Chapter 0001 The First King

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  • Pages: 13

Chapter 1: The First King You have asked me to tell my story. How I came to be. How I came to my long sleep. And how I awakened in these times to fulfill a destiny written for me so long ago.

I am the Merlin. And these are my stories. For I am the one and the many, time and timeless, kingmaker and king, created and creator. I am the spy who sees the secrets and speaks the hidden words. I am the Merlanu as my Office is called.

Some will hear my words as nonsense and fantasy. I do not write for these. Rather, I write for those who are now awakening even as I have. For I have been sleeping a very deep sleep moving from one life to another without knowing myself. Was it a curse that left —

me so? I suppose it was. But it was a curse I put upon myself through foolish pride. You will come to see that in due time.

For now I am awake, and I tell my stories to remind others of a time long past, and a time to come. A time of a world filled with hope and with heroes.

It has been said that I live my life backwards. That is not exactly true for I have come to understand that time is an illusion. What existence it does have is not linear, but more like a spoked wheel containing infinite spokes and with understanding we may choose whatever path we wish to travel. All of this was revealed to me centuries ago by linear time when I experienced my first awakening at the hands of another brought low by pride. That will by my first story.


I have been called a kingmaker, and so I have been. The first king I made was myself I was born in Greece the son of a king, but I had to earn my kingdom and out of my reign

legends came. I was Theseus, king, adventurer and bull-dancer-- my personal favorite. But as great as I became, I was never content with myself or those around me. I lived blindly until I was made to see and to awaken by a blind man who had suffered more than anyone can imagine.

I knew from a young age that I was destined for greatness. I had been raised in secret apart from my father’s kingdom in Athens because he feared for my life from those who wanted to make certain they would come to power after he died. King Aegeus was also in fear of a prophecy that said that his son would cause his death. At any rate, I was raised with the notion that the god Poseidon, Lord of the Oceans and horses, fathered me, and I had many special gifts that seemed to bear this out. I loved the ocean and I was an expert swimmer from an early age. I also had a way with animals, especially horses. And my dreams were both prophetic and powerful. Finally, I had an uncanny knack to predict the arrival of earthquakes, which are believed to be the action of Poseidon. Ironically, although I was later told that King Aegeus was my father, my relationship to Poseidon was closer to the truth then any of us knew at that time.

My adopted family brought in the finest instructors for me, but I must confess I was a rather unruly and restless youngster. To my credit, though, I never intentionally hurt

3 anyone, and I had a propensity for taking the side of underdogs against bullies. I was also enrolled in a school generally attended only by princes. I could only assume that this was because of my association with Poseidon. This was the school of Chiron the Centaur. He was an incredible being. Gifted with great intelligence and strength, he could have been a master of men, but instead he chose to be a teacher. His gentleness and kindness could never be confused with weakness, as he was a fearless and feared warrior. Yet he taught respect for all life.

The Centaurs were an unusual people. Chiron taught me that he was born along with his twin brother to the King of Thessaly. These two boys were born seemingly deformed. They both had tails and hooven feet. Ixion exposed both on a mountainside and left them to die. They were saved by a nomadic tribe of mountain people and raised by them. These people were excellent horsemen and Chiron and his brother Philion showed a great talent for riding and communicating with horses. At a very young age, these two took over the rulership of this tribe and sired many children, many born with their particular deformities. It was this and the fact that it was often hard to distinguish horse from rider because of their uncanny connection with the animals, that the legend began that they were one and the same – half man and half horse. The entire tribe soon also developed a reputation for wildness and became a great threat to the kingdom of Ixion who was in great fear of these he knew to be his descendants. There were two things that saved the Kingdom. One was the salvation of Chiron who was contacted by the god Poseidon and taken in as a student of the god. Chiron then became a settling influence on his brother. The second event was the birth to Ixion of another son, Pirithous, who was such a strong

4 and formidable warrior even as a youth that he was able to convince the tribe not to risk their lives attacking any part of Thessaly’s possessions. An uneasy peace and even a friendship began to emerge between Pirithous and his brothers. The peace between them would not last long, but that is a later story. Chiron learned very quickly from Poseidon and was soon developing a reputation on his own as a great teacher. He started a school for Princes that was attended by the best and brightest in Greece and other parts of the world. And that’s how I came to the school of Chiron the Centaur.

We loved each other from almost the first. He saw in me something I couldn’t. And he helped me tame the demons that plagued my life and my dreams and taught me to channel my energy towards helping others. He enabled me to believe in myself. And he taught me the language of animals, especially horses. I don’t think he revealed this teaching to many others, and I supposed it was because I had demonstrated a genuine love and respect for animals.

