Chandoo Project

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 42


I thank to my college Director Mr. Mohan S. Rao for his encouragement and extending his support in completing the study at HOTSPOT RETAIL Pvt. Ltd. (Hyderabad). I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to Mr. R. Vijay Prasad Marketing Faculty of VISHWA VISHWANI Institute of Systems and Management for his guidance, vital Support & cooperation. Last but not the least; I am grateful to Mr. SANTOSH KUMAR (H.R. MANAGER, HOTSPOT RETAIL) for their unfolding Stretch on Which the Project has been written.

I am very much grateful to my parents for their support & inspiration on this project.


CONTENTS Page No. Chapter-I Introduction


Company profile


Industry profile


Literature review


Chapter-II Objectives of the study


Limitations of the study


Chapter-III Research methodology


Chapter-IV Data Analysis & Interpretation


Chapter-V Findings






Chapter-VI Bibliography



The retail industry is one of the fastest growing industries in India. The significance of these remarks sinks in gradually. With planned investments of $22 billion over the next five years -- excluding what might be brought in by new global and large local players henceforth -- the retail sector is expected to grow 40% to $427 billion by 2011. Organized retail, which is 3% of the whole currently, is in turn pegged to grow to $64 billion by 2015. And one consequence of all those investments will be the fact that India's present two square-feet per capita retailing space will rise 15-20% by 2010.

The Indian retail market is estimated at US$ 215 billion at the ninth position in the world. With a growth rate of 30%, Indian retail industry has the highest growth rate




History of Indian Retail industry started in 1980 when the first retail outlet is established in India in Calcutta by kishore baiyani as pantaloon retail and also be an open economy. Traditionally retailing in India can be traced to – The emergence of the neighborhood ‘Kirana’ stores catering to the convenience of the consumers – Era of government support for rural retail: Indigenous franchise model of










The first wind of reforms in retail sector began to flow in 1980s when the private sector or organized retail outlet enter in the market .before it the Indian retail market is fully captured by local Kirana store. Today, on seeing the growth of retail industry maximum organization are entering or going to enter in this sector. As entering the companies here competition is also increased day per day. For retain the company in market service is important fact. To providing better service to customer companies are doing hard work, for improving it more this research is done.


Hotspots Retails Pvt. Ltd. is a part of MCorp Global group now known as ‘Spice’. Hot Spot has created a highly visible retail focusing on lifestyle technology products, with a continuously upgraded innovative multi-brand product range. It offers a unique retailing experience and ambience to help customers 'Enjoy Technology' and make a knowledge based choice by offering him world class services







The focus is on developing the market amongst young, techno-savvy, fun loving, style conscious customers. Hotpsot plans an aggressive roll-out of stores, to ensure a high coverage of the market. We are a multi-faceted management group that is engaged in establishing a lead in an emerging business area, which is an outcome of the linkages and converging communication and entertainment technologies.

The process of establishing new businesses is through the "SPICE" brand, that is, ‘Synchronized







Entertainment’, which seeks to fulfil the integrated technological needs of global customers. SPICE will enable re-engineering of our existing businesses for greater competitiveness through building new strategic partnerships both in India and overseas. We have a proven track record of over 30 years in building some of Asia’s most successful Joint Venture Partnerships in collaboration with world leaders in cutting edge technologies – Mobile Phones, Mobile Retail, Onshore BPO, Mobile VAS, IT Systems Integration, Entertainment and Retail Real Estate. With our base of strong intellectual capital, joint-venture expertise, global connectivity, proven track record and benchmark in corporate governance, we have redefined the scope of our operations and refocused our strategies to further strengthen our global positioning. We aim to inspire the Indian masses to connect and aspire to own the SPICE Brand. Our focus is on niche markets in each business area, and we seek to expand our reach and responsiveness through a pan India presence.

The group is divided into two parts on the basis of work. First is communication sector which contain the subsidiaries company cellebrum, hotspot, spice mobiles. And other is spice entertainment which contains spice world and spice m-films.

