4e Bloodlines: Playing Atronach

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  • Pages: 7
Playing Atronach Eris outstretched his hand, unleashing a seed of fire at his foe. Hoping his arcane bond to the demon Olafgard proved true, he felt the infernal’s power pulse through him and into his rod. Sending the bolt of fire into the ground and willing it to explode, the opposite side of the street was doused in large flames after a flash of bright light. Smiling, the warlock lowered his rod, confident in the fact that his assassin was destroyed in the wrath of his spell. The flames danced opposite of him, lighting up this part of the Demercian ruins in the dark of night. With the heir of the magocracy found, the Seeker of the Blood had been sending a lot more of their grunts in opposition against councilmen like Eris, but they were all taken care in a similar fashion. They would charge with their oversized letter opener and then be exterminated before they could launch any sort of assault. Eris turned around, eager to continue on his way home, but was stopped by grunt from the fire. Looking back, he saw the faint form of his attacker standing up. It reached down and grabbed its sword, the sound of metal on the cobblestone echoing through the street. Hefting it up, the man walked out of the lingering flames, sword in hand. Eris bit off a few more blasts of eldritch energy at him, but the bolts hit the man and seemed to sink in. With a grin, the man rubbed the blood from his lip. “You’ll have to do a lot more than that to take me down, mage.” With widening eyes, the councilman shot whatever he had at the man, but to no avail. This man was an atronach: a magekiller.

Atronach An anomaly born or created, the atronach has a natural resistance and absorption factor, making them perfect warriors against mages everywhere. A rare individual indeed, the atronach is a creature built for battling mages and the elements in general. Sometimes, atronachs are born naturally, demonstrating an unusual resistance to open flames or freezing winds. As they mature, their affinity (or lack thereof) becomes more and more pronounced. Sometimes, through strange arcane experiments and rituals, atronachs are created, trained to be the antithesis of wizards and their ilk around the world. Play an atronach if you want… ♦ to be a character that turns the tide of battle in odd ways. ♦ a hero with an abnormally strange past. ♦ to have powers that are violent reactions against your foes.

Physical Qualities More often than not, an atronach looks indistinguishable from their normal counterparts. The distinction of being an atronach is mostly an internal one with the exception of unusually brilliant blue eyes in naturally born atronachs. Created atronachs, however, are a different story. With the fluctuation of arcane energy, the physical form of an artificial atronach is

warped, though this can be fixed through magical procedures. If not tended to, created atronachs often have patches of callused skin all over their body that faintly glows in dim light. Additionally, their skin is typically paler than their previous tone. If attacked by an elemental attack, the atronach comes out of it looking relatively unharmed. While this may be the case, there have been reports of an atronach “overloading” and exploding in an arcane tempest.

Playing an Atronach The atronach can go many different ways when discovering their powers. They can be proud of their uniqueness, constantly striving to demonstrate and show off their powers. Sometimes, they can be ashamed of their power, seeing it unnatural to be a sponge for arcane power. Regardless, they have a certain reservation towards magic. While they are not initially afraid it, they grow uncomfortable after taking in too much magical energy. The possibility of literally collapsing internal after absorbing too much power is a constantly scare when combating magic users. The concept of a magic using atronach at first seems suicidal. However, theorists say that since atronachs are a constant conduit for raw magic, they make amazing wizards and sorcerers. The constant ebb and flow

of magic in their bodies provides them with an affinity to it. This isn’t to say that they don’t make great fighters either. The name “atronach” comes from an old legend of a guardian golem that was designed with fighting mages in mind. It would lumber towards their opponents, ignoring any and all spells that struck it until it finally lifted its mighty hand and crushed the offending mage. However, the opportunity of specialized employment constantly presents itself to open atronachs. The atronach is a wellsought out creature; kings, warlords, and employers all seek the one who can weath-

er the onslaught of magical powers. Atronach Characteristics: Powerful, strange, confident, tough, determined. Atronach Names: They usually use names from their original racial culture. Though, it is not farfetched for created atronachs to have more scientific names.

Atronach Adventurers Three sample atronach adventurers are described below. Solianas is eladrin atronach sorcerer. Having his powers from birth, he learned to channel whatever power was fed into him into chaotic bursts. Being an atronach sometimes frightens him, as his natural sorcerery powers are chaotic and unpredictable, his absorption powers can only make those powers greater. He fears that one day, he won’t be able to handle his power, leading to disastrous results. Jaden is a human fighter. Enlisted early on into a special unit within Fallow, Jaden was put through many excruciating tests, creating an atronach out of him. After serving the imperialist government, he was sent to assist the taking of Staffhaven, the city of mages. Seeing this as the perfect way to escape, he fled the battle under the chaos that ensued. Now he travels a group of adventurers, anxious to find the program that did this to him and end it, so no one will have to go through what he did. Petru is a shadar-kai rogue associated with the Nightwatch. After being found as a natural born atronach, Petru was put through

different tests, anonymously placed by the Nightwatch, to make sure he was the right thing. After passing each with flying colors, he was officially inducted into the Nightwatch, an ancient organization that seeks to destroy the remnants of Verelith and the Shadow. Specializing in attacking the priests that lead Shadowcults, he’s indifferent towards his powers. They help him and that’s all that matters to him.

