (CT), Limited Business (LB), and Mixed Use (MU-1 and MU-1/WH) zoning districts. 3. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) by amending Section 54-299.2 Land Uses for the Mixed Use Workforce Housing District to correct a scrivener's error. 4. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) by amending section 54-306 Old City Height Districts to permit non-habitable architectural elements to encroach into required setbacks for structures in the 85/200, 85/30, and 85/125 Old City Height Districts. 5. To amend Chapter 54 of the Code of the City of Charleston (Zoning Ordinance) by adding additional streets to Section 54-268(a) the Commercial Corridor Design Review District.


BEING the same property conveyed to Amos Nesbit by deed

PUBLIC HEARING The public is hereby advised that the Traffic and Transportation Committee will hold a public hearing Monday, October 27, 2008, beginning at 3:00 p.m. at City Hall, 80 Broad Street, to amend Chapter 31, (Vehicles for Hire), Article IV, Section 31-197(a)(1) of the Code of the City of Charleston to establish new rates for metered taxicabs as a result of higher fuel costs. VANESSA TURNER-MAYBANK Clerk of Council

House Calls By Gerald W. Deas, M.D. It is interesting how important the bean is in our food chain, and I don’t mean jellybeans! For good nutrition and survival, man has had to lean on the bean. The bean is so important that even in biblical history, Esau gave up his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of lentils when he was starving. (See Genesis 25:30-34) In the Book of Daniel, Daniel, a Jewish youth, defied the king of Babylon when he refused to eat the food from the king’s table, but only wanted to eat vegetables, beans and water. The diet proved to be so successful, that Daniel became an important person in the king’s court. (Daniel 1:9-13) In the book, “Diet For A Small Planet,” the author, Frances Moore Lappe, relates that at least twothirds of beans that are produced are sent throughout the world to feed livestock for the production of meat. Most of this meat winds up on our tables, hamburger joints and steakhouses. I recall, even in the Mother Goose nursery rhymes, the rhyme entitled Jack Spratt, states:

of John Granderson dated November 12, 1930 and recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Book T35, Page 187. The Tax Map Reference Number is 053 00 00 056 Charles S. Goldberg No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 720-2800 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, S. C. October 1, 2008


The public hereby is advised that the City Council of Charleston will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at City Hall 80 Broad Street, on the proposed closing and abandonment as follows: A portion of South Park Circle running in a westerly and northwesterly direction for approximately 650 feet from its intersection with South Park Boulevard to its terminus. Interested parties are invited to attend the hearing and express their views. Extended presentations should be submitted in writing. Vanessa Turner-Maybank

VANESSA TURNER-MAYBANK Clerk of Council Interested parties are invited to attend the public hearing and express their views. Extended presentations should be submitted in writing. In accordance with the American Disabilities Act people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at 843-724-3730 or email, [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

“Jack Sprat… Could eat no fat… His wife could eat no lean; …And so, Betwixt them both, They licked the platter clean.” I’m sure that Jack Sprat did not have any meat on his tray, only a handful of vegetables and beans. Beans are more than a musical fruit—the more you eat, the more you toot! Yes, they are gassy, but you know how you can take care of that. You can add Beano to your diet, which is capable of removing excess bean sugar. You can also soak beans overnight in water before cooking. Beans have great healing power, they are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, potassium, iron, B vitamins and folate. Other advantages of eating beans are the lowering of cholesterol, stabilizing blood sugar, preventing heart disease and reducing breast and prostate cancers. Beans are known as the healthy man’s meat. There are a host of bean varieties that can be eaten hot, cold or uncooked, such as, butter beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, black-eyed peas, lima beans, navy beans, pinto beans and black beans. Just search you supermarket shelves, which are filled with exotic beans from all over the world and try new recipes. I would suggest strongly, that if you do not wish to be a “has bean,” load up your plate with more beans than meat. Beans will give you the same amount of protein and other nutrients which will ensure a healthier and leaner diet.



