Planescape Factions 4e

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Planescape campaign setting 4E


Effect: When successfully attacked by a divine power or by immortal creatures, you can cause the attacker to reroll the attack.

(Defiers, the Lost)

They don't believe gods are divine. Powers are just beings with a lot of power to throw around.

INIZIATE OF THE ATHAR[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Athar, cannot be a cleric of a specific deity. Skills: Intimidate and religion are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. Faithless Blessing: +1 to Fort/Ref/Will Defenses against a Divine attack or from one made by an Immortal creature. Power of Banishment: A group of Athar can add their total level to cast the ritual Banishment. One for day they can cast it without to expend the component cost as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Heretic: They are very reluctant to be aided by one and clerics are reluctant to aid them back. They can worship the Great Unknown. Banishment

BELIEVERS OF THE SOURCE (Godsmen) They believe every being can be elevated to the status of the divine beings, or even higher.

INIZIATE OF THE GODSMEN[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Godsmen. Skills: Diplomacy and Endurance are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. Imbue Equipment: You can construct your own implements, weapons and armor, and wondrous items, given proper tools and raw materials as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Making an implement or a weapon takes two days, and making a wondrous item and armour takes four days. It confers an economic

Ritual Level 18

You send a supernatural creature back to the plane that spawned it. Category: Binding Component Cost: 6,800 gp + 2 healing surges or 1 belief point Time: 1 minute Market Price: 17,000 gp Duration: Instant Key Skill: Arcana Effect: You make an Arcana vs. target’s will +10 to send an extraplanar creature back to its home plane.

advantage, however. The item ultimately costs is 4/5 of it would if you’d purchased it directly. Complete the Cycle: If a Godsmen is killed, under no circumstances whatsoever can he be brought back to life. Upon death, you may choose to be reincarnated by the Reincarnate ritual. One hour after your death, you are reborn at a random location on a plane of your choice where your new race is considered native. This plane becomes your new home plane. Little Faith: Priests of specific Deities cannot take deity feats (except for those of the Great Unknown), because they do not have the unwavering faith required.

Faithless Miracle [Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Athar Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Faithless Miracle Channel Belief : Faithless Miracle Power of Belief Your denial of the powers is such that you can completely disregard divine magic. Encounter ♦ Belief (Athar) Immediate Interrupt Target: Personal


Ritual Level 6

You bring back a dead creature in another body. Category: Restoration Component Cost: 160 gp Time: 2 hours Market Price: 420 gp Duration: Instantaneous Key Skill: Nature Effect: To perform the Reincarnate ritual, you must have a part of the corpse of a creature that died no more than a week ago. The condition of the remains is not a

factor. So long as some small portion of the creature’s body still exists, it can be reincarnated, but the portion receiving the ritual must have been part of the creature’s body at the time of death. The ritual of the spell creates an entirely new young adult body for the soul to inhabit from the natural elements at hand. The subject returns to life as if he or she had taken an extended rest. The subject is freed of any permanent conditions suffered at death. The subject’s soul must be free and willing to return to life. Some magical effects trap the soul and thus prevent Reincarnate from working, and the gods can intervene to prevent a soul from journeying back to the realm of the living. In all cases, death is less inclined to return paragon and epic heroes; the component cost is 2,000 gp for paragon tier characters and 20,000 gp for epic tier characters.

Harness Divinity [Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Godsmen Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Harness Divinity Channel Belief : Harness Divinity Power of Belief In studying the doctrine of the Believers of Source you have come to recognize divine potential within yourself, and have even begun to access your latent power. How you perceive it is up to you; many view it as a spark of divine flame that can be channeled while others simply manifest their desires on the multiverse through force of will. Encounter ♦ Belief (Godsmen) Minor Action Melee touch Target: You or a Creature Requirement: you expend an healing surge. Effect: The target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge.


(Bleakers, the Cabal,

Madmen) The universe just IS, there is no grand scheme or purpose. It's all rather depressing really.

INIZIATE OF THE BLEAKERS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Bleakers. Skills: Healing and Insight are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. The dark in the Mind: +1 to all defenses vs. powers with the psychic or charm keyword (You don't want to see into their heads). Absorb Madness: you can cast the ritual Absorb Madness as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Fragile Sanity: Each member of the faction must make a saving throw with Wisdom modifier bonus every

morning. If it fails he receive a randomly rolled condition on the madness table. For each continuous failed save he gains a madness rank that is a -2 cumulative penalty to the next save.

Madness Table(d20) 1: Deeply Depressed: 2-3: Apathetic 4: Enthralled 5: Fatalistic: 6: Craven: 7-8: Fobic: save -5 vs. fear. 1-2. Dark 3. Heights 4-5. Fire 6-7. Cramped quarters 8-9. Magic 10. Water 11 -12 Blood 13. Aberrations, Vermin, & Snakes 14. Undead 15. Being touched 16.Noise 17.Diseases 18.Xenofhobia 19.Photomania 20. Choose 9-11 Degenerations 1 Accidental Prone 2 Amnesia 3 Backpack Vortex 4 Delusion 5 Hypochondriac 6 Forgetful 7 Hallucinations 8 Multiply personality 9 Mistaken identity 10 Mute 11 Narcolepsy 12 No sense of direction 13 Possessed 14 Visions 15 Stunned 16 Pacing 17 Howling, Barking, Foreign Accent (1d3) 18 Dancing Mania 19 Conspiracy Nut 20. Choose 12-14 Manias 1 Kleptomania 2.Sharpening 3.Pyromania 4.Nudist 5.Nervs 6.Neatness 7.Compulsice Liar 8.Laughs too much 9.Racist 10.Talker 11. Rabid Pessimism 12.Rabid Optimism 13. Contrariness 14. Fussy 15. Obsessive 16. Permanent Cynicism

17. Seizures 18.‛Animal senses‛ 19.Messiness 20. Choose. 15:Paranoid 16: Messiah Complex 17: Sadic Tendencies 18: Hyperactive 19: Deranged 20: Mad Genius

“TOUCHED” [Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Doomguard Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use ‚Touched ‚ Channel Belief : “Touched “ Power of Belief Your close relationship to the madness of the universe makes you immune against the madness of magic. Encounter ♦ Belief (Bleakers) Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are affected by a power with the psychic or charm keyword that causes some condition that can be ended with a saving throw. Effect: You can immediately make a saving throw with a +5 bonus. If you are successful you ignore the condition completely. If you fail you are not considered to have used this power and can retain its use for later.


(Sinkers, Destroyers)

Entropy is the nature of the universe, and we'll help it along.

INIZIATE OF THE Doomguard[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Doomguard. Swordmanship: You gain proficiency with heavy swords and the brutal 1 property. Entropic Understanding: Roll twice and use the higher result to break organic material. Sift: you can cast the ritual Sift as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Healing resistence: They hate supernatural healing. When a cleric or Warlord uses a power granting a healing surge on them, Doomguard do not gain the extra healing normally associated with it (in other words, they get a normal healing surge). If a Doomguard is a petitioner, they gain a -1 to the result. Sift

Ritual Level 6

Your connection to the forces of entropy is so strong you can witness the events leading to a target’s destruction. Category: Scrying Component Cost: 2 healing surges or 1 belief point

Time: 1 minute or 10 minutes Market Price: not On Sale Duration: 1 minute or more Key Skill: Arcana Effect: When using the Sift ritual, you perceive the object's destruction as if you were there by making a successful Arcana check (DC 15 + one per month that has passed). If you succeed, you can witness the events prior to the destruction of the object for one minute plus an additional minute for every two points by which your check result exceeds the DC. If you wish to witness the destruction of an object that occurred years or centuries ago, you must spend ten minutes concentrating on the object and make a Arcana check as before, except the DC increases by one per century that has passed since the object’s destruction. This is a supernatural ability.

ENTROPIC BLOW [Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Doomguard Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Entropic Blow Channel Belief : Entropic Blow Power of Belief Most Sinkers learn sooner or later how to bring entropy to their enemies with a single blow, making Doomguard members some of the most feared warriors in the multiverse Encounter ♦ Belief (Doomguard), Weapon Standard Action Melee Attack Target: One creature Requirement: Before the attack, you expend an unused daily power, and an healing surge or take damage equal to your healing surge value. Attack: Strength, Constitution or Charisma vs. Fortitude (critical 18-20). Hit: You deal damage based on the level of the daily power you expended: 1st level 3[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier 5th level 4[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier 9th level 5[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier 15th level 6[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier 19th level 7[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier 25th level 8[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier 29th level 9[W] + Str., Con. or Cha. modifier The target is considered bloodied also if his hit points are more of ½ until the end of the encounter. You and all allies score critical hits against the target on rolls of 18 or higher until the end of your next turn. Sustain free: You lose a healing surge or take damage equal to your healing surge value when you sustain and you and all allies score critical hits against the target on rolls of 18 or higher until the end of your next turn. Miss: No damage and no effects, but you regain your daily power expended. The healing surges expended are lost.


(The Dead)

Prerequisite: join the Fated. Skills: You gain +2 to untrained skill checks.

Life is a lie, an ever repeating cycle of coming back and disappearing into the depths. Only by slipping into the state known as True Death is the only way out.

Survivor: You gain +2 to all death saving throws.



Prerequisite: join the Dustmen. Yearning for Death: You can master and perform

Prerequisite: Initiate of the Fated Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use

rituals of your level or lower if it involves the Death,


undead or the dead as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Self-Reliance Power of Belief Face it, the only way to survive in the multiverse is by being able to take care of yourself. You’ve realized that you can never truly depend on anyone else, so you’ve learned to be much more self-sufficient. Encounter ♦ Belief (Fated) Minor Action Personal Effect: You choose a skill. You gain a +5 power bonus to your next skill check during this encounter. If you succeded you can roll twice and use the higher result to all skill checks for the this skill until the end of the encounter. If you fail you roll twice and use the worst result to all skill checks for the this skill until the end of the encounter.

Roll twice and use the higher result to skills and rituals check if it involves the Death, undead or the dead. Numb: You gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against charme and fear effects. Dead Truce: The faction has a very deep understanding of and relationship with the forces of death. As a result, all members of the faction benefit from the something known as the Dead Truce. In a nutshell, as long as the Dustman doesn’t harm the undead, the undead won’t harm him. One should note that this isn’t restricted to just physical harm. This means that a Dead can’t just

Each has what deserves him: As a Fated you cannot willingly accept or give out charity.

walk through a horde of zombies to steal an item they are protecting. Such an abuse breaks the Dead Truce and the Dustmen’ll be treated the same as any other

The Fraternity of Order



Born Dead: Dustmen don't want to come back if they die. They have -2 penalty to all death saves. To returns to life a dustmen with any ritual, you must succeded a Religion check vs. target’s will +10.

GREATER DEAD tRUCE [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Dustmen Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use

The universe works on rules. Learn the rules, and everything else will click into place.

