Catholic Baptism and Reincarnation By Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif © Copyright 2008 by Anthony J. Fejfar Catholic Baptism involves Elemental Magic. Recall that the Four most common Elements in the ancient world are: Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. Baptism involves the Magic Element of Water. As Depth Psychologist Carl Jung has noted, our Unconscious Minds are structured by Archetypes which carry occult meaning. Bapitsm gives each recipient by the Power of Elemental Magic and the Holy Spirit all the Archetypes of the Angels, Archangels, Saints, and Popes Catholics are required to choose Saints names or Biblical names to reinforce the Archetypes. For example, my confirmation name is Thomas and I have definitely felt my mind and personality and spirit structured by St. Thomas the Apostle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and St. Thomas More. I have also had my being structured by St. Anthony of the Desert, St. Anthony Daniel, St. Anthony of Padua (St. Anthony and the Christ Child) and St. Anthony Claret. Additionally, when Catholics reincarnate from Purgatory, their previous Baptism has a huge effect on their Karma and choices for reincarnational lives.