In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

Clerk of Council

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, people who need alternative formats, ASL interpretation, or other accommodation please contact Denise Griffith at (843) 724-3730 or mail to [email protected] three days prior to the meeting.

Lean on the Bean



6b- October 15, 2008-

The Chronicle

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


Buonasera Media Services, LLC on behalf of the South Carolina Education Lottery will be receiving Proposals for Advertising Signage to be displayed in Lottery Retailer locations. For more information, please contact Teri Buonasera at [email protected]. Buonasera Media Services, LLC, 4124 East Buchanan Drive, Columbia, SC 29206. Phone: 803.315-2497 Fax: 803.790.7225 Tuesday, October 21, 2008 is the last day to redeem winning tickets in the following South Carolina Education Lottery Instant Games: 20 Year Bonus (SC#220) and Monthly Grand (SC#229). APARTMENTS/UNFURNISHED A HUD Home 5 bd. 2 ba! Only $200/mo. Or $21,470! 5% dn, 20 yrs @ 8%. This Home Won’t Last! For Listings 800391-5228 ext. S154. 2 bd. 2 ba. Only $201/mo! 3 bd. 2 ba. Only $324/mo! 5% dn, 20 yrs @ 8.5% APR! Buy Foreclosures! For Listings 800508-8176 ext. 1223. AUCTIONS/SHOWS

ANNOUNCE YOUR AUCTION IN 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 2.9 million readers. Call Jimmie Haynes at the S.C. Newspaper Network at 1-888727-7377.

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CHERRY POINT BOAT LANDING FIXED PIER LIMEHOUSE BOAT LANDING FLOATING DOCK The Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) is seeking bids for the construction of a new fixed pier at the Cherry Point Boat Landing and a new floating groundout dock at the Limehouse Boat Landing. For more information on obtaining the bid documents for each of these projects, please visit CCPRC’s website HYPERLINK "" or by calling Ms. Lynda Abram, Contract Coordinator, 843-762-8081. By:

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ADVERTISEMENT FOR A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR A NEW MODULAR OFFICE AT THE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING RFP#08-CP-072 861 RIVERLAND DRIVE CHARLESTON, SC 29412 October 2008 The Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission is requesting proposals from certified Vendors for the purchase, manufacture, delivery and set-up of a New Modular Office at the Headquarters Building, 861 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC, 29412. To receive a copy of the Request for Proposal, contact Ms. Penny Westerfelhaus, Administrative Assistant, 861 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC, 843-762-8098. Proposals shall be submitted no later than October 23, 2008 as outlined in the Request for Proposal. By: Mr. Tom O’Rourke, Executive Director Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission

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by Gwen Baines NNPA

HOMES FOR RENT ***Bank Repos*** 3 bd. 2 ba. $222/mo. 4 bd. 3 ba. $262/mo. Call Now! Great Deals! 5% dn, 20 yrs @ 8%. For Listings 800391-5228 x T967. Buy Foreclosure! 3 bd. 2 ba. Only $18,900! For Listings 800-508-8176 ext. 1999. 6 Bed 4 Bath only $434/mo! Buy Foreclosures! Stop Renting! (5% dn, 20 yrs @ 8.5% APR!) For listings 800508-8176 ext. 1241. HOMES FOR SALE 4 Bed 2 Bath Foreclosure! Only $32,000! Bank Owned Home! For Listings 800-5088176 ext. 1917. LAND FOR SALE STEAL MY MARSHFRONT Owner sacrifice!!! Drop dead gorgeous Marshfront. My neighbor paid $389,900. I’ll sell mine for less than the bank repo’s. My six figure loss is your gain. $229,900. Call 866383-3915. LAND/ACREAGE RIVER ACCESS over 50% off! Steal this gorgeous full acre river access home site for less than half of what it was a year ago. Owner must sell now. Paved roads, elec., cable, great schools, pool. Don’t miss this opportunity. $29,900. Call now 877-289-2045. MISCELLANEOUS ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from Home. *Medical, *Business, *Paralegal, *Computers, *Criminal justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial Aid if qualified. Call 866-8582121 AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for high paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified- Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 349-5387. A NEW COMPUTER NOW!!! Brand name laptops & desktops. Bad or NO credit- No Problem. Smallest weekly payments avail. It’s yours NOW Call 800-816-2375. NOTICES/ANNOUNCEMENTS

