Chapter 4e Snia-ssm-tape-slides-2003-04-13

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Obligatory rubric • Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA). • SNIA-TC members may use this material freely; all others must conform to usage notes in the speaker noted for this slide. • See SNIA-SSM-colors.ppt for printing and color/graphics conventions.


Copyright © 2000,2003, Storage Networking Industry Association

Tape and the SNIA sharedstorage model

This revision: • 2002-06-12: last content update • 2003-04-13: last graphics update Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Scope • Open Systems ƒ Mainframe tape function and usage are qualitatively different

• Backup/archive/HSM motivate architectural choices ƒ The only significant open system usage of tape

• Backup architecture examples ƒ Goal: Explain use of storage networking for backup/restore ƒ Non-goal: explain all backup application features/functions


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Tape layout: logical tape structure (representative) tape extent (sequence of tape blocks)

tape extent separator (e.g., file mark)

(optional) tape header

(optional) tape trailer

tape tape image image


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Tape layout: physical tape structures (representative) 1. tape contents = single tape image 2. single tape holds multiple tape images, tape image separators 3. tape image(s) spans multiple tapes


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Tapes are not Disks: Part 1: Physical Format • Physically: ƒ Disk block ~= Tape block ƒ Disk volume ~= Tape extent • Sequences of blocks

• But … ƒ Disk: random access ƒ Tape: sequential access • Random access tape (e.g., DECtape) ~= long thin slow disk

• Causes huge usage differences ƒ Tape extent is usually written in one pass • Appends occur, but not update in place

ƒ Random access to tape is (usually) a bad idea 6

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Tapes are not Disks Part 2: Logical Format • Disk block ~= Tape block • Disk volume ~= Tape extent ƒ Block aggregation operations apply to both ƒ Concatenate, stripe, mirror, etc.

• In OS/360-derived “mainframe” systems: ƒ Disk file ~= Tape file

• In open systems: ƒ Tape images usually used for packed files ƒ “archives”, “backups”, ~= file system


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

The SNIA shared storage model


File/record layer Database (dbms)

File system (FS)

Host Network

Block aggregation


Storage Storage devices devices (disks, (disks, …) …)

Block layer

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association


Storage domain


Tape in the SNIA shared storage model Storage domain 9

File/record layer Database (dbms)

File system (FS)

Tape-format system

Tape application (e.g. backup software)



Host Network

Block aggregation


Storage Storage devices devices (disks, (disks, …) …)

Block layer

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Sequential Network Extent Access Device aggregation

Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

Tape in the SNIA shared storage model


Tape application (e.g. backup software)

This packsFile/record files/records into layer tape extents/images.

Database File system (dbms) In open systems, (FS) all “host”resident functions take place in the tape application (e.g., backup software). Host Disk accesses Network can be random; Block tape is sequential; unit of Device aggregation aggregation is thus “extents”, not blocks This split is caused by

Storage devices (disks, …) Storage devices (disks, removable media (very…)

important for tape); removable Block layer disks (e.g., CD, DVD) could also be shown on disk side. Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Tape-format system

Storage domain



Sequential Network Extent Access Device aggregation

Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

Removable media: Significant functional impacts • Which tape is in the drive? What’s on it? ƒ Tape labels, indexes

• Where’s the tape I wanted? ƒ Catalogs, library slot management

• How do I get that tape into the drive?

Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

ƒ Operator instructions, robot commands ƒ Tape device could be a single drive or multi-drive library

• Can this drive read that tape? ƒ Different cartridge sizes and shapes ƒ Tape formats: significantly more diverse and complex than SD/DD/HD floppy formats 11

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup techniques focus on: what is done • Three common Unix tape utilities ƒ tar – read the filesystem and write the tape ƒ dump – read the disk volume and write the tape ƒ dd – bulk copy from disk volume to tape

• Diagrams show data flows for backup ƒ Where the disk and tape are doesn’t matter ƒ Reverse the data flow arrows for restore


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup technique: Files File/record layer Database (dbms)

File system (FS)

Tape-format system

Backup software (e.g, tar)


Block Block aggregation aggregation

Storage Storage devices devices (disks, (disks, …) …)

Block layer 13

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association


Extent aggregation


Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

Segment layer

Backup technique: File system volume File/record layer Database (dbms)

File system (FS)

Tape-format system

Backup software (e.g, dump)


Block Block aggregation aggregation

Storage Storage devices devices (disks, (disks, …) …)

Block layer 14

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association


Extent aggregation


Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

Segment layer

Backup technique: Volume copy to tape File/record layer Database (dbms)

File system (FS)

Tape-format system

Backup software (e.g, dd)