VISION To be the most preferred choice of energetic young minds for Communication and Entertainment products and services by 2011 - MISSION To be the first business entity to provide user-friendly and innovative solutions for young minds in the Information, Communication and Entertainment space

Industry profile:--

Emerging markets such as India and China are the final frontier for retail taking the focus away from saturated Western markets. Since 2001, 49 global retailers entered 90 new markets, but at the same time, 17 retailers left markets in 2005. The Indian retail industry in valued at about $300 billion and is expected to grow to $427 billion in 2010 and $637 billion in 2015. Only three percent of Indian retail is organised. Retailers of multiple brands can operate through a franchise or a cash-and-carry wholesale model. Retail is India’s largest industry, accounting for over 10 percent of the country’s GDP and around eight percent of employment. Retail in India is at the crossroads. It has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with several players entering the market. That said, the heavy initial investments required make break even hard to achieve and many players have not tasted success to date. However, the future is promising; the market is growing, government policies are becoming more favourable and emerging technologies are facilitating operations. Retailing in India is gradually inching its way to becoming the next boom industry. The whole concept of shopping has altered in terms of format and consumer buying behavior, ushering in a revolution in shopping. Modern retail has entered India as seen in sprawling shopping centres, multistoreyed malls and huge complexes offer shopping, entertainment and food all under one roof. The Indian retailing sector is at an inflexion point where the growth of organised retail and growth in the consumption by Indians is going to adopt a higher growth trajectory. The Indian population is witnessing a significant change in its demographics. A large young working population with median




GM Store CSD manager


Store manager

GM Store MARKETING manager

Area sales manager

Business development manager

Business development manager

Business development manager

Business development manager

LITERARATURE REVIEW Customer Satisfaction

The Value of Customer Satisfaction By “Andrew Mennie”, General Manager eGain Communications EMEA

What is the connection between customer satisfaction and the bottom line? Ever wondered how much customer satisfaction is worth? We all know and

Accept that it is a strategic goal for all organizations involved in the delivery of customer service. Yet in all my experience as a professional in this arena, I have never come across a customer services director who could articulate the financial value of customer satisfaction to their business. Conversely, I have Never met a customer service Director Who wasn’t measured on it. How Bizarre. Big business is happy to measure it but doesn’t know what its worth. One of the reasons for the difficulty in making the connections is the Intangibility of customer churn. That is to say, how dissatisfied does a Customers have to be before they leave and sign with the competition? What Might be an intolerable experience for one customer may well exceed all expectations of another. Then there’s competition. What if there isn’t any? Before deregulation how concerned were the large utility companies with Customer satisfaction or British Telecom comes to that. Interesting therefore That the telecoms sector is where war is being waged on customer Satisfaction could it that be high customer satisfaction attracts new customers and helps retain existing ones? Sounds like that could be worth something.

There is no question that customer satisfaction is difficult to measure, but why Is measurement so essential?

As a student I opened my first bank as an adult with a major high street Bank. They attracted me with their offer of a $ 10 deposit to the account. I Stayed with them through the four years of university, through the gradually

Increasing overdraft, the unintentional forays beyond the overdraft limit, the lost ATM cards, the replacement cheque books, the minimal deposits, the regular and very small withdrawals. Except for the penalty charges for the Overdraft excursions the bank made very little money out of me, and in fact incurred untold cost in maintaining me as a student customer.

All that effort, clearly with the goal of keeping me in my earning years and reaping back their investment. In fact I felt consciously loyal to them at that point and even recognize that it was my turn to pay them back. So why was their customer service so poor once I became a full-time employee? I stayed with them for several years using them for mortgage service, investment and insurances but eventually churned to one of the first telephone banks. I have been with them a few years now and every time I phone them they are aware of my recent communications with them, request that I have made and they don’t try to sell an unwanted insurance policy at the end of every call.

Ten Basic Rules for Customer Satisfaction 1. Involve top management. 2. Know the customers. 3. Let the customers define what attributes are important. 4. Know the customer’s requirements, expectations, and wants. 5. Know the relative importance of customer decision criteria. 6. Gather and trust data. 7. Benchmark the data against competitors, and identify competitive Strengths and weaknesses. 8. Develop cross-functional action plans that enhance strengths and Correct weaknesses.

9. Measure performance continually and spread the data throughout the organization. 10. Be committed to getting better and better and better.



Creating awareness to customers about the facilities in care pack offer of company.

Analyzing the problem faced by customers.

Collecting the data bases of different age group of customers interested in different types of offer.

Motivating the customers to take care pack or service of company.

Analyzing which care pack plan is more used by customers.

Analyzing the satisfaction level of customer towards the company.

Analyzing the satisfaction level of customer towards the care pack.

Scope of the study:

The study is conducted on HOTSPOT CARE PACK user at “HOTSPOT RETAIL OUTLETS AND SERVICE CENTERS”. The study is confined to the area of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. The size of the sample was: 150


The present study is subjected to following LIMITATIONS.