Ask Gwen Dear Gwendolyn: Last year I won the lottery and this year I am penniless and living on the street. This is what happened: After winning 51 million dollars, I knew I would never have to be worried about money again. But instead, all within a year. I am broke. My brother borrowed 10 million dollars to build his mansion of a house. My sister borrowed 5 million dollars to start her business and my niece borrowed one million to get her son out of prison. Five million in total went out to friends. Every day I was at the bank. This is the sad part Gwendolyn, now that I am broke, my brother refuses to allow me to live with him until I can get back upon my feet. My sister refuses to employ me in her most striving business, and my nieceís son remains behind bars. I know you have counted the loaned out money and wondering what happened to the remainder. I met a man and two months later he moved in. After moving in, he immediately took over the management of our money. Five months later he left me with nothing. Rhonda Dear Rhonda: When people win the lottery, they don’t think. You are not the only person to win and lose it all within a short period of time. Seek the help of a shelter and get yourself off the street. Let me tell you this: Family can be your biggest distrust. When you have no money whatsoever, you don’t go around borrowing millions of dollars. Your brother, sister, friends, and your niece had no intentions of repaying you. How can they? And money spent for lawyers for Jr. was a waste. He probably deserves to be in jail. And for the man you met, didnít you know that when a woman comes into a sizable sum of money, men come from everywhere. Your money built a house that you cannot sleep in and a business where you cannot work. After my counting, you should have been left with 30 million dollars. I noticed you gave nothing to charities. There are hospitals overflowing with children with cancer and their parents cannot afford their treatment. You gave nothing there. Rhonda, your biggest mistake of all was meeting the man. You mentioned that after he moved in, he immediately took over our money. You were too gullible just to have a man. I still can’t comprehend - Our money? ***Have a problem? Write to Gwendolyn Baines at P. O. Box 10066, Raleigh, N.C. 27605-0066 (To receive a reply, send a self-addressed stamped envelope.) or email her at: [email protected] or visit her website at:

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NEED RENTERS? ADVERTISE your vacation home to more than 2.9 million South Carolina newspaper readers. Your 25-word classified ad will appear in 107 S.C. newspapers for only $375. Call Jimmie Haynes at the South Carolina Newspaper Network at 1-888727-7377.

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Full-time Faculty

Accounting Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Mechanics Cosmetology Electrical Line Worker Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Program Coordinator Industrial and Manufacturing Training Director Librarian Mathematics Nursing

Part-time Faculty

Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Aircraft Maintenance Technology Animation

Anthropology Biological Sciences CNC Machining Cosmetology Criminal Justice Economics Electrical Facility Maintenance English Esthetics Graphic Design Industrial Mechanics Information Systems Marketing Multimedia and Web Site Design Music Nail Technology

Nursing Paralegal Plumbing Radio, TV and Film Sociology Spanish Theater Welding

Full-time Staff

Electrician Capital Project Engineer Engineer/Associate Engineer II Information Resources Consultant I Law Enforcement Officer I Law Enforcement Officer II Security Specialist III

Temporary Staff

Administrative Specialist II Biology/Chemistry Tutor Computer Technology Tutor Mathematics Tutor

