Chapter 0007 The Seekers

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  • Words: 2,608
  • Pages: 11

Chapter 7 The Seekers

It was unusually warm for February in Glenwood. A beautiful clear night greeted the guests as they arrived. Tonight they met in Abby’s home. She had a modest mansion built on the mountainside. The view from her deck of Mount Sopris was breathtaking. This was a mountain that the Native Americans who originally lived here considered sacred and to see its snow covered peak jutting majestically on the southern horizon against the darkening pink and purple skies of twilight you understood why.

Abby had worked very closely with the designer and builder of this house and made certain that it had lots of light and space and adhered closely to Feng Shui rules. Like the mountain, one had a feeling of deep spirituality entering the house. The fountain of stone and jade and mirrors that greeted guests upon entering presided over by a laughing Buddha almost forced a smile upon its intruders. Gazing into the pond filled by cascading waters you would see beautiful goldfish giving you a sense of tranquility as they glided happily through their home waters.

The foyer opened up to a spacious living room. It was designed for just that purpose. No designer couches or fancy chairs that people were afraid to sit in. Pillows and chairs surrounded a fire pit and the heated stone floors made this space very livable. The room was also filled with musical instruments that were often employed by visitors for various rituals related to new and full moons that could be seen easily through the skylight and large windows that enfolded the room. Music softly filled the space and provided a gentle

2 background to the sometimes tempestuous conversations that would happen here. But it also saw more tender events and created a safe refuge for feelings of love.

Tonight this home was opened to The Seekers or so the group had named themselves. Abigail and a small group of friends had been meeting once a week for the last several months to discuss various topics from global warming to conspiracy theories to what is truth. They were a sort of New Thought Algonquin Table. They usually spent joyous hours late into the night and early morning discussing whatever came up.

The first to arrive was David Roth. David was Abigail’s on again off again lover. No one really understood why these two stayed together. Where she was soft he was rough. Where she was a modest intellectual, he was a flaming mayven. His arrogance kept most people from even attempting a friendship with him. He was a self-absorbed, arrogant know it all who seemed to love making people unhappy. He was argumentative and snobby and these were all the qualities his friends gave him. Still he was a very successful lawyer and genuinely seemed to care about Abigail, at least as much as he could care for someone besides himself. Yet somehow Abby stayed with him, at least for a time and then she would, according to her friends, come to her senses. But then they would be together again. It was inexplicable and generally a topic that was left untouched.

Next to arrive was Moishe Levy and Kelly O’Reilly. Moishe was a computer programmer born in Israel, but with a thriving business here in Glenwood. He was an avid student of

3 Kabbalah and had an impressive lineage of Rabbis in his ancestral tree mostly from Safed in Israel. He had left his Orthodox roots, however, but they had not left him. Kelly was an auto mechanic with her own garage. She loved shocking people who tried to judge or label her based on her occupation. She had several PhDs in philosophy as well as science, but she loved fixing cars. A gift her mechanic father gave her. She was also in love with Moishe allowing for many Bridget loves Bernie jokes within the group.

Jack Adams was next. He was a photographer and owned a photo store. He believed mostly in what he could see. He was a realist and pragmatist and a quasi atheist. Jack was the anchor for the group. He was a bear of a man and loved to give hugs. Very few people ever objected. If the laughing Buddha had a beard and long hair then he would look a lot like Jack. There was a safety and security you could feel from him from the moment you met him. His compassion and stewardship for people, animals and all things of the earth was legendary and boundless and animals and children could sense his love even more than humans. He was married to Alice who looked remarkably like a female version of Jack. They made a perfect Mr. and Mrs. Clause couple, a role they had performed with great pleasure for many years in town during the holidays.

