2009-2010 World Cultures Syllabus

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2009-2010 SCHOOL YEAR




Welcome to World Cultures at CHS! Hello and welcome to World Cultures at Capital High School! is is my 7th time teaching World Cultures and you will be the beneficiary of six other groups successes and failures. World Cultures is a required survey course that details the world from several different perspectives, including geography, history, economics, sociology and current events. We will study eight units throughout this year. First semester, we will cover Geography and Technology 101, Africa, the Middle East and East Asia. Second Semester, we will cover India, South America, Europe and Russia.

Where is Mr. Neiffer located? My contract hours are 8:40pm-4:30pm. During that time, I will likely be located in the Student Lounge (2nd, 3rd, 7th), Room 23 (4th, 5th, 6th) or Room 6 (Lunch). Before and after school, I am usually located in the Student Lounge or Room 23.

About Mr. Neiffer Mr. Jason Neiffer Email: [email protected] WebPage: http://www.geekteach.com, http://moodle.hsd1.org School Telephone: 406-324-2568 Cell Phone: 406-202-2761 (Use good judgement) Google Talk: [email protected] Skype: neiffer AOLIM: OhHeyNeif Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/CHWorldCultures

What is this document? This is a syllabus. It outlines my expectations of you in this class. In exchange for keeping it until the last day of this class, I’ll offer a “gift” to those that bring their original syllabus to the second semester final. I won’t remind you to bring it, nor mention this again!

How important are these expectations? I’ll be honest: I have high expectations of freshmen. I believe you are capable, bright and motivated individuals. You should rise to the challenge! I am willing to work with you to help you meet your goals, but you need to put the effort in first!.

HOW IS Rules? Well, sort of... Rules are something that I have a hard time enforcing, not because I don't have WORLD expectations but because I really believe that mature, deliberately successful behavior is I should be able to expect out of you.  In my humble opinion, no expectation CULTURES something here is our of the ordinary but in case you need specific guidance, I have four simple TAUGHT? rules. I put a lot of time and effort in planning each unit for this class.  My goal is to provide a learning experience that starts with me sharing with you the critical information that I think one needs to know about each region we study and ends with you exploring issues issues through writing, discussing, debating and researching answers to critical questions. Much of the class will involve lecture, however, based on your ability to handle more freedom, I will work to integrate other types of learning into the classroom.

You are 100% responsible for all assignments in this class at all times. What this means: • When you are absent, you are to either check the Moodle or talk to me immediately upon your return.  All assignments due and assessments completed during your absence are due immediately upon return.  If something is assigned in your absence, you must speak with me each and every time and talk about a makeup date.  If you don't bother, don't expect me to help you do it later. • If you will be absent at a future date for any reason, you must speak with me as soon as you know about that absence to work out assignments. • All materials will be located on the Moodle.  If you need a copy, it is your responsibility to print it and have it available for you. • You are to be mindful of deadlines.  All of them are absolute with no excuses.  Organize, plan and get things done.

You are to be prepared for class each and every day. What this means: •You must bring all materials to with you to class each day, which usually

What supplies means a notebook, a writing utensil and any assignments or materials for the day. will I need for World Cultures? You are to mind community and society rules and expectations.

Required Notebook Writing Instrument Notebook Filler Paper

Optional, but useful! Headphones Microphone iPod/MP3 Player Laptop or Network

What this means: •No food or drink in class. •Absolutely no cell phones out.  Don't even ask.  I will not handle this nicely so be advised.  It is rude and inconsiderate to be texting during class activities.  Expect a stern lecture and other unpleasant consequences if you violate this standard. •You are to avoid being out of class.  Take care of the bathroom needs, watering

needs and others between class. • You are to adopt the expectations of polite society.  Say please.  Say thank you.  Be nice.  Act as though you honestly want to have a pleasant relationship with me and your classmates. • You are to be respectful of your classmates, teacher, alternative points of view, other cultures, this room and other items of value.