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The Chronicle

October 15, 2008 -7b

New York Publisher Sponsors Writing Contest for Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated New York, NY ( Resilience Multimedia, publisher of the widely praised book, Think Outside the Cell: An Entrepreneur's Guide for the Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated, is sponsoring a writing contest for people who are or were in prison, and their loved ones. The best submissions will be included in books in Resilience's Think Outside the Cell Series, which is intended to help the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated tackle hard challenges and have successful lives. Contestants may write personal stories about one or more of these topics: * Reentering society after incarceration * Waiting for loved ones to return home from prison * Prison marriages and relationships Three winners will be chosen for each topic and will receive these prizes: * 1st Place: $300 * 2nd Place: $150 * 3rd Place: $75 Stories that do not win cash prizes will still be eligible for inclusion in the series. Writers whose stories are selected will receive a free copy of the book in which their work appears. These rules:




* All stories must be original and about situations or events that actually happened. * You may submit stories on more than one topic. * Stories may be up to 3,000 words. * Stories should be typewritten and double-spaced. * Handwritten stories will be accepted as long as they are legible. * Each page must include page number, your name, contact information and story title. * Resilience Multimedia reserves the right to edit stories for clarity, punctuation, spelling and gram-

mar. * Story entries will not be returned. * ALL ENTRIES MUST BE POSTMARKED BY NOVEMBER 30, 2008. WINNERS AND OTHER SELECTED STORIES WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON FEBRUARY 1, 2009 AT www.thinkoutsidethecell.c om AND IN A PRESS RELEASE. Here's how to enter:

Email your story, indicating which topic it is intended for, to: [email protected] OR mail your story to: Resilience Multimedia 511 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 525 New York, NY 10011 Questions? Email [email protected], call 877-267-2303 or write to the above address.

Protecting U.S. Jobs From Unfair Competition (NAPSI)-Since the Industrial Revolution, it could be said that the fabric of America is steel. And even in an economic downturn, steel remains an essential component of U.S. growth and exports. But where is that steel coming from? Increasingly, the answer is "overseas." Although the total U.S. consumption of specialty steel decreased 11.5 percent between June 2007 and June 2008, the percentage of foreign steel--known as the import penetration--actually increased from 35.6 percent to 39.9 percent. The primary increase stems from the importation of stainless steel sheet/strip, which jumped 13.4 percent over the same time period--despite the fact that the nation's consumption went down 6.2 percent. Over that 12-month period, imported alloy tool steel also saw a significant increase of 6.1 percent.

"Stainless steel imports of sheet and strip products continue to surge, even in the midst of a 10 percent decline in U.S. consumption," said Doug Kittenbrink, chairman of the Specialty Steel Industry of North America. "Currency manipulation and other subsidies are enabling Asian competitors to unfairly target our markets. We strongly believe it is time for the U.S. Congress to address the issue of China currency manipulation." Many Americans concerned about the country's economy-as well as their own--are writing their legislators in Washington about this issue. You can reach your senators at and your representative at For additional information, visit More and more of the steel used in the U.S. comes from overseas, which poses a threat to American jobs and the economy.

A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tough Economic Times Challenge Small Businesses To Find New Ways To Cut Costs (NAPSI)-As experts continue to call out the latest signs of an approaching recession, businesses respond by cinching up their budgets. But, for those already tasked with keeping their bottom line lean, new ways of cutting costs require some creativity. So, from remote cities and towns to large metropolitan areas, businesses all over the country are further cutting costs by cutting the cord--the phone cord, that is--and using Internetbased digital telephone service. Internet telephony technology, otherwise known as VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), lets companies deploy a full-featured business phone system over their existing broadband network for a fraction of the cost of traditional alternatives. For a small business, this can result in significant cost savings as there is no equipment to buy or maintain, and the monthly service fees--which cover unlimited calling and business-class features--are predictable and fixed. Technology consultant Joe Rork has seen his home state of Michigan hit hard. Currently serving as chief technologist for Plymouth's Green Street Fair--an annual event founded to help educate and inform people of all ages about the benefits of green, organic and ecofriendly products and services--he's turned watching what he spends into an art. "One of the easiest things I did right off was to be sure we were using Internet technolo-