1. Method of data collection was through personal interview and therefore bias becomes a major limitation. 2. Due to the time constraints all the customers were not covered. 3. The sample was restricted to 150 customers, which may restrict the scope and completion of study. 4. The scope of study is restricted only to the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad. 5. Owing to their pre occupation some customers were unable to answer the complete questionnaire.


RESEARCH METHODOLOGY MARKETING RESEARCH Definition of marketing research is approved by the board of the American Marketing Association (AMA) is:

“Marketing research is the functions which links the customer and public To marketer through information used to identity and define marketing Opportunities and problems; generate define and evaluate, marketing Actions, monitor marketing performance, and improve understanding of Marketing as a process”.

Simply, marketing research is the systematic design, collection, analysis and Reporting of the data is findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company. Careful planning through all stages of the research is a necessity.

Objectivity in research is all- important. The heart of the scientific method is The objective is gathering and analysis of the information. The function of marketing research within a company is to provide the Information and analytical inputs necessary for effective. • Planning of future marketing activity. • Control of marketing operations in the present. • Evaluation of marketing results.

A research may undertake any of three types of research investigations depending upon the problem. These three types of research included. • Basic research

• Applied research • Designated fact gathering

BASIC RESEARCH It is also known as the pure fundamental research which refers to those studies, sole purpose of which is the discovery of new information. It is conducted to extend the horizon in given area of knowledge with no immediate application to existing problem.

APPLIED RESEARCH It is an attempt to apply the various marketing techniques, which have been developed as research, first and later on they become applied research techniques. It is an attempt to apply the basic principles and existing

knowledge for the

purpose of solving the operational problems. DESIGNATED FACT GATHERING It refers to a research where the investigator attempts nearly to gather some predetermined data.

Steps in Marketing Research Process

Marketing Research Process can be carried out through the following steps: Define the problem and research objectives

Develop the research plan

Collect the information

Analysis and interpretations

Present the findings

DEFINE THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES In a very sense, this is the heart of the research process. This is the first step, which calls for the marketing manage and marketing research.

RESEARCH PLAN DEVELOPMENT The second calls for developing the most efficient plan for gathering the needed information. Not to forget the cost or values of research the Marketing manager must estimate process its approval, Research plan calls For decision on a) Data source i.

Primary data to be collected for a specific purpose.


Secondary data collected for another purpose and already existing some where.

1. Research Approaches: Primary data can be collected in four ways: 1. Observational research 2. Focus group research 3. Survey research 4. Experimental research 2.

Research Instruments: Marketing researchers can use questionnaires


collecting of primary data, because of its flexibility, questionnaires is by for the most common instrument used to collect primary data. 3. Sampling Plan: This plan calls for the three aspects:a) Define the sampling unit. b) Decide the sample size. c) Decide the sampling procedure whether to use probability or nonprobability sampling methods.


Contract method: once the sampling plan has been determined, this has to

decide how the subject should be contacted. The choices are mail, telephone or research interviews.

COLLECTION OF INFORMATION Data collection phase is generally the most expensive and the most phase to error. Carry out the field work, collect data using the instruments, adjust the Problem of not at homes, replaced, refusal to co-operate, biased or dishonest answers. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS The next to last step is to extract pertinent findings from the collected data. The researcher edits, code, tabulate the collected data. PRESENTATION OF FINDINGS As the last step in marketing research the researchers present the findings. The researchers have to arrange the researched result according to an approved reporting format, get the report typed and bound, present the copies of the report to the concerned authorities.

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY/ DESIGN The methodology adopted for eliciting the data required for the study was survey method. It is the overall pattern or framework of the project that will dictate as to what information is to be collected, from which sources and by what procedures.

RESEARCH METHOD Research methodology must be classified on the basis of the major purpose of the investigation. In this problem, description studies have been under- taken, as the objective of the project is to conduct the market share study to determine the share of the market received by both the company and it’s competitors. DATA COLLECTION The information needed to further proceed in the project had been collected through primary data and secondary data.