INIZIATE OF THE GUVNERS [Belief] Prerequisite: join the Guvners, cannot be chaotic. Skills: All Knowledge skills are your class skill. You

Greater Dead Truce.

gain +2 bonus to these skills. You gain the legalspeak as

Channel Belief : Greater Dead Truce Power of Belief Your soothing words keep undead from attacking you. Encounter ♦ Belief (Dustmen) , Zone Minor Action Target: Close Burst 20 Effect: Intelligent undead within range cannot attack you as long you have attacked none of the undead creatures in this encounter. Sustain Minor

bonus language. Bookworm: Roll twice and use the higher result to skills check if it involves research in libraries. Intuit Pattern: You can perform the ritual Comprehend Language and Create Item as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. One for day you can cast Comprehend Language without to expend the component cost. Law Rules: As a Guvner, you cannot knowingly break any law.


(Takers, the Heartless)

The strong rule. Take what's yours, and be as selfreliant and prosperous as possible.


Probability Manipulation [Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Guvners or Initiate of the Mathematicians Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Probability Manipulation.

Channel Belief : Probability Manipulation Power of Belief

Prerequisite: join the Harmonium, Cannot be chaotic.

In your quest to understand the intrinsic laws of the multiverse, you have learned how to ‚bend‛ the laws affecting an outcome. Encounter ♦ Belief (Guvner, Mathematicians) Immediate Interrupt Target: You or one Creature Effect: add a +2 or -2 to any attack roll, damage roll, or skill check.

Skills: Intimidate is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skill. Hardheaded: save +2 vs. charme and fear. Lockdown: +2 to grab attack. You can to restrain a grabbed creature (through restraining device such as manacles or collar) as minor action. United for the cause: Aid in combact another Harmonium as minor action. Rigid Codex: You must follow all the orders and


decrees of the Harmonium, and uphold their beliefs.


Not really a faction, just a group of people getting together for protection. Independence is the most important thing here.

INIZIATE OF THE INDEP[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Indep. Skills: Streetwise is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to this skill. Faction Knowledge: Roll twice and use the higher result to skills check if it reguards factions. Slippery: +2 bonus to saves vs. charm or enthralling effects. Price Discounted: When buying items, you only pay 4/5 the listed price, when selling items, you can receive

Authority[Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Harmonium Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Autorithy Channel Belief : Authority Power of Belief The authority put forth by your faction has become an almost supernatural ability to bellow a command and see it immediately obeyed. Encounter ♦ Belief (Harmonium) , Implement, Charm Minor Action Area burst 2 within 10 Target: Each creature within burst Attack: Charisma vs. Will Hit:: The target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. If you choose to attack one single creature in the burst you gain +4 bonus to the attack.

2/5 of the items value. Free Will: As an Indep, you will never put yourself into a situation where you are completely subservient.

Independent Mind


Prerequisite: Initiate of the Indep Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Independent Mind Channel Belief : Independent Mind Power of Belief Your stubbornness makes you resistant to attacks against your will. Encounter ♦ Belief (Indep) Immediate Interrupt Target: Personal Effect: When successfully attacked by a power targeting will, you can cause the attacker to reroll the attack.

Mercykillers (Red Death) Justice is absolute. Everyone must be punished if they commit a crime. You are judge, jury, and executioner.

INIZIATE OF THE RED DEATH[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Mercykillers, cannot be chaotic. Skills: Intimidate and Insight are your class skills. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. Executioner: Roll twice and use the higher result to coups de grace and versus immobilized targets. Eye for Injustice: as standard action you may spend an healing surge to make a insight check to determine if an individual has knowingly committed any crimes. (DC is the Target’s will + number of hours since the crime

The Harmonium (Hardheads)

was committed). If the criminal is actively trying to hide their crime from you, use his bluff check for the

Further the Harmonium goal of bringing order to the multiverse . . . by any means necessary!

the DC. This check does not reveal the exact crime, but it does reveal its magnitude, allowing you to differentiate between a petty thief and a murder with


some accuracy.

Mercykiller Code: A Mercykiller must give into punishment if they have committed any crime except crimes done in the course of bringing another criminal to justice. They cannot release a lawbreaker who has not been punished..

BLOW FOR JUSTICE [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Red Death Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Blow for Justice. Channel Belief : Blow for Justice Power of Belief Calling upon the greatest principle in the multiverse, many Mercykillers are capable of making telling blows against those who stand in the way of justice. Though they must endure great pain to achieve this end, the satisfaction of destroying criminals is justification enough. Encounter ♦ Belief (Mercykiller) Minor Action Personal Target: One Creature Effect: If your next attack hits the target is a critical hit and you lose three healing surges. If you have fewer than three healing surges when you use this power, you take damage equal to your healing surge value for each healing surge you don’t lose.

Channel Belief : Point the Finger Power of Belief You are a master of verbal deception, and can make others seem dishonest or inept with your quick wit. Encounter ♦ Belief (Anarchist) Free action Close Burst 10 Target: one Creature in the burst Trigger: you succeded in a Bluff check opposed by the target’s Insight check. Effect: the target has -5 to the next charisma based ability roll. You gain a power bonus to Bluff checks equal to your Intelligence modifier until the end of the encounter.



Belief shapes the world. Maybe we are all the product of one guys twisted dreams, maybe we all share one, large, collective dream. Who is to know?

INIZIATE OF THE SIGNERS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Sign of One, Intelligence or Wisdom 13 Illusion Perception: Roll twice and use the higher to

Revolutionary league (Anarchists)

Insight check to determine if you notice the telltale signs of an illusion effect. Imagining: you can cast the ritual Imagining as if you had the Ritual Caster feat.

Society is corrupt. Sneak into the cracks, then crack it open! Rebuild it from the ground up!


Egocentric: Signers are usually pretty aloof and, because of their nature, they often wax philosophical and are rarely down to earth. Thus, they suffer -2 penalties to diplomacy when not talking about philosophy, or similarly heady subjects.

Prerequisite: join the Revolutionary League. Skills: Bluff and Stealth are your class skill. You gain +2


bonus to the skills.

You can manipulate your surroundings to a greater degree, using only your force of will. Category: Special Component Cost: 1 belief point. Time: Special Market Price: not On Sale Duration: Special Key Skill: Special Effect: you may attempt to imagine the effects of any ritual of your level. If you succeded in the ritual’s key skill check you can cast the ritual without to expend the components cost (DC 10 + ritual’s level). If you roll a natural 1 you believe yourself imaginary! You become shadow monster versions of yourself; Roll two times for each attack, save and ability check and choose the lower result. You can to make a successful imagining ritual check and return to reality.

Infiltrator: Roll twice and use the higher result to bluff checks to pass off a disguise as a factioneer. Anarchist Craftsman: One for day, you can make alchemical items of your level or lower as if you had the Alchemist feat without to expend the component cost. You must have the correct formula and an appropriate skill. Revolutionary Cause: An Anarchist can never truly hold a public office or business (though he can pose as one for a while). Is expected to give some proceeds to help their cause.

POINT THE FINGER [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Anarchists Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Point the Finger.

Ritual Level 6

If you roll a natural 1 to imagine a ritual’s effect of 11th level or more you are also bloodied as max hit points and -5 to AC and to all defenses. If you roll a natural 1 to imagine a ritual’s effect of 21th level or more means you have imagined too well a multiverse without him: You cease to exist. The only way you can return to the multiverse is through the use of a wish ritual - or if another Signer imagines you back!

POWERS OF IMAGINATION[Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Signers or Initate of the Will of the One. Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Powers of Imagination. Channel Belief : Powers of Imagination Power of Belief You can manipulate your surroundings to a greater degree, using only your force of will. Encounter ♦ Belief (Signers, Will of the One) Standard action Personal Requirement: you expend an unused daily power, and an healing surge or take damage equal to your healing surge value. Effect: You gain a daily power of any arcane, psionic and shadow class until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. After you cast the power you are dazed (save ends). Each save failed you loose an healing surge or take damage equal to your healing surge value.

Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Sensory Touch. Channel Belief : Sensory Touch Power of Belief Sensates are taught how to feel the pain of others in exchange for their own wellbeing. Encounter ♦ Belief (Sensates) , Healing Minor Action Target: One Creature melee touch Requirement: you expend an healing surge. Effect: The target regains hit points as if it had spent a healing surge or remove any condition. You take damage as one healing surge or take his condition.

The Trancendent order (Ciphers) Don't, think, DO. The only way to attain enlightenment is to let the universe FLOW threw you, thinking will only bog you down.

INIZIATE OF THE ciphers[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Trascendent Order, You must be partially neutral. Skills: Acrobatics and Athletics are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skills. Action without Thought Roll twice and use the higher result to initiative checks

The Society of Sensation (Sensates)

Cadence Whispers: you can cast the ritual Cadence Whispers as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. To think is to Fail: Because Ciphers act unhesitatingly,

The Multiverse has no true, overarching scheme other than to EXPERIENCE it. Go out, see the different sights, feel them. SEE what an infinite infinities have to offer.

in play, as soon as an action is stated for a Cipher player character, that cutter is committed to the action. You can't say, "Oh, wait, I changed my mind!" Bashers who pause to consider or debate pending actions are failing to adhere to the philosophy.

INIZIATE OF THE SENSATES[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Society of Sensation. Skills: Perception and Streetwise are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skills. See the Dark: You gain low- light vision. Multiclass Versatility: You can choose multiclass feats from several classes. Exceptional Immunity: +2 to saves versus poison and endurance checks to resist disease. Joy de Vivre: A sensate will not say no to a new sensation that poses no obvious, damaging threat.

SENSORY TOUCH [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Sensates

Cadence Whispers

Ritual Level 6

To be a member of the Transcendent Order is to open oneself up to the grand design of the multiverse. While the method and extent to which Ciphers do so varies, those that surrender themselves to the Cadence of the Planes are rarely without knowledge of the best course of action to pursue.. Category: Divination Component Cost: 1 belief point. Time: 1 minute Market Price: not On Sale Duration: Instantaneous Key Skill: Religion Effect: you may attempt to gain some insight into the course of action the Cadence of the Planes requires you to take. While it does not reveal secret information, it should be enough to provide a push in the right

direction. ‚Shemeska the Marauder may have relevant information‛ and ‚You should make sure there’s nothing hidden behind that dresser‛ are both viable instructions.

19 Gain an temporary daily power. 20 Extraordinary effect. Nothing is lost: Xaositects, with their inner sense of chaos, know where the whole multiverse keeps

Master of the Heart[Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Cipher Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Master of the Heart Channel Belief : Master of the Heart Power of Belief You have learned to act without thought Encounter ♦ Belief (Cipher) No Action Personal Requirement: You roll highest initiative (20 or plus). Others Ciphers initiatives don’t count for this. Effect: You can spent unlimited action points in this encounter but only one for round. You can do it to take a single action as immediate reaction.

everything. If a body loses something, he could do worse than ask a Xaositect where it is. You can roll an insight check to know where is any item lost. Still, characters seeking information on lost items might not get exactly the answers they expect from a Chaosman. Sometimes, a faction member rattles off an object‘ s exact location: ‚It’s five feet directly in front of the side door of the Black Sails, in the Lower Ward in Sigil.‛ Other times, the Xaositect gives only the amount of detail needed (‚It’s behind your washbasin‛) or offers just a general answer (‚It’s near a tree‛). The Xaositect can decide himself how accurate to make his response, or the DM might base the accuracy and depth of the answer and the DC’s difficult on the character’s rank in



The nature of the universe is pure, unadulterated chaos . . . act accordingly . . . or don't.