I found out later, not with much surprise, that he knew the truth about me. He had told me of his special connection with Poseidon, and it was rumored that his destiny was to prepare the way for another who would bring healing to the world. He believed that I might be that one. I gave little thought to this at the time. For this was a time of youth and adventure. And there was certainly plenty of that. My classmates included Hercules, Jason, the twins Castor and Pollux and many others whose stories would be sung about in legend. There were also young men from lands other than Greece. One who especially caught my interest was a brooding young man from Egypt. I sensed a power within him

5 that almost rivaled Chiron’s. He was a Prince of Egypt who was called Thutmose, but would also be known as Moses. I later learned we shared many parallels in our lives. He would discover his true birth and become a leader of his people. It is these people that I would also later come to know and who would play an important part in my mission. He was an extremely intelligent young man and well trained in astrology and other sciences. He was also a bit of a wizard and I learned a few tricks from him that saved my life later .If I ever wanted a deep spiritual or philosophical conversation, he is the one I would go to. He also taught me a great deal about Egypt as well as God.

“So tell me Moses. Why do you believe there is only one God? Both Egypt and Greece have believed in and been protected by many.”

It is the difference Theseus between how you view power and define those who are called god. The so called gods of Greece and Egypt are essentially the same beings. Chiron has spoken many times of Atlantis and we have many records in Egypt of this place that is home to these gods. We also know that these gods came from the heavens and did not originate on this planet and we know that you and I have been created in their image. But what I am talking about is the one who created them. My brother and most of our family are trying to teach our people that this god is The One and is the source of all light and life in the entire universe, not just on this planet.”

“So you are speaking of the Sun as the One God?”

6 “Well, yes and no. This is where my brother Akhnaten - Aaron and I disagree. He wants to ease the people into this understanding by allowing them to think at the start that this is the case. It at least helps them to focus on the source of this God as being outside of our planet and separate from the chaotic beings who have controlled our people and yours for so long. But in truth, it is not the Sun, although I do believe that the Sun has a power and consciousness greater than even our earthly gods. There is a story that my ancestor Pharoah Sheshi-Abraham, when he was a boy decided that there was only one God. He at first thought that must be the sun and he worshipped the sun all that day, but when the sun was destroyed by the night and the moon rose in its place, he worshipped the moon all that night until once again the sun rose and he realized it was neither the sun nor the moon but invisible force who created them both who is to be worshipped. Our family has followed in his footsteps ever since. The road has not been easy and the people of Egypt have found it very hard to follow our teachings. Abraham’s great grandson, the Pharoah Yacoboam was forced to leave Egypt many years ago because the people believed that our teachings were angering their gods. And they were probably right. But we were protected by The One and achieved great success from our Exodus. Enough that it appears as though my brother will rule in Egypt and he has vowed to once again try to persuade Egypt of the truth.”

“So why are your people called the shepherd people, the Hyksos? You don’t strike me as the shepherd type?”

“That label was given to us during the time of Sheshi-Abraham. It was his astrologers

7 who correctly observed that we are no longer in the time of Taurus the bull. We are now in Aries the Ram. We have advocated that the need to worship the bull is over. There are those in our priesthood who want the ram or sheep to be the main sacrificial animal. They cite an old story that Sheshi was tested by God and told to sacrifice his son, but at the last minute he was spared and a ram was given in his place. I personally don’t believe in any sacrifice of animals or humans, but I doubt I will be able to get that one past my priests. Anyway we have been called the sheep people ever since. During our exodus from Egypt my father and his father before him have also been trying to teach our people not to worship any image of earth or heaven. Too much strife has been waged in the name of lifeless images.”

“That would be a tough sell here in Greece as well. But the position of King in Egypt and often here in Greece as well is worshipped as a god or a son of god. You don’t seem to be dissuading the people from that belief.”

“That is true and make no mistake that I believe in the gods as well as The One. The difference is that I have much less respect for the gods of this world than I do for The One God.”

“So does this One God have a name?”

“All things, even The One God, have a name. It is a very powerful name, so we do not speak it outside very sacred ceremonies. The One is sufficient.”


We had many such conversations, but he had to leave before completing his training because of trouble at home. I later heard that he and his brother and their people were once again exiled from Egypt, although their ties would always be to that land and I would later be connected to the land and the people as well.

But by far, my fondest memory is my friendship with a young man that had this incredible propensity to get both of us into trouble. I loved him as a brother from the moment I met him. His recklessness was legendary and I think Chiron might have expelled him were it not for my friendship with him and the fact that this young man was also the younger brother to Chiron. This was Pirithous who would become King in Thessaly.

We would lose touch for many years and we would both be kings at our next meeting.

From Chiron I learned the truth of my birthright to the Kingdom of Athens. Just before I was to graduate, Chiron took me aside.

“Theseus, you must return home now, but not to the home you know.” Chiron paused. “For years now, you have been uncertain of your heritage. I have spoken to you and the others many times about the gods and especially about Poseidon. You have believed that you might be a child of his and in some ways that is true. I cannot give you more detail about that yet, for the time is not right. But I can tell you this. You are not the child of the

9 parents who raised you. You are the heir to the throne of Athens. Your father, King Aegeus, gave you up partly to save your life and partly to save his. It is now time for you to claim what is yours.”

“So I am to march up to him and he will know me and give me his kingdom?” I was obviously upset at this news, although I am not certain why it affected me so. I have lived my life with the knowledge that I had a special destiny. Why should the discovery of it now make me angry. Chiron read my thoughts.

