Chapter 0014 The Awakening

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  • Words: 4,257
  • Pages: 16
1 Chapter 14

The Awakening

The sun had just risen and was still hidden from the view of Abby’s home. What wasn’t hidden was the beautiful light and color show happening to the North around Mt. Sopris. The sky and the snow capped mountain reflected incredible hues of red and blue. Abby had turned the fireplace on and was cuddled under a blanket with her first cup of coffee. She had not dreamt about anything she could remember the night before and in truth she had a very restless night. There was a man in her home who for the first time in a long time made her feel giddy. She was instantly attracted to this man even though he was unlike any man that she might normally have been attracted to. The truly frustrating thing was that she had no certain knowledge that her feelings were returned and yet somehow she knew they would be. She sensed they both had an instant recognition moment when they met that could only be explained by having lived many past lifetimes together. She had been in love before and she had certainly been in lust before, but she had never been in communion before. And this is what she felt with Judah. Even his name thrilled her. She loved saying it, and like a piteous schoolgirl she also could not keep herself from reciting other names like Mrs. Judah Zelig, Mrs. Abby Zelig, Abigail Zelig. She cringed at these thoughts, but they came nonetheless. She felt that she could never “belong” to someone else, but now she felt a longing to be-along the side of this man.

“Good morning Abby.” Judah greeted her as he entered the living room.

His voice startled her back into the present moment and she blushed wondering if her silliness was somehow apparent to him. He saw her start and apologized.


“I am so sorry. I thought you saw me come in,” he said.

“Oh no, no problem. I was sort of day dreaming and as you probably know, you have a very commanding voice.” Judah smiled. “Can I get you some coffee?” She started to rise but he stopped her.

“No, please. Stay where you are. You look so comfortable and I intend to join you. Just point me in the direction of the coffee pot and I’ll make my way back here.”

She pointed in the direction of the kitchen and said, “The pot is on the counter and there are coffee cups beside it. There is also cream and sugar there.”

He excused himself and soon reappeared with a steam producing cup. He grabbed a nearby pillow and comfortably nested beside her. “I just can’t get over what a beautiful view you have here.”

“Yes, I am very grateful for this place. I have to tell you that you seem very familiar to me, but I don’t think we have crossed paths before.” She tried the direct approach and immediately regretted. But Judah didn’t seem to mind.

“I know, I had the same feeling even before I physically met you. It is certainly possible that we may have seen each other. I used to come to Glenwood and the Hot Springs pool

3 a lot. But still the feeling goes much deeper than just a recognition of faces.” Since she gave him the opening, he pursued it.

“Any more ideas than that as to who we were in these past lives?”

“Well, I certainly don’t claim top have psychic abilities, but I suspect that our past and present destinies are connected. I feel very comfortable with you and I know I can trust you in whatever adventure awaits us. So how about you?” He sat up in the pillow and faced her as he asked the question. She did the same.

“Yes, I definitely feel comfortable with you and safe.” As she said this they both leaned towards one another, but before they could actually carry through on the wonderful moment, there was a loud knock on the door.

They both smiled. “Hmmm, that was rude. Hold that thought.” She jumped up and felt suddenly very young and very alive. Judah was also feeling no pain.

As Abby opened the door, Judah heard her gasp and then exclaim, “Erica! How did you get here? How did you know?”

“As to how I knew, a little bird told me.” She had a smile on her face and her eyes seemed brighter than Abby ever remembered them. She actually believed that Erica might have bird friends that talked with her. “As to how I got here,” Erica continued,

4 “we’ll save that for a different time. Right now I want to meet this professor friend of yours.” She winked.

“How did you….?” She never finished that thought as she realized it was probably the same little bird. She decided not to pursue either question right now. She took Erica’s heavy coat and hung it in the foyer. She led her to the living room and out of the corner of her eye thought she noticed make a slight bow to the Buddha there by the fountain.

“Judah, this is Erica, Erica, Judah.”

“So you’re the one who has given Abby such sleepless nights?” Judah, for reasons unknown to him at the time felt again a sense of recognition for this matronly woman. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He smiled and held out his hand.

She took his hand and held it and his gaze for many moments. Then she said, “I don’t know about that young man, but I suspect it is you who will give her sleepless nights from now on.” She grinned broadly and Abby and Judah blushed. “It took you long enough to find each other.”

“What do you know a bout us?” Abby asked.

“Sit dear ones and I shall tell you a story. Could you bring me some hot water honey?”