Feats Being an atronach means having the Armor of the Atronach feat. Atronachs also have an array of feats that expands on their powers. A number of feats are power swap feats. If you use retraining to replace a power swap feat with another feat, you lose any power gained from the power swap and regain a power of the same level from your primary class. You can have bloodline feats of only one type; thus, if you choose the Armor of the Atronach feat, you can only have Atronach Bloodline feats. Armor of the Atronach [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: Living humanoid race Benefit: You gain atronach’s absorption as an encounter power. Additionally, you gain a +2 to Arcana and Nature checks to track and detect magic-users.

Atronach’s Absorption

As the spell clashes with your skin, you find that it has only made you stronger. Encounter Immediate Interrupt Special: In addition to the keywords above, this power is considered to have the same keywords and range as the atwill power you use with it. Trigger: You are hit with typed damage. Target: The triggering creature. Effect: Use a melee or ranged at-will attack power on the target. Add one half of the damage of the triggering attack to one target.

Heroic Tier Feats

Any feat in the following section is available to any atronach character of any level who meets the prerequisites. Element Toughness [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: You gain a +2 to Fortitude against attacks of a certain energy type. You may change the type after an extended rest. Magekiller Expertise [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: You gain a +1 to attacks of opportunity when an adjacent enemy provokes one by making a ranged attack.

Golem’s Rejuvenation [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: 10th level, Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: You may swap one 10th level or higher utility power for the following:

Golem’s Rejuvenation

The power connects with you and you channel it to heal your wounds. Daily ♦ Healing Immediate Reaction Trigger: You are hit with typed damage. Effect: You may spend a healing surge and +2 to all defenses until the start of your next turn.

Paragon Tier Feats

Any feat in the following section is available to an atronach character of 11th level or higher who meets the prerequisite. Pierce through the Magic [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: Whenever an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you due to making a ranged attack, that target also grants you combat advantage until the end of your next turn.

Elemental Reserve [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: 10th level, Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: After an extended rest, choose an energy type (fire, cold, lightning, thunder, radiant, necrotic, acid, and psychic). You gain resist 10 to that type until you take another extended rest. The Atronach’s Retribution [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: 15th level, Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: You may swap one 15th level or higher daily power for the following:

The Atronach’s Retribution

As you are struck, you divert that power into a follow-up blow. Daily ♦ Stance Move Action Personal Effect: Once per round as you are hit with typed damage, you may use a basic melee or ranged attack against one target in range with a +2 to the attack and damage roll as a immediate reaction. This effect lasts until the stance ends.

Epic Tier Feats

Any feat in the following section is available to an atronach character of 21th level or higher who meets the prerequisite.

Arcane Hunger [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: 21st level, Armor of the Atronach feat Benefit: Bloodied creatures with an energy sub-type grant you combat advantage. Reforged Armor [Atronach Bloodline] Prerequisite: 21st level, Armor of the Atronach feat. Benefit: When you are dealt typed damage equal to or greater than your surge value, you regain the use of the atronach’s absorption power as a free action if it has been expended this encounter.

Paragon Paths

Molecular Rearrangement

Arcane Tormentor Utility 12 You will the target’s weaknesses to strengthen, and their strengths to weaken. Daily ♦ Arcane Target: One creature. Attack: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Will Hit: If the target has both a resistance and vulnerability, switch them so their resistance is now their vulnerability and vice versa. If they have a resistance or vulnerability, switch it so their resistance is now their vulnerability or their vulnerability is now their resistance. Special: You choose Intelligence or Charisma when you choose this power.

The following paragon paths work well with atronach characters.

Arcane Tormentor

“Your magic only fuels my own.” Prerequisites: Any arcane class, Armor of the Atronach feat You are a practitioner of the arcane arts despite your atronach gift (or curse, whatever the case may be). Did you become a user of magic after the fact that you are an atronach or did you become an atronach then decided to use what feeds you? You use your atronach birthright as a boon to your own powers, becoming a more powerful mage than before. Arcane Tormentor Features About Face Action (11th level): Whenever hits you with typed damage, you may spend an action point. Instead of gaining the normal standard action, you instead direct it back at the enemy. Roll an attack roll and add your enemies’ bonuses to the roll to determine if you hit. Carry out the attack as normal. Arcane Boon (11th level): Whenever you are hit with typed damage, you gain a +2 to the next damage roll you make with the arcane keyword. Arcane Replenishment (16th level): Whenever you are hit with typed damage, you gain a number of temporary hit points

equal to your Constitution modifier. Arcane Tormentor Powers

Forceful Retort Arcane Tormentor Attack 11 Brandishing your wand, you show your opponent’s how it’s done. Encounter ♦ Arcane, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature. Attack: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Reflex Hit: 2d8 + Intelligence or Charisma modifier. This attack deals damage in the same type that your target has a vulnerability to. If none applies, then this deals normal damage. Special: You choose Intelligence or Charisma when you choose this power.

