Chapter 16 Reading Guide

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  • July 2020
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  • Words: 592
  • Pages: 2
AP European History/Neiffer

Reading Guide: Chapter 16: The Transatlantic Economy, Trade Wars and Colonial Rebellion Periods of European Overseas Empires What are the three periods of European contact with the outside world?

Mercantile Empires Mercantilist Goals • mercantilism • mercantile system • What are arguments against mercantilism? • What was the difference between mercantilism in theory and mercantilism in practice? French-British Rivalry • What was the nature of the French-British rivalry? • How did the rivalry play out?

The Spanish Colonial System Colonial Government • What was the structure of Spanish colonial government? • Audincias • corregidores Trade • • •

Regulation Casa de Contratacion (House of Trade) Consulado flota system

Colonial Reforms Under the Spanish Bourbon Monarchs • How did the Treaty of Utricht impact the Spanish rule in this region? • Charles III • peninsulares • creoles

Black African Slavery, The Plantation System and the Atlantic Economy The African Presence in the Americas • What led to the Spanish and Portuguese moving towards a slave model in the New World? • How and why did slavery increase in the New World?

This now famous diagram was presented to a House of Commons investigation on the slave trade.

Slavery and the Transatlantic Economy • How did slavery impact the economy on both sides of the Atlantic?


The Experience of Slavery • The Atlantic Passage • seasoning • How was cultures forced on slaves? What was the result? • Was was the daily life of slaves? • How did religion impact the slave relationship? • What was the nature of prejudice toward slaves?

Mid-Eighteenth-Century Wars The War of Jenkins's Ear!! • Robert Jenkins • Sir Robert Walpole The War of Austrian Succession • Prussia seizes Silesia → Shatters the Pragmatic Sanction • Maria Theresa • France drawn in • Great Britain Drawn In • Results → Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle The “Diplomatic Revolution” of 1756 • What caused the so-called “Diplomatic Revolution?” • What was the results?

Illustration 1: The War of Jenkins's Ear!

The Seven Years' War • What starts the Seven Years' War? • How and why does it migrate to North America? • The Treaty of Paris (1763)

The American Revolution and Europe (Okay... so, let's be honest: the American Revolution IS important to Europe but, we aren't going to going into the kind of detail on it that your textbook forces. So... please read this. Note the European influence stuff. And then call it good... thanks!)

Review Questions 1. What wee the fundamental ideas associated with mercantile theory? Did they work? Which European country was most successful in establishing a mercantile empire? Least successful? Why? 2. What were the main points of conflict between Britain and France in North America, the West Indies, and India? How did the triangles of trade function among the Americas, Europe, and Africa? 3. How was the Spanish colonial empire in the Americas organized and managed? What changes did the Bourbon monarchs institute in the Spanish Empire? 4. What was the nature of slavery in the America? How was it linked to the economies of the Americas, Europe, and Africa? Why was the plantation system unprecedented? How did the plantation system contribute to the inhumane treatment of slaves? 5. What were the results of the Seven Years’ War? Which countries emerged in a stronger position and why? 6. How did European ideas and political developments influence the American colonists? How did their actions, in turn, influence Europe? What was the relationship between American colonial radicals and contemporary political radicals in Great Britain?


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