5 Abby did as she was asked. Erica began to tell her story.

“You have read Avion’s account of how the Fallen Ones came to this planet and corrupted it with their genetic pollution and how the rivers of consciousness and love that used to water this planet are now polluted beyond recognition allowing the baser natures’ of man to have almost complete dominion over him. You have also read that there is a plan of redemption and I want to tell you a little about that.”

“But how do you know this and how did you come across Avion’s book?”

“You already know the answer to this Judah, but I will tell you so that you may remember. She pulled a yellowed paper from her purse. It was the title page to Avion’s book. Abby had noticed it missing, but because of the age of the book hadn’t thought anything of it. On the title page was written a message presumably in Romdel’s own hand. It said, “To Erica, my muse.” Erica continued, “I know of the book because I helped Romdel write it.”

“But that would make you over a hundred years old,” Abby was almost excited at this revelation, because she believed Erica, but she also didn’t know why. She just knew that she wanted it to be true.

“Oh, I am considerably older than that dear,” she said with her twinkling smile and eyes.

6 “My god,” exclaimed Judah, you are one of the gods I have written about. No, wait,” something stirred inside of Judah. He was beginning to remember, but what – what was it? He knew who she was, but it was circling around the fringes of memory. And then it came to him. The revelation was like an earthquake jolting him awake. Walls began to crumble and he could faintly see a distant shore that he knew was truth. The woman standing before him had been known to him from his earliest memories. “You are somehow more than the gods and you are connected to this planet.”

“Very good Judah. You are remembering. Abby, you must take this on faith for now. You will also come to remember and my story may help and Judah will certainly help you to that place. Right now it is most important to awaken Judah. The time is short.”

Judah felt a terrible loss – of time, of life, of purpose. He knew that something had gone terribly wrong and he was responsible somehow.

“All that you have written so far and all that you are about to write will be a remembering, for I am helping you to remember and what you are writing is truth. You also began this process in another life and under another name, but I could never get you to the point of letting go of your fears.”

“I was Romdel,” Judah said, no longer questioning his memories.

Abby just sat there in stunned silence trying to take all of this in.


“Yes, but I realized why you were unable to grasp this in that or any other lifetime. I had to arrange to reunite you with your twin self – soul. The power of both of you was needed.”

“Abby,” Judah said. Again, no question, just acceptance. Abigail was speechless. She was taking this in.

“Yes,” Erica agreed, “but you still don’t remember who the two of you really are, do you?”

Judah shook his head.

“Then let me tell you. You have written about this already Judah, twice, but Abby, the basic story as told by Romdel is very close to the truth. What you don’t know yet is that final plan for redemption was formulated long ago at a meeting that took place within the heart of this solar system’s creator, Apsu, or the sun as you refer to him. Judah has recently remembered that experience.”

“So Judah was there?” Abby asked incredulously.

“Not exactly, but he has within him the memories of one who was. The god Poseidon. I will come to that. The plan involved the genetic creation of three super-beings who would

8 secretly continue the work of redemption.

The first stage of this process would involve another cataclysm to this planetary body. This would be necessary in part to convince the Reptilian gods that they should abandon their Reptilian host bodies for the more adaptable human ones. It was only in these forms that the work of Karmic redemption could really take place as the mental capacity of the Reptilians was too limited.”

Judah began to remember and the memory was once again that of Poseidon’s. He was in the Halls of Justice on his beloved Atlantis. This was the land he ruled and developed along with his sister-wife. Zeus ruled another area called Lemuria or Mu and the two continents and kingdoms were very different. Poseidon had taught and promoted harmony between his Reptilian, human and other sentient subjects. He taught The Law of The One, which had as its basic tenet, ‘First do no harm.’ Alongside of that was the compliment understanding that ‘We are all connected and we are all one.’ The third law based on the first two was “Whatever we do to any other living thing, we do to ourselves.” The understanding was that since all things created contained life, this rule applied to everything. Care was taken to preserve the quality of life for all of creation.

The Hall of Justice was the most prominent place in the city. It stood at the center of three circles. Each circle was ringed by canals fed by the river coming down from the mountains above. The water was cool and clear and served both a recreational and utilitarian purpose. Most of the houses and businesses were designed in circles as this

9 was considered the most powerful form in nature. The outer circle was primarily for residences and parks and was surrounded by a canal as well as high walls. The walls were made of stone lined with gold and a special metal mined and created exclusively by the Dwarves. They caught the sunlight and translated the heat and energy into a power that provided heat and light and other needs to the residences and businesses in the city. There were twelve gates made of gold on these walls, each with towers topped with crystals that bathed the city with different colors used for healing and relaxation. Each gate opened onto a bridge crossing the canals leading to the center circle.