Finally Steven Miller made up the last member to join the group. He was a popular and successful realtor who labeled himself as New Thought spiritually. He was single, but had a daughter from one of two failed marriages. He was very handsome and never had any trouble getting women, but keeping them was a little tougher. He was in his late 40’s as was most of the group, but looked much younger. He was often mistaken for Richard

4 Gere and had many of the same mannerisms. He oozed charisma, which covered up an insecurity that he was able to suppress from most people, but not this group. Here he felt safe to be himself and to be vulnerable to a degree.

Soon after everyone was seated and hot beverages and snacks of choice dispensed, Jack was first to sense that Abby was troubled. "Abby, is something wrong?"

“Jack, you never cease to amaze me. Why can’t I find a man who understands me like you do?” David did not seem to be amused at this hinting that another breakup may be imminent. “If you and Alice ever decide to split up, maybe we could get together.”

“Well that’ll never happen Abby, but I might consider polygamy, but you’ll have to put a lot more meat on your bones.” Everyone but David laughed. “So what is it?”

“I’ve been struggling whether or not to bring this up with the group tonight. I had the most disturbing dreams, and a few days ago I was given a book that seemed to explain them, and that's even more disturbing."

"Who gave you the book?" Kelly asked

"Erica." Abigail answered

5 "The Gypsy?" David's tone was not a pleasant one. "No wonder you're disturbed. She's a crackpot."

"David, that is not fair. She has chosen a different lifestyle than we have, and she is certainly eccentric, but I always feel as though there is a lot more to her than we see. You ought to know better than to judge like that." Abigail always felt as though Erica was much more than she appeared.

Jack asked, “Does anyone mind taking the time for this?"

"If it's bothering Abby, I think we should try to work it out."

Moishe seemed to speak for everyone since they all nodded agreement. Abigail was then encouraged to tell her dream. When she had finished, she began to talk about the book.

"The book was written by Dr. Avion Romdel in 1922. It is called The River Of Life. In the book, Romdel discusses various myths and interprets them in ways that must have seemed crazy or even blasphemous in his time. I haven't done any research on it yet, but my guess is there were not many printings made. The part that most concerns my dream is the section on the river. He takes the Biblical myth of creation and explains one portion of it in a more literal sense. Where it says the firmament separates the waters above from the waters below, Romdel maintains that there was at the beginning and still is a river that surrounds this planet. He further says that just as our physical bodies are directly tied to

6 and dependent on the waters below, our spiritual bodies are connected to the waters above."

"All of this presupposes a belief in God and creation." Jack remarked. Whose God and whose creation are we supposed to accept. And where is science and logic in all of this. I mean it would be quite natural for ancient man to see the waters below -- the ocean, and try to explain the sky in a similar manner. It's blue, things can float in it if the wind is strong enough. Perhaps he saw the stars as floating in the heavenly waters. Come on, that's just logical."

"All that you've said is true, Jack, but can't we also allow that within all myths, there may be some element of truth." Moishe jumped into the discussion. "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

"OK, so what's the truth?" challenged Jack.

"Or more poetically put," Kelly added smiling, "Where's the beef?"

"I'm getting there, if you'll give me the chance." Abigail resumed, "Romdel made some other modifications of the creation myth. He conjectured that the rivers mentioned as flowing within the Garden of Eden were actually symbols. Just as these two rivers watered the garden, so too there were rivers of consciousness that maintained life on this

7 planet. The two rivers, he surmised may have represented the duality of consciousness that created the life that became man.”

“You, or he, seem to be saying there was more than one creator,” Kelly commented.

“Yes, he explains this in more detail elsewhere. He ascribes consciousness to both the sun and the earth and makes them out to be the principal creators, although he doesn’t say that they created themselves. At any rate he theorizes that there was a major rift that pulled this creation out of the flow of this consciousness and corrupted and polluted these rivers. They still exist, but cannot be reentered by man until that pollution is cleaned up.”

“How is this to happen?” Steven asked.