gy for our phone systems," he says. "Not only is it a huge savings for us in terms of cost, it's the safest and easiest way we can move our office from headquarters to the event location without missing a beat." The Green Street Fair has been months in the planning and has used 8x8's Packet8 Virtual Office digital phone service every step of the way. More than 150 vendors representing the "green" in everything from food and automotive to health and home are recruited, informed, scheduled and personally attended to up to and throughout the two-day event using powerful, customer-driven calling features. With Packet8 Virtual Office, businesses are doing away with their expensive PBX system and the costs that come along with it. The system installs in minutes and is loaded with standard features like auto attendants, unlimited conference calling, music on hold, ring groups, one number dialing and more--all of which can add a big-business feel to an otherwise small-business setup. And because it uses a business' existing high-speed Internet connection and can be managed online by the customers themselves, the cost of making calls-and of doing dayto-day business--is considerably less. Business owner Bert Hamilton of Harvey Software, Inc., in Ft. Myers, Fla., can't go a day without being reminded of the recession's increasing impact. His company writes shipping software designed to give customers

more control over their shipping costs. And, like Rork, Hamilton uses new technology to keep ahead and keep his customers happy. Although it took Hamilton a few years to finally switch over to Packet8, he and his customers have been instantly rewarded for making the change. And, by moving his phone systems away from traditionally architected services, he has sealed the deal on an even greater gain-business redundancy. "Hurricanes are a big threat to our livelihood here," remarks Hamilton. "The ability of Virtual Office to allow for redundancy in our communications plan isn't just convenient. It's a necessity." Packet8 isn't the only thing connecting Hamilton's 25year-old software company and Rork's two-day show. It seems they've both been able to "go greener" by making the change--for greater energy efficiency and a smaller carbon impact. Using the Internet to make calls is a technological marvel to some. For others, it comes down to simply making the smart play. "As to the future of the Internet and its use as a business tool, we've barely scratched the surface," says Bryan Martin, CEO of 8x8, Inc. "What really matters is the choice that businesses have in front of them right now." A growing number of small businesses are saving money through Internet-based phone service.

Economic Warnings Continue to Come True Bro. Bedford's Forecast of Economic Collapse Doesn't Seem Foolish Anymore

of a long and painful transition from an economy that was once dominated by America to a Global Economy that is dominated by Billions of peo

Detroit, MI ( - For over 2 years, Bro. Bedford, founder of How To Be A Black and author of Conversations With Black Millionaire Entrepreneurs has been warning of an impending financial collapse of the U.S. Economy. With the collapse of the Real Estate market, the vanishing of some of the largest Banks & Businesses in the history of the United States, bailouts totaling over $1 Trillion, the unemployment rate rising, as well as the price of food and gas being at record highs it is clear that his words were not empty.

When asked if this is the end of the economic slump Bro. Bedford said, "The opposite is true, this is just the beginning

Bro. Bedford ple." "The information that is being shoved down the throats of the American people is not going to work, for one it doesn't even scratch the surface of the enormous problems that exist in the economy. We are watching a serious drama unfold right before our eyes. Credit markets are choking. Sales are collapsing. Companies are folding. Jobs are vanishing. Costs are rising. Not next month or

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next year. Right now!" said Bro. Bedford. When asked, what he thought black people should do to navigate this terrible economic environment? He said, "We must become more entrepreneurial, and I'm not talking about implementing the business models that we see failing. I'm talking about learning how to market products or services directly to customers worldwide, affiliating yourself with similar entrepreneurs and doing Joint Ventures to cross sell and market products. These models are what is working and will continue to work in the future." "From an investment standpoint I suggest buying Silver & Gold." Bro. Bedford has a Free Report discussing the fall of the U.S. Dollar and Black people being prepared located online at To gain immediate access to an audio-MP3 and PDF transcript of the training of, "How To Buy Silver & Gold: To Protect Your Wealth and Savings" visit:

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