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  • Words: 731
  • Pages: 5
Baptism Baptism is the first step of obedience after a person is saved. A person is baptized to show that he belongs to Jesus Christ. It is the first step in a new walk with the Lord. It is a picture of what Jesus did for us: died, was buried, and rose again to new life. It also helps us to remember that we have new life in Jesus. Look up Romans 6:4 and fill in the blanks By being _______________ we were _______________ with Christ into his death. Christ has been _______________ from the dead by the Father’s _______________. And like Christ we also can live a new _______________. It helps others to see we follow Christ. Find Galatians 3:27 All of you who were _______________ into Christ have put on Christ as if he were your _______________. (we try to be like Jesus in every way) Baptism is a picture of the death and resurrection of Christ. Find Colossians 2:12 When you were _______________, you were buried together with him. You were _______________ to life together with him by believing in God’s power. God raised _______________ from the dead.

Who Should Be Baptized? Baptism should only take place after a person has trusted Jesus for salvation. Being baptized is not a way to have sins forgiven, or to get into heaven. Only trusting in Jesus can do that. Believing comes before baptism. Look up Acts 8:12 But Philip preached the good news of God’s kingdom. He preached the name of _______________ Christ. So men and women _______________ and were _______________. Baptism does not make us disciples. We become a disciple when we trust in Jesus. We are following Jesus commands when we choose to be baptized. It is obedience to him because we love him for saving us. Look up Acts 16:23-34. Read the story of the Jailer, and answer the questions: 1. What did Paul and Silas do at midnight? (verse 25) _______________________________________________________________ 2. What happened to open the doors of the prison? (verse 26) _______________________________________________________________ 3. What did the jailer ask them? (verse 30) _______________________________________________________________ 4. How did Paul and Silas answer? (verse 31) _______________________________________________________________ 5. What did the jailer do after he had washed their wounds? (verse 33) _______________________________________________________________

How Should We Be Baptized? The word baptize comes from the Greek word BAPTIZO, which means “to dip”. People in the Bible were immersed, or dipped, when they were baptized. When you are immersed in water, you show an example of the death, burial, and raising of Jesus. Look at Philip and the Ethiopian man. Acts 8:38 He gave orders to stop the _______________. Then both _______________ and the official went down into the _______________. Philip _______________ him. You can see from the scriptures above that baptism was not a sprinkle or a dribble of water on your forehead. It took plenty of water. It was also necessary to go down into the water and come back up.

The example given in the Bible is that a person should be baptized soon after they are saved. Most often, people choose to be baptized right after they believe, even the same day. Some times, a baptism cannot be done right away, or the person may choose to wait until they understand better. When you get baptized is not as important as doing it for the right reasons. Do you think you understand what baptism is about? Take the test on the next page to find out!

Review Test

Circle True or False 1. You should be baptized even if you don’t believe in Jesus. True / False 2. Baptism is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. True / False 3. You should get baptized because your mom and dad want you to. True / False 4. Getting baptized is one way of showing obedience to Jesus Christ. True / False 5. People in the Bible were baptized by sprinkling water on their head. True / False 6. Getting baptized washes all your sin away and lets you go to heaven. True / False

Write an answer in your own words. 1. What should happen before you get baptized? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Why should we be baptized? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What have you learned about baptism that you didn’t know before? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

If you have any questions, write them below in the blank space:

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