INIZIATE OF THE CHAOSMAN[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Xaositects, cannot be lawful. Uncomprensible: Insight check versus you take -5 penality. You gain Scramblespeak language, where words are hopelessly transposed so as to confuse the listner. Unlikely Event: Every morning you roll 1d20. Whenever any d20 you roll unmodified comes up that number during the day, and you gain an action point or another chaotic benefits: then reroll and use the second result. A DM could choose various benefits like an temporary arcane power or an istant extraordinary effect. DMs should base abilities on a character’s personality and skills, taking care not to make the PC the center of power in a campaign. And change the ability from time to time. That’s the way chaos works: Nothing stays the same for long. Optional Random Power Table (1d20): 1-5 Gain an action point. 6-7 Gain an temporary at will power. 8-10 Gain an temporary encounter power. 11-15 Gain an temporary utility power. 16-18 Gain an temporary ritual power without expend component cost.

the faction. Unreliability: In addition to acting as barmy as you possibly can, you can never be a part of long-term plans, own a business or practice law.

INDUCE CHAOS [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Chaosman Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Induce Chaos. Channel Belief : Induce Chaos Power of Belief You know how to sow chaos in others, infecting them with raw randomness. Encounter ♦ Belief (Xaositects) , Implement, Charm Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 Target: Each creature within burst Requirement: Before the attack, you expend an healing surge. Attack: Charisma or Wisdom or Intelligence vs. Will Hit:: The target is dominated until the begin of your next turn but you don’t choice the action the character takes. Instead you roll 1d10 each round in order to determine how the characters behave while under the influence of this power. 1-3: Targets can act normally but are stilled dazed. 4-5: Targets take a move action away from you. 6-7: The targets stand around and take no actions. 8-9: Targets attack nearest creature 10: You can choose the action.


(Preservers, Regolators)

Skills: Diplomacy and History are your class skills. You gain +2 bonus to these skills.

These are the rare Doomguard that have dedicated their lives to slowing entropy - or at the very least, placing it where they think it belongs.

Improved Aid: When you use the aid another action to improve an ally’ s skill checks, attack bonus your bonus provides a bonus +1 higher than normal. Support of the comrades: the Communals can always


count on help from their Comrades. Services from the

Prerequisite: join the Ashers.

other factions or sects, and often favours are asked

Skills: Healing and Perception are your class skills. You

instead of jink.

gain +2 bonus to these skills.

But the best benefit of pooling resources is that all

Entropic Understanding: Roll twice and use the higher

members can borrow things the faction itself owns.

result to break organic material.

True, there may be a waiting list for some heavily-

Sift: you can cast the ritual Sift as if you had the Ritual

demanded items or funds, but if a body's patient he'll

Caster feat.

get what he wants in the end. This could be the use of a

Healing resistence: They hate supernatural healing.

magic item, some cash if the blood is really on hard

When a cleric or Warlord uses a power granting a

times, or just something as simple as information.

healing surge on them, Doomguard do not gain the

Nothing possessions: Communals are required to give

extra healing normally associated with it (in other

all of their possessions to the sect, where they're

words, they get a normal healing surge). If a

redirected to the most needy. Whenever a body picks

Doomguard is a petitioner, they gain a -1 to the result.

up something useful, be it an item, the dark on

headquarters are always cheaper than for members of

something useful or whatever, they're supposed to take


it to the Comrades. If nobody needs the item

Prerequisite: Initiate of the Ashers Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use

someone waiting, then they're expected to lend it to them. Its only fair, after all.

Divert Entropy. Channel Belief : Divert Entropy Power of Belief By destroying one thing, the ash watchman can satisfy the force of entropy in order to protect something else. Encounter ♦ Belief (Ashers) Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You reduce an enemy or an object to 0 hit points Effect: The enemy is slayed and you or an ally within 5 gain a healing surge.


immediately, they're likely to get it back, but if there's

(Comrades, the

Brotherhood) Everything belongs to everyone. Nobody's got the right to deny another basher the use of something.

INIZIATE OF THE COMMUNALS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Communals.

COMMUNAL sTRENGHT [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Communals Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Communal Strenght. Channel Belief : Communal Strenght Power of Belief If we are united we can save us. Encounter ♦ Belief (Comunals) Standard Action Requirement: You and one ally adiacent to you are target of an effect with save ends Effect: Everyone rolls a save and both use the best of two rolls.

Craftsmens Guild From the disintegration of the Believers of the Source an organization and rallying point with which to advertise their services, and a place to learn from more talented members to better their skills in their own and other areas.

Expandend repertoire: Choose one utility power of


every level you know. Add this power to your list. Each

Prerequisite: join the Craftmens Guild.

one extra power of that level (in other words, add two

Skills: Endurance is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus

powers to your list instead of only one). After an

to the skill.

extended rest, you can prepare a number of utility

Toughness: You substitute your highest ability score

powers according to what you can have per day for

for Constitution to determine your initial hit points.

your level. This doesn’t change the number of utility

Imbue Equipment: You can construct your own

power you can prepare each day..

implements, weapons and armor, and wondrous items,

Quantity is better than quality: The Growers try to

given proper tools and raw materials as if you had the

learn as much as they can as quickly as they can, but

Ritual Caster feat. Making an implement or a weapon

rarely take the time to learn anything very well.

takes two days, and making a wondrous item and

Quantity is definitely more important than quality, as

armour takes four days. It confers an economic

they are never satisfied with what they have and where

advantage, however. The item ultimately costs is 4/5 of

they are. Therefore, they have a -2 penalty to all trained

it would if you’d purchased it directly.

ability checks. Furthermore, Expansionists should not

time you gain a new level of utility power, you learn

expect a warm welcome in Sigil. If a Grower makes his allegiance known, he can expect a -2 to all Charisma


based ability rolls while in Sigil, as Cagers don't want to


invite the Lady's wrath.

Their belief is that entropy should be internalized.


INIZIATE OF THE DUSTERS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Dusters.

A splinter group of the Athar, the Godslayers hold

Skills: Insight and Perception are your class skills. You

much the same beliefs of their former faction, but take

gain +2 bonus to these skills.

them to a further extreme.

Insight Understanding: Roll twice and use the higher Painful Ecstasy: +1 to all die rolls when you are



Prerequisite: join the Godslayers, Cannot be a cleric of

No Armors: Can't use armour, magical items, or any

a specific deity, cannot be good.

other type of equipment that lowers AC.

Skills: Intimidate and religion are your class skill. You

result to insight checks to know internal sorrows .

gain +2 bonus to these skills. Divine Hunter: Divine user and immortal creatures



within 2 squares of you receive a -1 penalty to all defense and saving throws.

Everything worthwhile in the multiverse grows. An acorn expands into a tree. A tree expands into a forest.

Power of Banishment: A group of Athar, Godslayers and Seekers of the Unknown can add their total level to cast the ritual Banishment. One for day they can cast it


without to expend the component cost as if you had the

Prerequisite: join the Expansionists.

Divine Foe: every divine user and immortal creature see you as the worst foe.

Skills: Intimidate is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus

Ritual Caster feat.

to this skill. Rear Guard: Enemies flanking the character do not gain the standard +2 bonus to hit when flanking. Flanking attackers are still considered to be flanking.



They believe that magic is the true form of power.


Illusion Perception: Roll twice and use the higher to

Prerequisite: join the Incantifiers, any arcane class.

signs of an illusion effect.

Arcane Essence: Roll twice and use the higher result to

Seekers Perseverance: +1 to saving throws.

arcane checks.

Sense of Direction: You can perform the Know direction

Arcane Diet: Incantifiers no need to consume food or

and location as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. One for

water. They require a regular diet of magic spells and

day you can cast it without to expend the component

items to sustain their powerful forms. They must


absorb a number of arcane power levels equal to their

Nomad Life: Even if you don't share the arrogance

level every day or take -1 cumulative penalty to each

your faction in known for, it's a reputation. You take a -

die rolls for every day they haven’t consumed. Any

2 to Diplomacy checks. The Visionaries

arcane power which miss an incantifier's defence

married and cannot to stay in any site for more of 6

counts as "absorbed", providing spell levels equal to its


Insight check to determine if you notice the telltale

cannot be

spell level. In place of arcane powers, incantifier may consume a magical item, draining the magic of it to


sustain himself. This provides a number of spell levels

Prerequisite: Initiate of the Mind’s Eye Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Cleanse Impurity. Channel Belief : Cleanse Impurity Power of Belief All Seekers must be at their best if they are to face every challenge before them, and thus it is a necessity to wipe away any damage done to body or soul that could hamper your quest. You have learned to use some of your inner divinity to do just that. Encounter ♦ Belief (Mind’s Eye) Immediate Interrupt Target: You or any creature Effect: Reroll a failed save.

equal to the item’s level. The process of consuming a magical item takes a minute for every spell level it provides, and requires the incantifier to touch the item in question. The incantifier may not drain artifacts dry in this manner. Chilling Demeanor: As time goes on, the incantifier grows detached from humanity and social graces, and the power he gains with time twists his body, making it appear







incantifier, he gains a -2 penalty to any based strenght and constituion ability check.

Absorb spells [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Incantifiers Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Absorb Spells. Absorb Spells Power of Belief The Incantifier can absorb a arcane spell and heal his wounds. Encounter ♦ Belief (Incantifier) Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You are missed by an arcane power. Effect: You take no damage and you can use an healing surge.

RING-GIVERS (Bargainers, Beggars) For whom a lifestyle of generosity and poverty is the way to be free of the world's traps.

INIZIATE OF THE BEGGARS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Ring-givers. Skills: Bluff and Diplomacy are your class skills. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. Brotherhood: Every creature who receives a gift or a


favor from a member of the faction sees the character as


Visionaries) Find yourself in the multiverse.

INIZIATE OF THE Mind’s eye[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Mind’s Eye.

a fraternal friend giving +10 bonus to all charisma based checks versus him until the gift or the favor is returned. Return of the favors: you can cast the ritual Return of the favors as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Ascetic Life: Ring-givers never own anything; they accept gifts and wealth but always pass them on. They share rituals freely and even give magical itmes away to strangers after a few days. Ring-givers neither buy

nor sell anything: others provide food and shelter, or

Power of Banishment: A group of Athar, Godslayers

they make them for themselves. Evil bargainers never

and Seekers of the Unknown can add their total level to

give gifts without claiming favors later.

cast the ritual Banishment. One for day they can cast it without to expend the component cost as if you had the

Return of the favors

Ritual Level 6

The Ring-Givers don’t make it through the multiverse merely on the good will of others, they have the Unity of Rings on their side to ensure that even the most selfish individuals tend to feel that they owe the Beggars for any favors given. Thus, whenever you give a gift or do a favor for someone else, they have a chance of becoming bound to owe you a debt. Category: Binding Component Cost: 1 belief point. Time: 1 minute Market Price: not On Sale Duration: Instantaneous Key Skill: Religion Effect: you can ask for a creature the return of favors. The creature in question must repay the favor or gift receipt with at least something of equal value. If he cannot or don’t know how you will be repaid to you please ask him what you need.