The middle circle was primarily used for growing the food needed to feed the residents, but even these were interspersed with recreational areas. And the center circle was used mostly by commerce and political operations. And again, at the center of it all was the Hall of Justice and Mercy reflecting that which was most important to Atlanteans.

The Hall was also designed in a circle with rooms around the center place consisting of a large fountain, pool, and plenty of flowers and greenery. The smells and fresh air given off here was vented throughout the complex creating a sense of joy and exhilaration throughout.

There was far more attention to these kinds of harmonious designs in Atlantis than Lemuria for several reasons. Chief among them is that Zeus was less willing to make alliances with other forms of creations. He wanted instead to enslave and dominate. Consequently, there were not many elves or dwarves willing to work for him and these

10 were the principal architects on Atlantis. The other reason is that Zeus and his Reptilians were more utilitarian. He created huge monuments to himself that served only the purpose of instilling fear in his slaves and citizens. Everything had to have a point and to that end they eschewed circles and built mostly in squares. There was not much there to inspire or excite its people and even Zeus seemed to prefer Atlantis to Lemuria as he always preferred meetings here rather than on his home soil. Of course, Poseidon suspected that had as much to do with his desire to spy on his “competition.”

That was not to say that Lemuria had nothing to recommend itself. Like Poseidon, Zeus had helped his people as well as his slaves, primarily all reptilian to develop a high level of civilization. Since only a handful of the former gods actually retained memories of their power, he was careful only to allow certain key members of his ruling class to retain these abilities.

Poseidon reached out with his mind, first to his friend Hades and summoned him to council. He also summoned Galadriel again and others who helped him rule his land and explained what was coming.

Attending at this council were representatives of various nations that had developed under his rule as well as that of the elven nations. The dwarves, the elementals, the merfolk, the reptilians, the humanimals, and the elves.

After explaining what was going to happen, he now laid out his plan for survival.


“I am asking all of you of Gaia’s creation to make plans to move into underground cities and to take as many humans and animals with you as you can. I have asked Hades to work closely with the Duarfen people to excavate and build these cities. The Mer nation will help with underwater work and we must do as much of this in secret as possible. I don’t want Zeus to know the locations of these cities, nor of the work that we are doing to preserve human life. Much of this depends on my convincing him that the human species is much more adaptable to the new conditions that will exist after the calamity.”

“How long do we have?” The duarfen king was always interested in the practical matters.

“Not long by cosmic standards, but about 2000 years should give us enough time to prepare what needs to be done.” To most in attendance this was barely one generation.

“And what will you be doing to bring about your plans of liberation?” Galadriel was mostly concerned of how this was going to impact her beloved humans.

“My first goal will be to work with the genetic structure of humans to increase their consciousness capacity to house the consciousness of the gods. I must also build in ways to mask various memories and experiences and setup a way for all memory of who we were and where we came from to be more and more hidden with each subsequent generation. But I must also create three special beings as well to aid us in the future to bring those memories back when the Karmic cycle has been completed and we are

12 hopefully once again willing to embrace the love of The One.”

Thera “As well as the love of earth who is mother to all here. Even the gods when they use the forms I have created must recognize me as their mother.”

An old woman had appeared in the hall and no one, not even Poseidon knew who she was and yet there was recognition. And when she spoke, there was no mistaking who she was.

“Yes, most of you recognize me. You have often heard my voice in the wind. I am Gaia. I have chosen to take this form to come to you at times when you will have forgotten my voice. I am also here to support and aid Poseidon in what must be done. I will be called by many names, but the one I have chosen to be known by you is Thera.”

“Thera.” Judah said at loud. “You are Thera and you were there at our first meeting.”

“Yes, Judah, I am Thera also known as Gaia also called…”

“Earth? You are the Earth mother. The goddess of this planet?” Abby was really trying hard to take this all in. The memory for her was coming more slowly, but there was enough here to keep her from demanding that these insane people leave her house. “But how?” “I will try to help you, because you have known me as well in many lifetimes. But we were closest in the lifetime when you and Judah, also known then as Theseus were first

13 reunited. For then you were an Amazon queen and devoted to the service of my chief devotee among the new gods, Athena. Think back to that time. Think about your youth when you were abandoned and alone. An old woman found you and brought you to the Amazons to be raised. You were a magical child, gifted in prophecy as well as the art of war. At a young age, you excelled in all the warcraft arts, swordplay, archery, hand to hand. The queen chose you as her own and you became sister to her own daughter Antiope. You would be chosen queen over her, but she never held it against you because she was so in love with you. But your destiny was never with the Amazons and you were taken from them by the only human who could match you in battle. He was your destiny and though your years together were always brief, they were full of passion and power. Are you remembering Abby?”

