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CHILDREN THE OUTLINE to generate children causes at the same time the exultation and the reflexion. Well that it is an event of most current in the world, each birth is however the result of a process of an extraordinary complexity. Let us see what occurs. A spermatozoon emitted by the man is linked with the ovule produced by the woman to make only one cell. This one will divide to form of them two which, in their turn, will divide to give four of them, then eights and so on, of kind that what was not at the beginning which only one cell will become finally an adult whose body is formed, estime-t-on, from some 60.000.000 000.000 of cells. At the beginning, these new cells all were identical, then they started to be different in osseous, muscular or nervous cells, in cells of the liver, the eye. skin, etc One could elucidate some of the mysteries relating to the reproduction and the differentiation of the cells, but much of others remain unexplained. Thus, what starts the process of the cellular division? With the continuation, the cells start to be different. What causes this phenomenon? What brings the formation of various groups of cells having a form, dimensions and functions special to constitute bodies, such as the liver, the nose or a toe? These changes are carried out according to a calendar established in advance. But what establishes it? Moreover, the embryo in the belly of the mother is a foreign body which has its own genetic code. Normally, the human body rejects all foreign fabrics. as in the case of Clerc's Offices of the skin or transplantations of bodies. Why the body of the mother reject doesn't this genetically different embryo, but it nourishes it during some 280 days? DEVELOPMENT AND BIRTH The embryo develops quickly. At the end of four weeks, it has a brain, a nervous system, a circulatory apparatus and a heart which pumps blood and sends it in vessels. During six weeks blood is manufactured in the vitelline bag until the liver replaces it in this function which will be finally assumed by the marrow of the bones. During the fifth week, the arms and the legs start to be formed, and, three weeks later, the fingers and the toes appear. At the end of the seventh week, the principal muscles, the eyes, the ears, the nose and the mouth are formed.

With the course the ninth week, the cartilages become bones with the fur and measurement that the skeleton is formed, and the baby in gestation is not called any more embryo but foetus. During the fourth month the kidneys start to filter blood. This moment, the child in formation stirs up, twists, folds the fingers and the toes when it feels a tickling in the palm of his hands or under the plant of his feet. It can tighten something between its fingers and its inch, which it starts besides to suck, thus exerting the muscles which it will need for téter the centre for his mother. This one feels it to jump when it sometimes happens to him to have the hoquet. At the end of the sixth month, many bodies are so to speak completed. The nostrils are opened, the eyebrows appear, the eyes will not be long in opening and the ears to be functioned, if well that a great noise can make still start the baby in the matrix. After forty week, work starts. The uterus contracts and the baby prepares to make his entry in the world. During expulsion, it happens sometimes that the head of the baby becomes deformed, but as the bones of cranium are not welded yet together, it regains its natural shape after the birth. Until now, the mother did everything for the baby. It provided him oxygen, food, protection and the heat which it needed. and it even provided for the waste disposal. Now. the organization of the child must start to function independently and immediately, without what he will die. The new-born baby must start to breathe so that its lungs provide of oxygen to its blood. But for that, a spectacular modification must be carried out instantaneously: the blood of the child must borrow a new circuit. As long as the foetus is in the centre of his/her mother, the wall, comprising an opening, which separates the right part of the left part of the heart, prevents a great quantity of blood from circulating towards the lungs. As for the blood which moves there nevertheless, it borrows in a great proportion a deviation, a large blood vessel, so that the lungs receive only ten percent approximately blood volume of the foetus. But at once for the birth, it is necessary that all the blood of the new-born baby passes now in the lungs. It is why, in the seconds which follow, the large vessel which diverted the blood of the lungs contracts, which opens circulation towards the lungs. In same time, the opening located in the wall of the heart is closed again, and all the blood which is pumped by the right side of the heart is sent this time towards the lungs to be oxygenated there. The baby breathes, blood is oxygenated. Spectacular changes took place, and the child saw. With what a gratitude a man and his wife must consider this gift, the capacity to generate a new human creature, a child who is part of themselves while being different! TAKE CARE OF THIS “HERITAGE” The children need a father and a mother who like and who cherish their offspring. They need also heat and the safety of a hearth in which their parents will accomodate them with joy and will offer the environment

