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This chapter deals with backgroud of the study, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, formulation of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study, and presentation. A. Backgroud of the Study

Children are young human beings. Some children are very young human beings. As human beings children evidently have a certain moral status. There are things that should not be done to them for the simple reason that they are human. Children are not helpless objects of charity or a property of their parents. They are recognized as human beings and the subjects of their own rights. A child is an individual, a family and community member with rights and appropriate responsibilities for his or her age and development stage. Children should enjoy the basic qualities of life as rights rather than privileges accorded to them (CRC, 2006) In this study, the researcher is going to reveal the topic about children’s rights, especially the children’s rights which is ignored by parents due to a health care case. According to Wikipedia, Children’s rights are the perceived human rights of children with particular



attention to the rights of special protection and care afforded to the young, including their right to association with both biological parents, human identity as well as the basic needs for food, universal state-paid education, helath care and criminal laws appropriate for the age and development of the child. The infringement of children’s right happens when there is the right of children ignored. For example the right to get a proper education, the right to lived and get affection, or even the right to make a decision. Health care is one of the right that a children must have. According to, the word “health care” means the field concerned with the maintenance or restoration of the health of body or mind. But what if the children has got no right of her own body? It means no emancipation of her own body. The children has no right to make a decision of her own body. It is one of the infringement of children’s rights. The researcher use psychological approarch to analyze the novel because when we are talking about infringement of children’s rights it for sure has a close relationship with the impact to them. It is not only the impact to their physical development but their psychological development as well. Michael J. Rosenfeld on his book The Age of Independence said that Family and environment are the most important factors in determining children’s future character. Human character is too complicated to yield to simple causal


explanations, yet there are some things we know with a high degree of certainly. For example, children who are subjected to violance are themselves more likely to resort to violance as adults. So here is the basic logic why the reaseacher analyze it psychologically. The issue of the novel is children’s rights. The addition of children’s rights to the human right agenda was articulated and organized into specific areas. Children’s rights are human rights (Garbarino, 2008: 163). Human rights: every human being should be equally respected by every other, every human being should be free in their embodied integrity from state repression, and every human being should live in socio-economic, cultural and political conditions in which they might flourish (Nash, 2009: 9). According to Dennis and Mittere (2008:12) psychology is a scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Koesnosoebroto (1988) stated that it is absolute that psychology can be applied in analyzing literary work, since human’s psyche has potential power of all knowledge and arts. Thereby, literature and psychology are really inseparable. In this reseach, the researcher interesting in studying the children’s rights as seen in the one of the most dramatic children psychology stories by Jodie Picoult “My Sister’s Keeper”. My Sister’s Keeper tells about the relationship and the children’s rights in the family. Why the reseacher chooses the children’s rights as the topic? Because Children need special protection


because they are among the most vulnerable members of society. They are dependent on others - their parents and families, or the state when these fail - for care and protection. (Section 28 of the Bill of Rights, entitled "Children"). From that phrase, the reseacher is interested to analyzed the topic due to the Anna Fitzgerald situation in the novel. She wants to sue her parents for the right of her body because she is expected that her parents wants her just to be a life-donor for her big sister, Kate who has suffering from leukemia/ APL. There is a problem in that family. By this problem it makes another problems can be appear. In the novel My Sister’s Keeper tells about the sacrifice of the young sister for her old sister. Pros and cons of this novel come from the fans of Jodi Picoult’s fans. The pros, said that the novel tells the real story in social life and family. Suzzane , in the goodreads website on January, 14th,2018 says that “This book was incredible! Devastating though for sure! There is really no words to put how moving and engrossing this story is. You can see both sides of the debate but at the same time it is so hard to choose which is the better side compared to the ethical side and possible even realistic. I was thoroughly engrossed and had so much internal mental debates about this book. I still do not know how I feel about Sara. My quick and simple overall is just one word for this book: AMAZING!”


Unlike Suzanne, Carol Cleaveland has a strong contra comment about the novel. He said that “It's akin to the Lifetime movie of the weak, very poor and unbelievable dialog with an ending calculated to move readers to tears. I didn't cry. I was incredulous that an author could indulge such a contrived ending. This book is sort of a shame, really, because the author could have used the premise of this book to engage in complex (and believable) character development.” There are several interesting points on the novel to be researched. The character and characterization in this novel are very unique to be a research. Mrs. Fitzgerald has emphasis character in this novel and Anna Fitzgerald has a strong principle to get a freedom for her life and she wants to get a human right. She does not want to give one of her kidney for Kate. It is interesting case to be researched about the reason why Anna doesnot want to do this. Secondly, My Sister's Keeper novel have a background from family story. Novel teaches to how become good parents, good sister, and good self. Beside that this novel tell about struggle of family for survive their daughter. Third reason, especially of this novel are, we can follow this story from many side from all of character in novel. Any five people Fitzgerald families that become center point, Campbell that is a lawyer, and Julia. Every chapter shows different side people to react to same