You are to put effort in this class that matches your expectation for learning and success. What this means: • If you expect to pass and excel in this class, I expect you read materials and complete assignments without excuses. • Ask for Help!  A mark of mature learner is the ability to ask for help when you need it.  If you are behind, don't understand instructions or a concept or are just plain lost, ask for help. • Play Like a Champion!  I believe that success is largely a choice.  Every choice you make regarding this class will impact the eventual outcome.  Make choice that take the easy or minimal path?  Expect poor performance.  Make choices like a champion?  Expect success. • Take Responsibility for Your Learning!  Don't wait for me to chase you down for makeup, advanced assignments or to make you do anything.  I am your #1 fan and will encourage you along the way, but the ball is completely in your court.  Good news!  No nagging from me!  Bad news!  No nagging from me!

High grades, success and learning do NOT take place by accident.  I can't care for you: if you don't care about learning, your grade and ultimate success, it would be impossible for me to care on your behalf.

WHAT HAPPENS IF YOU VIOLATE A RULE? So, what happens if you violate a rule?  Excellent question.  ANY of the following punishments are possible for any offense.  Avoid these punishments: • Grumpy Teacher: I have a temper and I can be a grump.  I am good at checking my temper at the door but if you challenge me, you might get a slice. • Grumpy Classmates:  Seriously... for every classmate you think you are impressing with your antics, you are likely causing someone to mentally write you off of their "Would Like to Get to Know Better" list. • Detention: at's right!  30 minutes with me for some reeducation.  I'll give you 24 hours notice and tell you when and where you have to serve.  No excuses, including sports, activities, buses or jobs.  Don't get detention. • Zero on Assignment: Sounds like fun, does it not? • Visit with Principals: Sounds like fun, does it not? • Call to Parents: Sounds like fun, does it not?

What is homework, anyway? You may or may not have traditional "homework" in this class.  I will avoid endless packets of mindless worksheets and other stuff that I consider to be waste of our time.  at means that you will be assess more heavily on your performance on class assessments, discussions, examinations and projects.  at means that you will be required to complete assignments each night that may or may not look like homework, including: • Reading... reading assigned class readings.  I may choose to assess these with a quiz, test, essay, discussion or other means.  If I assign something to read, I expect you to be ready to discuss the reading when it is due or have questions ready to help me help you understand. • Consuming... listening to or watching assigned class media.  I may choose to assess these with a quiz, test, essay, discussion or other means.  If I assign something to listen to or watch, I expect you to be ready to discuss the audio or video clip when it is due or have questions ready to help me help you understand. • Researching... using available resources to help answer questions.  I may choose to assess these with a quiz, test, essay, discussion or other means.  If I ask a question or make a problem available to the class, I expect you to be ready to answer the question or propose a solution when it is due or have questions ready to help me help you understand. • Producing... using tools to produce a product.  I may choose to assess these with a presentation, sharing time or publishing medium.  If I ask you to construct a diagram, audio response or other product, I expect you to be ready with your product when it is due.

A class innovation: the paperless classroom! is class is different in that we are assigned each day to a room that is also a computer lab.  We will take advantage of the computers to the greatest extent possible. You current have in your hands a copy of the paper syllabus.  is represents the last paper I intend to hand out this year.  ere might be minor exceptions, however, I generally will put everything in class on one of three places: • GeekTeach ... my classroom homepage (http://www.geekteach.com) • Moodle ... the district's Moodle system (http://moodle.hsd1.org) • e World Cultures Wiki ... the class wiki (http:// eworldcultures.wikispaces.com) I will attempt to be VERY CLEAR where materials are located so you don't have to hunt for them. What does the paperless classroom mean? For all students... • e computers in this classroom are available all day, every day.  You are more than welcome to read any assigned materials on those computers and take notes via one of the methods that I will teach you about as the class year begins. • e computers in the library are available from 7:00am to 5:00pm, Monday-ursday and from 7:00am-3:30pm on Friday.

Assignments are only accepted digitally, unless otherwise noted.

• Assignments will be graded via the Moodle and returned in the same way.

relevant sources. A student should also make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Words or ideas that require citations include, but are not limited to, all hardcopy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communication when the content of such communication clearly originates from an identifiable source.

All quizzes, tests and other assessments will be digital.

