Capture The Flag

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 955
  • Pages: 3
Time...It ticks; it never stops, it just never fucking stops. “Emmett, don’t move,” Edward whispered through his headset. Emmett froze at the command, crouched in the bushes, his Steyr AUG in hand. The modern firearm’s stock tucked between his rib and elbow, while the other hand steadying it at a position for a quick release at the trigger. His headset went off again by Bella’s whispers that were barely audible to Emmett’s ear, “Carlisle’s just 20 yards away, I can see his movements, can you hear it?” “No you fucktard, how the hell am I supposed to hear it? Where is he?” Emmett whispered back, aggravated and tense. “Fuck you, next time I hope he rips you a new one. He’s just north west to you by those twin trees,” Bella explained. Slick with stealth like his own golden slick locks, Carlisle moves around whispering his own commands to his team, while subtly sashaying a quarter of a circle to where a pissed scared Emmett crouched. “Jasper, how’s far is Rosalie from their base? Can you scout any Delta’s? Esme, I need you to support Rosalie, scope and snipe babe,” the ever handsome 23-some year old Carlisle spoke. “Rosalie! No!” Jasper yells as he watches her walk strait into a trap, but is too late. Lime-green gunk explodes on Rosalie’s vest and almost immediately her jump suit and vest feel like the weight of an elephant. The sensors on her vest register the explosion and her system shutdown along with her weapon. Rosalie is now under a 45 second respawn time before she can enter the field again. Rosalie spits curses under her breath as she walked off the field as soon as the weight of the sensors lifted, avoiding any sort of penalties for interfering in the middle of the play. All hell broke loose. Bella, with her talent for impeccable accuracy, immediately shuts down Carlisle with a headshot, sending him off to respawn with Rosalie, and leaving Emmett for a clear run for their flag. “Go! Go! Go!” She cheers. Just as Bella was about to scope and eliminate Esme, a blotch of bright canary yellow smashes on her mask sending her to a periling drop from the trees. “Fuck off Jasper!” a muffled yell came from the now dangling, upside down Bella, who hung from her rope saver. She, too, was sent off to a one minute respawn countdown. A burst of paintballs whizzed by Edward as Esme went into rapid fire mode. Unlike Bella, with accuracy, Esme had horrible aim. She was a trigger-happy soldier, but nevertheless just as deadly with her rapid fires.

Edward smirks as he catches Esme’s leery eyes through the mask and sticks his tongue out at her. A stupid move on his part because the next thing he new, he was swamped with yellow paintball. He fell to the ground almost immediately and tumbled down the small hill until his sensors cut off the imaginary 10 ton block off his body. Esme cheers in her success with a small victory dance wiggling her hips and then quickly recovering her innocent demeanour by hiding behind jagged rocks, which pointed sharply, aimlessly towards the sky. She takes this time to reload her weapon. Esme’s head whips to the left at the sound of branches swaying from the wind. Her heart pumps blood through her heart, as if she just sprinted the one-hundred meter dash in the Olympics. Sounds of a body sloshing towards her catches her attention forcing her to whip hear her head the other way. She gulps a baseball down her throat as she is greeted with an ear-to-ear smile from Emmett who is holding a pistol right in front of her face. “Boo!” He says, and his laugh echoes throughout the entire map. With trigger-fingers like Esme, her reflex was quick. She burst fire right at his gut. But Emmett was just as quick. Emmett’s shot goes right to Esme’s vest-covered heart and her is immediately weighed down on Emmett. The sound of the familiar alarming that a flag has been capture echoes through the map. Alice, the smallest of all, sneaks into Omega base and steals their flag making a run for dear life. She doesn’t turn her head to look back; her headset is completely void of voices and command. She hasn’t heard or seen who’s gone down, and she’s too fucking frantic to look up at the boards to see whose left, so she continued to sprint. Only 30 yards to go, she wins it before time runs out. More than forty five seconds have passed since Alice started racing towards her base to claim their points, and Rosalie is out of respawn, her Sniper Rifle ready as she pleases. Rosalie runs toward the highest point of the map that’s closet and immediately scopes for a moving figure. She spots Alice almost immediately and fires! “Fuck!” She hisses as her bullet only grazes Alice’s side, merely slowing the enemy flag carrier down. It takes a few seconds for her to load her weapon, causing her to curse more under her breath. Jasper is now way up in the trees giving him the perfect view of his target. “Oh, beloved, love of mine. Your ass is mine,” he speaks to him smugly.

Jasper takes his time. He knows this will be his only chance, if he misses, he’s completely fucked it for everyone. Jasper is all set up. 5 yards to go for Alice... Jasper whispers, “Ready.” His fingers twitched. 3 yards... “Set...” His palms sweat... 2 yards... “FIRE!” The loud boom of Jaspers shot is deafening. Birds scatter up in the skies from the resounding echoes. 1 Yard... “1 God damn yard...”

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