Bear the Burden [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Beggars Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Bear the Burden. Channel Belief : Bear the Burden Power of Belief You are a truly rare breed, one willing to take the burdens of others onto yourself, believing that doing so is in the best interests of everyone in the end. Encounter ♦ Belief (Ring-Givers) Immediate Interrupt Close burst 1 Trigger: A melee attack targets an ally in the burst Effect: You and the target swap places, and you are now the target of the triggering attack. You gains a +4 power bonus to all defenses until the start of their next turn.

Seekers of the Unknown (Seekers of the Divine) A group of Athar that have found the existing Powers in the Multiverse to be not worthy of worship.

Ritual Caster feat. Heretic: They are very reluctant to be aided by one and clerics are reluctant to aid them back. They can worship the Great Unknown and to revere other cosmic and non-anthromorphized forces (Good, Evil, Death, etc).

Sodkillers (Minders) Chaos wins if we permit free thinking and subversive ideas.

INIZIATE OF THE sodkillers[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Sodkillers, cannot be good. Skills: Intimidate and Perception are your class skills. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. Kill Count: +2 bonus to all the attacks rolls until the end of your next turn after you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points. Brawn over Brains: When you roll an Intimidate check, roll twice and use either result. Bad reputation: your faction is known for the bad reputation. You take a -2 to Diplomacy and Bluff checks.

KILL Resource [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Sodkillers Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Kill Resource. Channel Belief : Kill Resource Power of Belief Most Sodkillers measure their own worth by their prowess in combat, finding inner resource when they defeat a worthy opponent. Encounter ♦ Belief (Sodkillers) Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points Effect: The enemy is slayed and you gain a healing surge.

INIZIATE OF THE Seekers of the Unknown [Belief] Prerequisite: join the Athar, cannot be a cleric of a

Sons of Mercy (Martyrs)

specific deity. Skills: Diplomacy and religion are your class skill. You

Justice exists in order to hold the greater good.

gain +2 bonus to these skills. Slippery: +2 bonus to saves vs. charm or enthralling effects.

INIZIATE OF THE martyrs[Belief]

Prerequisite: join the Sons of Mercy, cannot be evil.

Sift: you can cast the ritual Sift as if you had the Ritual

Skills: Diplomacy and Insight are your class skills. You

Caster feat.

gain +2 bonus to these skills.

Healing resistence: They hate supernatural healing.

Protection from evil: +1 to all the the defenses versus

When a cleric or Warlord uses a power granting a

attacks of evil immortals and undead.

healing surge on them, Doomguard do not gain the

Know the Guilty Heart: as standard action you may

extra healing normally associated with it (in other

spend an healing surge to make a insight check to hear

words, they get a normal healing surge). If a

whispers of the dark deeds that weigh on their mind

Doomguard is a petitioner, they gain a -1 to the result.

(DC is the Target’s will + number of hours since the guilt was committed). If the target is actively trying to hide their crime from you, use his bluff check for the the DC.

The target doesn’t actually say anything

different; you merely hear the underlying guilt as a soft voice while they speak. This ability only reveals the crimes that the subject believes to be wrong; an extreme Anarchist would not necessarily reveal horrible acts committed as part of the revolution because they believe them to be just acts, but most evil individuals would reveal their crimes because they know them to be wrong and for whatever reason simply don’t care. Martyr Code: A martyr cannot to attack first and cannot to hit a foe who is completely defenseless. If you ever are given a choice, you must always pick the option that serves the greater good.

Merciful Strike [BELIEF] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Martyrs Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Merciful Strike Channel Belief : Merciful Strike Power of Belief You are capable of putting your very soul into a single strike in order to subdue your opponent. Encounter ♦ Belief (Sons of Mercy), Weapon Standard Action Target: a creature Attack: Strenght or Wisdom vs. AC Hit: no damage but whenever the target deals damage, it takes 5+ half your level damage (save ends).

Wild union

(Believers of the Wild)

The Wild Union is the child of a faction and a sect: the two groups found a common cause in the wake of the Faction War, and decided to form a new union to strengthen their cause.

INIZIATE OF THE Wild union [Belief] Prerequisite: join the Wild Union. Skills: Nature and Endurance are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skills. Animal’s Mask: Through means not yet explained by those who have attempted to reveal the secret (most of whom have been Guvner researchers), completion of the mask grants its owner the ability to speak with the type of animal the mask depicts. As the masks are almost certainly made in a variety of ways, this ability must be conferred on the mask when the owner is inducted fully into the Guild. This power can only be used by the person who made the mask (i.e. another person cannot speak with animals using a mask, even with the owner's permission), and can only be used when the mask is being worn. Animal Defender: Aid in combact any animals as minor action. Pure Form: If a member is killed, under no

vOIDS(Guardians of Entropy)

circumstances whatsoever can he be brought back to life. Upon death, you may choose to be reincarnated in an animal by the Reincarnate ritual.

They think that entropy is right on schedule, and that Doomguard should act to speed or slow it on a case-bycase basis.

INIZIATE OF THE VOIDS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Voids. Swordmanship: You gain proficiency with heavy swords and the brutal 1 property.

WILL OF THE ONE Not all of the Sign of One turned over to the Mind‘s Eye, but those that remained true to their ways are more extreme - one might even say megalomanical compared to their former faction.

Entropic Understanding: Roll twice and use the higher result to break organic material.


Prerequisite: join the Will of the One, Intelligence or Wisdom 13 Skills: Religion is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to this skill. Imagining: you can cast the ritual Imagining as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. Egocentric: the members are usually pretty aloof and, because of their nature, they often wax philosophical and are rarely down to earth. Thus, they suffer -2 penalties to diplomacy when not talking about philosophy, or similarly heady subjects.

POWERS OF IMAGINATION[Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Signers or Initate of the Will of the One. Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Powers of Imagination. Channel Belief : Powers of Imagination Power of Belief You can manipulate your surroundings to a greater degree, using only your force of will. Encounter ♦ Belief (Signers, Will of the One) Standard action Personal Requirement: you expend an unused daily power, and an healing surge or take damage equal to your healing surge value. Effect: You gain a daily power of any arcane, psionic and shadow class until the end of the encounter or for 5 minutes. After you cast the power you are dazed (save ends). Each save failed you loose an healing surge or take damage equal to your healing surge value.


unplayable. Suggestions include alcohol or other drugs,


sexual activity, gluttonous behaviour, or gambling.

The truth about the multiverse can only be learned by

The Converts

traveling it, as each and every plane holds a small part



of the great secret. They believe that any belief held too long becomes


rhetoric, and that nobody knows how anything works.

Skills: You gain +2 bonus to all knowledge skills about



Prerequisite: join the Chamaleons.

Improved Control: Roll twice and use the higher result

Everchanging Faction: A Chamaleon can belong to

to Influence Unstable Plane checks

another faction, as long as he meets the prerequisites.

Ritual Control: You can perform any ritual to Influence

He gains all the benefits and restrictions of that faction.

Unstable Plane as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. One

When he change to a different faction, he loose all the

for day you can cast one without to expend the

benefits and restrictions of the first and gain those of

component cost.

the new faction. He can do this any number of times

Groundsman: You can't leave Limbo. If you're a

but he can never return to a abbandoned faction.

Prerequisite: join the Anarch’s Guild.

Groundsman, you are expected to help maintain or defend the city or fortification you are assigned to.




CHILDREN OF THE VINE (Revellers, Carpet Knights)

A mysterious group based out of Sigil, the Daughters of Light went on a purge shortly after the Faction War,

They believe in celebrating today and ignoring tomorrow.

INIZIATE OF THE REVELLERS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Children of the Vine. Skills: Insight and Perception are your class skills. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. Exceptional Immunity: +2 to saves versus poison and endurance checks to resist disease. Addicted: All Revellers have some form of addiction to a pleasurable activity. The player of a Reveller character must choose some vice that the character will seek out irrationally, and will be unable to function well without

rooting out subtle remainders of faction influence in a subtle but violent fashion.

INIZIATE OF THE DAUGHTERS OF LIGHT[Belief] Prerequisite: join Daughters of Light. Skills: Intimidate is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to this skill. Faction Knowledge: Roll twice and use the higher result to skills check if it reguards factions. Factions Hunter: Factioneers within 2 squares of you receive a -1 penalty to all defense and saving throws. Faction war: every factioneers see you as his foe.

(-2 to all attack rolls, proficiency checks, saves, and ability checks; -2 to the difenses without addiction). The DM must approve all addiction choices, as they should be sufficiently debilitating as to make this an actual weakness, but not enough to make the character

DISPOSSESSED (Chippers, Exiles)

The Dispossessed are the few that decide that the Banished are just twiddling their thumbs, and it‘s up to them to show the universe that they‘re worthy of power and respect despite the bad hand given to them.


THE GUARDIANS (Caretakers, Protectors) Inspired by the race of celestials known as the guardinals, The Guardians strive to protect good and to defend the defenseless.

Prerequisite: join the Dispossessed. Skills: Endurance is your class skill. You gain +2 bonus Mental Strenght: +2 to saves vs. charme and fear



Prerequisite: join the Guardians, cannot be evil.

Toughness: You substitute your highest ability score

Skills: Endurance and Perception are your class skill.

for Constitution to determine your initial hit points.

You gain +2 bonus to these skill.

Annoying presence: the Exiles view themselves as the

Aspect of the Guardinals:

strong, and are determine to prove this to the rest of the

Reputation: Roll twice and use the higher result to

multiverse, but to do so, they often annoy (at least) the

Diplomacy checks among the good-aligned planes. Roll

rest of the multiverse. Apart from other sect members,

twice and use the worst result to Diplomacy checks

Exiles suffer a -2 penalty to all charisma based checks

among the evil-aligned planes

from the people they meet.

Neutrality: The primary drawback to being a Caretaker

to this skill.

is the necessity to neutral. Guardians are not allowed to

Exile’s Toughness [BELIEF]

engage in politicking or machinations of any sort -- they

Prerequisite: Initiate of the Dispossessed Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use

must always strive for the greater good, and cannot dedicate themselves to any of good's "alternate" forms

Exile’s Toughness. Channel Belief : Exile’s Toughness Power of Belief Exiles are tough people, they are hardened against what life can throw against them. Encounter ♦ Belief (Dispossessed) Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: you take the second wind action or any other effect you spend an healing surge Effect: you can spend one additional healing surge.


must constantly strive for the higher good. A Defender

(Naysayers, Apocalypticals)

HIDDEN HAND (Merkhants, Misers, Gold-Hounds) Money is the purest form of power, and thusly gathering money makes one powerful.

INIZIATE OF THE MERKHANTS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Merkhants.

Prey for the end of the times.

Skills: Bluff and Insight are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skill.


Appraise: All Merkhants gain the ability to appraise the

Prerequisite: join the Eschaton.

accurately. What they do with that information is up to

Skills: Diplomacy and History are your class skill. You

them, but they usually use it to try and con someone

gain +2 bonus to these skill.


The end inevitable: Bloodied foes within 2 squares of

Bargainer: Roll twice and use the higher result to all

you receive a -1 penalty to all defense and saving

skill checks if it involves bargaining.