PRIMARY DATA Primary data consists of information collected for the specific purpose at hand for the purpose of collecting primary data, survey research was used and all the retail

outlets sellers using different brands and their competitors were contacted. Survey research is the approach best suited gathering description. SECONDARY DATA The secondary data consists of information that already exist somewhere, Any researcher begins the research work by first going through the secondary data. Secondary data includes the information available with the company. It may be the findings of research previously done in the field. Secondary data can also be collected from magazines, newspapers, other surveys conducted by known research agencies etc. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The respondents are the mobile holder with hotspot care pack facilities. The survey was carried in twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad with the sample size of 150. The survey was carried out with the help of a structured questionnaire, which helps in accomplishing the research objectives. The respondents by means of personal interview administer this structured ended questionnaire



In my study I found that most of the customers (38.5%) having Care pack type A, care pack type A+ (19.5), B type (23.5%) & C type (18.5) It is shown in the above bar diagram.

In my survey I observed that most of the customers paid their payment through Cash (59.75%) & credit cards (40%) respectively. And the rest Internet banking (.25%).

In my survey I found that most of the customers have taken max. Nokia mobiles(60%), 15% of Sony mobiles and remaining 25% contains others which include HTC mobiles, Samsung, LG MOBILES etc. It is shown in the above pie diagram.

mobile salesin diff. ranges 0-2500 2501-5000

40 50









In my survey I found that most of the customer’s view towards HOTSPOT retail service are Good (50%) & Excellent (25%). But it must take care towards unsatisfied customers (5%), if they want to reach in market at top.


FINDINGS 1. Customers are satisfied with various plans. 2. It was observed that most of the customers expressed their unhappiness over repairing services. 3. Senior citizens are very particular about offers. 4. Through my survey, I came to know that most of the customers are satisfied with our plans. 5. Through my survey I observed that most of the customers are not using care pack. 6. I observed that most of the customers are using care pack type A. 7. I observed that most of the customers like advertisement and punch-line for company.


1. To ensure better customer satisfaction & maintain higher level of Customer relationship management, the billing department has to be more effective & efficient. 2. To retain existing customers means offering the best scheme. This would automatically attract new customers. Hot spot need not spend on advertisement to attract new customers. 3. There should be no compromise in quality and repairing facility.



Title: Customer Satisfaction on service of HOT SPOT RETAIL pvt.

(A) Customer Name


(B) Age


(C) Mobile No.


(D) Occupation


(E) Income per month :

Self Employed

[ ]

Government Employee

[ ]

Non Government Employee

[ ]


[ ]


[ ]

Less than Rs 5,000

[ ]

Rs 5001 to 10,000

[ ]

Rs 10,001 to Rs 20,000

[ ]

Above Rs 20,000

[ ]

1. Which mobile you are using? (a) Nokia

(b) Sony

(c) Samsung

(d) LG

(e)Others (mention it) -------------------------------------

2. What do you think before taking diff. brand of mobiles? (a) selling price

(b) Brand Value [ ]

(c) Warranty

(d) All of these

3. How long have you been using a particular mobile set?

(a) Less than 6 Months

(b) 6 months to 1 year [ ]

(c) 1 to 2 years

(d) More than 2 years

4. How you pay your bill? (a) By Cash

(b) By Cheque [ ]

(c) By Credit card

(d) By Internet Banking

5. Which type of problem you are facing in mobile? (a) Accessories

(b) panels [ ]

(c) keypad

(d) battery

6. Are you satisfied with hotspot service center executives? (a) Excellent

(b) Good [ ]

(c) Satisfied

(d) Unsatisfied

7. Are you satisfied with sales executives? (a) Excellent

(b) Good [ ]

(c) Satisfied

(d) Unsatisfied

8. Are you aware of various offer of hotspots retail? (a) Yes

(b) some what [ ]

(c) No

9. Do you know about care pack offer? (a) Yes

(b) No [ ]

(c) Not heard

10. How you know about hotspot retail? (a) Newspaper

(b) internet [ ]

(c) Television

(d) holding

11. Are you know other facilities of hotspot retail? (a) Recharge cards

(b) communication SIM [ ]

(c) Mobile covers

(d) accessories

12. Which company’s advertisement and punch lines you like?

(a) Hotspots retail (b) Big C mobile retail

(c) Univer cell mobile retail (d) Sangita retail

13. Overall Satisfaction on hotspot retail. (a) Excellent (b) Good (c) Satisfied (d) Unsatisfied

[ ]

14. Would you like to give your suggestions to improve the satisfaction level of customer? (a) Yes

[ ]

(b) No

[ ]

If yes specify your suggestions


BIBLIOGRAPHY TEXT BOOKS Principles of Marketing – Philip Kotler and Gery Armstrong

Marketing Research – D.D. Sharma Marketing Research – Green & Tull


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