Consuming Hunger

Arcane Tormentor Attack 20 You forge a connection between you and your foe, vowing to nourish the atronach’s hunger. Daily ♦ Arcane, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature. Attack: Intelligence or Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence or Charisma modifier. Until the end of your next turn, any attack used by the target deals less damage equal to your Intelligence or Charisma modifier. Sustain: Minor action. The effect continues until the end of your next turn. Special: You choose Intelligence or Charisma when you choose this power.

Atronach Golem

“The match is over, wizard. I am your executioner.” Prerequisites: Defender role, Armor of the Atronach feat You use your atronach powers for a greater purpose: protecting your friends and those that you love. You willingly put yourself in the front, both to soak up your enemies’ attacks and satiate that burning appetite of yours for pure energy.

Atronach Golem Features

Poised to Take In (11th level): Whenever you spend an action point, until the end of your next turn, any typed damage inflicted on you gives you temporary hit points equal to 1/4th of the damage. The Atronach’s Arm (11th level): Whenever you mark a creature with an energy sub-type, allies adjacent to you gain resist 5 of whatever energy type it is until the beginning of your next turn. Replication Surge (16th level): Whenever you are hit by typed energy, you may choose to allow all attacks made by you on your next turn deal the same type of damage.

Atronach Golem Powers Scathing Attacks

Atronach Golem Attack 11

You bring your weapon high over your head, striking once then twice, both in different elements. Encounter ♦ Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon. Target: One creature. Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier. Deal damage in any type. Make a secondary attack. Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength or Intelligence modifier. Deal damage in any type other than the type used in the first attack.

Persistent Astral Travel

Atronach Golem Utility 12 As your foe disappears in an instant, you force open his means of astral travel and pursue him. Daily ♦ Teleportation Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: A marked creature teleports from an adjacent square. Effect: Teleport to a square adjacent to the target.

Elemental Tempest

Atronach Golem Attack 20 You let foolhardy enemies feed into your own, and now greater, power. Daily ♦ Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon. Target: One creature. Attack: Strength or Intelligence vs. AC Hit: 5[W] + Strength or Intelligence. Effect: Whenever you are hit with damage from an energy type, you gain a bonus to your next attack roll until the end of your next turn. For every 10 points of typed-damage inflicted, you gain a +1 to your next attack roll. This effect lasts until the end of the encounter. Special: You choose Strength or Intelligence when you choose this power.


“You think your cantrips will save you from me? You are sadly mistaken.” Prerequisites: Striker role, Armor of the Atronach feat From the contracted rogue to the oathswearing avenger, mageslayers come from all walks of life. Were you trained in a special organization, made to destroy magic-users all over? Have you studied in solitude, waiting for the day to take your revenge against a particular mage? Regardless of your upbringing, you know how a magic-user works in and out and you know especially well how to take them out.

Mageslayer Powers Vengeful Twist Mageslayer Attack 11

With the residue of the spell still lingering on you, you take aim and launch forward, twisting the blade. Encounter ♦ Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged Target: One creature. Attack: Dexterity or Wisdom vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength or Dexterity modifier. If you were hit with typed damage last turn, this attack does 10 ongoing damage (save ends). Special: You choose Wisdom or Dexterity when you choose this power.

Mageslayer Features

Rampaging Storm (11th level): Whenever you spend an action point, you ignore resistance up to half your level and difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. Intuitive Strike (11th level): Whenever an enemy provokes an attack of opportunity from you by making a ranged attack, that target grants you combat advantage for the attack of opportunity. Bolstered Barrage (16th level): Once per round, you may add your Wisdom modifier to one damage roll.

Refreshing Breath of Air

Mageslayer Utility 12 The resounding energy seems to shed off, taking your affliction off. Daily ♦ Healing Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: A creature causes an effect that a save can end. Effect: You save automatically.

My Oath, Fufilled Mageslayer Attack 20 You lay waste against the offending mage, making sure this will be your last strike against him. Daily ♦ Weapon Standard Action Melee or Ranged Target: One creature. Attack: Wisdom or Dexterity vs. AC Hit: 6[W] + Strength or Dexterity. If this attack kills the target, you may cause 1[W] to any enemy in range. If this attack does not kill the target, the target takes another 1[W]. Written by CJ Lewis ([email protected]). Art © Wizards of the Coast For the Fallonian Campaign Setting (www.fallow.tk)

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