Great Profit: Merckhants never do anything where they

No Tomorrow: You have no future projects, you can

cannot see how they will profit from it.

never be a part of long-term plans. When you roll an Endurance check to check disease progression, roll twice and use the worst result.

value of any gem or work of art both instantly, and





They believe in affirming their humanity by killing

Prerequisite: join the Matematicians, cannot be chaotic.

'lesser beings

Skills: All Knowledge skills are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skills. You gain the legalspeak as

INIZIATE OF THE VILE HUNT[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Hunters of the Vile, cannot be good. Skills: Perception and Nature are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skill. Kill Count: +2 bonus to all the attacks rolls until the end of your next turn after you reduce an enemy to 0 hit points. Expert Tracker: Roll twice and use the higher result to Perception checks to find tracks. In addition, add 5 to the Perception DC for other creatures to find your tracks. You can extend this benefit for any allies traveling with you, but not any who become separated from you. Enemies of the Good: Roll twice and use the lower result to all charisma checks vs. good creatures.

bonus language. Bookworm: Roll twice and use the higher result to skills check if it involves research in libraries. Intuit Pattern: You can perform the ritual Comprehend Language and Create Item as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. One for day you can cast Comprehend Language without to expend the component cost. Communal Knowledge: The only disadvantage to being a Mathematician is that you must share your findings with your brethren, and you can't tell outsiders about what the Mathematicians are doing. Ha! Like outsiders would even understand, anyway.

Probability Manipulation [Belief] Prerequisite: Initiate of the Guvners or Initiate of the Mathematicians. Benefit: You can invoke the power of your belief to use Probability Manipulation.


(The Great Eye)

Rule what we can. Control what we can’t rule. Destroy what we can’t control.

INIZIATE OF THE ILLUMINATED[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Illuminated, cannot be good.

Channel Belief : Probability Manipulation Power of Belief

In your quest to understand the intrinsic laws of the multiverse, you have learned how to ‚bend‛ the laws affecting an outcome. Encounter ♦ Belief (Guvner, Mathematicians) Immediate Interrupt Target: You or one Creature Effect: add a +2 or -2 to any attack roll, damage roll, or skill check.

Skills: Bluff and Intimidate are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skills.



Infiltrator: Roll twice and use the higher result to bluff checks to pass off a disguise as a factioneer. Survivor: You gain +2 to all death saving throws. Secret Cause: An Illuminated can never truly hold a

Opposers believe that strength comes from conflict. They believe that opposition and adversity breeds power.

public office or business (though he can pose as one for a while).



Prerequisite: join the Primals.

01000001 01010100 01001000 01000101 0100110 01000001 01010100 01001001 01000011 01001001 01000001 01001110 01010011)

Skills: Intimidate and Endurance are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skills. True Opposition: Roll twice and use the higher result to each to oppose any action or opposed checks. Contradict: An opposer contradicts and verbally

They believe that numbers can be used to find or discover everything.

challenges others, making him socially unpopular. Talking to an opposer can vexing, since black is white,

unless someone says it’s white, in which case it is black.

Planarist presence: Primes within 2 squares of you

Thus, he suffers -2 penalty to diplomacy skill checks.

receive a -1 penalty to all defense and saving throws. Unfriendly Ground: You can't go to any prime material

The Order of PlanesMilitant (Children of Heaven,


Brethren, Faithful)


As militant as their name, the Brethren defend the

They exist at others' expense, with Death at their

mighty fortress of Mount Celestia at all costs. They

backs, they're wise to be tense.


believe the seduction of evil, chaos, doubt, avarice, and evil are forever striving to undermine what is right and good and pure.

INIZIATE OF THE PROLONGERS[Belief] Prerequisite: join the Prolongers, cannot be good.


Skills: Bluff and History are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skill.

Prerequisite: join the Order of the Planes-Militants, cannot be chaotic. Skills: Endurance and Diplomacy are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skill. United for the cause: Aid in combact another Faithful as minor action. Support of the Brethren: the Breathrens can always count on help from their allies.

Channel Vital Linfh: You can perform the ritual Channel Vital Linfh as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. One for day you can cast TranferVital Linfh without to expend the component cost. Secular Knowledge: Roll twice and use the higher result to any knowledge checks Fast Aging: they age 10-times fast then the average mortal.

Oaths of fealty: The Order requests that all members swear oaths of fealty, chastity and poverty, similar to the oaths sworn by paladins. A member of the Order may never disobey a superior, no matter what. Unless the mission assigned to you is obviously evil or chaotic, you must complete it. In the event that an order is in someway evil, a Brethren must report this to his superior's superior. Also, a Faithful may only keep as much jink as he needs to maintain a moderate standard

PLANEWALKER’S GUILD (Wanderers, Homeless) The truth about the multiverse can only be learned by traveling it, as each and every plane holds a small part of the great secret.

of living, as well as other necessities, such as a horse,


armour, weaponry, etc. The rest should be donated to

Prerequisite: join the Planewalker’s Guild.

some worthy cause (although preferably to the Order).

Portals Knowledge: Roll twice and use the higher result to all skill checks if it involves portals.


Portals Familiarity: You can perform the ritual Analyze


Portal as if you had the Ritual Caster feat. One for day you can cast Analyze Portal without to expend the

They believe that the Prime Material Plane should

component cost.

serve the Planars, not the other way around.

Homeless: Must not stay in any place for more than a year. Must help others Guildmembers by providing


directions, information about portals and other minor favors.

Prerequisite: join the Planarists, cannot be a prime. Skills: Diplomacy and Intimidate are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to these skill.


They coy about what they believe, But it's likely they've got some weird tricks up their sleeve. Know the elemental forces and a body will know everything.



(The Verdant Guild)

We must act to protect nature from the ravages that we would, in our foolishness, impose upon her.

Prerequisite: join the Primals.

INIZIATE OF THE Wylders [Belief]

Skills: Arcane and Bluff are your class skill. You gain

Prerequisite: join the Wylders.

+2 bonus to the skills.

Skills: Nature and Endurance are your class skill. You

Infiltrator: Roll twice and use the higher result to bluff

gain +2 bonus to the skills.

checks to pass off a disguise.

Animal’s Mask: Through means not yet explained by

Harden Body: When you are bloodied you gain +1 to

those who have attempted to reveal the secret (most of

all the difenses.

whom have been Guvner researchers), completion of

Elemental Home: Members can never leave the inner

the mask grants its owner the ability to speak with the


type of animal the mask depicts. As the masks are almost certainly made in a variety of ways, this ability must be conferred on the mask when the owner is


(The Brotherhood of Glory)

inducted fully into the Guild. This power can only be used by the person who made the mask (i.e. another

They believe in being stronger than everyone else, and proving it one man at a time.

person cannot speak with animals using a mask, even with the owner's permission), and can only be used when the mask is being worn.


Animal Empathy: While you are riding an animal, you gain access to any special abilities that creature

Prerequisite: join the Ragers.

possesses. In addition, every friendly animal can make

Skills: Intimidate and Endurance are your class skill.

any skill checks using your base skill check bonus

You gain +2 bonus to the skills.

rather than its own if yours if higher.

Die Hard: When your hit points drop to 0 or fewer, you

Wild Approach: the intimacy with which Wylders live

don’t fall unconscious until you failed a death saving

with nature, and the amount a time they tend to spend


in wild areas, has its drawbacks. Although they are

To live is to fight: A rager will not say no to a fighting

comfortable in isolated dwellings, anything larger than

challenge. Always is good to fight.

a small village will unnerve a Wylder. They suffer a -2 penalty on all charisma based rolls, due to the unease that they cannot conceal from those who observe them.

TACHARIM (“the Knighthood”)

Optionally, in very large places (and Sigil certainly

They believe in augmenting the self through the grafting of more reliable body parts.

causes them great mental distress. Such Wylders would

counts as this), Wylders may find that the lack of space panic easily, and could behave quite irrationally, and may decide at any time that they have to return to the

INIZIATE OF THE TACHARIM [Belief] Prerequisite: join the Tacharim. Skills: Intimidate and Endurance are your class skill. You gain +2 bonus to the skills. Fearless: save +5 vs. fear. Graft Body parts: Depriving scopes: Roll twice and use the lower result to all charisma checks vs. good creatures.

calming influence of wide open spaces at once.

FACTIONS LEGENDARY PATHS Defiant Soul (athar) The young man stared up at Jaya in disbelief as his healing spell fizzled. ‚Allow me,‛ the defier said as she laid hands upon the injured boy. ‚I told you the Powers were fakes…only acceptance of the truth can grant you access to the Great Unknown.‛ Prerequisite: Iniziate Of The Athar, Faithless Miracle, Charisma or Wisdom 17 Defiant souls are members of the Athar


Faithless ward Defiant Soul Utility 12 You quickly adapt to the energy your divine enemy is using against you. Encounter ✦ Belief (Athar) Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You take damage of a specific type, such as radiant or fire by a divine user or an immortal creature Effect: You gain resist 10 against damage of that type or types until the end of your next turn. If the damage was by a divine user or an immortal creature you gain resist 20 against damage of that type or types until the end of your next encounter.

demonstrate the tenets of their faith to the masses. They openly challenge the clerics of gods, defeating them in battle whether by deeds or words, showing there is no need for someone to worship a deity in order to gain the divine power many seek. They preach the supremacy of a force they call the Great Unknown, which transcends the gods and grants defiant souls and other Athar the ability to resist divine magic. Expaladins and disillusioned clerics are obvious choices for this legendary path, but self-reliant classes like the

Punish the Divine Defiant Soul Attack 20 The defiant soul can reflect a divine spell back at the caster. Daily ✦ Belief (Athar), Implement, Reliable Immediate Reaction; Trigger: You or an ally is the target of a divine or immortal attack that miss Target: a divine user or an immortal creature Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will Hit: The divine user or the immortal creature is the new target of the effect.

monk, rogue and warlock as well as those who worship natural powers, are also attracted to the philosophy. DEFIANT SOUL PATH FEATURES Blasphemous Presence (11th level): Once per turn as a minor action, you can place a mark against a divine

Disciple of the Cycle (godsmen) Prerequisite: Iniziate Of The Godsmen, you have to be dead and reincarnated at least once.

user or immortal creature. Blasphemous Action(11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, if you use your action to make an attack against a divine user or an immortal creature roll twice and use the higher result. Deny Edict (16th level): You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against divine or immortal effects.

DEFIANT SOUL POWERS OF BELIEF Heretic’s Strike Defiant Soul Attack 11 Your confidence in the flaws of the powers enables you to bypass whatever protections of divine agents Encounter ✦ Belief (Athar), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Charisma vs. Will Hit: 2[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. If the target is a divine user or immortal creature, it takes 4[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and it is immobilized until the end of your next turn. This damage ignores all resistances.