“I know you are upset Theseus. And you have a right to be. I know what it is like to find out that you were abandoned by your real father and to live a life that turned out to be a lie and less than what it could have been. But I must ask you now to trust what I have taught you. The gods do not control your fate any more than men do. We control our own fate and we make either good or evil of what we have been given. You must choose to focus on what you truly want and not on what might keep you from getting it. The road between here and Athens will be a dangerous and uncertain one both literally and figuratively, but it is the road you were always destined to travel. You can choose to travel it as a beggar or a King.”

“You are right as always Master Chiron. I dreamt of my journey many times. I know what I must do.”

“I have no doubt you will be successful my son.” Chiron spoke with great gentleness. “I

10 have a gift to give you that were given to me by Poseidon many years ago should I cross paths with you and should I find you worthy. This is the great sword of leadership forged by Poseidon himself. It is one that only belongs to the true king. You will also pass it on after you.”

This was the most beautiful sword I had ever seen. It seemed to have a life of its own and when I took it in my hands, it was like an old friend. I had learned swordsmanship from Chiron, and I was at the top of my class, but with this sword in my hand, I felt even stronger than ever before.

“Thank you. I shall try and prove worthy of this great a gift.” I spoke humbly and I felt humbled in the presence of such power.

My trip to Athens was legendary. There were many petty warlords who had been terrorizing travelers on this road. I spent almost a year on this three week journey seeking each one out and ending their reigns. Before I ever reached Athens, the people spoke of this mysterious stranger bringing peace to the roads of Athens. By the time I reached her gates, the Athenians celebrated my entrance not knowing who I was and my father greeted me as one would an uncertain ally. I was invited to the palace, but I knew if he didn’t believe my story, I might not be allowed to leave alive. But I was given one other gift by Chiron, which did convince my father. As payment for my schooling, Chiron had been given a gold medallion that he was told by my foster parents were given to them by the messenger who brought me to them. Chiron recognized it as the seal of Athens. I

11 could only hope my father would recognize it. As we sat down to eat I pulled it out from under my robe. King Aegeus abruptly stood and yelled.

“Where did you get that boy?”

“From those who I thought were my parents my King. I was told they had found it on me when they received me to raise. I was told it belonged to my true father. Does it?” I stared now intently at Aegeus.

He stared back and then he walked towards me. He stood face to face with me and I could feel the tension in the room. As he looked into my eyes, he began to weep. He then embraced me saying: “You have your mother’s eyes my son.” To the waiting crowd he yelled, “This is my son Theseus returned to me from the dead. This is the heir to the throne of Athens.” There was a great sound of cheering. But in truth, I was not accepted as a Prince of Athens until my next adventure. I freed Athens from the tyranny of King Minos in Crete.

Each year the Cretans exacted a tribute of youth and money from Athens. Aegeus had never felt powerful enough to break free from that. Soon after my arrival was the time of the tribute. I had a plan. This year rather than sending them the poorest of our citizens, we would send them the best and bravest and I would lead them. We knew that the youth became the slaves to the bull dance. This was a sport greatly loved by the Cretans. A team of three or four would face enraged bulls and either leap over them catapulted by the

12 horns of the bulls, or more likely be gored in the process of trying. The bull would then usually make quick work of the other team members who weren’t allowed an escape. The advantage I had is that I knew the Bull Dance. Chiron taught it to all of us at the school with much gentler animals to teach us not only agility but communication with the animals themselves who became willing partners in the dance. I taught my fellow teammates everything but how to communicate with the animals. I would do that, but I tried to teach them not to fear the bulls. That was the greatest secret.

That was part one of my plan. I knew that I and my teammates could quickly become the favorites in this event. I also knew with that fame would come power. Part two of the plan would take place the following year. I had instructed my father, Aegeus, to send another group of young warriors with the tribute ships. But more than that, he would capture and replace the crews of those ships with his own men. I would then lead a rebellion from inside the palace of Crete while the soldiers from Athens would attack from without. The plan went well, but we did have a little help from Poseidon himself in the form of an earthquake that devastated the city even as we were attacking it. Thanks to the teaching of Moses, I was able to know in advance that this earthquake was coming. Some also say that knowing was a natural gift of a child of Poseidon.

We managed to gather all of our citizens still living as well as our own tribute from the fallen city and returned to Athens as heroes. There was only one hitch.

It was agreed that if we were successful, we would hoist Athen’s flags on the ships so that

13 Aegeus would know we were successful. If the black flags remained on ships towers, he would know that I had failed and was most likely dead. In all of the excitement, however, I had inadvertently forgotten to change the flags on the ships that sent the false message to my father that we were unsuccessful and that I was dead. It was claimed that he took his own life in despair, I still doubt that, and believe he was murdered, but either way, I seemed to fulfill the prophecy that I would cause his death. My acceptance as the new king was, however, unquestioned and I was truly accepted and loved by my people.

During the ensuing years I brought a heretofore unknown peace and personal freedom to Athens. My people were happy and prosperous and out of my reign, legends came.

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