problem, in finally to carry you more know and understand about this story Fitzgerald family to stand leukemia on Kate. Forth, this novel has unique plot. Jodi Picoult uses jumping plot to tell the story in the novel. Eventhough it makes the reader confused to understand the plot, the conflict on the novel can be found and it can give the strong memories. It also makes the reader know the important point of this novel. The hanged ending gives an interesting perception for the readers, because the readers can imagine and conclude the story by their own opinion. Importantly, the language of the novel can be understood. Novel My Sister’s Keeper is published on 2004, so the language used in the novel is modern English and it is easy to understand. Jodi Picoult uses pop language in delivering her story. The character and characterization on this novel can be shown in their conversation and narration that delivered by the narration of the author. Most of the story in the novel uses Standard English language. But Jodi Picoult also uses some slang language to show the attitude of the characters. Jodi Picoult uses dialect or Non Standard English. Jodi Picoult also applies long narration in describing something or someone then she uses short sentences in dialogue. The author, Jodi Picoult dominantly uses American-English language. Image is something that can be caught by the five senses. Jodi Picoult uses many images to describe place, time or events. The author also uses symbol in showing the characters.


The last, the novel shows the issue of this research is the efforts of major character to get medical emancipation for her physical body. She prosecutes her mother and makes new conflict in her family. So, the researcher conducts this research paper entitled “Children Rights As Seen In Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper: A Psychological Approach”. B. Identification of the problem A literacy work, actually, contains several problems to be analyzed. From the story of the novel, there are several problems that can be identified as follows; 1. the plot of the novel My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult, 2. the characterization of the main character of the novel, 3. the struggle of Anna Fitzgerald to take decision to sue her parents, 4. the children’s rights based on Anna Fitzgerald situation to get her medical emancipation for her own body, 5. the moral values that can be taken from the novel, 6. the unbalance mother’s love between her child, 7. the impact of infringement of children’s rights, 8. the aspects of children’s rights. C. Limitation of the problem To be more specific to analyze the problems that appear from this novel. The researcher will limit the problems to discuss. The problems that will be analyzes are as follows; 1. the plot on the novel My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult,


2. the children’s rights based on Anna Fitzgerald situation to get her medical emancipation for her own body, 3. the impact of infringement of children’s rights, 4. the moral values of the novel. D. Formulation of the problem From the limitation of the problem, the problems of this study are formulated as follows; 1. How is the plot of the novel My Sisters Keeper By Jodi Picoult? 2. How is the children’s rights interpreted in the novel? 3. How is the impact of infringement of children’s rights in My Sister’s keeper novel? 4. What are the moral values can be taken from the novel?

E. Objective of the study

The objectives of the study are the followings; 1. to describe the plot of the novel 2. to describe children’s rights as reflected in My Sister’s Keeper. 3. to shows the impact of the infringement of children’s rights, 4. to describe the moral values that can be taken from the novel.


F. Significance of the study Getting properly understanding is the main purpose in analyzing this novel. In this study, the researcher hopes this research gives positive contribution and benefits as follows; 1. to the reader, this reseach is expected to help the readers who are interested in the novel to understand its story. Moreover for them who will analyze it. 2. to give information about literary work. In this case the novel of My sister’s keeper and to motivate them to comprehend literary works, 3. the result of this study can be used as reference of literary analysis using psychological approach.

G. Literature review My Sister’s Keeper novel (2004) by Jodi Picoult is an interesting novel. As far as the researcher concerns, In Ahmad Dahlan University, there is no one tries to analyze the novel in academic way, but in some universities in Central Java, there are many people have analyzed it before. The topic children’s rights has been analyzed by Linda Rahma Susila under the title children’s rights reflected in My sister’s Keeper, but in that work, she only discussed about the child right and its aspect and also she uses sociological approach to analyze it. But in this reseacrh the researcher wants to analyze more about the children rights, the plot, and also the moral values that can be taken from the novel. The


researcher also tries to analyze the impact of infringement of children’s rights in My Sister’s Keeper psychologically. Studies on Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper were conducted by several scholars. They are as follows: First, Kari Kjos’s“Savior Siblings: A Case Study Based on My Sister's Keeper” (2010). She found that medical emancipation is allowed to save the child’s right. Everyone has own body to save. Nobody can interfere what our body will be made. Medical emancipation is the movement to show that human’s organ is not commercial thing to buy by everyone as they want. Second, Herawaty in Psychological Dilemma of the Major Characters in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper(2010). She investigated the dilemma of Anna Fitzgerald in her life. Based on theory of personality by Sigmund Freud, Anna has strong Id and ego to possess her life. The conflict started when Anna was confused in conducting her superego. Dilemma commonly starts in human’s life. The solution is created to make it balanced. Third,Ratnasari in her thesis wrote “Struggle for Right in Jodi Picoult’s My Sister’s Keeper an Individual Psychological Approach” (2011) to discuss the importance of human right. My Sister’ Keeper explores the medical, legal, ethical and moral issues related to long term-illness, a complicated subject in the contemporary world.


The object of the research is My Sister’s Keeper novel and the important of children’s rights. While the differences are the theory used in that research is in sociological, while the theory used in this research is psychological approach. That’s why this research is crucial to be conducted.

H. Presentation The researcher divides this thesis into three chapters. Chapter one is introduction. Chapter two is theoretical framework. It covers biography of the author, and some theories related to the problems discussed in this thesis. It consists of biography of the author, intrinsic elements, theory of psychological approach, definition of children rights, and theory of moral value. Chapter three is research method. It covers type of the study, subject and object of the research, data collecting method and data analyzing method.

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