Some Godsmen have died so many times they barely remember what race they started out as. These cutters delve into the depths of the Cycle of Testing, trying new forms each time they die, and learning from each. Though they do not seek death, they understand that death is merely a setback, and another step on the road towards divinity. DISCIPLE OF THE CYCLE PATH FEATURES Influence New Form (11th level): Each time the Disciple dies, he may choose his new reincarnation from the list of possibilities on the Reincarnation. Memory of the Past (11th level): (when makes an attack roll, saving throw, a skill check, or an ability check). You can spend an action point to roll 1d6 and add the result to the triggering roll. Shapes of the Past (16th level): A Disciple of the Cycle may shift into any other race or animal that has previously been one of the Disciple's incarnations

during his deaths and rebirths. When he does so, he is considered to completely loose his previous race and acquire the new one, and any equipment carried or worn resizes to fit the new form. There is no time limit to how long he can stay in this form, but if a Disciple of the Cycle stays shifted for more than 1 hour in a day, his experience gain for that day is halved. Additionally, if he spends more than four hours in a day shifted, he looses all special abilities from his Disciple of the Cycle class, and may not gain any more levels in any class until he receives an atonement spell. Disciples should learn mainly from their current forms, so as to experience events from all possible angles, and not rely on their past forms. DISCIPLE OF THE CYCLE POWERS OF BELIEF At 11th level, you can choose to replace one of your atwill powers with an at-will power from a past life class. At 11th level, you can select any encounter power of 7th level or lower from your past life class. At 12th level, you can select any utility power of 10th level or lower from your past life class. At 20th level, you can select any daily power of 19th level or lower from a past life class.

This spell enables you to channel the screaming winds of Pandemonium through your body and out through a numbing howl that incapacitates anyone nearby. Encounter✦Belief (Bleak Cabal), Psychic, Implement Standard Action Close Burst 5 Target: All the creatures within the burst Attack: Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom vs. Will Hit: slitta il bersaglio di 5 ed effettua un attacco basilare contro una creatura adiacente a tua scelta. Se impossibilitato subisce 1d8 + Saggezza, Intelligenza o Carisma danni psichici. Effect: il bersaglio è assordato fino alla fine del tuo prossimo turno. Assorb Madness

Divulger of Forgetfulness Utility 11 Some Bleakers learn special techniques to relieve others mentally, but at the cost of their own psyche. Encounter✦Belief (Bleak Cabal), Special Immediate Interrupt Close Burst 5 Trigger: any creatures hit by a psychic attack or under the influence of any temporary mental effect Effect: You are the target of the effect but you can expend an healing surge or regain an encounter power. Special: If you expend an action point to use this power you gain an extra free healing surge. Despair

Divulger of Forgetfulness(bleak cabal) "Hear the barmies howling in the Mazes? If you're here to learn the secrets of the multiverse, you might as well save yourself some time and go join 'em, 'cause that's all it means--that and nothing else." --Factol Lhar of the Bleak Cabal Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Bleakers, ‚Touched‛

Divulger of Forgetfulness Attack 20 The divulger of forgetfulness share his world view with others Daily ✦ Belief (Bleak Cabal), Psychic, Implement Standard Action Close Burst 5 Target: All the creatures within the burst Attack: Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom psychic damage, 10 ongoing psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends all). If the target fails the first save it is helpless (save ends all). Miss: ½ damage and 5 ongoing psychic damage

DIVULGER OF FORGETFULNESS PATH FEATURES Incomprensible Mind (11th level): You gain 5 +1/2 level resistance to psychic damage.


Aurea of Delusion (11th level): you can spend an action point to make reroll one roll succeded within 5.

Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Doomguard, Charisma or

The target must use the result of the second roll.

Wisdom 17

Share Madness (16th level): One for enconunter you can transfer any psichic effect assorbed by Assorb


Madness by an attack power.

PATH FEATURES Sinker Swordsmanship (11th level):: A light or heavy










enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls for

Howling Winds of Pandemonium Divulger of Forgetfulness Attack 11

your powers that use implements.

Steady Decay (11th level): You have resist necrotic and radiant 5 + one-half your level. Distructive Action (11th level): When you spend an

Hit: 2d10 + Charisma or Wisdom modifiers necrotic and radiant damage or pull 6. Sustain Minor

action point to take an extra action, if you use your action to make an attack that hits, that hit deals ongoing necrotic damage equal to ½ your level (save ends). Control Sphere (16th level): The entropomancer has

Doomguard Marauder (Revised Version from the Manual of the Planes)


the ability to control a sphere of annihilation as if he were using a talisman of the sphere, and the

Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Doomguard, Entropic

entropomancer is personally unaffected by a sphere of

Blow, Strenght 17

annihilation, which passes through him as if his square was completely empty. High-level entropomancers are often obsessed with acquiring spheres of annihilation.

ENTROPOMANCER POWERS OF BELIEF Ecstatic Decay Entropomancer Attack 11 This spell rapidly decomposes a creature’s body while overwhelming them with exquisite pleasure unlike anything else in the multiverse. Encounter ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Implement, Necrotic, Radiant Standard Action Range 10 Target: one creature Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will (critical 19-20) Hit: 2d10 + Charisma or Wisdom modifiers necrotic and radiant damage and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. Sustain free: Spend an healing surge and you can roll a new attack vs. the target. Entropic Field Entropomancer Utility 12 You conjure a field of invisible, entropic energy, strong enough to warp the laws of probability. Daily ✦ Belief (Doomguard) Standard Action Close Burst 5 Effect: All the healing powers fails in the burst until the end of the next turn. One for round, as immediate interrupt you can force a creature in the burst to reroll an attack, ability check or save. Sustain free: Spend an healing surge and the zone persists. Shard of Entropy Entropomancer Attack 20 You conjure a small black a chunk of absolute blackness of entropy. Daily ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Implement, Necrotic, Zone Standard Action Range 1 Effect: you can create a small black chunk of entropy in a square. Creatures that enter the zone or start their turns adiacents to the shard are dazed and take ongoing 10 necrotic damage (save ends). As a move action, you can move the zone up to 6 squares and attack all the targets or pull every target in close burst 6 to the shard. Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs Reflex or Charisma or Wisdom vs Fortitude (pull attack).

DOOMGUARD MARAUDER PATH FEATURES Ruin’s Reward (11th level): Whenever you score a critical hit, you regain hit points equal to your Constitution modifier. Destructive Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you deal 1d12 extra damage on attacks made before the end of your turn. The damage increases to 2d12 at 21st level. Inevitable Doom (16th level): When you miss with a melee weapon attack, you gain a +2 bonus to your next melee attack roll against that creature.

DOOMGUARD MARAUDER POWERS OF BELIEF Devasting Blow Doomguard Marauder Attack 11 You swing with a devastating strike that leaves you and the enemies around you open to attack. Encounter ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and you and each enemy adjacent to you takes a –2 penalty to AC until the end of your next turn. Strike of Unmaking Doomguard Marauder Utility 12 Your attack puts your foe on the path to destruction. Encounter ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Weapon Free Action Melee weapon Trigger: You hit an enemy with a melee attack Effect: The target loses all resistances until the end of your next turn. Arm of Dissolution Doomguard Marauder Attack 20 Your attack resounds with a chord of dissolution, and your foe crumbles under the power of entropy. Daily ✦ Belief (Doomguard), Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and ongoing 10

damage (save ends). Each time the target takes the ongoing damage, you gain a +1 power bonus to melee attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends). You gain no power bonus from the ongoing damage

THE “BORN DEAD” (dUSTMEN) Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Dustmen, Greater Dead Truce, Wisdom or Charisma 17

THE “BORN DEAD PATH FEATURES Expanded Dead Truce (11th level): you can extend the benefits of the Dead Truce to a number of creatures within 20 equal to 1 + your Charisma or Wisdom modifier. Negative Energy Affinity (11th level): You have resist necrotic 5 + one-half your level. Deathly Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, if you use your action to make an attack that hits, that hit deals ongoing necrotic

Trigger: You or an ally in the burst are hit by a melee, ranged or area attack Effect: The target falls prone and gains resist 10 all until the start of its next turn or until it makes an attack. It is nearly impossible to distinguish from death by normal means. Sustain minor Death Wish The ‚Born Dead‛ Attack 20 Truly exemplifying a disdain for life, a few Dustmen seem to appreciate (as much as they appreciate anything) making victims bring about their own death prematurely. Daily ✦ Belief (Dustmen), Necrotic, Psychic, Implement Standard Action Area Burst 1 within 10 Target: Creatures in the burst Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom or Charisma modifier necrotic damage, and ongoing psychic 10 damage (save ends). If the target is bloodied is immobilized (save ends). If the bloodied target fails its first save against this power, the target becomes unconscious (save ends). If the total hit points drops to 0 or lower for this effect the target dies. Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

damage equal to ½ your level (save ends). If the attack kills the person you are attacking, that person may not be resurrected.


Numb (16th level): You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against charme and fear effects.

THE “BORN DEAD POWERS OF BELIEF Aura of the Dead Power of Belief Your visage strikes fear into the hearts of your opponents, causing them to attack clumsily and without conviction. Encounter ♦ Belief (Dustmen), Fear, Implement, Psychic, Special, Zone Standard Action Close Burst 1 Attack: Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom or Charisma modifier psychic damage and the target is immobilized (save ends). The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your turn. Any enemy that enters the zone or starts its turn within the zone is subject to another attack. Special: Whenever you are struck for the first time during this encounter by a creature under the effects of your aura, that creature takes 1d8 + charisma or wisdom modifier psychic damage. Sustain Standard Feign Death The ‚Born Dead‛ Utility 12 This power puts any living creature into a cataleptic state, which is nearly impossible to distinguish from death by normal means. Encounter ✦ Belief (Dustmen), Illusion Immediate Reaction Close Burst 5

‚Don‟t do me any favors.‛ Parlo walked away from the woman offering to bind his wounds. ‚I have learned to take care of myself.‛ Prerequisite: Initiate of the Fated, Self Reliance, Charisma 15

FATEMAKER PATH FEATURES Fatemaker Stamina (11th level): Each time you reach a milestone, you regain an healing surge. Aura of Confidence (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, all the allies within 5 gain a bonus to next die roll as your Charisma modifier. Unwritten Destiny (16th level): You are immune to geas/quest and lesser geas, as well as other spells and effects that would force you into a magical contract, including the Ring-giver ritual Return of Favors. Furthermore, attempts to divine your future, such as through commune or contact other plane, always return inconclusive answers.


Fatemaker Attack 11

. Encounter ✦ Belief (Fated), Implement Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + Charisma modifier and you push the target 1 square and it is knocked prone. Effect: Allies in the burst can slide 1.

one daily power of the same level or lower. You may develop up to your intelligence modifiers loopholes at one time. Improved Probability Manipulation (11th level): When you channel your power of belief probability manipulation add a +3 or -3 to any roll. At 16th level you add +4 or -4, at 21th level you add +5 or -5, and at 26th level you add +6 or -6. In addiction you can spend an

Nine Lives Fatemaker Utility 12 . Daily ✦ Belief (Fated), Healing Immediate Interrup Personal Trigger: You are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer Effect: You can use an healing surge.

action point to gain a new use of probability manipulation. Structured Mind (16th level): +5 bonus to saves vs. psychic effects.