“Yes,” she had started to cry, “you were that old woman, and Athena would also often come to me in my dreams. I know that I hurt Antiope horribly and I feel such sadness for that. But I also remember the reason for that hurt and I remember the eyes of my beloved Theseus and they are the eyes of Judah.” She took Judah to herself in an embrace that spoke of her memories, of her love, and of her closeness to this man who has been the love of her life throughout time. He felt it the same. And he remembered his life as Theseus, King of Athens and stuff of Greek myths. Almost in a trance he retold his story to himself and to his beloved Hippolyta.

It was these legends that brought a young reckless king to my borders to challenge me. His kingdom of Thessaly was not far from my own and he had to see for himself whether

14 I would be a threat to his kingdom, not to mention his pride. The way he chose to do this was to raid my borders challenging me to come out and meet him. I did, and when we met to fight one another, my childhood friend Pirithious and I immediately recognized each other, dropped our arms and embraced. We fought many battles and had many adventures together.

Pirithous was with me when I found the woman who would share my heart and soul for all time, Hippolyta. Pirithous had heard legends of female warriors who could hold their own with any man. He wanted to find out and insisted it would be a great adventure, so I agreed to go with him. As was his custom, he would raid the outskirts of the land ruled by the Amazons and then send word to the ruler defiantly goading him or her to come and fight him. When the Queen did arrive to meet the challenge, I saw her and immediately knew she was my soul-mate. I now had to think fast to prevent a battle that might cost lives and forever separate us. I convinced Pirithous to let me challenge the Queen in single combat.

With that done, I now had to find a way to defeat her without causing injury to either one of us. But I had already decided that if there were a choice, I would give up my life to protect hers.

We met each other and we could sense the awesome power that was sweeping over us in the meeting. We sized each other up, and I could tell this would not be an easy fight, even if I had intended to defeat her. I knew that the choice to live or die, might not be mine to

15 make. But I also knew in my heart that we were destined to be together and that thought gave me the courage to carry out my plan. I swear the earth shook with our first blows. We circled and thrusted and parried and very soon I was transported to an otherworldly place as we fought. It became an erotic dance not a bloodthirsty battle. I would thrust into her and she would push me out and then she would thrust into me and I would push her out over and over again. Neither one felt tired by the movement, but invigorated and aroused. In and out. In and out. We made love for the first time on that battlefield. And it was good and very good.

We fought for hours, but time was not a part of us in that place. Until finally, we both collapsed reaching the height of our orgasm together and we fell into each other’s arms. Unbelievable to both sides we agreed that both sides had achieved victory in this battle and that there would be no more fighting. A festive dinner was planned both in the Queen’s camp and then following onboard our ship. It was six days of partying, games of skill between our warriors and hers and there were other games between the two camps that brought great pleasure to both sides. Hippolyta and I continued the dance we started on the battlefield and we both fell deeply in love. When the six days were up she proposed to me and wanted to be with me always. She agreed to return with me to Athens and there to become my wife. But the doing of it would not be easy. Among the Amazons, a queen cannot leave her position except by death, or with great dishonor, shame and the penalty is death to all of her family members. Our only option was to pretend to kidnap her leaving her sister, Antiope in charge. She felt that she could later communicate in secret with Antiope the truth of what happened. So in the middle of the

16 night we set sail after binding and gagging her guards and then throwing them overboard once we had set sail.

Several wonderful years later, after the birth of our son, Hippolytus, that day would come to haunt us. She was never able to get that message to Antiope, who finally managed to convince her people to attack Athens to revenge the kidnapping. In a tragic mistake, Antiope’s arrow meant for my heart was intercepted by my beloved fatally wounding her; and in anger and tears I ended Antiope’s life and the war.

Judah continued to hold onto Abby tightly as they were both overcome with emotion at the telling of this story. Abby was indeed remembering and she knew there was so much more to know, but she was physically and emotionally drained. Erica also sensed this.

“That’s enough for tonight. Get some rest dears. I will help you to sleep deeply and restfully and then we will resume in the morning. Be well my children. I am glad to be with you again.”

Almost in the same instant Erica was gone and Judah and Abby were snuggled comfortably beneath the blankets of her bed. True to her word this night brought an incredible peace and strength to these two weary time travelers. Tomorrow was a distant shore out of sight and out of mind.

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