Block Block aggregation aggregation

Storage Storage devices devices (disks, (disks, …) …)

Block layer 15

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association


Extent aggregation


Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

Backup technique: Files to virtual tape File/record layer Database (dbms)

File system (FS)

Tape-format system

Backup software (e.g, tar)


Block Block aggregation aggregation

Storage Storage devices devices (disks, (disks, …) …)

Block layer 16

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association


Extent aggregation


Tape Tape devices devices Tape Tape media media

Backup architectures focus on: where it is done • Architecture is independent of backup technique • How does the data move to the tape(s)? ƒ Architecture examples focus on external tape libraries • External: on different system from backup software

ƒ See previous slides for internal tape • Internal: on same system as backup software


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

What’s in a tape library? • Tapes (media)

Tape library

ƒ And slots to store them

• Tape drive(s) ƒ Often more than one ƒ Independently usable

• Robot(s) ƒ Move tapes between drives and storage slots ƒ Independent command interface

• Robot command paths omitted from diagrams on following slides for clarity


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: Direct-attach tape •• Direct-attach Direct-attach Tape Tape backup backup

Host with LVM

File/record layer

Backup software

Host block-aggregation

Block layer

Network block-aggregation

Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: LAN-attach tape Backup SW

•• LAN LAN Backup Backup

Host, no LVM


Host with LVM

File/record layer

Backup SW

Host block-aggregation

Block layer

Network block-aggregation

Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: Shared tape drive LAN

Backup SW

LAN-Free LAN-Free Backup Backup Sequential Sequential sharing sharing of of same same tape tape drive drive

Host with LVM

Host with LVM

File/record layer

Backup SW

Host block-aggregation

Block layer


Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Network block-aggregation

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: Partitioned tape library Backup SW

Host with LVM

Host with LVM

File/record layer

Backup SW

•• Multiple Multiple backups backups at the same at the same time time Robot, Robot, drive, drive, and and tape usage must tape usage must be be coordinated coordinated among among backups backups Host block-aggregation

Block layer


Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Network block-aggregation

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: Virtual Tape Controller

Host with LVM

File/record layer

Backup Software

SN SN device device virtualizes virtualizes tapes, tapes, tape tape devices devices and/or and/or robots robots

Host block-aggregation

Block layer

Network block-aggregation Virtual Tape Controller Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: Virtual Tape Controller + Disk cache Backup Software

Disk Disk used used as as cache cache •• Backup Backup to to Disk Disk

Host with LVM

File/record layer

•• Destage Destage to to Tape Tape

Host block-aggregation

Block layer

Network block-aggregation Virtual Tape Controller Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: Data movers for tape

Host with LVM

Host with LVM

File/record layer

Backup software

Server-Free Server-Free Backup Backup Backup Backup software software controls controls library library and and data movement data movement Command/control path

Block layer

Host block-aggregation



Movement appliance

Network block-aggregation

Device block-aggregation Disk array

Movement appliance Tape library

Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: File-server with tape drive File/record layer

Backup software Host

Host LAN

NAS system

NDMP NDMP Local Local Backup Backup Backup Backup software software uses uses NDMP NDMP to to control control data data movement movement and and tape tape Could Could use use NAS NAS head head instead of NAS system instead of NAS system

Host block-aggregation

Block layer

Network block-aggregation


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Device block-aggregation

Backup architecture: File-server with external tape NDMP NDMP 3-Way 3-Way Backup Backup

File/record layer

Backup software Host

SN SN may may be be LAN LAN or or SAN SAN Backup Backup software software uses uses NDMP NDMP to to control control data data movement movement and and tape tape

bHost LAN

Could Could use use NAS NAS system system instead of NAS head instead of NAS head

NAS head

Block layer

Host block-aggregation Network block-aggregation


Device block-aggregation Disk array Tape library


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Backup architecture: File-server with data mover File/record layer

Backup software Host

NDMP NDMP 3-Way 3-Way Backup Backup Backup Backup software software uses uses NDMP NDMP to to control control data data movement movement and and tape tape

bHost LAN

Block Block commands commands issued issued to to movement appliance movement appliance

NAS head Host block-aggregation

Block layer

Network block-aggregation SN Movement appliance

Device block-aggregation

Disk array Tape library


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

Conclusions • Tape functionality addition to SNIA SSM ƒ Parallel functionality to existing disk-based model ƒ Backup is the motivating usage

• Open systems backup techniques ƒ What can be done ƒ E.g., Files (tar), filesystem (dump), device (dd)

• Open systems backup architectures ƒ Where it can be done ƒ Examples include LAN-free and Server-free backups ƒ Also NDMP backups of fileservers


Copyright © 2002,2003 Storage Networking Industry Association

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