AXIOMIST POWERS OF BELIEF Ego Manifestation Fatemaker Attack 20 . Daily ✦ Belief (Fated), Implement, Polimorph, Stance Immediate Reaction Close burst 1 Trigger: an attack take you bloodied Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: 1d8 + charisma modifier Effect: You become Large, occupying 4 squares instead of 1. Any creatures in the squares that you come to occupy are pushed 1 square. You also gain reach 2 and a +5 bonus to its melee damage rolls. You remain Large until the stance ends.

AXIOMIST (GUVNERS) Prerequisite: Initiate of the Guvners, Probability Manipulation, Intelligence 17 Most Guvners do at least some research into the

Exhausting monologue Axiomist Attack 11 It’s just a few seconds you talk but it seems an eternity. Encounter ✦ Belief (Guvner), Psychic Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: any creature in the burst Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, targets are dazed until the end of your next turn. Evaluating the Outcome Axiomist Utility 12 While all Guvners agree there is a rule to determine every outcome, no one goes their life without encountering a situation where something just didn’t go as it should have. By recognizing these anomalies, however, some Guvners are actually able to correct the results. Encounter ✦ Belief (Guvner) Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: you miss an attack or a skill check Effect: The attack or the skill check doesn’t occur, as if the you chose to do nothing with its action. You cannot repeat the same action vs. the same target until the end of the encounter.

phenomena known has loopholes. The axiomist, on the


Dimensional Loophole Axiomist Attack 20 Soon or later the enemy understand that it was better to keep away. Daily ✦ Belief (Guvner), Teleport, Psychic Standard Action Range 20 Target: one creature Attack: Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 3d8 + Charisma modifier psychic damage Miss: Half damage Effect: Every time the target moves, you can immediately teleport of a number of squares the target moves as a free action. Sustain Minor: When you sustain this power, you can

Loopholes (11th level): You can break one rule to the

repeat the attack against the target. If you miss, you can

powers structure of your character. You can spend an

no longer sustain the power.

other hand, dedicates his life to unraveling the Axioms, and gathering the power such knowledge provides. Practically all factols and other high-ups of the faction are axiomists, and it‘s the dominant goal of most Guvners to become one. Though this path is no longer quite as prestigious as it used to be, most that seek it do so for power rather than admiration. And, indeed, the power it unlocks is raw and potent, easily worth the time and effort to develop.

action point to swap one power you know for one of the same level or lower from any class. You gain the power for 24 hours. Also, you can swap one ritual for


Prerequisite: Initiate of the Indep, Indipendent Mind,

Sustain minor: you can roll a new attack vs. a faction member.

Charisma or Intelligence 17

Chainbreaker (INDEPS) ANTI-PHILOSOPHER PATH FEATURES Mock factioneers (11th level): Once per turn as a minor

Prerequisite: Initiate of the Indep, Indipendent Mind

action, you can place a mark against a faction member. Anti-philosopher Action (11th level): When you spend

Slavery on the Planes. It’s a given for most Planars. The

an action point to take an extra action, if you use your

closer you live to the Lower Planes the more likely you

action to make an attack against a faction member roll

or a relative is or used to be a slave. The trade is active

twice and use the higher result.

through many a gatetown, Curst in particular. There

Deny Philosophy (16th level): You gain a +5 bonus to

are Indeps who take ‚Live free or die‛ as advice to

saving throws against powers of belief.

apply to all. These Indeps aggressively take on the slave trade of the Planes to free others. Of course they often


make interesting friends and powerful enemies along

Insult Philospher Anti-Philosopher Attack 11 Your knowledge of the factions provides you with a brilliant repertoire of witty and insulting comments that will get the attention of the most hardheaded faction member. Encounter ✦ Belief (Indep), Charm, Implement, Psychic Standard Action Close blast 5 Target: One creature Attack: Charisma or Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d8+ Charisma or Intelligence modifier psychic damage an you pull your target up to 3 squares toward you. Until the end of your next turn, your target is marked. If the target is a factioneer you sustain this power. Sustain Minor: You pull the target 1 square and your target is marked until the end of your next turn.

their quest – but to most the freedom of another is well

Unnecessary Fanatism Anti-Philosopher Utility 12 Your will is stronger than belief. Daily ✦ Belief (Indep), Healing Immediate Reaction Close burst 20 Trigger: An enemy reduces an ally within 20 squares of you to 0 hit points or fewer Target: The triggering ally in burst Effect: The target can spend a healing surge. In addition, if the attacking is a factioneer it takes a –5 penalty to all the attacks until the end of your next turn. Disenchant Philosophers Anti-Philosopher Attack 20 You know enough about the factions that you can find logical holes in their beliefs that will shake the faith of all but the wisest members. Daily ✦ Belief (Indep), Charm, Implement, Psychic Standard Action; Close Burst 5 Target: Creatures in the burst Attack: Charisma or Intelligence vs. Will Hit: 2d8+ Charisma or Intelligence modifier psychic damage. Effect: until the end of the encounter, every power of belief fails in the burst.

worth it.

CHAINBREAKER PATH FEATURES Chainbreaker’s wrath (11th level): Chainbreaker Action (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, you do not grant combat advantage to any enemy for any reason and cannot be grabbed until the end of your next turn. Chainbreaker’s Resolve (16th level): You gain a +5 bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects.

CHAINBREAKER POWERS OF BELIEF Instant Escape Chainbreaker Utility 12 You know how to slip out of an unwanted embrace. Encounter✦ Belief (Indep) Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are grabbed. Effect: You escape the grab and shift 2 squares. Break the Chains Chainbreaker Attack 20 Wild energy plays along your blade. The strike of your sword disrupts the enchantments used to enslave creatures to their will. Daily ✦ Belief (Indep), Reliable, Weapon Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. Reflex Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage, and any allies within 10 squares of you under the influence of a charm or fear effect created by the target can make a saving throw, even if the effect is not normally one that a save can end.


Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Harmonium, Authority, Strength and Charisma 15 Though many join the Harmonium, unifying with your fellow members can be far from an easy task. Though they all seek to create peace, most members of the Harmonium are still wholly individual. And since their passion to unite worlds and planes burns brightly, disagreements can drive even those of higher measure apart. A rare few, however, build a rare gift, one that lets them lead by example. Their presence brings the disparate elements together, granting them inspiration and drive. Champions of the Harmonium are just that, becoming one with the purpose of their faction. Those that become champions are typically well-rooted within the faction, often achieving the rank of Measure before showing the exceptional talent for leadership that marks them. While occasionally a Notary has suddenly struck by inspiration and develops this sort of talent, it is most often honed over years. Surprisingly, few factols have been champions. Champions seem better suited to the field, after all, where their word has a positive effect on Harmonium members engaged in

CHAMPION OF HARMONIUM POWERS OF BELIEF Smite Chaos; Champion of Harmonium Attack 11 You invoke order through your weapon, causing it to glow as you deliver a punishing blow against your enemies. Encounter ✦ Belief (Harmonium), Weapon Standard Action; Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Strength vs. AC, one attack per target Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage + Charisma modifier damage. Effect: Each target is dazed until the beginning of your next turn. If the target was chaotic, it takes 2[W] + Strength modifier damage + Charisma modifier damage and it is stunned until the end of your next turn. Order's Calm; Champion of Harmonium Utility 12 The calming effect of order helps release you from dangerous perils Encounter ✦ Belief (Harmonium) Free Action; Area burst 5 Targets: Yourself and each ally in burst Effect: Targets may make a saving throw against any ongoing effect and add your Charisma modifier to the roll. In addition, targets may also spend a healing surge.

missions. Behind a desk or behind the front lines, their inspiring qualities often languish in disuse. As the Harmonium champions martial prowess with which to enforce peace, the champion is often a warrior as much as a leader. After all, even the Harmonium admits that force is needed to impose change. Though it may be loathe to use it unecessarily, a champion learns to face violence - and to become very, very good at it. Not all that become champions are of a warlike persuasion, however. It's simply that once they embody the Harmonium, skill in combat is only natural. CHAMPION OF HARMONIUM PATH FEATURES Smite Anarchy (11th level): Your basic class feature

Die for the Faction Champion of Harmonium Attack 20 Your blow inspires his troops to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause. Daily ✦ Belief (Harmonium), Weapon Standard Action; Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 4[W] + Strength modifier damage (Critical 19-20). Effect: until the end of the encounter, when the allies are reduced to 0 hit points or fewer, they gain an immediate extra action. Sustain standard: you can roll a new attack You gain a cumulative penalty -1 to all defenses for every round you sustain.

(Divine Challenge, Combat Challenge, Hunter’s Quarry Sneak Attack or Warlock curse) deals an additional 2 damage to chaotic creatures. As the damage increases by level, add an additional 2 damage per tier. Awareness: (11th level): Can make an opportunity grab attack against an adjacent enemy that shifts. Aura of Law (16th level): When you first become bloodied, you emit a lawful aura 3. Allies within the aura gain a +2 power bonus to attacks and immunity to Fear and Psychic damage. This effect ends when you are no longer bloodied, drop to 0 hit points or more, or become unconscious.

JUSTICIAR OF THE RED DEATH (MERCYKILLERS) Prerequisite: Strength and Charisma 15, Iniziate of the Red Death, Blow for Justice and one of these: Hunter's Quarry, Combat Challenge, Divine Challenge, or Warlock's Curse Ability. (Most abilities involve setting your enemy as your mark, quarry, or cursed target. Any enemy falling under this is described as "prey")


when you hit with an

Son of Mercy (Revised Version from the Dragon 370) (MERCYKILLERS, SONS OF MERCY)

attack that inflicts the immobilize condition (save ends) the target cannot save against it on the first turn.

Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Martyrs, Strenght and

Focus on the Prey (11th Level): When you spend an

Wisdom 15.

action point to take an extra attack against your prey, you deal an extra die worth of damage to that foe. Indomitable Justice (16th Level): You are immune to fear and charm effects from your prey. Yourself and allies adjacent to you enjoy a +2 bonus to saving throws against all fear and charm effects.

JUSTICIAR OF THE RED DEATH POWERS OF BELIEF Headsman’s Sweep Red Death Attack 11 There can be no justice without order, and your strike drives home this point. Encounter ✦ Belief(Mercykillers), Fear, Weapon; Standard Action Close burst 1 Melee weapon Target: Each enemy in burst Attack: Strength or Charisma vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn. If the target is your prey is immobilized (save ends). Miss: the target falls prone. Bloody Example Red Death Utility 12 Your lethal strike causes gore to erupt forth. The blood sustains you and causes your foes to recoil. Encounter ✦ Belief(Mercykillers), Fear Immediate Reaction Personal Effect: You may immediately use a healing surge Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points Target: All foes within burst 2 of the triggering creature Attack: Strenght or Charisma vs. Will Effect: The target moves its speed away from you for. The fleeing target avoids unsafe squares and difficult terrain if it can. This movement provokes opportunity attacks. Mercykiller’s Kiss Red Death Attack 20 In the name of the law, I mark you as a lawbreaker! When time permits, you shall be hunted unto the corners of the multiverse for the crimes you have perpetrated! Daily ✦ Belief(Mercykillers), Fear, Weapon Standard Action Melee Weapon Target: your prey Attack: Strength or Charisma vs. Fortitude Hit: 5[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and immbolized (save ends). Miss: Half damage.