“Some of these things sound like they are related to Kabbalah,” Moishe interjected. “The most famous saying is ‘As above, so below.’ The idea that just as our physical bodies are primarily made of water our spiritual bodies could be made from the waters above. Abigail agreed. “Frankly I think most of his ideas have a correspondence to concepts in Kabbalah. The answer to Steven’s question would be that we are the ones who caused the rift and we must be the ones to clean it up. The pollution is also known as Klippot or fragments of the broken vessels that represent the evil in this world.”

8 “Yes that is similar to what Romdel says,” Abby continued, “But he also asserts some things that seem to agree with the writings of Zacharia Sitchin who we have discussed before.”

“Ah yes,” David interjected, “The little green men created us.” Jack was the only one who smiled at this comment.

“I know that you and Jack have never found the idea palatable David, but Romdel gives it a slightly different twist. He believes that these aliens were really the Fallen Angels spoken of in religious myth and that Lucifer and the Greek Zeus and Sumerian Enlil may be the same person. It is the work of these angels that caused the major separation between the creation of the Earth and Sun and their creator and they did this by interfering with the natural evolutionary path that these creations were on through genetic manipulation.”

“If this is so,” Kelly asked, “Why did the Earth and Sun as these powerful beings not stop this from happening? Surely these fallen angels were no match for them.”

“OK, here is where it gets a little complicated.” Jack snickered. “But this is also the answer to the question Steven posed earlier. The Fallen Angels may have indeed been more powerful than the Earth and Sun to begin with but it also appears that the ultimate creator, the one Kabbalah I believe would call Ein Sof,” Moishe nodded, “Romdel simply calls, The One, made an agreement with the Earth and Sun to allow these Fallen Ones to

9 continue on their path to what The One has planned as redemption. Apparently over time these powerful fallen angels somehow merged their consciousness with Earth’s creations – man, and in the process forgot who they were. This apparently was the plan and the redemption would come when they could be reminded who they are after descending the Karmic path and reascending on their own with a little help. This redemption and help will be accomplished by two or possibly three ‘messiahs’ who will appear at the end times”

“So we are these fallen angels or gods and have forgotten?” Steven asked

“And you believe this Abby?” Jack asked incredulously.

“All I can say is that between my dreams and my intuition, I am strongly drawn to what may be powerful truths within these writings.”

“Can we contact the author or find out more about him?” Steven seemed very interested. The idea that we have a great power within us is the same teachings that Ernest Holmes gives in New Thought beliefs as well as Unity’s founders the Fillmores.”

“Unfortunately the author died over a hundred years ago and the book is out of print and strangely there is no information to be found about this person.”

“So where do we go from here?” Kelly wanted to wrap this up.

10 “I have been asked by a friend of mine in Boulder to contact a professor Zelig who is apparently saying many of the same things in some of his classes at CU. I would like Moishe and whoever else wants to to read the book and perhaps see what they feel about it. And then we can either take a trip to Boulder or invite Zelig up here to discuss the ideas. I really feel this is important.”

“Well little one,” Jack had a way of speaking that was always calming, even if he was in disagreement with the person he spoke to, “you know I think this is a bunch of bunk, but I have always believed that if there were any gods at all they would be somehow connected to the natural world. So when you say Earth and Sun were deities, I want to know more about that. So I’m in for now.”

Everyone but David readily agreed. He, it seems, was still sulking and the unspoken certainty was that he would not be back in the picture, at least for awhile.

Abigail sighed deeply. Then her face lit up with a smile and she went over to Moishe and the rest and drew them into a hug. “Thank you for not dismissing this as idle fantasy. I was afraid how you might react, but I should have known better.”

Everyone left and only Abigail and Marmalade were left to face the night. It had bee a good meeting, but she knew that much of what they talked about seemed utterly preposterous and yet there was something in all this that seemed very familiar. She also had a strange girlish feeling about meeting this Professor Zelig. That night she did not

11 dream of rivers but of love and she found herself in the arms of a man who for the first time in her life made her feel safe and loved truly and deeply. She would not share this dream with the group.

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