necessary to them to their growth and the development of their personality. A man and a woman who plan to have a child should put these questions: Do we really wish it? Are we able to provide for all its needs, not only physical, but so emotional? Will we be able to raise it suitably and to give him the good example? Are we been willing to assume the responsibilities which result from the birth of a child and to accept the sacrifices that that comprises? When we were children, perhaps had we the impression to be persecuted by our parents, but when we become ourselves parents, we discover at which point to raise children is an absorbing task. It is thus a great responsibility, but which gets also great joys. You here pregnant, either because your husband and thus decided you, or quite simply following biological circumstances. It is necessary for you already to start to take care of this “heritage”. You will take care to eat certain food and to abstain from others or to consume some only in small quantities. The rich foods in iron (or not starchy meat and green vegetables ) are important, because, in the matrix, the baby makes provision of iron for the first six months which will follow its birth. You must also consume more milk (or of cheese) to provide to your child calcium necessary to the formation of its skeleton. A moderate rich food consumption in carbohydrates (starchy foods and rich foods in sugar) will avoid you taking too much weight. You will undoubtedly eat for two, but one of both is tiny. Perhaps it will be necessary for you to take care of other things, according to your practices. Thus, as the alcohol which the mother consumes passes in the foetus, it must drink with moderation, because an alcoholic drink excess could cause with his/her child of the organic lesions or the mental backwardness. Babies were born in a state from intoxication because their mother was alcoholic. If it smokes, the mother introduced of nicotine into the circulatory apparatus of the foetus, thus replacing the oxygen of its blood by carbon dioxide. Thus, before even being born, a child can lose any chance to enjoy a good health. The miscarriages and the children still-born children are much more frequent among women who smoke. The mother who absorbs narcotics can give rise to a child drug addict. Even certain drugs which do not cause a state of dependence can be dangerous and cause malformations in the child. In addition to, a strong emotion can accelerate the secretion of hormones in the mother and, consequently, excite the foetus, which will make the newborn baby agitated and irritable. It is true that the baby in gestation is protected in the belly from his mother, but it would not have to be believed that it is completely cut world which surrounds it. This last exerts on him an influence via his/her mother. Being its only bond with the external world, it is with it primarily to decide if this influence will be good or bad. All depends on the way in which it takes care of itself, as well as its reactions vis-a-vis the circumstances of the life. It goes without saying that it will need for that

for the co-operation for those which surround it, and in particular for much love and solicitude on behalf of her husband. GROWTH OF The CHILD - HOW will you DIRECT the ARROW? The value of an arrow depends on the precision with which it is adjusted by the archer. This one must be very concentrated and skilful to send it in the target. In the same way, it is very important that as parents you reflect with wisdom at the beginning which you will give to your child. Later, will he become a balanced, ripe and respected adult? It is before even the birth of the child that it is necessary to make certain decisions relating to the care and education that one will give him. In the case of first-born, his/her parents constitute practically all his universe. But what will be this universe? Whatever it is, the family atmosphere will be reflected on the child. Thus make so that it grows in a peaceful and sure universe. in an atmosphere cordial and full with love. All these favorable conditions will impress the child tenderly loved and will model his sensitivity. It will be receptive with your feelings and it will follow your example. The laws of heredity allowed the child to develop in a marvellous way in the centre of his/her mother, but how will you work it once he will have made his entry in the world? That depends on the whole of the family medium which you will create, because this one will determine, as well as the genetic inheritance of the child, which the latter will become when it reaches the adulthood. Neither the man nor the woman are able to produce the least grass bit, but with them two they can generate another human, a being of a complexity infinite and different from all the other human ones on the ground. It is a realization so extraordinary which it seems incredible that so many people do not appreciate today the “crowned” character of the responsibility which results from this. They plant flowers. sprinkle, put to them of manure, weed them, all that with an aim of having a beautiful garden. Shouldn't we devote much more time and make more efforts still to produce beautiful children? If a couple has the right to have children, the children have, them it right to have parents not only of name, but who discharge really their responsibilities. One can make take various forms with the trees. Some push out of rib stalls; others are spread out with the short-nap cloth of the ground. One even manages to make so that certain trees remain small and rabougris by cutting down their roots and by compressing them, like, for example, the “bonsais”. To show at which point the first education acts on the training of a child, some say: “The Such form of the growth, such shape of the tree.” But it is necessary to be balanced in this field. If the parents must guide the child so that it follows a good code of conduct, they should not however not expect that its personality and its behavior correspond exactly to the ideal which they forged about it. You cannot cause production of figs with an olive-tree. Learn how with your child to make the good, but do not seek to

model it of force according to a predetermined mould which would make it possible neither its personality nor with its innate qualities to be expressed normally. Take time to learn how to know this child whom you generated. Then, as if it were about a fragile shrub, guide it rather firmly so that he is protected and maintained in the good direction, but rather flexibly not to block the full blooming of its capacities to make the good.

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