SON OF MERCY PATH FEATURES Lawbreaker’s Doom (11th level): You can use lawbreaker’s doom as an encounter power. Lawbreaker’s Doom Son of Mercy Feature You designate one enemy as the target of your attention. This evildoer will not escape justice. Encounter ✦ Belief(Sons of Mercy), Special Free Action Target: One enemy you just marked. Effect: Until the end of the encounter, whenever you hit the target with an attack, you deal extra damage equal to your Wisdom modifier and the target is slowed until the end of your next turn. Special: When the target is reduced to 0 hit points, you regain the use of this power. Immobilizing Action (11th level): Whenever you spend an action point to make an extra attack against the target of your lawbreaker’s doom power, on a hit with that attack the target is also immobilized until the start of your next turn. Strength of Conviction (16th level): Whenever you reduce the target of your lawbreaker’s doom power to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 10 + your Strength modifier.

SON OF MERCY POWERS OF BELIEF Dispensed Justice Son of Mercy Attack 11 There can be no justice without order, and your strike drives home this point. Encounter ✦ Belief (Sons of Mercy), Fear, Weapon; Special Standard Action Melee weapon Target: One creature Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 2[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Special: You can instead use this power as an immediate interrupt with the following trigger. Trigger: The target of your lawbreaker’s doom power is adjacent to you and makes an attack that does not include you. Target: The triggering creature. Red Death Son of Mercy Utility 12 You’re all lawbreakers! Encounter ✦ Belief (Sons of Mercy), Special

Minor Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Effect: The target is marked and is subject to your lawbreaker’s doom power until the end of your next turn.

action to make an attack that hits, you can also choose

Blood Oath Fulfilled Son of Mercy Attack 20 Crimes have been committed, and it’s up to you to make sure these criminals pay the price. Daily ✦ Belief (Sons of Mercy), Fear, Weapon; Special Standard Action Close burst 1 Target: Each enemy in burst Special: You can shift 1 square before the attack. Attack: Strength vs. AC Hit: 3[W] + Strength modifier damage, and the target is knocked prone and cannot stand (save ends). Miss: Half damage. Lawbreaker’s Doom: If the target is also the target of your lawbreaker’s doom power, you gain a bonus to attack rolls against it equal to your Wisdom modifier.

That ally can use an healing surge as immediate

SENSORY ADEPT (SENSATES) Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Sensates, Sensory touch. Only when a body's experienced the whole universe does the great dark of it all finally get revealed. It may seem like an impossible task, but there just might be a

an enemy within 5 squares of you. That enemy takes ongoing psychic damage equal to ½ your level (save ends). If you use your action to use an healing surge, you can also choose an ally within 5 squares of you. interrupt. Perfect Senses (16th level): Roll twice and use the higher result to all perception skill checks.

SENSORY ADEPT POWERS OF BELIEF Sensory Light Sensory adept Attack 11 You have learned to commune your sensations to your allies. Encounter ✦ Belief (Sensates) Standard Action Close burst 5 Target: any creature in the burst Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma vs. Will Hit: Targets are dazed. Invisible or concealed targets are now perceiveble from all until the end of your next turn. Reveal the Dark Sensory adept Utility 12 You tap your belief and gain a piercing vision. Daily ✦ Belief (Sensates) Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of the encounter, you gain the ability to perceive invisible creatures and objects as if they were visible.

way to bob the problem - cheat the multiverse, as it were. It just might be that the multiverse doesn't exist beyond what a body can sense. - The Planescape boxed set The Sensory Adept is an individual who has devoted their life towards the single goal of refining his senses. Through this they hope to develop an understanding of the darks behind the multiverse. What these darks are none can say, for when a cutter finally realizes them they seem to transcend to another level of existence, leaving the material world behind them. Whether it is truly enlightenment that the Sensory Adepts find upon completion of this path is still a matter of debate, though many Sensory Adepts seem to show a level of clarity that none to date have been able to attribute to another cause. Sensory Adepts spend most of their lives training, gradually perfecting each sense one at a time

Mirrored Pain Sensory adept Attack 20 You gather the Belief around yourself like a cloak, it strikes at the minds of foes around you and punishes those that attack you. Daily ✦ Belief (Sensates), Psychic, Implement Standard Action Close Burst 1 Target: Each creature in burst Attack: Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma vs Will Hit: 2d10 + Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier psychic damage. Effect: Until the end of the encounter or for five minutes, any foe that hits you with a ranged or melee attack is subject to another attack from this power as immediate interrupt with the following differences; the attack only hits the triggering creature, it deals 1d20 psychic damage (no attribute modifiers) and does not draw attacks of opportunity. You reduce as the damage you inflicted. This triggered attack may only be used once per round.

as they proceed towards their ultimate goal.








Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Cipher, Master of the Heart, Dexterity and Wisdom 15.

Expand Sensations (11th level): When you spend an action point to take an extra action, if you use your


Extra Cipher Action (11th Level): After an extendend

Prerequisite: Iniziate of the Chaosman, Induce Chaos.

rest you have 2 action points instead of one. Moment's Grace (11th Level): When you spend an

It's said that no Chaosman plans to be a Xaotic - it just

action point to take an extra action, roll twice and use

happens. When one becomes enough with chaos for

the higher result any rolls of this action.

long enough, it becomes like an infection, a gift to be

Cadence Strike (16th Level): When you spend an

spread. Xaotics are those who find the chaos in their

action point to take an extra action, if your two rolls hits

souls and stoke it, bringing it forth for a variety of

the target is a critical hit.

effects. Whether they do it on purpose or incidentally varies, but all that really matters is that they do it. As


such, they make some of the most disruptive Xaositects,

Fluid Strike Master of the Mind Attack 11 You take advantage of your foe repositioning itself, and move in for a strike. Encounter ✦ Belief (Cipher), Weapon Immediate Reaction Melee Attack Target: a creature Trigger: An adjacent enemy shifts away from you. Effect: You may immediately move to any square adjacent to the target. Your target does not get an opportunity attack against you, although other enemies may. Attack: Dexterity or Wisdom vs. AC Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity or Wisdom modifier damage.

breaking down order with their mere presence.

Action Shift Master of the Mind Utility 12 You have improved to act without thought Encounter ♦ Belief (Cipher) No Action Personal Requirement: You roll highest initiative (at least 20). Others Ciphers initiatives don’t count for this. Effect: you can shift as a minor action until the end of the encounter.


Ebb and Flow Master of the Mind Attack 20 Your spacial awareness allows you to direct your foes attacks to where it would most benefit you. Daily ✦ Belief (Cipher), Weapon Standard Action Personal Target: All foes that currently threaten with melee attacks Hit: 2[w] + dexterity or wisdom modifier modifier damage. Effect: All foes get to make a melee attack against you. Your AC increases by 5 and you do not provide combat advantage during this attack. Hit: You take normal damage and the enemy is knocked prone. Enemy Miss: The target makes a melee basic attack as a free action against an adjacent target other than you. You choose the target of its attack. The attack you redirect gains a bonus to the attack roll and the damage roll equal to your dexterity or wisdom modifier.

spurts, though, often abandoning their followers just as

Xaotic (XAOSMEN)

Of course, greybeards point out that Xaotics are a conundrum. While embodying chaos, they all develop similar abilities, so obviously they aren't all that chaotic, are they? Other greybeards point out in turn that even slaadi have their own order as well, divided into neat color-coded subdivisions, so the following conclusion is achieved: it isn't so important, despite the assumptions of many a prime, that chaotic be distinctive or individual in nature. Rather, the Xaotics' spread of chaotic energy is proof enough of their lawless nature. But, ultimately, trying to make sense of it is a fool's Many bosses are Xaotics, or become Xaotics over time. After all, the pure quality of chaos in a Xaotic is undoubtedly inspiring to those to aspire to loose themselves completely from order, and the Xaotics lead by example (if not authority). While there's no true rank and file to the Xaositects, the Xaotics serve as a guiding light for the faction. Naturally, they only do so in often as they lead them.

XAOTIC PATH FEATURES Tragic Event (11th level): When you roll the number prepared as for Unlikely Event you can use Tragic Event or you can choose to use an healing surge. At 16th you can make both. Tragic Event Xaotic Feature You transform an opponent into a series of wildly different forms, preventing him from adjusting long enough to get used to his new countenance. At will ♦ Belief (Xaositects), Implement, Polymorph Immediate Interrupt Target: One random creature within 5 Attack: Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom vs. Fortitude Hit: Creature undergoes dramatic and continuous mutation while under the influence. He suffers a penalty to all actions equal to your wisdom modifier and he gains an random effect (save ends). 1-3: Target is slowed. 4-5: Target is weakened. 6-7: Target is blinded.

8-9: Target is deafened. 10: Target suffers from all four of these conditions. Chance’s Friend (11th level): you can spend an action point to reroll one roll you just made. You must use the result of the second roll. If the second roll is lower of the first you active tragic event on yourself. Chaotic Mind (16th level): The power of chaos infuses your mind. Whenever an enemy successfully attacks your Will defense, that enemy takes 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier psychic damage.

XAOTIC POWERS OF BELIEF Improved Induce Chaos (11th level): This power swap with Induce Chaos. Improved Induce Chaos Xaotic Attack 11 You know how to sow chaos in others, infecting them with raw randomness. Encounter ♦ Belief (Xaositects) , Implement, Charm Standard Action Area burst 3 within 10 Target: Each creature within burst Requirement: Before the attack, you expend an healing surge. Attack: Charisma or Wisdom or Intelligence vs. Will Hit:: The target is dominated (save ends) but you don’t choice the action the character takes. Instead you roll 1d10 each round in order to determine how the characters behave while under the influence of this power. 1-3: Targets can act normally but are stilled dazed. 4-5: Targets take a move action away from you. 6-7: The targets stand around and take no actions. 8-9: Targets attack nearest creature 10: You can choose the action. Divert Attack Xaotic Utility 12 Some wily Chaosmen learn to disrupt the patterns of combat training, fooling somebody into making a major mistake or into accidentally striking a friend. Encounter ♦ Belief Immediate Interrupt Trigger: You are target by an attack. Effect: The attack is redirected to a random target within the reach. You include yourself and any of your allies within range among the possible new targets. Wildstrike Xaotic Attack 20 You surround a creature in an aura of chaotic arcane energy that twists any power he uses to create unpredictable results Daily ♦ Belief, Implement Standard Action Ranged 10 Target: One creature Attack: Intelligence, Charisma or Wisdom vs. Will Hit: Until the end of your next turn, each time the target attack, he makes an immediate saving throw. On a success, the power works normally. On a failure, roll a d6 to determine what happens:

1 - Nothing happens and the action and use of the power are wasted. 2 - the power backlashes against the caster. Treat the caster as the target or his square as the target square. 3 - the power hits a random target within range (other than the caster). 4 - the power is reshaped into a random effect. Randomly choose another power of the same type (atwill, encounter or daily) and level from the same power source, and treat it as if the caster had used that power instead. 5 - the power, inflict minimum damage. 6 - the power surges in power, automatically critting, as if the caster rolled a 20 on the die. Sustain Minor: The wildstrike persists.

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