Academic dishonesty in an online learning environment could involve:

• Using Moodle, this classroom will utilize only digital assessments.  In many cases, grading will be instantly available after you have completed them.

• Having a tutor or friend complete any portion of your assignments;

• e class will be designed so that all assignments will be accepted via the classroom Moodle.  is is the ONLY method that assignments will be accepted, period.

All grades will be available via digital means only. Using PowerSchool, you will have access to your updated grade.  is is the only grade information I will give out.  If you are curious about your current status, check in.  If your parents asks you for a grade update, check from home or print out a digital copy. Mr. Neiffer will hand NO materials out on paper. • All materials will be available in the class texts or available digitally. • If you anticipate that you will need a paper copy, IT IS YOUR responsibility to print a copy in time to complete assignments.  You should take great care to use the least amount of paper necessary by sharing copies, printing 2pages-per-page and other methods discussed in class.

• e computers at the public library are available throughout the week, depending on the season.  For more information, go to http:// www.lewisandclarklibrary.org/

Planning will be required on your part to make this happen.  is is a completely different way of looking at things but it does have rewards.  You will have a digital record of all of your materials throughout the year.  No paper assignment will ever be For students with internet access at home... lost or misplaced. • Your computer at home can access all class information, all the time.  Feel free to use it. What behavior expectations are different because of the paperless classroom?

Plagiarism Information A student must always submit work that represents his or her original words or ideas. If any words or ideas are used that do not represent the student's original words or ideas, the student must cite all

• Copying work submitted by another student to a public class meeting; • Using information from online information services without proper citation. I do not tolerate plagiarism. Should you violate these expectations, I will give you a zero from that assignment without the opportunity for makeup. If you do it a second time, you will fail the quarter in which the violation takes place in. If you do it a third time, you will fail the semester. ese are no tolerance rules because I take plagiarism seriously. Also, I do not tolerate contributing to plagiarism. If you allow another student to copy your work, I consider you guilty of plagiarism as well and the above rules apply. Flexibility Last, I would ask you a favor. In exchange for my respect for you and your learning environment, I ask you do the same for me. Part of that respect is offering me the opportunity to try new stuff. Your flexible attitude makes me want to try harder to make the class interesting and informative. anks.

Other questions answered...

FIRST UNITS Our first weeks will be spend with technology and geography lessons. We’ll spend most of our time in the computer lab!

I was sick yesterday, do I have to take the test? Yup. Tests are announced well ahead of time, as are most quizzes and deadlines to major assignments. If you are sick the day before, you will be expected to complete quizzes and tests or hand in projects. Occasionally, I may offer an alternative for quizzes, but don’t expect it. I'm behind! I'm confused!

Our first content unit is Africa. We’ll study geography, history and current events in through the topics of South Africa, Nigeria and public health.

What do I do? Ask for help. I am here for you!

current events). If there is a unique cultural opportunity in

Do you offer extra credit?

Helena, our fair city, I may be extra credit to those that attend.

I do not give extra credit in the form of extra work, extra projects, etc. I do give extra credit in the form of tests and quiz questions (hint: know your

However, PLEASE don't expect me to give you extra credit if you didn't do any work in the first place.

I have a sad story about why I didn't finish an assignment! Will you let go of a deadline? Maybe. Don't abuse my good nature.

WHAT ABOUT GRADES? WORLD CULTURES GRADING Learning is only partially measured by grades due to the very nature of the concept, however, I believe grades are critical to not only functioning learning communities but critical for teaching the nature of external evaluation. That said, I have a few words of wisdom on grading. • I have adopted the district grading scale. I am asked alllllll the time "ah, do you round up?" The answer is yes, but I don't do it often and never at the student's request. In other words, if you ask or beg, I won't. Period. • Capital High School is adopting PowerSchool this year which apparently means that grades will eventually be available to you on demand. Keep track of them. • In World Cultures, I have adopted this grading system. You will receive a grade for each quarter and semester. The quarter grade is made up of classwork and assessments from that quarter. The semester grade is 40% of each quarter along with a 20% final test/evaluation grade. All photo credits: http://delicious.com/neiffer/worldculturessyllabus2009

A 90% B 80% C 70% D 60% F 59.99% or below

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